Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 12, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    pnn Plvtt
iWJT'lSS total on right
'nr h" oast few weeks
W bopW that th.
J " . ?hort duration.
Pilb, Am.tem and
lnv '", return
ia, 111., who she believes
he la tike lutppleitt wouuui on
earth since Tiuiluc to completely
retrtored her health. Kecurns su
pountla which ahe lost during a
period of 111 health will h liutvd
eleven lung year.
' j irt D C. Jones ien
W-.h. 'week for California,
intend spendl- the win-
Cera '.
tooto. famllv are
(',rT inour nildai, after a two
i tt. ?ea-t. They made
r1 ' v,V bv auto coming via
F,. Tev report a very ple.B
t ri? VlthouKh some of the moaa
P iirfi are beco.n'nic rather bad.
t'M.6?".. .here he Intend
Liu seu
' "..j th winter.
'rVhool is proar-Mln very
p. uieaale. epidemic belns
fe, church two. Sunday,
l.oati. to , "",..
L. Mth morning
L come, also to Sunday achool
K Brown celebrated her 11th
tktar Monday evening. Those
Cini aaide from the family were
K uiili. Bashford and Ethel
KSTlleiai Martindale la In Rose
t It for a few days attending to
iMtral oi me iu.r.
Sod the nursing course given by
r ., n- i: Smith the Dast sum-
' hire received their diplomas,
(he work will be continued
E i oert
Lit received, a shipment of Hol-
A ifloea si aicvuntn.
ihe Clerk of School District No.
. H....I... Count! OrOKOli:
foUowint la a statement of the
(attad amount of money needed
I tin district during tne nscai year
on June 21st. 1920, and
L on June 20th, 1921. This
iff! Is made in compliance wnn
too 227 of the School Laws of
I and Includes tbe estimated
Lunti to be received from the
lily school fund, state school
r, ipeclal district tax ana an
r taoaeya of the district:
EitliiMted Eipemllturea.
fchars' salaries $47,797.50
hdmre 750.00
Istriiiu and supplies.
neb as maps, chalk,
frnstrs, stoves, cur-
ilu. etc
karr books
'in of schoolhouses,
tlraildlngs or fences.
mring grounds
asportation of pupils..
Iran' wages
VJXt' supplies
water and power. .
ft't salary
ift and stationery. ..
tbe payment of bond-
Id debt and interest
iVreon, issued under
(Vctlona 121, 152 to
Ji. and 434 of the
fchool Laws of Oregon,
Hal Training and Do-
stle Science
k-llineous and Incl-
1 believe 1 am the happiest woman
in the world, and It Is all because of
hut Tanlac has done for nie, said i
ra. Laura Karlck, 403 Meiilioih St.,
I'eoria, 111., a well-known and high
ly respected resident of that city.
I never dreamed tnat l would
ever find anything that would do for
me what Tanlac has done," she said.
was In a wretched state of health
and was down in bed so long that I
lost 50 pounds in weight, but 1 have
gained hack every pound I lost and
now feel as well as 1 ever did in
my life. The Indigestion and oiher
troubles that made life a burden for
eleven long years have all disap-
peared and I am like a new woman.
My stomach was bo utsoraereu :
that even liquid foods and Just plain
water would cause me to have dread- j
ful cramping spells that lasted for
hours. My kidneys were disordered
and I had pains across my back
Imost constantly. I had severe head-1
aches nearly every day and became ,
so dizzy I could hardly stand. I was;
so nervous It was Impossible tor me
get a good night s sleep. 1 tried i
every conceivable medicine, and was
reated bv specialists, out not n i n k
helped me, and finally I was told
that I would never be well again.
But Tanlac baa made me a per-
fectly well woman in every way.
can now eat and sleep like o'.ner ;
people and I haveut a pain about me. I
I am glad to mane mis siaiemeni
for I want to do oil I can to let (he I
world know about this wonderful j
medicine.' '
Tanlac is sold !n Roseburg by j
Chapman, and in Uixonvllle by J.
Hatfield and by leading druggists
Buy your shoes at Stephens, where
you get your moneys worth.
Armistice Sunday
To be Observed
ail estimated amount of
aoney to be expended
fcr all purposes during
year $72,307.00
KMlmnted Receipts.
9m county school fund
'"lor the comine
thool year $11,123.00
school fund
'irtnj the coming
"ooi year 2,500.00
raaiea amount t o be.
ied from all other
arcej during the com-
! school year 10,000.00
. 23,623.00
"1 estimated receipts,
ot Including the
ney to be received
om the tax which it is
riuposeu t0 vote
I wtlmated expenses
Z TJ'" 172,307.00
mmiaiea receipts,
f! Including the tax to
rTOte1 23,623.00
"Jjnce amount to be
j-'u oy district tax
T. "ereb!r Riven that the
ft X bl1 m discussed
"isirict No.
""ion, at
Directors of
4. Douglas Coun
4 .. Z' 7 " meeung oi Bald
jTsehn' sald dis,r1 e
IL?Chool..,!llliin(t in Rosebure.
-.mb., , '.he 22J day of
4h.' :"'. " 7:3 o'clock
. " wnere
7; " 10 th
. mav v..
ao F-roposea taxes
anv tntnnva
above tax levy when
N ' . favor of
aleiT "u:h PPoaed U
-th day of October,
of m. : A' BELLOW8.
V 4 ""'ors. school District
j- "JVCreen kooX Clerk,
- ' i, t. in --
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Presl-
..nt Wllnn today Issued an execu
tive order directing the Flag to be
flown at half-mast at all military
posts, naval stations and on vessels
nd buildings or tne Lniteu amieo.
Sunday, Nov. 14, as a token oi nonor
to those Americans who lost their
lives in the great war. It Is further
suggested that private citizens par
ticipate by displaying flags at half
mast from their places ot business
and homes from sunrise to sunset
The president s orner reaua
."I hereby direct that on unu.
November 14, 1920, the Flag of the
United States be displayed at half
mast at all military posts, naval sta
tions, on vessels and on buildings of
the United States as a token of the
nation's participation in tne mem
orial services held for tne neroic
American soldiers, sailors, marine
and others who gave their lives to
their country In the world war.
Have Universal Filler installed in
your tires, it win gi J" . ,.
satisfaction. You know air nasn t
given you over 25-;; satisfaction.
' ''n...i":",r'!!; Argentine. At
l . 1 atria qlm a record nri. i ..
Check That Cold
Right Away
Dr. King's New Discovery
.soon breaks a cold and
checks a cough
A SUDDEN chill sneezes stuffy
feeling in the head and you have
the beginning of a hard cold. Gctricht
after it, just as soon as the sniffles
atari, with Dr. King's New Discovery.
For fifty years a standard rcmcly for
colds, coughs and grippe-
You will soon notice a change for
the better. Has a convincing, healing
taste that the kiddies like. Good fur
croupy coughs. All druggists, 60c
and $1.20 a bottle.
For colds andcoughj
New Discovery
Put "Pep" in Your Work
Many a man has been a failure in
business, many a woman in her home,
because constipation ha cJopjfd the
whole system, storing up poisons that
enervate and depress. Dr. King a
Fills act mildly and make bowels act
naturally. Same old price, 25 cents.
Carr'a now have twice as much dis
play room for their Christinas goods
last year. Our new location l
easy lo find with our tine new signs.
I.ok for our red signs at 231 N.
Jackson. Carr's is the Chrlsuuaa
Store of ltOM-burg and of Douglas
oja.iFS ire
Christmas S
Curr' tuive by fur the bltftcewt ami
bent line of ClnWtma. yuodn tlicjr
luivo ever nhtmn, mid (lint meaiut tli
In line In lUMebiirg. Whether
lar the chlldi-en or pructlcJil
::lt't U-r men, women or children, we
luive them. t,'arr' U the ChritUiaas
Our Complete Boli
Christmas Goods have been selling briskly at Carr's for several
weeks. We now have our complete line on display
for your early selection.
Itoys' and gills' books, games of
nil kinds dolls and more dolls, wheel
goods, Iron toys mid hanks, celluloid
goods, doll heads, children's books,
('tirisUiuu boics, tree trimmings,
tags and seals, post cards and InMik-k-ts.
uy Now!
More Goods Large Variety
Better Service
Easier Selection
Satisfactory Gifts
Less Worry
I-'Ine ChiiM or ;liiAMWire hIiikIo
piick or wtH, nliuiiinum mire, I'yrt'X
UtklnK tliolH. hninlkrlii fH, fumy
tmvH mill tli-y goMls iturlerji uml
iirm ImiihIh, knit k,hmI nut sliH'iH,
mii-m mid huntlhiiKS ii.'tui-eh ami
uitrroi-8, (olh-t tMtH, hiimln.MlM of
otlierM, nil ultrm-tlvely lMkt'I,
Douglas County Will Recognize
CARR'S is the Christmas Store.
Out of town people should especially avail themselves of our early display. Goods
purchased now may be left at the store till Christmas, if desired.
We want you to compare our prices
nith Sears Roebuck or any t.lhi r
mail order house. Look around town
und see how price comiMire. You'll
not send away or buy elsewhere but
at Carr's when you see our prices.
Chit's Is the Cliilstiiin-s Store for the
ordinary xicketliook.
Christmas Store
Can Save You Money
231 N. Jackson Roseburg. Ore.
Carr'M 4irninK'nn'it of Ht.wk nml
I lie wniMh-i flil Mlrt'1ion of glfU fnnil
fvvry line of bu.siiH'Hs makes It eusy
for yni li" il till- on'7iur nlftj ulih
ont riiiinliiK nil over town. An hntir
in arr In iiml to u ihty hntiinK
iironml. Carr'a In the Christmas
i- 1" . ; ! i. diiii r wi K IDI s AT OI.
AIAHA Cl.l ll DANt K-
Vcxt Monday eve. Nov. 15, at Mac
enbec hall. 8:30 shurp.
M. K. Church, South. Rev J. C.
lnps pastor. Sunday school at
q 4i W L. Col.b. Supt.; divine wor
ship at 11.-sermon by the .pastor;
snip si l.ahev.
junior '-;) ,e,der
f,cheE-La-noy subi-c.. "Makin,
rr nibitlon Kff-ctlve." Divine wor
ship at 6:30. sermon by the pastor
you are Inviifa m
(liristlan Church. N"' n
ward s,r..s. Rev. C. H. Hi Jon Ml.
M..r.R, fruIr .. rvlc s will be h. M
-iundny morninit and evenina;. R'-v.
i. F. Clay will Pr-ach at boih s-r-iice..
Mr. Clay is a man of rr.-t
,.lent. and I. a most successful min
ister. Hlble school at 9:45. I '
interest Is beln malntaln-d and th
f"nool 1. making plan, for bo.t,
Thankivlnn and Christmas. V I.
a C K at 6.30; subject. Winning
(,', Friends for Christ:" Miss Coldie
Ilruton. leader. The public welcome.
I-reshyterian. Jackson and I-ane
streets Rer. E. W. Warrlnton. Mln-ter-lA
Teature of Interest for Sun
day will be the beginning of a aeries
of six picture sermons at the even
S,g rriee at 1 The general
aubjeet la " tv Criae. in the Ule of
Jesus." and "The c.ieatesi m
in the World." The particular .uu
. c..n.t..v i ' In the Wil
derness Wlth'liis l.ife I'n.blem." The
slides used in th-s r
penrmliiriions of the world s
master artists and the sermons are
stronKlv evangelistic in t"elr appeal.
Sunday school meets at !i:45 a. m.
Ho not delay longer t" g' t into one
of the Bible study rla?. s. Morning!
worship at 11: sermon. Is Jesus th-.
Son of God?" This stmoii will fol
low ihe general theme mat has been
followed for the past three Sundays 1
in the evening service. Good mur.ic.
Christion Kndean.r ;n " p. ;
"Winning Our Friends for Christ. 1
Miss Anna Long is the leader.
SI ;eirje-s l:P; CIuhtIi,
It. v Thos It. Alb eson.- Holy Com
munion at 7:S a. m : Sunday h..I
,t ft 45 a in ; moiiiiiig service and
sermon at 1 1.
LONDON, F.liK. John Swift. 91.
committed suicide by cutting his
throat. Ilefoie he di'd lie mid the
police he was rending the Illlde when
something told him to cut his
i I ON DON. A forecast nf
back fashions in frocks for 1921
shows they will consi-t chiefly of
j strings of beads. The fashions for
'neil year show lhat the gowus will
be completely backless and semi
backle.. Tne froek is more start
ling than beautiful.
I You can greatly reduce your shoe
bill by getting; them at Htephena.
Shoes lhat lit. w. ar and give sails-
faction at Siiepln n.
COUITS f'lllIISTI. Tex.- -While
huniiiig re., ntly. ;r. W. K. Willis
found some alligator gg. He
brought Hi'-'-i home. II- put the
eggs under a hen. Iliddy waited for
but ore of the ggs to hatch and
tlo n ran away cackling.
I.OMOS. Kng .M Hi" l-irisli
ehllK ll of II. li.-!ia-.i e.-.oir bo haw
hi .11 wholly i!i- used Willi, unci girl
appointed In tie li stead.
savs f.N iicsToiii; m:i
SMst-al Serilcin Sihhi
."Joters" hue don.i fine Kange!i
u,.,-l. nt,l ....I nlh...
Special Kvangellsllc services have ,.(,v w) nmn hl.,B ,,., ,.rVi,,
been arraiiged by Ihe M i'.. Church, w,ere they are now holding crowdi
South, to be condueted hy thfl "Jet- j Hf, vices.
ers." so well and fnvorahly known f
for the suceess resulting from their ..... , . , ,,
work. The fine hall In Iho Klk a lluy thai sturdy boy a pair of Ho
building Tias been secured for the land shoes at St. ph. ns and kei p h
meetliiK. to he hel.l shorttv. The foot dry.
I'AIII.-i. I'lanie. Nov. in -- Dr
Tufller. the I'ar's surgeon declares
ihal the 'bad can he bronchi hack
to life, lie say, that in eciions t'
androimllTi in th" 11r.l a. al n giori
may restore life to a heart already
deal!. He also believes 111 Ihe Ki-sl-itles
of saving lives by artillclal
heart stimulation Just ss no-v prac
ticed by artificial breathing
After Thorough Trial a Detroit.
Mich., Man Endorses Pc-ru-na
Thfl following Iwti'r written
from Detroit, M icliii(.iii i no tump
jndKiniriit expressed on theiiu'rita
oi l'e-ru-na. the w'll-
but ratlicr matur.
ler opinion formed
afts-ra full year'f triiil.
This is the way Mr.
Mii'liai l Kako of ti
hast 1'almcr Avenue,
In the Michigan Metro
poli, wrjt': "AfttT
ut-inn TK Ita-NA fur
aUiut one yar will any
I have found it a very
K'mhI medicine for ca
tarrh. It liu lu-lfM'd
me a great deal and I
arn very well patinh'ed. 1 have
pained In weight, eat and ileep
well, my howela are rt-Kularanu
better color in my face.
"I'K-Kt'-NA linn done wonder
and to me ig worth it weight in
K'tld. 1 shnll continue to une
Pfc-KL'-NA a Ifinff a
I live and retrornmend
to my friends no are
irnubied with catarrh."
Nothinn enn be more
Cfnvincint: than an en
donu'inent of Him na
ture from an aetual
tiner. There ar many
people in every cone
m tin i e y whote expert
ence.In unina Pe-ru-na,
has lxen identical with
Mr. Kako's. It la the
Btandby for eouKha,
coldt . catarrh, Rtoniah
and bowel disorders and all ca
tarrhal condition.
Put up (n both tablet and liquid
form. Bold BTaaTWHBka.