Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 12, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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rum rtfn
laaiird Etrtft Moadar.
STr. lutes' U Mmbrly Brr . BaTgi
Dally, per year, by mall ,.4 00
Pally, sir months, by mall 4. 100
By Carrier. per month...... BO
Thi Aaaoc la ted Press it exclusively
ntUltfd to th us for republication of
all aiewa dispatch credited to It or
notTotberwIa credited In thla papr
and also th local news publtlhed here
in. AM rights of republication of spe
cial diipatcUus herein a also r er ved.
k'ntered ai econd-cias matter Any
17. 120, at the post office at Koseburg.
Ore on. under, the Act of March I, 1879.
ftctehuric. Ore. ovemlMr 12, 1 1 -it
Hotel Men to
Have Meeting
NEW YORK. Nov. 12 Hotel nien
from all over the United Stain gath
ered here today to participate In the
Kifth National Hotel Men's Exposi
tion, which Is being held at the
Grand Central l'ulare. Everything
pertaining to the hotel and reaort
buxiiietia U on exhibition und man
agers from every Bertlon are alert
for any new augiieatlona.
One of the liiterealliig features la
an extensive exhibit of the attrac
tlona of the Pacific Northwest, which
la In charge of Herbert Culhbert,
secretary of the l'acllte Northwest
Tourist Association. This conslsta of
reproduction of scenic apota In the
part of th I'nltud stale and Canada
known as the International Play
ground of America, and specimens
of advertising which this organlza
tion hua used to attract tourlsta to
the atalea of Washington, and Oregon
and the province of llrltiHh Colum
bia. Much attention has been attracted
to thia exhibit by a huge salmon,
which la shown to Illustrate the fish
ing for which thla region Is famous.
A fresh fish la received each day by
express from the J'acflc and a card
attached to It tells of the aport that
Is awaitlnr the visitor. Many an
ardent angler Ktiztn longingly at the
big fellow and plans to spend his
next vacation In the evergreen Northwest.
White and Gold
for your Thanksgiving Table. Is there
anything that will look any prettier
than White and Gold Hand-decorated
China, with a setting of Community
Silver for that Good Old Douglas County
Turkey, when your family and guests
gather for their Annual Thanksgiving
Dinner. While good China is very scarce
this year, we still have a very good
stock to select from and will be pleased
to show the different pieces.
Jackson - - - Street
Editor, News-Review:
After reading me ainerepi r--,
marks concerning the aviation field
Issue I am thoroughly disgusted
with what Morgan. Al Creason and
the rest of the old fossils are doing j
by fair meana or foul to block any-1
thing and everything with a tendency;
toward making a lugger and better
town out of Roscburg. Why not have
an aviation field and let the town
have a chance to grow, even If you ,
did not originate the Idea of the
aviation field; did not one man shut i
out a factory from coining here a !
few years ago? Morgan remarks, i
"let the vloce of the people rule." i
I They have alreaclv voiced their senti-
ments in voting for the aviation,
t bonds and passed It with a big tn
Jorlly. Does not this end the matter t
with everyone concerned. Must we as
'citizens remain under the control of
!a few Antedeluviaus? Certainly we
have a "brilliant champion in the
ra ' person of one Hay Ward, and wny(
Eg not have a twentieth century man
75 I who will work for the people Instead
of a few old fogies like yourself and
l the rest of your close friends who are
forever "Mowing Hubbies," to stop
the town from growing. Oh. yea, the
people voted for a park, a light and
water plant and a road tnpplng the
Immense limber, but a few narrow
minded men put the damper on them.
Now that the refined product of the
timber conies back in the form of
an aeroplane, the fossila cry, "Keep
It away. It will spoil our city. And
igain ihe opposition are trying with
i "Croat Man." who waves a magic
wand anil receives five hundred
names on his petition. Clever work,
Herman the ;rrut .Is It the same
wand Al used to get the names on
his petition? Personally, Mr. Morgan
you should be ashamed of yourself
for slandering a poor S. P. Call Boy.
Remember he has now worked him
Legion Dance
A Huge Success
Movie Closeups
Recorder Vhltnl state! that a
fw of (he aanllilut8 running fur ut the armory last evening an the
city of rice a have fulled to file their climax to the duy'a celt-brut ion was
expense account. The luw provides a success from every standpoint. At
that all 'caiididuii'B i.iUHt file these promptly 8:30 o'clock the music
accounts showing any and all sums , started and within a few minutes,
spent, and If no money was spent the floor was crowded to capacity.
Iy the candidate the statement must The hall hud been decorated with
be so made.
Dorothy Gish, the screens funni-
The American Legion dunce faltl!eut comedienne, is the starred play
er In one of the best laughing stories
for some time, 'Turning The Tallies,
which is the attraction at the Antlers
theutre tonight. "Turning the Tahl
is suid to he the latest and l"tnt of
starring vehicles for this piu:uit
KKitiors i mi: ykktkkday
American flags and the merry crowd Utile star she has had for some time
cut loose for ihe evening anu noici!
a real celebration. The excellent Arsee Laupin the French crook
music was (urnisut-d by the Jazz-O- j character made famous by Maurice
Four orchestra. composed of ex- "e mane, is me neru in a new riu
yesterday , 8prvice men. who two years ago, amount Artcraft picture.
Teeth oi
be shown at the
A serious fire occured
a fow minutes before noon when the 'worn ntnviinr .Ihzz mimic, for the Hun The Tiger,
woodshed in the rear of the refll-iwhn was aoose stenninc towards ! Majestic theatre tonight. The role of
dence occnpled by Miss Km ma' Smith Horlln. I'mpqua post cleared over . 'uPn. 1h portrayed by David Tow
caught fire. The origin Is unknown. $200 from last night's dunce and H. who has appeared recently in
1 the boys are ouite elated over the J support of a number of prominent
A fine run was made by truck driv
or James Fletcher through a crowd
ed Htreet and water was placed on
the flames without delay. The fire
was quite stubborn and It was sev
eral minutes before it could be sub
dued. The woodshed was destroyed
and a large cjantily of lire wood was
11) IK
wonderful success of the affair.
The guns wont dead and the war
was won
And (he lust mad drive was thru,
And there we lay with the big Job
And a home to go hack to.
Mud grimed, wire turn, from our
battered hats.
To our sodden frayed puttees.
And our finis mill clenched ou cur
etnpiy gats
and our thoughts across the seas.
The worn O. IVs tn the closet now
And the tin hat decks the wall.
It's back we are at the denk and plow t
We left at the bugle call. j
It's back we are to the hearths of '.
home. I
And th dreams they did not know
As the slow smoke drirts an old
memories come, I
of a day two years ago.
- American I .tun WVeklv.'
Dr. of this city, who has
Just completed an experiment wit h
pot aloes ways that in his advice to
those in doubt is to plant, wherever
possible, the potatoes themselves und
not the potato Blips. Some time ago
Dr. Mbl eit thought he would try
planting the potato slips In his gar
den, und has Just recenily harvest
ed his crop. He stated that he got
some potutoes, and those were flue,
and lurge. but that there was never
more than one, or Bomutimes two In
a hill.
o .
Itev. Ony Fitch Phelps of the M
R. Church of this city, arrived In
Koseburg yesterday from K Paso,
Texas, where he has been holding re
viva I meet in gs for t he past t h ree
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
The Days Are Going Fast !
ONLY sggfjl LEFT
To Save That 25 On Your
Stock Reducing Sale!
We are reducing the price and
not the quality. Take advant
age of this real reduction.
Do It Now !
feminine sfnrs. readers of ihe I
Blanc stories will recall that the last
adventure of the celebrated criminal
left him apparently dead. According
to the story of the picture, which
wus adapted by Koy Summerville,
Lupin escaped und is u count ry
gentleman living respectably in this
country. He in summoned by Henry
Forbes, an invalid, who has been
threatened by anonymous letters o:
threat y of death. The old man Is
killed and it becomes the task ol
Lupin to trace the murderer. Several
persona are suspected and the close
acquaintance of Lupin of the many
methods of criminals, enables him to
track the guilty person. A well de
veloped love story is worked Into the
plot, which is said to be very excit
ing and abounding in mystery thrills.
In addition to David Powell, the
others of note in the cast are Mar-j
geurite t'nurlot. Templar Save. It ! ley
Hal h and Myrtle Stead man. The
picture was directed by Chester
"Should A Woman Tell" will. Alice
Lake, coming to the Antlers thea
Lake, showing at the Liberty Thea
tre again tunight is a tense, human,
infinitely apealiug story of a wo
man confronted with one of life's
greatest dilemnas. Met a A! axon, the
daughter of hardy, somewhat grasp
ing parents, never, until circumstan-l
stances led her out into the world of
wealth, knowing the ways of men.
came to a point In her life when die
must herself make the great decis
ion. 1
She found in the young idealistic
artist living in a little N"w Kng
land town in order to sketch the
rugged grandeur of the roast and the
sea, the one real romance of her life.
Yet there was something which .Met a
felt Albert should know. She was
aware he himself for he had can
didly confessed It. had not led a
life entirely hlnmrleyfl Hut she was
t? o i c.i o nn ii . . rt-n ,
Girls, 12, 14, 16 years. Saturday only $ tQQ
Most Remarkable Values in Fibre Silk $2.00 Bloomers, A
for Saturday only 9qV
Extra Special on Girls $2.00 Kabo Corset Waists, care- "2
fully designed for comfort Saturday only at ; p 1 ,25
One dozen Hats and lA dozen Coats, finishes this season's Ponrta of i
under price Special Sale Saturday. B00as at 8 lo
Goods reduced all over the Store. Ribbons, Cretonnes, Eiderdown Cr
Voiles, Gloves, Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery. '"Pes,
Big Rain In South
Drifts Northward
The storm which began here at 6
o'clock yesterday morning with a
gentle rain, after the Legion boys
nelf up to a ljusini'Hs man. What have hud been promised fair weather for
vou done; remained in the same old their Armistice Day celebration, was
rut you were in years ago. I wafted northward from California,
If you cannot nee far enough to where a hard rain fell for several
know that the "old stone age stuff" . hours, and is still raining this morn
's still In use, I refer you to Column ng at a few points there. North of
'). 1'age 6. of the News-Review, of here there was no rain, the weather
the Issue of Xevenil;r 8. being fair ut Portland and Puget
Ollrs for a bitter Jind better Snl nnlntu Over In Mnntnnn the
Hoseburg, with a good landing field
for mail and passenger carrying air
linn ('uuyotiYille
Among the out of town people
who attended the Armistice Day ccl-
hnmon in Rosetiuri; yesferdav were.
Itplph Knight. Huron Cloiigh. Dan i
MollenhauEh and William Willis, all
r ( anyonville.
INiMlo Respond Mtierally
The ladies of the M. E. Churrh
nnth wish to express their apprecia-
weather this morning is clear and
cold, the thermometer standing at
from 8 to 12 degrees below zero in
Ihe Missoula and Helena districts.
According to Mr. Dell, of the local
United States weather service, t he
cold wave to the north is not likely
to touch here, but occasional rain is
Indicated for tonight and Saturday.
i1u1t-tieirlniier In tight In t'J lewion,
hy in nil. u teacher .require!. Nelf
liintriMtlfn eourwe for ltd van veil
Learn 67 Htyten of Bans, 1R0 Synco
cfitetl erTiM-tH. iiluo Harmony. Oriutiil.
ion of the heartv response to the i lnlme' Alnvio and cafe Jazz, Trick
nil ror can tn nut ions in the form
r clothing and shot s for the Polish
iiifferprH. A very liberal sunnly of
'leetled articles was given and will
ip sent hy parcels nost to Newport
News. n.. rruin which place povern-
nenl officers will secure its trans-
'lurfntinn to those who are in sad
need in view of Ihe ri trout of the
levere winter of the northern latl
iMlen. Perhaps no more worthy ob
ject has lieon presented for our enn
tideration than the "Polish Relief
Kund." The M. K. Church south
ndtes take this opportunity to thiink
lie Rosehiirg friends for their eifts
the cause and also to the French
Transfer Co. for their sratituoua
rviees rendered.
V. ?, ..;ithr Bureau. local office.
Unjiebur, ortKun, 24 hours ending fi
m t
rreeliiliiitlon tn fnebea and Ilnailredtb
1 1 i i; hi-st ! tn ..Tilt lire y-s t .Tla v ... 41
U.wvst !ftif.uiire last niK lit ... 41
ff ' ipitutiun lat i4 hours flT
Ti.fal pi.-. jp sin,-,, firt 0f mniith. 120
Normal pre. ip. for this month... 4.37
roI;: pr... ij. from Sept. 1, 1 a JO.
to date 7.25
vera u priM-tp fro:n Sept. 1. 1 H 7 5 M
r..i;il SK f,m Sept. 1, l!J0... I.i4
vernfr pr.. ipUatlon Tor 43 wet
Kt-:ionM ( to May, Inc.) 31.48
hre,-aHt to s p. m. for southwestern
r"itiKlit and Saturday occasional rain.
WU.Uam nKLU OtH;rver.
less aware that men hold a woman's
mistake as unpardonable, and their
own as jnyiuis escapdes.
How she chooses to act is told
willi all ihe skill and finish charac
tt iicnc of Scret-n Classics, Inc., pro
tluctimis, euaited by nn all star cast
siarrinu' Alice Lake, supported by
lack Mulhall. Frank Currier and a
KndintfH, flever Mreaks. Snace Fillers.
Sax Shin, Blue Otdiifato and 147 other
HiilijeetH, lueludititf Kar Play In ;. Only
etiurMp in exiwtenc teaching up-to-the-tntnute
plnyitiK of Popular Music in
ItK.M. Jazz Form. A Postal brliuXB our
KHKK S)et-lal (ifTer. State If Heg inner,
Meiliiirn or Advanced.
1H7 Ulllamette Jt., Kii(teiie, OreKon.
Croup Ends Life
Many Children Die of Croup
Every Year Before a Doctor
Can Be Summoned.
Parents of children should b prepared
at all tunes for a spasm of croup.
Keep In the house a treatment that
wilt (five instant relief and keep th
child from choking until the arrival ol
the physician.
Get a bottle of H TOM EI today and In
case of an attack of croup, pour 20
drops Into a bowl of boiling water. Hold
the child's head over the bowl so that II
can breathe the soothing', penetrating
vapor that arises. In the meantime aenO
for a phytic! ait.
Thla treatment has helped many chil
dren and la a precaution that all parent!
ahould promptly take.
HYOMEI Is void by druggists every
where and satisfaction is guaranteed
for croup, catarrh, asthma and bron
chltls or your money back. If you hav
children. ave.Jhi. notice.
In Building a Business
as in building a house, make the foun
dation sound and secure, f A strong,
service giving Bank, like the Roseburg
National Bank, is an important factor
in every business.
Your Account is Invited.
The Roseburg National Bank
During Ihe 24 hours end Inn at 6
o'clock thlH morning .67 of an Inch
of ruin fpll here.
'Mrs. A. H. Wlckham left (or to
home In Green Wedneadty train
following a short visit In tttn till
Ends indigestion
It relieves stomach misery, sour stom
ach, belching and all stomach disease
or money back. Large box of tablets
at all druggists in all towns,
&-fyy.Vrs' ,iiiiiiiliiliiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7.s.
Ww&& 'Hw PC 4m
if FrA'l - I
1 ; izrri i
At the IJIwrtj- Tbcairc Satun1
" with,- Miles Mlnter. Also "Kuth of Uie Rockies"
JUST-, Big Compelling
Drama with the Fine
Art of H. B. Walthall
appearing in personin
the Speaking Stage
Production of Hennk
Ibsen's 3 Act Drama
"Ghosts" at the Antlers
Theater next Wed'sday
night only. - Advance
Seat Sale now
Henry Ford Prices.
50c to $150