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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1920)
ROUHCBG H W B RKVTKW WKD.NKHDA V. XOVKMflKIt I0.t02o PARR SIX rT MEN'S 5a g SHOES- I t Unusual Merit I On Sale At Rf $9.95 3 Block or tan Creoo cull, Bluch- . m - era, Brown .Mahogany, Lotus calf. ' ' I jf Bluchers, a lull solea.v llullt for Y I I M S tliis iKWxm of tlia year. Keep IV I I LJ your 'net dry and ann. Wear l I I our extraordinary alu at $18.80 I aaa now on sale at fOf $9-95 lTl Boseburg Booterie viJ J IKV1NBRUXN Kl I Hhoeg That Satisfy and Fit Your Feet 11 I I iPerklns Bldg. Can St. I Smash go slim repair prices. Bring n yoiirwwk andace ''""l AROUXD THE TOWN Legion Holds Good Meeting A very enthusiastic meeting of Umpqua post of the American Legion was held at the armory last night. Although preparations had been made for a large attendance, addi tional chairs had to be brought In to accommodate the lurge number of Legion men present. After talking over the Armistice Day program, the nomination of officers took place. Leo Devaney and W. K. Wright were nominated for commander, the one receiving the lowest number of votes to be made vice-commander. Leon ir.rii.tru.V waa nnmlnatpd for adjU tant and James Goodman for finance officer. Several nominations were made for chaplain ana msionan Rev. E. W. Warrington was nomi nated for honorary chaplain. The committee recently appointed . n i,.UIU,ttiinia tha matter nf dues re ported that the dues should be raised o 4 per year, ur mis sum i win ha aAt oai,iA fnp hnnoflt nurnoses. This rate becomes effective at once and all new members will be taken In at that price for the remainder of this year and all of noxt year. A social dance will be given at Winchester Saturday night, Nov. 13. Good music. LIBERTY THEATER "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" ' 1IOMK OK SITE It FKATURE ATTRACTIONS. PHOXH 487 mai i no i ii LAST TIME TODAY! The World Renowned Juv enile Jurist, Judge Lindsay of NeW York, Seen in this Picture DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Real Art Pictures Presents William D. Taylor's Production of THE SOUL OF YOUTH" BY JULIA CRAWFORD IYKItS. THE STORY OF A BOY! IX COXJUXCTIOX THE GREATEST COMEDIAN OF THE ACE 'Buster Keaton in Convict 13 And Vodvil Movies with Comedy Money. TOMORROW AND THURSDAY The Metro Special Screen Classic WHICH- To con f cm and lose his lore? To endure the nnhapplness with holding her secret would bring? How she met this crisis is depicted In a powerful, stirring romance of New England Fisher folk. "Should a Woman Tell" FEATURTXO ALICE LAKE and an All-Star Cast. From the original scary by Finis Fox Big Holiday Program! Comedies "Parked in the Park" and Gaumont News. Matlne Dally 1:15 p. m.; Evenings, 7:15 and :00. Prices: Children, matinee 10c, evenings 15c; Adults, Me. Rt'tuma to Wilbur Mrs. Giorce Short left this after noon for Wilbur after shopping lu this city for a few hours. Here this Morning Miss Gladys Godley came to the city this morning for a short time returning to her home at Wilbur on the afternoon train. lift urns Home Mrs. Charles Anderson left this af ternoon for Sutherlln after spending a short time here shopping and vis iting with friends. Leave For Portland- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jost left this morning for Portland where they will spend a short time visiting with Mr. Jost g motner. Here Today- Mrs. A. G. Walker came to Rose burg today from Green to spend a few hours shopping and attending to business matters. Returns From Trl Free Johnson, who has been spend tng the past week In Mcdfurd and Central Point visiting with relatives, arrived In Roseburg this afternoon. Council Meets Tonight The city council meets tonlgnt at 7:30 In a special session tor the purpose of hearing the complaint of I)r. Father Pohl Lovejoy regarding the Winchester Sanitarium. Visited Here Mr. -and Mrs. R. R. Chamberlain who have been visiting Mr. Cham berlain's mother. Mrs. w. C. Cham berlnln, left this morning for their home at laqulna. Return Honw Mr. and Mr3. William McGee who have been making an extended visit in this city with Mr. and Mrs. J. I Keese lett tnis aiternoon lor tneK home In North Bend. To Rico Hill- Mrs. Horace Campbell of this city and Mrs. E. B. Noland who is vis iting here from Colorado, left this afternoon for Rice Hill where they will make a short visit at the Earl btrong residence. Meeting On Friday The Fullerton Parent-Teacher asso' elation will meet at the Fullerton school house on Friday night. It will be an open meeting and all are In1 vlted. A good program has been ar ranged. Strawlierrien Shown Two strawberry plants, both with blossoms ripe fruit and green fruit are being shown at the Lawernce- Cordon real estate office. The ber ries were grown by John Lander at Calderia and are of the Gold Dollar variety. Returns to Kllgene G. V. Wimberly returned this morning to Eugene where he is now located. He has been spending the past week In Roseburg packing up his household goods preparatory to moving them to Eugene. Mr. wim berly will remain in the city for sev eral days. o You can greatly reduce your shoe bill by getting them at Stephens. THIS IS SOME DICTIONARY Arabia Affair Used by Scholars Is In 20 Volumes and Weighs About 100 Pounds. The ponderous dictionaries of En- rope, even the famous many-volutned etymological Index of Larousse, which is the monumental work of all modern tongues, are more than surpassed, says the New York Sun, by the Arabic dictionaries of 500 years ago, which are still the great authority for stu dents. In that language. The Arabic dictionary most nsed by scholars who are familiar with no other language Is In 20 quarto vol umes and weighs close to 100 pounds. There is a 50-pound ten-volume abridg ment of It, presumably for use at home. This and virtually all the Ara bic dictionaries were made in the time of the Harun-al-Rashld. The Islamic empire Is credited by Moslems with two great eras. The first was that of conquest, when the only history was written with the sword. Then came -Ltur!es of Mo hammedan domination, when the Mos lems peacefully held the empires they had conquered in Asia and In the Ibe rian peninsula. During these art and literature flourished and the Arabic dictionary was born. In Arabia the flower of this period was in the golden time of Caliph Harun-al-Rashld. Each of the words that have been familiar in the dally life of the no mad Arabs for centuries has an enor mous number of synonyms. The lion, for example, was feared by villagers and bunted not only for sport but as a matter of necessity. Therefor In the Arabic dictionary the Uon has more than a hundred different names. The camel was the sole means of transportation across the thirsty des erts and Is characterized in 122 dif ferent ways. But above all, the horse and the sword were the two great stand-bys of the Arab. There are more than 200 words that convey Ideas of "horse" sod "sword." All other familiar words, such as tent. Sock, herds, ws ter, woman, sun and air, havt long lists of synonyms that ire Interchange able and In constant use. This affords some slight explanation why Arabic dictionaries are of large site. Arabic, so the Arabs say, was the language of the Babylonians, and It Is also contended by them that It was the tongue which Abraham spoke. NOW PREFER USEFUL GIFTS Younger Generation of Women Said te Look for Utility When Present Are In Question. One must mingle with the younger generation to comprehend the chang ing standards of domestic life. Those tilings once the heart's desire of wom en have not lost their charm, we are told. While the proverhlul route to s man's heart has not rliaugrd Its road bed, and good cooking Is still the trnde-tunrk of a deslruble wife, yet anniversary expressions of a bus band's love ore said to be changing Its form. The new note Is utility. This Is ex emplified by a story that comes to us from one who recently visited a young couple while they discussed their ap proaching anniversary. "I think I shall get Ruth a neckluce," the yming husband said. Ruth demurred. What then did she wish, was his query, with the suggestion of a diamond or a piece of mahogany furniture, or some other embellishment for the home. "If you really Insist on a present," she said, 'T have always wanted or electric washer and t vacuum clean er." This suggests the story of the negro bridegroom who, when the honeymoon wnned. brought home a heavily mir rored dressing table and a wnshtuh. "Now,.Mundy," he said, "you can sld dnwn In front of this and watch yo'self starve to death, or you can usa this tub and earn yo' llvln'." Omaha Bee. IDEAL SERVANTS IN MEXICO On May Get a Defendant of tht In cat and a Friend for Ufa, for $15 a Month. Mexico ts Utopia for Amerlcnn hoMKowlves, fr tln-re Is no servant prohlom there, nccurtllntc to Mrs. S. O. Duulop, wife of the chief engineer of Cla Transcontinental le IVtraleo, the Mexican branch of the Standard Oil company. Ten years oro I couM hire any serv ant for $2 a month, she an Id. "und now I have to pay only from $10 to $15. Often In my kitchen I have a descendant of the Incns uniting my bread, aud when a Mexl an Indian who mnst not be confused with n peon really attache himself or h;-rsir to you. you have not only a servant, hut n friend for life, one who really looks after your Interests. "Of corn-no. In Mexico, as well as anywhere else, the servants stand on their rights.' The cook only cooks and does not wash dishes; the chamber maid wlty have nothing to do with the kitchen ; but after all, the wages of the five or six servants do not equal those of one servant In New York. "I hear my New York friends groan ing because the food of the servants costs more than their own tnhle. Now, If you give your Mexican Indian her tortillas (cakes) and her beans with plenty of chill, she la perfectly satis fied and scorns a more elaborate diet. NHW TOIMY. WANTED Clean rax at Ford Oarage. Wilt v 1Ar nniimi FOK SALE Two white Oregon roost ers, or will exchange lor puiieta. PtlOHf ZGU-K, FOK SALE loJse touring car. In koo1 condition, fhone or call ms Winchester. Foil UK NT Hlx room house. Inquire jjawrence-Cordon Company, 125 Can street. Phono 219. WANTED Fresh cow. Mnut be good. Mrs. W. If. Zelgler. Wilbur, Oregon, lit. 1. Phone 27-K11. PICKED APPLES 50 cents per box. Hrlng your boxes. I, r. Case, Etlfii bower. west R. R. track. FOK 8AL1S One ten months old part Durham bull, large and well built. Will sell cheap. Lock Box SI, Yon calls.. Ore. FOK KENT NOV. lith Strictly mod ern furnished rooms, h urnaee heat, one room large enough tor tour men. Phono 363-J. LOST On election day, between ClevHttml and Koseburg, package containing pair ladies new rubber boots. Finder leave at News-Roviow. COME IN and look over the attractive assortment of Ruufngs a nn overcoat ings Reduced In Price, Ed V. Price and Bruner Pure Wool Fabrics. Save as much as Il'O.OO on your ault or overcoat. Ray's Suit Shop. 'OK SALE 2 houses, small payment down, bal. same as rent; 1 house, $-5 down, bal. $25 per month until paid for; 1 farms with stock and farming tools. Overhead expenses light, and I cut prices; all know it. C. Merrill, S04 Mill St. Are You i Protected? What would your loss be It Fire destroyed your home to day? Hare you sufficient In surance to partially cover your I--.; Think it over. Yon can not afford to take chances, IN'SI'IIE NOW. Let us write you the Insur ance that you need. Policies carefully written in reliable companies. It It our aim to give the utmost in service to our policy holders. G. W.YOUNG AND SON Read -Batata aa4 fcwsmaca. 110 Caa M. Phone UT ONE'S JOB MUST COME FIRST Salary Should Bs a Sscondary Object for the Man Who Is Anxious te Advance. I have never known a young man to advance far when he thought much about bis salary while at work, or who let that salary have anything to do with the Interest he was putting Into his Job. l"he Job Is the chance, the op portunity, to show what you are made of. to show what you have for sale your ability, your personality. If you have something unusual for sale you may be sure you have what every employer Is always looking for. If you are alert, enthusiastic, original. If you try to stamp everything that goes through your hands with superior ity, you may be sure that you. will soon find a place at the front with commensurate salary. On the other band, the man who drags through Just onough work to get by, who gets to his Job when he bos to and watches the clock for time to go home will not see his salary envel ope fatten very rapidly. Quibbling over one's salary ha spoiled many a career. It Is not what you ere paid for doing, but what you do that you are not paid for that is the key to the position above you. This Is almost Invariably the case. The service you render which you are not obliged to give is the thing that attracts your employer. Orison Svrott Mardcn In Chicago Dally News. Thermometer Deterioration. Even thermometers become old, and consequently Inaccurate with age, mer curial Instruments ' reading too high and spirit Instruments too low. In the former case the bulb appears to shrink, thus forcing the quicksilver too far up the stem. This gradual shrinkage is supposed to be due to the fact that the t-xternnl presoure on the bulb may be considerably higher than the Internal pressure, the air as fnr as possible hav ing been removed before the srlnss Is sealed. On the other hand, the spir it thermometer Is sealed with the bulb covered In a freezing mixture, in order to lock up In the glass as much nlr ns possible. The instrument thus Blarts with the Internal pressure which In time nppeaiH to be reduced cither by expansion of the glass under the In ternal pressure or by leakage. Scleu f'fli .Amerlcnn. WE ARE GOING TO CONTlT1. Lower Price Sale! 0 -f ttrf 4t .-. saaaf Our 15 to 25 Reductions on every tmng are still in effect -and hundreds additional pecial Bargain 0 We are assembling the finest and most a, J teresting stock of ladies ready-io-vvear r J ments ever seen in Roseburg. We J you will call it wonderful. For CoaU,Suits jj Dresses, Sweaters, Corsets, Underwear and 1 Shoes, all fancy and staple merchandise a Take advantage of our sale. I, m 4 TIIK STOltK THAT IS MAKING PltlORS UOVtR mm TONIGHT OSLV EDNA WALLACE HOPPER IS "Just Around T3he Corner" NOT A MOTION' PICTUEK. HIT A SIAKKLI& COMEDY HIT. Large Sum Is Paid for Lands SALKM, iXov. ,10 Tha Pacific LI vest-, ck company 1- day paid the blate $50,000 at rart of $.:.", OoO for a quit claim deed to lands in liti gation in Harney and Malheur coun ties. Th-s first $25,000 was paid in a far oto and the next $50,000 will be paid a year today. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark of Port land passed through this city today enroute to California to spend the wim er. Mr. Clark was formerly the owner of the Clyde Hotel In Portland having recently sold that hostelry. Ho is a friend of Mr. Ray Clark an.l W. J. Weaver t the Umpqua Hotel. Buy your shoes at Stephens, where you ret your money's worth. TO MISIC All members Music club are at the armory u .l. Thursday morning, and ti Z p. in., for the couiuiuiiitT iIbi of the twf II All. Y WkTHKl ftOVK. TI. F?. Went her Bureau, toil af. Uofieburg, Oregon. U kun L (L. m.; rwlpltathm la lai-h u4 H-msh H!tth--st lt-mp'ratur Mi-rdij 1.4 went temperatir lilt tlcfct I'r tpitatitin. lait U bouti Tni;il iirt-olp. ilnce flrrt of nuui! Normal prtt-tp. for thli nmtk . Total preclp. from Sept 1. m to date , t Average prerip. from Krp. 1. Total 4'xrenn from Sept. 1. 1KI . , AvcriiK precipitation for tl n Forecast to t p. ol for Mnkiwi Tnmidit and Thurtdtr fiir. tutaJ lanket Week BLANKETS FOR LESS! Buy Yours Now and Save Mony, Lower Prices aw! Money Saving Values. CRIB BLANKETS FOR BABY. Iflfeaaslfi 3 m ViV HI H m7a-jtinn-'uide Institution l 5)c to I..TO PLUS WAR TAX. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY VIJ.liSD. A.u A BIG DOUBLE FEATURE BILL Douglas Fairbanks IX THE JOM.IKVT MIX-UP YOU HAVE KVEK SKKX IX YOlIt LIFE "His Majesty The American a mi Is fWllW Ik j-mi remember when yon were a kid and Hie lxys tied your dollies lion 'uU.,rY.H ,? mi tliut you got home late and HioukIi you tlioimlit you were g nmeil P )"r ,L" WELL Jack Pickford WILL TAKE YOU BACK TO THOSE GOOD OI O DAYS Vi "IN WRONGS DLAGIXE! A BIO DOUBLE BILL LUCE THIS AT RKGULAU ADMISSION PHICES 10c ADULTS 20c. - uT0l'r' OX ARMISTICE Dlr mrn.n . .Tivtvira VltOtf .n. n.TU.l X i WlLXt 11 L'ivk- ----