MiK VlrtBT alM IIH4. OCTOHfrU ""'???- SAVE SAVE MONEY On That Jersey Dress You're Going to Purchase Our Now York buyer ha .ecu red for u. beautiful luw lit very low price. You are the one ho beuellt. Mke your .election now. LOCAL XEWS XOTK8. J. M. Judd. who has been spending the past wei-k at Eugene in the In terest of the Automatic Electric Drake Company, has returned to Uoseburg. Judne A. F. Stearns, republican caudidate for County Commissioner, Bpent the day in Roseburg meeting voters and attending to business mat ters. The highway service company, con ducting the filling station at the cor ner of Douglas and Jackson streets, is today putting up a new sign at tho intersection. The News-Review takes its hat off o Joe Harvoy, of Edenuower, who brought to thiB office todav a single notato that welched five and one- half pounds, and tho gentleman stated he was seriously considering Iho Installation of a derrick I-i ordr to handle his crop this year. Mr Harvey certainly has a system all Ms own when It comes to producing spuds and If there Is any other grow er In the county who can "hold a candle" to him, Just trot out yjur sample spud. Fred A. Williams, a member or the public service commission, ac companied by Guy M. Harris and 11. F. Forties, who have been at the town of Hutherlin conducting a hear ing In reference to the telephone rates In that vicinity, were Rose burg visitors today. Mr. Williams has mnny warm frinds in Roseburg and vicinity, having visited here on numerous occasions. Ho is a strong HnnllnK supporter and looks for his WON'T UK A SUAt.H.it: ..w X He a hundred percent citizen. Th data U Tuesday. November 2. Your ballot is as gooo as me next man s or woman s. vote, w Don't be a Blacker, vote. J'ui the X wherever you tninn Desi, w but put it somewhere. VOTE. favorite candidate to go "over the top" In Tuesday's election. Miss Nanette Axtell of Oaxland tu a Roseburg visitor today, leav ing far her home on the afternoon train. Mlu Vila Sweener. who is toach lnr school at Round Prario, arrived In Roseburg this afternoon for short visit with friends. iiian hnvA heen received here by friends from Mr. and Mrs. E. II. I Itosenberry, former residents oUd Roseburg, who are now located for- the winter at La Jolla, a beach col-iU nv nt.n, it fnn mllna frnni Kan l)i.o. 1 A They made the trip by automobile without mishap and are much pleased with their new home.' Initiative measure number 310 on the ballot to be voted In November will give to Oregon a port equal to any port on the Pacific Coast. You nrn vitallv interested in the nassaee of this bill. It will not Increase your I A taxes. The cost Is borne by the Port I A nf Pnitlnnri hut nit OrAt.nn tmmt vntn I k on the measure. Vote 310 YES on the ballot November second. (Paid Adv.). LOCAL NEWS NOT9. Mrs. Orant Taylor, left this af ternoon lor Oakland where she will upend the week eiid visiting with rel atives. Mrs. J. D. Woodrun left for her home in Winchester this afternoon after a short visit In this city with friends. Mrs. W. R. Neas was a Roseburg visitor from Oakland this morning leaving for her home on the after noon train. MiHs Vivian Buell came to Rose- ' burar today from her home at Dlll- arO O SUUp 1SIIU ULIWUU A lew UWMia visiting with triends. Mrs. K. J. Wainscott and daughter came to Roseburg this morning from Oakland and spent a few hours In shopping and visiting with friends. Mrs. W. M. Prow and son, of mnmiiia and suent a few hours In Winchester came to Koseuurg mis Hhoniilna and visiting with friend Mrs. J. W. Nelson wno naa oeeii making an extended visit here with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Simmons, left this afternoon lor ner nome in rottiiKe Grove. Hev. C. H. Hilton pastor 01 me local Christian church, who has been nttemllnir the national convention In St. Ixmls as a delegate irom me loc al church arrived in Roseburg to day and wllloccupy the pulpit In the church on Snday. Mr. Hilton re ports a well attended and eiunusi- astic session. The Aloha club has made arrange ments to sponsor a Hallowe'en dance at the Maccabee hall on Monday eve ning, and the affair promises to be one of the most delightful of the Hallowe'en festivities. Committees have been appointed and the hall will be resplendent with autumn leaves, witches, black cats, pump kins and all that goes to make up a Hallowe'en atmosphere. Favor dances have also been planned and other forms of Halloween entertain ment. 1 j Sunday Dinner AT 4 iPP HOTEL j iiinouriv uiiiit IT AltMOKY Late music, fine floor, big crowd and the best time all combined to make one big. grund and glorious evening for . a. ,)., armory tonight. w '""' " .... I ON THE 1.T J CINCIXATTI. Oct. SO.Oii the last lap of the campaign. Senator Harding conferred with Ohio republican leaders today. T;... .n..h befoio the clec- tlnn will be tnnlsht In Colum- bus. The speech tonight will he tho 117th of the campaign. lost woman' roixn. TACOMA. O.-t. SO. Mrs. charts ntnmnfle'd. who dlsan- peered September 14th wearing jewels worth $400, was roturntd here after having lost Identity. Her husband brought her here from Portland, where she has been In a sanitarium until this week. She had been unable to remember her mine. The Jewels were al Intact. Pie Social Is Greatly Enjoyed Frldav evening an enjoyabletlme was Bpent by a large crowd at the Fullertan school house. The program was opened by the singing of "Kull erton, My Fullerlon." with a chorus of ghosts to assist in the singing. Mr. Cameron's vocal solo was much enjoyed, aa well as the two readings by Mrs. Ashcraft, and the vocal duet by tho Misses Kohlhagen A chalk talk entitled. 'A Biography by Victor Arundel kept the audience In a happy mood. From the sale of pies. $25 was cleared for prizes for members of the industrial clubs. $500.00 DOWN! Will buy any one of the follow ing houses: 5 rui. plastered house, paved iitreet and sidewalks, lot 60x 200 feet. Price 11800; 1500 down, balance 6 per cent - 6 rm. plastered house, lot 48 100, on corner; paved streets and sidewalk. Price (2000; $500 down, balance 6 per ceat. 5 rm. plastered bouse, paved street, lot 40x175, a fine home. Price $1800; $500 , down, balance 6 per cent. 5 rm. plastered house, bunga low style, strictly modern. $2500; $500 down, balance easy terms. G. W.YOUNG AND SON Ileal Rstato and Insnraaoa. 118 Cass Be. PhoM 411 5! TgK WE'LL TELL THE WOKIJ WE'VE GOT THE ClllCl'LATIOS Last month when the News-Re view published an account of the 40 day fast of Mrs. J. M. Lane of this city, the news story wa copied quite generally over the entire state and in many other sections of thecoun- try. The Associated Press grabbed the Item and flashed it over the the country. Today William Agnew brought In a copy of the London Times, dated October 8. in the col umns of that publication Is an Item about the 40 day fast of Mrs. Lane and bearing a Roseburg date line. Al'TO OWNERS. S1.00 Per Cover Served from .v: to H p. '4 LIBERTY THEATER "Where Everybody Goes." See the Great Stars of the Wrjrld in These attractions. TODAY AND LAST TIME METRO'S SlI'KIl SPECIAL The Story of the Brilliant Drama that Thrilled New York for Years 'CLOTHES' BUSTER KEATON IN 'ONE WEEK' Itilth or the Rockies Vathf lit-vi.'W CARTOON COMEDY "UNCLE TOM'S CALAMITY" CREATER FEATURES SUPPLEMENT TOMOItliUW. SI'MIAV MONDAY Tho Huiwr-Fcntttre IMiture, the Melixlnunatic Sensation of Oeoiide, with an All-Slur 1'ai.t 66 55 From tho trpinendoiu stiiRe micro by h11 Ital,.Kl, and Henry Hamilton, In a most except loiml ensemble .if xrrren favorites. Olalla Store and Post Office Burned The store and postoffice conduct ed by J. H. Thomlinson at Olalla was completely destroyed by fire late last fire was not discovered until the flames had pained great headway and U was Impossible to enter the building. NfllRhbors rushiiiR to aid Mr. Thomlinson liroke In the win dows of the building but were unable to enter on account of the Intense heat. The store was woll stocked iind the merchandise loss will amount to several hundred dollars. I'artiaL Insurance po store and contents was carrtea. A. F. Stearns, republican candidate for County Commissioner spent the day in Uoseburg from his home lit Oakland. Miss Teka Haynes, a titudcnt at the University of Oregon, arrived homo last night to spend the week end wtfh her parents. Mrs. L. P. ftapp of Oakland, spent the day i:i Roseburg shop pin 4 and visiting with a few of her many friends. 1MIXY W BATH EH It 1310 RT. U. S. Weather Burrmi. tocftl office. Ronel) urg, OreKon, 24 hours ending S 1. m.t I'rrt'lpltntton In Inrhra and llnndredlti muliCMt tt'iupf rnture yesterday Iiwt-Nt tfinpLTiiture last nlubt ... 34 rr't'ipitHttin, laitt ?1 hour- Total prei'fp. slum flmt of month. 3 Normal irrio. for this month... 2M Total prtH-ip. from Sept. 1, 1910.. 6.tt5 10 uaie t Avt-raKo preolp. from" Spt. 1, 1ST7 3 f.: Total -xctsa from Sopt. 1. 1!20... 2.5 AveraKO Dreclpllntlon rnr 43 wet s.'nu.tns (S.-pt. to May, (n 31. 41 Forecast to 8 p. m. for so nth western ToniKht nnd Sunday fair. WII.IJAM HKMs. Ohinrver. NKW TOlAY. tl i:si.Y AM) W KDM-SDAY A Real Art Special -Wanda Hawley "HER BELOVED VILLIAN" Atlaptetl frotn ths fainus l-'reneh play, "I a Vellon.,f ,. CARtOON CDMiDY AMO VODVIl MOVIES Tlll'ltSDAY AMI I-'HIDAY J. 1'AltKK ltHCAl) Jit. ritKSKXTS Louise Glaum "THE LEOPARD WOMAN" Krum th M..il,l knoM-n nv,-l liy stow, urt K lw inl li ll.v An A...,-UL-.I I'm-tu'.-,;is .Ma.Hlrph-.-i.. MUMOKI MEWS "JERRY S MISHaPS" We are now prepared to take ex pert care of your cars. We have the EXPERIENCE, shop, and tools. We can give you a contract price on all lobs, tell you what the job will cost before it Is started. We have had 20 years experience In garage and factory, four years with aeroplanes. We absolutely guarantee our work and would appreciate u share of your ousmess. FORSYTHE MHOS. Roseburg Welding & lirazlng Works Corner Hose and Washington. Children's Eyes Should Be Examined! "Y"0U Bhould know whether your chil 1 drens eyes are normal, whether they see neat and distant objects per- I fectly and whether school work I reading have strained their eyes. Poor eyesight will hold back their progress and make them seem dull. Do not let them be handicapped with poor vision when a properly fitted pair of glasses will give them relief and make them on par with the others. We are fully equipped for examining eyes and fitting glasses. BUBAR BROS. Jackson Street mm YOU TKMi 'KM SEARS ItOKRUCK; t'AKK'S HAVK THK PKIOKS We wish to ' respectfully submit tho following facts to the people of Douglas county. Carr's store In Rose burg cannot only give you as big or a bigger selection of Holiday gift goods as the mail order houses, but we can absolutely save you money on your orders. We not only let you see the goods, before you buy It, but we have the complete Holiday lines oi practical gifts Of all konds to gether with books, toys, dolls, etc. All In the one store. We want you to compare our prices. If you want to make up an order from a catalog, do so and we will fill It P. O. B. 60 CENT CHICKEN DINNER at the MAFLELEAP Sunday, 11:30 to l it Roseburg. Hut we know, oi n: the only really sausfactorr concerned Is to come Id ud at goods. Much of our Holldit li is now In stock. New joodi ui i Ing In every day. If ton tu shop extra early, wo can rm H Remember Carr's store ii Id burg Is San'a Clans' hMdmirf I TODAY I I TODAY g MATIXKE KYEXINd 1 4pj'JmmmJd gMATlXEE-HVKXlW j PRESEXTIXG ONLY THE LEADING STARS OP THE SCREES Anita Stewart IN THE GREAT AMERICAN CLASSIC "IN OLD KENTUCKY" DIRECTED DY MARSHALL X EI LAN Not Just a picture but a great show full of thrills. Every scene will grip you It portrays tense realism all the gignnlic scenes the stago could only suggest.. wilt sr -NEVER A MORE TEXSE AND GRITI'IXG DRAMA SCREENED Al St. John Comedy Topics of the Day AND A FORD EDUCATIONAL A SPECUL 15 MIXITE CONCERT AT 7:15 BY TTlTTV TTTfisVT U "MARCH MILITARE," BY W. H. GRAHAM FRED DIIRNAV tkot' "A YouNO MAN 9 ANC1 1 lLlU W1V11M11WALTZ , -DRK.1.MY NIGHT." Ropublic tru.k. A. ltupvrt Com- KOR SALE One-ton In ko.hI rendition, puny. Inc. W'.VNTKli tjootl blcyclt. oiu-up for iish. Sph Morris Anoe. 810 Mk-vlll un!y f urciiooii. ONE DAY, SATIIU)AY ONLY UXIHX'S Lll-'K AS Kl'I.I. OK ADVEN'Tl'UK AS HIS WRIT INGS. Jack London's Masterpiece The World's Supn-nie Xo vol of the IYwen North. "BURNING DAYLIGHT" TrnjiHbttel to the srrren In mighty production that nmkes a UvmriHloiM book live again In a trememlous plrtnrr. With n all-star out. IXti.l DING Mitchell Lewis RUTH OF THE ROCKIES EPISODE CREATER FEATURE COMEDIES AND VODVIL MOVIES Matinee Dally J: 15 p. m.; Kvcnlnns, 7:15 and 9 p. Pi. Prices: Children, matinee 10c, evenings 15c; Adult. 25c. The greatest list of supreme Screen Masferjiieces ever seen onywhere in a week's program. Positively no Adinince in Prices. Orvpon corporation, dells. ; suit to I,vSiTl(N wanted by f xpertem 1 rump cook. Uood waiffB. l'hoiu V ll KKXT Pleasant slecpinK room with j;th, low rate to pennant-nt party 311 Kaat Oak. 1ST Until Kveraharp pencil, betwi-en North S1le grocery and hiRh mhunl, Ntuiie 'Kuffena Howrtcn" entrraved on p-nril Hfturn to Newa-lievtew. Knit SAL.K Sevfirnf varieties of "linn Hpptv plrk them yours If at r." fi'tnit bun)ifl; also picked appla for flt' A. V. Ornham. Hrockway, Ore. I'tUt SAlK At a barprain. heitvyiTraYt li':im, harness and wood waiton: also 1 V tl'T of hard wood. Mu-t he sold. 1'i'itilre 113 W. lne Kt. U. Stiihl-. ltsT -Nt.;ir llli-e Iltll. a tiKer cat with white bre.mt and front feet, abort letc. weitcht nbout 16 pound. H. w.rd Advice Mm. Wm. Itement. r. 5th St.. Iah Angeipw, 'al i f MATINEE EVEXIXG 8UXDAY ' MATLNBB-OISBa "TUP I IPir I IW17 wiro wii'v BatBl WITH AX AI.L-STAK CAST, IXri.UDIXG JACK HOLT. SEEN A OWEX, WALLACE DII'I IVI iotih mm-w s- A V Ik I CU'IU J. rODY. MVSICAL riUMJHAM, BY ItKQVKST, AT 7:11: "LA GKXX)XOA,M "Mlf-HTY LAK' A B0 MAN or woman wanted, saliry full tune, 7, un hour spar time, SflMim Kuranttd hosiery to wearer Kx pericne ininfH-esary. International Homrrv Miljs, Norristown. Ia SllUKWD huyera are savtnn monov h.Te (n Kd V. Price A Hruner Pure Wool hand made clothes. Suits nd Otoat-i cut to the bone. Uemenibcr our prices never were hlirh. Knoi k o it Mr. Ill-Cost. Wilt 'S YOI ll T Ht Hay's Suit Shop. SVANTKU: MAX KOH SPARK TIMK ! wi'KK Must have auto or hore and w.i..n Work consisis f inpM t In n and n-pitirlnic siKiis on public road" I run nil. a snort instance out of Jtojs.-hinB; No experience npnrv. PojtUio) requires a few hours tnr.e ery !M day. Liberal ps.y and year ly contract to responsible part v. it Htcst occupation, and whth'r you hav nuto or rig. Applications nvldvred confidential. Addreas Man. r MHintenance lvpartment Ml. h West Ohio Street. Chicago, lilt nuia To-Dq Only l'UKSEXTIXU OXLY THE LEADIXO STAUS OK THE SCKEEX Robert Warwick ,'LEY, TOM POWItf & AND AX ALL-STAR CAST IXCLIDIXQ AXX LITTLE, WA.XDA HAW EILEEX PEKCY. "Told in the Hi An onll of ocl.'l ! SromoJ iu a Squaw Man! What richt haJ he to fcliPBOIsi but nhen Ihe linllicr whose larnL-ihrd honor he had wnd told Ihe trnlh. ana w ESKXZ? inP ixTO Ta PICTTRB YOi - - PATHE 10s A WOULD I'AMOI S NOVEL OK THE 1'IOXEEIW WEST, MADE INTO A KHMKMIIKIU ROLIN COMEDY And One of Those Famous RED RJDER. SKUSS ADMISSION I-UK'ES: MATIX EE-E VEX IXO CHILDBES 10, ADILTS