Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 30, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    nfrnm antutumwrn mii unn, CMronKn no. imo
fao rrvn
ChHdren Cry lor Fletcher's
n, Kb4 You Hava Always Bought, and which has bees
in use fur over thirty ysars, has borne th signature of
MUU v. vest aveWW WUUtt UU JfCI
fy'y-?-. "sonal supervision since its infancy.
&Sev2i Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations aud Just-as-good" ore but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
infants Cnlldren Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless -substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
n-ithjr Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. It
are is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Tffind Colic and. Diarrhoea ; allaying ieverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
Ihe. Children's Panacea Ihe Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
la Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
vn.K oity.
.Movie Closeups
(top of the thrilling scene of "In
Kentucky.' the First National
; special feature, with Anita Stew
:itirring will be seen at the Ant-
i tonight. In the play Miss
wirt rushes Into a burning barn
give a thorough lred racer from
-flames. A liarn was purchased for
purpose and was burned to the
Hiss Stewart aa Madge Ilrlelr.y,
- little mountain girl, has been
KiBE in a n;ar by city. She 1b
7 much in love with the young
idtr of he estate, but has been
d by a jealous woman, that the
in man is only playing with her
Ikrt. She slips (juU'tly out of the
house to return to her moun-
(When the bodv rcmi tn
and movement IvmmM i.
V usually an indication that the
I Joeys are nnt nf nr v
F organs healthy by takine
f iworl.f, standard remedy for kidney.
I. bldJcr end Urlf air1 ..-..hi..
f fince 1696. Take regularly end
P ' In three iz, .11
i , s lapresemea.
" " UWUtlJl
ttaln borne, but aa sne leaves the
' n.-n.i -Va .!. the. IV.A l.n.n
ft i vu uun, suo iiuuo 1.11a i 1 jaw uai u
is on fire.
She knows that a fine thorough
bred race horse is stabled in the
barn, and that the horse is the fav
orite for the races in the great Ken
tucky handicap, which is to be run
Others from the house rush out
as the flames mount up, but none ol
them dure to enter the stable, which
is enveloped in smoke and flame
Mian Stewart actally rushes into
the barn and finally coaxes the big
horse to follow her out of the barn.
The fire and smoke are so thick that
she can hardly see her way through
the doorway, but finally emerges,
half suffocated.
Her hair was singed In taking the
scene, and she was nearly smother
ed by the smoke, but sustained no
serious injury.
"Clothes," the Trama by Avery
Hopwood and Channlng Pollock,
made an interesting and successful
play when produced on the stage.
Now it is on the screen. And it If
and incomparably better picture.
The screen drama was seen last
night at the Liberty theatre with an
all star cast. Including Olive Tell.
Crawford Kent, Cyril Chad wick. Kae
Alien, Frank Currier. Zerne TUlbury
and Mary Beaton. It will be repeated
again tonight. It Is a Metro produc
tion done under the personal super-1
vision of Maxwell Kargur. the Metro
director general.
Miss Tell appears as Olivia Sher
wood, a pleasure loving, capricious
rerk'tMfl young woman who has in
her Hie known nothing but wealth.
She is not even permitted to know
that she has been left with $2. WO a
year nothing at all In her world,
until the man who has been ad
vancing her money, tells her that the
! money was not left by her father,
i but, that he had been giving It to
i her intended to "buy her.' His
1 shocking discing ure precipitates a
Before Buying Elsewhere
Dry Goods Store.
ae- V We rA
Vaccum Cleaners f
- p
WLIG'S electric store
Everything Electrical.
IHO.E 123
dramatlo disaster. I
k I
.. n l'"'UUUt-Ailort( pit-!
ui. "Tad la it,. Hut,." which will!
u. ooa ,t the Majestic i&eir
toulyht. featurw Major Robert vVar-
wuu recently leiurned to
"lucrum, liner whiI muoine vr
vic ou General r'ershing dull in
r taucv.
lluior Warwick a.i among the
Ilii io VuiUuier wh..,, i.,..r.. . ... ..
part lu the r. and served uvervn
tapiam. lid a acilvelv eunanvd
on nevernl frouu. Mia (iri nlciuia
upon renumuiK auge career was
setret tierrtve," a I'arainoiini-Ari-'raft
production o( William Gillette's
"""" in u jiajor Waiwitk
proved doclnlvelr thai h n,,.-...-...i
the same rlre and sincerity that has
"i.i.umnea uia work In the past.
..Told in the illlls. - presents him
in a heroic western role ihur i. -y-
pvctod lo further enhance his repu
tation as a dramatic actor of the
ursi rank.
au unusually powerful cast has
been assembled to support Major
.mica, including Ann Lilile, Tom
r'ormau, Wanda liawley, Kileen Fer
y and Monte Ulue. George t-iord
directed the picture.
VOL' HAD Ui:i l i;il III Hit V.
If you have not already done so,
you belter hurry up place your
order for New Year jnd Christmas
announcements wl'h bates, the
printer, at the News-Kevlew office.
A swell line of engraved personal
cards to make a selection from, but
we must have your order early in
order to make deliveries.
Only In Comparatively Recent Year
Hav They Received Recognition
Under English Laws.
Our Inws resnnllng dog hltes, which
Judge Cluer declares lo be full of
anomalies, are all of modern date,
ays Tit-lilts.
There seems to lie no reference to
dogs In any law .passed before the
accession of Queen Victoria. In a rase
heard by .Mr. Justice Eliot In 1.133 It
was ruled that dogs were vermin, and
for that rens'in the church would not
ilegrade Itself by taking tithes of
them. Nor was a dog the subject of
larceny at common law, the ruling be
ing that "a man shall not bang for a
Parliament first began to notice dogs
fn 18.18, by passing a statute Increas
ing "the resources of civilization"
Jgalpst the lawless doings of Irish
Ten years Inter, nog fighting, bull
baiting and bear bolting were prohib
ited by iMirllainent. Hetween 1RT4 and
18S2 no fewer thsu eight statutes were
pnssed regulating the cnn'tltbin and
social status of the dog, ono of which
placed him in a position of a tax
payer. In addition to these which
applied throughout the United Klng-
Inm a special act was framed to
curb the sheep-wnrrylng proMnslt!es
nf dogs In Scotland.
Broker Declined to Walt for Any
Further Advance In Quotations
on Prepared Foods,
A prominent curb broker, wishing
to make his lunch period as brief as
possible, forsook bis accustomed res
taurant, very exclusive plnce, for
"trust system' buffet.
Gin ncf ntf up at the prb-e board, he
noted "rut ll"itt Heef with Corn
Muffins. ;n rents." which he ordered.
As h1 Velf-sirvd Itine-clf to a vacmit
place at nn of the tehtes, be n'nln
turned hi t tli b'cird. where
he noticfd an jimn.l:int was now do
ing Rome sleluM-oMiiiii'l work,
With much astonishment he beheld
the 311. denoting the price of "P. It. IV
with M. common" oVxteroti.y
bant'! fo a 85. When he hurt sutti
lently recovered from the shock, with
plate of victuals In hand, he ap
proached ihe food tradpr. and Inillir
nnntly inquired as to the cause of the
sudden, chance In price.
'Why. buht this hardly three
minutes ajro." he protested, "when It
vas quoted 3V
The lunch room profiteer nmnrtly an
swered. "I know, hut the asked price
Is now 35."
"Well, shot hf ck the broker. "I sup
pose there's every tndirritlon of fur
ther rise, hut I Kuess I'll get out now.
on enn sell thin for me at that price
and keep your commission out of tha
proceeds." Wall Street Journal.
A Friend from Hume.
One evening at the restaurant, 1
had stepped away from the rai-k for
a few momenta and as 1 was return
ing I heard someone shout:
"Why, Ann Whitson, where did
you come from?"
I hardly knew the tall chap that
rushed toward me with outstretched
hand, but as he came uearer, 1 rec
ognized the Irish eyes, red hair, and
evtu the freckles of Jimmy Calla
han. 1 almost kissed hliu right then and
there, I was so eager for the sight
ot someone from home.
"Ann, Ann! Where have you been
When I weut home from school two
mouths ago, they told me you had
gone away and left no address. Mr.
Hulsoy and Kenneth have tried to
find you everywhere. 1 don't think
it was fair of you to act like that.
Mr. llulaey was so good to you. What
are you doing here? May X eat at
lyour table?"
i nave no iruiu, uui you may
hang your hat on my rack."
"What '
"Yea, Jimmy. Times have changed
since you used to bring the grocer
ies to mother. I'm earning my own
living now."
"Can you shake tl e hat rack long
enough to go out and eat with me?"
"I'll try to Jimmle.- Come on over
to the rack, and I'll ask Mamie."
"There. I've caught you at it my
girlie, said a guttural voice close to
my ear. "I knew you were Just pre
tending to be so nice. It's easy
enough for you to make a date If
it's the right man."
"What do you mean, you cur .
snapped Jimmy turning around.
"What's It to you? hoes she be
long to you?"
Kor an answer Jimmy's arm shot
out and the man measured his own
length on the floor.
In moment all was confusion. The
manager, Johnson, and Sellers, the
house detective, were iitftuntly on
the spot. Horton had cut his mouth
in the fall and was a gruesome sicht
as the detective helped him up. The
manager attempted to rush Jimmy
and me into his office, but Jimmy's
fighting blood was up, und he would
have none of ft. !
"Young man, you can't make a
roughhouPe in here. Get out at once. l
And you too, young lady, go with
him. I've bad enough trouble with
you. You remember don't you. that
I took you in when you were on
your uppers?" !
"I'll be glad to got out of here.!
Let's go, Ann," said Jimmy.
"Hold on there," chimed in Kel
lers. "I want your name and address
as it Is provable that Horton will
sue vou for assault and didn't f hear
you call this woman by some other
name than she gave us?"
"Come on now, speak up. I want
her real name, too.
For answer Jimmy said only one
short word that was ore forcible)
than polite, but by this time he was
leading me over to the rack.
"Get your hat and coat quickly.
Ann. Let s get out of this. We've al
ready kicked up enough rumpus, I
Mamie had my wraps waiting for
"Is he your gentleman friend, An
nie, whispered Mantle.
'No, dear. Miss Kiley, this Is my
old friend, Jimmy Callahan. We're
going out to dinner now AMatnle.
Let him take you to our house
after you ve had your dinner and
I'll come home as quickly aa I can.
It's likely Johnson will keep me as
long as he ran. tonight because he
knows I'm your friend. Ho will want
to mix me up In the rumpus.
"She's a dandy girl, Ann," said
Jimmy, as we started out.
"Yes, phe's the bat friend I have
in the world."
"No, she Isn't Ann. I'm the best
friend you have in the world.
1 looked up at the stars as we
waited for a taxi, and my hoart
grew warm, as T thought of Jim
my Callahan and Mamie Riley.
(Continued Monday.)
iA w
I.nst nipi'tlnir of RIbIiik Star lodge
Friday evening, hviryborty come.
MIm ld Hopkln., wlv-yr-l
d.uflht.r of Mr. ind Mr, i. E. Mop
,, ,f ADury P.rK. N. J. '
fe. qutn of tho thlrtnth nnul bb
rtd trior . . .
Vinchister( Oct. 30th. Admission,
all dancers 50c, spectators 25c.
The charm of the old-time melodies
comes back to entrance once a&ain when
you play them over on the Cecilian.
Do not miss the bargains at tho
Hat Shop. Oct. 28. 29, 30.
TIMBER. flriirni Und Omc.
Wafthinitton. L. 0.. October 13. mo.
Notice n hereby given thut nubject to
the ron-lition and iiTtiitattonn ot too
A-t of Jun . ISIS '31 Htat-. Xl, and
th Instruction or me secretary or n
Interior of September 15, 117. the
timber on the following Inml will be
M N'ov 29. at 10 O Clock A. M
at public auction at the United State
land at Konehurg. Oreiron.
the hlaheat bl-ldor at not lena than the
appraised value a nhown by till
mil lri ih 1 e to be nublect In the hd
provnl of the Secretary of the Interior,
The purr hae price, with n alim.nit
iiim of one-flflh of one per cent there
of. being commission allowed, muat be
rlepoaited at time of i&le, money to be
returned ll aaie ia n"i aiirovei, oTner
wle patent will Ifcue for the timber
whlrh muat be removed within ten
veara. Bida will be received from ctti
jtfna of th fnited Htateii, anno- latloni
nf atirh cttifna and cornoratlona or
a nixed under the iawa of the I'nlted
Stale or anv atate. territory or dia-
trlct thereof only. I'pon application of
a mm) tiled n-irrhnr. the timber on
any learn) auhdl vlmn will he offered
eparately before being Included In any
offer of a lariter unit. T. 21 K. It. I
W. fee 31. N K U SWi fir 40 M. cedar
15 M., NU'4 SW fir :o M. None of
the fir or cedar to be anid for lean than
11 RO tier M T. ?1 A, K. X W . HC 31
SWf 8Ei. fir 5 M NI" fir
HWW. flr tAO M. None of the fir to be
old for ea than 110 Per M. : PK't
hwu. nr ib at., o vv hkh, nr 6o m
Nor. of the flr to be aoi-1 for l-aa than
$1 Tl per M. CLAY TALI-MAN, Com
roiaatooer, anerai Land Offiua.
Made by BUSH & LANE '
A son of the lon& ao, with its haunting mel
ody, or a "hit" from the latest revue either
one is at its best when you play it on this
supreme player-piano.
For there's a charm about the Cecilian that you
will find in no other player-piano. Its superb
artistry has converted many a music lover who
believed that all players are necessarily "me- ,
chanical" in tone.
Br iht purchase of a Ctefllen from the manu
facturer under our direct plan of llinr. you
not c-nlr obtain the 1IICHCST GRADE PLAYEK
PIANO IN THE WORLD with an Lncendltlonal
guarantee, but are required to nay no mora than
the prices ordinarily aiked for Inatrumtnta of
letter quality.
1 Mk 4 Ua Pfcaa Oft.
I rfti4 Owe
Bladlf hi m, vilhvul
! aUMr tofon limn rkr4i Witt
Wttl M I
Mana facta ran
PertJans Htere
Boah aV Lane Betldine;, Breaawar t AI4tr
Portland, Ortgep
Insure gainiit loss equip yuur
tractorg so tbny won't aei fires
A gift oeyona vatuo your plioto-
gruiili. Clark's Studio.
Bovs' bicycle helmets, 75c. Ilarlcy-
Davidson Sales Agency.
Make the appointment today It's
none too early. Clark's Studio.
Ills; Hallowe'en Innro at the armory
Saturday nlKht.
Fires doBiioy iitos, property and
food. Be careful with fire.
Dance, dance, diuice. Arnury on
Hiiturduy uiKht. A llullowe'en Joy
An early appointment means time
for careful work. Clark's Studio.
Solve your gift problems with
photographs. Clark's Studio.
Hats on Mile for t.1. S!, fin, on
Thumday Friday and Saturday at
The Hal Shop.
If vou want to sell your proprty.
jf J. A. Walker, 106 Cass St. 1'uoue
Clearance Pale at the Hat flhop
Thursday, Krlday and Saturday, Oct.
28, 29.30
Cut llcht expense, use an Aladdin
limp, beats electricity. For demon
stration drop postal card to It. li
Wll.on. Koaeburg. Box 1295, who
will show you.
Frank A. Terry, repreaentlnn the
Kqultable Savings Loan Assn., of
Portland. Oregon, Is again at the
Umpqtia Hotel. For Interview, call
or phore.
Jack Roach of Drain has received
the agency for the Queen line rtf In
cabators and brooders .Now Is the
lime to make your Inquiry and piara
your order for future delivery.
Dr. Nerbas, Practicing Dentlat,
has taken a long leaee on office
rooms In the Masonic Bldg., Itooms
8-9. He wishes lo state that he has
one of the finest equipments In the
state and will open his office for
yractlca tat first et November.
Arundel, piano tuoer. ftlon 1H9L.
Suluitlny nlKht.
I.nteet books Heutal 10c. Fiction
Do nnt miss the bargains at the
Hat Shop, Oct. 28. 29, 30.
Ladies' coals, tailored suits, neat
ly and aiyllshly done. 62H Sov Mum
Clearance Sale at the Hat Shop
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct.
2H, 29.30.
Huts on sale for 3. :. S10, on
Thursday Friday and Saturday at
The ilut Shop.
The woman's mlnslonary society of
the M. K. Church, South, will hold a
cooked food sale Saturduy, Oct. 30,
at Vosburg Bros, store.
While Leghorn baby chicks from
Tancred royal muting, 2S0 to 2'JD
egg trap nest records. Hooking or
ders now for 1921 delivery. 1'hone
9-F25. Ed. Bryant, Kos. burg.
e Tamnles. Fnchlladaa. and Chill
at all times
Now In the time to fix up that out
doll. Carr's Blore have u complete
line of doll heads In composition.
In baked rock, or la the metul heads.
All sizes, wilh painted hair and eyes,
with hair, or with moving eyes. And
Carr's can aavo you money too.
Come In while our stock Is complete
Still has prune trees on Myrobolon
nli.m -.... I Hinu .1111 l.ll. VIIIIT
order In 100 lota for Italian prunes
on abirve named roots (longest Itved
prune root In existence, r . r.. jor-
itiin. RB.ielnl AffMiit ht;fl S.-venlh St..
N., Grants l'ass, Oregon.
Kd. Bryant wishes to announce lo
finultrymen of Douglas county that
lie has the agency for the Jubilee in
rubainra. Anyone wishing prlcos or
literature on the snme, plione 9-F3fi,
ir drop me a card at Uos. burg, Hr. 2.
Meeting of Elim
Shrine Club Friday
evening, Oct. 29, 8
Logan Tips,
Spring Delivery
Those are not sprout pUnta, Joint
'lunt or HpranRle tip plants. They
e ffrst-cluHS tips. Also har straw
urry plants and all kinds fruit
trees, butter book your order now.
Three miles wst of Roseburg.
Thro In ftnmething that Is all
food and all good.
It's good for you good for
your children. Use It rery day.
r:isltirlz'd and I'ure.
JIT.N'KY 871.
Phone this number for prompt
service. Friend ft Howard.
Buy Better Bucks
and Ihe
Best Breeding Ewes
for Less Money.
If ynti are Interested In any number
ef eiih.r arnrte or registered sheep of
the fnlluwlna- hreeds:
llamfiililri.. Htu op.h Ire. Lincoln. Rom
n"V. ('uLwoM, ltaintioulette, or tnr
Write us qui.- what you went.
Oltt'tiO.N lilVEHTOCK COM. CO.
Box (1. North Portland, Orego.