r&oa pom EH- 'fe1! 'H is With Mutual Benefit business men can carry their Checking Accounts with the Roseburg National Bank. Accounts of large or moderate size are invited. TheRosebuiNational Bank Roseburg, Ore. m DOCKET READY FOR CIRCUIT COURT Long Listof Cases be Brought Before Court at the November Term. SEVERAL JURY TRIALS Some of the Cases Will be Continued or Dismissed, While Other Will lie Heard Before Judge i. W. HhiiiUIou. ALI'MI.Nl'M rX)R TIIK KITCHEN Aluminum ware for use In the kit chen Is the moat satisfactory of all wares. Light, durable and clean, thla ware will not chip, rum or break. Cerr's store will aave you money. If you haven't used alumi num because of its cost, then come to Carr's. At our prices, aluminum Is the cheapest ware In the long run. Stop In at Carr's the next time you're down town. NOTICE TO IIKEEDERS. Pure bred Toggenberg buck avail able for service at Olen Echo Ranch, 2Vi miles northeast of town. Now Is the time to breed milch goats. Ser vice fee $5, with return privilege, payable at time of service; (2 charged extra when I take doea to the farm and return them to own ers. Phone 38-F2. J AS. A. WILLIAMS, Roseburg. The following docket has been pre pared for the November term or tne circuit court. A number of Import ant matters are up for consideration at this time, and several of the cases will be brought to trial before the Jurv. while others will be tried be- j forejudge Hamilton: 1226. John M. Tnrone, pin., vb. Oregon Orchard Homos Co., et al, defts.; injunction. B. L. Eddy for plff., Albert Abraham for defts. 1861. Grace Simpson, plff., vs. First National Dank, a corporation, deft. ; action to recover money. Al bert Abraham for plff., O. P. Coshow for deft. 2076. The Roseburg National Now Is the time to buy your spot- Kpooky Hallowe'en Dnni-e at tbe light we have several different Armory Saturday nljrht. tlnds, 15.60 up. Ford Oarage. LEAN-UPSALm i Price Cut on Odd Sizes. S 4 30x3 H AJax non-skid casing 0 (21.00 1 32x3 AJax non-skid casing , 26.B0 4 1 31x4 AJax non-skid casing 29.00 1 32x4 AJax non-skid casing 30.00 j 2 30x3 Vi Kelly-Springfield casing 25.00 K 1 30x3 Goodyear smooth casing Q 18.50 d I'sed Tubes at Bargain Price. I ford C.A.Lockwood Motor Co. Fordson and other prtemal painsqmcldsootnea THAT drwvlnr. werin backache, tha so many vma sutler from. Is quickly mad br aa application of Blou's LiniawX. Ve Attttar. miuaioM. or skin stains. It's good tor all the family and aU kinds of ' at ureal" aches and pains. 85cT0cL0, lnai Liniment a, Kill vni'lt HOT Ll'.XCUEd. a, 4 Don't forget our hot lunches k tmrn in 1 0 fffl tTV tO 4 serve the beat. Light lunches served. We always endeavor 19 please our customers. a TUB MAPLELEAF. FREE SCHOLARSHIP WITH .: PROGRESSIVE SERIES PIANO COURSES. You want the utmost possible for every dollar you spend for your child's musical education. You will get it In the Progressive Series of Piano Lessons, because: l..lt tearlicH Uio Principles of music don My and simply, and contains the Vital Facts with II frills and extras omIUod; therefore, tile Puju lcai-iu to play correctly in a shorter time than Is oUtervrlse powdblo. 2.. The puiil lean is more from the Pmnriwiiv Series. .He Is shown how to play with Kx nrvowlon and rtoliruj. . After lie baa studied the lrKr-iMive Series lie knows how to produce music that la enjoyable. . People like the playing of lroKrslvo Series pupil. The money you spend on the Progressive Series of Piuno Lessons will, therefore, give you the biggest returns. With it your child loams faster, and learns more. You will be surprised to know that the cost is no greater than that of any other material necessary tor the pupil to make the same advancement. A number ot the leading Musical and Educational Institutions of the country now accept our Certificates as to work accomplished by our pupils and on entrance into their schools place the pupils In the succeeding grade without examination. All pupils who enroll In the HlKh School Normal Course are entitled, upon completion of the course, to a Scholarship for a Personal .Normal Course ot Instruction In any Conservatory or Uni versity, upon the Art Publication Society's list of those authorised to give same. WHAT TIIK PKOGIIKKNIVK SKHII'.S IS. The Progressive Series of Piano Lessons Is a completo text work for piano study, arranged In accordance with approved teaching principles. The Merles consists ot printed Lessons aud Exercises, Studies and Compositions, with instruct ive annotations. The Lessons treat the twenty-two subjects embraced in the theory of music, In connection with the principles of piano playing, as is done Jo a thorough conservatory course. The Exercises, invented by waster pianists, produce the greatest proficiency in technic with the Itvast amount of practice. The Studies are selected from the best In existence and develop the greatost amount of skill in Interpretation. They are thoroughly annotated so that the student has Instruction on bow to analyze and practice, ever before him. The Compositions represent eighty-five standard composers and include the finest examples of classic, romantic and modern schools, and a series of Educational Adnptutluns for the piano in easy grades by Uodowsky. Those Adaptations afford an opportunity for the piano student, at the enrlleot stage of his development, to become acquainted with the best orchestral and chamber music, the favorite souks and operas, the noblest sacred music, and characteristic dance and folk tunes of different nations. There Is thus open to him at this early period a vust field of knowledge, which has heretofore been accessible only to tho advanced musician of broadest culture aud experience. The Compositions also have the following educational information: liiographtcal sketch of the Composer; Poetic Idea; Perm and Structure; Harmonic Analysis; Instruction on how to study; Glossary and General Information. As these annotations are written by the foremost living authorities, their value to the studont Is Inestimable. WILVT THH rUOOHESSIVK Kill EM DOKH It saves time and expense. It saves the drudgery of unintelligent practice. It saves endless repetition of oral instruction. It develops the Intellect. It aids in memorizing. It perfects technic. It Insures correct interpretation. It gives the student the proper understsndlng of the laws of music, their relation to each other, and their practical application. It enables the teacher to impart more knowledge In a given time, and the pupil to receive more. All education In the public schools Is based on text bonks. The Progressive .Series is a text for education In music. It enables the school authorities and parents to always know the exact standing of the student. It Is the only text work that enables the private piano teacher, high school, conservatory and university to work In perfect harmony with each other. It has been adopted by several thousand private teachers and conservatories (many of them of national, and some of International reputation), and It is recognized for credits by a number of the leading high schools, colleges and universities throughout the country. Only teachers who have passed the required examinations are permitted to teach It. Tt.o stu dent Is therefore assured efficient Insrucllon. A number of prominent conservatories honor cer tificates Issued by Progressive Series teachers. Students presenting these certificates are allowed full credit for work done, without examination. LS YOl'K TEACHER A PROGRESSIVE SERIES TKAOIEll? ART PUBLICATION SOCIETY K. KOTHH, Pactfls Northwest RepreaentnUve, V nipq.ua Hotel. Dank, a corporation, plff., vs. C. F. Smith, Harley L. Johnson and E. C. Benson, et al, defts.; suit to foreclose nrorteaee. J. O. Watson for plff., O. P. Coshow and Albert Abraham for deft. 2083. The Roseburg National Bank, a corporation, plff., vs. Harley L. Johnson, deft.: to recover person al property. J. O. Watson for plff., Albert Abraham for deft. 2241. R. H. Coshun, plff., vs. J. L. Watson, et al, defts.; application for judgment foreclosing tax lien. It. H. Coshun for plff., O. P. Coshow for defts. 2251. R. H. Coshun, pltt., vs. J. L. Watson, et al. defts.; Application for judgment foreclosing tax Hen. R. 11. Coshun for plff. 2418. AKerson, Cooch & Co., Inc., plff., vs. O. A. Abbott, deft.; to foreclose mortgage. Ridgway & John son for plff., lirouough & Carter for deft. 2441. Dollie Smith, plff., vs. E. W. Main and Anna M. Main, defts.; suit of equity. J. C. Eullerton for plff., E. II. Hermann for defts. 2447. R. M. Mestres, plff., vs. Charles L. Winner, deft.; action for money. Rawlea Moore O. C. Itoggb for plff. 2542. Clarence R. Davis, plff., vs. D. R. bryant, deft.; action to recover money. Claud H. Giles for plU. 2571. D. McCulloch, pin., vs. Nellie McCulloch. deft.; divorce. E. B. Hermann for plff. 2592. Alex Nihlt-y, plff.. vs. F. B. Waite and Annie M. Waite, dells.; action. B. L. Eddy and H. D. Nor ton for plff.. Rice & Orcult for defis. 2598. A. F. llrown, pllf., vs. Elizabeth Brooker, Charles H. Brown, Milton Nile Brooker and Jacob Busch, defts.; suit to foreclose mortgage. Angell Fisher for plff., A. O. Condlt for defts. 2616. Willis O. Uerby, plff., vs. Martha A. Kingman, deft.; suit to quiet title. Fred E. Smith for plff. 2668. R. H. Coshun. plff., vs. W. N. Jones and Jane Doe Jones, his wife, anad Hamilton Drug Co, a corporation, defts.: application for Judgment foreclosing tax Hen. A. N. Orcutt for plff. 2670. William Isensee & Co., plff., vs. John Hunter, deft.; action to recover money. Giltuer & Sewail for plff., B. L. Eddy for deft. 2672. Bert Roberts and MaggI, Roberts, plff., vs. Warren P. Reed. executor of the last will and tosta- ment of Frank Perry, et al, deft.; suit for specific performance of con tract. J. O. Watson for plffs., Albert Abrnham for deft. 2979. Charles H. Jackson, plff., vs. M. C. Weatherford and Lotti'. Weatherford. defts.; petition for writ of habeas corpus. John T. Long for plff.. L. B. Sandblast for dofts. 2683. Elkton Mercantile & De velopment Co., a corporation, plff., vs. Robt. D. Minter. deft.: action tn recover money. John G. Watson for plff. 2689. Katie Schwartz, plff., vs. Anton Schwartz, deft.: suit for di vorce. Mclnturff ft Mclnturff for plff. 2692. Fritz Gleselman, plff., vs. Ttessle Gleselman. deft.: suit for di vorce. Mclnturff ft Mclnturff for plff. 2704. Business Men's Adjust ment Co., plff., vs. Mrs. Emma Dame wood, now Mrs. J. W. Daugherty, deft.; action at law. Donald W. Miles for plff. 2710. R. Stubbs. plff., vs. J. C. Carson and A. C. Norrls, partners. defts.: action for money. John T. Long for plff. 271'9. S. J. B.iseel. plff., vs. R. R. Cook and Lena Cook, defts.: action for money. O. S. Brown for plff., John T. Long for defts. 2737. Oscar Berg, plff., vs. W. H. Striker and W. L. Van Houten. defts.: to foreclose liens. J. N. John ston for plff. 2756. Credit Service Co.. plff.. a corporation, vs. E. R. Davidson, do ing business as the Riddle Grocery Co., deft.: action for money. N. Ray Albert, Hurlburt ft Layton for plff. 2765. D. Vandevert. plff.. vs. H. W. Horn, deft.: action for money. L. M. Travis for plff. 2791. H. P. Rice, J. A. Rice and IT. A. Adnms. partners, plffs., vs. Mark Smith, Jr., and Nettle Smith, lefts.; action for nieny. Rice ft Or cutt for plff. 2793. Carrie F. Smith, plff.. vs. Glenbrook Farms, a corporation, and C. It. Shipman. deft.: action at law. O. P. Coshow for plff., Albert Abra ham for deft. 2813. R. H. Coshun, plff., vs. Veres, P. Holmnulst and John Doe Holmqutst, et al, defts.; application for Judgment foreclosing tax lien. R. II. Coshun and A. N. Orcutt for plff. 2S19. Esther Welchlcln. plff., vs. II. A. Weiehleln. deft.; suit for di vorce. E. B. Hermann and Carl E. Wlmberly for plff., Oliver P. Coshow for deft. 2S21. John C. Johnson, plff.. as Admr.. vs. A. S. Jenkins and R. E. Jenkins, defts.: action to recover money. Chas. F. Hopkins for plff. 2S54. H. B. niack. plff.. vs. B. Cody, deft.: action at law. O. P. Co show for plff.. Rice ft Orcutt for deft. 2909. Southern Oregon Orchard Company, a corporation, plff., vs. Al fred A. Markke and Carrie Bnrkke defts.; action to recover money. John T. Ijing for plff.. Albert Abraham for defts. 29116. S. B. Crouch, plff.. vs. E. L. Cite, deft.; action for money. Carl E. Wlmberly for Dlff.. Rice aV Or cutt for deft. 2939. w. L. Barton, plff.. vs. Southern Pacific Co., a corporation, deft.; action for damages. O. S Brown for plff.. A. C. Spencer and Robt. R. Rankin for deft. 2953. Isaac E. Staples, plff., g. 0. A. oJhnion, deft.; suit to quiet To tiie Voters of Oregon! The taxpayers of Portland and Multnomah County are not only' willir." u cnxioiis to proviilo the I'urt of Portland with noetied funds for dredirinir ,,.?..'ut ( hanticl to the tea. The Committee that formulated what is knr,w X K'v nf Portland and Dock Commission Consolidation Bill under, the mimi prt nil on the ballot insisted, however, upon weip-htinpr down the measure with"11 enormously expensive real estate scheme, and by a formal vote turned downn request of taxpayers that the Swan Island scheme and the River Channel X lw presented as separate measures. Ucdisinsr to be forced to swallow gornetk"18 they cannot approve, Multnomah County is expected to vote adversely to tk' whole scheme by an overwhelming majority, llavinjr done this, they will then 1!! ready to vole for any needed amount for improving our River Channels A c mittee of the City Cl'.ib has submitted it detailed analysis of the measure shoT" that it means an ultimate expenditure of at least $40,000,000. wwinj Our Chamber of Commerce and other civic bodies with all of our river nllnt and steamboat owners and others have protested against it. At least twelve form! cr and present members of the Port of Portland and the Dock Commission ha declared against it. A majority, if not all, of our City Commissioners oddo&T m The Committee of 15 iUelf that drafted the measure is divided. The Taxpayers of Portland Appeal to You in a spirit of fair play to save this county from the imposition upon us of such aii overwhelminpr and paralyzing debt as this measure contemplates. It would be deemed offensive if we gave expression to what we belit-ve to be the selfish and ambitious political motives that have inspired the measure which is submitted with a distinctively deceptive title. We simply appeal for fair play and a decent consideration of the hopeless plight in which this community will find itself if the me;tsure carries. As citi zens of outlying counties who will not have to pay a dollar of the debt imposed" we appeal to you to consider what would be your feelings if Multnomah County should try to impose a similar burden on you. Our interests in a general way are mutual. It is our sincere judgment that the success of this measure will seriously re tard, instead of promoting, the development of this port and that the state at large will in return suffer severely as a consequence. Vote Measure Number 31 1 X No Taxpayers Vigilance Committee ROUT. J. LINDEN, Secretary yr""'"illl'"ll"iTi"',T title. J. H. Austin for plff. 2954. Clara Manzel, Admx., plff., vs. E. C. Chase, deft.; to recover money. Chas. Coston for plff. 2956. Northwestern Trust Co., a corporation, and Ira C. Oschlcr, trus tee, plffs., vs. the J. F. Luse Co., a corporation, anad W. E. St. John, re ceiver, defts.; action for recovery of money. B. L. Eddy for pin. 29C2. Norman Lombard, plff., vs. Carrie Myers and Ceo. W. Myers, (lefts.; Bult to foreclose mortgage. Dey, Hnmpson & Nelson for plff. 294. Wulter Edwin Starkey, plff., vs. Mnry Hlanche Starkey, deft.; di vorce. O. S. Brown for plff. 2983. S. B. Crouch, plff., vs. W. I.. Cobb and E. L. Giles, defts.; suit in equity. L. E. Crouch and Carl E. Wlmberly for plff.. Rice & Orcutt for ilofts. 2988. H. L. Wilson, plff., vs. Louis Angelns, Nick Pasls, James Kapetan. Thomas Kavouras, Louis Markos, Anast Kavouras, Tony Zu Kanelis, Nick Giakouniis. Frank Zaff ris, Oeorce Argirlon, Sam llouras, O. A. Mavros, defts.; action for money. O. S. Brown for plff. 2991 The Pacific Loan & Invest ment Company, Limited, plff., vs. Clyde K. Wylio, Harriet F. Wylie. the J. F. Luse Co., a corporation. W. E. r,;. John. I. A. Hatfield, Dora Hat field, J. V. Davis. Ira L. Hatfield, defts.; suit to foreclose mortgage. Veazle, McCourt & Vcazie for plff. 2992. The Pacific Loan & Invest ment Company, Limited, plff.. vs. Wallace James Phillips. Dianthe Phillips, the J. F. Luse Co.. a cor poration, and W. E. St. John, re-- ceiver. defts.; suit to foreclose mort gage. eazie. McCourt & Veazie for plff. 2993. The First National Dank. of T.lnnton. Oregon, plff., vs. Dorcy CANDY, CANDY and OAXDIKS Press DaHvarr Before buying that Box ot Candy see us. We recommend Imperial Candles. Come and get our prices. We always try to please. THE MAPLELEAF. ! Mom Id ft turs. J"111 w tela Richard Howell, deft.; action for money. Ridgway & Johnson for plff. 3003. Alice McKenzie, plff., vs. J. A. Buchanan and Madge B. Buchan an, defts.; Bult to foreclose mort gage. J. C. Fullerton for plff. (To Be Continued.) A Boos It BoaW S. HUEY, to roimn Cleaning, pressing neatly done; work guaranteed; second hand clothes bought and sold. Lloyd Cleaning Works. 125 Sheridan. WOMEN NEED NOT STAND IT Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Surely Re moves Suffering and rain. Here is Proof. St. P.iul. XeK, "I ailffanwl .tO. iranuuii-ai pain lor atumt tour years so that I was unable t do my work at limes, a tnend told "T W Pinkham's Van JF a!S I ll Compound and -. J I tk it. It soon stopped all my suf frinn so that I am now feeling fine in cverv wav. I roc. 11 omnu-nd your medi cine to my friends Who hav aimila. troubles. You may publiia this letter r me oenent ot other women." Mrs. ill Tuomas. S. Paul, Xrt. Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drug., aid today holds the record of being the mot succesnful remedy for female ills we know of. and thousands oi voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lvnn, Mata seem to prove this fact. ' For forty yean, it hat been th stand ard remedy for female ills, snd has re stored the health of thousands of women who now are free Iroiu suffering by WHAT! Never had a hot Sundae? TILE ROSE Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY MUSICAL KINDERCARTEM. VOICf AMD VIOLIN Physical Education, Including new feature of Indian Clubs and Wand Drills. Field Seeds Write for our prices on tb following field seeds for fall planting. It will pay jm got In touch with ut, VETCHES WI.NTKIt GRAY OATS ALFALFA BARLEY WHITE- SEED OATS RYE RED CLOVER TIMOTHY CHEAT Our line li complete with ill high grade teedi, mi " prices are low. Monarch Seed and Feed Company MED FORD, OREGO. I JUST UNLOADED mm A Carload of American Steel Wire A We ean save you some money on fence while this let lasts. J. F. BARKER & CO, 4. ROSBBTJRO, OREGON mxCKtt f IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES " f, AjrenU for Oliver Plows and Implements. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS ! Douglas County Light'and Waferto