WOWKBrWQ MBWS RKVHCW KTI'ltltV. OCTOHKH an. H PAGE THRRR IS El STATES I III La I Is the Biggest Business in the World If Elected Harding Will Appoint the Ablest Men and Women to Help Manage It They will use the BEST business methods WARREN G. HARDING. r i r jun nA.'&ij lis Harding Stands For: Patriotism before politics. Better schools and better pay for teachers. Good highways. Relief from War Tax burden. Extend needed aid to farmers. , Square deal for all. Roosevelt Endorses Harding Colonel Roosevelt, the greatest American of all time, in one of his last utterances said: "Harding, we have all got to get together and restore the Republican party to power, in order to save this great country of ours." Stanfield Stands For: Soldiers' relief bill. Equality of treatment for capital and labor. Against Australian, New Zealand, Canad ian butter, Chinese eggs, and other farm products. Free tolls through Panama Canal. Development of ports. McNary Endorses Stanfield Oregon's Republican United States Senator, Charles L. McNary, endorses Mr. Stanfield's candi dacy in the following telegram: "I am glad of the opportunity to endorse Robert N. Stanfield, Republican candidate for United States Senator and believe that the election of a Republican Congress will promote good government." . The Republican Party Will Replace One Man Rule by Constitutional Government DOUGLAS COUNTY CANDIDATES i WJ : . V B. L. Eddy for State Senator Considered one of the ablest Senators at the last session of the Legislature. RETURN HIM A. F. Stearns for County Sam W. Starmer for Sheriff Able, honest and fearless, whose character and qualifications cannot be questioned. Ira B. Riddle for County Clerk Specially trained for Clerk. Will conduct the office economically and efficiently Commissioner and F. C. Frear tor County Surveyor Will Assure Progress, Efficiency and Stability. AVote for the Republican Party is a Vote for a Greater County, State and Nation Signed DOUGLAS COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE (PiJ Adv.).