Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 30, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    RrtsKurno mm'mwiFff m train v. y-TOBRH mo
,lawued Jallr Kxeept Nastier.
STw. Ilntca I- WlmtwHr Hcr i. Bsles
Dslly, per yeer, by mall 14 00
Dally, alz months, by mall . 1. 00
By Carrier, par month to
The Aaaociated 1'reaa la c-xolualTely
anUtie-rl to the uae for republication of
,11 nvi Otapatchea credited to It or
not olherwlae credited In thle paper
and alao the local newi puhllaliert here
In. All rlKhla of republication of spe
cial dlapatchea herein are alao reserved.
Kntered second-cia-a matter Any
17. 150. at the poet office at Roseburg.
Oregon, under the Aft of March i, IHTtf.
Itoilmrk-, Otviron, Ortolx-r IIM
Mix llt-mllcy 1eavee
Mlsa Una MiaclU-y of this city Ic't
I Ilia morning for W ilbur to visit
over Hit) wH-k end.
To Kllliutl
Minn Alvira Lewis left this morn
Ing for blllitrd whoro she will apeml
the week end at her home.
Irn IliihlneMN
Attorney A. K. Orciltt left IhlP
morning, for Stithf rlin to spend a few
hours attending to business mutter-).
HlMTHle lny at Hutluulin
T. II. Olson left this morning for
Sutherliu where he has a small
ranch. 1nJ at OnkliiiHl
Miss (ilndys Stronif left this mom
lux for Oakland, where she has :i
large class in instrumental mimic
Vlxlt ill .ilenilltlc
Mrs. W. 1'eterson left this morn
ing for tilendale, where she will
spend Hie week end visiting with
From Onklnnil
Mrs. George Stearns catne to R-tse
burg this morning from O.iMiintl to
spend the day shopping and vimtlnR
wlih friends.
Vifcitfi (niiMlfntlie
Miss Mildred Coon of Albany who
has been spending a few days visi
lng with her grandfaiher. a resident
of the Soldiers Home, left this morn
ing for her home.
lVx'kinir After Huslm-Ms
Zophcr Agee, of the Pacific Paper
Company, arrived In Roseburg l;isl
night and spent the night at his
home hore. leaving this morning for
Kugcnc. lie will return for election.
Hiiffcrfy Here
T. A. fliiffety. field denutv with
the elate motor vehicle department,
is spending a few dnvs in the citv.
He has Just been over the northern
portion of the rountv and is working
In various 'cSnltiea in the Koscbiirs
district at present. He slates tltul
many violators of the vehicle laws
have been apprehended, the chief vio
lators bPitii? antofsls who drive toa-
Eddy's Record
11. L. Kd'ly, republican candldute for re-election a state senator,
h;iH bffn active and Influential in the Hen ate along many important
:',).. WIk'M (he bill for the firm road bonds wan being passed, be
introduced and secured the adoption of a conservative amendment
which (inventor Withycombe pronounced one of the best features
of the bill. For the benefit of Douglas county Senator Eddy helped
to fl. cure a provision in the road legislation for the state to pay the
full runt of paving the Pacific Highway, thus relieving our county of
a Kn-at bin den. At the speciul reusion of 1120 he Introduced and
wcimd the passage by House and Senate of a bill to relieve Doug
Ian county from the heavy tux of 60 per cent of the cost of nialn
taiiiinn the Pacific highway, also a bill to make the road from Drain
to Scottabtirg a post road, In order to secure state and national aid
In Its construction. Senator Eddy has contributed other valuable
features of our road legislation.
The demonstration farm now being installed In Douglas county
by the Lund Settlement Commission is based on legislation Intro
duced by Senator Eddy. He secured the passage through the Senate
of u hill to huvo to the state, for use of settlers, thousands of acres
of former laks beds in Eastern Oregon. He introduced the measure
passed at tiie 19 19 session relating to the state board of health. He
introduced the bill which became a law providing for the decision
of can -ft where the Supreme Court is equally divided, by reason of a
judge being disqualified or absent. One speech of his at the 1917
He.tsion saved the state treasury $1500.00 in connection with a cer
tain public land matter. His work on the bone-dry law of 1917 is
well known. He secured amendments to the insurance code of 1917
henUlning policy-holders, stood against the flood of Bulary bills
proponed in 111 19, and gave special attention to reconstruction legis
lation in the of the returning soldier. He has been chairman
of some of the most Important committees In the senate, and his
work haa been repeatedly commended by the leading newspapers of
tin Male, as well as by the people of Douglas county.
The p.opie will remember him at the polls.
A. C. Seely, Chairman.
Paid Adv. L. J. U units. Secretary.
' hineu without obtaining a license on
their cars or trucks.
Mere Toiliy
MisH Muz to Walker arrived in the
!ty this nmrnlui; from Wilbur for a
:hort visit with friends.
l-'ew HourN Here
Hr'.iIaTi ItovttiKton of Isadore was
a RoselnirK visitor for a few hours
lodnv, rciurniiiK home on the after
noon train.
Here Today
M rs. Sweeney came to Itoschurg
today from Wilbur and spent a
tew houts uttending to business mat
ters. I lack I n mi Poi1 land
li. A. Ilercher, who hns been
'spending ne vim a 1 weeks serving on
the federal grand Jury at Portland,
has returned to his home in this cit.
Here From Wilbur-
Among tho out of town visitors
today was Mrs. Oeorge Dlmmlck of
Wilbur, who attended to business
matters for a short time.
From Oakland
Mrs. Charles Beekley who has been
vtKiting in Oakland for the past few
weeks, arrived In Rose burg this
morning to spend a few hours at
tending to busiess matters.
Writ hi., IiiMirniH-e
Richard Stubbs has been appointed
local agent for the Oregon Five Ue
lief Association, which has its head
quarters at MeMinnville, Oregon. Mr
Vl-il at Viilinl Point
Mrn. L. P. .Maury, who lias been
visiting at Melrose witli In r aiste. ,
Mm. Henry Conn, left this morning j
for Central Point, where she will
upend Mineral weeks with her mother,
Mrs. A. M. I nomas. Mrs. Maury te-
Ki'li'M til Cnqnillf
At beuume rub tne tnroat and
- chest thoroughly with
V V a po rub
Ova 1 7 Million Jan Vtti Ytany
The Next President Asks You To
"All ubo arc earnestly desirous that the Kepuhllnui party shall take con
trol of national iilYiiit-M, to the end that wo may restore the health of the
Itepuldic and the giMnl of the country, will wish, as I wish, tlint
Hie voters of Oregon may find it to their l.vt judgment to Mipmrt Itob
ert X. Stanlleld for l ulled StJilos Senator."
i:ki:x n i;in(..
The Next Vice-President Wants OREGON To
Send a Republican Senator:
'Tlie miicesN of the ItVpublicaii lit ket In Oivgon i earnestly 1h ilesiivd.
More than that, my own tlesire t p reside o er n Keniblicati Senate leailw
me to tioie for ami reeoriinieml the election of It. ,. stanlleld to repre
Mut jour gretit state In that honomhle ImmI)."
C Al. ( tHtl.llH.K.
"Young Teddy" Makes The Same Request of
'Heartily emlorv" cainlldary of Itolvt'it X. Slnnlleld for Senate. Aiurt
from Hie fat t Hint n IU jin nijaj oi iiy in llie Selinle U or vital llnH.rt
nnre Just ,. lie Ik the ijix- of man all I lie oten nf iireunn sIimiiIiI Im.
liroml In lime reiireseiil lliein." 'rill iiluii!!.' ixuiliti'i t
tiu oiiiiui: i!()si: i;i.r.
Tatt Urges That You Vote for Stanfteld:
"Klii-tlun of llnrilinu it noMlleil, lint lie run lo Utile unlets lie has a loeal
lteillllean majority in Die Senate ami House. 1 earnestly lll'lte all Mho
vole for llaeiliiitt lo ote for Stanlleld." Wll I lM . TAI-T.
Hughes Believes in Stanfidd:
I conlially cmlorsv the raiuliilaey of Koherl ,N. Slanllelil for l iilled
Slal Senate. In niMlllon to lr. sinnllehl's inalilhatloiis for that oflh-o.
II Is of very lin.i tan. e 1 1, at llieiv sli..l, M. ,, ;,.,,,li,an majoilty
III the Semite lo stiiMrl a I'ri-si.lenl ami make sihU nil
rllhienl nml sun-ossf n nilinliiismitlon. I shmTviy trust that the xsle
of Oregon "III mil fail l rlwi Mr. Ninnliehl.
t II l(f.l:s K. lil t. HI S..
Don't Waste Your Vote Trying to Send a Democrat
to Washington to Support a Republican President.
(Paid Adv.)
THUS. II. TOXlilK, Chairman.
010 Moinan lliillillng , . lVrllmitl, Oregon
m jt f Do you realize what we are doing to give you the best Shoes made for l
VI PYL ' money? Does buying Shoes at reductions of from $1 to $6 a pair mean
inim- lhiDg toyu? lVou,d yu preferpaying $13.50 or $9.93 for the same thE
This is just one illustration and refers to those beautiful Cresco Calf, double sole Shoes that
have sold as high as $16.00. Other men's shoes on sale at $4.85, $5.85, S6.85, $7.85, etc!!
... . 1 nn tn CA.O() tier nair.
All ai savings ui st- .
Felt Slippers
on Sale.
$2.50 Slippers - - $1.95
2.C0 Slippers - - 1.65
1.50 Slippers - 1.19
Children's Shoes
on Sale.
Bring the Children
Have them Fitted.
Rubber Boots
on Sale.
$6.00 Boots, $4.95
$5.00 Boots, $3.95
$4.00 Boots, $2.95
SMASH Go Shoe Repair Prices. Bring in your work, see the difference.
Shoes that Satisfy and Fit Your Feet.
Cass Street, Roseburg, Oregon.
EJ "7" v.! il'l . It'l Z.TTBH
uiaSoso m:M t-ii.i..-i
Stubbs la also wri'.ing aut'.mobilo In
M. K. Church, South, Iter. J. C.
Jones, pastor. Sunday fcIiooi ai
9-45, W. L. Cobb. Sunt.; divine wor
ship at 11; Junior League at 2:30.
Mrs. Lahey, Supt.; K. league at
6:30. theme, "The I.iftht or tne
World for a Dark Continent." A
study of missions in Africa. Divine
worship at 7:30. Until sermons oj
the pastor. Official board meeting
on .Monday at 7::: P. " Prayer
meeting Wednesday at c.iu p. m.
You are Invited to worsnip nn u.
Ti.a vieut itfif.Mm ( litit'.li. T.nne
and Hose slreets. Kcv. J. II. Dickson.
oastor. Itible sehoi.l at n.'iu. n. y .
ilarliv will coniiui'l the school;
clasats for all. .MorniiiK worship at
II a. in., with preaching by the pas
tor, subject, "The I'ower of the Holy
Clhost. II. I. I I will mm '
6:30. All young p.opie are invited
in nltenrl I Ilia service. KVelllllK ser
vice will commence at 7:30. Subject
of the sermon will "The Light of
the World." Prayer meeting Wed
nesday at 7:30.. subject, "lhe i
WAXTKli Kl.-vulor vr, over IS yeaia. Ht Hotel fnu-i"'i.
WANT I".eiaed "clioeuhite dlp-n-r
lit once. Apply to tile Confectionery.
WANTKU y Nov. 15, 4 or 6 fur-
nislud ItKllt huusekeeplntf rooma.
Addrena W. (!.. care Newa-Kevlew!
WANTKU 7 or atanilnotli bronze
Itn-key hena fur atock.
Write Mia. W. T. Ilieppaid, Olalla.
WA.NTKIl ,illeIIIHIl fur UoK.-bulK and
vicinity. C'oiiiiiiImhU.ii culitru.-t only,
for Mpare time or full time. We will
tench you lo aell income protection
throuitr our free scbool of Instruc
tion and help you build a business of
your own. Massachusetts Hon.llnK
and Insurance Coinpsny, Accident
and llfaltb l.-partiiient, 6 Kllby
Street, R..atun, Muasachudetta. Capi
tal. Il.5uu.uus.
WANTKU To rent a piano. Mr. E. A.
Wilson, care Ncws-Kcview.
WANTFJD Turkeys, larife or small.
Hoyer UroB. i'hone 14-F14.
WANTKI Waitress, experienced or In
experienced. Apply at Cafeteria.
EXrKKlENVKI) stenographer
puaition. Address X, cur
Kxperlence.l waitress at one.
l:mpiua Hotel dluliig room.
WANTED Ily hluh school girl, place to
work after achool hours. Addreaa B.
B.. care News-Keview.
WANTKU Two good cows, alao team
and harness, h.. Whlaton, looklns;
(llasB. Phone 23-F4.
v,i nr. cof.linllv Invited to a card
party at the Maccabeo hall Thursday
oviilng, Nov. 4. Come and have a
zond lime. Ref ri'shimnts served.
Cards 25 cents.
Am now hooking orders for day-
old chicks for 1921 delivery from
high producing Tancred strain White
Leghorn and O. A. C. liarrod Kocks,
:arl Vosburg, 702 Fullerton St
Donald Casper Parker
Pupil of
of Portland.
Announces that he will return to
this city about November 15th and
will start classes in violin instruc
tion. Studio arrangements will be
announced later.
Chevolet Cars 25.00 and (38.00
Ii.ilck Cars. . .30.00 and ,45.00
For Other Cars
Pi Ices on Application.
Agency llnlck and Chevrolet
441 N. Jacks. St. Boseborg.
Dr. R. P.
and Wife.
Graduates and post-graduates
of the Oldest Charter
ed College of Chiropractic
n the world
have re-opened offices In the
Perkins Uldg.
We use n drugs nor elec
triclty. nothing but straight
Chiropractic, and have been
succesul for the past ten
years In handling almost every
disease known to the human
family. Offt-e hours ( to 12;
and t to 5 p. m.
Residence 40-F4
Office B1
You Can Iiuy Cheaper
Tailored to Measure
Clothes Than Ours
You Cannot Duy Belter.
Our PriceB Aru Bused
On Quality
In Doth
Material and Workmanship.
Added To This Is A
Reasonable Profit.
All Wo Ask You To Pay
For The Best Tailoring
Is A Fair Price.
You Cannot Afford
To Pay Less
You Should Not
Pay More.
WANTKU I-ady cook for hotel In a
small town near Hoseburg. Good pro
position to permanent party. Call at
1 1 1 u Prospect St.
W A N T K I Anyone having extra fancy
apples In cur lots for sale, get in
touch with K. Schmidt, ilrockway,
W A N'T K 1 Wish to hear from party
that owns a registered pure or grade
TngKenburg buck. O. H. Watzlg.
Myrtle Creek. Oregon.
WANTKU Til KXt'llANUK Mammuth
Uronze Turkeys for white turkeys
ond stock. Mrs. K. K. Cugle, Dlxon
vllle. I'hune 1F12.
I Yv AN'i'KU Cood young horse fur farm
work, broke or unbroke, weighing
aUimt liuo. Phone itoyer liroa.,
Ulllard. tiregon.
"V.V."" r 7 room. ..... .
r'none Jl-A
I'llie Si
Aonl. ...
I. I'U k them youraalf ? ,". " i
Dixonvllle. ' """' ma
AI'PI,KS Ortle
hand pit ked
van mai ii. . .TrT
your box., or .,ki TTJ!""
4 bon, e mil,, ,ou,h -.7.,? "m.,
CWH t.l 1IKNTT..
aa new. .He l2sl4 ,M ua.
-- --v. y." .. 1 91 acraa 1
o. 01 itiuu e, 75 bitu ini.r.
..Viola Mynau. Hldil." '
FOB SALK-V etcir.Vea-f 'uTr,
Knit w. 1 i,- t.rm 7 : -a-1-
12.00 each. Tancred
lSHorn rooiST
aeated .tack. Pl.un, J2i.7(t., S
Just repainted and la od iSSf
cat condition.
FOK SALE orcuuii Improve nnV.
berry p ant,, Urt, tnJ w ,
mechanical conditlun. P,rt cub, uj
2S-K4. """L
WANTKU One accoud hand Oold Med
al foldltiK canvus sleepliiK cot; also
one second hand tent, 16x20, with 3
ft. side wails. Must be cheap fur
cash. No Junk wsnted. Address J.
II. Castle, Ho.eburu, Oregon, Ht. 1,
Hex !''.
Try Our Way -Our
Auto Will Call.
Phone 377.
FtK n&ST Kafety deposit boxes.
Hottii ijc National Bank.
KOU UKNT Lartfe front room, fur-iiiKli.-d.
hath, tu: 211 W. aitshor.
KtJH KKNT Two furnishvd looms,
with privilege of bath. 444 North
Uohv, I'tiono 8S-Y.
TO ItKXT ON SllAUKM 263 hentl of
ah.-'p to runt on uhures. 8x months
growth of wool. Cull G. H. Spence,
fJ7 Mill Stret.
VOTri 74 X I
IU'milltjin Cmididate
Just ant. acrutute surveys. Dooater
for market and lateral roads. Vour
vote will be appreciated.
(Paid Adv.).
t'OH It KNT Furnished Housekeeping
apartments and sleeplns; rooma.
Itnseburg Apartments, Ataln and
JJouglas.. hunCS;
TO I-KASK Countiy store
stnckei. uti'ler-ground Kaa well, live
ruiui buiifculow furnished, garden
and barn. Ufautffui location on
highway. Address 135 So. Stephens
St . lioin-hiirK'. re.
AI TO I' A I NTI N"; First -clans work.
Aiitf-s revarnldhed. Se us about your
ni.uhlne. Liberty Auto tiah-s Co.,
Hi7 N. Jac kson Wt. I'hone 3ul.
ilONKV TO LOAv au-year rural
credit farm loans, low Interest rate.
$J0,(i00 local money to loan on Kood
rem estate, f irst mortgage, see JA.
r. nice, or Kice & nice.
proved, soutli wt'st Mliwurl. Conner
.-New uregon UrawWrrt
plantx. ,5c loo. or KaQ lm dln'
ert, din lioseburg. J. 8. Botrdmu
I-OH (JUICK ALU Nice 8-ioom
near pavement. Beautiful vlw ciii
and valley, line garden Hod, Mo
mi, at ifus man coil II lUtDM
K. AW., News-Keview.
1K1S model: lilh Maia-.n ,s mi
Oakland 6. S-e thi-se med ctn it
Liberty Auto Salrs Co., No. Jickwi
UH bALl Acrt-aKe in 10 to tO-lcri
lots; good in.ll; 3 miles from Slither
lin; price p?r ai re; termi can t
arranged. (.. a. Kitirk, Sutheriin, ur.
FOR KALG yearling KsraboaUltl
rams that will shear t U 1(4.
fine white wool. Will tell ont t
carload. Prices right F. W. Btlii
Aahland, Oregon.
FOlt SALK 1318" Ford louring at ;ti
starter. Snappiest buv In KMeturf.
Two-passeiiKt-r ltutiln Egg Blu ihti
Is not a Frd. Call and $ it
Ixk kwuod Motor Co.
FOH SALK Sectnul-liand csri, I Dtt
llros. tourtiia, 1 Itulck tourlnt. 1 iVri
roadster. Ail In flratclm conditio
and will be sold at bargalDi. J. a
For County Commissioner
66 X
the feed problem by joining the
..MiKias County Poultry Association
and buy feed co-operatively. Kor
lull particulars apply to V. K. Chase,
Sfiy.-Treas. Phone 8-F11. Itoseburg.
ill. 2.
POfSD Crank for Tiuto. ixiaka like
ror.i. Appir at ttiia office.
Oakland, Oregon
For and with the producers of the
country. Lowest posslhlo tax with
consistent progression. All road dia
:ricts to have their just amounts and
in proper time to improve their
roads, and in accordance with the de
sires of the people interested. A fair
price for labor, with fair results.
VOTE 65 f X
Democratic Candidate
For County Comissioner
For County Clerk
1ST Crorheled baby hnjrery robe, on
Mill or Fullerton. Finder leave at
L'T Thursday on road between
l h s Creek nnd Koseburg, Umpqua
Valley check book containing papers
with name D. I). Mathews. Return
io 1 1 . iM.-rton (iaraire.
Olt.U'KS For grape Juice at Overland
FOU SALK Baled oat hay. IL L. KUK
S miles west.
Harley-Oavldsun mo-
726 w. Moier St.
I t Ml SALK 5 horsepower Falrbanks-
J',rse Kas 'ngine. Cheap. See Pat.
FOK SALK Uye grass seed, one ton Ol
lcs. Hoyer Bros., phone 14-F14.
FOK SALK 1 00 cords first class fir
wood. f4 on ground. Und bloom, Dix
on ville.
FOlt SALK Heady to lav li. P. Rock
pullets. $i.5o. Curtis Calkins. Phone
even In gs.
-Wade drag saw. good a
e reasonable. Hotel Hood.
E. H. LENOX for re
election which will be
a Kuarantee for efficient service
is a public official as in the past.
Your vote will be
aiJ K. H. I.EXOX
n.-w. Prl.
r'tllt SAI.K drag and but
combined; al.o good organ. Inquire
l;i4 llArtrd t.
WlNtiKAI.I, AITUKTS5c per aack. pick
t;.em yourHlf; bring your own aacka
f"t Sinclair.
For County Clerk
No.j:x j IKA B. RIDDLE,
Thoroughly familiar with tbe de
tail work gf the otUce.
'fit ALH X to in cowa, choice
inllrhera. M. 8. Thouiaa, Buck Fork
" p. r Mho. Addreaa J. C. Heiaer.
Wilt.ur, Ore.
AXIIOKA m-i'KS for sale, alao twenty I
u,., reKiaiere.1 atock. J. 1. unap Wilbur. Oregon
Ktvlt SAI.K room nouae In Mlllei
Addition, eaay terms. Inquire 1J 8
Main St.
FOR SALK Two j-arllng calra, cul
tivator, ft-...! jtiinatrr, t-orn iheiLr,
aulki'y, allrrliiir plow. 2 InrubAlori
1 brooder. K. J. HolTataedt, Duel-villi-.
I'hone 3I-F3. .
FOlt SAI.K anu-a.-re farm near Toncii
la: 80 a.-rea rultlvatl; balance opa
and aome ilmlx r. Fair hvUK. r4
barn and outl-utMlnira. Price
Half aah, l.alan.. time. C A. l
Sutlierlln. Orvlfon.
Kolt SAI.K 2-are orcliard; I rwa
liouae, l.arn and rl.l. ken houece t
fioo chlckt-na; I mile from
on paved road. A bargain at IHrl.
Half cash, balance terma. C A. Surt,
Suthcrlln. Oi-.-Kon.
Full SAI.K 5-year-old horee. neP
O. aprinir wak'n. harnesa. faddle: r.
o. one-hori- due: Jubn Deere culti
vator: one section harrow. 12" '
the outfit. Alao aome pedigreed w
Zealand Reda. J. A. Dura, eatw
lin. Orepon.
FOH SALK 1I7 F..rd roaditer, i;l
mechanical condition. ii
coupe. Just (ompletelr ",rM"3
atarter. larne ateerlng wheel. r
tlrea. 19IS Ford block, i P.
trananilaalon cover. U U Kw
KordGa rage. -
FfltNISHKl. ()TTAOB FOR -"-''f":
A HKAI. SNAP Sl roema. t "J
furnished bed rom. """'..'""S
dining room and kitchen, bat! JM
toilet, hot and cold water god"
ol.en range: li.clu.lea
dlahea. In fact everything comp.e
Rig p-ar.len. fruit treea and j"
big barn: has-m-nt fnr JP
.-ft00.t.: term. f..i.0 r",,,;i?;t
raav lerma. See thia now. Ureo"-
I'oriion ro . 1 : raaajtrajei.
,i, ,11.- I HIICI
ihaoe. new era ore. u.. -
be Seen at t'mp.iua Auto n
for H. C. Tavlor. j.Hem. fMl
1 4-cllnder Hinck. A-l conditloa- re
tires, a .arKaln. M
I Ford truck, good tlrea. not
drive, --rth
touring car, po
II ior e.v-
good cono.i'
callv new.
Two bug?, in
... an offer
Winchester St.
Foil SALK-JIuat aacriflce t paaa.
touring car, A-i condition. Make me
an offer. Phone 37S-Y.
i-Ort SALF: 1 aprayer. t orchard plow
1 12-ln plow, l i-tt. hay rake. C
II. Wortev. Win. ton.
It'll SAl.Ku acre orchard, fair
bulldlnga. For terma write Mrs. tl.
SI. l.avia, Itoseburg. Oregon, tilai
It F It li VPLANTbregon and Trebla
atrawberrlea. raapberrieui, stc. We
can (ill nus'itity orders. Pesrcy
Uivs. tialeia.
to 4 month., old. 'l"'"OTrt (rel
to WD Iba Theae are from P
fheater Whit- aow. and we
erly atarted are re. ,.r H
and lice and 1 '","("r
economically I'rl 'mre
I2U, cent. I". I?n ,tr"dd.a.r-
price of wor n-eaten, lice rio ,
acruh feeder. Alo . . unr.i:
Buckling pig"
i, Ira. II" fl
Ore., on l.'Krj
VmiMv i listed. bl PruM..rl.
year-old vr ' "l JgZ
,1, 3V ' 1 .' w ;
' i..treS w" -
ti-i.ft wort
rreek and Inn 1
Knsebtirs:. on
appl. ram,
pianteu i
ed; new $3 ("'
parttrulars wnie -113.
Mftl Crii. or