-rt ENTERTAINED. f Curr lt nlgbt ow ? Jr:,.r. of ih. Loyal Clr- uul" ,n. Christian Sunday "Tw party was held at tta gcliooi- f WBlcu was decor 0B .7,,.. Hlloe'en stylu. ,ti " were p'yed until 'hLr when afresh Ms were 'r,d' o ' i. the tl" to luy your pot ". LL several different ford Oarage. n in': qui avian mm Mtunn wrwmjumgw minty, octoheh , now. Safe Milk For Infanta & Invalids NO COOKING ' n, "Food - Drink" for All Age, (vcck Lunch St Home, Office, ami jgSains. AAfotHORUClCS. tg-Anid Imitation Sulttitnt PAGH FTV APPLES WANTED! Spitzenberg and Newtown Canning - Apples Wanted. A. Rupert Co., Inc. PHONE 310 Roseburg, Oregon Capitalandlndustry-KeepOut! WOU.I) V"l AS A PATKIOTIC CITIZEN OF OKrXiOX, PLACE SITU A SUi.V ON THE IIOHDKHS ' OF THK STATE? Tli at Is exactly wbat you will help to do If you do nothing to prevent the passage of measure No. 3H and 315 on the November ballot entitled, "Constitutional Amendment Fixing Legul Rate of Interest In Oregon." This measure proposes to limit the rate of Interest In Oregon to 6 per cent. You can, by law, fix the rate of Interest In Oregon, but you cannot, by law, force the loaning of money In this state, when a much higher rate can ie secured elsewhere. The passage of this measure would force the withdrawal of the millions of foreign capital which Is today loaned on factories, business and real estate and send your local money owners outside of theAtate to belter Investments. Passage of this measure would mean foreclosure of thousands of mortgages: would result In financial paralysis, and would mean widespread unemployment. You. no doubt understand the vlciousness of this measure, but have you talked to your neighbors and friends about tt? We urge you to do everything you can to defeat this measure. Oregon's re putation as a sound state for Investment requires that this measure be overwhelmingly defeated. VOTE 315 X NO. (Paid Adv.). A.VI VIMiB YOl'K FIUEXIKJ TO IX) LIKEWISE. FREE SCHOLARSHIP WITH : PROGRESSIVE SERIES PIANO COURSES. You want the utmost possible for every dollar you spend for your child'smuslcal education. You Kill get It In the Progressive Series of Piano Lessons, because: l. lt teoihe the Principles of music cloariy and simply, and contains Uie Vital Facta with nil frills n ml extra omitted; therefore, tlie Pupil letuns to play correctly In a shorter time tlian is otherwise ommIIIo. 2.. The pupil leunm more from tho I'rottrew.lve Serie. .Ho is sltown how to play with Ex pmwion anil Keeling. .After he has studied the lrogre9Mlve Series lie know how to produce music thai in enjoyable. . People like the playing of I'rogTwwlve Series pupils. The money you spend on the Progressive Series of Piano Lessons will, therefore, give you the liis.-isi returns. With It your child .Teams faster, and learns more. You will be surprised to know that the cost is no greater than that of any other material necessary for the pupil to make the &ame advancement. A number of the leading Musical and Educational Institutions of the country now accept our Onifieaies as to work accomplished by our pupils and on entrance Into their schools place the pupils in the succeeding grade without examination. All pupils who enroll In the High School Normal Course are entitled, upon completion of the course, to a Scholarship fr a Personal .Nnniuil Course of Instruction in any Conservatory or Uni versity, upon the Art Publication Society's list of those authorized to give same. WHAT THE PlKXiHESSlVK SERIES IS. The Progressive Series of Piano Lessons is a complete text work for piano study, arranged In f-ordance with approved teaching principles. The Series consists of printed Lessons and Exercises. Studies and Compositions, with Instruct ive annotations. The Lessons treat the twenty-two subjects embraced in the theory of music, in connection i!h the principles of piano playing, as Is done In a thorough conservatory course. The Exercises, invented by master pianists, produce the greatest proficiency In technic wltn the 1-ast amount of practice. . , t, The Studies are selected from the best in existence and develop the greatest amount or skill in Interpretation. They are thoroughly annotated so that the student has instruction on how to acalyae and practice, ever before him. , , - The Compositions represent eighty-five standard composers and Include the finest examples or cla.Mc. romantic and modern schools, and a series of Educational Adaptations for the piano in easy srades by (iodowsky. These Adaptations afford an opportunity for the piano student, at the earliest "use of his development, to become acquainted with the best orchestral and chamber music, tne favorite 8nK8 and operas, q,, Dobeat sacred music, and characteristic dance and folk tunes or d'fterent nations. There is thus open to him at this early period a vast field of knowledge, which heretofore been accessible only to the advanced musiclsn of broadest culture and experience. , The Compositions also have the following educational information: Hlographical sketch of the (om;oser: Poetic Idea; Form and Structure; Harmonic Analysis; Instruction on how to study, Ulossary and lieneral Information. As these annotations are written by the foremost living authorities, their value to the student " inestimable. WHAT THE PIltxatEHSIVE SEItlES DOES It saves time and expense. ' I. I I ' ' ' It saves the drudgery of unintelligent practice. saves endless repetition of oral Instruction. Jt develops the Intellect. . It aids In memorizing, 't perfects technic. !'. insures correct interpretation. , , , . . .. ' elves the student the proper understanding of the laws of music, their relation to each other, r.'J their practical application. , . : It enable, ,he teacher to impart more knowledge In a given time, and the pupil t. receive more. All education In the public schools Is based on text books. The Progressive Series Is a text ' 'fatioi, in music It enables the school authorities and parents to always know the exact land,,,,. of the Btudcntt " is the only text work that enables the private piano teacher, high school, conservatory and "imirsity to work In perfect harmony with each other. ,.. It ha, i,ee adopted by several thousand private teachers and conservator es (man y ol them t n,,,,ai. anrt ,omp of ,nternationa reputation), and It Is recognized for credits by a number of -leading high schools, colleges and universities throughout the country ly teachers who have passed the required examinations are permitted to teach It. The stu "t rnerefore assured efficient Insruction. A number of prominent conservatories honor cer-'i'-ate, ,,y progressive Series teachers. Students presenting these certificates are allowed credit for work done, without examination. W YOI R TEACHER A PROGRESSIVE BERIEH TEACHER? ART PUBLICATION SOCIETY E. KOTHBi Pacific Northwest Representative, Vmpqua Hotel. KLKTON NEWS NOTES Arnold I'neever purcftated a new overland Car recently. The young son of It r. C. M Young U recovering from the scarlellua. Yesterday Miss Smith, the county nurse held a meeting at the church. .Several high school girls attended, I also quite a few ladies from around I the town. These meetings held every uesnar ny Alia smith, should b attended by every woman witblu the I reach of KIkton. Maud Gorsellne will leave for Portland soon where she will attend school. Mr. W. O. Clrubhe and daughter Alliens, as well as Mrs. Urubbe, have moved to All, any where they will make their future home. Mr. H. A. Taylor has purchased a Chevrolet car. A gentleman travelling through Elkton with a car which was almost new, but as the roads were so had, he decided to sell. He asked $400 but Mr. Taylor offered $150, and at last sooner than risk trying such roads again tBe man de cided to sell. Mr. Taylor is lo be congratulated on his good buy. f rauds .MacK and wife will res do on the Iarl Wells place now that tney nave moved from the Walter Haines ranch, where Mr. and Mrs. Carter will live. The robbery of the Scottsburg post office has caused quite a little excitement In this community. moo Lowe and Oram Wilde, res idents of Portland, are visiting at the borne of A. II Haines. Basket ball is the chief snort at the high school these days. Many farmers near Elkton can be seen plowing their fields this fine weather we are having. Mr. Shortrtoge oassed through here yesterday on his way to Look ing Glass where he has purchased a large farm. Mr. Franklin has moved his store building lo his lot between the post office and the blacksmith shop. We understand he will put in a stock of goods. This will add one more to the business firms of our little town. Paul Lcvenhagcr has finished the sawing of lumber on the Sawyer place and will soon begin to saw In KIkton. x X (LENDALE NEWS. Election day approaching, and as we scan the nmn.s-of our standard bearers and look very carefully over their opponents, wo approach the contest with that keen delight a war rior feels to meet foeman worthy of their steel. (A11 are men of dignity and intelligence, all loving and hon oring in loyalty our priceless, time honored flag. Let us carefully vote the principles that will safeguard Americanism and uphold the sacred ieneis of our constitution und per petuate the principles for which our forefathers fought, hied, ami died to bequeath to us. Each one of us have freedom to decide for 'ourselves as to choice. We shall take pleasure in writing in the nume of George M. Brown on our ballot, whom we know s well qualified to fill the high posi tion he is now holding by appoint ment. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and their children left on Tuesday for their home in California. Misrf Lillian Vaudervoort, after a visit at her home lit Yoncalla and at tending the liiHlitute at Itoseburg, Is again on jlu ty at Ihe Wilson school house. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Harvey re turned last week, from a visit al linker with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hurvy. A. G. Hamilton, of Ueuben, was a city visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Gooige Beedle have arrived at the home of Mrs. iieedlu's parents in Michigan. They will leave for their perni"iiHfit home In Chicago after Thanksgiving. He will assume the duties of his office December 1. The editor of the Glendu'e News says he is busy tills week. Well, so are we. llut next week we can read election returns and reflect on the uncertainty of political aspirations. Glendale is to have a city election, and Just how many tickets will be in the held we are not informed. It Is OlIt city. It Is prospering along all lines of Industry and trade, and we are ready to further its greater de velopment In every way possible. It is conceded to be the best town of Its size In soul hern Oregon. X. X. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mils. F. I. nwK Cut Flowers. Prion. 240. 403 W. Can. 1)11. M. II. I'tiy.lclan. n.ri.Kn Chiropractic til Vv. Lane St. Al.nKIIT M. Ml KY Optometrist. "Thf Kv My Sp. Kliy." 118 W. Cass Kl. rtoaeburg. Oregon. Itt'TII vi'lM'OX Piano. Theory. Musi cal Klnde,g,rl n. 1004 Welt i'ltst 8t. Phone Chevrolet Cars 125.00 and 138.00 Bulck Cars. . .130.00 and $45.00 For Other Cars Pikes on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Ilnlrk and Cfierrolet 441 N. Jackson He. Roerborg. Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY MUSICAL KINDERCARTEN. VOICE AND VIOLIN Physical Education, Including new feature of Indian Cluhe and Wand Drills. V'.'.'Sf'Jf 2. .S.?W LAl'NCIIED ON Ol lt HI MULE EFFORT. UEF1.MTELY ANI DETER. ...... a. wu.m HI tut A 4VSt lt.TIOlS RETURN TO NORMAL PRICE BY Ol R Lower Price Sale! WE DESIItE FOR A FEW DAYS TO MAKE AN AXNOVXCE.IIEXT ESPECIALLY TO THE Ladies and School Girls HESE ARE SPECIAL OFFERINGS! 40 Tricotine Dresses 40 Values from $35.00 to $60.00 For the next 'ew days we will have an unusual assortment of navy blue tricotine dresses Just the thing you have been wanting for winter wear, all of them different style, and some of them trimmed in yarn, others in beads, silk embroidery, I raids and combination designs. These are values from 3i to 0. They wore bought by our br.yer on a special trip to the city at a man ufacturer's concession, enabling us to sell them whllo they last for $27.50 Are we not right in saying we are bringing back normal times? SWEATERS For school flrls, teachers, and ladles wishing a sport Jacket of the very latest style. Just like the thousands that are now being worn in tho cities, we have exactly what you are wanting. In our latest shipment of Jersey sweater coats and Jackets. They are nifty, warm and reasonably priced. See our windows. NEW COATS We have Just received also several wide cape collared coats In richest velour, silk lined through out, which by our manufacturer's concession, we can offer for $38.00 WHITE AND COLORED OUTINGS This is one of our latest and best special offers. We are prepared to sell you any quantity of outing flannel, in either the plain while or colored, some In remnants, others by the bolt or by tho yard, for the marveloualy low price of 25c PER YARD We will positively sell you any quantity. All Amoskoiig outings. THE STOIIE THAT IS MAKIXO P RICES LOWER Prompt DalWr Jol)!)! fl w" A Boon to Business j A. S. HUEY, locAt wipmsmisTivE . ! th. ftruwing (WllMiMj fut UM popular kjk-Iiim. m J. HM - J 1117 DiieeirieiaiYvorKv OF ALL KINDS J. II. SINNIGER 119 OAK ftTREET PHONE 428 j Practicing I Dentist. S Graduate Pennsylvania K i College Dental Surgery f t 20 years extensive ex- ELLISON-WHITE LYCEUM COURSE Begins With Lieurance's Little Symphony Is noted All-String combination High School Auditorium Wednesday Evening, Nov. 3rd HeutN on ale nt ('liapman's lrug atore liegiimlug Friday. Smimiii Tickets A, lull, 2.1,i): Children I.HO "a penence. Hiincient, ue- g i- ui r -t,i r: 8 less Extraction, Call ior j free consultation. j 4 Rooms 8-9, Masonic Bldg. p E LOOK AHEAD! Can you ever get back the money you are paving for rent? Turn this expense into an In vestment by building a home and you will have something of value, be free from rent wor ries, and have a HEAL home. There Is no time like the pres et! to prepare for the future, s-e III II. HI II M. W. Itl lU.ll today for estimates, plans and Information. Residence 1133 Harvard Ave., or call at the new bungalow, Cass and Cha 1 wlck streets. Ill Il.DEH M. W. BERGII. MAXOTIRES They will Milve ninny of your lire ti-miMi'. Tin-)- are not a new lire, hill n In i ply a rvlnfnri rim-nt of tlw tin you arts iisfn. Vrnvt .rally dim InnlliiK hhmmilH, puiMturif, nnil tiro mml trotitilt-Ht. Citn lo umimI over and over, (Iim'IhIIiik on tho ram they ra ni ve. full for litem! urc eiliiiiiliiff am! leM-ril'fnfc at Churchill Hardware Company i i 5 2 CLEAN-UP SALE! Price Cut on Odd Sizes. 4 30x3 AJax non-skid rasing.... 1 32x314 AJax non-skid casing ... 1 31x4 AJax non-skid casing 1 32x4 AJax non-skid casing 2 30x3 Kelly-Springfield casing . 1 30x3 Goodyear smooth casing. ..0 121.00 2S.B0 29.00 30.04 25.00 18.50 I m! TuIms at Hnricntii lrieen. ford C.A.Lockwood Motor Co. Fordson