Tine Announcing a Special Exhibition and Sale of Highest Grade Furs ONE DAY ONLY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 18th Wo have bten fortutmte in binii aijta t ruitke atraiit'ritenu with one of tlie Lk-nI known l'ir Mnmiftu'l j.v.h in an FuM'Tii city fit thii to in for a Six)i.I;U One lni,'u lAlub.'H i . ud (-wife i7B,UOO.f'0 ivortli i 1" Hie bi't.1 style I i'.H, ChIiu Ha tf., (r. fi.i AJu.i. 'Jhrtc fur i.llt lie 'f-ft-ictj to yuu nl hIm.uI 25 jT C iii U lima i.e riutur 'iie. We are cr.n3.lent that this will in tin: mc.it Important fur tvent hold In Kottt-burK tor runny season:!, 'ih.ro is really an li:u;ieno clock that wo have lo ottVr for your h1 .U n. Alo.;5 with (tie Fpociuily con JKficd stock wt will add onruwn Mf h-f;ratje as-wi t'n-ut, thu.i giv ing yon p. rhotre of an unusually rc it nuMfccr of popular ttyle gr imnM from which to choose ui p :rra that you can a fiord to f.ay. ltyrun K l'!VHltr, m wll-Known fur expr;, will bo in charge i f tho exlnl.itlon rvitdy to talk to our cu .toiMia irgariliug the atylt chain s ur.d to explain to them the nu r.te of the i)ltjer-iit zkins uneu in the production of the finished Bar:n;ita. Tho nnsortrnnt will include COA 13, COATIJES, CAPES, NOVEI-TY SCAKF3 AND BODY HC'AUFS. COATS murio of Hudson s.-ul, trlmrnvd In "n.-rlcn, skunk, braver, fitch, tfjnir rel, raccoon, AuHtiallun opouBuni an-- plain. W'n will have a largo line ef AUSTRALIAN seal, J-'rwirri aeil, Japanese mink, Kinthiun wolf a id coney coam. plain and trli.imei. ill of which have fcyou designed to meet tho uiont exacting cm-tuiiei'd requirements. COATHES will be shown in squirrel, I iole, Jap mlr.k and'lludaon seal. CAPES re fining In demarid anil v.-! ! I b mole, Hudson seal and other lur - ihown in n'Ink, Jap mink, iquirrcl. (lira. ' BODY SCAIIFS will be the rlr.-iif'e:,t In f ixia a. J .-, will thow them in battleship gray, (!ovo, giinmotnl, Lnretta. M lurlee, lib.iiy blue. kc,ikii, ta..pe, buuni, marten, block, Jap crom, -i d f.is , lynx, Canadian wolf, rac coon, skunk, Russian wolf and o her varieties. ELLOWS STQRE imiiummmmaatmmmmamamiu mm - , HER S JC& t DAUGHTER ymlp "Ann. Ann." clteU Kenneh, f3" 1 iVH'r; p-r-g-2 -.H ov. r to ' h-ujc and cou.e buck In J MfS'i-i?; k5; ill! a llitlt- whllf?" SJZZ rJJStSL.-.l-.-.v i,kn;SaC I . -Ann, UI you u. "' " All Fin In This Stock Will Sell mMmM M t 8 Reaction of WMWRWf ?! ' si SiSiC U1MIOWK SINUAV A Nil MONDAY Ml WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS County Bill Allowed Douglas County Light! and Water Co. coo 17.00, f JUST UNLOADED A Carload of American '-KMnmswanu FENCE run snve yuu b imp nionry on f.-iuc while IIiIk lot btala. J. F. BARKER & CO., 2. I,. Smith labor, l)lt. No. 11 : 40.00 Daxtor Mooio hibur, lJUt. No. 11 12.00 frank fiunn lubor, Llist. No. 1 1 1 1 1 vha Wilson lubor, Hist. No. 1 1 A'. K. Itli hunls labor Dlst No. 22 Mtfiiry Moran labor, Dlst. No. P. 1'pterHOli labor, hist. No. 22 40.00 RiiKmt Arthur lubor. Hist. No. 22 17.00 Harild Moyers lubor. Dist. No. 22 34.00 Willis Ixive labor, Dlst. No. 2 2 17.00 C'bi-stor Mlllor labor, Dlst. No. 22 26.00 Ernest Allen labor, Dlst. No. 22 5.00 3. O. Millard labor, Dlst. No. 24 12.00 Harry RlRsby labor, Dlst. No. 24 45. 63 John Gi'veax labor. Dist. No. 24 6.00 M. H. I'avn,. labor, Dist. No. 2.1 4.60 Toe Orlteheloiv, labor Dist. n 9T. 4 no f ' r'- - 1 t e('ion'l"aVor,'pist. ' v-. 4.00 Frank Woodward labor, Dist. No. "; , 8. OH Frnnk rriiiKle l.-tlinr. Dist. No. :-, 4 00 Kd Mrt'racken labor, Dist N.i. 25 Hans Weaver lnbor, -Myrile- creek Ilk Kk 84.00 O. K. Ftoje labor, Mvrfle creel; Pk Fk 62.00 Orover Copeland labor. Mvrtie Cretk. Ilk Fk 31 00 Keith Jamea labor, Mvitle Creek lik Fk 2H.00 14 00iom Chlpinin labor. Myrtle Creek Hk Fk 10.00 n. R. Jones labor Mvrtie Creek Ilk Fk 80 00 GO 00 V" Venver lnbor. Myrtle ' I Creek Pk Fk 68.00 C. R. Jntnes 1-hor. Mvrtlo Cr.'ck rik Fk r.2.00 'Ann I1.1v' !u:a tea Willi uii Hal.iiy. , , , 1 I 11. w It w.. I ! b unprniefnl to r fine, an.! I end- s I i'id ui.l want lo have my last visit vlih iny mot In;; until th hoiiss v aB s'ill and I wa--:.e I :-l:'.lly liOi)!- 1 auJ rol lowej t!,e il djv.n lo :he tat". All alo'iiT tho Utile slinit s'.reet from our rottare i'P ''-IS ilou-i' knew that I vas ih cf-c; or en iniia e,ef. When I i-'-iielnd the Saltn .f ibe bi; h .w-o ani tuvn -.l o I i-k back at foineililrg Kenneth had re-i;arl:-l about. 1 law Mrs. Ce noi bun'eily ri :i.iiiEicro:s th" !an ur ;n r lio .e 011 tlie liiher 6 de of the . !!. Kunneib," she cull' d, "I did ni.t know yon were Ik re. Did Crace Ben J rue any r:ies--atre. A slight frown crossed Mr. Hal si y'i face, and it i emrd to me tbnt thire was a Utile reluctance in Ken neth's at'P as he went across the treet. Mr. I'nb'ev and I wint Into the h'lHP.o and in a f'W minutes Ken neth followed wlih Mia. Cameron. ' had to c.'jiiio, i.;y child." she said, flonplnrc over nie, "10 tell yo:t how tnrry I am hecnii-e of yeur mother's d. a'h. Although I l ave nol seen much or her in late years, yet Or; ce has had much to say about her. And Kenneth has always tpoken of her ns one of his own family." Mr. Halsey was almost discourte ous to Mrs. Cnraeron, lint she did not seem to notice It. She sealed her self and. looking up wiih her usual hon.-yed smile, said: "Kemie'h tells ae that in y sweet child is looking very well. You can understand what it means to nie to hear of her from one who has seen her so recenMy. 1 have never gotten used to beinrj without her, and, my dear Ann. it has been one of my compensations to '".new that she pes been at school Safe Milk For Mints ft Invalid NO COOK1NO Th "Food- Drink" for All Agea, Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and Fountain!. Auk (at HORUCKS. tmT-kim& ImitatioDS 4 Substitutes 0 1 " prsnDeiivery r.t-.iB .ip n. '" "'nil and ail . : " Teea. Hut-r bwk It.H II- L. EIJ.l - nireo .nile,t 0( C1TV NEWS 0 LMI'liH.MIiNTM ItOSKMI'IKi, C.ltl.liON AIHI.MIIU11.LH TKACTOISS AueiitH for Olher rhius nml Implement. e labor, lllst. 4.00 96.00 Exclusive advantages OF THE 1 i 1 ; 1 . 1 1 W 1.. 111 111 ' V 11 1 !., V' mlifflii ft, , 11 1;1:' vi 'i iitH.Vl)V! m close 1 itV m V' r-N I I if I DE LAVAL MILKER Uiid-r Pulsator, to cow's utliier insur unilorm, jnappy action teat cujis. Pulsation speed cannot be adjusted o; tamjicred with always uniform and pleasing to the. cows. No pulsator sprir.-s, washers or regulating screws pul sator has only one moving part Alternating action at fix-jd rpeed the two front anj the two rear teats milked alternately and iiinloiuily. Fulso-Pumr) e'pccinlly designed rotary m c!'!r,e pro dding the vacuum and the mechanical control if UJJe-r Pulsators. Sclf-adju;ting teat-cups fit Loth 1-irgJ and small teats. The De Laval is the fattest method of milking cows successfully. The name De Laval is ample guaiantee of satisfaction. DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY STEARNS & CHEOWETII, Yuncalla, Oifc. V S6 00 S4.00 48.00 24.00 Ov -i Atterbury. N" 37 J.'I'.Kp pe rlv labor, Dist. No. 37 1l Matthews lubor, Dist. N- 37 I V ('. Davis labor. Dist. I N... 37 11. F. Flkenheimer labor Dirt V.. 37 V Ciunter labor, Dist. V.v 46 William Powell labor. Dist. ! No. 46 40.00 ,P;nil Hunter labor, Dist. V.. 46 26.00 rhe er Krewson labor, Dlt. V'i. 46 1 4.00 Ctmree Wooley labor. Dist. I No. 411 136.00 .Coerce Wooley 1 ' .. rilst. 1 Vnrket IUhii! - !' l.l 1111 mil. . !. Weatherlv labor. Iiral.i I Flkton .. 42.7" I liov Heekat'iorne. l l;i -, liri-in 1 Klkton 'li.eo P. T. Moo e la' nr. 1 alll F'kttw s.OO :h-ir Ma k. labor. l"aln Kikton 'lion Wntt HaMies. la' or. lii-t. F'kloi -II 00 Pe'- Cruii'ie. hoi. Driln I Klkion 'i ! 2 II ft. . Miiore, lii'uir. 'Jrain l:;kti!i 12 llnv Wells labor. Ills. !"'.to 1 1 IS.0i lD-i'-is W. Ms lat er. Drain 1 l.ikioi MM l;ov Itm.hes labor, llrain Flk'om i'-3 II. R. T.avlor labor. Dri ll ;:ikion 34.oo vlovd Nevlns. I.it ur. Drai.i Flkton S in T'tlton Deiu'ere-I labor. Di ll Klkton !0 oe Olive- Maine. la'or. Drai i l: r tes labor. Draln- in -5 1 I'enlev labor Draltl- f' en i'ti"-in ll-itiipton labor. 1 I''--' n I, s.-.,t- n -,Nr. Draln- Fl' y-n ln-- pi Flkton T. I. Prewer Nbor. Mvrtl CiMk bk K 1-12 po labor. Dra!n- 1 02 00 71.00 90.26 Fra"k Case labor, Mvitle creek u" ,! "u" , , jlk Fk 20.00 ' in ; ou an'' Kenne'h sime of her n. H. Dennb-f labor Mvrtie ",llu,"" Cre k Hk Fk 30.00 But, Mrs Catnoron." 1 could nol J. M. Prtt lMvor, Myrtle I " ip mi hik. .raee ami 1 nave not Creek Ilk Fk ' 28.00 neen puriicuiar irn'iuis since we nave W. If. Rose, labor. Dixonvllle- I " "n "cnooi. one 111 v.-r lias seeiueu p0(l 90.00 i care lor nie, nnu laieiy we nave Nobin Ri.se. ' labori' niionvilie- I grown more apart. I have always p(1pj 6ft. 00 ben a sludent and Grace haa been F R Latie' labor Dix.- much in the society of the school." Peel'...' ' 132.00 "Don't say that, my child. -Grace Fred Caeiiellti labor, Dix.- nos always spoken of you to me Willi P,.,l 44.00 'be greatest affection. Of course, 1 I. J P111 roughs, labor. Dix.- suppose as children grow into young p, o 16.00 ladyhood, their different walks of C. W. Curt is. labor, Dix.- life Iwcomo more apparent. Grace Peel '. . . '. ' 20.00 has ulw-ays known that a social life r A Cook, ialior, Dix.- '"s w,,l'i 1 I"1'' designed for her. " pr(,j ' ' 2 00 wjiile you ' she stopped suggestive- . S Jenkins, labor'. Eden'.-' ly. but I would not help her out. Him 172 00 s,le colored and drew her breath F. H. TleiigpetW. 'lnlior,' Kd'en!- sharply, and seemed so uncouifort- lll, 155 00 "l"e "lat i,r- Halsey Interposed. T,. Dedrt'epeth. labor; Eiien'.- ' " . ,"Ann' J"st what hurt your mother ffH 10 00 '"'ended for you to be?" Fdwln M. Gruiibe," labor.' ' ' ,'1'1 d.?. ""J k""w " 1 -""wered hon- VI k -Reeds 3160 '" 111 fat. I do not think my n,,!e Gnibhe.'labor'. F.ik';"' mother knew She was having me Reedsport 28 00 el,,oa,l'1 ,n the way that the ordln- -.eoree Fllintt', labor,' Kl'k'.-" I ary '"""'f ,wonlan ,,s "lcted and Reedsport 32.00 I "''cause that seemed to be the right iuimk. inn in, v., vtiiiit- 1 am lairiy 56 00 cultured and, perhaps, have more jthan average Intelligence, I have '.1; jo "Peclalized in nothing. I do not know what I will do what I can do." 64.00 "Isn't it too bad. my diar," said jMrs. Cameron, "that you are not as 48 00 P'ipular Willi men as Graee. I have I always told my daughter thai if she mnKes a suitable marrii'ce. I will consider that anything 1 have ev-r done for her education has not beer jiii vain, as sue mm this she looked 6 00 ualsey rather meaningly, but 1 1 could see from his blank face that tie nann t tlie slightest Idea that there was any engagement hetu-....n Grac- and Kenneth. "I hope that Ann will not feel that it is necessary for her to marrv." h said abruptly, "for the mere sake of having someone to provide for her" "I could never do that. Mr. Hal sey." I said, "not with the example of my mother before me." Mrs. Cameron looked slii-hiu. rifled and she moved uneasily as though I hud introduced something that I should not Into the conversa tion. Mr. Halsey immediately inte poseo with: "Ann. your mother wa one of the finest women I have ever F.lk.- T. J Andrews, labor. Elk.- Veedsnorf TIarrv Iliirchard, labor, Reeilenort W. J. Rerehard. labor. Elk. Reedsport A. 1.. Rutler. labor. Elk.- Reedsnort -Stiltnnn Notage. labor, Flk.- Reedsnort Welter Fisher, labor. Elk.- Reedsport Tobn Swenrlngen. labor. Draln-l'lkton . .. Fred Pwearingen, labor, Dr;ln-K!kton Lew Rowe, labor. Prnln-,- Flkton Harrv Iledrlck. labor. Draln- Flkion Tvan Tlarker. labor, Drain- Flkton Chester S'vearlugen, labor, Drnin-Elktnn c. M. t.anenstcr, labor, Driln-Klkton Orv.il Swearingeii. labor. Drnin-Flkton R I.. Matthews, labor. Elk.- Plat M ' o Neves, labor. Elk.- Pb-t M Heprv Cooper, labor. Elk.- Plal M W .1. Thompson, labor. Klk.- Plat M lot-n l.nwson. labor. Elk.- PHt M n R. Cooper, labor. Elk.- Plat M V C. Powell, labor, Elk.- Plnt M 'i Pilmatier. labor. Elk.- Plat M .' T.. ' iid Powell, labor. Elk.- Plat M 11 R. Parks, labor, Yone.- Fikhead John Drew, labor, Yonc- Flkhend E. W. 1-tsom. labor. Yonc.-- Flkhead ChsrbT Parks, labor. Yonc- Flkheid Kd Wnrtx. labor. Yone- Fikhead E. .t. Odell, labor, Yone.- rikhead 24.00 12.00 15 152.00 If 88.00 . 140.00 64.66 , 48.00 I 76.00 24.00 162 00 , 60.00 4.00 3.00 4 2.00 H 76.00 32 00 45. 0i 119 00 unown. M,e gave 1111 a great love for principle ufid the onlv mistake thai he ever made. I think, was In o, giving you your father's name" "I think 1 must he going." mid " .Cameron abruptly. .. siiii ior a nintuent." said Mr llsey. "I ant you to he,.r hi 1 have to say. Ann, your father was wm1, ?""' 'ri'n'1' ,uul "av I 11 tell y hnw ,lKh , li)Twl ynur mot ner ami why she could f 'His. Ann. I want vou i' to live and to lv "?m ni. nr.iim to mm) h dauchter." Tnntrrnv CHILDRENS COLDS 60.66 IS. 00 Ihtn Ttrnally with V A po Hit Arund il, mam toner. pnon IS9L. Don't forget tli cow aale at Diioo-.'lllv.- ociobir 20. Social Dance at Winchester Satur Juy night, Oct. lti. Insure against loss equip your raclora su Ibev won't ael fire. Don't forget the cow Bale at Dlxon illu Ociober 20. Ftreh ueaiio lives, property am! ind. lie careful wlih fire. Don't forse; th? cjw sale at Dixon . illo October 20. Hunting poslilvily prohibited on lie luads of the Curry Instate. Social Dance at Winchester Satur lay night. Oct. 16. If you want to seii your property ;ee J. A. Walker. 105 Cuss Si. Pllou-11. For flrsl-cla.'S cleaning, pressing ind ivpnirii g Lloyd's Lltainnp iVoiks, 125 Sluridnu street. The Woodstock is preferred by ihest- who knew. A. S. Huey, Rose 'urg Distributor. If you want tlrt class work, take vour dollies lo Lloyd Cleaning Works, 125 Sheridan St. Woodstock, the standard type-i-riter. Improvid, simplified, mod raized. A. S. Huey, Uoseburg Dis tributor. ! can furnish you all kinds of help in short notice. Ju.-C tell me what fott want. Lloyd Employment Vgency. 125 Sheridan St. t Ant now hooking ordera for day Id chickj for 1121 deilve-.-y (rum iiirh ir'n!'lcini Tancred strain Wiine '.eghnrns. Earl Yosburgb. 702 Kill rtoii St., itoseburg. Frank A. Terry, representing, the Niuituble Savings & Loan Assn., of 'ortlnnd. Oregon, is again at the vinputia Hotel. For interview, call r phone. Jack Roach of Drain has received the agency for the Queen line df In--ubatorB nnd brooders .Now la the 'lme to make your inquiry and place .-our order for future delivery. NOTIt'K TO FARMERS. We want fresh fruit of all kinds. Will pay top market prices. Rut the fruit must be clean and first-class in ill respects or we do not want any ot it; we use only the best grades. FOUTCH'S CONFECTIONERY. SALMON' IIKKSSKD. Guaranteed fresh to deliver O. K. ilthin 48 hours time from here by prepaid special parcel post delivery. 14 cents pound. Will box and ice lots of 50 pounds or more, at express tTice here 14 cents. Our own catch. Fish average 8 to 20 pounds each. Cash with all ordera. Uay Front Market, Marshfield. Oregon. DRESSMAKING .NOTICE. I desire to inform patrons and ithers desiring first-class work that I have moved from 510 So. Jackson 0 528 So. Main St. No phone in stalled as yet. Mrs. Gutliridge. NOTICE OK SALE or GOVERN ME N'T TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, D. C, August 28, 1920. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limi tations of the Acts of June , 1916 '39 Stat.. 218. and Jurw 4. 1920 1 Public 241 1, and the Instructions of the Secretary of the Interior dated September 15. 1917, and June 22, 19.0, the timber on the following lands will be sold Oct. 18. 1920, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale 0 be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price, with an additional sum 'if one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be lepnsited at time of sale, money to le returned if sale is no' approved, itherwlse patent will Issue for tho imber which must be removed wlth n ten years. Hula will be received from citizens of the United States, issociallons of such citizena and cor "oratlons organized an-'c- the laws f the United States or any state, erritory or diarriet thereof only. 1 pon application of a qualified pur naser, the timber on any legal sub division will be offered separately be- ore being Included In anv offer of J larger unit. T. 21 S.. R. 1 W.. Sec. SEU SR-i. fir 1125 M.. cedar 25 ' ""I of wblch shall be sold for ess than $1 50 per M. T. 18 8.. R ?.,!Y;' s"- 3- NEVt NEH. ilr 4 50 M., M,' NEV. Or 475 W , none of which shall be sold for less than 1 2 00 run- 1 ai- j. -t w... man. Commissioner General Land Office, Sutherlin Sanitarium MKniilAl..si'irir.i Write K. Mj LA 11 1 I I ,1 .. - m. 1 Mllbeil ' -I "iTi;,in Look ! N t h oi: Me )ne 6-rtnii ntj 3-rtiy:n ri. -l-niuin 6-rovui nv 4-ro ni no b-toom '.t -t-lUt in Mie -l-i'OL ni no ii-itiuiii -lit- 7-iot in ::e 5-r'ioni 'lie 5-iu-iin (fit. 5-rot -hi ns l-i-joni n iS-i,iiiii 6- 1 otn 4 -romi Ti-1 coin 7- i o4.;n lOUIi, :lo .'lie J tie HJlS Look! hou.tc tuiuSe h"U'e tifU-ii L.11J t iola tiUUSt? lluUPtf with furi;li ttllUMf plastered ht-uit liuse llULDe t I Kill - t j lioi'Se Ili-njrt llOii.'il ItOtiSf lu.usv . llCllfC l.uui-e Itoute Iiu-iar -1 1 ; tk -. H - H "t li, -. 1 IIM 1; l:t i:,i ... IIB ... r. IV .... i. 1M ... IIM .... PH .... IIM ... 111! -. I G.U.HF.LBIGCO. ItnU lit.tnte, liiktirame, .utir PllllllC IU1 Cass St. Phone No it! Itoseburff. Ort-ir.in. Vn Ik-lieve That Tailoring Men's Clotln-s Is A Came of C'ontidenra And .Not 1 A Confidence Game I 19 I Try Our Way Our Auto WIU Call, l'lione 277. YOUR RENT IS RAISED! Not when you have s hom ot your own. BUILD OR BUY If vou want a house liat u made to suit someont el then buy, Dut If you like a real home, one better than the rest IfllllU. . A builder of 25 years experi ence will gladly give estimn nnA Infnrmnlinn. Call St St building. Cass Chidwlck Sts., or at residence, 113S Hir vard Ave. BlTI.DKIt M. W. BEBGH. Dr. R. P. Bradford and Wife. ' Grcdjates and post-graduates of the Oldest Charter ed College of ChiropracW n the world ftl have re-opened offices l'erkins Bldg. We us. no drugs nor , trlclty. nothing but , Chlronractic. and . m 1. . . 1 in. tni r . Buretjn. ui - .--mi pFn years in ha ndllngj ' J disease known ' ; .j; family. Office heart and I to 5 ). m- PH.0NE9 m Resldeass 411