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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
tin. r Ana rorw HULL UMBRELLAS IS We carry a fine selection of genuine Hull Umbrellas with detachable handles, in white Ivory with rings and in the amber Shepherds Crook, with a pleasing variety of colored tops. Just the thing for a gift for mother or the good wife. Prices reasonable. 1: BUBAR BROS. Jackson Street LIHT OK CLAIMS ALLOWKD (Continued from page 5) Lea Allnn labor, Diat. No. 22 - W. K. Richards labor. Dial No. 22 Glen Rtgsby labor, Diat. No. 24 Caryl Klgsby labor, Diat. No. 24 ..... (1 .W. Itlgsby labor, Diat. No. 24 10.00 Hum Crltchelow labor, Diat. No. 25 4.00 Osrar Langdon labor, Diat. No. 25 - 8-00 Win. Gross labor, Diat. No. 25 8.00 Mori Payne labor, Diat. No. 25 Preston Nenely labor, Diat. No. 25 A. T. Taber labor, Diat. No. .17 11 00 Frttg Rtnuffer, labor. Plat. 6.00 10.00 21.13 14.68 8.00 1.60 No. 87 86.00 Cbarlea Churchill labor, Diat. No. 37 96.00 George Kruao labor. Dial. No. 37 64.00 E. R. I. unman labor, Diat. No. 37 48.00 M. C. Gunter, labor, Diat. No. 46 74.00 George Uowera labor, Diat. No. 46 66.00 Arthur Wooley labor, Diat. No. 46 121.60 Albert Taylor labor, Dlst. No. 46 80.00 Sam Powell, labor Dlst. No. 46 20.00 S. C. Vealey labor, Dfst. No. 46 6.00 C. C. tang labor, Diat. No. 69 38.25 Don Neeves labor, Diat. No. 9 14.00 W. C. Powell labor, Diat. No. 9 14.00 John T.awion labor, Diat, N... 16 00 It. E. Clayton labor, Diat. No. 9 14.00 C. W. Lundeen labor Dlst. No. 11 16.00 C. V. Lur.decn labor, Diat. No. 11 15.00 C. Lent labor, Dlst, No. 11 6.87 Harry Hill labor, Diat. No. 11 2.75 V. 8. Woodruff labor, Diat No. 11 25.75 C. M. Stubba labor, Diat. No. 11 20.00 A . Hwenaon labor, Diat . No. 11 12.00 David Churchill, labor, Diat. No. 11 12.00 Baxter Moore labor, Diat. No. 11 10.00 Frank Dunn labor, Diat. No. 11 8.00 H. K. WUaon labor, Dlst. No. 11 12.60 C. M. Selgel labor, Diat. - No. 16 140.00 R. R. Baldwin labor, Diat. No. 16 82.00 G. V. S. Wade labor, Dlst. No. 16 60.00 W. J. Ferguson labor, Dlst. No. 16 68.00 Oswald Lang, labor, Dlst. No. 16 96.00 Lincoln Thrush labor, Dlst. No. 16 28.00 II. F. Moore labor, Dlst. No. 11 28.00 C. Miller, labor, Diat. No. 11 10.00 Harding Invades Kentucky State ABOARD HARDING SPECIAL. Oct. 14. Senator Harding la on his way to Louisville. Kentucky, whore he will apeak tonight. He spoke in (he Chattanooga armory last night and to an overflow crowd citslde. Tho train la scheduled (or six r'o;s todny. In his talks the republican nominee nmdo a record of the pres ent administration as the basis for appeal for support In the south. Itinerant Father Slaughters Own Kin BAKERSFIKLD, Oct. 14 W. E. Wlllbunks, an ilinerunt fanner, was arrestod following an alleged at tempt on the life of hla daughter, Mrs. Mary Mldklff, and confeBsed, ac cording to the district. attorney, that he had killed his two daughters and two young children, one near Fresno and (he other near Rnnford. The prosecutor said that Wlllbanka con fessed that he was the father of the two dead children. LIBERTY THEATER. House of Features. Home of the Latest and Greatest Stars in Piciuredom. WHERE EVERYBODY GOES -LAST TIME TODAY-' Robert Brunton Presents the Famous Star J. WARREN KERRIGAN and His Own Company in 'NUMBE 99 The greatest of all Kerrigan Features, Thrills, Sen sations, Suspense, You must see Him. In Conjunction with THE WORLD'S EVENTS "GAUMONT NEWS" 66( CLIFFORD" ' LAST TIME TONIGHT IN "SOMNAMBULISM" SEE HIM. NEAR HIM. TALK TO I ASK HIM "ANYTHING" IT WILL BE ANSWERED. ATTENTION! To the Lovers of Art. Science and Drama: The beginning of the first year's bookings to be seen only at tho I.H'.iKTY THEATRE, comprising the greatest stars of the drnniatic world. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NAZMOVA in "Madame Peacock" REPUBLICANS FOR STANFIELD Harding Needs a Republican Senate. Oregon Needs a Tariff. Protective As la generally known, I he present republican majority in the Lulled Slates senate la Just one vote. Re publican control of that body is. therefore, in Jeopardy. It is the real ization of thla fact which is causing Oregon's republicans to unite in sup port of the candidacy of the republi can nominee for United States Sena tor. Robert N. Stauiield. With a difference of only one In the preaent senate, republican voters have awak ened to the fact that If they vote for George E. Chamberlain they may by that very act be turning the control of the senate over to tlie democrats. On the other hand, by electing Rob ert N. Stanflcld It la possible that hU single vote may give the republicans control of the senate, and thus put that body solidly back of Harding. Oregon producers are fearful of the effect that the election of Cox and a democratic senate would have upon them. It ia quite evident that under democratic rule rival producta of foreign origin would offer a sen it. . hlA.NHI.l-0 oua menace to many OrnRon pro ducts. If the American standard of living ts to bo maintained, Oregon farmers, livestock men, fruit grow ers, lumbermen and woolgrowers must receive a price for their pro ducts which will enable them to make a reasonable profit over and above the cot of production. They will be unable to obtain such reason able profit, or any profit at all, un less a republican administration Is elected to levy protective tariff du ties just hitfh enough to save our producers from the ruinous competi tion threatened by Canadian wheat and lumber. New Zealand butter, Australian wool, Argentine corn and beef, Kuropean beet sugar. South African meat and hides and" Man churiun beans and peas. To hamper a republican president with a democratic senate flies in the face of the welt accepted principle that govern nxntal management should be centered, so that the peo ple can correctly place the responsi bility for success or failure. The feeling among Oregon republicans is. therefore, becoming quite general that Harding, if elected. Is entitled to the support of a republican sen ate and that, therefore, Oregon should elect the republican senatorial nominee, Robert N. Stan field, to help back up Harding. Ptanfleld for Senator (Paid Adv.) Republican Club. A trial of Universal Filler will con vince you enough that you will evet be through with the use and uncer tainty of the air filled tires. ft Pon't forget the cow sale at Dlxon ville October 20. Social Dance at Winchester Satur day niRht, Oct. 16. NKW TODAY. !on S.MjK fitioi auto for srIp. will '! HUM". rinine i'J-Y liouso, on pave- rm-nt, b'Olt KKNT Kurnljihcd hnunVktVnlnir room". N.i I'hllilren. SH W I m heater St I'hmii' 1 TO-Y. VOH SAt.K It 1 Imby milkv condition, iftmonnhl. Call T.-mplin 't , or phone LTiT-I, urn sam;-m w ill mv.-nt I good : 6 ru houp on pjiviriK (J auto on arm n.iv. nit-nt; trims on balance. Phone 4L'.v WANTKD AT d.WK-Two apple fa. lt era, loim jh. Msheiit pa v. A-IJr.-sJ or f an Sunny, lule Orchard Co., Drain Or...n. WANT Kl Appi" ia ml I pu kers at thf Ov,r- !.'... tr.n.n..... .. ,..-, mi hti.i mum. rnone 31-FS nt noon or Bft.-r or see Uoyd Cole l!.irle A. llrHtiil. . Ifl, WAXTHtv IS . i work I Hicho.iv i null's north Mvrtla Tnk j hi'ii.i. butl.llT'ir anil liltoh work I '"' 'rvRon Haisam ravin Mallno Dallr P Erenings, 7:1S and S:00. Prices: Children, matinee 100, evenings 16c; Adults, I Sc. Rita Welman's soui-searching drama of the aiuito. The ploturt- Naiimva has h.-r (cr.-at.-st alnco "Kcvolatlon " NailmoTa a r.-at.-M test and grvatMt triumph. A rorseoin allttor. Inn photodrama of tho lif of a fanioua nic p.-rotiality. Iplcta the bltttr Inuiiijih and un.-xin-cti-dly glorloua d.-ruat of Jane Oorlns. M AIVAXfK IS I'KICKS. , l-IAN. Itran.l new hlirh crn.1 I Tlie rurty h Ketp this li.trK.nn will I V i.Ulkv ,tl,c Tlflre; nri'il monfV llth. lil.AMX-Sm.nliin prl.v,. ,m t::in.! ,-ii.tonifl tailor,'.! i-l.-th,.. r.'.nlt. In a n:il... vulum. tlmt J ul 1-tii- my low .rl. i.. No ili-a.l t.-k no l,"l!l. i hosii.-r i-rK-i-'. Itav w Soli -ih..n ini'ie ""11 Kl:ST Tra ult.-. of tna rooiiis. nu-ly furnt.hf.l. moitfrn r.-nvnienrrti no rfilltlrn .i..-;iit. i-noriff j.i.y.j Ith blt SAI.K About Si tier oik Tful laurel wood, n, rnllo writ of Pr.-x-k. w.v; ',. on pl.v-e Oo.hI aravrl rod. llermnn Schulte, Itro-kway. Road Paving Plans Need Help of City It la understood that a nieetlug will be held lo the offlcea of State Highway Coiunilaaloner. iieuaou al Portland tomorrow afternoou 10 consider paving projecta for next year and teutative arraugeuienia lor iu contracts ou the work. It la said by parties In touch with the situation ih.i h iinnaved road south of the city of Koseburg to connect up with the Wmston-Jiyrue creea paving ia not to be considered. Mr. unun haa shown his desire to let contracts for thla work, it ia alleged, but other members of the commission are stated to have taken a neutral attitude and are thought to be some what opposed to the improvement of the seven or eight miles of unpaved road from Just west of the Winston bridge to Roseburg. Prompt action by highway laiprovement advocates and enthusiasts la believed neces sary to secure favorable astlon by the commission at the meeting. That the road in question is badly in need of paving, as is the section from the north city limits. Contracta for this work should be let this winter in- order to Insure completion of tne sections Involved during the eany summer of 1921. My New Coat! Befere you BUY, visit our Coat and Suit Department, where we have assembled for your selection a beautiful line of models se lected to give the most satisfaction and wear EVERYONE IS A BARGAIN iTlfTBalBHffi f)on't forget the cow sale at Dlxon vllle October 20. AROUND THE TOWN From Melrose H. P. Conn of Melrose was a Rose burg visitor for a short time today. From Melrose- Fred Ooff, of Melrose, waa a busi ness visitor In Koseburg today. FilMNl For KpeIlnK A. V. James paid J2.60 and F. C. Frear paid $3.50 In the city court today after pleading guilty to a charge of speeding. Itw-lc From ;U-mlale County Clerk Kd Lenox, candidate for re-election returned last night from Glendale where he haa been spending the last two days. Hot urns Home Mrs. A. J. Mllllgan of Leona who haa been visiting here for a short time returned to her home this af ternoon. Visit In Anlauf Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Scott and dau ghter. Rora May, left this arternoon for Anlauf, where they will visit with relatives over the week end. From IiOoklng Glass Tom Ollnhnnt nt T.nnlrlnv ninaa came to the city tls morning to spend a snort lime attending to uslness matters. Visit In AllMiny Miss Helen Churchill left thla af ternoon for Alany where she will visit with Miss Florence Spencer at the Rev. J. C. Spencer home. AttontHng Institute Misses Birdie and Mollle Easley, of Oakland are in Roseburg attend ing teacher's institute. Miss Birdie Easley Is teaching at Leona thla year and Miss Mollie Easley is teaching at Glendale. BUY A HOME! We will sell you a home on easy terms. For example: A modern B-room cottage, plast ered, built-in features, bath, on paved street. Price (2500.00; $500.00 down, with balance ' like rent. 8-Room plastered house In fine location, on paved street; base ment, lawn; an attractive home. Price $4200.00: $700.00 down, balance monthly pay ments. We will be pleased to show you G.W.Y0UNGANDS0N Rett! Retata and Inaonaea. 110 Oasa 8c. - Phone 417 Social Dance at Wlncheit.. day night. Oct. 16. r S""- . ,u wain io sell your riiw,. J. A. Walker. 105 CaaVauS Universal Tire , h from an old casing . a new , ,JW same aa air. " i ittttiMiminiiinii I For first-class cleaning, pressing i and repairing Lloyd's Cleaning , U. UO, AMU UUG1IUBU DUEBI. Social Dance at Winchester Satur day night, Oct. 16. UAII.V WKATtlKIl RBI'tRT. U. s. Weather Bureau, local ofrit-e. Roneburg, Oregon. 24 hours ending i i. m eHlil!io la lkn md n.ndrrdth. II i K'i'nt tiMtiperaturo vf-nterlity ... .5 temperature hut nlKht ... 4K PriMlpltation. lam 24 hours ... 0 Average pmelp. from Spt. J U77 171 Total proi ip. aim e Hrat of month 1 32 Normal praclp. for thla month J 61 iium oepi. i jysg to to Oiiti verai,-p prcolp from SVpt. rii-t-M irom shiii 1. 1K77. 3.55 1.36 Wcraue prorlpltntlon ror 4j" wet sianons (Sept. to May. Inc.) J1.4J Oregon: "r ""utnwestern Tonlirht anil Frl.lwv rain. Don't forget the cow sale at Dlxon vllla October 20. If you want first class work, take your clothes to Lloyd Cleaning Works, 125 Sheridan St. Two Are Killed In Dublin Riots DUBLIN, Oct. 14. A boy and a civilian were killed and four wound ed In clubbing by policemen when soldiers with two lorries and an armored car attempted to raid a tail oring atore owned by two Sinn Fein-era. For County Clerk VOTE IRA B. RIDDLE, REPUBLICAN Thoroughly familiar with the de tail work of the office. Paid Adr. TONIGHT ONLY! Ufa 1920 Revue of Revues! That Snappy Musical Comedy with their own Jazz Orchestra AND 25 Peppy Entertainers Including ROY "HIRAM" GLAIR That So Different Comedian, To -Day Only! I1 mm To-Day Only! REX BEACH'S POWERFUL DRAMA OP THE GREAT NORTH The Girl From Outside IT S THRILLING! IT VIBRATES WITn THE CRASHING CONFLICT OF PRIMITIVE PASS"" IT THROBS WITH THE PATHOS OF INREQl'ITTED IXJVE. IT IS REX BEACH AT HIS BEST GAYETY COMEDY AND PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE OXE PAY ONLY FRIDAY ONE MV HENRY B. WALTHALL in "The Long Arm of Mannister "To Err is Human To Forgive Divine."