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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1920)
hob entno icEwg hevhtw ti'kiav, wtoKKii a, n2. fell.'' 4 HULL UMBRELLAS We carry a fine selection of genuine Hull Umbrellas with detachable handles, in white Ivory with rings and in the amber Shepherds Crook, with a pleasing variety of colored tops. Just the thing for a gift for mother or the good wife. Prices reasonable. BUBAR BROS. Jackson Street AltOl .M) THK TOW.V Consult Clifford, Psychic Diagnosis Health cullurc taunlit ly tho Bat tle Crook aystrm. Physical culture. Hydrotherapy troatinonts taught un d.T the U. S. government plan, ao simple a child can give them. Have vim, be well, at rung, and happy. Hooni 3. Grand Hotel. Hear Clifford i great lecture at the Liberty Theater Wednesday night. No extra charge. DKESSMAKIXO NOTICE. I dealro to Inform patrona and other desiring first-class work that 1 have moved from BIO So. Jackson to 628 So. Main St. No phone In stalled aa yet. Mrs. Oulhrldgo. Her latest and greatest production, Nnrlmova, coming Liberty. ciiax;k ix admission- iiickh. ANTI.KIM A.l MAJESTIC THK ATKIW. Beginning Friday, Oct. llith, until further notice our prices will be as follows: All matinees, both theaters, children 10c, adults 20c, Including tax; evening performances of regu lar feature programs at Majestic The ater, children 10c, adults 20c, Includ ing tax. GLOIIE THEATRE CO. The Woodstock Is preferred by tlKBO who know. A. S. Huoy, Hose burg Distributor. When your car Is equipped with Universal Tiller In a good set of casings, your troubles are ended. Woodstock, the standard type rltor. Improved, simplified, mod ernized. A. 8. Huey, Uoseburg Dis tributor. Ir. Unuluuru lu City Dr. BradburD of Winston was In the city today transacting business matters. Will Addrens (iruiige County Agent II. K. Haslett will address the South Deer Creek Grange on Saturday evening. In From Melrose Mr. and Mrs. Itoyce Busenbark of MtlrriHA Mnent thn llav In Ittltieburz attending to business matters. Vlwlt In Kugeiio Mrs. 8. Strickland left this after noon for Kugene where she. will visit with her daughter Mrs. C. W. Mullen. Goea to fflcvHlale County Clerk Kd Lenox, candidate for re election left this afternoon for Olendale to spend a short time In the Interest of his campaign. Here From OiikluiHl Miss Kdith Stevens of Oakland. came to Koseburg this morning and spent a short time visiting with her friends and shopping. Vlxlt in Portland Clifford Fields and altiter Margaret left this afternoon for Portland to spend the remainder of the week In visiting with relatives and friends. He urns ll Mrs. Ferd Fortine who has been spending a short time in Koseburg attending to business matters re turned this afternoon to her home In Oakland. OnMntpl On Mrs. W. M. Pnrtlns of Rice Creek ;il of tonsils this morning at the underwent an operation for remov Mercy hospital. Dr. A. C. Seeley was In attendance. South IVer Creek people In- Several South Doer Creek people were In Roseburg attending to bus! ness matters. among them being Clyde Hatfield, Jack and Harlan Melton, and Pr. and Mrs. C. H Bailey and son William. N'n IfcniHW Weflnewlny Night- There will be no dance at the armory Wednesday night according to an announcement of the Jaz-O-Four orchestra, today. Instead prep arations are being made for a grand big time on Saturday night at the regular week end dancing party. To Idaho Mrs. T. F. Hoops and daughter Miss Florence McClav. who have been making' an extended vlBlt here 1th Mrs. M. F. Patterson and Mrs. A. C. Marsters. left this afternoon for Idaho where they will spend n short A Battery of Speakers At Court House, 7:30 P. M. Thursday, October 14th. Interest centers around the flg ht to establish CO-OPF.ItATIVK JIAItKKTIXU IN OlSEtJOX through the passage of the Market Commission bill. It is hoped to accomplish through thiB act FOR THE FAIOIEIM OK OIlKtiON what has been accomplished by the producers of California. Those who touch upon the 5" interest rate bill will endeavor to present the disastrous results that would follow the passage of this radical measure. Ruin for the state Is freely predicted If this bill should bo successful at the polls. Be sure to attend the meeting. Liberty Theater THE HOUSE OF FEATURES WIIKItU KVKKYIIODY ,OI S time before continuing on to their home In Illinois. Id From Camas Val h' Misa Alice Scranum. "f Camas Valley, spent the day in Knsishurg shopping and visiting with friends. Hark From Portland Dr. C. B. Wade returned last nipht from Poriland, when- h had b-n attending to business matters for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. Iluphes. of Wil bur, left here this iimniing for Hilt, California, where liny expect to make their home. They have resided in Wilbur for some time. Congratulations are being show ered on Mr. and Mrs. l.eon MeClin tock, well known young people of this city, upon the arrival of a hahy son. born lo them this morning The mother and son are both doing nicely. Ixxlire Hum Pleasant Meeting Following the regular meeting of IJIac Circle lust night the members n attendance were taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver John son, where they were entertained with music and conversation until a lato hour. Refreshments were then served. (oodltourn Hoiuto Sold Tho John Goodhoum home, lo cated on West First street, has been sold to F. A. Knight, recent arrival here from Nebraska. Mr. Knight will reside there at rncp. The deal was made by the Lawrence and V don Real Estate company. Last Time Today HI SKI of the DAWN" A Photoplay of the novel "A Desert of Wheat" By Zane Grey" Wednesday and Thursday Robert Brunton Presents J. WARREN KERRIGAN "NO. 99" By Wyndham Martin. This is Kerrigan's Greatest Production See it. Startling, thrilling, sensational. f CLIFFORD The noted "Seer" te Man of Psychic Powers; America's Pro phet, will appear on the stage of the Liberty Theater, Wednes day evening and will bare the future of Roseburg, for the next five years. Success, Rerveises, National Government. SEE HIM HEAR HIM! Matinee Dally 2:15 p. m.; KveninRs, T : 1 5 and 9 p. m. Prices: Children, matinee 10c, evenings 15c; Adults, 25c. Visit Is Surprise Mrs. Howard T. Henderson, Bister of Mrs. Oliver Johnson, surprised her relatives and friends In thin cltv today by arriving from Havnes Alaska, to remain in the countv. Her husband, who was formerly of Reeds- port, has 'been discharged from the nnny and came with her ns far as Kugene; going from there to Reeds port to visit his parents. Mr. Hen derson has been stationed at Fort Seward, but has now been released from army service. After a visit with his parents and a short huntin? trip he will be joined at Ueedsnort hy his wife and they will establish 'heir home there. DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL Th world', standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles and National Kemady of Holland Binca 1606. Tbrce sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look for the a.m. Gold M.d.l om averw Ws ana accept no ireil.lioa "ItlllE" M Ull.H AMI I'lXKI) OXK DOI.l.AK Al COSTS. CI.KVEI.ANU). Oct. 12. 'Itube" Mtirquiird wan fined one dollar and costs in the lncul court on a chargi) of violating the exhibition ticket ordinance. President Ilydler.of the National league, said ua the violation was purely technical he would take no further action. Enormous Buying Power Forces Prices Down. We Uke pleasure til announcing that w(Ul . khllHiient "rnvai oj oa, A New Price on Men's Overalls $2.49 MiMle ixwsihle by our enormous quantity purcluues for 297 it01 Noted Pyschic to Appear at Liberty Charles Clifford, the seer, who has returned to this city and taken up headquarters at the Grand hotel, will appear at the Liberty theater to morrow evening. At this time he will give a town prophecy, telling In general outline the progress that will come to Roseburg In the next live years. Mr. Clifford, who is a well known psychic, Is specializing on these prophecies, and is suld to have met with wonderful success In several places. He will tell whether Koseburg will meet with fire, dis aster, storms, failures, earthquakes and calamities In the next five years. He will also tell of coming ctutngos in city government or the death of prominent men. Mr. Clifford will also answer any questions that nny onc of the audience wishes to uslc. He will appear at both evening per formances, ee liosiKitv von i.kss. When looking for hose for mother, father or tho children, you like a full line to choose from. Carr's store carry a big line. Women's hose, cot ton 19c, lisle 35c and 60c, finest mer cerized 85c, art silk boot 86c, line thread silk $1.69. Children's hose. j light weight 25c to 35c, mediums 85e i to 60c, triple thread heaviest wt. 65c I to 75c. Don't pay more at "sule" , prices. Our hose gives satisfaction. , our prices save you money. In fact ' "it s always save you money. HH BUY A HOME! We will sell yoll hMM eaty terms. For emp; 4 modern 5-rooai cottage, plu,. ered, built-in features, bah, on paved street. Price 12500 00 $500.00 down, with baln like rent. 8-Itoom plastered bouse ig h, locaiton, on paved street; but nient, lawn; an tttrtciitt home. Trice $4200.00; $;oo.0( down, balance monthly paj. menls. Uo w ill be pleased to show tog G. W. YOUNG AND SOX Real Fatote and Insarota. II U Cms 81 Pbor 411 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR NOTICE. RpRuIar nioPtinR of Ascalon Cn mandery No. 14, K. T., tonight ill o'clock. An important question i to come before the body aaodiUSi Knights are urgd to be present. S. J. SHOEMAKER, Recorder. If you want to pe!l your property, "ee J. A. Walker, 105 Cass St. Phone it I. XKW TOIY. Fnli sI.K r,oi(l fn'sh row. Thone l"iU s.U.K Thr Imps. Inquire 1370 rnipqiif. Avf or phone fiti-L V A NTTl To r. nf !or6 rootTrfiTT 'iJto'iHty Apply Liberty The;iUr, APi'i.Ks kon sai.i: io cut fT? Inish.-l, piik thorn yourm-K. lixon l!an. h. l-ixdiiviUe. nH SAI.K-'jo.oon (lull! Pollar "utrnw- b.Tiy p'.mt!: Iiiiiiie-hnte rillctl ai ,.,.r thoiwiintl. W. IC. Kin.!. " in5ir. drpmin. W A NTItl ' -l'.'suinn hk shoe or v lot l ittK s,U'm;iti. -fra expfrtent-e. A-1 ref rit ftimisii.Kl. AiMrtKS .1 A., .jit.. N.wji-ltfVii'W. ri:nKs "Ki-:i nri:it sve $10, ini:T on otir 1 'it 1 1 Suit anil Ov'rt'oat. rui wool, hiinil'-tii-inonuri? Kd V. I'ri.-f HUinilaul Kiiv'h Suit Shu p.' Al'c-TI. n Wedne-.tTv: i' I. -'MM. ;it I i.nvlMr. Or.-.. I will ofr.-r for s.ilt- at public au- ttoii a nuttilMT of rhu- J.-rttt-v rowd S.. be-g.n- at 1 ;t-t p. m Tho?. MatfWl.l. So rii'K- I'arty who nfole nijt'w rl-v whtn 1 mm mi the Fri7l.-r ant p:a.-e is known. Return j.-w-flry t nn',ii or tako conHi'iiience jtirrle lMxon. IMonvillt On-. ib'ii:s koi; si.k:-vih have .t tT koo.I bitr w..i k l.ann an.l with pmiu ri.-w he'.tvy tr.-ah in if harness; tlu-se are all koo.I. ooiin'i. hone-"T, lat li,,re ,.fr rot,l woik. Will (.. fur-sal. i!.,-ap at Krnplre Fee1 Stable o,t i;, m 5. if ltM.klnK r t-a-n or harness , ll nnil look them over Ask f.-r .l.rry K.kl r.KS 1MU SA1.I-: byMotor Shop ane '''""-I $ 27S 0' Velie &,,,) ,,, n er'.nml f,o,, ,lf Mut-b-U s ,.o on stu,l,..Aker .u. lit-t. ,i,i Sti"l.'baker -;,. l.ilerlv hon.U tftken m full " fn e rtlue of any of ubove car. Prompt tlyrxf'A Vrf-A Booa to Biiainasa A. S. HUEY, locu m. Kstrrin TODAY Matinee -Evening A Laughing Hit with WALLACE REID Immmm today VwnM. I I Matinee Evening S1 17 I 1I ' " I With I II H ir, Bebe . Ull nUUJJ Daniels FOR UUCHS. DO YOU? k T 11 I AND THE NURSE I AS IMlINt I AND SPEED. I 1 PATHE NEWS 1 VOU DON'T GENERALLY CO TO A SICK ROOM BUT SUCH A SICK ROOM SHE KNOCKED 'EM DEAD FOR CLASS SENNETT COMEDY AND Also BABE RUTH in "Over the Fence" See him in action with the New York "Yanks" & Cleveland "Indians" in an actual 1920 game. Slow Motion Camera shows in c'ear Analysis the Swing that made him famous. MATIXKK EVKXIXU "THE GIRL FROM OUTSIDE" BY REX BEACH. Only! tj7C4fM Only! j l ill ! To-Day f; Only! f , I in His Marvelous Les II A Qtrt., e c.l.t: f, nil . uiun ui ouonme.sacr j j An epic of li ; Muitan WKDXESDAY MATI.XEK EVEXLXO WILLAM FARNUM Portrayal of the Immortal JEAN VALJEAN in VICTOR OKEATEST MASTERPIECE Miserables, ifice by one whom snriot-v wrnntrofl hevond reparation. fe from the pen of a Genius and Prophet. d Jeff Comedy and Jack Dempsey Serial