tiosKnrnn Nfcwn hevikw iovif. hthieh m. i nm nnim III J SIR FREDERIC G. KENYON SMASH Go Shoe Prices! DOWN DOWN DOWN! This remarkable selling event-sure i3 causinga sensation. Think of saving from $1 to $6 a pair from our usual moderate selling price. Hundreds of pairs are out in bins, priced at $2.95, $3.95, $4.85,'etc. -SEE EM TUMBLE. Thousands of pairs on the shelves, sel ling at a reduction of from $1.00 to $G.OO a pair. Rubber Boots, Rubber Packs, etc. for Men, Women and Children; all on sale $2.50 Ladies Felt Slippers, now $1.95 $1.50 Ladies Felt Slippers, now $1.19 IRVIN BRUNN SMASH Go ShoeJRepair Prices. Bring in your work, see the difference. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE PERKINS 6LDC. Shoes that Satisfy and Fit Your Feet. Cass Street, Roseburg, Oregon. AIIOUND TUB TOWN llrre Krum IlliWIe Ol.'nn Kiddle, of ltlddlo, spoilt tlm Uuy In Kiwlmig attending to busi ness matters. Mill Man In Town E. 11. Kstelle, employed at the Mei roe sawmill, was a visitor In the city today. llmiifoliMuli'r In Town ' J. V. Sullivan, a homesteader In th Yoncalla district, spent the day In Itoseburg looking aftor business multt'ra. Ikiwn Vrtna Hr Creek Mrs. A. II. Heiser, formerly "f this clly, came down from the Deor Creek Lumber Co. mill today to look after business matters. J't ToKrtliir Meetlnfc There will be a real ftet tog ether meeting at the Methodllst church on Thursday evening. All officials of the church, memliers and friends aro luvllod to bo present. Will AlU'ilil Convention Mrs. Martha Cliristensen left here Saturday afternoon for Marshfteld to attend the Pythian Sisters conven tion, which meets In that city Tues day. t'-eiitoiiarjr I'lrturcs Toiiiulit The gentleman representing the Contenary movement will present his moving pictures at the MethodlHt church tonlKht. There Is no admis sion charged and the public Is In vited to see the pictures. Ixiilge Official Visits. Mrs. Mabel Roberts, of Ashland, district deputy of the Pythian Sis ters, spent Saturday in Itoseburg In the interest of the order. The lady left here Sunday afternoon for Marshneld to attend the annual con vvntton of the Pythian Sisters there. I.lkes MalKlifldd Mrs. W. S. Goodman who recently left here for Marshtleld, writes that herself ad h unhand arrived there safely by car and are comfortably settled In their new home. Salmon flHhlng is great sport at hay points and Sllvorsides are plentiful, while Mallard duck hunting is simply great, with apparently no limit to the birds. Mrs. Ooodmnn asks that back numbers of the News-Hovlew be sent hor. Watch for the Great Najlmova In 'Madame Peacock." Is III (7otUtllO Attorney O. P. Coshow left yes terday for Coqullle where he will spend a short time attending to legal matters. Visiting Hero Will Perkins, of McMlnnville, Is spending a few days visiting at the home of M. L. Webb in this city. Sieelern lire Fined S. II. Thurston today paid a fine of $7.50 in the city court on a charge of speeding. Krnest Herman, a tour ist also contributed 2.50 for a like offense. Claim Adjuster II Laurence Rastnussen, of Pocatello, Idaho, claim adjuster for the Oregon Short I.lne spent the day In lioae burg attending to business matters. Itiu-k on Force Officer Perry Webb, who has been off the police force for a few days attending to matters at his farm, east of the city, has resumed his po sition. Grant Wilcox, who hasheen serving in Mr. Webb's place has ac cepted another position. Clifford can tell you at a glance what alls you. lit Is the greatest recognized authority as a psychic. Kooni 3. Ornnd Hotel. LIBERTY THEATER. THE HOUSE OF FEATURES WIIKKF. KVKHVBODY HOIM DO'NT MISS THIS! A IIKNJAMIN' U. IIAMITOX PKODUCTION RIDERS of the DAWN WM.C0KKMOOOOr'J TODAY & TUESDAY THE SENSATION THE DAY IN "PICTUREDOM" OF ZANE GREY'S MES SAGE TO HIS REA DERS AND PICTURE FANS. A PHOTOPLAY OF THK XOVF.I, 'A Desert of Wheat' By ZANE GREY DIllKCTFJ) UY llltill It Y A N COX WAY A !t F.HFU. MIAMA OK THK TIMES PI I.SATIXU WITH IIKAHT INTKItl'ST AXI IttAI ISM. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE Matin. Dally J:15 p. m; diTk 11?TT1 O Evenlnga. 7:16 and :00. 1 1 VI Ml II Prices: Children, matinee X7 JLM-J MS M.M-J 10C. evening. 15c; Adu.U. g. & I I Sir Frederic O. Kenyon, gentleman usher of the Purple Sod, Order of tha British Empire and presiaeni or in British academy, Is considered by many the most accomplished scholar in the world. Chas. Clifford Is Again In City Chas. C. Clifford. Sr., liiinst lf. tho one recognized authority in natural health culture. Is trick in the city and will form a health class at one?. It will be remember. d that Mr. flif-; ford'g work here some three weeks ago was the talk of the town. Hi-; remarkable lectures, his phenomenal nental work, and his private work In. health teaching, won him a r -markable reputation with the people, if this community. Mr. Clifford is i located at the Grand Hotel in room hree. All his old clients have a ape I "iul Invitation to come and (tee him. New ones interested In their own physical and mental when are jus is welcome. Hememb'T. Mr. Clif ford teaches you the natural prin ciples of health so you are enabled to handle and cure yourself. Me dus not pretend to practice medicine. All that he teaches Is a grand natural law, which, if carried through, abso lutely gets you result h. Mr. Clifford Is a graduate of the famous Battle Creek System, former Hydrol heraphy expert and physical dinclor with ih U. S. Army. He bears credentials from high army and navy officials, as well as physicians and health experts in civil life. If sick, discouraged. In doubt, cull on the man who has made himself famous to the people of Ore gon. Room 3, Grand Hotel, for a limited time. He can be consulted from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. o Let me see all my old friends. Talk to me and you will become one also. Chas. C. Clifford, Sr., himself, It. 3. Grand Hotel. DAILY WRATIIKR nUI'OlIT, V. f?. Went hor Itureau, IocrI office. Itufteburg, Oreson, 24 houra ending & i. m rreollilfnilira Id Inch? nnd I1nt.dret.th HiKlit-st tMiii.-i;ii!irt yst i U-'iv t,t '..w-st trnip.-rM mo lat nltfM ... f.:t I'ri'ci I tn( ion. lust 24 hour o; Avt'rmtc precip. from Sopt. 1. 17? 1.71 T.ital pn-t ip. irn-. tirxt nf nmntl.. .Ts 'rm;.l pr. tp. for this month.... L HI Tuial pr.'i'ip. fiom J-ept. 1, ly'O, to to d.ilp 3 r5 oraK' pre. jp. from St-pl. 1, '77. . 1 s Tutiil fxi-eMM from Sept. t. 190... l17 vornKA prot'lpltatlnn for 4.1 Wet tt-nNotifl (Soit. to May. Inc. . . . .31.17 I-'iirecast lo 8 p. m. for oi)thwtstcrn Oreiron: Tontuht and Ttusdny rain. 9 NKW TODAY. Apply In ih'ttk Mnnt.. Oct 11 Montana miners are trying metal helmets for workmen as a safety device. These are somewhat similar to the trench helmet used in France, nui iney onij welch Bpven ounces. Much of the In jury in the mines Is caused by falling tools and small rocns. me umo is believed will reciwt or turn such objects. Scores of the helmets nave Deen distributed by the Safety Depart ment of the Anaconda Copper Min ing Company anu if mo experiment proves a success n supply sufficient for all miners will be obtained and sold at cost, It in announced. Enormous Buying Power Forces Prices Do wn. We take olensure 111 aiinouiicili k that. ulil. ...... . . shipment our u A New Price on Men's Overalls $2.49 Matta noaslkle by our enormous nnamlti. ....!...... . - -. . 1 - iur arj uutti. , l atUinU'iae NOTICE OF AOMIMSTIWTOU'S SA1.U. WI1K.N VOU l.EAVK TOWN Ihlj summer It's a good move to have the News-Review follow you to your vacation home. Lei us mall It to you 1aily just phone 135 or write our uhscrlption department and we'll ee that It comes to you regularly. Co see Clirfonl. Know thyself. Room 3, Ornnd Hotel. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of license duly granted me as ad ministrator of the estate of Mary E. Agee, deceased, by decree of the Honoruble County Court In and for Douglas County, Oregon, duly ren dered and entered September 29th. 1920, I will sell at private sale for cash that certain parcel of real prop erty situate within the city of Rosc burR. Douglas County, Oregon, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the southeast corner of a piece of land conveyed by Aaron Rose and wife to Mrs. Stephens and afterwards owned by Mary Lane, thence south along the south line of Micelll street 49 feet, thence west at right angle with Micelll street 90 feet; thence north parallel with Mi celll street 49 feet; thence east 90 feet to the place of beginning In Tp. 27 South, Range 6 West of tLe Willamette Meridian. I will receive offers for said tract of land at 418 lVrklrUT Iluilding, Rnsehurg. Oregon, on and after Sat urday, the 6th day of November, 1920. Roseburg, Oregon. October 1, 1920. Z. N. AGEE. Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Agee, deceased. equipped! RANCH i 400 acres, bottom land, bii- anee good pasture, all in fnu i except 75 acres; fenced m cross fenced, sheep-tight; ho- ily orchard; on creek; (ooi house. 3 barns. Will Include ' all stock and equipment ml household goods. Price sr 000, ,i cash, balance long time at 67-. GOING PRUNE ORCHARD with stock and equipment (or $9000. Must be sold it one. 200 acres, with tome good grass land; 12 acres prunes; ! room house, baru, outbuild, ings; 80 head stock. House hold furniture and all equii nicnt goes. G. W.YOUNG AND SON Ren )-tat and InranM. 116 Cass HL Phont 411 Mrs. ott, Umnmift Hotel. a ml w a nt ki rrr Mil at i:i jo. Stephens St, riU'Nl 1 (inn. I . 'scribe iroirtv p;iy f.r this adv. A. H.. care N '"'"It SAl.K - $riMi"(:..ltes t'lev.-land trv-t'-r. hi.kU-1 It. St-e .;'. Todd, Kurd Citirane. WAXTKP A V Main aiti.'k vh k i:i:s hlnh nchool gr tt wurk 11 and board, inquire i'l: WAXTKI I. kiim. tiill Ht r.nitli l'U SA1.K fllKAP op1 5-ro. in iumsf. Kasv Irnim. Address F, C, ;iri NVu-s-1twltw. 01 : ! i:i ;sT . K i: S f. -r r.-d fir Mink W. (.iill.frt, Klce Crt-fk. luil.tid. 'rt'Hiin. I'lt MKNT-Twi front rooms" for ttdutiH onl. l.lRht houof kt-epltiK. U" X. 1'armtt St. FOU'SM.K Oil THAIt". -Slmi a"w.. ,t or mo. k ran.-h. will dHMUllie. 1 1 t M:.rjtrd Aw., linnehuric. KM'Ni- s.aiir.lnv nlitht. nian t'vv i' oat. i v ui-r an Kvl aa in l.y prov-Ln-5I!rl'Jl,lrtl'"'l Pyt"K fr thli ativ. V ,XTK)-Kp.'.i I.mu-.mI man "for Kn- oral w.irk on f uin. Must he :ti) ,atji M'-r. Aililifsn E. M.. care V- !!. HT IM1KS ''vt nail. H.nrv Ford utartr d old HI flint hi.) Invt-NtlKHte. Kay s tl it. WAN TK iv. ith 1 hoi 4 t - .1. Ki'li SAI.K- Aikori. ; t'Xlu'rliiu' foi iMd WnittK, family of twi So. Mat n. I'llolU t-.d,., Worl. v. Wii -1 spray r. 1 orchard plow, plow, harrow, disc, 5i a 1 mnnt now wniron, farm " d apple boxea. C. 1. ton. WAXTKP To r.-nt a amall ,.i ntnh.-d Iumik, i.r iwo unfurnlnh partly furnished hount'ki'fpinn r ny a nwU'l I'utipli'. Addrvsa Hox city. K U SA1-K--2 ho tine a, (ini.i U niei lowr hmi. nun an rent: 1 f;trms awmill. 1 ituii orchard OvmMi liaiit I rut prir.i. an kilo M.'rrill. 5 Mill St. It MIUYKP-I wllt. Fo Trri. ma. k hra.l and oara and Ida lit-; n.-r on hovk totnt nn h Awra to th name of 'Skip- rldg at 5 3) on Saturday vnln I Crouch. Wilbur, Oroo. 1 Oot. TODAY Matinee -Evening TODAY Matinee Evening WILLAM FARNUM in His Marvelous Portrayal of the Immortal JEAN VALJEAN in VICTOR HUGOS GREATEST MASTERPIECE "Les Miserables" A Story of SublimeJSacrifice by one whom society wronged beyond reparation. An epic of life from the pen of a Genius and Prophet. Mutt and Jeff Comedy and Jack Dempsey Serial, MATIN i:KEV1;m.g TIKSDAY MATIXKE EVEXING Wallace Reid in "Sick Abed" To -Day Only! To-Day Only! D orothy Dalton -is- arket of Souls A powerful, touching picture'of Human Hearts, struggling through the dark less, finding at last the light. Torchy Comedy and an Educational Subject, Also BABE RUTH in "Over the Fence See him in action with the New York "Yanks" & Cleveland "Indian in an actual 1920 game. Slow Motion Camera shows in Wear Analysis the Swing that made him famous.