9kOB TeYfcKM MMMlLajgs'g. COULDN'T WORK FOR 8 MONTHS AND SPTNI A FORTUNE ON HEALTH 1 i ;-V;.5f V CLEVELAND VICTORS !!rERREM 5TH GAME SUNDAY i-JS 'ill. Thursday fiy?tf&f&& ONE 0 E ''., , v h.-.X..!.e ''J T J. WARREN KERRIGAN lnNa99.' , ..v. ox" mmlni to the Utterly on Wcdnesdaw and Thurs srenf from N '""" IM " ! l.l:l '' THANKS. w Wi in this manner to rx m r sincere appreciation and S k"ll those who so kindly klM ., th,' burial of our moth.'l T.te J- Iavid.n. a,,,. tf.P -.V dutiful floral offer- for the lugi- jll-iq MAK DAVIDSON, FMKKY DAVIDSON. W.U. THOMAS. HAVK FIXK I'IMMiKAM i .tin ll.tBA nt'hnol It I(1P lUPt'Il"! . Mi l the K- " n0"1 lhls ve,""; the followirs - - Sons by I'mna-y rlass. -r.rum. it.J lo. Ilorolhy Cordon Vocal Mft. Hiney ReadinK. liMtea Judd. Vocal ioIo. liuluff l'atterson. o VOTIl'K. ' I'ISSOI.l TION )1' i.ini:iisiiii'. .......... i i,.,...,i,v nivcn that hy nni- tual agi. onunt tin- p.irliUTship h're loror. enisling lu lwe. ll "lhoinua W . Hatfi-ld aaJ Hoy W. Si-grisf In con dcflins tlu' Sauilary Dairy ha3 Hit"- .11 1 1 Ml- itrl'lcr Will day Dfn uisM'llru' - " knrafti-r ridiiinue the busiin-sa for hiust-lf- H'' coll' Ct all diiib "o tot Sanitary Dairy and pay all dt bls ol said Sanitary Duu y. Dated l)rlolor Int. 1920. THOS. V. HATFIELD, KOV SI KC 111 ST. o ham) i:miikoiii-:ih:i! What a flue gift for Christmas. Carr'i store Is showing a new line of stamped pillows, scarfs or center- pirCHi in cream or dark linen crasn. Also low. Is. laundry baps, children's dressa, fratrnul pillowy, etc. All n-asonaldy priced because you find tti-ui at Carr's. $l."l).0ill) FOU (IS CATTLE LONDON', Eng.. Oct. 9 High Prices were obtained for pedlnree:! Murthoriis belonging to the late Sir ! James Nev. wiil.t. Sixty eight head troutht o,t $ I .In. eon, the highest price being 7, nun fr a single two-year-old bull. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Moore, of Kirn Clly. a,.,i Mr. and Mrs. Mike Abt'ie. of l.oi-kwood, Minn., are visit-1 "ir a snort time at the K. 7. nncb at Wilbur. ASK FOR and GET Horiick's T?ie Orlgino! Malted Milk for Infanta and Invalids tMriltntion anj Subatitutca s DON'T MISS A DAY BELLOWS and en, B ,1,,. KOOl, ,,, Think, a timely offering "ra and white, full 27 $3.95 Georgette Waists, $2.98. B'autiful i'norK, tie waists In season's latest styles and of designs 'ht will pl,ae you; special to close 85c Bath ToweKea'ch 59c n "Ilra h' avy bath towel and the size Is aencroua. too: and now ' lh time to Slimilv vnnr Inv. l e to supply your towel $3.00 to $3.50 Womens Gowns, $1.98, Oh, 'lCh IfiYi lv nrnWIJ. jj'1J" 01 "'lumiie materials of long cloths and nainsooks; lis the ini.t ijnt..rie 0ff,.ring ln RO5,.0urg for gome time, supply your lr ""'. to close...'. J selling ATCH EACH AND tVEBY DAY S if-.-1 . ItKXAl.l. STitAW VOTK. Northern, western and middle western states: Harding 2G8.297 Cox.' 130,333 Electoral Votn Harding 345 Cox 11 Northern states for Cox are Delaware with 3 votes and West Virginia with 8 votes. Southern Stales Harding 45,333 Cox 70,863 Electoral Vote? Harding 8 Cox 167 Southern state voting for Harding is Maryland with eight votes. Summary of Slmw Vote. Male PopulnrVote Harding 234. 2S3 Cox 156,034 Female Popular Vote Harding 7!,3'i8 Cox 43,172 Tolnllectoral Vote Harding 353 Cox 178 Necessary lo elect. 266. Total vote east, 514.846. STATE. larding 5556 Cox 3013 LOCAL. Harding 229- Cox 10 5 Sultan Fuad I, the ruler of Egypt, who hat been advised that the Inde pendence of his country will be rec ognized by Great Britain. M 1 SULTAN OF EGYPT v ',5y.V''3 I of the Great Closing-Out Sale Some Tuesday Offerings: (lie Ii(.lllws Elva, closing o,U sale. The values Hint are N-in ortered there Mill be me exlr nonlinarily low price nHlurlions. 40 Cents Outing Flannels at Special 25 Cents t are contemplating the making of garment, using outings, they are in '"' O.C and are now purchasealde as the low closing out price of yard to you that Inches wide wont. In elnap out' fSIIC wants, to close out t,-n,l Anl.h.ll BIlVIII. and ai.tiK price was as nign aw wk. THE CClDtH CCSDS IS GCIKC TO RR03UCE Most Sensational, Unique and Thrilling Contest Ever Been Staged. i TRIPLE PLAY UNCANNY Two Home Huns Clouted Out, Kirxt One With Three on Itasca Funs .o "Hik WHtl" Whn Triple .May U Stii-vl. CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 11. In a baseball same erupting Heiittatiuau), uniiiuo and thrilling play fur bt-yoml the wlUkrtt dreumtt of an Itnaxina live fiction or BCctiariu writer, the Clovoand Aiiiericans defeated the Krooklyn Natiunals, 8 to 1, in the fifth contest of the world's series here yesterday afternoon. An un assisted triple play by William Wanibsganss, a native-born son of Cleveland, and home runs by Klmer Smith and Jim Baeley, were a trio of individual feats which formed flush lil'tit photoplays on the brains of the fans which no future diamond buttle can erase. The victory broke the existing tie between the pennant winners of the two major leagues, and Cleveland is confident that the first American league pennant ever won by this city will be overshadowed by the great glory of the world's series banner to be flung to the breeze next spring. The caliber of the play may be gathered from the fact that two world's records" were established dur ing the hour and 49 minutes in which the tribe of Speaker tore great hand fulfl of plumage from the stunned and helpless Hobins. Never before in the history of the world's series had a triple play been made by on" player. A home run with the bases full is also an innovation in the modern his tory of the supor-Beries, yet both these records were made yesterday, with a second home run, four dotibU plays and a score of other fielding and butting features which would have been acclaimed as thrilling dur ing the course of a normal world's Series con Hid Triple I'lay I'ncutiiiy. There was something uncannily local about Watnbsganss' triple play. The Indians' second hast-muti was born in Cleveland In 1894 and after learning the fundamentals of the na tional game at Concordia college, en tered the professional baseball ranks. After a coiuparntlvely short perio-l of minor league experience with the. Cedar Hapids club of the Central as sociation, he came to the local team In 1914 and has since been a fixture with the Indians. That a native-born hall player of Cleveland should have made such an unusual play is a coincidence, but that a previous similar play should have been made in the same park 11 years ago savors of something be yond coincidence. But 11 times in the rerordR of Uk American pastime has an unassisted triple play been accomplished. Of these feats but two were previously scored in the major leagues. Both Kilduff and Miller had singled to center In turn at the be ginning of the fifth and were perched on second and first, respec tively, when Pitcher Mitchell came to bat. The Brooklyn hurW, who had previously relieved Grimes In the box, drove a hot liner high and lo the left of second. Wumbsganss leaped high into the air and came down with the ball clutched In the gloved hand. For the fraction of a second he appeared to hesitate and It looked as though the play would take the iiRual course of a force-out. Then Wambsganss realized the gol den fielding opportunity that con frhMtnd him nnd before th startled STORE CO. $1.50 Womens i .rail.. Fibre silk boot hose used to paying as high as $2.00 and sale to close Small Lot Curtain Ends, each 39 Cents. . i. i? nf ihem In short curtain lengths, suilab in making curtains for small windows; good patterns; to close out, each Lot Short Length Silks, Yard 29 Cents. These silks are of Taffetas. Poiu.-e.-s. Messallnes. and many other well known fabric, and the yaidag- is from on- to three yard, n each pi.ee. some less; they originally sold up to $3.00 per i"" close out ' ' ' MANY STARTLING1 SENSATIONS Of STUPEHDUOUS SAYIKCS Ta YOU. I'M vsr,xi A photograph of Mrs. Luis Antonio Penaherrera, formerly Mary Argenta Beard Perkins, whose marriage Au gust 28, at Spring Lake, N. J., was one of the summer's major society events She has lived in Italy most of her life but spent a year In Washington dur ing the war. The bridegroom Is at tached to the legation of Ecuador In Washington. ( spectators could grasp the play, he had sprinted to second and stepping on the bag eliminated Kilduff, who was well on his way to third. Miller was tearing down to the midway sack under the belief that the hit was a safe one and It was a compara tively easy matter for Wambbguuss to run up the base line and, touching the runner, completed the flrHt triple play ever made by one player In a world's series. Bhmh Cleaned by Clout. Cleveland's offensive opene,- with another play which would have, un der any other circumstances, stood out as a feature. With the bases loaded with Indians who had singled in succession off the slants of Grimes, Right Fielder Klmer Smith, of Milan. Ohio, stepped to the plate and, catching one of the Brooklyn twirler's fast sharp-breaking spit balls on the very end of his bat, lifted the sphere up and over the towering screen which tops the right field fence, clearing the bases and breaking the hearts of the opposing players with a four-run load, which the Uobins never even threatened to overcome. The ball was so hard hit that it not only cleared the screen but crashed Into the front of a house across the street from the ball park, the roof of which waa crowded. In the fourth session Pitcher Jim Bug by hit another homer. Doc Johnston opened the Inning by :'iiucing a single off Grimes' shins fo left field nnd took second on a passed ball. Sewell put him on third with an infield out and then Grimes, fearing the heavy bat of Catcher O'Neill, purposely walked the latter to first with the Idea of getting Uag tv. The Brooklyn pitcher's strategy was badly mussed up by his rival in the box. for Biigby picked out a de livery which particularly pleased him nnd lifted it into the right field stand, the bail rolling far under the seats, while all three trotted across the home plate. 4on(et In Pee u liar. The contest was peculiar In other respects for while Brooklyn scored 13 hits off Bagby to the 12 acciimu . lan d by the Indians, the Robins (were unable to score their solitary run until the Anal Inning and then ' only dtle to the antics of a ball hit hv Knneichv. Wheat opened the final are erc 1 and for T..eday J Silk Hose, 98c. In a quality that you have leen $2.50 in past years; on Uc suitable to us 'I consider my first bottle of Tan- lac has been worth $900 to me." said Dan McLean, wel known carpenter of 335 Ksplanade St., Sydney, Nova Scotia. The 'flu' left me In such bad shape I was unable to do a lick or work fur elKht months,." continued Mr. McLean, "and I was unable to find nothing that helped me until 1 got Tanlac. I could not walk any dis tance without blowing like a steam engie and stopping to rest. I had per fectly awful headaches and my nerves wore so shattered I could not get a full night's sleep. I lost $1,200 in time and spent $400 on treat ments so you can see what a spell of the 'flu' cost me. 1 kept reading In the npers about Tanlac, so I bought a bottle. It may sound exagerrated but after taking the fourth dose I could tell it was going to do the work. I have Jut filnlshed my first bottle and al ready feel well enough to go back to work. I wautto eat all the time, and my digestion is perfect. The head aches and nervousness are all gone, and this Tanlac is just making a new man out of me. I don t hesitate to say It Is the best medicine in the world. Tanlac is sold in RoseTmrg by W. F. Chapman and by the leadiug druggists everywhere. The Incomparable "Nazlmova,' coming Liberty. session with a single along the first base line, just out of the reach of Johnston. Myers slapped another one Into center and then Konetchy punched the ball with what appeared o be an unusual amount of cut. The ball hopped and zigzagged toward Johnston in such a manner that the latter could not get full in front of it. Finally the ball made an effort to pass the Indian first baseman, which would have done credit to an insane squirrel. Johnston threw up his hand and the ball struck his wrist, running up his arm, and leaped from his shoulder into right field and wheat came home with the run which saved Brooklyn from a shut out. Watch for the Great Nazlmova In 'Madame Peacock." o . Prune Water Ice Said to be Good Several prune recipes that are well worth tryiug have been received at the Hotel tinpq.ua within the past few days, among them being one for prune water Ice, the first of Its kind that has yet been printed. IViine ( 'unserve 5 pounds sugar. 5 pounds prunes, 3 oranges, 2 lem ons, 1 package raisins, 2tc uuts. Cut the prunes in small pieces, ut the sugar over them and leave at and all night. In the morning, put In the orange, lemons and raisins, then cook slowly for about three hours. Add the nut meats about ten minutes ue- fo c canning Prune Water lee Prune prepara tion Put 1 1-2 pounds of prunes in a stew pan, adding a little water. cover the pan and set on the back of the runge, simmering slowly until tender; rub through colander, sweet en to taste, then freeze same as Ice cream. When frozen serve on a plate with water lee around It. Water lee One pint clarified sugar, one half pint water, grato 2 lemons on sugar, Juice or rive lem ons and two oranges, add together and strain through hair sieve; when cold serve as ice cream. Prune Otke, two layers 1 cup of sugar, 1-3 cup butter, 3 eggs, using the whiles of two fort he frosting. 1-p cup osiir milk, 1-2 teaspoon of soda, 1 cup chopped runes, 1-z tea soon each of cloves, allspice, cinna mon and nutmeg and 1 cup of flour. Moiled KroxtliiK 1 1-2 cups sugar water to dissolve the sugar and the khltes of two eggs. Boll until It will form a soft ball when tried In water. K. L. W. Watch for the Great Nazlmova In "Madume Peacock." CAPT. 0. P. JACKSON From tht greatest city In the United States to tht remoteit little vllljge, none, of the United States navy and (t. deeds are promulgated by Capt O P. Jackson, U. S. N., director of nava publicity, and hit et.-ff from then headquartrt in New York. Watch for the Great Nailmora ln 'Madame) I'cacock." ROY"HIRAM"CLAIR THAT SO DIFFERENT COMEDIAN And His Big Company of Musical Merrymakers in 11 REVUE WES and a Famous JAZZ Orchestra. 25-Comcdians, Singers, Dancers-25 A LAUGH EVERY SECOND - Admission including Tax: 55c, 85c, $1.10, $1.65. Get Your Tickets NOW and Pick the Choice Ones. W. AVERILL HARRIMAM W. Averill Hirrlman, the New Yorker who It head of the American 8hip and Commerce corporation, which hat announced a merger with tht Hamburg-American Steamship line recorded at one of tht biggest In American ahipping Induetry. MRS, LOTTIE SHANKS Mrt. Lottie 6hnkl. who won first prlie In a "hair" competition at Ber. mond'ey. England. Thit It tht teconl tima the hat won a ftrat priit for h.r long trees. rv4 .Vr nA V V?'A fx Kwi is Brown to Don Toga Tuesday Morning SAI.KM. Ore., Oct. 10 Attorney General lieorge M. Ilrown will take his place upon the bench of the Ore gon Hupreine, Court Tuesday morn ing if ho finds It practicable to clone up thn nffalrs of attorney-general lu time. When ho takes his oath as a member of the court ha will auto matically cease to bc attorney gen eral, and the latter office will im mediately bo filled by I. II. Van Winkle, first assistant attorney gen eral, who was appointed by governor Oliott to succeed .Mr. Ilrown. As the supreme court has much work before It members have Indi cated lo Mr. Ilrown their desires that he take up his new duties as soon at possible, while on the other hand, the attorney general has fell that ha must dispose of various matters which are ponding before his depart ment before ho steps out of the of fice ho hn i held the last six years. When Mr. Ilrown limit the official robes, he says he will be ready to lake hold of the work of the sil pree mrourt with the sameenergy ho put Into his work as attorney gen ernl. One feature of his appointment, which Is particularly pleasing to Mr. Ilrown and his friends Is the exceed ingly cordial reception his appolt ment received at the hands of the other members of the court. Her latest and greatest production, Nazluinva, coining Liberty. Make Your Tractor Absolutely Reliable To be a profitable Investment your tractor must be depend able and economical always ready to do a big day's work without coaxing or delay. And since these finalities are deter mined by the Ignition, you should be sure to have your tractor equipped with a linden High Tension Magneto. The sparks from a Bosch Maeueio are so big and hut that even though a lean mix- ' tn re or low grade fuel be used, every bit of ?a brought Into the cylinders will be tired com pletely and Instantly. That makes a powerful, smooth run ning engine with absolutely no Ignition worries and a low up keep cost. This Bosch Service Station can add Bosch Pependahllity to your present tractor engine In a few hours time. Be Satisfied. Specify Bosch DEVANEY&?URNETT Moment no. oiii i.on I;