Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 11, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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KAfifl THKstn
They work
and form
no habit
Thfey work
and form
no habit-
i 1 -I
They work
and form a..
no habit- jusaUt
Moras oaiy
Xathm Kiillerton-
-The Tt email Store Roseburg. Ore.
llonieniird llmiml.
Ohm (id Ihn train I thought I
Lould be unable i sleep, but I
.rani thai ualuie lUKeB ner course
tout gnat regard for soul pain.
ri f),-lidi- will close over taur-
liml eyes ami Sleep, consoling
t, will (jr a wink- niulte one ror-
neth, who was Just outside niy door,
X-JT-TI? II "Huve you been up long?" I said
ilLjI I! "Not very." he answered. "But I
tvasirt able to sleep well. I thought
you might want me."
I felt the blood rush to my face
at the thought that Kenneth JIulsey
with only a friendly Interest In my
grief, should remain uncomfortably
awake while I, although having lost
my dear mother, slept.
"How did you sleep, Ann?" he
"Kenneth, I can't account for it
but I flank into a dreamless uncon
sclousness almost the moment
touched the bed," I answered, "and
only awakened about a half hour
"I'm glad, for you will have re
cuperated your strength and you
have a trying day before you. Ken
neth looked at me pityingly and
ar.ked softly, "Had you no one but
L ' your mother?
I did not undress, excepting to lay onei" i answered apatheti-
it my traveling irocK, sup on a cally. I am absolutely alone."
mi and lc.osi u my shoes. Then j "Then," said Kenneth, "Dad will
nrew myself on the berth. surelnsi8t upon your coming to live with
ji 1 would not be able to lie still us. t0 you know that my fiither
rr long, li a only a mutter of wtts your father's dearest friend? If
they had not been pals you and 1
would probably have been brother
and sister. "Yes," continued Ken
neth, noting my surprised look,
"that's true. Dad told me that a
few years after my own mother died
and we moved to your town he met
your mother. He was greatly at
tracted to her and In due time asked
her to marry him. The look of
mingled horror and surprise she
gave him showed Dad conclusively
ihat could never he. And that how
ever unkind fate, law and the
tongues of gossips might be your
:nother would never be other than
w wife of Robert Carlton."
"Hut my father Is dead," I said.
"Of late, my father hasn't been so
certain as he was." answered Ken
neth, "although he has not heard
from your father in years."
Tomorrow Kenneth Talks ol
1 i nice.
wilts, it seemed, until I wakened
:ba start and the light was pour
; through the window of my stale
I had fallen asleep almost the tno--nl
1 hail touched the bed.
Momentarily, I did not know
m I was and a real fear of some-
ar, I knew leit what, enveloped
l-. The whirr of the wheels and the
i.'Mthe train seemed something as
-rilile as it was Indefinable.
And then. Ah! Oh Cod, I knew!
Oh, mother, mother, I did not
-an to. I did not mean to," I cried
md, for it seemed that by perniit-
( myself to he overcome by sleep,
'ad not been loyal to her meihory.
wanted lo be physically as uncom
wide as 1 was spirltuallr lncon-
i able.
A picture of my mother, lying so
d and still, all alone in the liltle
:ure living room, rose in my mind
i I upbraided tnvself for ever
tint her. I kn.v that I was ul'
rT had tf make her life bear-
and 1 had left her it seemed
at sclfHiIy. a:-.ked niyse'f
"liat would a honk education mean
"ile the wonderful education that
ould have received from my
Win Mlfless Service and tnlr-
and love of all the world?"
train 1 said. "I ran never fnr-
'".vs-lf; hut. mm her dear, I did
ie?n to . :ie you alone. I did
realize thai ynu were ill at the
1 theiicln I wa. -nn,in h-.i.
'00. heller ah!., by my education
h a eomn:iii,.
' llMi was briphlur
tie i rf,r ili
and I
Mia E.
impound Made Me Strong and
iiT Kecommend
It To All My Friends.
Tnn. V t "t
o , ..... i . ', 7 Pa,n ' n-k
' """ not stand caused
J tenuis trouble.
I felt so tired all tht
tm:e, hsd had head-
Setlrfl. m ,wl
..' (B?P months I could not
l . I was treat-
"''."a physician
I f fcj ""1 0"k other re-
out got no
A friend told
"' about Lrdia E.
P'ntlnrns Vege
tslde Compound and
has heloeH m.
S" "to dV'" ,iT"
f k J.? ork. I dnnot
V Nin i. , - . 1 '"'ommend
" t t .',,""'. S. J. -
'.' (.; "d Brow in i.,.,l..
UZ S'l. "l'rful ;ucee.
l? M ,T' r-vMes,ing6 Irca
!T Jr. W and terDMd
Bids will be received by the Hoard
if Directors of School District No.
!7 ( Hoberts Creek), Douglas County
Jregon, until Tuesday, Oct. 12.
1920, at one p. m., for the erection
-f a one room school house In sale
listilct. Plans and specification!
.nay be seen at the office of Count)
iupt. O. C. Drown. The board re
ierves the right to reject any or al.
J. E. I'lNKERTON. Clerk
Phone 42-F6, lioseburg. Ore
Make that Bauerkraut now. Any
imoiint of cabbage at 2 cents pound
n pitch. R. McKay, Hrockway.
MENT TIMBER General Land
)ffice, Washington, D. C, August 28.
i92u. Notice Is hereby given thai
ubject to tne conditions and lluil
atlons of the Acts of June 9, 19U
39 S'.at.. 218, and June 4, 1920
Public 241), and the Instructions ol
he Secretary of tne Interior dalec
t-pleiuber 15, 1917, and June 22.
1920, the timber on the following
ands will be sold Oct. 18, 1920, ai
0:00 o'clock a. m. at public auction
it the United States laud office ai
toseburg, Oregon, to the highest
udder at not less than the appraised
alue as shown by this notice, sale
J be subject to the approval of th
secretary of the Interior. The pur
.hase price, with an additional sum
it one-flflh of one per cent thereof.
cing commissions allowed, must be
leposiled at time of sale, money to
e returned If sale is no' approved,
itherwlsc patent will Issue for th
ir.iber which must be removed wlth
a ten years. Bids will be received
rom citizens of the United States,
isscciations of such citizens and cor
orationB organized unr!?- the laws
f the United States or any stale,
erritory or district thereof only.
on application of a qualified pur
haser, the timber on any legal sub
lvlslon will be offered separately be
ore being Included In any offer of
i larger unit. T. 21 8.. R. 1 W.. Sec.
3. SK SEVi. fir 1125 M . cedar 25
I., none of which shall he aold for
ess than 1.50 per M. T. 18 S.. R
: W.. Sec. 3. NE4 NEK. fir 450 M..
;W4 NE4. fir 475 M . none of
hich sl.ali be sold for less than
2.00 per it. (Signed) CLAY TALL-
Official a Republican Statement
By Douglas County Republican Central Committee.
W. W. stands for Woodrow Wil
son. It also stands for Watchful
waiting. Alto -tot Wiggle and Wob
ble. a
The democratic party has beeu
claiming credit for the federal re
serve bank idea. As a matter of
fact, the republican party bad
caused in former years exhaustive
investigation of this matter to be
mude and when the democratic party
came into power the foundation al
ready was laid for legislation of this
kind. While the republican party
was causing this subject to be
studied, and was preparing for legis
lation which would stabilize our
financial system, the democratic
party was denouncing government
banking and the central bank Idea.
These things, however, they, em
bodied in the federal reserve bank
system. They simply appropriated
the Ideas of republican statesmen.
Here are some of the achievements
of the republican party:
The replacement of the destructive
Free law of 1846 and 1857 by a pro
tective tariff that immediately
brought industrial activity and un
exampled progress and prosperity.
The abolition of slavery and the
restoration of the Union.
The homestead law, passed by a
republican congress and signed by
Abreham Lincoln.
The acts for the Issuance of legal
tender and national bank notes
which gave the people a currency of
equal and stable value in all parts
ol the country.
All existing laws for the payment
of pensions to veterans of the civil
war and their surviving relatives.
The anti-trust law. (This
In submitting the Port of Portland
consolidation bill to the roters of
Oregon, the people of Portland aak
the people of the whole atate for
suiuuru.r iu prutiuw mvaui ui Bin la
ment by aea of the atate'e oroducta.
Portland la the greatest port of Ore
gon, for ft la the chief point of ex
port for the products of both east
ern and western Oregon, and In that
manner it renders a public service to
practically the entire state. The
Port of Portland Commission oaring
been created by a special act of the
lenidlaiure, that law can be amended
onlyiy the legislature or by vote of
the people of all Oregon.
I'pon the Port of Portland has de
veloped the duty of providing a
navigable channel up the Columbia
and Willamette rivers, of building
docks and other shipping facilities.
The Increased number and tonnage
of ships requires that the channel he
deepened and widened and more
docks he built. For this purpose the
bill enlarges the borrowing and the
taxing powers of the commission,
but taxes are to be levied upon bonds
and Interest upon them paid by tax
payers of the Port district.
measured by the amount of their net
receipt a.
The cenmis laws, providing for the
taking of the cenbus and permunent
census bureau.
The railroad rate bill, compelling
railroads to secure the approval of
the interstate commerce commission
before advancing rates; authorizing
the intt-rsiute commerce commission
to Institute proceedings without
waiting for the complaint of a ship
per; creating a special commerce
court, granting the commission com-
was pk'te authority 'over classifications
arawn Dy senators snerman ana a- and regulations; and bringing tele
munds, und introduced by the for-1 graph und telephone companies un
mer. Tn the houe lis passage was ; dcr the scope of the Interstate corn
secured by William McKinley against ; in tree act.
an attempt to have it side-tracked in , The cri.atlon of a Btein of postn,
behalf of a bill for the free coinage 8avings banks, thus gaining for small
of silver. So it may be said that the , u..posllra the security of the United
law was placed upon the statute Slal( trt.asury and guaranteeln g two
jooks over the united opposition of )er ceU lmereBt on ,neir posits,
the democratic party, as represented , , ... . .
, tain the difference In the cost oi
in the house.
Model child labor law for District
of Columbia.
Government coin pensat ion law,
providing compensation to certain
t'ederal employes for Injuries re
ceived in line of -duty.
Excise tax Imposed on all corpora
tions, consist ing of one pT cMit
production at home and abroad.
Law requiring use of safety appli
ances on railroads made broader and
more complete.
White slave traffic penalized by a
system of heavy fini-s for Interstate
commerce therein.
F. A. Bemis went to his ranch near
Oakland this morning to spend the
lay there.
Fires desiioy lives, property and
ood. Be careful with lire.
Attorney Carl Winiberly spent the
Jay at Oakland attending to legal
Hunting positively prohibited on
he lands of the Curry Kstale.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Diubnker, of
Portland, who have been vlsliing
.lev. S. K. Memillger, left tills molll
.ng for their home.
Isabella grapes for siile, lie lh at
4-C Ranch, L'nipqua. Call or phone
Lou Hunks and a party nf frieiu'.a
"rom Kllgene left Clinyonville yester
lay for an eight days hunting trip
n the Snow mountain vicinity.
If you want to sell your property.
-e J. A. Walker, 105 Cass Su i'houe
Mrs. S. K. Willett. of Portland.
ho has bi-en visiting in Hus-.burg
or several days with fiieiiris and
elatives, left this morning for her
Am now hooking orders for day
.Id chicks for 191 delivery from
imh pr')ducin Tanned strain White
Leghorns. Earl Vosburgh. 702 Ful
erlon St., lioseburg.
Miss Teka Hayn.s, who spent the
veek end with her parents in thii
ity. returned this men lug to Hie
University of Oregon where she is a
No matter how good your lir.s
ire you lire going to have trouble ai
onir ii n von use air. Heller have
Universal Filler Installed In them he
rore they are broken down.
Mrs. C. A. Laird, of P tkum. came
o lioseburg yesterday and after a
hort visit left this morning for
Jrain. where she has relatives with
vhom she will spend a few days. She
nill then go on to Jefferson to sp-n.l
week or ten days.
Mrs. Jerome Alexander, of Louis
ville. Kentucky, who has len spend
ing the past week nt the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Oeorge Bert at looking
Glass, left this morning for I'oithuid.
here she will stop for a visit on le i
way home.
H. A. Baker, a prominent Califor
nia fruit packer, and his wile spent
yesterday in this rlly. They are on
their way home after a tour through
Washington. Mr. Baker has bin n
making a survey or tne truit situa
tion In the northwest and had a great
deal of praise for the Umpqua valley.
Oil Hunting Ti ii
Arundel, piao tuner. PDon 1S8L
Insure against loss equip jour
tractors so thnv won't set fires.
I.O(;.VN TII'-, Sl'ltl.Nti DKI.IVKHY.
Those are not sprout plaits, Joint
plants or sprnngle tip plants. They
are first-cluss tips. Also have straw
berry plants and all kinds fruit
trees. Belter bonk your order now.
Three miles west of Roseburg.
pott cot vrt' ri.ioiiK.
To the Voters of PoilglHS County. Oru-
the ennill'tiite on the repuMlenn
'.ettel Ut ihe.NoVelilher eleetion for the of ('eulitv Clerk. If eleeted 1 will
eielse the moHl iIrI! pculiuni)'. coll
orient with i:iod Bel Ire. in the con
.lie I of the offiee, anil will line my be.t
lelerivors to Bee that lilt liei.unH hav
ii x tiunitie ullh the ufTit e rwclv
tit.Jt Hint lonrteous tientnient.
Your ole in I rape. I tu 1 1 v sellettP'i.
I'.l. .M HtA II. It 1 1 M 1.1-;.
M1TICF. OF lllSSOI.l 'l IO.N.
Nollre Is In ri hy given that the
undersigned hiiB this day and date
1 1 ' 1 nil his Interest In and to the
Kord Garage, agency and ItusineBS of
0. A. Leckwood Motor Company of
lios -l,ui g. Oiegon, lo C. A. Lock
wood, who will collect all accounts
due said firm and assume all obliga
tions. liated this 7th day of Octolier,
1920. L. H. KKLTT.
in the Cotit'ly Court for lollali.a Coun-
tv ih.-koii.
In 'lie msiii r of tiie estate of Nuncv
I i- e :-mlt li. ileee.iKecl.
Netlee In herel.v KUen that tin. un
.eryii:ne,l luei flleil her nut sei omit in
'lie iihove iia'l:e. .-Mt.ite utlil HiHt the
.oiin:v o. ill I I .'in I'V :in (inl r made un't
-lit. i.-it .--oi.tei .her I1.!. IS.'ll. ,el Weil-
:i .!i- M.e L'Tlli il' V of lyO.
it In ! It ill the foreiiin.ii In I lie
uiiiitv ruin I rieiiii in the colli t lion..
'i lloi-i-hiirir. linn'in, as the tun. lii'l
'il.-e for lienr'r." -.i.i.i Hi. nn. If imv, to
sift h'e'iiitlt lllul tli nnal eloKlna of
si1. 1 extiile
IiSleil .-'elit. 11. I'l'-'il.
A'lininlFlratrlT of I he ealalc of Nuncy
I'lVe Seilltl. ill-i ellffll.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bean
: 'l irr a. loiKiit-ui vwii .i i.u i .
' N. Commlaalonar General Land I Signature M
Not hn you have
your own.
a home of
house that was
someone elie
If you want
made to suit
then buy.
But If you like a real home,
one better than the rest
A builder of 25 years experi
ence will gladly give estimates
and Informal ion. Call at new
building. Cass Chadwlck
8ts , or at residence, 1133 Har
vard Ave.
Ill ll.llKK M. W. HKItiill.
Revivals of Charlie Chaplin In Car
men are still more potent box office
attractions than "Villaae Life In
Korea." and "How Manilla Rope l
Made." The gloom snreader notes
the line up In front of the box offiee
when the great flve-reelor. "Sex" Is
scheduled, nnd despairs nt theedu
ratlon of the mases. "Hamlet" he
will tell you. can never hope to make
the screen unless It is camouflaged
as "Infidelity," and Ophelia wears
Yet there are hopeful signs. An
editorial digest like "Tonics of the
Day." now familiar all the way from
the Broadway places to the smallest
village thentre, not only does not
drive the "masses" out of the house
but Interests them so strongly that
In two years it has developed from a
hopeful experiment into definite
Giving the public what It wants Is
not quite Identical with letting the
public take what It can get. Has the
newspaper editor who devotes two
columns a day to a divorce sory on
the theory that "they like that sort
of thing." ever tried filling thos"
two columns with something else?
The American Legion Weekly.
The Baptist ladles will . hold a
Christmas Bazaar Nov. 20. Further
announcement will follow later.
Mil, r. n. OWKN Cut Flowers. Phont
240. 4U3 W. Cuss.
DR. M. II.
I'l.Vl.RH rhlropraotle
223 W. Lane St.
RUTH Wll.rnx Piano. Theory, Musi
cal Kindergarten. 1(104 Wast First
8t. Prions 13-U
A1.I1F.KT a. Hl'KV optometrist. "Th
Eye My Hpe.lalty." Ill W. Cass Ht.
HoseburK, Oregon.
Buy Better Bucks
and the
Best Breeding Ewes
for Less Money.
If you are Interested lit any number
if sillier Kl'iue or registered slieep of
the following breeds:
Hampshire, tiliropslilro. Lincoln. Itom
ney, Cotswold. Haniboulette, or any
Write us ntitek whnt yoti want.
lox 61.
North Portland. Oregon.
Sheet MeialWork
Chevolet Cars $25.00 and 38.00
Bulck Cars. . .130.00 and 6.00
For Other Cars
P. tees on Application.
Agency Htiirk and (Tierrnle
441 .N. Jarluon HU HVasnburs.
Tanners of furs, taxidermist of
heads and all kinds of animals.
.Manufacturers of furs, shoulder
throws, inutfs, fur coats and caps.
All woik guaranteed. Orders taken
it S. K. aivkn' hardware store, or
id dress p. O. Box 837, Itoseburg.
Physlail Kdiuatliiii, Including
new fejttursj of IikIIhji C'IuImj and
Wand Drills.
Our nw (inlpniftit In lh
bottllnic department inaken It
r-OHH.i'U for un to Kive you
prompt ami efficient wrvlco.
Bod an nf all flavora also Uuxo
In tMjttlen and kfK-
The children love
Wrifileys-and ifs
good for them.
Made under conditions of
absolute cleanliness and
brought to them in Wrlcley's
sealed sanitary package.
Satisfies the craving for
sweets, aids dieestion.sweet
ens breath, allays thirst and
helps keep teeth clean.
Costs little, benefits much.
Still 5c
iiSja 1 )7 1
-T A THE FtflUOR . f
Frank A. Terry, representing the Jack Roach of Drain has receled
Equitable Savings & Loan Assn., of the agency for the Queen line est lll-
Portland, Oregon, Is ngiiln at the cuhatora and brooders .Now Is th.
Uinpqua Hotel. For Interview, call time to make your Inquiry and place
or phone. your order for future delivery.
Sherwin Willams "Fungo Bordo"
n dir.ctid nnd you will b plnm-d wl'h remilfft ohiainrd.
"S. ft V. KtiU(;i Ilortln, the p-tfoct dry Hordt-aux mixture concen
tralo. Is a (tiy piwiU'r. rr'Vn !h danger of freezing, r of drying
out. Compouiulil ho that yuu can um olther-the 3-3-50 or 4-4-G0
Call or Bend for n folder sltowliif? how to uiw. Vou will find Kungl
Rordo not only a Rical convenlonee but a most effecltve form In
wlileh to us" it.nd.-aux mixture.. A supply just received.
Churcill Hardware Company
P. 8. Don't forKt to call for Pruning Compound folder also.
Let Us Show You and Quote
You Prices on
Lighting Plants
ROKKiintd. i)iti:i).
j Douglas County Light" and Water Co.