Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 01, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    cJMmfl MK.i.HKXT IJlMf.JJi1"'
Official Democratic Statement
Hy Douglas CouMy Democratic Central Committee.
The mere tact that a candidate
for county office nan a "consistent
dry' record la not the only Item ot
consideration in the matter of the
qualification!. It la a Cine thine to
have a record aa a consistent dry.
Indeed It Is even better to have such
a reputation, than to have the rep
utation of Ijelim a reformed "booie
holster." However, there are other
qualifications which voters will tuke
Into connlderatlon In selecting the
men to fill the county positions, and
anions; these qualifications are effi
ciency, respect and tolerance of the
rights and opinions of other Indlv-
While the wet and dry question Is
entirely apart rrom anv issue in mm
county and will be sieied upon only
by some exasperated tlmerous soul,
fearful of defeat, yet It may be now
and properly said here that the ef-
nr of Inherent ability
may be. and often Is, destroyed he-
cause tp an onesHinn uiik
lines. For Instance, a man may be so
.ill... a.1.1. nnn fheni-V ftfl tfl Utterly
destroy his Intelligence along other
lines, and we wltleis legislators with
such obesslons. spending their time
tn advocating wild cat and foolish
liKl-.flat'rn, entirely lap.-lrt. jlndeed.
from the line of their obesslon. leg
islation that the thoughtful and the
sober electorate will summarily down
when given the opportunity of the
A man's mind may be "drunk
from other causes than alcohol.
This nation was mnde salooniess
Home Xew Ideas.
aid Jerry to
"She's an old cat.
me confidentially.
"Yes. 1 guess she Is,' and then I
paid no more attention to her.
Aunt Clara Crelghton met us at
, the train, and I noticed she bowed
to the woman who had been so In
terested In me. Jerry acted very
gentlemanly, and very grown up as
he told Mrs. Creighton he felt called
upon to show me a few little atten
tions dining my journey, because I
hud seemed eu' h a Utile girl and so
folorn and unhappy. Then he bowed
himself away, and stepped into a
Running racing car and took the
. . . U Ah.llffAIIP
wneei away irum iuo vm....
"Isn't that young man Jerry Hath
away?" asked Aunt Clara.
"Yes he said his name was Hath
away." "I'm afraid you"ve been rather Im
prudent, Ann. Jerry Hathaway is
supposed to be the wildest young man
In town."
"He didn't seem grown tp to me
at all. Aunt Clara. He Just helped
me eat mv lunch and was Just like
inf '. " i ..........
"Well. I suppose you are a little gin
still" said mv Aunt Clara, "but-you
are renlly a little tall for your age."
nt -t. hA.FUn to inlk about m
mother and my preparations for
For Infant
irA- 1-h-lnV" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and
Fountain t. A for -
A-oii Imitation t Subttttum
Itlatlve and an endowment of good
horse sense. Such are the qualifi
cations of tlj-retiring sherllf of
liouklas county, a man who is now
.... ...... unri of thu state to
This n'ltlon WaS mnde SaiOOHies ! .iiifrii .. " . - -
. ." ."',.. .I, for his efficiency as slier-
. . . - , i,, .riminiil the terror ot me doouck-i . .
ye Hbored, The saloon -or who' plied ''X'" A' the Cre.,h.on's home I was In-
was to ed out and will be kept out ind California. Yet the retiring sher ,,,, , an entirely new life For
ih vote of the men who have iff of Douglas counly had among "!. , , ,.me , wan taught that I
!,,. known tn take a ilrlnK nrris- inwiui ouee- - - inust not no inis or un, ...
sTnally and yol be a good citizen have been known on certain oc,a- wronR bp(.all,e w not
.k"'i a,.h men n,.w resent the -Ion, to have taken a drink. Tie ronvont,nlli. that I must not re-
term of "roughnecks." The Pharl- rict that he had the support or in. ( n(iw-my a(.n,ltace wllh Jerrj
....i.hniioF-thsn.thnu. nosing of an -roiignnecKB who u... ..... er
the necessary vote, iron, , men . , ,""'"V " - ... efnclp.,cy of the
wnn.AM .r i ntk nverupn koiiii eiiieii -
class the class that Is really re
sponsible for a slalnless flng.
She was someone from home, some
one I had nil my life. l"
Oracle, Oracle." 1 .-ailed to her. Are
you coming to s'-hool Here, i
glad. When di'l you see my mother
last? Is she looRing t"
gotten all this out liefore I nollre,
that she had not put her hand out
and wag lookliiK me suao-m
face, as thouxli hud never seen
me before. "Oh. sue uraieu. -Ann
Ann say. lint what Is your
last name anyway?"
I could hard y believe my cars. M)
face must have expressed my emo
tion, and mv vloce trembled with
anger as I answeied: "You know very
well wh it my lat name i. um
nn I .... ifolna to forget yours.
I rlrtn'l ever w:Hlt to SP'-lIK to
again." and I turned and urt her.
Toinorruw til ace t umrron
. o
rn not isv vmir car up on account
,f a l-nkv riidta'or. Our radialor
compound w ill do the wot k. H
, o
n.n..fliii(iniiA with Jerry
Xn-thou, posing of an "roughnecks" who did not J" " Hathaway until after I had been
andldate will not draw the embodiment of sobriety and the erly introduced to him: that I
'' ...j i,nriicml ho nes, and virtue has -, h m.if . anv t me and
ry votes irotti ...... , . ... ,,. , me '',u"' .' 7 '"' V. .,",.1.;. w.....
.101 .i...... -' -- " snow my uses aim u.n..rr
retiring sherlflf: and such support h.i( w()lll(1 no, be ladvlike; that I
will not destroy the efficiency of iho muM , jpeak to certain young wo-
To be an efficient enforcement
officer, other qualifications hul
than the mere fuel of having b"cn
a "consistent drv" Is necessnry. For
eiamplo. an efficient sheriff needs
Intelligence, he neetls tact, he needs
business efficiency, he needs cour
age nnd above all else he needs In-
ninn who will be elected to fill the
The Inueuendo directed agal'is'
Ihe supporter, of any candidate
inly serves to make them more ac
tive on his behalf: yet It Is a pity
hat the local republican committee
foel, constrained In such a way as
'o ileal In such an Innuendo.
LAND OF 1 7I l-AN(iC.iKH
nOMRAY, India,. Sept. 30 One
hundred und seventy-nine languages
and f44 dialects have been descrlb-;
ed and classified In a recent survey
Sutherlln, tore., Sept. 7. 1920.
Mniiee is herebv given that on the
i - . , . ... inm ni
ed and classified In a recent survey nrsi i uesiiuy in v.t......,
of the different tongue, spoken by one o'clock p. m., the Sulheriln ai
the native, of India. ley Irrigation District will meet as a
Hoard of Kqtiallzallon to hear and
; determine any objection by any ln
An open car with closed car re- terested person, to Ihe assessments
flnement. A Windshield Visor gives and apportionment thereof, and any
you this distinction. H. Merten. Ac-, other matters connected therewith
cessuilcs and l'arts. th:'t may come before them.
o 1 Hoard will meet at their office In
l.tiN TII-S. SI'ltlMi IlKI.IV KItT.'the Fruit Growers' building In Suth-
....... i...u fp anrh niflini?
These are not sprout plants, joint - - , ,, pr,iu,,n,
plants or strangle tip plants. They . Secre Sry
are first-class tips. Also have st raw-1 A. P. b-Alh.. Hecreiary
. - ..II l,l,..ld f,,, It ! O
.. . . . . - I . ?l.. . n. lu a frlomt ln-'..n nf !. nimlts
trees. I5eller oook vour oioer now. rt iie-uu n. - - -- ,.. .-- . .
I.. Kl. LIS ' Ueen. i nai is a i- i ..... . .
burg -realize until vou It. It Merten rirst time, i torgot sti i.ur aiiini..n
. J
men. even i.u.. . , . .V
tlmes nnd was Introduced to them.
because they were cjnsiaereu in
ni,.,iDit tendencies: that I
.tin, nt n restaurant with
"lit a chiperone. And an me wntie
I saw young men doing things that
,...i.M.ian tn nn In racl. nere
nt My Aunt Clara's was the first
...... T n'oa Intrndlicen lo ine
iloitblo stand . rd of conduct for the
voting men and the young tames, i
.a ItiBM t.lens in time.
and became quite well versed In the
.n....An.innl mnnnpT sof society be
fore It wns time Ifor me to go to me
school. Wllh my Aunt one ntternoo.i
1 met Jerry Hnthawav. on tne streei
.... Kl,., Hnnit but Instead of It
having any -effect on him. he winked
his eye at me as we passen. ne seem
ed to understand Immediately why
t ,ii.y it
i... nwiihu. .-rnlA n.e dallv. and I
knew from her letters that upon my
going out iM her life, she had nothing
-.. n Hi,. tnr Khn wns lust mara-
ing lime until I should return- She
seldom mentioned C.race Cameron or
Kenneth Halsey, and I was surprised
tvhon l renehed the oreparatory
school tn find that Grace was to be
Three miles weM of 11. i
' ,'1 i
i' 'i ;iv :'
- Mih': ' m I . y
v !;.'M-"'"''-.W-,
lYING (Jresjon-made eoods is
Lirvclv a matter of
r m u
801 Ml
Mrs. Oregon: Tear this ,ul
and hang it up i' your kiti-lien to
rcniinJ you to ask for " Oregon
Ilcfore you buy anything, tliink for a
moment in't that article you need
supplied hy an Oregon manufacturer ?
Then ask your merchant for the Oregon
made article.
lie will he glftrJ to till your needs with
Oregon goods, because he knows that
every time he sells an Oregon product,
he helps Oregon, and everybody who
lives in Oregon. He knows, too, that
Oregon Products are the finest in the
land. Tourists from all over the world
marvel at the wonderful flavor of our
fruit, vegetables, nuts and cheese. Our
manufactured products arc sold from
Maine to California.
Start to form the habit today.
Assccijtt J InJustrUs cf Ortgoit
Gen. Georoe d'rieabera. vho cari-tes
scars of nine wounds received in the
wart of Russia, including the Russo-
Jan war and the World war, and w0
having lost his estate In Russia and
France, is now working aa a mecnanw
In a New York garage.
Cecroos. IHut-trious Eavptian. Made
Country an Ailum for the In
nocent and Persecuted.
WUTi Oie -Iriwn of Attic civilisation
In uiu'l.-!!t Civi'.-e. (Vt-n.js. an K-'M
thin Imili h inwn on thf sit whert
Inter ihf rlnnli-l if AtluM.- rie h
iiiiiL'tiili. ni. t. He IntHMhn-iil iiHiml
try iiii'l- r his rule f 'smi mi iisvluin
for the lt;HKvin ntKl iifrs.Tiitfil. Kr.-in
llilit liUic nil fsii:i-s, ri;ip:irls flint
taws txri'Mlfti tli.-tr I'.MH'li.iiil ititlu
pin.'e. .Mo ut 1 ru .wins it ft ir tilin th
I'hwnli.-Mui Oitiuiiis lrttiiflit th? us
tif li'ttfr-" Into BiK'ntiii; ami at Thfl'cs
In tht -Mint countr. he eret tetl a I'lla
M. Tlit- jjreutesl lyric lM't nnil the
irrvnt-t jrenornl of the Crveks wrn
H.K'nilnni. hut neviTtheless (Ills e
pte uas ni'cus'(1 of t itpntiry. WliiU
'h!r vjihie wa not npiTeciatrii. tlieh
tllst'oviT .'s were brought to perfivtlott
by utl.e:; am) more usefully iipiilled.
It U mnarkable thai Cii'Iiiium
the father of learnlns. who taiulit
us to down our thoughts to fu
turtty. r:i!tie Into Oeeve Just at a imn
when Joshua, the leader or wie
Jew, drove the Phoenevtan tribes to
ward the sea nnd romtKiled them to
seek refute In distant colonies. Thi
of a despised people, sen reel j
known tn Oreek historians, was the
occasional cause of all the Intellectual
and moral excellence which has arisen
through ihe Influence of literature.
K . . nt i.l U
Strawberry nams:
FOR SALE Several thousand jj
Ktll rooted strawberry plants. R
Oregon and Gold Dollar, 10 j I
pT thousand. E. F. nallou. 5
R06 WiLChester, or W. H. j
Urlmhall. R. 2. f
rooms "'
4 roouu
rooms. 2 Lots "
room. !"'
S rooms
i rooms. 2 lots
rooms with furniture -
rooms, big lot
rooms, big lot
J rooms
7 rooms
1 llusiiu'ss room
ll.-al i:tnte, Iinuinnce, Notary
nit Taas St. Phone .No. Jbi
lUmohurc lrein
T. st. r.
and Wife.
Graduates and post-graduate
of the Oldest Charter-
ed Collece of Chiropractic
n tne woria
t have re-opened offices !n the
Perkins Bliig.
We use no drurs nor elec
t triclty, nolhinft but straight'
! Chiropr.tetic. anil have heen
successtfiil for the past ten
I years in hanillin almost every
I disease known to the human
family. Otfii-e hours 9 to 12;
I and 2 to 5 p. m.
for lack of light. A Coleman "Quick Liie"
gasoline will furnish you a white clear light that
makes your rooms pleasant and reading or sew.
ing a comfort. J Or if you do not like gasoline
use the -'Aladin" kerosene lamp. Uses a mantle
and makes a wonderful light. You cannot per.
suade a user of one to be without it. Come in
and get one. If it is not satisfactory after using
a week, bring it back.
'"IHK 1'KI NK CilAlTAiyl'A."
il. I n.i.itni'er nt the Oreicou Glow
ers Co-operative Association, appear
ed In the October Issue of the Oie
riuu Cirowers magazine. Mr. Evans
.8 well Known nere:
)1 all the Chauiauquas I ever saw,
rue best one was the prune Chautau
qua l
Of the Washington County Farm
llureau bunch.
They had several good speeches and
plenty of lunch. j
They came from Gales Creek, Ijiure,.
ud some from ewuurg sweucu n.
v't-neath Uie trees on the college
Two hundred prune folks there were
seen., naifl nnit other things.
'.xponses which tne prune uiop
They talked, and then they heard
Prom men who dry prunes mighty
,'nri iarm made thincs move along.
II. s wife sang us a funny song
About the packers anu tue uuer
In the land of prunes and dryers.
Prof. Walter Brown, of O. A. C,
Told how to fertilize , trM
.Aim c. j. iium told whan,,,!
.. -v.. . UUB ,
:ach family bofore hom urn J
.lltil.,1 fl.u Wu.,.J n... 1
.. ... r rrune l!(
And all asr-ed the iiy ltj J
As hani.ilv tliev hit.,bv.rj 1
A Silverh.aia Spotlight a
you have len lookinr fw a-.
one for you. H. M.rtta,
Nothing So Small That the Zephyrs
Shall Not Find it ana bpreaa
It Beneficially.
Now that it's rtme to buy
your fall suit, don't be
fooled into buying a suit
"cut out by the doz n,' in
a color and style you don't
like hul must take because
"it's nil thy have in stock."
Kl particular. Select the
color you like and style you
want from our 300 pure
woolens. Tailored clot hoi
are better and coat no more.
Come in today we'll prove
Vtl'I'll 'L- Tik Dim is.
The Winchester Hospital for
ni-tt fif TiiKi.rrnlr.flia Ko. ..L
all the inu-reflts of the Raiter j
luiiuiu. in i nunc lUUtD'.eQ w
old concern will please call is;
1 1 it nl tin nfTira nf canit spin, t
j holding accountB against inttiJ
i will t) resent (time. 1
To the Votcm of Iouglu Cook:
f am tlit t ainlMate on the r.
tleket ;it t!' No fsnber tleftit.B :
orrUf ot ltuntv I'ltrrk If eiertK
'xer-lfe the mosi tifid mnors
itf4ttiit with ol nervier, in u
1K t of tlie ofTut. and will uiff
fiiileHvurH to i-vv that all p'"1
iiipt businMt with the oSki :
ju!"t ami o:ji t. treat mmt
Vour vote i relje- tfullv v'X-
i T'i -'. i it:v p k:
Douglas County Light: and WaterW
Try Our Way
Our Auto VU Call.
Phone 277.
Acres of perfume come on the wind
from the black and white of the benn
Id; ihe tin lb! Oie air by ihe cipe
with jHTfume. I know nothinK to
which the wind hm not some happy
ue. In t!icre a gram or oust o mikim
the wind shall not find it out?
round in the min vhe.l of the cen
turte. the Iron of the disiunt nuMin
tnln rt,.;is like pw-nnier. ate) Is drunk
up a dew. A ihonsniid mile of
cloud pro by from morn till n!-,'ht
pntiii: overhead w Ittiotit a s.und ;
the lunnenre packs, a mile iu;ire, -sue
ceed to etich other aide by a:de. Ia!'
parallel, book slinpe. MMnlnc up from
th h'T'ion and wtdi-nirm a? they Hp
profit-h. hYott oioni till niht tlt
client fottifHlU of the pondenttx tb
pom trivel overhead, no ji.icui. tie
creaking of the wl;ee! and nt u tl o
the cn:u; It l calm nt the eii'td
hnt ' jnil Inlior without nn e.Tor
above, wtth mich en, tih I
power. Cray tmokr banc1 "n the hl
lde where tiie cm h lienn arv p- v1
a cuniulim of mke ; the win1 rone
and It ilnvj lia tenrth aloT:g like th.
rnll from the rai'ben pot; ther
leai up a red flame h.ikmg it n-.ul
It ahtnea In the bniiit i:Td:gl.t : i,
ran ne It acrvsa th y K:v rd
Buy Better Bucks
and the
Best Breeding Ewes
for Less Money.
if .u arc i!it.'i -l.-.l in any iiumlirr
f filler ma'11 or rHiHicre.l sliefp oT
Let Us Show You and Quot
You Prices on
Lighting Plant
KosKurrto, orkcon
II I'D.. -
Shr.i.i'iir Lincoln. Hum-
iiannnu:tite, ur any
Win '! tpili k what you want.
Box 51. North Portland, Oregon.
Opening Art Needle Shop
Mr. KUa Stewart and Miss
Kth. l Webb b g to an
nounce th. opening of their
Art Need'e Shop, and you
are corrikUly invited to in
spect and to Polictt their
aid iu your art wauta.
wm m
At I lie Hat Shop.
iMi(ii..s orTY T.winnsMY
Tann.-rs of fur?. laiM.rr.iist of
h'Viiis and nil km,U of niuniali.
Minufaoliir.-n. of furs, nhouldtr
:hrow. muff, fur coat, and caps.
J. V. LAXiJKNllKRG. Prop.
All woik F iaraniwi Orders taken
i . iv. mvkps nardwsn stor., or
.. . dds P. O. Bot 87, Roivburg.
ArN p naPiarp 1 Milfl Southea; t of I'mpqw Po5t(
' .... Clij
tsFrce Lunch at Noon
11 HEAD OF STOCK ,im,((rl!r
Onp bav eeldinc. 11 years old. weight is old. '', J
-., ,,r... i,..,,w IMS'""
1 bay geldinc. 3 years om. ijay. - i. p jf-rser
1 oar peiuin, O jen.n w.u. -
old; 2 heavy Percluron colts. 1 year ow.
One Helder tractor. 12-10. used l" .T, 'Y':.,T 1 JoM "i
plow, oue S8-18 2-way disc. 1 Iron '"," ",a,; .tlir"":
waenn. 1 Bnin 3-in. waeon. 1 di?c ""' -jikio P-.J
er. 1 John Deere sulkey plow. 1 J . ' rrv sprei"-,4
toin harrow, 1 16-ln. wheel ais-c. CJJ, nw
ed covered hark. 1 corruitated rollej-. j- ' r 1 A
. . ...i.i...tnF. i vm orini.n .,i.rt .
hav rake. 1 Emery grinder, hay fork. ' wd
.,ii A u.t.,.. rfnnhle harness. Mitl.e "
h..M Dnni. ann numerous other art icl.-s-
.... r- .,, nf 110 MU 7ZT-i,-tf 4
over 1U.00. time win e ogi-u u -r
per cent Interest.
I. ABRAHAM. Clerk.
J. M. JUDD, Auctioneer.