Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 01, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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PAam rmnw
firrl Republican Statement
H" ... ... umh'lran Central Commit too.
. Mm
Stress of Modern Llf. Ii-k.....
Among the Inhabitants of ths
Marquesas Islands.
, !hat President
v " ,,., congress
"? "b. 'Pacific coast
,r ih the l,"an,a
.nune'""1 rilrud"
c diplo.i.atlc rep
5,r ma. 6 to President
' m. The un.-
I" " ml also le-
'"""ml s. After (he elec-
..,1,11 """
it .
Vork, Uos Tatfgart of Indiana, and
Hie successor of Doss Sullivan of
lumber mills Illinois, 'lhese and their like, to
' Villon, however.
u- back on the prom
In which he was
'.. .u- law Which
1 1, TeH known .hat the
' ' interests contributed
" .expenses ' l'rpsl
"S while he -old .he
fr tolls provision
b"ue of the del
Sil qtlon. he has
. the country what
.. EJ, .ere. Kree loll, for
'S-.lse shipping meant
garment tor Die I'arl
' ".ou'd relieve the man
' .rie from the heavy
mde by the "na
"s . i, .id uii-an
. . m 111111 tr 1111119
, dc Kether with thn organized lluiinr in.
IVjuU mean encourage-! terests secured the nomination ol
..manufacturing concerns v....-
ike textile lines. It Is S
. rlima:lc conditions! I(1 traI1K8 how certain donm
'vcoad arf Ideal tor cer- cratlc officials in tho city of Wah
jf textile nianiifariurliig. jgton, D. C, happened to have pub
!tI work could be done t. business in San Francisco at the
Si ihifb in me east iiiui (ime ot the Democratic National
. ,tn.wl buildings, which r-,,ii veil I Ion And liminrl it ninvign'
, detrimental to the to travel in Pullman drawing room
he employes, mere an at tne public expense.
,, ,hat ith tree tolls
' . 1 ...llll...ia
i pnania iaii.ii. It Is explained why a chain of
tjuui oe exiiiiiui.i newspapers known as the Scrlnns
papers are so enthusiastically sup-
ortlng Uovernnr Cox. When the war
u-.le (in hn wrntn n Inttpi wliioh v.i.
j,:.jn used in securing exempt Ion from the
,tr tolls- Wi.h the dra(t of ,wo B()ng wf the wea,th
r?x- or ".'""'"m',: Lead of the Scripps publications.
;he V.lison polley, which '
a rMlioads will he con-
,o-e for Harding and a Vr- Vo'er! If you know there Is
,-rtul.lcan senator from 'ho republican ticket a bad man
rut or.'v " vote for de- wlioni you cannot trust, don't vote
r,3 demo'ratic exttava- r him! O.herwise vote the repub-
inrompe'encv. but it Is lr' i-ket Klraljrlit for the sake of
-r for our pocket books Principle,
-wides. i
S ! Call at republican headnuarters,
w be forKOtten that a 401 Perkins building get literature
lovernor Cox is a vote and buttons, and help a good cause
irpnchmnt In national along. You must help save your own
' Rii Murphy of N'ew country I'rom Kuronenn domination.
,-M;t and especially In
.,:! ic textile nianutact-
i lepulilican president
H3) MI1S
Pcnniijlviinlii Incident
Ilk of (trowing Demand
yttin Type of ( 'ars.
:al Illiis'raMon of the
reasinc value of the clos
ar as a neoesmiry means
atiin rather than a mere
wnieure, was provided
!tl etitorprising funera'
rifintown. IV lie h"ld
: vhih or'v Tc Itp UrOH.
roups n Tticlnated.
a coupe for the minister.
i palll'Part'rs. rod a
in for the fa'nilv and
If licensed. K'- en the
w iillv built on a
"rr Phasis.
takers. J. IT. Johnson
d no thought of asso
car d"!tioistnition
iTn tm-inpss f rinvev
t it. travc. On the con
dlare ihev have stand
:!:ij tyre of car. because
It by all nie-iiis to be
4 to their requirements.
'i qui.litl.., of diirnl'v
t are' hiihly esspntlnl
'o rrotor e inipment
tiler conterd.
m f.ictors are tho
-' :"'!nnce in the public's
"t tendency to dis
1 Vnr of th btht clos
- J- 0. N'.'w!:,nd. the
-: dealer in this cl'v.
the suliject. "People
After you eat always take
Instantly rclievosHeartburn, Bloat
d Gaty Feeling. Stops food souring,
repeatingr,"and all aomach miseries.
Aididlirastlofi and ppHto. Keeps itomich
we; &nd ("tromr. Incnwvea Vitality mnd Pep.
EATONlClt th best remedy. Temof thou
sand wonderfully benefit. A Only cost a cent
or two a day to ute it. Positively ffuarantec!
to pleate or we will refund bum;, Ut a bis
haxtodaj. You will see,
uTli.m Kullertoa, 205 Cass St.
RoseburK, Oregon.
mum hae cars that question hat
bin answered thousands of times
over. And they have concluded that
they miht just as well have cars
that will enable them to go any
where in comfort the whoie year
round, dav or nisht, warm or cold,
rafn or shine."
"A closed car of the Dodge Rros
type is just as necessary to the man
or woman who is accustomed to
riding in automobiles as a closed
stiect crTs to the man who depend?
on street cars. Our eloped car busi
ness proves that this is not merely
an individual belief. It is being dem
onstrated every day. People come in
and tell us that."
1 1 il a rirr una a. wm a
VIil 9 it E l ft r
i! 0Ql :'y of
BTOn-T';','"! ni lA-ri.
11 n-!'8 tune
r-'. Rim.
r,r tmoat
in a
NA ftllillli"lili''l
Sir Percy Cox iHia been appointed
governor general of Mesopotamia fol
lowing hit distinguished services at
commander of the Brittrh troops
there. That fertile but undeveloped
region on the Tigris and the Euphrates
rivers is now In the process of being
Persons possessing 1,iXi0 who Uka
the Indolent life of the tropics where
"inter Is unknown can speud the re
mainder of their lives to the Marque
sas Ulunda In the I'aclBc ocean, where
mej need only work two tours a day
to catch fish and pick bananas aud
spend the remainder of the day watch
In the skyblue sea wash Inrlly over
the golden sauds. .
The money would be required to pay
a secoud-class passu go from one of the
Pucltic coast ports, with outtlt, and the
balance to purchase fertile hind at $2
an acre.
The .Marquesas are situated In 8 to 11
south Ictltude and HO west longitude
ant! are of volcanic orliilu and moun
tainous. They are under the French re
public and the commissioner lives at
Talohnl, the chief town, which Is on
the Isliind of Nuknwa. There were
4,300 Inhabitants in the Ishmds when
the cennus was taken In WW, but the
natives, who are Christians, have
dwindled awny since tlxn. There are
8,800 square miles In the thirteen Is
lands, which compose the Murquesas
group. The chief products are tropical
fruit, copra and mother of pearl. The
landing is difficult, as the shore goes
up like a woll from the sea.
Passengers arriving from the Pacific
say that the clliunte of the Marquesas
Is Ideal and that Hie thvre Is one long
day dream, with no disturbing element
beyond the silver-tongued notes of the
bulhul at sunset froui Its lofty perch
on the ancient buohahs by the sea
shore. New York Times.
Sacred City of Mongolia Has But
Thin Veneer of the Civiliza
tion of Today.
Crgn. sacred city of the Living Bud
dha, lying fur to the north of Mon
golia, is a relic of ruedlevul times over
luid wllh. a veneer of twentieth cen
tury civilization, and Is a city of vio
lent contrasts and glaring annchron
Isnis. It was used ih a base of sup-
piles by Uoy Chnpmun Andrews, lead
er of the second Asiatic zoological ex
pedition of the American Museum of
Nuturnl History.
Motor CHrs pn camel caravans
fresh from the (loul desert; holy la-
nins lu bright robes walk side by side
with hluck-gowned iirlesls and swarthy
Mongol women In the fantastic hend-
dress of their race stare wonderlndy
at the lutest fashions of their Rus
sian sisters relutes a correspondent of
the Detroit News. Three great races
have met In Urga, and each carries
on Its own customs and wuy of life.
The Mongol's felt-covered home hus
remained unchanged; the Chinese shop
with Its wooden counter and blue-
govned Inmntes is still pure Chinese,
and the ornate cottages proclaim
tfctmiselves to be Russian.
Men from all races and coiners of
the earth gamble together. All Mon
golia lives on horseback, and a Mongol
will never walk even a hundred ynrds
If he can help It. Summer In Mon
golia Is short at best, and In the win
ter the temperature drops to 00 and
00 decrees below sero, and the great
plateau Is swept by biting winds from
the Siberian steppes.
Leaders Must Pay Price.
There's satisfaction In being able to
do hurd things. Weaklings have to be
exceptionally Insignificant if they can t
do something. Then Uiere Is a large
class that can do many things Indiffer
ently. Those who can carry big loads
and carry them well are few. 10 be
In this select class appeals to most
folks, but only the few really deserve
place In It. And they do not land there
without effort. Such honors are mat
ters of growth. Time and toll are the
price paid for the advance. Beginning
with what comes easy the wortny ones
become experts and then add to their
sphere of achieving such things as na
turally fall In line with their enaeav-
ors. Then they grow without being
really conscious of added strength.
That comes as a glad surprise when
some one calls attention to 1U
Asparagus Has a Pedigree.
Asparagus was cultivated In Rome
200 years II. Cm and lilny, In his "His
tory Nnturalls, mentions tnnt near
Kavonnu there grew a kind of which
three heads weighed a pound.- Aspar
agus flourished also In Greece. It Is
a native of several places near lie fn
In Britain. At Kynanco cme. In
Cornwall, a rocky Island Is called "As
pnrngus Island." because at one time
the plant was cultivated there. In an
cient days all sprouts of young vege
tables were called asparagus; and in
comparatively modern times the arti
choke, cardoon, senkale and allsander
were Included. Nowadays only the
one Is so called. Most probably all
are wild sea-coast plants, and culti
vated asparagus of an unpalatable or
der may still be found on British
Korean Women Nameless.
The Korean woman has not even a
name In childhood she receives a
nickname, by which she Is known In the
family and by her friends, but, when
she arrives at maturity, it l employed
only by "the sister of" or "the daugh
ter of such a person.
After her marrtoje her name Is bur
led; she Is absolutely nameless. If
it hannons that a woman has to appear
nsSd. Autr nnlitlallw snrf .nrlrui.
turally and Induttrial'lv it s being ' In a law court Uie J'idL-e glvw her a
" "IIjW r, modernized as rapidly as possible, to special name for nse while the case
Otr.. M'A.V the new governor general hat a tatk ' lasts. In order to syve time and to
Lord Rayleigh, whose engagement to
Mrs. J H. Cuthbert, widow of a lieu
tenant-colonel of the Scots guard who
was killed In the war, has been an
nounced. Lord Rayleigh Is regarded
is the leading authority in the Eng
lish-spesking world on the subject of
radium, and is a professor o expert,
mental physics In the Imperial College
of Sciences at South Kenslnaton.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
meeting of the Common Council of
lie l ity of Rosebuig. Oregon, held
on the 2()ih day of September, 1920.
uie following resolution was adopt-
u .
"Resolved, that the Common
Council of the Clly of Rosebure
ieeuis It expedient aud necessurv and
hereby proposes to improve Kowier
street from the north line of Court
-ureet to the north line of Lot 11.
Block 7. Chadwlck Addition to said
city, in the City of Itoseburg. Oregon,
in the following muuner:
Hrst: By grading the street to the
proper sub-grade;
Second: By paving the roadway of
aid street twenty-four feet wide
wiih concrete pavement; -
Third: By constructing concrete
Kourlh: Hy constructing sub
drufns, K necessary;
Fifth: By constructing streel
monuments, If necessary;
Sixth: By laying vitrified sewer
Seventh: By constructing calch
oasins and inlets.
Said improvements are to be made
in accordance with the charter and
ordinances of the City of Rosburg.
Oregon, and the grnde. plans, speci
fications and estimates of the City
Engineer, filed in tile office of the
City Recorder on the 20th day of
September, 1920, which said grade,
plans, specifications and estimates
in hereby approved and adopted.
The entire cost of said improve
ment, Including the cost of engineer
ing, advertising, abstracting, clerical
help and interest, shall be nssessed
upon the property especially benefit
ted thereby, as provided by Ihe Char
ier of the City of Hosvlnirg. and in
accordance with the petition of thi
property owners to be brut-lined by
said Improvement, und no part there
f shall bo paid by the City ut itose
burg. The estimate of the City Engineer
f l lie probable detailed cost of said
Improvement is the sum of 14136. !5.
Resolved, that tl.e City Recorder
of the City of Itoseburg. Oregon. be
.ir.d he is hereby directed to give
mlice or said proposed improvement
.vi provided by the Charier of tin
Jily of Itoseburg. "
Remonstrances against said pso
posed improvement may be iiled with
he undersigmd within twenty days
from the first publication of this
notice, which is the i-'nd day of Sep
tember. 1920. r WII..I.Et
Recorder of the City of . Roseburg,
Spur offers highest possible quality at lowest
possible price. Its success proves that
iJfwiei alwtupjmno at iLtoj
A nw mtkrtj rX -!i: t
.. v ivuili IIIBKCSi
Spur burn slower between puffs.
Spur's good old tobacco taste
lasts longer. The crimped not
pasted) seam does it
Mm sov wmdWM
Mi wtzw
r. Ar-if'-rVr-t'fr
"Brownnuid S;lvor"' urfc
Trip I. wrapping keep.
fresh and ridu
Arundel, di"o tuner. Pnon. I89L.J
tip lir. In 1 A Wallror H A TT I
uy that farm.
Hunting positively prohibited on
he lunds of the Curry Kstute.
Insure against loss equip your
ractors so tony won't set fires.
Fires destroy lives, property aud
food. Be careful with Are.
If you want to suit your properly.
see J. A. Walker, 106 Cass St. l'huue i
Got your rubber boots hallf-Boled
for the rainy weather at Green's Tire
Shop. I
If you want to buy a home In the
beautiful city of Itoseburg, Bee Wal
ker, 105 Cass St. l'honu 91. j
Insurance rates are -all the same.1
Seek tho agent who will tako the
best care ot you. That's Rice & Rice.
OA'l'S and other grains to sell
should submit samples and get
prices from us before selling
their grains.
Remember we have handled
your grain In the past and have
never failed to get satisfactory
T I" ." ' will
b. hold .1 ll Aluvi.t... Hall av.ry
Aral am third W.uneadaya ot th.
. month.
HUUKKAHS lt.,..kur. K, L..l.
1... l.mpl. .v.ry w..k on Tu.hiMr
.iili,,. Vl.lllnsj ni.iuk.ra ln ..nrt
al.iiUliia r. liivit.u t.
BA l.KNu.X. N .
SKl.l.h: STkeHUNsoN, See.
BAIt-hir, Fin. Hy.
Don't Dllt off for tomorrow what
you run do toduy. It may be too late. I
Have your Insurnnce attended to. 1
Sec Rlc,& Rice. .
Hay that Insurance attended to
and ace thai you kci the luir.est and
best old hue companies. W'o've got
them. Rice & Rice. i
I have purchased the hemstitching ,
mnchlne at Bellows store. I am an
experienced heiustitrher. All work
wanted for Christmns must be i
brought In early. Mrs. F. F. Jones.
Jack Roach of Drain has received
tho agency for the Queen line Ot In- j
cubators and brooders .Now Is the!
time to make your Inquiry and pl:i-e!
your order for latum delivery.
A:u r.nw hooking orders for day;
old chicks for 1921 delivery from;
hijih producing T.incred strain bne
Leghorns. Earl Vosburgh, 702 Ful-
lerton St., itoseburg.
Don't forget the Hard Times dnnee
at Winchester Saturday night, Oct. 2.
Cot enjoyment out or your auto
rides by having Cniveraul Filler In
stalled ln your tires.
Have you Investigated the Uni
versal Tire Filler? If not you bet
ter do so before, you have and more
punctures unci blowouls.
I. O. II. P., I'ulon Knrniupulral K.. 0.
Mc.ts In Uilil PVNuuV'le
every Thursday .vanliis. YlaltiliK
brethren always welcoti'...
JtniM itKF.isir. c. r.
Ol.lVhjll JOHNSON, K. R
l-:Aiil.US nisiburit Aitie .i.ala tn
Ihetr hull .n .l-ii ka.ti sit. n 2ni aa1
4th MotiJuy evi-nlnss nf au.-ti ni.ntli
at I ciVlm'k. Vlsllina lirthr.ii iti
Koud ataiKjtog alwaya wcleorac.
l-'U':n p f-i.ytiiK, w f. r.
R. K. lii.DHMAN, aauretury.
I. f. U. HI.HS. Hn..b.raT l..d.. a,., at
---Mulita i.tulur eutniMunlcationa at
tlia Klka" Tainpl. on eueh Tliuiaday
of .vary niunlli. All m.mb.ra i to attend resularly. and all
vlHitlng ara a.rdlally In
vited to altand.
A. J, I.1I.BUIIN, B. It.
1HA B. itmULE. Meoy.
I. O. u. K.. lilUlnrlan Loda. Mo. N,
maeta at Sykes hall. N. Juukaou 81,
on Sulonl.iv evt-iilntf uf vue w.mK.
.'tMlllns brethren an always wl
coiiiu, l.YMON L. SPENCBR, N. U.
A. J. OKUDKS, Hau. fac.
J. B. BA1I.1CV. Kill. 8c
uo(Mitii itv line woai.u-Camp
No. Hi. meals In uud l-'ailows' hall in
Itua.aura ovary lat and 3id Monday
ataolnta. Vlaltlng nolghburs al
ways w.lconia.
O. H. PigKKNR, C. C.
M. M. WlLLKlt. Clark.
hMllll'I'K III-' D-lltlAa Alpha LoilKe
Ni. 4 i", me.-ls eve. y Wvdnesiluy av, n
Inir. cor. .l.i' ks-iii und Cuaa Eila. Vialt
oi a alwli . t el, i,ii ,..
IIIIV il. V' M'NIl. r c.
I'll s r i'i.i't;i:.a. M r.
k i:. h im iiiiiu.y, k. it s
I.OV4I. "l:li:if ill- iimisi.: ItoRt'burK
IXllllll NO. Il:i7. UleelH Ht'ftllHl Mill'
fviLirtb V'i dm silav cvviiltiKa of ea h
motith .it " ii'eloi k In ilia aloes, ball.
All vi itli-K tirMlbera ara to
r. w nHKB, Dictator.
H. t. I'AM'iKTLH. Wevratary
M:il.HIIOIIS iV l.tllt'ltAt.-'r l.llac
I'liili- Nil IH. oi.eta on nil Bell 4lh
M.irelay Hvetilnsa. Vlalllni nrlkhbora
Invited to attend.
KDITII I'llt'RCim.U 1 N.
Til, I. IK I. JOIINSIIN. I lerk
I. I). II. r., Itlalna aiar l..dK No. 174,
mMa In RykM nil, N. Jackson 81.,
.vary Vrlday avrtilna. Vlaltlng breth
ren alwaya welcoaia.
K. A. PKTI'RT. N. O.
II. t HIIMI'llltKY, Itec. Hec.
II. W. K II A W, V. O.
M. KK KlK. Kin. Kac.
O, ti. a., Ituat-bura: I' So. a
llnlila their rekular niuotlna on th.
11 anil :lrd Tliuradaya In aai-h month,
ara re.peetfiilly Invited to attend.
A. K." A. M., I aurrl l odae JS'o.IS
I ti-ii ulur t-ijininunlentiona 2nd and 4tli
Weilnesibiya eaeh month at Maaonla
Tempi., Uoaeburs, Ore. Vlaitora w.l
' coma.
W. F. HARRIS. Secy
A. A. WILl.ifcK.W. U.
ttosriti nii i.minK Kii. ioa.1,
Hrolfa.rl.iMHl of .ff Way
l':itipln ee and H.llnay shop l.bor
rr. AfTlimi'-d wllh the A. K. of U
Meeta at Muuh hall ih. flrat Wed.
fuitrlh Hut. nialita and third Sundays
o( .avli month.
J. V. SMITH .Pr.aldent.
W. J. MKItKUITIl, Hm. Secy.
KO MAC IVKK. Kin. Becv.
I.. U. I. tl. It.i.ebnra llh. No. 11 holds
resulHr review, on second and fourth
Thursday aflernoona In
hull, winter, of other hlv.s vlaitlng
In our city ara cordially Ihvlt.d lo
atteml our revlewa. Maccaba. h.H
on Cass street.
Iltll IXITKE. Com.
i faivraaching resDOnaiblllty.
tXmpllfy mattera.
MLN'T Tl.MU. K O'-ueral Land
Office, WashiugtoB, D. C. August 28.
li(-0 Notice is hereby given that
subject to ttie conditions and limi
tations of th- Acts ef June 9. 1916
139 Stat.. 218, and June 4 1920 ,
i Public 241 ), aud the isstiuctions of
the Secretary of the Interior dated
September 15. 1917. and Juue 22.
1.(20 the timber .u t." lellewim
lands' will be sold Oct. Is. 12. at
trim o'clock a. m. at public aactloa
at the Waited States laid eice at
Roseburg. Or-t.s. t. ike ihrl
bidder at not less tbaa Ike appraised
value an shows ky tkls ii.tlce. sale ,
o be Bubject to the approval of the
Secretary of the Inleilor. The pur-,
-huse price, with an additional sum
,f uie' fifth of one per cent thereof.
,,-iiiK coiiiniis.ions allowed, must be
deposited at time or Kile, money to
,e returned if sale i not approved.
Mberwise patent will l-su for tho
imber which must be removed with-,
in ten vears. Kids will be received
from citizens of the United S ales,
.ssociationa of such cltir-ns and c.r
,ratins oreanijed und" ! ,
,f the United States or any sta e.
rritorv or district ll.creof only,
i Ton apillcaiion of a qualified pur
ba'. r the timber on any h eal sub
ivisl,,n win he offen d separately be
re beine Included In any ofTer of
anrer nnlt. T. Jl P.K. 1 W. Sec
KK'i FKy. fir 1125 M . cdar 5
si;; "none of which I'j?"' f;;r
e than $1 5 p.r M T. .,'
- w S"- 3. NK1 flr 450 M..
NVH NEH. nr 475 M. none of
.hirh shall be sold for Im han
.. .n u ISI.nedl CLAY TALL-
MAN. Commissioner General Land
Fordson Tractors $890.35
Now ii th time to ! your Full p'owiiv. VChy not ilo it wih m Konimm and (fet your
crogm in x-ttrtt thf heivy rain. Call In aixl no ut and li( u snunr you aixl make arrange
tmM.ttt ftr a tiiMii(ruttiHliin. ift Our Trnm.
C. A. Lockwood Motor Company