Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 29, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    It O B t; Uf U O WU . ItPVIICtt
Uanrd idtir l:irp butiittif.
U. W. Ilutf L. Wtnberlj llrM . Bate
Pally, pmr year, by mill 4 P't
Lm!y, bix monthi, by mail....... J. 00
hy Carrier, pr mouth W
1 l. AisH.'lHted Freas eclUMly
entitled to th uie for republication ol
all news d input he credited to It or
nut otherwise credited In thla paper
and alio the local imwi published here
in. All rlKhta of republication of mpv
cliil dUptttche tiiMii r alao raaervud.
Kntered aa ecofid-clRL mat ler M.iy
17 li.'(t, at the pout office nt KukeburK,
O'fKon, under I he A-tof AUreh I, 1b.".
lt4M'l)urfC, Oniion, Kft,
Arrested and Fined
For Killing Beaver
Official Democratic Statement
ily IXmjjlan County Democratic Central Committee.
Wm. A. Wroe, son of a well known
Smith Kiver raiiihtr was fined fi'S
,". jubnue j. rw. . avers' quartern iiiiuminceil Llii,
of lleeilnpurt on tlio charca of kill- The Hpen k ith will show
lug a beaver and nhliiuliiK the lililn
to l nlraK, hiivh I lie I out Hay Times.
The rase was pi oHiiu!eil hy I)i puly
(JaiiiH Warden MIk. til .Mar.ilifielil,
In tonjiim tliin. w ith l ho federal
game offlilalH.
The. cane wan ralhiT a peculiar one
the ofreiiso occurhiK nearly two yearH
uko. Wroe wan llien 17 anil was
trapping for other fur hearing an
imals, when he (jot a beaver, and
shipped It by parrel post to a Clii
caso dealer anil re eived J II. ill for
It. It was IhrniiKh the shipment that
the federal ul fleers got a line on it,
evetil iiatly.
democratic headquarters have
been opened at the office of J. V.
Storrett. of the Alt Bar ben Lund Co
112 West Cass street. with .Miss
Ivlun Mackay In charse. Any one
tunning demo ratlc literature or a
cainp.'ifeii h;ition will please call at
neaimuaiiers on lass street, near
the Southern I'at-ltlc depot, any time
ueiween u a. in. and & d. hi.
if ft
Senator Harding's fidelity to the
great cortmrailons of l he country
and to those of large Incomes will be
exposed to the people of Oregon.
amoiiK other things, hy scores of
speakers who are soon to go Into
every comer of the slate Cox head-
that the
vole or the Ohio senator were In
variably cast against the excess
irofils tax. against Increasing the
lax on war profits, and against In
ciea:ilng the taxes on thoso with In
come! aie've 1 ,000,1100 a year.
"Senator Ifardlng's record (if loy
alty to the big corporations Is one of
the most striking In the history of
American political life" Is the state
ment of I)r K. T. Ileillund. Mult
nomah rouniv chairman In telling of
I ho plan to expose Harding's record.
It leaves no iiiestlon as to whom
Hauling thinks should bear the cost
of government In Ihe Iiiited States.
m : 1
v . -..Mk 'i i r
So Run Down Los Angeles Woman Collapsed But
Is Now Back at Work. "Tanlac Has No
Equal" Says Mrs. Ames.
comes. Individuals or corporations,
he didn't want the farming and pro
fessional cornoratiolls to he exemnl
The story runs like this. An amend- from Income laxes. He voted against
ineni was oitered to the revenue bill exempting them. And he voted again
J ney forwarded Ihe Infoimailon Our speakers will tell the story of
to Mr. Illlg, nod ho slarled to locate the Harding otes to Iho peoplo of
Wroe. He found a W. M. Wroe on Oregon before November."
hnillh lllver, but no W. A. Wroe.
Finally he cornered W. M. Wroo
u'-n Z I . providing for the ellmlnatlun of 1st giving publicity to Income tax re-
i. . tun. . .i . . , . ".!!. mm in consumption taxes, turns and to profiteering.
" .'! . "K...Vf.l.he. ,"'uv".r-ll,,.vU,w..or '" . ! from the whole pub- His at.ltu.le on the sublect of tax
minimum m'nally: ' ,,e n""'" ,,p by ,n-t" U defined In an address In the
Heaver cannot be k I In Oreeon " .' V ".. . 0"lB OH r'el.ruary 2, 1917. He
. , - - - --- - .-. - o iit,,,iMTH in iMi:rns oi ta.iiuu. fse.iaior said"
except hy special perm t. and then iiur.iin ....i..... I ... . ...
onlv when Ihev are iloln .l,,.t. ... " "V" " '- I lor one an. speaking In op-
" iiirtin.. IWH iflll to t MM ntmi. li nivan nu hill
property, t ne permits are restricted n,nor , , ,.,.. i, . .
a T. percent tax on war profits, i twenly-six millions of unfair, lin
llurding voted against It. I Just unreasonable and uncalled for
i Another amendment provided for .class tax upon the great corporations
n i" porn-tie tax on war profits, of the land
Harding, voted against It. I Speaking of the excess profits tax
I Another amendment provided for he said:
ia tir per cent tax on war profits. I "1 want to pot Into tho record
Harding voted I.Mr. President, lhat this tax In the
Another amendment provided for ' first place is not necessary: that It
a fio percent tax on war profits, is revolutionary; it Is unfair: it Is
Harding voted against it. I sectional In character; It is dlstlnct-
: Another amendment provided for ly class legislation, anil not designed
!a fin tier cent tax on war profits. t but well Inclined to discourage huc
: Harding voted ngain-'t II. icess; and then. In tho last analysis,
lie voted ag:iinit four amend- II Is utterly Impracticable to collert
nients providing lhat the tax on the
larger corporation Incomes be In
creased. He voted against the raising of Ihe
lux on the larger Incomes anil voted
'gainst raising the rate to fi0
"Among the many ;! mild en- fainting spells. I was unable even
dorsements that liaie been ghin to walk to the car, and finally had
Tanlac by Ihe p.-iole of California, to Kjvt) up my work. I was so lit-r-none
is more int. r. -.-.ting than H'" 4QU , couiu , )u.P crying at times
siaiemeni mane u n. r. ne-.-. .
425 wih iiiv.a ;,reet. Los Alleles. 1r my back hurt me constantly and
who has been a allied emplince of I could not get more than an hour's
the I. os Angeles Timei for the past idieu at a time.
seven years. . j -j wa3 s0 imiirescd by reading
"I consider that Tanlac has been . 0,.,..,s about Tunlac that
worth all of ten dollars a bottle to . ....,.. ,,... and the second
me," Raid Mrs. Ames, " and those
wishing to know pi'ronaily what I
think of it may wnle me. and I'll be
only too glad to tell (lieni all about
"Karly In 191U my stomach be
gan giving me trouble and since
'ben I had been almost a constant
dose helped nie. I am now on my
fifth bottle and feel like a new per
'son. I eat Just anything I want und
It agrees with me perfectly for I do
iol have the slightest touch of in
tlircstion. My nerves ate calm and
steady and I sleep every nl-:ht like
a b:'.he. I have never felt better In
sufferer. Always alter meals I had jny life, have gained .eleven und t
a stuffed up feeling and lay heart half pounds and I am perfectly hap
neat so naru anil last at Times i ii.ii py iiei-aiise Tanlac has testored my
it alaimed me. About l montln health and I can attend to my du
ago I Just collapsed com pletcly. I ties in the office as well as I evei
onnldn'T eat and L'ot so weak I had could."
to whiter months and tho bides have
to bo turned over to the game com
mission, who auction them off once
a year and use the proceeds in pay
ing the danmge to peoplo who have
Bid feted a loss through the work of
the beavers.
Mr. Dllg says that heaver nro In
creasing In numbers, thote being a
few large colonies on upper Sinllh
river and 111 that sectinit us well as
in Kugeno, Hood lllver and many
eusleru Oregon- points.
II. Jay Stone, formerly a resident
of this city but now living al lu
Angeles, came to this city today
and will remain for a short tlnn
unending to business matters. Mr.
Stone experienced Ihe I.os Angeles
rnrthiiuakes which he stated did
considerably more d.uour.o than was
reported, lie reports Mrs. Stone en
Joying excellent health In the south
ern cltv.
it along
, Hon.'
the lines of Just applica-
peri The nubile is herebv notified that I
ent on Incomes in excesB of Jl.OIIO,- have sold my interest in Ihe Melrose
atnre to Mrs. K. Stubbs. All out-
Although Harding Invariably vot- standing accounts are payable to Mrs.
I'd against Increasing the tucs ou Klulibs, who also assumes nil bills
war profits and Ihoso of Inrper In- ncainsl the store. It STI'llllS
At Money
Saving Prices
$3.25 Ladies' Outing
Gowns $2.49
Made of best praties of heavy Outing.
High or low collars. Full sixes.
42-in. Piquot Tubing
Just received case of this most want
ed Pillow Tubing. Regular 7fc yard,
value. Here at
59 cents per yard.
40c Ginghams, 29c yd.
New Fall patterns in stripes, plaids,
plain colors. Regular 40c grade buy
here at
29c per Yard
Is III .Snleni
Mrs. F. O. Mabuii is spending a
few days at Saleut in attendance at
the stute fair.
To Visit Son
Mrs. 11. W. Ktrnng left this morn
ing for Hire Hill to spend a couple
ot days visiting with her sou, Ka-1.
Will Visit Sister
.Mrs. J. II. Hogan Ml this morn
ing for Albany where she will visit
lor several days with her sister.
To .A li In nd
Mrs. (i. , Sloddard b it Ibis morn
ing for Ashland where si xpects to
visit for a short tune with friends.
Iienve For i'ortlund
Mrs. K O. Srhullz mid Mrs. W. A.
.lohnsin left ou Ihe morning train
for Portland to visit for a few days.
ioOM til roi'tllUHl '
J. Ilobsnli. of the Soldiers home
left this morning for I'm Hand to
kisll with fiiends ami relatives for
a short time.
Itellilns to Itilldle
-Mrs. W. I). Chadwlck. of Kiddle
was a Hoseburg visitor for a short
time yesterday, leivlug for her home
on tho evening train.
To San l-'i-aiicisco
Miss Jane llrown who has hei-n
visiting at tlie .1. M. PiiiKertiin 1k.hi--
en South Iieer Creek, left i his morn
ing for her hum,, In San Kraucisco.
llll-ioes al Sulliellin
I'. O. Malian. of the local Ore;on
growers plant, left this morning for
Sntlierlin to attend to business mai
lers at the processing plant.
$3.50 Cotton & Wool
Bats, $2.98
Full size 72-8-1 extra heavy, for
Yarns - Fleisclmer's Yams-Yarns
Fleischner's Knitting Worsted
Fleisclmer's Zepher
Fleischner's Silkanwool
Fleischner's Harther Mixed ...
Fleischner's Saxon v
$1.25 per hank
5 ic per ball
95c per ball
7-'4c per ball
45c per ball
Vk off on entire line of high-grade Suits,
Coats, Dresses and Skirts.
Alleiids Stale Kali-
County S nool Superintendent O
('. llrown left on the tnoi niii- Iran
for Salein uheie he will spend a con
pie of days In attendance al tin
state lair.
Visited l al-ni
-Mrs. Ida Morris, of Portland, w Uo
owns a large farm nud orchard near
I Looking Class, returned to her heme
I this .morning after superintend!!!:;
j work at the orchard.
Visit In IHIInril
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. nurnhnm of
Klamath Falls who are spending aj
few weeks in Itooelmrg and vlrlnltv, !
left last evening Ifor Dillard where i
tin y will visit with relatives for a1
few days.
,, lletirtls to llold'c
. Mrs. I., s. Ho d. who spent
few hours In Koseburg yesterdav
! shopping and vlsitlnt with friend
left Kor her home in r.iddle on the
evening train.
;letlinis to l-'riwo
l A. F. ltinierly. ef San Ffncisco,
jwhn has b en listing with Ifriend
'In linsebiirg the past week, left last
night for California. Mr. Tlutterlv
is omplovod hy the fire department
in San Francisco.
Ketiiro IIimmi
Mr ar.l Mrs. n. T.. I lodge nnd
two children who have been visit i :i
vvi'h Mr llo.lge's relatives at i.eoV
ct.ass. left thi morning for Sat
rranii-co where they reside.
From l-'iei-ni
CVmhi Win-tierlv arrived In U
bin-e last n g'-t from Knrene an I
will fpen.t a short time here nttend
'"g iii lii'--iT'e matters conn-vted
w i'h the deni-tm'it of Internal rev
eeu.. for li!fh he Is collector for
souther Oregon F-ivii here Mr. Wim-l-'Tlv
will continue on to Oram Pas.
M'd'o-d. AsV -nd and Klsmaih Falls
retaining north In the rear future
To N In Oiy
lbr,.v s,.,!,i, .nperintendeit
of the roM-c sfl:nels ptwIi irt
le-ve nirh for a few hoar, hur
ried Visit to Pctohnre In ronnn-ii,.n
''h his sellipi; of proeertv ! owns
a inn rtiv On Th,ur,
Portland to
V rid-n .
th w:tt te-ert f,-,
tend e meetli f o,
stste teacher's s.imciatlon of Mch '
he li a member. Medford Tribune.
i Northern, Western, and Mlddlo
Western states.
1 Popular Vote.
j Harding .11.1 03
Cox 25,003
! Idectoral vole.
Harding ,'ir.fl
Cox S
Southern Slates.
I Popular Vote
I Harding in, 494
'ox 17,015
KU-ctornl vote.
Harding 8
Cox 147
Total Popular Vote.
Harding 111. .Ml" 4
Cox 4L,01S
I Total 1 1,-clocal Vote.
Cox ir,i)
! Necessary to elect. ICS.
Ittisltiess ill Oakland
.lolin liudi-n liii this luoinlng for
Oakland to attend to business mutters.
Don't y
won'l stand i(.
less than it savei
and Acces.-orii s.
oir spare tire, It
A tire cover costs
H. Morton, Parts
aii'tlitate on t';e
N.n.-ail,,-!- ,-l,..a
1-1. III. II' .-!
iepnl.ll. in
011 lor tie
l-.l 1 WIN
In tlo 1011-
ami will
I hat all t- 1 soiin (at
illl Ihe otri.e r.-.-.-n
-ais tl.-alau-nl.
M-;pr lliill- solalt.-.l
1 1 1 a 11. i:iniii,i:.
The Symbol
of Merit
In ancient Assyria, stone jars
marked with certain seals
were kiioun to contain wine
of the highest imaliiy. in mod
ern times articles stamped
with certain trade marks are
re.'o;:nie,l s supreme In their
Held. The Uv-i, trade mark is
a notable symbol of merit a
mark which for more than a
"ore of years has ile-iiriioio,!
'ipreme ifuality. and nrove.l
meaning 1,, ,m)rJ ..
U sers iii ti
Magnito Ignition..
ine Wor ,1 It .1
.ii.-i.-s nri
WANTKU Furnislie,!
t.uuaj. Tel. llb-lt.
or unCurnlithttd
WA.S'TKIJ Kurd toui ing bodv, model
M o r ifttr. ti ox v.O aku-id. Q r vg u n
WANTF.u 1 urKeya, targo or small.
Uuyer Hr.. I'hone J4-iH.
WANTKu iiouHfkf ejer, no young
iadu-a net-d upply. I'hotie 4 l-H.
AX l l-'.lt liood iliff pumtii'tr. Chun.
K. I'ullen. Cam as Valley, Ore.
VANTi:iJ Parrot cage at Fuuleli'i
vT NT K I tL'hambf i n, aid. Apply to
Mi s. Troxell, L mpqua Hotel, luiniv
tha t r 1 y .
VA NTKU--Vountf,(
HI ii,, l( a V.:- F:hj.
J-indr return 1
A: pie DickeiH. Mr. I. J.
Garden Valley. Photit.
WOMAN WANTKl) To no cooking
Kumj- work. liuulr Peuplei Supply
-Man to tan two ik-rr til.len.
t Campbell, W kwuuJ Motor
Apply Jo
i oii.pany
WAX'I'KU S. hool tach'r in Ilttrit-t
No. t; 1. lrw, Ore. Apply to Zvtiuu
ViinlJyke. t'l.-rk.
koi. ..... KuKMlt.
I'lxon. 1,1V, , ' ?.''" "" UmTV-
TTTTT. r-: Vrt-
M. T. iau-T
1'Olt SALi
WANTKI --A luiKK.v ami 1iuM)-mh muI(
iihlf ffir Shetland puny. Tlie Hiown
-hildrt'ii. Hx .'7, Canum Valley. ur-.
WANTKI) ii. A. C. Mtiain RiTiTlTork
iiml White l.ei;liorii i-orkeiel. I'hone
j,-rr' A. Goff. KoelmrK. Ore.
WANTKD:' apple noVt pi:h," Vrefera bl'
tliuKe who ii:te h.ul ex purieiie.
T iitn for campei'M or trafinpoi tuiiitn.
l)i 1 1 " ni' Vil fr'S- ' v ei Ui tid Ui i-hard .
WA.VTi;h -I'an nut? une or tVtT s
reasonably elnHe in. Ht ImrKain price.
Want to build small hiii.e fur iny
neir Immediately. A. 11., eare Neua
Hevltw. W A X TI :i Al Iddle a Ke.l w iTiow 7iy
v Nhe position hk huuitekeepfr In a
n-lhted family of adults onlv. Ad
dnss K. T. M.. care F. S. WUmn,
Su tlier 11 n. Oregon.
W A N T K 1 A p p 1 e p U' k e rV." V a j? , ;m a 5
eentrt per hour for men. 3" eenta p r
hour for women. M.alu Ht hunk
houso If denired. Tents for cHnipeiw.
)yeil;'tiil Orchards. iarden V,i I ley.
W AN'I Kl t l'rtMluee of"iTf"kl nds. In
iliidiiiK fruits. Vt'KetableH. eK.
(fraln, ete. tulnfes, pear, ripe ap
ple and prunes In pailicwlar thi
Week. Address cnmmuiilcut Ions, wire
or mall, to It. Dunham. North
Mend. Ore., matin uaiity. kind -f
parkiLKe used, pin t, auiounl of nup
'ly nnd date shipment oultl ne
liiilile, TiTiiim eawh.
eon. Pr . v t
imseouig. en, H; j
Kilt HAI.K
cheap, c.
A.nii.i ';.''.:.,0:,n
M i III St.
ties Co.
lona hav
.ookiiiir ti !.,,.
Full SALK Tvi u i-TT-r .
2. 'i miles vet ,,t it,.u.A
r 1 frsrT-
ifm sAi7i":'--i in.. I'Tnr-T;
i,arr- '
doen. reus t.rJ
m;ui. Wilbur, ureu'un.'
Iitti'-) Modi:l ciiKVit,ru?Trir-
nt . I1,, ' "ew Urc- A Ut
FOR iii-:;T Safety deooMt boxes.
HtifpbuiK National Bank.
KOK HUNT 2 furnlslwd "rooms. In-
K I.auo St. I'hone 133.
sleeping roonm,
. I'hone ;n:(.
Hi: ItKNT lie;is:ilit
modern eonvenie net
Ct-ni le.nen preferred
'nil H 1-;.T Nicest furni:lie(l rooms In
town, furnfi.e heat. 1 bltuk of round
hmifM.. I'hone 3'ir.-J.
OK ItKNT Kai ni at Olalla, or wl'i
well on eauy teiinn. Apply t Mrs. J.
I'. lelin, ai5 Cliadwitk St.. lioHebuiK.
l '( 'It It KNT Kurn in hod hoiisekeenlnir
apartments and sleeplnx rooms.
tb.MebiiiK Apaitnieiils, Main und
Honshu I'linne C'.t.
J'(K Ki-.N F- Hint Umiih locution, fori-
sitlnK of Hhirp euipped with tool,
Hood house, barns, on hard and gar
den. Address 1. H. Nb liols, liitnU-
TAKKN IT Hay horse with halter on.
(iwner may y.i-t auio by, culling at
Sunshine Ham h.
CAN SAVK Vtii; 2i)ti on a new lajo
t.iodel Chevrolet. Imiulre Srvlte
;av,ii. Coseburjr. Oris. .
I' lt I-:k T(oa?d to yoniiK man or hitrh
school hoy for a little work each day
Apply Cafett-i in.
i:A'T(Mt I'liWINMlTeyouTonle?
in at on.e if you want work done.
Oilbeit Wood. Hox la.l, Hosebuig.
vKKTV FIRST Scrtire a naleiv 7le-
poit box for your valuable papain al
A-'":!:istl"'rK N'-'t.'n"l Hank.
i K tlltASS Si;::u Now ready for
il lplio nt. test for pasture sowing,
ilu per nvt, Spet ial priee on large
ots. I-:. A. Klioten. Salem, tire.
M INKY TO LOAN 2'J-vear rural'
cre.iit farm lo.'.ns, low IntcreHt rat.-.
JJii.niK) lmal money to loan on uood
l.'lt SAI.K-Knsifa,;.
oixoniTr -i: h,w.
Killt SAI.K-Cheat seed.
. per lb. Phone
Mmtitomery. lxokmK ,
Dear: ulm. w.-.,.. I-P! 1 1 7 -"r.,.7.:.; W'- Huh
n-uii V", kJ
M ulre XevvM jteu"w.y "
: ouuui u
' a ii ytii. v i!le. Ore.
1'Olt SALK- $.
Chuliriel'S til
an.l ood tu
in guod c(Jl!dii I
of e it at K-stb.
Knit SAIjK Jersey liivvd andlI
Horm- iresii. otiiers wilt bt ..on T i
naiireui, li. K. l). No. 1. ft;
i-oit qi ick sai.k n;n atr
near i hut. ore., fur k-sn ia valuation. G. 0. Omm, Unrj
l-'Olt SAhK 3-4 acr-8. parUr"
proveil, half way lieiwctn 1
( ii'i'K ami I'ei'iiie, on nCgi r
t Ininham, hays Crjck, ura.
I-OK SALK ii-room moden. ho:. i
nose in. win ivp puesiiua
once, rnune nu-iL inquire
1'tiwler S(.
KOK S.M.K Yearlintr Kambou:..-
rarns tlmt will wJxar 20 to Jv Ibi. i
nne winie wool. I Will cH i
earload. J'rlces right. F. W. Htr i
A;lilaml. Ori'Kon.
MAKK oKKKIi, orit-half cash. Uiiri
on time at per cent intrreai, on .
acres of "Frazh-r Ward Kamh.'t
Melrose. L. Aleatltir, Palace Hi!
Walla Walla, W..sli.
K Kit
First niortcaue.
Rice & Hire.
See M.
l 'l Klv'KIVKH letter from owner of
ten acre tract at Kden bower ; good
house i-1,,1 hum; line dark sol, prac
tically ,iVe. Most be Hold on or he
rTe th.. iht of (id, $IXMii eash. "A
ical snap." No cnniiii ission. J, W.
" ollrr,,iti, Kih-nlmwer Store.
Foli vl'lCK SALK Id ;icrt-s on .)..
ly road; city water; 34 miln If
Uosehtii K ; fi-roony iimlsf. ban i
e 1 1 i - k en ru n li . A dii re ' M"
Sale," are News-IU-vit-w,
FOK SAId-:" 1' Kord""ibiherj' uri
ton; 1 liti; Foul tt-uring. 1IHF'.
. tourllitf. These ears art- in lint (I-
(ondltion, new tires, and art pn-l
to move quick, li. 11 un. u
land. Ore.
FOK SALK RoM-hnrjf "property
live blocks ef venter of city. Prs
ertv now briiiKUiB l"u.00 rent
sides owner's iia;ters. On s
street, paved sidewalk and tetr
in and pa hi. Also other pr-ryr:
Deal with owner at SU Win
1- ( i K S A ! . K - - New , iiiedrrn -rt;
house, built in fi atart-s; lt l"1-.
onlv clear. Hist i lai-s lumber uw
coats lead zini- and oil in pan-I'l-ice
Jls.Ml terms. Hu.e oUid 1
be built now for l-U'i"). First 0"
soutli Kiversiae store. hitenlo
Mr. ;eo. L.ike. tlrt hmiM '
ibire will show projierty. J. l
n:;m, F-b'tibowe:- I'-r---
Jack Kottch ot Drain has received
the agency for the Queen line df In.
'uliatois and brooders .Now fs the ! F. I. 'KX Cut Flower. Puoc
time to make your inquiry and plare
our order for future delivery.
Tens! in
Slltienm.i 1 i
t .... t. , '
; me hiRhest of
,l;tt".faciunnK ideals, znalntw
riianled Hd serupulousiv
nnn,t,,ned To .eek this .e.
; ! "A-M" trade mark, to
ff'';I H and to m;ike USp ,,f tho
llkr.Hl H(i, OHKlillN
What is Your Answer?
When you fide on nlr von Imva nm..
t'lt.'H tml bh,w,its, I'iiiiv pump, ex
l:a Mi ex. i-Mu tubes, and spoil lots of
o..,l clothes. y,,u uwear (wonietimes)
inn you never know what lii happen
When yoU ride on I Flllrs
ii iiiniini i,ae a. puncture or blow
iit No pumo to carry, need no extra
ires, you nu iife for Inner tubes
ar.d "u know j,tll Kr.t abttut doulde
oi your casings.
iinis have md Veil this nrnblem.
e Tiller, guaranteed 1UU,-
210. 403 W. Cass.
pt.TI-EB HilroprKWl
222 W. uine 3-
II TH V 'II.COX riano. TliMrr.
.al Kiii.lrii;:irl.'n. 1001 Wm' r
Sl. Phone 1JJ-L.
Tl I .1 -I.l
"0 Illll.-M.
I'liyslciU Kilucalion, Incli
new fealura ot lnU" club "d
Wand DlilN.
Wood -Coal
Cormr Onk nnd Jlaln.
Telephone 13H
Trompt Service Prlcei Right
r ... DorirslTlS
inir. etc. com '-
in Rost burg.
, .11 w
t . .. 125 09 "
lit-. 'VI.- - ..ttt
.50.00 t'i I45"
For Oiofr Cm
P. Ire. on Appllati0,
441 Jfk"