pads roro h o iibiibo nwi wrmwTHf nun ay nr rtHJ JifSJS. Invites You to attend the FALL AUOl'XU TUB TOWS lltXALL bTKAW VOTE. LOCAL. TA i I FASHION SHOWl s 5' LIBERTY THEATER j Friday Evening September the 24th, immediately A j 6 after the first per fotmance. 2 9 5 TbU li In reality an exhibition of most popular fanhion K S which the ladle and fashion admirers of Roseburg may well 5 5 look forward to with much delight and expectation. Some of Roseburg's most atylUh young ladles will display the various d j models, thus making It, In all, an event of unusual Interest. The creations are each a selection from Fisher's regular 4 8 Btm-k. were one may always And garments that lead for at- 4. Women Co - Harding Men Harding J Cox " Totals Harding I5 ,Cox " No state returns today. 4 0 LOCAL NEWS. stock, were one may always And garment! tractlveness, style, quality and economy. Following are the numbers already arranged for this premier fashion exhibit. (1) Velvet dress, black, modeled by Miss Iris Rice. (2) Flush coat, with Martin fur collar, modeled by Miss Lor raine Conlee. (3) Dovetyne suit with Hudson seal trimming, modeled by Miss Maxine Sykes. (4) Tricotine dress with boad trimming, modeled by Miss Ik uluh Jewett. (5) Bolivia coat, modelod by Miss Dorothy Eddy. (6) Fur coat, modeled by Miss Fern Reymers. In From ltaedtpurt. Ernest Koepke of Reedsport came to Koseburg today to spend a short time attending to business matters. 1 TnuiAfoired til Klio-ene lirakeman Uelwlu Jewett has been temporarily transferred to Eugene and is on a run between that city and MarBufleld. lioavs of Absence W. II. Green, day warehouseman, bas taken a two months' leave of absence. His place will be supplied by T. R. Ilrackatt. LtHve on HumIihwk I Clean up and polish your auto for (ieo. Wlllett left this morning for 2 bits. Liquid veneer doe ) It st Oakland and Leoua to attend to Fisher's Paint Shop, business matters for the Douglas; George Bacon, of Lookln Class. County Creamery. i spent a short time In Uoseburg to- ArcroU I'mdtion I day transacting business matters. Mrs. Raymond C. Allen, wife of i nurry Williams, of Glengarry, wan Drakemau Allen, bas accepted a po-la noReburg visitor tod;i- spending a sltion as saleswoman at the 10 and'fHW hours attending to business mat 15 cent store in this city. ters. bourns Home Among the Melrose visitors In Mrs. E. Chiswell, who has been Koseburg today was Charles Church vlHltlng here with her granddaughter m wn0 visited with friends here foi Mrs. 1). c. Itndgren, left last nlgnt : a short time. NOTICE OF MKKT1NQ OF HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Sutherlin, Ore., Sept. T, 1920. Notice is hereby given that on the first Tuesday In October, 1920, at one o'clock p. m.. the Sutherlin Val ley Irrigation District will meet as a Hoard of Equalisation to hear and determine any objection by any In terested persons to the assessments and apportionment thereof, and any other matters connected therewith that may come before them. Hoard will meet at their office In the Fruit Growers' building In Suth erlin, Oregon, on the date given above for such meeting. W. J. LAID, President. A. P. SLACK. Secrotary. Strawberry Plants! 0 FOR BALK Several thousand d 9 well rooted strawberry plains, STRAWHKHKY PLANTS. Any amount New Oregon everbearing and Oold Dollars. Our plants have been treated and are well rooted. At D. E. Wood A Son, on highway north of Edenebower store. BOY HC'OITS ATTENTION. Basketball practice will be held Frldny afternoon at 4:30 p. 111. sharp on hlKh school gym. floor instead of at 7:30 p. m., as previously an nounced. Report to Scoutmaster on gym. floor at 4:30 Instead of at the armory. RUSSELL L. F. LINTOTT. Scoutmaster. A fl.m, nn.1 Colli Dollar. 110 TA 5 per thousund. E. P. Hallou, ? 9 806 Winchester, or W. H. 5 9 Brlmhall, R. 2. 2 WOMEN'S HATS AT CAKH'S. Rosrburg's Popular House of lulurc Attiadioas TODAY AND TOMORROW LOUISE GLAUM A Lavish Arresting Startling Entertainment and BABY "MARIE" IN MISS CINCIRBRUD Friday and Saturday "SHERRY" From the novel byfleortfe llarr .Mt-t'iitt'heon. A wa-sn 01 Drama, Oodles o( Koinauco Third F.plsode "Ruth of the Rockies' Pathe Review. Matinees Daily, 2:15 P. M. Evenings, 7:15 and 9 P. M. PRICFS: CWtDlil MlTlsinO. IVIl3ltCiT& AOJtTS II CI Don't miss the "Fashion Show" Friday nirht in conjunction with our re gular program, six youriK Roseburg Beauties part icipating. Another shipment of line hats an.l feather trimmings. We do the busi ness because of our quality goods. If you haven't your winter hat, don't delny. Come into Carr's at once anil pick It out. Why not save? Carr's always save you money. AnnCT tl. t-AoMnnta lit Riithnrlln miiu.ip. ..... ... ... ... . u.1... nnunl Ihn mflrninr In Rfittt.hllrir and returned on the afternoon train was Miss Kienor enorx. 4 NKW TODAY. WANTKlt Apple picker Mm J. I). Young. tlnrtli'ii Valley. I'tunu- SC-j-'l;!. WAX'I'IM' To liuy 2 Inutls out tmy to C IV Worlrv. Star Ttt., Itont'huric. nenr Winston Im-Mko. I' I'AV Itl'V l:tl7 Kent, all new ttr... enxtne Jilst nvtTlni nl.-tl. new top. ' tuis, ImiKSln at :lV IMion.- 1 1 1 -. STaKK ol-'KI-:lt. one-lmlf rant. I.nlan..' 4.M nine nt t per rent tntrruet. on a. r of "Krasler Want Itan. li. ' near Molront Meaitor. l'alave Hotel. Walla Walla. Wnnh. AllVllJIINTB ATOIt'S ROTH K. Nottef. ta heretiv alven thBt th un i1..mlanril has tieert iluly appolni.-.! I.y lh i-onntv court of the atate of llr.'Kon for IioilKlas roiliuy. a.lnilntui Hlor of the entata of Small Ann tloo.ltiourn. ilu.ii-n.oil. All prrauna havlna i'1hIiii aaatnut nail! estate ar ht'reliy r.-nulioil to pro.iolit tile utile to me. proporly vorlll.'.! a by law renillrnt. at Uo.o luirif. oroaon, wtltiln aU nioittlia from ilalu hi'li'of. nalml this Jrl 'ly nt l-.-P ' JOHN (KlOlilull ItN. A.lmlnlatrator of the rulato of Saiull Ann t.looiltioiirn. ileceaaeil. EXACT" PRINTING Little Touches of Co rrectness HAVE vou ever considered the QUALITY of your work from the standpoint of careful type composition and efficient proofreadinR? For accuracy and attention to the little details, send your printing here and we will do it riifht. Sun Printing Co. 144 Oils JACHSM stun PWWE tl ROSEUURG OREUON for ber borne at Los Angeles. Vlnlt 1-iiim KuKenv Mrs. Charlotte Naylor and Mrs. J. O. Stolnmetz, of Eugene, arrived in lioaoburg last night and will make an extended visit here with friends. Ib'turim to Work Passenger lirakeman Vern Perry, who has been laying off for the past two weeks owing to an injury to his arm sustained while swimming in tbe natatorium at Ashland, Is now able to return to work. Jn 1ty From .lcmUtIo Guy Hall who has been stationed at (llendale for the past few months as car repairer and inspeetor has re turned to this city to remain per manently. Mr. Hull Is employed In the same capacity In the railroad yards here. S. II. A. Meet i The first annual meeting of the student body of the Koseburg high school was held lost night. Very lit tle important business was .trans acted. The report of the officers of the Umpqua of last year was read and passed upon. Plans for the sale of student body tickets were also discussed. i AND g. The Waikins extracts, spices and toiletries are famous, not only for Quality, but also for Quantity. Give them a trial. If they are not aa rep resented, return them and got your money back. To be had from the re tail dealers for Watklns' products, J. M. Asbernft, 126 W. Lane St. Phone m-L. CIIII.I)lii; S .'i.l Ml HATS. Carr's store Just received a ship ment of tnuts nnd silk plush hats in blnck, with silk gros-grnln ribbon turn to this community In the neai trim. Carr s always save you money. future. The finest line of brushes, var nishes, tains. floor paints, etc.. also wall papers at all prices at Fisher's er's Paint and Pared Store. Mrs. A. C. Seely left this morning for Myrtle Creek where she win spend A few days visiting with rela tives and friends. Mr. Sink. Knamel paint for sinks, drain boards. Cleans them up. nis can for $1.00 at Fisher's Paint Store. Mrs. J. C. Hicks, of Portland, who has been visiting at the It. C. Gil bert home In this city, .left tills J morning for her home. Capt. H. A. llackett. the wen known Garden Valley fruit grower, came to Koseburg today to transact business matters for a short time. Oregon Standard, made In Oregon, the very highest grade paint made. Pure white lead, zinc and linseed oil. Give It a trial nt Fisher' Paint and Paper Store. Thos. R. Williams, of the Liberty theatre of this city, arrived In Kose burg this morning following a short visit at Portland where he arranged Oetober bookings for the theatre. Mrs. II. n. Irwin, who has been visiting at Melrose at the D. X. lius enbark home, left this morning for San Francisco where she will make an extended stay before returning te her home at Wichita. Kansas. The moat beautiful lino of oat meal and other wall papers ever shown at Fisher's Wall Paper Store Paint your auto like new. All col ors In enamels fool proof, at Fish Paint and Paper Store. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart, of Iowa, who have been spending the past week In this vicinity looking for a suitable location left this morn ing for Salem. They expert to re- ta. : KM' CONCERNING ENGAGEMENT RINGS Aa the attractiveness of a picture may be lessened in the framing, so may a gem poorly set fail to assert much of its value and beauty. The popularity of our engagement rings are founded on their distinctive character and reasonable prices. BUBAR BROTHERS, GIFTS THAT LAST. 4 lis:, & Blil'lHLICAV STATEMENT, (Continued from Page J) .if. nr ih nation. Every home in the land has paid tribute. to tbe sugar profiteer. i administration at Washington re fuses to do its plain duty. i The remarks of Congressman 1 at Hia luncheon at tiawiey. uiauo . , . . i - . . i ...... . 1 1. ihnvM the tmpqua num io... . up the practical InefUclency of this 'world idealism wueu every day problems of statesman ship. CongVeBa 'passed the budget bill, which is oi tue greaiesi imiwor ance if tne exiravaganuo ouu i .nvommpiit exnenditures is to be checked. Tbe president ve toed the Dill, uecause n e" him the power to remove me -. it,... hA nfftcer desianated to have charge' of making up the budget. Of course, the budget pianueu, in.- sarily places restraint upon ine au .in.i..iinn in nnwer and the de partments and bureaus thereof. To give the prcsiueni tne power i move the budget officer, would, df course enable the president to co erce that officer, and as a practical safeguard., the Dill leu me puwoi remo.-al In the hands of congress. Tn ... t i.t a nnwer to the president would mean that tf the officer'6 mind did not go along witn" tnai or me head of the administration, he would ni nnoraa i.A removed, and a funda mental prlncjple of the budget act would be nullified. The time has come to put down the high cost of government. ThA.. whn am leadlne the dem ocratic party have become drunken with power, intoxicaiea wna uAiiiiv vanA flnhherrnslnd with flap doodle and "Idealism" until the only hope of the sane, wholesome eco nomical administration lies in the re. turn of the republican party to n..u.Ar nmrnh nnrir the banner of genuine reform and progress. Let every republican anu every aemocrai who loves his country aDOve parry, fall In. This Is no time for splitting the Wa nnt nnlv nivH Wfirren O. Harding In the presidential chair, but we need a republican senate. Many republicans admire Senator Phqn.l.arl.ln l.llt It hnillH tin fA- membered that a vote for Senator ChamDerlatn is a vote to namper President Harding In renovating the . ll. Cl.nfi.M tna ro- publlcan nominee for the senate is us gooa a man as .Mr. l namDenain, and he Is a man of ability and will stand for those policies which are so important to our country. Even good democrats wll see the wisdom of voting for Mr. Stanfleld tfor sen ator, because since the republicans will undoubtedly win the presidency, it is proper that they should be In control In Congress, also, so that there tnnv be no deadlock, and In or- BENEFIT DANCE GIVEN BY THE, Daughters of Isabella For MERCY HOSPITAL .4 the Armory. Thursday Evening, Sept. 23, 1920 MUSIC BY OTT'S ORCHESTRA Special Features Aesthetic Daxces by pupils of heixlixe-moore studio. Tlckta II.OO Larfla- rm w Warm Blankets! At the Lowest Prices. We offer you our large assortment of blankets at low prices to the fact of our great Quantity purchases and our eiel?, 1c small profits. eeeQtii,ly Large size double blankets In wool and part wool, white ... . nlalit ' ' S7.90 TO 16.50 Full alze double blankets In cotton, white, grey and tan S3.69 TO 4.98 See our window display of this wonderful assortment, but vnn ... . o appreciate th 3 great saving. w I "e4f Nfttionuicle "7 ROSEBURGS BEST VALUES IN SCHOOL SHOEtS Are Being Featured at the BOOTE.RIE Rather a broad statement to make, but you can prove It yourself and agree with us when you see the shoes we are offering for jour kiddies. Wonderfully well made and the stock In them will stand the kicks and knocks that only children can give them. Up to the minute In style, these school shoes are wonders and our complete showing of all sizes and models will make selecting t pleasure. Unusual care will be takon to insure your children a perfect lit. ROSEBUBG BOOTERIE,:;, SHOES THAT SATISFY AHD FIT YOUR FEET, BftINC US YOUR REPAIR WORK AND SEE THE tHFELJtEHCC f A CC CTDDFT DACritllDr der that the republicans may be put on their mettle and given au oppor tunity to make good. Call at republican headquarters, 401 Perkins Building, Roseburg, for 'campaign literature and buttons. I Everybody ge busy and help boost! Willamette Paint the best med ium priced paint on the market at the price at Fisher's Paint Store. Why drive In ignorance? A Doyca Motometer Insures you against the dangers of a costly repair bill. H. Merten. Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUY SHEEP WHEN THEY ARE LOW. THAT IS BOIT I9f If you are interest's in any numtwr w .iiit-r r'bub ui i-Bisi?rea sneep w the fellowliiK breeds: Hampshire. Shropshire. Lincoln, Rom ney, Cotswold. Itamboulette, or aojr emus. Write us quirk what you want. OREGON LIVKSTOCK COM. CO. Box 61. North Portland, Orejon. TODAY Matinee Evening TODAY Matinee Evening CHARLES RAY In a Laugh Hit that never runs down CLOCK ANDY' He had no more punch than the Old Office Cat. But he was such a harmless, good-natured soul, that well, the Boss let him stay along until anyhow you are assured of good wide awake Comedy. AND A 2-REEL SPECIAL CHRISTIE COMEDY A 15 Minute Concert at 7:15 By FRED DURHAM Matinee and Evening FRIDAY- Matinee and Evening Rupert Hughes' Laughing Hit of the Year "Scratch My Back" To -Day Only! To-Day Only! "ANITA STEWART. And a Big Company of specially selected Artists' who live, rather than act their thrilling roles in "MARY REGAN" LER0Y SCOTT'S THRILLING AND GRIPPING NOVEL HANK MANN COMEDY AND PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE