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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1920)
ftOBCTCTMl WgWMtgTfgWTHriWnAY BFTTEMUFTt 2.1, I02O 1 1""1 1 1 pack Trrnni! ASPIRIN GROWERS havlug WHEAT, 0 OATS and oi her grains to sell IiT "I .1'... should submit samples and gut 4 prices from us tutors selling 4 their grains. Remember we have handled 4 til' lit; 1 1 Name "Bayer" on Genuine Ml I t ""'1"1 "I ! I '" ' 4 your grain In the past and have never (ailed to got satisfactory 4 ! 1 HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McGLONE GIBSON res u In. r mm jjjiili! 7 w. VJU V IllllS 'H i W Ji u Big-Six .The sub-frame of the BrG-SlX carries the rear of the motor and the transmission in an intermediate, or central, position. This insures proper weight distribiUionaswell as weight reduction. To fully appreciate the road ability, stead iness and comfort of the BlG-SlX let us give you a ride over such roads and at such speeds as you may suggest. 60-H. P. dtiehbU-hd Motori intermedial Iiiuhumm; 126 lock wbloM. iiuunn. mpl room for m.)d adult. , AH Sludobokor Caw oro Miulppad with Cord lira aootaar Studabakar pracaoaau "ThUisaStudbakerYear" lift C. 0 THOMAS, Distributor for Douglas County Mr. ir.d Mrs. R. A. Kent .pent a. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cluck and . l . . . .,.. . 1 family who have beon absent on a l houvs in Rofeburs yesterday at- ,,'.. , ,rl , KaR tndlnr to business matters. They returned to this city and Mr. rrturned to their lioroe at Dole on piuck resumed his position as night lie wnine train. hief clerk at tne ireiwnt qepot. A LESSON IN DRESS You should know these facts about your clothes: 1 Watch your step. Be eco onomical. Order tailor made clothes. 2 One good suit made to measure of pure wool cloth will outwear two poor suits. J Made to measure clothes retain their shape through tailoring not through pressing. 4 Custom made clothes are hand tailored to Tit Just You. 5 When your clothes are hand tailored you have an in dividual appearance. Clothes do help "Make the man." 6 Select Ed.V. Price or Ilruner pure wool cloth and pood tail oring, here for lepa than you pay for hand-me-downs. The proof is this: My "Cost I'lus System." CIEM'HC PSE3SINC AND EEPAIRIhG RAY'S SUITSHOP D3ESSMAKINC UDIES TAILORi KG ALTCDATIONS POS 547 HAY. I,. WAIID, PHONE 247 Let Us Show You and Quote You Prices on UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F. BARKER & CO, KOSEIinUi, OREGON AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS My Uuthrr'si M 017, ' Tluit night 1 urm ..n Afu-r by mmtur ilrw m Into the xonf, we .'iii to hr own f,H,m aluj ish atvrl tipmeir In the low r.Hktnn thuir wlillc I .-liml.,.,1 Into her Inn I-or a Inn din we sat there Hent- IV. 11! V ilt'H.I nti m.. .,..l.'. t . and her Him ful.llnn: me tlnhtlv. At 1 pat. I. "ilrace Oanierun t'lt m this aftt-rnoun tlutt If Kol.fil ('arUMon vi L.. - l,lvv' "y wus . Ann Then the flooil icatea opened and mv muiner beKHn to tulk. She told me how 8he hud trrown up with UoIkvI arleton. nnd Albert Hiiliy, Keniieth'a father. How thev hul plaved In the K house ti'Kuther. How whe had never lH-en a ih-h KH1, hut her family was an old one, and she hud always ttot'f with tho i-hlMren of the Very best people in the town. "1 do nut remember the time when I didn't your fatlur." she said, "and my first ureut worrow was when he went away to cnlleKe and Ifft me. lmriiiK that time my mother died ami I had a very hard time to net alonn. She left me this little rottiiK then, but when 1 was a little Kirl. women did not work out In the world as thev do now. I taiiKht In the primary sehools and hud a little dancing rluai in the even inn. "When Kobert first went awny to college, be wrote me very often, but h' : iatle new friends ittiil 1 suppoNe. In time, forgot me. Huiing th- rollege va.ations for four years he never came bark, once or twice We heard some scandals about him, sea 11 -dais in wlii( h Albert Halto-ay parti.-!-pati'd, for they were urcat friends, and then 1 t bought my heart was broken for I heard that he had married an actress. "At the end of ix years, however, Robert returned to his old home. Hoth n , his parents had diet) It was sum of broken hearts. H seeined much chanarrd. Gone was the irresp'. nihil ity tiiat I loved so much in him. and his eyes had that same little, wistful look that is like a. ktiite going through my heart when 1 -e it In youis." 1 opened my eyes wide at this, for I did n't know they ever channel their exprettnlon. "The very night that Itohrrt arrived lioine he to see me. And We took up the old life almost where it was left off. 1 renu in tier very distinctly, my child, that wh.n he left me that night, be totdt buth my hands 'n his and said: 'Margaret, I cannot imagine why 1 ever let you stray out of iu hea rt.' " I don't think I ever was really In heart, ltobert. bad 1 been 1 cer uUnly would not have strayed out of 'Do you mean that. MargaretT he said. "'AUvavs.' 1 answered. "And then he said: Tm coining to morrow night to tell you something?' "Ail net duv 1 was teaching school at the time 1 kej wontlilng whai 'ie was going to tefl me. The drunin voices of the childieli were not repeat ing the little, easy sentences, hut In--m-ad thev seenod to be saving. 'Unb elt i g'il' t tt'll OU? ICobeit Is go ing to tclll' "As soon as school was out I hur ried home. ltobert came very early and then he told me. "'I wonder.' he began. Mf any wom an can understand man."' (My moV her locked at me. as I nestled c!o.;er to hei bosom, to see if I understood. 1 was au proud that she was talking to me Just as though 1 were grown up that 1 liodd-d mv head and smiled as my hand crept up to caress her iheek). " '.Margaret, voii know 1 have always loved vou. Iteally. I think I have nevel toved Kny girl hut you. And yet there is pare after pug' I" my Hf 'lslt 1 would not have you know because you annot undei stand. In fact. 1 1 J" did not Law to tell ' anything. -l.Oirt teil me. ltobert. if 'J n.d to." I said. 1 m peif, satisfied nnw th it I have you bro h. " lint 1 must tell yu. Margaret, one .1.1..., i... u In mv last year at college. I went one night with a lot of I.OVS to a niURI 'M COHle.i Hii'i ulrls tiled in for the bll j'V1r""11l -aught the u-lntii-e of a pair of limpid, blue eves looking atraight into mine I cannot .1. scribe to you my f.-clings I felt almost as though the glance of tho;;e eyes was -f molten steel, burn ing mv heart with an eeatnoy I had n,.r known before. My rompanioiis did not understand when at the clo:.c of the first at 1 left my stat and started for the door." "Hob. where you going.' thev asked. I did not answer, in fact 1 hardly knew where 1 was going until I found myself at the stage door. " 'Here, vou can't go In there, said the doorkeeper. '.So one is allowed re- ilnd the scenes while tne snow is on " 'HfiMtllv 1 took out my rani ami told the man to give It to the young wo;nan I described, telling her that 1 would he ha.k after the play. 1 hen I rushed ba k t ' The next time she came out. fiiie bowed s.lght ly and smiled. 1 grew hot and cold When Run-Down OJj't ton o&g f lack of rht olme will furnish you a white clear light that ikes your rooms pleasant and reading or sew "8 J,co.1lfort. Or you do not like gasoline anri "Aluc'in" kerosene lamp. Uses a mantle makes a wonderful light. You cannot per- and USei" f ne t0 be without il- Come in get one. If it i3 not satisfactory after using bring it back. Anacortes, Wash. "I had or ganic trouble for a long time. I suffered from b&okache and those heavy bearing pains, and my blooa was in bad condition. 1 had no ap petite and was generally run-down. I used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription in connection with tho 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and was completely cured. I always recom mend Dr. Pierce's medicines to ail my friends. "-Mrs. A. Keese, General Delivery. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial package of Favorite Prescription Tablets Good looks in woman do not depend upon aio, but upon health. You never see a good-looking woman who is weak, run-down. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is the best women's tonic there is. It is 60 years old, and its ace testifies to its goodness. EVEKUODY'S EXCHANGE. Inc Bayer Tablets of Aanlrin" is genuine Aspirin proved sure by mil lions and prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only an unbroken "Barer package" which contains proper directions to relieve ' Headache, Toothache, Ear ache, Neurallu, Rheumatism. Colds aud Pain. Handy tin boxes of 11 tablots cost few rents. Urumlsis ill so sen larger "Barer packages.' Aspirin Is trade mark Bayer Manu facture Monoaceticacldesler ef Salt. cyllcacld. NoHcuse on Former List" lf turn. It affined to tne the hours ItMKKfd lntfi-niliiiUdy. hut at lant she iiiit; u 1 stood in th shadow u( the TOMOKItOW Mr Motlirr. BtorT C1TV NEWS 0 Arundel, piano inner. Pnooti 1S9L. Be sure to see J. A. Walker B 4 U uy tbut farm. Hunting posl lively prohibited on :ho luuds of the Curry Estate. The Red Spot, a searchlight you will not regret. H. Merten. Send postage stamp for circular f magazine combriiutions. Fiction Librury. Koseburg, Oregon. Fires destroy lives, property and ood. De careful with fire. Insure against loss equip your ractors so they won't set fires. How about that top for your truck 'his tall. Cockelreas A Harker, 22 Jak street. If you want to sell your property. ee J. A. Walker, 105 Cass St. Phone 91. Do you lose power on the hills? Let us show you the differenee with a cutout. H. Merten. If you want to buy a home In the beautiful city of Honeburg, see Wal ker, 105 Cass St. Phone 91. Apple packers, aon't forget that we have a stock of Kenton paper noluert) on hand. Churchill Hwd. Co. The women of St. George's Guild will hold a home cookery Bale at Kldd s grocery Saturday, Sept. 25. Insurance rates are all the same Seek the agent who will take the best care of you. That's Rice ft Rice. Ignorance Is not always bliss. A Motometer warns you before It Is too late. We will Install one for you. II. Merten. Don't put 'eff for touierrew what you can do today. It may be toe late. Have your insurance attended to See Rice ft Rice. Say, ladies, the boys are all work ing for that big Leap Year dance at Winchester, Saturday night, Septem ber 25. Iluve that Insurance attended to and see that you get the largest and best old line companies. We ve got them. Rice ft Rice. Am now hooking orders for day ld chick? for 1921 delivery from tiisrh prod'icins Tancred strain White Leghorns. Earl Vosburgh, 702 Ful lerton St., itosebnrg. Special attraction at the armory Thursday evening, Sept. 23, In addi tion to the dance to be given for the 'teneflt of the hospital. Aesthetic 'lance by Maxine Moore and Mildred Sinniger. pupils of the Moore-Hcln-line studio. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, D. C, August 28, 1920, Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limi tations of the Acts of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat.. 218, and June 4, 1920 il'ublic 241 ), and the Instructions sf the Secretary ot tho Interior dated .tepieniher 15, 1917, and June 22. 1920, the timber on the following lands will he Fold Oct. li. 1920, a! 1000 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office al lioseburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as Khown by this notice, salt to be BUbJ-ct to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof b.'ing commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issus for the timber which must be removed with in ten mars Bids will be received from citizens of ths United States, associations ct such citizens and cor porations organized um'ee tre law of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only t'pon application of a qualified pur chaser, the timber on any legal sub dlrlslnn will be offered separately be fore being Included In any offer of a larger unit. T. 21 S . R. 1 W , Sc. S3 SE'4 SUM. fir 11 2S M cedar 25 M ' none of which shall be sold for I.Vi tl.aji $1.60 per M. T. II B.. R 4 W Mee. S, SF. NE4. fir 4S0 M., SWA NE, fir 478 M.. none of which shall be sold for less than 12 00 p-r M. (Signed) CLAY TALL- MAN, Commissioaer uenerai mm oaic. 4 rooms. 5 rooms, O rooms, 5 nmina, 6 rooms 4 rooms. 1 5 rooms ft rooma M rooma. 6 rooms, a rooine ft rooms 0 rooms. H rooms, a room. 4 roonM, t rooms. 7 rooms. :o rooms 3 lots Si lots ' 1 acre close In 1 acre plnsteriMl 2 story, 3 lots 2 lots close In 1 acre 3 acre bin lot i& rure ft acres nimtern . 91,100 ... 1.4or ... 1.4O0 ... l.UINI ... 1,8! ... 2,IMK ... 1.IMIO ... U.itlMi ... 2.(MM ... 'J..VIO . li.OOO ,.. M.tMK) .. 8.IMH) .. 8.ftM .. H.ftOO .. M,ftMl .. 4,NMI ...4,fttrll lO.ftOO G.U.HELBIGCO. Itwil Estate, Notary Public 401 Cans St. Phone No. 262 lloNeburg, Oregon. The Symbol of Merit In anriont Atisyrfa, stone jara marked with certain neals were known to contain wine ot the highest quality. In mod ern times articles stamped with certnin trade marks are recognized hs supremo in their field. The .touch trade mark is a notable symbol of merit a mark which for more than a score of years has designated supreme quality, and proved this moaning to more than 4 .000.000 users df ltosch llfKh Tension MtiK"fo I Knit ion.. Through tho world ft deslR j n a tea A me Hen' h Supreme Igni tion sjHtem -the highest of -manufiicf tiring ideals, zealous ly guarded and scrupulously maintained. To seek this me phlsto "A-nM trade mark, to find It and to make use of the automotive electrical products It Identifies, is to be positively satisfied. BOSCH . ivf m OFFICIAL BOSCH Service Station American Bosch mkin Corporation DEVANEY& BURNETT ItOHKIiriKi. OltKOON ORDER A CASE OF Orange Crush THE EVERY DAY DRINK THAT SATISFIES. R0SE8URG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS I'HOXH lHfl TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! STAR SAVAGE REPUBLIC GOODRICH Five to eight thousand wiles guarantee on esrb. Tor the balance of this mouth ws will give s beiry duty red Inner tube free with earh the pur chased, e ScrviceGarage OI.KMV II. TAVI.OR 131 N. Jackson. Koseburc, Or. CsP FROM EUERVCPRNER 32 of America comes the cry for greater produc tion. Wheter yon are a farmer, manufacturer or merchant, the introduction of increased efficiency is profitalible and advisable. See that you have a good banking connection. Make the Koseburg National Bank your depository, The RoseburJ National Bank y.osepur,Cre m WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light" and Water Co. Wash Without Work Unless you consider the simple act of placing hot water, Soap and Soiled Clothes in the Electric Washer cylinder to be labor the elec tric way means "washing without work." The Cost Too, is Less. . Like many other labor saving devices, the electric washer is a Money Saver, too. Easy monthly payments if you wish. UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE P DEPENDON GOODS QUALITY GOODS! In buying goods we are always on the look out for fabrics of the finest quality, weave and designs. From the wee'est baby stockings to our most expensive silks, we always choose the best in quality. That is our watchword QUALITY. DRY GOODS-LADIES WEAR. I. ABRAHAM - The Store That Gives You Service. WARNER'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS Oregon State Fair SALEM September 27th to October 2nd REDUCED RATES apply from all agency stations In Oregon, including Midland to Kirk, Oregon, inch, also from Bandon and Newport. Oregon, Minimum adult fare $1.00. Children of half fare age 50 cents. All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds. Trains 17, 18, 23, 21, 27 and 28 will make regular stop at Fair Ground. Trains 14 and 16 will make flag stop. For further particulars Inquire of loosl agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT .i