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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1920)
rnic two H08EDUKU KKWti KKVlftW CLASSIFIED COJ ....... . . . R Fit I v.. iMMiird llnlljr Kivmut Muaiiajr. TV. Iltife I,. Ulmhvrlr Rrr i. Bittc- HUUHrilllTJoN HATKd Uatly, pr year, by mull 94 uu Pally, nix iiiuuths, by mail S 00 Hy Carrier. pt,r month Lo Th AiijuriuleO ) I -x- umI vely nUt Jed tu Wie usr fur rfpuhllrwiioii ii all llttW dlopdtl (TfiJlK d in it ui Dot of bw wi t'i rUUtni in thin pap' r and utiu Ih lotiil nvwi ptiMlnlied tire lu. All rlKMa r-uijllruiiii uf p fllal dldputchmi liwrWn uru uUu ivaurvt'd. W A NT lil D worn witti a truck. Phottt ' 'ii. VVANTKD MHn UishWiihr II. U Cafi'tviia. fUJt KA,Ki., ! WAN Ti-M -Ui-oriif i si ami boariiura :i 17. lu, at tliu pu-t ofrtt at KoMvburK. OrcRun, undt-r the Acl of March 2, Ittt'i. Till JtSDAY Si:iTK.llli:it 2:1, I (KM) WOUKIM, WITH Till; HTIIOOLH Co-ntmrallmi hptwnon nmnnlH Ihp public and the Hchoultt nttould date I from the day Krhool open a. In most communltlt's plana have been bioiiil enod by the school uuthorlitt'S and touchers so that th B hool may op erate more efficiently ns aKmiffn Tor stroiitf AinnriraniKm and In fit ting the child for I-uhIih'hh llfo. TIm-hp plana can be aided In the community and the home, or they ran be ham pered to mirh an extent that all the! te-icher effort are of little account. The schoolH have (he children a scant lx houre a day. The rest of the time they are In their home, on the ftlret'tH or In attendance at other community fuiM'tloiiH. If I here j la a ctotir underHti'tndltiK on nil hamln I what the Rchoola are tryinx to ac compllHh, and a concerted efllort Ib made to further thoie plana, the child hlmxelf will profit InimenHely. So will hiH parenla, in hla complete eiuiment for civic and bualnM life. So will the community where he will presently nflpunm Mh place, flrnt an an aHiHt'M)t, and then perhnns later ph a lender tn the life of the city, There should he much vIhIHus Hf the BchooU. much Tirlnglng of their ob .1ect nnd acromnHHhnent before the public. Only whon the arhnol op era ten rM nn Intelligently directed and IntPlMvenMv undeiatood part, of the ctvtc Mfe dos It accompllah what It. altould. im pw 1 WARREN Q. HARDING CALVIN COl Deliciously Crisp Slightly salty, mcV.rn, made frnm the purest, titi'-t inxretlients b'iki (1 until they're deliriously oisp--served to you u if th?y l'-i just bftn taken from the oven-SNO'.V KLAKK3. Try them! Don't ask for cracker say SNOW FLAKES SOME MORE P.C. B. PRODUCTS G!.i?rr Wa.'rrs ..rtK I-r.-mti Saltine Flak Tif! n 'i-A.uit ChoctU',f H lairs Cr -o-m-it W xlvr MarshmaMow Sandwica bi'tter'l'hin Kii I nr'n N'f! l-Vntn not on i)it Nim-nlM-r '!' tluN Th- It.vt W 1i k .IT, r l In hntti the It 1 1' nn nint 1 iiiiiM-riit h' 4 'utility ' - 'i.Mtnliii fit tin- iff. wilhoiit c I ui rijiiini ill f! int. -IV :iiiik' Kin h I'luntf nl t:n tin y m-iy ni. r-K;ti-ll(HC tint hiitl'tim Hind niiiity In ki t, I niiH-Kh Mh numre tli :-'h-!M nf Tli Ni-wK-KcMcw Will l 't it wt-11 trirnrnii-ii of tin (loinus tn tit ui'lltli ul at, 'HH, both lot ul ii - lit';' hiiv hiK 'lc t. U a put.ln ity man tu ho o 'e Job. that meaiiH war. tiovernor Cox stands for the Wilson league of Nations. all Senator Hanlinjf stands for follow ,,r j in the advice of CJcoie Wjinhing ! ton to avoid entangling alliannea. while at the Paine tune plac'nt; Amer ce Hllll 11. LONG Itoi'K Oil COMMl'MSM !.! M.X ll.Tlti:i rlKht, after nil In trentlnp; Itn rev- fHiittonnry inhor rtinvi'innnt with tol irnnc nnd Imvlnu tho rotmniinlnt froo to work out thnlr own tli-Htlny without actlvp hindrance. A 8tnteinent attrlhutpd to a prom inent itiilliin prnnnnilxt 1irh n di rect linnrlnt? on thn slliintlnn. "Thron month of official roroftnltlnn would moan the fnllurn of lIoMiovlftpi In ldo and out of rtiisila," ho nnys. Tho rtrltlsih eorrpHimndent ouot Init thlq atiitemont aldfl: ' There Ih no doubt thnt IcttliiK llnhl on llol ahovlfiiii la tto hent wny of ninlilnp It appnnr whnt It really Ih a ureal deniairoxlc hlul'f." It may renlly he true that rtol ahovlm or Sovloilimi or Communism In preeldetv th:i( a "di'nim;oirle hluff" whlrh anreeeilH only an lone as It la not railed. Toleranre, free dom nnd publicity, then, will nhow tin the Hylem for oxnrily whnt It Ir Thnro Ih a atrntiR InipriHlon amotiK a'udentH nf ltiiRHlnn KituntlnuH that llolslmvlum ban survived thin lonK only heCFune of tho foreign policy which built a nrlwnn wnll anvmd It. ItnlHhevlion. thun pent, overflown the wnll, an been hcou. and it thriven on nnv oipoiltlon which Hid nbevlHtH nny Inlrcpret ns pcrHocnilon. With the wnll down, and nctlve imposition wlihdvawn, l.enlnn would be obllceil to make :o(Ml ocinonile allv In the eyei r the world. It would be Hcen Itnniedl-Ttclv thnt he lea on such eround thnt she can lie wtfo n iB oi vninr bnq a f'ne Wint.r tiiiste will Bonn be hero. A a noble example, a dinneiiHarv of mimi'tnnltv tn r,.fl.. t unoi the f.ict : W'iiulsliicld Viror kooi-s your vision hope, .and a shlnlriR light to those that becu e or liiroM:p"ten".v of the, lint enjoy It before tln.ll, who are In dnrkneaa. Inot'o'nnl ailminisirat o'i: she is P -iy-; Morten. Ing Ifrom two tn three times aa much Mr. n( jir9. Gifford Hamilton, The presidential campaign of 1916 for siiKnr as she titj--ht to pay. I.:ist I wi10 mve D,.,.n aiti nding to bunineas 'waa coniplcuons for tho extraordl- year Herbert Hoover, n:ition:i food i iimiti-rs In tlls city, le ft this morning Old Man Hatred Ih still dolni? busl- "ary ""Parity and deceit practiced administrator, ami rns assisinnis, fur the Ir lioiuc at Reuben. ,.IJ In tnt Uj, U. lll'I III mTIIll! HID I'H'i: lllll UL IIIO ' I' .iil'in . " . ' wMaMwBiHBMmsaaBHMH democratic canuiuaie. us slogan, vuoan bukui nin mi u i-- ivmn j,- llo kent us oat off War." waa nut i I'O'i ml In order lopm t ihe Amori- i r .. i .. lorio .lim e ui usmtm. i' yn iiiina . m.i ,i i, ., .1 l t - MM mo El Ye r I OI I O I It'U i ""'O- lein wimiiii ii WHIM U Kinieinuiiii imrn iiiib ..."i , lt,.fr n uill, I tin nrnflt- inseo. in ti v.- ir was ii eviiao e. tir e-i-iin m mo i.uiuo.ini ...c... ness In thn world. In fact he opened up branch offices In all clv .ernann t.,e Italian Kovernment Is mm countries am. nas in .no i.e.u - ,, ,., ..alns, raITltv . hKh " been Icadly sowint; and It seems as harvest time Is at hand.. Two or 'hree years ago w heard that the jreat conflict then rni:lnft was a "war to end war." Men know better; now. They know that tho war Ih yet -toiiiK on in different parts of thej world nnd thnt society at large Is lorn by Internal unrest which has ,:town oat rlr the sowing of the seeds f hatred. Kuropo is slek, full of fear :e:iloit'iy and envv, nnd nlinost wl'tv nut hoi.e. Q:lc slions of economic, nclnl (ino-t'ops. boundary qiiest'ons 'III the alr.Along with It Is the crush 'ng rcallratlo'l that Kurope Is lailee vth ilebi which there Is little hope of paying. Anv Interference In the contentions (if Kurope means war. Meddling with the Interna' Ion il boundaries resembles tho lighting or rlio In a p.iwder tnaa7lne. This 1I; wnll IlltiHtrated by tho situation In Russia. The Allies h'ive desired to holn the Unsilnn pcortn overthrow llolshevlm. but their heln has no' lieen welcrnie be"nuse thev have stood for the dlsmembersblp of Kiis dn. However, the ItilHS'ans may be divided among themselves, It appears that is a who'o t'tev will not lob-rate the loss of territory. Kor the A'lb'S to help Poland, for example. In their flchl ncalnst the lloNhevists means that the Allies tmiit suoport Poli'tol In ho'd'ng tcir't.iry wh'ch Rnsia clrittns. Therefore, even the Rioiil in neople who wbh to tie rid ei' ive kindly Idinloinats In Kurono. and esneclallv ' t'onseq'ientlv tin' l"e blent rel'usi d C, 'rmanv had'io act, aim me iwimu ii our Atnlias.-ador to made the president States and Ills cabinet fullv aware of the fact that (lermany would profits. Cheap t i'orce war upon us. In spite of this. I does not go y" of the I'nited i footing the bill i producer n1 ince been inul the southern i Keen reaping the alioat "id "nlism" fir with practical QUIT TOBACCO So cay to drop Cirelte, Cior, or Chewing habit the American people were deliberate- poop' wben It remes rom thore vno 'v deceived bv being niado to believe ' liav "h little ptihiI for the Ren- haa not been creHlnir the "prole tnrlitn paradise." that Kim! drenmerii Tl'thihevlsm will not tmniilne. It is arcepted by rlear,tbe adl of tb ( who h ue ern'o-ini" heatU'd eeonettilwtf, everywhere that ed the t 'ktwr nwnv of Hn t;i' terrl he e-uibl not create il. with every tn-v Tb" WH-m l,e:ini" of Nilinnw opportunity. hee.niHe human nature wcu'fl tini'U:it lv (rvoive A tMorir -nnd oennonile law are apalnHt it. If in li's d-in(?"r'Mir. :tn;'tln. and in be fnlleil onenlv, tt would be the end Htend ir fu h rt 1eaittn preventfn of the Red inenaoe. war, It would Invite war. and m;tle Thf BtiRirestlon need not be taVen neeet.ary tho somllnr of Atnerle-ui Ifternlly. Actual rernirnil Ion of the mM- r in lnrve nnmli. ru t,o Ku irnnHln n ItolMbevist regime bv the al-1 fore x'' hlirb flown nbou lied powntR woubl be u heroic rem '"W'vM ?de-ji" Mre;il;lni: the Heart edv. and pml:iblv a mistake. Per- f tb. WorM bv Ht-vlnc out of the talnlv it would meet with tremend ous omnwttlon on the part of the cm aervntiven everywhere Tint the prln clnle Involved prcbablv coned Klvo HfdHbivlHin plenty nf rone and It will him ItNeir. That Ih what the It linn irovernment is doing. The red of the world will watch, w!'h rare Ititeretit the m;neuve of ttv Industrial cnV at the end of the rope. I. ear and can diw't'i ko 1 be plain rli I'acf thnt if we are iroinr to t:ik p rt In the unarreN of our nelr'-'MK-s we are colnc to turn roiiio of thoie iiili;bl'ors against us, and Fomebody Im always taklni; the joy out of llle. Now iu the king of tb. KVPKlcn who wants the nyples tn aettle do vn anil esiabllsii a rnm lnnnil lite. Then there would'nt be uny more Kyiwit'. lNru makes u friendly settlement with rbl'e. and t hu one mttre w ar Ih not noinu to be fourht. It may be come h habit Itt time. That Trench loan overHUtwifibed. Now would oerauhcrihe a loans. wa quickly If somebody (ew building After vou eat nhvaya ttike p ATONIC Instantly rohevcilrartbxjrn. Bloat ed Gj reeling. Stop foe) ourin( repeat intr, and all at inah miseries. AUla ditrlioa and tek KMtpn ttmch iwiet anil tnmrf. lnt-nrMwit Vitrtify and I p. nnrli womWt fully Umnijdst. Onty rei runt or two. Juy t t(. F ittv-ly g-uaiRiitood tti ilrnMur w will refund OioaCf. livl a b baa igdttjr YtA) wtil toe. Nathan Kullertou, ;o5 Casa St Ruieb'.irK, Oregoa. Kill That Cold With CASCARA Kg Q FOR tfy J5T AND La Grippe N'.'KU-rtett Cf'ils rtt Ii..i;.T;ws Tak no rhancM. K p tl.ii rfc:r!i..l teeicty f,H tb. fr-t imtn Hrealta np a ceU in .M hum - Rcl:?-.i Gripj. in 3 di.ys r-eeilnt for !lt-0.'h Quinlna in tbl form t.ot a't-ci Ilia heaJ Ca.-a la beat Tonic LaxjiUva No Opiuta in iiii'. t. ALL DRUGGISTS L IT that the re-election of tho president would mean perce. A t't-T hia no tu na t ion. (lovernor Cox Journeyed to W'ah'nplon, had f. n interview with 'bo president, ."lid announced that he was in accord with the pros t dent's I viewa and would stand for the j League of Nationa advor-aled by the I re:ddent. Al that time Mr. Cox paid nothing about tho renervationx. He it now saying from the Htump th t e will stand fo" reHorvat bum that will Pfo'ect A re erica. He does not ay that be will staid for tho res Mvatio'm adopted ,by the majority if the United Slates senate, or what enervations he would favor. He dare not commit himself definitely on this nofiit wi ho'it either repudiating th sland i' the president or flying in Mie fac" (tf that large and rninmnnd 'ng pnlllc sentiment whb-h tTavo'-s 'be ree vattnns agreed inon ty the uajority of the senate. If Mr. fox 'avurs reset vat Ions to the treaty, vby should he not be frank enough 'o Htate t lie language of such res ervnt bns he will support. The res rvatioun which the majority of the enate has. nl'ter long di-;cnmions. Mui'-lmled tn be neceHarv. are def initely known. Is Mr. fox man enough to sav he is for thoe eeMi'rv.'itloMN. and therefore a'lnst 'he pre'-hlent, or that he Is --:Jnst fhe-e reeiTations. and therefore Is against (tie country? For him to sv 'bat he will favor reervptirns with out saying what reservation a is just ibout ps definite ns for a r-'di'Man o say that he favors god povov-n-ment. without show'ng what r'H" r jira-'t'ce bo would consHer nec ssarv in onler to cnustjtr.te gtto:l t;o'ernnlent. The present national rnivpren Is ne ctf the nnvit important in the historv ef the country. The is ne i- whether the American peorde wiP keep America on the bi'"n ievel vht.-h she has occupied in farmer venra or whether thev wilt drn? her ilown into the m're in wh'fl lir -p--s now wallowing. The t hn has n-ne for old f binned Ami 'ip nkn 'o nse-t Its.'lf a'1 rid the laad of he hvpocrtriral talk about "' -vot M ideals." and proceed in a nrr et'cal vay to twihrse autocracy in thN 'and of the free, cut out emer- niMt xti nvac ince and banish na ional duplicity. Th" avcrare c;tien woM ' 'e in formed by those man: lenioccatic campaiun why I; the tremendous nrn'y of go mptovees, called into tb ervlce in war time, is still, most part, kept on the pavrr'l while he nation Is running into rt M from day to day. W'hi'e the frtitt-p esr 'n- -i.,sou Is on. and the good America, bouse- (Co'ilinuori on Pa(ro 4) rr. -fft. 1 UNivr ir. V7 tirr OREGON M'a-riu!'"-'' by fi-.e ' ii ordr ib:tt V e ; otmi ' pie i.l OrofiH f.iny wT..'i:i I roet, !'f f.-t eU;icifIo:la a iiLcr( Tt.J.! blt-i-.. ir-, .ty Ir l.l 1 N-To-Ilac lias help-d thousands to broak tlie coolly, norvo-shatteriu lobauco habit. Whi-uever you have a ; o.i;ing for a fiuiok.' or chew, just '. idaco a barvdies No-To-Hac lublot In !oui' inouili iiisieaii. All desire stops. ISiiurly the habit is complettly ! iir dti'U. and you are better oil' iiitiit- i ai!v, pliysitally, financiully. It's so I e-;i.,, fo riiinple. Get a box of No-To i H ie and it it doe.ifi t ivlu ve you from 1 all craving for tobacco in uny form. 1 your rirurgist will rofund your iiioney without quo'ton. No-To-liac 1 is imu'e by the owners of Cascurets Lbercf.jre is thoroughly reliable. ; What is Your Answer? en fitr cu liv u w. -ir i -si i an : ia:c nw wluit v. i'l hupiJ punc- 1 !nts of nn I nM rmnl Tlllej .1 no .tettr lllil.T tl.lj. -8 i .ill 1ou':lr i wti1l ni nu-ctl y0,- p f tjy an -.: !'. e'Tl'f ' 'i '-."-'t -r 1'- ond r. .itrai tjarlr I J '.U(j0 vj! jinc. 'u ."r it J nf tldif 0 are f i -ni . artl w, 'i it" if tht t:dnt3. H:t -t.laJiltftr J Ctr f; if i jmKlir r "Qtjurf, I tic 4 - mwA stnvicc station mm oak mo rose ca..l w. kikad. maiuccii Tt.L iuriii'), iurgc oc smxll. Uoye.- Hiwit, l'hn 1 4 -1- 1 4. , ton salk oi. 1 WaN'I'Ku-iume-k-er, no young nil. lie.-; ;ipply. IMlOlie 4 1 - it. K, Pullcn. CuinaM Valley. Ore. rA NTKl Apple pU krii. Him. J. ti. WWS'ViA) I'airot caiti ut FoutcL' Cuiift-L-llonery. WANTKU Liffbt apring or covered wauon. AUUrcBB P. O. Box 129'. WANTED Chamber maid. Apply to Mr. Troxell. Unipqua Hotel, imine- u i iw el y, ,V uMA X AV A N T K I ) To do cooking. Kasy work, imiuire 1'eopies euppiy WANTKb Buy or man dish washer, j and bout a. Liiiptjua iioiei uinms Renin. "OK k.u.i.' iS.t-4Sil' Puuny 6 in.ini h. ..j1""". C I VVANTKD (iirl or woman to assist with housework, ftioli n-rl. Air. Lyle Mtiiatwrit. VANTKi School teaeber In DlrtTic-t No. 61, Ui'fW, Ore. Apply to Zelma V:inI)yUi'. ''K-rk. VVANTKD Work by Hrit class ma- tiinisl and auto nieibanlc. Address I,. S , v ire TV'i WM-KfVlt w. .VA.Ti-;D Ciil or young woman to work in (lift kit (lien Oregon State SoHlorg H'me. Phone :t:'ti. v' AN 't' K D 1 1 r 1 for general office work. Address tn own namiwrmns. Htuling ext' lence, et.. .New i- ite lew. to VVANTKD Mudurn house In good con dition, good locution, easy terms, reasonable. No agents. D. E ler, 6jx L St.. Plants Puss, Oregon. VVANTKDAiJple pii kers. Wasoa 45 cents per liuur for men, 35 cents per ' hour for women. Meals at bunk ' tunote If desired. .Tents for cnmprs. Overland Orchards, Pardon Valley. UOY WANTKD A good, live boy as aimrHnl if in t le inectiunicai deuart- nifiit of the News-Review. Must b over lt( yt-ars of ae. This is a tltiw opportunity to gain complete knowl edge of the buHlneaS. fair salary to start with. Bee ates. Newslieview n IT ice. KOK I SENT. L'Olt RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Hoksebuig Apartments. Phono FoR RENT Safety deposit boxes itnftohurac Nut iuiial Bank. ;'olt " It KNT Furnished rooms, half ojuck iv n iK'i scnooi. 4-y .1jat- v Toil RFNT'aTm-at" Ol al 1 a, or w U I sell on easv terms. Apply to Mrs. J. P. Den 11, 315 C'hudwick St., lloseburg. :AN FAVE YOU on a new 1920 nifjdel Chevrolet. Inquire iServlce i'KAL'TuR pLoWl.NU (Jet your order In at once if you want work done. Oiltiert Wood. Box IZ'XJ, Ruyebuig. AFFTY. i-Tli riT S eT j r e a saTely de posit, box for your valuable papers at V K ORASS SEED Now ready for :niinieiit. Best for pasture sowing, lu per cv. t. Special price on large .ota. E. A. Rliotell. Salem, Ore. MONEY TO LOAN Sy-year rural credit farm loans, low Interest rate. i!0.u00 local money to loan on good real estate. First mortgage, riee M. F. Rice, of Rice & Rice. .;Xi'!IAN(JI0 for lloseburg or cloe In In mi uve.t Di'onettv. StudebaUer 1, in No. 1 condition. See I'atzlaf at Motor Shop Oarage. TA K EN I'l Hay mure with bell on, hi ay ma 1 e and black horne. Owner mav 1 ecovcr animals by paying" chHi-Bes. E. F. Ollivant, Looking K iliisl T!:AY NO'i U7E Yearling black Jer sey heifer biuke Into my pasture several weeks ago and has not been l::i .'nil. Owner cuii have same by idem il vlng. Robert Tjoinsland, R- D. 2, Roeeburg. I.OHT AND FOUND. I'ountain pen. Finder plcu:je e at News-Review ottlce. - Ruin h of keys. Leve at Nsws icw office. Eiberal reward. Pii Ft r . iiif.-tii4 lpn mrt r . t IjprJ'nl Nnd M;iitti( t i) v. it:r;isTKAH I 1111 rilr ot OrtAcn KiiB'vi Oft Jon Sheet MetalVork OK Al.. J- II. SINMGER 110 (tAK STKKirr rilllNK I'M 1 to is that B ii HJf 1 Opening Art Needle Shop a a Mr. KIIh Sti u.-.rt and Miai l.'i In 1 Wi bb b' K to au nour., t!ic opi uiii' or tlu-ir Art Niidlp and o'l art1!ly lnvittd to itl- p. t and tu solicit their a:! in your art wants. I K! It EverythirujoBaby At the Hat Shop. ioit;l..s cotviy t ini:i:iv AM) TANM.Sti CO.MJ'A.NV. Taim.'is of fiim. tr.xlil.Tniist of IipuIh nnd all kinds of animals-'ianuf.u-tnr. rs of furs. shouKlv, :liroi,i. i.mslH. fur rials and caps. J. W. I.AN'U !;XI!KKt;, Prop. AM work enaniMi.fd. (.nd-rs take:i at K. SI, k atato. or Hidio s P. O. Box SST. Kosrliurg. CASTORIA For Infants and ChiMicn In Use for Over 39 Ye.irs X and Wife. tht !,l;OI', f.AIS is I. nl t:n Out Fli-werfl I 'J V. lana. ItH H II. I'tivffit In. ri.Tirn -ht uncttr SSI W. Lana St HITII ll Tti.orv. M ul- ralfnr. Crdduates and post-Krat!u- J M atts of the Olilest Charter- cd College of Chiropractic tjj n the world t E'i si navo re-o.T.ed ofTtei' In tho j IVrkiiu Hl.lg. J M Wo nst 110 drtips nor ol- J j tr:.-i!y. unthinc but attatcin tfi l"!iironr;iptc. nnd h.ivo In-, -a siu--s:iil fir thi p.T-;t ton Kl -frs in h.inilMtiK almost ovorv I rj disoaso known to tha luinian family Off;u hourn tn and I to ( p. ui. . ! N YOUR FALL 1 I TOP COAT T 5t r( Fi I'orul bead with wind if returned t p'u ns street. iT Lady's black betw guld 3iZ clasp. South fur, on detour n Oakland and "Wilbur. uder return to News-IUview office. . Pi.,.. ".V" Ui FOR HALV-J-rZhl faune Mr tA, 'a Kr.iund, 14. Li;,.!),..... r,;Mr , , , '"mutton tv 1'OH KOK SALE- K.tTaijrr7-iM run kali; -ruonrsS3Srr- A,l. jy u.rmi fiTJ V " t-AI.L . oung ltil -T Durham and Jtiev oro ii at once. w s. ii"a(r, - 8a e- Uttr ' buuiu to yuuitg BclK.ol hoy f..r a little work e AppIy. Cafeteria. Ml" FOR HAIF Forditon TZTT- plows; 8 tuna hay. Harry BuJ run a-u-fc-uvo O. I. C. t)TT. ana one registered boar wl 2'-ajmiie wettofKoitlurg 1 ANObKA'BCCKU for alValirfd man, Wilbur. Ureifun.' 5000 nille; ail new tirea. 1 tiJ FUR SALE Fejjec niiiu tood as new. fhon U-l iiontaeut, inxunwll. UUX UHOOKii FUH ALE-AT pear; also wruitpiug piLr. neat h Oreharda, Inc.. MiirM. 1 FOR SAi-E B-roum noiue, U( iiuii, idiiiii, vueap tint quire Nwa-Reviw, i.' OR SAlR Uuroc bear pis, t i to reKlster, weight about M His u. I'leKena. ( anyonvlile, Ort FOR HALF New Dudg tourist at a bargain. Will take 11 l part pay. Address D. F, art N Re v t e l-'OR SALE -I'rune tre, liaiui 1 eiues. riiir irewii, iuuru family orchard atock. R L ,. miles west Ruaeburg, Ort. FOR SALK--.16 H-4 acrea, pirtiT Creek and I'erdue, on itagt rutJ hTIR KAt.J-" fi.rnnm modern close in; will gv pommuJ once. I'lioni .t4U-K. iDuai Fowler St. KOR SALE Yearling SiSHU rams that will fhear 20 U in line white wool. Will Kll carload. Prices right f.W-E Asliland. Oiegun. 1.", n kill h" 1.V0" Unllt ll 15u miles; one WaxwtH b4 Oldsmobile eiKht. Theie vt 1 ,t.... unit lhm L'in..iua Auto liiiop, Hincna fnone FOl SALE Roseburg proptrtf ' erty now I56.W way Slues owner a iiu-ai " 'j street, paved sidewalk and ttt Ileal with owner at iU van :ird, KOIt SALE. 'ni; SAf.r: H.-cteaned rya-ffrana seel. !ix ti-nta a pound t. o. b. Kuitcne-iiii-. Kurl J. lvie. It. S, Junction city. fOH HAI.K lt awre itof W'j loilk:e cunyon: low i 4 head lo"K. hoBa. rfc arj. lots of tlmbar. Hurt dowa K. easy lirmi at !' " Cha. 8. Huut.Oaklant0r.PL FUR-At,B T plant. old. w OT WW j rait, aiw - t.r f further Informatloa wrM I , XtKIK'E TO l'VBLIC. The Winchester Hospital for the lire of Tuberculosis liaa taken over all the interests of tha Ruiter Saui arium. All those indebted to the -ih! concern will please call and set tle ut tae office of sanitarium. Those 'loliling accounts against institution will present same. RUITER SANITARIUM. Jack Roach of Drain Hal wjj the agency ror iue m""- " cubators ana orojuei" . j time oK.y..ri.1 your oraer iui "' Sanitary D!ttry has changed back 'o niKht and iniirniiiK delivery, on ac vautit of warm weuther. Fresh milk 111. 1 er'-im from slate tested cows l'-livercil dally anywhere In the city. Phone H-Fll. Whon a nnn wears a Fall 1 op co at. you put liin, flown as lifinjr "uliove the avcmire". Others " ill put you in this dosir i" I clas.J, when you wosr a Topeoat tailored by US. "It nuist be tailored'to he correct." ord:s r.u;s icdt. T17 Our Way '.'nr Auto Will Call, ll.i'tie SV7. BUY YOUR Wood Coal from H.J. DENN TRANSFER CO. Corntr Oak and Main. Telephone 12S Prompt Service Prleea Right Heinline-Moor CON5KRVAT0RY MUSICAL KI WDERCARnH. KIKMj Physical Education. new feature of IndbuiCW" Wand Drills. BERGER'S BARGAIN STOW Ar,n T TVF OF NEW CLOTHING in ww.""'1' BATTERIES - ..A lit 1 Chevrolet Cars -5 . P.lcM OU J MOTOR SHOP m 1-31 Kin.l.'rurtrt.a. 1004 Wait Ktrit fi. FUOD 1JD-U ohh t t; 441 ft. Jackao "