Man two 11 1) t II U C It a KV . H K V1K w I ued llallr sGacapl Sa.ilajr. fa. U. n.ln L m.tolr Bar! II. Bala. UUUdCKIPTION KATK8 lally, per yar, by mull H 00 lially. .Is montha. by mall 100 Hy Carrier, par month .0 The Aaaociatcl Press la .icluilvely entitled to tha uaa for relmbltrauon of II nana dlspatiiiea crciilted to It or nut otharwla. cr.dlted In thla paper arid alao ttia local nawa publlalicd tiara In. All rlnhta of republication of apa clal dt.patchea herein are alao roaarved, t-iiiteiail aa aerond-claaa matter Muy IT. lynu, at tile puet urtlia at Itoaebui. Oregon, under th. Act of March 2, 1B7H. ItoevliurK, Orf'Kun 17, 1W-0 "I'ltOHIHITlO.N A VAll.l'RK." According to a well Informed American who baa born louring Eu ropi',' the main tuple of Interest abroad, so far aa America la oi; corned, la not til. political campaign, but iirohlbltlon. And what are they Buying about it? turopeun papers represent pro hibition in America aa u complete fullnre. I ahould find, 'by their statements, a atlll In every home lit my city (an eminently respectable college town). "It la easy for Europeans to be lieve this." he adds, "because plenty of Americans are going around over there proclaiming Ihat prohibition In Ihe United Slates is a failure." Here we have again a situation made unpleasantly ramlllar during the war Americans abroad engaged In the curious pastime of slandering their own country. It Is strange how a certain type of American, when he finds himself in contact with a for eign nation. Instinctively seeks to Ingratiate himself by depreciating his own. DIhIiuico and novel asso ciations warp his perspective. He does not tell deliberate lies, but he ceases to see and think clearly and speak accurately. Ho is even more object lonnbln than the opposite type or citizen who makes un asa of lilm . self by his absurd boasting of all things American and his discour teous criticism and ridicule of for eigners to their faces. If those American tourists who go around "procliflmlng that prohibition In the UnlUMl Slates Is a failure" really think so. Ihey ought to come home and do a little touring in their own country. Let them go around, visiting all the states and all the Im portant cities, observing how much of tha lluuor traffic persists, and trying tlielr own luck at buying a drink. They will And many "wet" spots, to be sure, where law enforcement Is not yet what It ought to be. Hut they will find that prohibition was already an accomplished fact in the greater part of the United Slules be fore the "dry" amend lit went Into effect, and that even in the "wet" aims affected for the llrst time by this amendment, the present volume of the traffic Is a very small fraction of what is used to be. and gelling smaller all Ihe time that as a gen eral thing, it Is only the left-over slocks of liuuor thai are being drunk up, and It Is only the Initialed who know whore and how to buy lluuor. Prohibition, even In lis present early stage of ImpeifecMoli. Is no more a failure than any of Ihe Ten Commandments nnd Americana are not noted above other peoples, either, for their laxity in living up to the Iiecalogue. lv. Id the first place, sine no rut u la r vi. nil o Is ready, yt. the Jurors are to be chosen, not drawn, and heads of organizations interested in civic affairs have been selected. That Is to say. It Is not the average woman serving as Juror who Is to be observed, but a woman whose special I raining puts her In a special and limited class. The leactlona of a woman who had been working on the Asstjclaied Charities, for ex ample, or on a newspaper, and was old In the knowledge of sin nad sor row, might be very different from those of a woman who knew only her own neighborhood and that su perficially. Besides, did anyone ever take any official observance of Ihe man Juror? Lawyers know that the average man is moved fur more by emotion than by Intellect. They know that mea will be hard on a nagging woman brought In as a common scold, yet will fall for the woman criminal who wears a slim black dress and while collar and cuffs, and weeps or faints. There is probably little value In these artificial investigations and distinctions. Twelve human beings, or sixteen, with the Individual dif ference of ;heredity, environment, education and personality of any 12 or 1 6 people are going to try cases. Possibly the women, being new, will make a Utile more effort to be In telligent. Thai's about all. IlKI'OHKHTIMl KOH WOOD 111.1'. Reforestation of the extensive regions In Ihe Adirondack mountains will solve the pulp wood problem of ibis country, according to experts at lenedlng the nnnunl convention of the pulp and paper Industry. There aro vast areas In the Aillr ondacks uiisulied to agricultural pur poses which no represent waste In the fullest sensn'of the term. The cost of reforesting those acreas would not be prohibitive, especially In view of the benefits to be gained. The kinds of trees suited for making paper pulp grow swiftly and under permanent scientific management successive crops of pulp wood could be obtained, aa well as timber for other purposes. These methods have been followed for generations In Europe , large iilanlltles of pulp wood being cul annually. The plan deserves development, nnd c'o-oporailon between private and nubile Interests. Moreover, what Is suggested on this big scale for Ihe Adirondack region merits considera tion on a smaller scale by any owner of cut-over or barren land. The man who can raise pulp as sure of a market as the man with a "oal mine on his farm, and. Just like Mm, after lie has marketed his pro duct, he still has the laud. MRS. StLIGIR WKD NINHMIGtiT POUNDS BUI SQON GAINED 25 "I have gained twenty five pounds taking Taulac and feel as fine as I ever did In my whole lite," said Mrs. Edith Sellger. who lives at Box 20, Houte A, Portland. Oregon. "Two years ago" she continued, "my stomach began giving me trouble and from hat time oil my health got worse In spile of all I could do. Everything I ate caused trouble with gas and pains In my stomach and un der my shoulder blades. I had blind ing headaches and dizzy spells, and I was so nervous that even the children playing about me would completely upset me. At night 1 was simply too restless to get any sleep at all hardly. I lost twenty-seven pounds and was so weak and mis erable sometimes I would break down and cry over my condition Ifor no thing seemed to do me any good. "Mr husband suggested Tunlac, and really I did not believe It poss ible for any medicine to do anyone is much good as Taulac has done me. All of my troubles are completely gone and I am stroncer than I have iieen in years. I am so happy I think I ought to tell eyeryone about my recovery so that they may benefit from my experience. Tnnlnc Is sola In Roseburg by W. P. Chapman and by the leading 'Iruggists everywhere. HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McCI.ONE GIBSON WOMKN Jlllll.S. Wlu'lht r tbt won. mi Juror la fair I or purlliil. whrtliur uhu Ih Hwuyud iiKiiu ly fiiioltmi or by HiUlUct, in hurt, wlu'lhi'r bIic iiuikt u iliuVi-j i-ht surl or Juror from u irnui, in lo bo (rUil out in C'lt -velum., O. ciulil ! On' JuiIk" of tho iiunniii.11 court: I "li (h itiu court's puntoHv ! se hoy,- woiiu'ii will r-u'1 to the human ulumi'iit. For there lit a v tl '!) utiiiK cant'. Muuy Hroua have the inVa that wouu'U uro ox trumt'ly haul, and cnnuVii.ii a w.Uv hiatar, no matter what I ho clrcu.u-Btanc- M may havo bet-ii. On th oliu r hum. thy are hu .posed by many to be extremely hv input he tic wit h a lover or a man in tllairt-KH. It in Uie rourt'H desire to determine, if pos niblo If women jurors are more par tial in certain clattseH of cukch. In the fill tiro it ia a certainty that many cuoa will be tried by women Juries or Juries composed of men and wom en." Now till 1 all very InloroattnK. l)iit it teemi rather fur from ronrlu- The CoinmunlHt uprising In Ituly n serious not only In itH Immediate effect upon Italian affairs, but In its pofittthle effect upon rtlhor nations. Anything like buccohh or finality In this movement In Italy would bo u torch set to a world ripe for confla gration. Tho liolnhevlttl movement would receive new life, many fcoverii m nts would bo threatened, nnd even America would find the problem onmlng .urge within her own Rates It Is to be hoped that the Italian (gov ernment will And means and courufEo to restore order speedily. In the meantime other noverninents and peoples must look to their own safe ty. Tho violent ri'dlcal and the mis guided disturber must feel continu ally opposed to them ihe strong, steady arm of organized government. Those who believe In such govern ment muni support it In (heir speech and actions. Aboo all. justice must rtil- JuhI tee between authority and subject, between omplnfer nnd em nlovp. between man ami man, fain ily and fnmily. between native son and alien brother. Only so can a back fire of confidence be slur ted ; which will chock the Ued flames. Fasting for 40 days might be a ! good way lo get around the high com j of living, but most individuals will 'stick to th" belief that tho 'inner ! mnn ' should le satisfied at all j hazards. j Who roi lembers what women did i wilh the!r spare time before there ; were any movies? Kvorybody opposes special privil eges except for himself. Let Us Show You and Quote You Prices on UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F. BARKER & .CO., iMru:Mi:v.H KOSKIiritU, OHKi.ON At TO.MOUll.UU TitAerons How about that top for your truck this rail. Cockelrcaa & Harbor, 220 Ouk street. o I AltOUNI) THE TOW'S SollcithiK Fund A committee started out today In solcltlng funds for the proposed ad dition to .Mercy Hoapital. Fined for SM'efl(nc 11 on! on liuinett yesterday paid a fine (ir $7.50 for speeding. He was irrosteu by the motorcycle cop. "Ine for Spii'dlntf H. H. I f ;i in 1 1 ii today paid a fine of $5 into the city court Hollowing his arrest on a charge of speeding. fori I nnd for Visit- Mrs. J. T. Krai ton went to Tort- land tills morning for a visit with rlends and relatives for a short time Attend l air r'nunlv trnnfliiror anil Mrs -T R loft vetatardiiv ni urnlne for Smith Klvor to attend the community fair at that place. Hot urns Homo Hornard Demi son of Mr. and Mrs. Denn of Oialla. has Just returned rum Spokane where ho upent a few lays dellghiKully visiting with his :ousln In that city. Viito Daughter- Mr. and Mrs. 9. O. Richardson of California (lor several mouths left for their home this morning after spending the past three days In vis- ting their daughter, Mrs. Fetor Halff. "iim Sun Fram-lsci Fred Wollonberg arrived In Rose- tiurg last night (from San Francisco and will visit here until Monday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Wol lonberg. Ho will continue on to ortluud from here before returning to San Francisco, Shrine Spoeinl Is Here Ihe moving pictures taken dur ng the shrlue celebration In Port land which were delayed in reaching he Antlers theatre in this city, ar rived late last night, and will be hown at the Antlers tonight and at he Majestic tomorrow night. Married Yetl onlay- Charles A. Wither and Kllen W. lalbert. both of Iouglas county. were married at noon yesterday by County Judge l. J. Stewart. Mr. Wll her owns a lnrce ranch near Wilbur where they will make their f-iture home, leaving for that place this af ternoon. iwe I It n d. en A. F. Arthur of McMinnvt'le. a brother of the contractor who built thjo, I'mpnua Hotel. sustained broken nose last night whil- crank ing the auto in which he and his friends were returning from a hunt nig trip near I'eel. The Injury was tven attention by Dr. Hoover nnd the party continued the trip north this morning. trft I Att Mg-ht Miss Annette Whipple left lust night for Portland where she will pend several days visiting wit'i her friends. From Portland she wll! con tinue on to I'nderwood. Wa?-hir.:ton where -the has been engaged to (each school the coming term. M fS Y'hii- ple was accompanied by her cjusin Miss IJonevive Pay less who resides in Vancouver. Washington, and who has been visiting hero In Roseburg WE SFXL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light' and Water Co. Kennel h H !. I don't rememh. r how Ion tt w.ts after 1 hail auu. the kimwl. l-ul. 1. Kill. wu mjt.ji" t to u ltnei-nl HtsmUnl than a t...v. ihat 1 firm w Ktniu th little . 1 n it.. mlj.-r. How ever. iht for iimny -' ks 1 had t't-.n wuuhiiift th h-nifct- we liuj alwa-n called "haunt!." wnh h waa a i"" th aii-eft from the i m fiit-n n. U j. !- fiien warmed til t it. piitlitiS! It per fee l repair, aii'l " I' 'la glent "IHV IoaIs of btt:;ra nn'l imtul fuinltJie wre tliiiuadeil hefi-re ll.e l--r. il I'flurie It wan an . .j--t ot K'at ui lonlty t all the un Hie little Ulreet, he ullie it w.iH i-eii laiK-T ami KtanUur than the C.'anienm huine oppo site. Kach night when 1 '-one home from aehoul I t ld my inuthej- all ah.iut It. and she aald tliat preuniiil miin.-- orie waa eonilntC there to live. She looked very Had a he .ll tins and her fuee took on one of tlnme jn-iUl.U." wraith -like expresni-'iiH which always told me that n!ii' hail wiihdiawii wlt.i ill hi-raelf and ti'-r meinnry. "Were you ev.r in the nig noun.-, mothrr?" I uMked. "Many timea." she nn.-werel. 1 rair- ly KeW up ill the nilit-i oil the tt ond floor. 'Oh, did ymi, did voiit ani. Were there other ehihlten th.-ie" heHitiit'lon. "a great. tiif, inlid l o.' "ind you love lil in .' now nm n look?" Yea. my dear. 1 loved mm niwayi. ind he hed trreat hrown eyes like y.-ura ami a thatch of hrmi.e hair like v-.m-s. ny child. 1 remeiiiher wjien we um m io K" in awlmmiiii, we used to a! way" IfMltfnaie n H lieioi us wie '( lieeailNf It Kllnled like metal wl It was hohhliiK shout in the wave, w-lh the ami Hhlnlnn on it ' 'tHi. did the hoy grow up. niouier d ea r ?" "Yea, In atature. hut he alwavs t. malneil a hoy as h.iiK an I knew him." Oh, KOOtly. KtaxlV. lnaoe in h t oim- Inir bark to the hix house and I tan play with him." .o, chilli, lie is nor romm How do you kn 'W. motlor'.' I to ou know who la eomiiiK'.'" "No. Ann dear. 1 only know thai il la not he." After that I toiped taiKtng to my mother about the ttlTitlrs of tins I.oii-e. I hiiw that It hurt her. ami on- e, one ritKlit. after 1 had K"lie UpHtairs lo heil. 1 thoiiitht I heinil Hiimeoiie toh- hlng. I crept down as softly as I could nnd found toy mother HtandiiiK. looking over at the httt lu.ime. I don't think, however. It was she wh- in 1 louid rvitiK. lecaue wlin she i ii'i not see tears on her cheeks, and v.ieii I told her I thotiKht I lien tit -meone ryliiK. ah: answereil I limsi n.ive been dreaming Ad she put her anna around me very tenderly an nhe led lite again upstairs to he. I Only a lew oavs hiht huh i n ti m talk to my mother, he an.. n my w;i lioine from school I na w h man wil i two ponies and five ih'SM goiiig into the yard. "Oh, mother, nimio-r. un yon uin-.t that someone will ever let me play with the dogs?-- I said. I ilon t know, my ciniii. it i .veie you I would not K t too int.iesteu. "Mother, don't you think I eojld have a pony?" I in art -aid nm Well. then. I hope there In onlv one little girl at the hl hoio-e. In . f there is on'y oto-. OillMie 1 II nei l" Me mi th fitliir leilhle.'." I'or a long time afl-r the of the ponien aiul dot;-., there was i.oto ing new to chroiil. e at the Mg Hut one day. as I sat with rev tic e lued ti the window, wishing tint i..V mother had not decided th tt the wtigui cold from which 1 was Important enough to ke.-p iu- ,n the house. 1 saw (itaee t'aineroii riding p;n-t n one of thosu poni.-s. lo r yeii-.w urls flvtiig in the wind, while be.-oh- her on ihe other ponv was n hoy I had never aet-li hefon. Kxcllcdlv, 1 push.-d the window h:if up and saw tnat :ie. loo. wa;; without a Int. I phult nevr forget the loyo,ine4 of his wide grin as he seemingly u ted it- tell Orio le there Was he nan-el' U was the picture of woe. how. c-. and just before she rescind ttte fr.iii' ,ir our cottage, he puiieo up snon :.uu with his hand on the hit of her pon... xcla lined. 'It s no run piaymp w u i girls. They're always fraldy cuts." la fore I realized what I was did it g. 1 pushed up the window nnd to.utt-d. 1 nliit no rrauiy cat, i ihii riuo. i can hie, take me." The l.oy looked up fUl kly. but c vt lenllv t.race t'aineroii said goiiictiiiii.: o him. Tor a flmh covered his an-. ind leaping down from his own ', no him-, il her ii n the uroiind and w ith out another look toward rne. he tiii-u-d and leading both ponies walked !a k tow:rd t tie house". INMIOIIHOU 4irare Cameron Ik- f iMjy.. A friend in need Is a friend In deed. That is a Pyretic You don't realize until you need it. H. Morten. ECHO OF I'AST PAYS. , SANTA BAUBAHA, Cnl., 3pt. 17 An echo of the days whQ city sur veys were made with an ordinary tape line has been found in a recent report by the city engineers office here. The report declares an old frame building, one of Ihe city s early landmarks, is ifrotu six to fourteen inches over the property line, en croaching upon the street. The re port made no ncotnuieennauuu i" possible action to remedy the error. . o (JltKAT I LKA IU.N'Cj IP HAl.E OF lOlATOi:s AND WATEIIMKIXI.M. ....I Kfinv vnur hoXCB Slid pick lomaioes ot 60c per bushel. To inutoes put up In 20 lb. boxes, 5c. Cantilop 25 lo 75 cents per doz., packed rough. Honey Dews. 10 to 25 cents each, tt aiei meimia, i.a r..nh T H. Kvans A Son,' Dillard. Ore. Phone 22-F42. After you eat always take FATONIC I'ltOI KSSIOXAI. ("AH 1)8 Mils. V. D. OWKSI Cut Flowers. Phont 110. 41)3 W. Cua. . 1M. H. rhlrorraotlr I'hyalclan. 211 W. Lane St. III Til WIM'O 1'lano. Theory, Musi cal K HnlfrK:iriMi. ivui . ri ..n. tit. rhono i:tlt-U Opening Art Needle Shop Mrs. KUa Stewart and Miss Kthel Webb bes to an nounce the opening of thslr Art Needle Shop, and you are cordially Invited to In spect and to solicit their aid In your art wants. EverythingfortheBaby At the Hut Shop. CLASSIFIED COI.TliuM ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISBMIiMTS U BK Pa. T - PAUB UNDER HBADINO .NBW Today!. 411 WANTED. WANTED Work with a truck. Phon. 21. or small. Boyer Bros, rnone htii. WANTKI) jlan tor farm work. rlert man prererrea. H'ANTEU fhulnb.rmaiu. Apply io Mr.., uiniiu dlately. Mar- Phone J-K31. WANTED-Woman or girl to clerk In cullfn-tluncry .lore. Apply al houtL-iia. FOR SAAPv FOH SALEFpj.v-jTt WANTED Good team.ter to work team on road and farm. J. Marks. Chone -Yi. KOU SALKiu t licavvTT-r .tv..r: bull. A. B. Haiti d J0tit3 t'OU SALE. - JLw. Can at ,h4i WANTED (II rl or with housework. Lylw Maintain. WAaNTKU--Si-hool teaclier No. 61. Drt-w. Or. VnnlJyke, Perk woman to auslit FUvtitf 17-F2. Mr. In DUtrkt Apply to Z.lniii V A N TK 1 1 y couple, nicely furntalitd huuHe by tut. Int. Will ulv excel- lent J-'Jire lion 1106. City. VVANTKL) Board and room In private family by ! tittle man. H. &. Plill brkk, Sanlturtum. Uouglaa Bt. WANTKL An xperlnvd Kirl or woman for ini-al hounewurk. Call orwrlte Myrtle Crewk Telephone Co. VANTKl Two or three Kod prune ph-keitf. Come to the orchard ready for work. H. P. Brown, Vet itot-burK- WANTED Nun-school boy over 16. with by vie. for mesne liver work thla winter. Telegraphy taught. Apply Western Union Tel. Co. WANTED (ilrl for general office work. Address In own handwriting, stating experience, etc., to L. Kuwi-ngvifw. WANTED Fresh milch to 6 tfallons of milk a six years old, gentle milk. Phone gtftMt. cow giving 4 duy, not over and eusy to WANTED 3U0 or 400 acres of lanfl within 26 miles of Hoseburg. IUal estate agents need not answer. C. D., care Psews-iteview Sutherlin Sanitarium MEDICAL "SURGICAL Write It. I. HALL, M. D., Supt. Kulherlln. Oregon Will J1TXKY KKKVK'E. I'huns 34S, at Monogram Cigar Store. I Instantly rvlierewTlruiWani. Bl.t , ed Ga.y Falinc. Stope food sturing,, and all yomarh miseries. Aid. Hwmtiom mmA Ml HU.. Khm itanah .i-cl and ftnavi. Incraam Vlt.i t and Tap. , KATONlCtatbeaatrattwl;. Tim. ( lhaa. I aand. nAd.rfultr bafiafttMl. inihr M . al ' ar two a dar la am it. tlv.i . aaaraataa. Ip plaaa of w. will wfun. aaaaay, liat a mi ; fas kidar, Hon wiU Ma, Nallian Kullortua, 105 Cass St Rostbnrg, Oroo. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVEUN MKNT TIMBlill Gen.ral Land Office.!nct-n. ! C. August 2H. 11)20. Notice Is hereby glren thai subject to the conditions and liini- iri Inns of the Acts o' Jun 0. 1916 (3!) Stat.. 218. nnd June 4. 1920 I I'ulilic 241). and the insl ructions of the Secretary of the Interior dateil September 15, 1917, and June 22. 11)20. the timber on the following Ium!i will be sold Oct. 18. 1820, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at public auction it the United States land office at HoSfburfE. Oregon, to the high.'' bidder at not loss than the appraised value as shewn by this notice, sale 'o be subject to the approvnl of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price, with an additional aunt of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, beina- con. missions allowed, must ln depoalted at time of sale, money to be returned If sale is not appror.d otherwise patent will is.ii. for th. timber which must be reiuo.ed with In ten years. Bids will be recelTeii from rltliens of the I'nlted States, R.sociaMoiis of such citifens and c ir porations ertanlied undo' t1-. laas of the fnit.d States or any state, territory or district thereof only Upon" application of a qualified pur chaser, th. timber on any lesal sub dlrlslon will be offered separately be for. being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 21 S . K. 1 W.. Sec 33. SKI, SK'. fir 1125 M-. cdar :: M.. none of which shall be sold for less than f 1 5(1 per M. r IS S I! M V. Nti,. flr 475 M. non of which shall be sold for less than 12 l per M. (Sirnedl PI.AV Tt I . V AN. Commissioner General Land Office, TAXPAYERS I MEETING J All Douglas County Tax- j 4 payers are requested to 4 J be present at a meeting 5 4 to be held Saturday Sept. S t 18th, at 2 P. M., second j 4 rloor Douglas Abstract r4 Douglas County Tax- 4 4 pavers League II. . M'l'IIOM), lre.lilrnl. 5 Building, I ir. ts Si r iOu were to look at the label in the next good look ing suit, you see it w 0 u 1 d prob ably be Try Our Wajr Our Auto W!U CaU. Itione 2V7. We don't tailor all the J3 suits in town, but we 3 do tailor the best. LIME FOR SPRAYING Fresh carload just received. H.J. DENN TRANSFER CO. Com. Oak and Main. Telephone let Proaipt Sarvlca Prtc.s Right BOY WANTED A Booil. live boy a. apprentice m me niei iiaiinai uiji luent of th. News-ltevlew. suit be ovar 1 year, of aK- This Is a nne opportunity to g-atn complete knowl edge of the business. Fair salary to tart with. Be. Bat... N.w.Kevl.w ofTIc KOU KENT. FOR RUNT Garafftt. lngulr 404 So. Pint. fr'Olt HUNT birnitUed ruoma. 1Z Ltrockwuy. Phon?aU2-J. TWO KIKNISHUD Phone ltm-u rooms for rant. .:. Wiiulu-8ter St. FOR UK NT HousekeaplriK rooms. No children. K14 WlnciivaWr t. Pliunw 170-Y. KAltM KOlt ItKNT 150 acres. lmpl- mniti rArnlhd. J. O. Xewis, buth erlln. Oi. boxes. HpBphuif National Ban TO UKT on shares. 50 breetllnc ewes and 115 ewe lambs, -3 years Write or see r. 1 Klce, lease. Uillard. Ore. KOlt itKNT 11 acres, near In, house. stable, cltirken house, irutt. lor e .ion nr hmtrer. Rent cheaulv. Will sell purebred Jersey cow to tenant if desired, litwronce-turuun 10. KOH IlKNT bwinK to other busine-ss, 14.0 a. finest land on Cow Creek; 23 a. in fiiltivation, 2 yrs. lease. Will sell tn mntfr onlv tea in work ho I see. liarnefs, wanon, 2 milch cows, 3 hellers, bull, O. I. C brood sow, 6 ehoatn. 20 tons hay, 5 acres potatoes, 2 a. corn, good Kitrden, 1U0 chli Kens. All nffi'Bbury machinery with lease. KverythinK as represented. C. A. Tniker. Az:ila. Ore:nnL aMlSCKIXA.NKOLtf. DKKSSM A K I N(I 2 South Pln St. Mrs. K. C. Herrlck. TKAVKO While Spit tlo. Notify . l. caiKins, h,enuower. i'AX UW'ti VOL JL'OO on a new 1920 i.K.ik'l Chevrolet. Inquire Service Gar.iKe, Iloseburtf. Ore. Tit AOTOR PlAJWINfJ Get your order in at once ir you want work done. OJlbert Wood, Hor 1213, Rosebuig. HAKKTV FIRST Secure a safety de- poult box for your valuable papera at itie noBcDurg .National tf.inK, l.U V U S CLKANING WORKS For hrst-class cleunlnir and press tnic. pairs or altering. Work guaranteed. i-'a fMieriunn hi. RVK ORAaiS HEED Now ready for shipment. Best for pasture sowing. $10 per cwt. Special price on laige lots. K. A. Khoten. galem. Ore. MONBY TO LOAN v!i-year rural credit farm loans, low interest rate. I it, out local money to loan on good real estate. First mortgage. See W- F. Rice, of Rice A Rice. Phono jFjT" Hrvy JJ ( t"OR SALE A ntaiTuTT f;k tent. 4nWJ 5Vnpj talla. Oregon. Uni. ryjn hai-k pj2y iTTZTTTT torcycle ad UUlv r ' K3 aulrtj 811 i . , r' warcaik H LOST ASV FOrSiD. LOST Suitcase on Looking Glass road. vontainlnK clothes. Finder notify A. fa.. Bushiiell. Umpqua, Oregon. -lit Angara goats. FOR KALI SI-P14. FOR SALE -Two pak liortea. Phone 3'J-L. SIX ROOM house f or sa'le. See"Whlp pie at city hall. UK SALE Rain bo ulllet rami, fin it h. Dlxenvllle. 1-F15. a t. Fur halk Oood carPhone Mr. It SALE Fresh prunes for canning 1B14 Ford teurlug Taylor, 4T8. 3 rents per lb. Phone FOR SALE Itlorky team, weight 11 'JO j-arh I'has. Uuehl, Ten Mile. FOR tSALK A few grade Delaine and Hsnil.PHiiut bucks. Phone BI-F14. .HOTICK OK MKKT1XG OF BOARD OF Kgt'ALIZATlON. Sutherlin, Ore., Sept. 7, 1820. Notice ii hereby given that oo th first Tuegday In October, 1920, ftt ona o'clock . m., the Sutherlin Val lej Irrigation Mstiiet will meet ui Board of Equaliaatlon to hear and deterailne any obJtioB by any lm 'e rewind prona to tha aasatMinenta nd anportloamant thereof, aad any ether matter eonnected therewith thit wist come before them. Board will meet at their office la the rrnit Orewera' bnllding tn Snth erlin, Oregon, en the.ate glren above for snch meeting;. W, J. UADI), Prealdent. A. P. SLACK. Secretary- BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE GOOD LINE OF NEW CLOTHING Second-hand Shoes. Cloth ing, etc. Bst Bargains in Roseburg. run HAL"hr5u0 0 ( p-j i mllas Hen m p k. -". nrainiiit .tuck 1 1 mull. Wilbur. Oraioa L " MODEL CHKVkoLKT-E--60UU inllea; all , " Vi."" ill.. Plin. ifuoil aa new pi..:: V. DlXonviiia BOX SHOOKS KoiTbALErr -J Jiuath Orchard., J,,,.- FOH SAE a-roum imiTT. 7 fruit, s-ard.ii. ;!., i "I i qulr. Nawa-Hevkw Uillard. Oregon. M Ru" FUR SALE vhell, gains. chell, and a li.t 1 A FOR HALE Two &0riiTT--tanks. with num... , t: .oli Auto Eleetric tiuuln, oaYJ FOR SALE 9 acres: 2 arreTid i acre, mixed fruit. tiiJ!f:A crop. 50ou. box U. Hi. j, kIH Oregon. ' FOR SALE bull calf. 7 taken at onee. fcurg. tre. gioa graie Sti-F montlis old Ui.i A. Kriut. al FOR KALE Purebred t'ollit pupP 4-year-oll riuing horse, gtnil. woiiiuri or ciniiiren r a. Thi-J Alf.nni1t.r A.l.iiti., ' Petltes. Pear tre.B. filbru family orchard stock. R. u Ui miles west Rosbmg, Ore. FOR SALE 36 3-4 acres, partrT proved, half wuv titwMn r Creek and Perdue, on Uge tcti FOR SALE Good young tetm cheap ir taken at once; &m tl young cow and calf. R. E. HeiJ umii, noeourg. rnooe t-rk. FOR SALE lb acres ti U:.! iuiiu, n. oi il-h, aection ii, i R. 6 W. Valuutioa. Add' J. K, Turner, var Nwi-RtUv. ""OR SALE Horse. Weighs Ui lb, years oiu. oargain. rtiont Il-R a. (.'ainoun, Wilbur, Oregon. FOR SALE Saddle uonia. trade for hay, grain, wood or aJ Also good work team. Dr Ci liarn. FOR SALE Young heifer calf I regUtered Jersey by rettlitfrni rr Ing Shorthorn. lam and sire cii good. $15. A. Hume, K. F. D. &d Uhur, Oregon. FOR SALE Small goat ranch of acres located lo miles south. Roseburg. Also g-at and htrj i horse. For Dartu ulurs sddrete 4 F., Route 1, Box ia, Roteburfc Oj FOR BALE Yearling Kambotl rama that will ftiear 20 to J ii tine white wool. Will tell om carload. Prices right. F. . n: Ashland, Oregon. FOR SALE--Roseburg property v live bloi-ks of center of city, t erty now bringing $;.04 ml shies owner's quarters. On street, paved sidewalk And In nnil nuiil. Alao other pMpi Oeal with owner Ht SU Wlnchr?: FOR kiALa. acre stock rut Dodge canyon; los er watar. -u 40 bead sheep, 3 bolts, corn. dri-j lots of timber, ran aown, uiv f rrri at 4 VT Cnt. - has. 8. Huat!Oakland.OragoB. I FOR" BALE To planters" asi auwj trH, six feet to nine M year oiu. iuw r m real, and baar an abunJaan -j ll. lurae asta, fine ' .pf vara mr road traes. Tsr pntt further lnfoimatlon writ ?J aana rsrt", mr. r-rt c)ir. E A. BlafkBWjfl . t i-- 7W7f tha beat ill farm. In .outliern !'' "1 or... conBismi. v. . uuu acr.a farm land. '"""'iJ 1 und.r Irrigation. . ill f prunaa. 117 sln ?, "-.'m 1 tur.. all unJ.r bos lis" of bottom: 1. "l."!c turix wits livins then, round; 51 3 macnln. V", ' ,lli. 1 to Ihe for.M r.n.r; '-r. w.t.r plp.d Into Ml work hort. hnc Si, i cattle at reonaui. gai .elllng. retiring Wvrtl. Pr..V nrg",,, 1 If you wat to buy W "J bwutlful city or ker. 1S5 Cass 8t. FUo NEW LI8TII C. D. HELBIC COMPANY 3 moms - j '"' " 4 rooms - 7 rooms 5 rooms 8 rooms, double hon " 1 2 room with furniture 41 rootiu 7 room bungalow 7 rooms 7 rooms, up to da. t lot fiHir houws " ,y 9 roomed bungalow wy 1 lot 4 Ilewt reslileiK i to" Zla We haw to bs G.U.HELBIGCO REALESUTfJ-SURWCtWJ 41 CM St. Roaeborfc 0r i V