A pao roni IQIKirWO IIWI HTTTTW wn PWBWBFH 14, IBM. ,t v. -V ' STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE DOUGLAS NATIONAL BANK AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, SEPTEMBER , 12 AS MADE TO THE COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY. RESOURCES ' Loans and Discounts United States Bonds and Certificates Other Bonds and Securities . Banking House Other Real Estate . . . Cash and Due from Banks . Capital Stock Surplus . 4 . Undivided Profits National Currency Deposits . . Who's Your Tailor? Ed. V. Price ft Co., realising tbat I do Che Lion's share of the ' tailoring business, have appointed me their Exclusive Local Dealer. .' My -tailoring success is founded on the fact that I strtve- foivircjuntw .on a narrow margin of profit and my values ..for Allium and Winter are priced wholly on this basis. You w may now buy your Suit, Overcoat, or yardage for skirts, suits, -Jackets, etc., at absolute wholesale cost, plus niy modest com mission' Thur you know what the goods actually cost me and r wk- rsi saying you are making. No bunk, no camouflage. -no not air, tin a straight from the shoulder offer. This offer applies alike 10' both men and women who for a limited time may stock their Winter wardrobe at nearly wholesale cost. Ed. V. Price's and B rimer's complete Fall and Winter lines, ., comprising nearly a thousand all wool samples to choose from. Tnls Is a special offer and not open for the entire season, so I ' strongly urge you to at least come In and Investigate. Prcssmfiklnjr r- Ray's Jaulles' Alteration! Shop lmuuur RAY L. WARD FHONE 2i7 Mending Cleaning AIWrXI THE TOW.V v f Over Krom liftrii Wield "2. u 'Si'--sMar,hneld Js ' i it- , . spendlnae few days lu Koseburg at wt",' ? tending V?"""lne matters here. V Bnend tiay In Jty- Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Ballsy If south Deer Creek spend the day In Hose burg attending to business matters. oncnl Dare KingoryTa well known farm er of the Yoncalla vicinity spent the day In Rosnliurg attending to busi ness matters. , Return Froth Vanillin- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fttilier, who have been spending the pant two weeks enjoying a vacation at Tiller, have returmul to this city. . , Is in Porthinil - Theodore Abraham, son of Attor ney and Mrs. Albert Abruhnm, Is visiting in Portland for a short time liefore going to Corvnllls to resume his studies at the Oregon Agricultur al college. , erty Theater LAST TIME TONIGHT I ARTHUR F. BECK Presents LEAH BAIRD "The Capitol" Auguitu Thum. IMrcUtl bf (orc Irvtni. Mairlbuled by W. W. lliMlktDMn Corp. MRS. SIDNLY DREW in r- "The Eternal Mrs. Vauphan" ADO Mill COM! DT WITH Million ll'CM$ MIIIIS Dlir !W: CHUMIIIO" ftmCS. IWO HRfMMtCiS 7. It 0 I TOMOKKOW-Iwru K.nyea l "Tbs Band Ilni" and -'BUmulaiiDg mn, Bsrtun." Lrb LIABILITIES. . .;, - r 1.)77,768:6V ; MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE 'BANK.'.''- . Suit Made to Mean lire Hulls Woolens ItOSKfinia, OICKUON 124 Cans Htrcot Oisrk From Trip . . C. J. ftwift And rinilirhti,,. T anna who have been viHitinir in'.B.i.rn Oregon the past two weeks, have re turned to their home nn Kmiih n,r creek. Kpeelul Agent Here Franklin V. D. Hangs, soeclal si- ant for the Continental Insurance compnny of New York, is spending the day In Itoseburg transacting the business matters of tho comuanv and confering with the local agents. Rice and Rice. " - , Uncle Vmn Vara! inn Miss Vivian Morris has returned from an extended vacation to- Los Angeles, Vera Crui, Htockton and other points in California. She has returned to her duties at the court house, where she is employed in the county clerk's office. Judge Htewiirt Home Counly Judge 1). J. Stewart mid wife returned yesterday evening from Iteedpport and Winchester Hay. where they have been spending their vneatlon. They were jircouipnnled by their son, Dr. K. J. Stewart, who has returned to his office In this city. Does a Dig lluilnews cnarles McKihinuy. Oregon l.iro Iniuirnnre repreKenlatlve. has set a ... ..-I...... in., tun mull .iiinni amount ttf luiHlness In the stnte and Hem in me fourth largest amount or premiums and the largest number of applications. I Much Ittiimvcl Mirt. Gene lllnylock. who van tnkcnto the Mercy hoHplial lal wek suffering from an attack of np pemllcltis. is reported lo be consid erably improved this week and will probably return to her home the lat ter part of the week. Home is Hunted The home otf Mr,, and Mrs. C. II. Van de Vord. located shout six mile south of the city burned to the ground Saturday evening, the csuse of the fire being unknown. The In surance wss carried by Rlre and Hire, who are adjusting the matter today. Over From Sullierlln Mark Tisdale. the Sutherlln bank er? spent the day In Itoseburg look ing after business affairs. Mr. TIs- dale says that utile the road be j tween Sullierlln snd Itom burg is put In flood condition before winter that there will he no travel, as the road j will be lniiaihte. Sheriff Oiilne Itaik Tonight i Sheriff t'.eorge Qnlne will return tonight from Kansas wllh W. J. rickett. who wa recently arrested there on s wnrrant ltled from the locsl courts. Plrkelt is charged with dt'seratlon of his wife snd children. He wa found at Army City, Kansas, having enlisted in the army. U'm In llMehn Robert K. Smith, a former restden of this city, was a visitor here over Sunday attending to business mat ters. Mr. Smith, who Is president of the Title Trust company of Port land, Is making a vigorous campaign tststKxjtHBtfatsai $548,331.30 113.496.00 107,701.72 25,000.00 34,783.79 248,455.80 $1,077,768.61 $100,000.00 . 30,000.00 . 11,899.72 25,000.00 910,868.89 YONCALLA BANK STATEMENT. No. .30. Report of the condition of the Farmers Security Bank, at Yoncalla. In the State of Oregon, at the close of business Sept. 8, 1920: Resources. Loans and discounts ...$117,237.26 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds and warrants . . . Furniture and fixtures . Due from approved 60.91 6,863.06 1,000.00 reserve banks 31.305.26 Checks snd other cash Items .... 288.76 Cash on hand .6,633.10 38,127.12 Total $163,288.34 Liabilities. Capital stock paid ln...$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund 3,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 2,874.97 Individual Henoalta subject to ck 120,815.16 Cashier's checks -'outstanding 1,952.00 Time and saving deposits ...19,646.21 142,413.37 Total 1163.288. 34 rState of Oregon, County of Douglas, ss. I. Jess R. Lasswell. Cashier of the Above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JESS R. LASSWELL. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Sept., 1920. HARRY C. 8TEARNS, Notary Public. Com. expires Jan. 14, 1924. Correct Attest: McW. DAUOHERTY. R. ROY BOOTH, A. F. 8TRARN3, Directors. against the Non-Partlsan league and the 6 per cent Interest rate bill. Attend Knir Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Street and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Seymour left this morning for Yoncalla to attend the community fair today. liny Auburn Car Noble Andrews, the well known Myrtle Creek resident has purchased an Auburn Beauty Six Urom the H. Morten agency of this city. Return to Tennessee- Mr. and Mrs. C. Perrlgo and baby who hnve been visiting with Mrs. PerrlKo's mother, Mrs W. E. Ingram, left this morning for Chattanooga, Tennessee, where they reside- Will lnve Sunday Mrs Henry llurth will leave by auto Sunday Cor Eusene where she will spend a short time attending to busi ness matters. She will be Joined at that plnee by Miss Agnes Pltchford of this city snd Ihey will drive on to Pendleton to attend the annual Round up at that place. IbMurncd From Hrlp J. o. New lii nd relumed last night from Portland. Mrs. Newland and son Maurice will remain In the city for two weeks visiting with friends and relatives. The Newland ifamlly recently left Roseburg In their en closed lodge car and Journeyed to Seattle. Mr. Newland states that he passed throueh two counties in Washington that contained roads in an unspeakablo condition. Will Sine Tonight Mrs. Cora Knspp. of Los Angeles who has been prevailed upon tl fill a short engagement with the Globe Theatres Company will begin tonight and will sing for three nights. She will sing In the Intermission between the first and second shows. Mrs. Knnpp has a remarkable deep voice and In addition to being a well known mush-inn, has a charming per' sonnllty. Her voice has created much attention wherever she has sung. Xew Scoutmaster Principal Miller of the Rose school will replace Rev. J. E. Conder as scoutmaster of Troop No. 2. Rev. Conder left Roseburg some time aeo, leaving the position vacant. Mr. Miller has had experience with scout work and Is very Interested In the boys. The first meting of the win ter will take place al scout head quarters In the armory Mnndsy even ing at 7: SO. Plans for the coming year will be discussed at that time snd announcements will be made later. Endeavor Societies Will Banquet Lloyd Carrick, field representative of -the' Christian Endeavor societies in the state of Oregon, arrived in Roseburg - this morning and "will spend the day here meeting with the two organisations of Roseburg. A banquet will be given in bis honor at the Presbyterian church at 6:30 by the endeavor societies ot the Presbyterian and Christian churches. Speeches will be made and a good time Is planned. Mr. Carrick will tell the societies of the work being done over the state and will talk on other important matters. A social hour will follow the banquet.. Mr. Carrick Is making a tonr df the state from his headquarters In Portland and will continue south following his stay here. Endeavor members from Myrtle Creek and Riddle are expected In to attend the meeting here tonight. TO THE Fl'bLlC. We. the undersigned milk produc ers of this community, herewith noti fy the people of Rosesburg or tne necessity of raising the price on milk effective Sept. 15th. It stands without further explana tion that wllh the present prices of dairy feed and high wages demand ed by farm hands. It Is impossible to further carry on the every day tire some and grinding business of pro ducing snd distributing of milk .at the present low figure. Therefore on and after Sept. 15th the price of milk will be as follows: Quart, 16c: pint. 9c. DEER CREEK JERSEY DAIRY, By Ira Hull. SANITARY DAIRY. Bv Rov Stegrtst. ROSEBURO DAIRY," , , Bv Ernest Unrath. BUSENBARK BROS., By Busenbark Bros. CLOAK E BROS.. .. , i. Bv Kenneth Cloake. " MABLEY BROS.. . , By Mabley Bros., O. W. Kruse. Social dance at Winchester Satur day. Sept. 18. Mr. and Mrs.- S. O. Richardson. oY Portland are visiting In Roseburg at the P. J. Dallir residence. They have been enjoying a vacotlon In San Francisco and are enroute home. DAII.V WKATHFR RKl'OHT. U. s). Weather Bureau, local ofrlca. Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours endlns t a. m.: I'reelplfatlon m Inches nail flundredlaa HlKlit-Ht lniernture yestprduy ,. T,owest tampers! ore last nlKlit ... r? I'reclnltiitlon last 24 hours 2T Total preclp. altice first of month l.nf, formal preclp. rnr nils month... 1.04 Total preclp. from Sept. 1, litJU, to oaie I II r. Avi-rna-e preclp. from Sept. 1. '77. .3i Total excess from Kfpt. 1. lOl'O... .6 Average precipitation for 43 wt seasons tcpi. to .May. inc.? . . . .xi.47 WILLIAM UK Li, Obisrver. NHW TODAY. SIX ROOM house for sale. See Whip ple at city hall. Tvo nmNfSIIKfn rooms for rent. l'honp l:is-U !:! M ncjicster Hx. Foil KAI.K .New lialiy tied and new Ice tiox. 31s So. I'ltie St. KOIl SALE-Modern house. Inuulre owner. 4t;4 KowliT street. KOIt RUST Oafage. Inquire 41H So. I'lne. l'Olt SAI.K s'et heavy work hnrness, a-ond as new. Call at 1'lil N. Main St. KOIt SAI.K Saddle ponies,-or will trade for hay. Kniln, wood or estate, Also good work team. Deer Creen ll;irn. KOH SALE Vounu roosters, fryer.-., J"Oe- I'hone Ji:'lL. VANTI-:l Hoard and r.M,m in prlvit.' family t,y sliiKle m:in. R. S. I'liil tirh k. S'i!tit;irlum. Iiouk-Tsh St. l-'Olt SAI.K Two r.O--at. oil storii,- tanks, with pumps. $ HI encli, at the Auto Kleetrlc Station, flak & l'lne St. I.I.I Y1 I S I'l.KANINU WnltKS For tlrst-clasa cl-:inln :ind prewslnK. re pairs or altering. Work guaranteed. 1:5 Sheridan St. KOH SAI.K Second-hand cars. 2 DodKe llros. tourlnK. 1 Itiiick. 2 Ford lour lug cuts. J. O. Newland SKV I'TiiS Full SAI.K 1 screen sldeT .1 touring and 2 roadsters, alt lodge llros III transit and soon to he here. 4 Deiliie louring cavs and 1 lodge Bros, i-cttin. J. II. Newland. VANTK1 i-.lii for gen -rul ofTu-e work. Address In own handwriting, stating experience, etc., to L. I... News- Hey lew. hull Itnulrt U ANTi:l' i'"' mi I I'll I. . of l.iuil within -fi miles of Kosetiurg. ICe-il estate agents need not answer. C. Li., care News-Keview. Fi Ml-u KN1V-1 1 oil .ekeeplng rooms. No children. S14 Winchester St. 1'hone 170-V. Dr. R. P. Bradford and Wife. Graduates and post-graduates of the Oldest Charter ed College of Chiropractic in the world have re-opened offices In the Perkins Bldg. We use no drugs nor elec tricity, nothing but straight Chin-practlc, and have been succestlful for the past ten years In handling almost every disease known to the human family. AreYouTheMan? Are you looking for an invest ment that can be purchased at a big bargain? We have such an investment to offer. Do not take our word for It. LET US SHOW YOU. 1200 cash will handle It. with balance like rent. Exchange modern home in Napa City. Calif., for home in Roseburg. What have you to offer? Homes for sale on easy pay ments. Two modern residences priced right for cash sale. G. W.YOUNG AND SON Real FkUte and Inaummce. US Cass m. PhOM 1I NOTICE. Water will be shut off In North Dnuhnrf from ft n'elnck to S n. III. Wednesday, account of repairs. j DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT AND WATER CO. TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! STAR SAVAGE REPUBLIC GOODRICH Five to eight thousand miles guarantee on each. 7or the balance ot this' month we will give a heavy duty red Inner tube free with each tire pur chased. Service Garage GLEXX If. TAYLOR, 332 N. Jackson. Roseburg, Or. JACK If J lsl in a Drama of Boyhood among the Hill Folks of Kentucky. "Bill Apperson's Boy" A picture that will bring out tears of tender pathos and set all your heart-strings to vibrating. AL. ST. JOHN T7R17n F-TTDM i llLili lJUlllmlTI milad -A Perfect Day' 'by , . . bond LfUiuiai!lWaltz(,Land of Dreams.. y m : Anita Owen Solos before each MRS. At WEDNESDAY DOROTHY PHILLIPS IN "The To-Day Mm Only! WM. DESMOND He was an Eastern Tenderfoot but he carried a hefty punch in his right arm. A picture of adventure and thrills with laughs mixed in. Mutt and Jeff Comedy and Jack Dempsey Serial g 'end furmslL-VCpgT j Do your eyes need help to enable rotyto do your work easier? Now Is a good time after your vacation, and before you start to work, to hay them examined and glasses fitted If they need them. ' . We are at your service with the latest methods, and onr prices are reasonable. BUBAR BROTHERS ROSEBURGS SCHOOL V SHOEtS Are Being Featured at the BOOTEME Rather a broad statement to make, but you can prove It yourself and agree with us when you see the shoes we are offering for your kiddles. Wonderfully well made and the stock In them will stand the kicks and knocks that only children can give them. Up to the minute in style, these school shoes are wonders and our complete showing of all sizes and models will make selecting a pleasure. - Unusual care will be taken to insure your children a perfect fit. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IHVIN nitVNtt ffho That Nml..fr and Kit Your Feet nrtns VS rour repair work an, ae tUm dllfercaee. PERKINS 111,1X1. CASH T. f ROSEBLRO. PICKFORD COMEDY AND A Special Concert at 7:15 A II 0verture "Crown of performance at 7:15 and 9. By the celebrated CORA KNAPP Regular Admission Prices. A ROLLICKING STORY OF THE "TheBlue Bandanna" AT REGULAR ADMISSION PRICES. BEST VALUES IN TODAY Matinee Evening PATHE NEWS. By Diamonds" by . Auber Right to Happiness" To-Day Only! WEST