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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1920)
77.: .V ,.i "...a, CV. . . M rJ :j vv. rr a is I I I m - T 1 jjssaa iattaaaMn I -r J-. -1 I . . 1 Jllltrrtfe tk scientific blendinff of of benefit to persons who suffer from Nervoumieaa Sleepleaaneae' ' Depression Loss ol Appelate '. x Brain Fag DiocsUve Trodbles- . Slow Recovery from Influenza and kindred AUcacats Are you run down? Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then this approved lemedy and eatiafy yourself of its beneficial ingredients. Briaeea it told original lt-ot. bottltt only. Refute ait nwmniH. 0 CITY NEWS a- Arundel, pii tuner. fpodb I89LJ WATK1NS products. 126 W. Isne. pboiie 137-L- ., --.'-' . . ' Be aure'lo see J. A.' Walker Bit) tuy Hat farm. y..; . ;.- .. Fires destroy lives, . property and food. Be earcful .Ith Are. , SohumanV Restaurant. 145 Sheri dan St. Try our nice bet wafllvs and j apl syrup., Imurance rates are all the same, '.'geek the agent .who . will take the test care of you.. That's Rice & Rice. n oluartlstnii n, n n af 1 n niuw. ....... ....... p, ........ . Mcdfoni,. jnanjiger of the Kluin iieacy. whose artistic out of door display boards are to be seen thru- out the eouuiry, la in town ror tnree or four days. in connection with bis business interests here.. Order your Christmas and New Tear announcements early, and don't forget that Bates, .the printer, is showing a fine line of camples to mske your selections from. At the Newa-Rvlew office. , A suitcase belonglhg to Brakeman R. J. Schrader, of - the Roseburg Cranls Pass run, was stolen Sunday night from train No. 15, according to isformaiion received here today. The suitcase had a number of val uable articles in it and had been left in the smoker. " . The Cheney Phonograph, the onl) phonograph made that you absolute ly cannot hear the needle or surface" noise on the record, for Bale by Ott's Music Store. The big four, Ellison. Vlctrola, Cheney and Sonora. j - Ueut. Avers, piloting the plane J'Eoseburg." is at Grants Pass and "has been carrying many passengers at that place, according to news paper dispatches. Yesterday the lieutenant flew over the city and executed three turns. He will fly to Roselmrg as soon as the fog clears and will then continue his trip to Portland, where he will in truct a class of 1 8 in the art of flying. "NOW-A-DAYS" says the Good Judge W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco lf;JA FIRE! Protect your premises with a hand extinguisher. Remember, "An ounce of (invention U worth a posits f curs." In Mils cass wrvvwition Is a small onst, saly and n, ac cording to how thorough yen wish to nuk t; ac.aa wilt ( far to help protest that anto. Mr. Dryer Man, don't forget that It msy safeguard a whole season's work tu have one of these conven ient. Standard for home nse, $2.0O. Standard for Auto, $2.50. Joiins-Manville, a ptrnp. $10.50. CHURCHILL HARDWARE COMPACT :, ... -. . I ' . . : reliable vegetable re'laedles BKIACEA DRUG COMPANY a... City. Ma. v ukuweks Having wheat, OATS and other grains to sell should submit samples and set prices from us before , selling Remember ira have bandied your grain in the past and have never failed to get satisfactory results. EVERBODY'S EXCHANGE. Inc. Latest books. Library.; .' J rental I Oc. Fiction Insure against loss equip your ractora so tbny won t set tires. . . If you want to sell your property, we J. A. Walker, 105 Cass St. Phone . Cut . flowers for sale Dahlias and liters, at . Runyan's dahlia garden, (385 Umpqua Ave. Pbon 278-L. . Don't put off for tomorrow what you can da today. It may be too late. Have your insurance - attended to. ieo Rice & Rice. . - Hive that insurance attended to . md sr-e that you get the largest and jsst old line companies. We've got them. Rice $ Rice. . - Mrs. Margaret Scott left this morn ing for Grants PasB where she will Visit with her daughter Mrs. James Leni.ui ror some time, '.s ' '" ' ; . Am now hooking 'brdera for day lid chicks for 1921 delivery r from high producing Tancrocl strain White Leghorns. Earl Vosburgh, 702 Ful crton St., Roscburg. High vchooV pupils wishing to ob tain: credit 'tor I Bible study will be welcomed ;ln..tbe.clnsB on New Tes- ameiiT history at the Christian Sun day school. MrB. Chas. G. . Stanton, teacher. Phone 75-J. Riverside Laundry- . In opening up this establishment it is not my aim to run a large laun dry nor a cheap one but to bo reas onable and try to please those who appreciate good work. Gentlemen s work is my specialty. "Special rates made on family work. Telephone 467 or leave laundry at either Willard's or Hose's barber shop. Riverside Laundry. 540 N. Pine Street. A man can get a heap more satisfaction from a small chew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. He finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste lasts so much longer he doesn't need to have a fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles ,Jn.uqj1:--l,H,,.-i'i , MIIBVR , KEW CplPUNQ ItERE. "ri Iv ftrHiWriA K l -v"imnc roc r W" "-Pmcnt ar- 2S ' ched",oU,V,nnre TiV.7, . :T . . ,n'"neous connec- i.,a "vnug actuated pins nside the coupling penult of It, be- h.d.over ,he tbre ot the quarter turn then make th lnllliall.n .li.. .. . . ' tin- 7. b.. ' wnule Per- 7 .Z lulln u'n seconds u . event or damaged or broken threads such a. have been found In former flies. iMfeiunlin. m uU wui. prevent the great .c .Hie,, results in the d struction of properly. o i t; 44 HOI SKS Kolt SALE. If you are interraiH in k,,. in See- , . '. N. RICE '.. . ' of RICE & rtirp We have 44 on our HrI in hw you in different parla of the town for less than half what It would cost to UUI1U. CARD OF THAXKS, We wish to thank all of our frlnrt for their Ifavors durlnz tl.o iiim... ana aeatn of our husband and father .nanes umoree. Mrs. Carroll Embree, Carroll KmhrM Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hammond and utuuiy. NOTICE TO Pl Ill.IC. The Winchester Hospital for the cure of Tuberculosis has taken over 11 the interests of the Rulter Sani- arium. All those Indebted to the old concern will please call and set tle at the office of sanitarium. Those holding accounts against Institution win present same. . RUITER SANITARIUM. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, D. C. August 28. IS20. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limi tations of the Acts of June 9, 1916 39 Stat., 218, and June 4, 1920 Public 241), and the instructions of he Secretary of the Interior dated September 15, 1917, and June 22, 920, the timber on the following lands will be sold OcC 18, 1920, at 00 o'clock a. m. at publio auction at the United States land office at Itoseburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less thau the appraised alue as shown by this notice, sale be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase pricewlth an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be epositod at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the liuber which must be removed wlth- ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and cor porations organized under the laws the United States or any state. errltory or district thereof only. pon .application or a quaiineu pur ias'er,: the timber on any legal sub- ivlslon will be offered separately be fore being Included in any offer of larger unit. T. 21 K. 1 w., sec. , SEVi SEA, fir 1125 M.. cedar zo none of which sliall oe sold ror less than $1.50 per M. T. 18 S.. R. W., Sec. 3, NE4 NEW, nr 4 so M., NWU.NE14. nr 475 M., none or hlch shall be sold ror less man 00 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALL- MAN, Commissioner General L.and Office. No. 1 Bulck Battery :H.fHi No. 2 Buick Battery rJS No. 1 Chevrolet Battery..:l.00 No. 2 Chevrolet Battery.. 0.00 For Other Cars Pikes on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agenay llulck and Chevrolet 441 If. mtmm it. Wmnf. F;or Sale! The Model Farm OF DOUGLAS COUNTY UNDER IRRIGATION 72 acres on the South Umpqua river; 15 acres of the Iarg st prune tree, in Douglas Co.; 50,000 lbs. of prunes this year: 10 acres of corn that comparts favorably with the best a.tern rssa; largs laaUly arshar: fi0 saodarn hoat,; new drysr; 15 ton silo; barn capacity for 15 cows and . 18 ton, of hay; sanitary cement hog pen; 1600 gallon tank, water piped to house, barn and garden; woodshed, work-shop, garage and chicken houses; 14 acres of alfalfa under irriga tion, will cut 4 crops. Price, $30 000; terms. Six miles from town on the Garden Valley road. We sollct: your Insurance. T CASEY y biviiw tTctpat, MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Iknii, nl Fl. "ran ior me name California on the package, then you are sure jour child is having the best and most harmless physio tor the little itouiach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Foil direction on each bottle. You must say 'Cali fornia." , . WIMiS HIRT I'KVNES. The high winds which accom panied tlie showers yesterday did some daniiige to prunes and apples, ..voiuiuk ,iy rejioria. ine wind Mew iff apples and prunes which were not vetJlpe and will cause considerable tofs, it is said. Dr. -Bailey reported i large quantity of apples on the round at Ms orchard, while J. H. looih estimates that 2000 bushels of Petite prunes are on the around In his orchard as a result of the blow. ritlCKS SAME AS 5 YEARS AGO. One group of goods has never ad- "aneed tri price,- and that Is plain, neap jewelry. Plenty good enough to use and lasts a lifetime. Carr'a .lore hns a full line at dandy values. Come In and see It. Money saved at Carr's store is money earned. o - We have a spark p:ug for your car. Champions always. H. Mer- en. Miss Lena Porter and Rov Por- er left this morning for Talent where they will visit with relatives for a short time. If you want to buy a home in the beautiful city of Roseburg, see Wal ker, 10R Cass St. Phone 91. Ml?s May Burnett, who has been Islting with relatives in Roseburg left for her home In Portland this morning. She formerly resided In the ity. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osterhaut and nughter, Miss Leona, who have been Isitltig her with Mrs. Moya Frear, eft this morning for California, here thev will visit Ifor some time efore returning to their home In Sndicott, New York. Is your fan belt beginning to tear? et a Vulco-Cord at Merten's. PHOKESSIOXAIj cards tins. F. r. ow es Cut Flowers. Phont 210. 103 w. cs. lilt. M. II. Pi.vijRR Chiropractic 223 W. Lane St. Physician. ITII WILCOX Piano. Theorv, Mini mal Kimlt-rKarten. 11104 West First Truck Delays Are Costly. WHEN work is rush ing forward day and night, everything de pends on prompt deliv eries. Continuous oper ation is essential to econ omical production, espe cially in the motortruck operation. Ignition Is a Vital Factor in motor truck operation. If your igni tion fails, yourtruck stops and all that de pends on it stops as well, Delays are fatal to econ omy. Yotll engine it urelublr as it ignitioa. Be wite nd ipecifjr. DEVANEY& BURNETT ruhkbdro, BOSCH Service Station AmRI(AH tOi&H&Wb COBPOBATIO m mil iffmami u, im Local Club Lead' ers Are Praised "In all of our work In the Indus trial club project we have never found a better or more efficient set of local club leaders than we have met in Oregon during our attend ance at the community fairs." said rt. C. Seymour today, before leaving for Yoncalla to attend (he fair at that place today. "The Douglas county leaders have put themselves into the work and hve developed excellent clubs which are doing line work and we are greatly pltased with the showing made. The number of finished projects greatly exceeds our expectations and the r)ne show ing made by Indurtrial clubs I, large ly due to the work of the local lead ers who have kept up the interest and have assisted the club members in their work. I feel that these lead ers are deserving of a great deal of praise and should be given credit by tne people of the county for their work for they certainly have accom plished a great deal." The community fair at Fair Oaks yesterday was a great success, and much Interest waa displayed, Suth-. erlln club, were represented by, large exhibit, and conrpefMioti m project, was closer . ', " 4 i. ' ' CIGARETTE FOREST FIRE; PARIS. Sept. If. An immense fire ravaged' the forests of St. Loud and St. Marcel, around Marseilles. Hundreds of acres of fir trees were bnrned. The fire Is said to. have been caused by a Spaniard careless ly throwing away a lighted cigarotte on the dry grass. - DANCE At RIDDLE TUESDAV NIGHT. . SEPTEMBER 14 JAZZ-0-FOU1V MUSIC. FOR SALE! HOUSES. HOUSES. 3 rooms $ ft.lti 4 rooms 7.t J rooms .' 84H 5 room, Dr0 I rooms with furniture uno 8 rooms li&w S rooms J4O0 5 rooms lrtN rooms lWHi 6 room i MKHi 7 rooms t. 1700 5 rooms plastered S3:((lo C rrrms plastered 2JHI0 rooms plastered li."MMI 9 rooms plastered bungalow.. 8(MM 8 room, 4'im 16 rooms plastorcd 4.ini) 18 room 0000 15 room furnished house, piano, etc., 4 wood Bheds, 2 garages, etc 3700 G.U.HELBIGC0. REAL STATE, INSURANCE, NOTARY PUBLIC 401 Cass St. Phone No. 262 Roselmrg. Oregon. ATTENTION ! W want vryho(1jr to com and In vaitigat (ti t'nlvwrwtil Tiia FilUr wtilch ridj Kama ae air, rwliv you of punturaa anil tilmvoiita and rlnn ot injura tha mr In any way. not an niarh mo aa alr-flllad tlrea bocnutsa It hoidi tha roatl badar aixl tlona not hounci much on rough romln. f!lve It a trial and you will never iif Rlr ataln. haaldea you will ha a booster for our Hilar. Do not rompfire this tHW-r with tlia old-ttma unsnliffnrtfry rub bar or tflua flllera. Thin flllir haa no rubber nor ylua In It. That la the rca ioii w can gira a written KUiirrtntua with tha flllar that It will not hunKe In any way for loo.oiin ntilwa of tontlnnn! tit If properly kpt In tha cHBings. Hava 1'nlTarnal filler inatnlled and ara about io par cunt on your cawlnica. UNIVERSAL FILLER SERVICE STATION CORNER OAK AND ROSE CARt W. OHMAN, MANACER Mill Run Rolled Barley Rolled Oats Vetch Seed Cheat Seed Rye Grass Seed Gray Oats . Ford Trucks, Bugs, Etc. We Have Them. JUDD & McMlLLIN ROSEBURG, OREGON. , r-rrri1irrrpr-l , Tr'"' WW WW II - . .1 -.m.. : 1 . . " ' II 1 .. s'h'-JAW- : ' ' f1;klNK of 26 rare and. delightful odors! Ira- v -.i t'i.- JL ' aginc them combined, in one wondrous ' . ' , fragrance I 'That is the way the Talc Jontecl .' ' I . smells. Trjrsome of it today. - . '- ; .'' I , Nathan Fullerton The Rexnll Store fteaelmrg. tr. V', i --- -. i Ginger Ale Piquant Not Peppery . Mellow and Smooth. MADE WCHT SOLD BY THE CASE ROSEBURG DAW MB WM WORKS PalOMB IH 0EPEND0N QUALITY GOODS! ; ; In buying goods we are always on the look . out for fabrics of the finest quality, weave and. designs. ,. From the wee'est ' baby strings to our most expensive silks, we always'choose the best in quality. That is our watchword QUALITY: ' . ..; - ,.;.: V ... DRY GOODS-LADIES WEAR The Store That Gives Yoti Service. , . WARNER'S RUST We UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE. Let Us Show You and Quote You PfTces on ; " UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F BARKER & CO., IM)SKltlHfl, OltKflON imii,i;mi;nts AtiwiouiLiiS WE Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY Re-opens Sep. 13, J92(j ; MM. Ill.tUH A!TO MHa. MUUM tnm NOW AT tTUDIOt VAlii sUUI.T AMD Mill U OX AProlSTMlUT. GOODS - PROOF CORSETS "V Not Only Sell You Guaranteed MadaLamp But Also Real Electrical Service. TRACTOH8 SELL