Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 14, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    v 1 -'
laail Uaflr )Csrlt btmdaf.
U. W. H..- 1. Wlmpfrly Bf'rt U.iale
Dally, par year, hjr nu ll. :.tAf.
Dally; six montha. by mail.-. S-
By Carrier, par munlh . . v . ....... - .ft'
The Aaliorlnted Preee, la aiqlushwl
entitled tu tIAt uee lor r)UblL.tlui or
nil mwi dlapaUiiaa oreiilud to .It or
nut otherwise, credited In ttite paper
and alao the local newa pubriahed bare-
In, All ria-ht. of "publication of a,.-
eiat dlapauihaa herein are alao reaerved.
oteril aa 6cuudclaca luatlar Muy
17, at tha puat office at Hoaeb'ura,
' Oreson, under the Act
1 tow burg, ' rvont Kept
nirrjrfM.' c,.nt 11 rlnrmanv
plaua to create u apoclal govurnineut
department ot athletic, and .port
to build up acieminraily and ayHie-
matlcallr the young generation,
wnicn was greatly weakened by in-
villous uudergone during tne war,
inmnu a,..,, it Air--.! ihn
Wllluuhs, 21, was arraigned on. a Grace Cameron (Grace r. thw years
cuaige of bigamy In marrying Ethel younger than I) carried arbund In
Wesibrook. 21. his wire s slaier. Mis. !,h,o "" her hump-backed and
Wesibrook told h police Ibal her mis-shapen, colored sammy.
aister told her ' Williams wanted you I Crace Cameroi- haHilays .-.berti
nd if he can't have you be will go one of Ihe- most brVn1Brfr';wOunn,
away. Mather than let him go you Physically that 1 have 'ever nuwn.
can have him." She said she mar- She Is a radiant blonde. .'it was.onjy
rled MM' In- order that her ' sister yesterday that I read' the remark .of
would not loso-hec husband. ' -' in I umous author and philosopher,
- ' n I who said that if he were to be born
W IK1HM WIOM JOHN D. a woman, he would want to be born
' ' J w J i& blonde, "because the tender blue
AlAKXC. N. Y., Sept. 11 John ioyes and Ihe golden'hal'r and peach
D. iwiWifelior handen inside tip c, and cream complexion of the
ongtl to a, motor bunt .owner on St. Monde woman appealed to a man as
Regis lake. The "mi iu the boat comothlng fragile, somolhlng to be
ventured to auk John u. ir gasoline
ertej- would bo nny lower. "es.
plied Mr. nockt-fallur. "It Is bound
to be lower so long as the public
continues to consumes more than the
wells produce." The boatman Is still
thinking it over. J
- PATHS, Sopt. 11. iThe humbli
rocking chair, sometimes spurned
when style Is ranked above comfort, j
has conie'into lis own with the back-,
Ing of, no less an Institution than'
the Kronen Academy of Music. The i
academy? pronounce It the most I
heaHhrut. of. chairs and recommends
Its general adoption.
F 20for
. fT---saa-ssrr- -VaV - ' a .V I -wevi- I M, s c f -..r,
and its good old tobacco tatt
put Spur t Ar
t ' A grvt uurlm life story by
T ia nn.t va innmlme whan I At A
! ' v . " ' 1 "v
y vrace ...micron . iou Bee, we
ii.w wu iue vtji, uui mi.
caiue irorn tne uvaumut colonial
nouse who pmmr. imi rose wmie;
WirJe porch at one end of the. abort
"uy TT . ,T J . i. . . "'"
JVWIO. ... - , '
already tumblim to decay.
' remember that the big bouse In
. which she lived used to appeal to my
childish love of mystery. For altho
I ' "1V"1 ln, " unt
. young woman, and only a few times
then, a a child I laid all the plots
of my fairy tales there and I peo
pled the house with fairies and the
snomfla which always became real to
me when I saw tne gomon naneu
cured for, treasured and protected.
"A womnn does not need brains
If she Is a blonde," seutlmentously
remarked Ibis man. "For a glance of
her eye a man gives the blonde that
which the brunette woman must
plan and work for. The blonde wo
man takes a man by storm. She en
ters his heart throngh his egotistical
onse of protecting the weak and the
beautiful, while the brown or black
nvea of tha brunette, no matter how
rreat the "Come Hither" in them
always gives him the sense that
their possessor is quite able to take
care of herself.
Grace Cameron's golden hair fell
; ,ibout her fare In a profusion of;
'curls that a movie nctress strives to
Spar Shoy3 You
In these days especially here'3
always room at the top for a ciga
rette that can give you tha highc&t
possible quality at thj lowest pos
sible price.
And that is just what Spur b
doing right along.
"Domestic and Oriental Tobaccos,
blended by a new method that bri:-.gj
out to the full that good old tobacc;
Satiny, imported paper crimped, nc. i
pasted, making an easier-drawing,
slower-burning cigai-ette.
Smart "brown-and-ailver" package-,
three-fold, that keeps Spurs fresh foi you.
Get next right away.
rwm if
attain; while my hair, although It U
tUkk and wavy, could never be made
V. . l. tLi.i. at.. M .111...
" " '-r
Drown until it wu caugnt in me wiue
pijciHiia uyuu which my uiu.uwr ju-
1 do not remember, however, when
1 flrst bad the Idea that there waa a
ra(llcal difrerence between Grace
Cameron and me. My girlish mind
was unable at first to understand
that the difference did not lie In our
outward, visible forms, as it did in
tha way that the people In the town
viewed us. It was years before I
heard the slnster and cruel gossip
that centered about my head.
I remember looking often at my
brown eyes in the tiny mirror over
tbe home made dressing table. In
my little room up under the eaves
and hating their wistful deptha be
cause they were not "blue as the
summer skies," as I had heard one
girl admirer describe Grace's eyes.
. My'complexion'was always creamy
rown for .while my mother Insisted
infafl sbout'd he out doors as much
us possible." in all 'sorts of weather.
!e-was never. Insistent upon my
wearing a bat. - I never remember,
though, of seeing Orace Cameron out
of doors unless her . -delicate com
plexion was shaded by. a wide hat
or covered with a veil. As"we grew
older, I used to pass her,. My one
piece bathing suit over my arm, on
my two mile hike to the beach. She
would lie either swinging In a shady
hammock or perhaps stepping Into
her mother's car for a ride. Her
mother had very different idoas from
mine on the subject of outdoor ex
orcise for a girl.
In the yaara afterward I came to
-inderstand that Grace Cameron's
mother had held me up to Grace as
nn example of bad birth and of bad
breeding. She had instilled into her
iauehter's mind the thought that I
could not be otherwise than Immod
est because 1 had a mother who had
passed the bounds of conventionality
and as Grace grew older she be
came broader minded. She took on
nome of the tolerance with which we
now look upon the world and Its
oeople, hut all through my childhood
h .iiiyV Ai'
Millions for a
New Stomach
One of the greatest Americas tuillks
aires said to his physician, "A million
dollara, Doctor, spot cash and no grum
bling, for a new stomach, " and then
the sick man groaned and turned away.
All his wealth eould not make him
happy or contented, for happiness large
ly depends upon digestion. Without
health where does happiness come int
After all the stonuvi plays a great
part in everyday life. Without a
healthy stomach and good digeatioa our
blood is thin, wstory and poor, our
heart action is weak, our liver does not
do its duty, and man is miserable and
unhappy. Prevent disease by putting
the house in order and strengthening
the system against the germs f disease.
Sr. Pierce, of the Invalids' liotel and
Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, K. T,
years ago understood diseases and tbeir
prevention, and he discovered ceruin
roots and herbs which were nature's
remedies, and succeeded in putting them
op in a form that could be easily pro
tured at the drug store (liquid or
tablets). This he ailed Dr. Plurce's
Golden Medical Discovery. This Dis
covery gives no false stimulation be
sause it contains no alcohol or any nar-'
eotie. It helps digestion and the as
similation of such elements in the food '
as are required for the blood. It gives
to tha blood the food elements the tis
sues require. For over fifty years It
has enjoyed the confidence of the
American public. Try it uowl . j
I wai made to feel the lash rf ptfblic
oDinlon opiulon of whieh ''I eould
not find the source and which I did
not understand.
In this 1 paid dearly for my moth
ers reticence, and Grace, I am sure,
will pay for her mothers Intolerance.
Tomorrow Ail Incident of Childhood
Have you ever noticed the oblier
fellow's loose spokes? Don't let him
look at yours, try some Whiz Spo
ketlte. You get It at Merten's Sales
room. o
fclNDfclUiAKTfcr AND l'llYlilCAL
Tha kludsigarua classes of the
Helalins-Moors Consurratory begin
Monday, iept. 13th, and since it is
important that Ihe babies begin their
work together, parents are urged to
enter them on Monday morning.
Please phone the studio if you wish
the car to call for your child.
The Physical education clauses be
gin Monduy also, and Mrs. Turner
would like to meet all pupils of the
gradvs and high school at 4 o'clock.
The .adit' classes will start at 7
o'clock Monday vTttnlng and both old
and maw members ars askud tu some
so that they may Le grouped prop
erly. Have you noticed how the Red
Spot Is different from oiher lights?
A spotlight with a dimmer, dungcr
signul. parking light, and ndjustablu
rear view mirror. H. Alertcn.
Sulherlln. Ore.. Sept. 7. 1920.
Notice is hereby given that on the
first Tuesday in October, 1920. at
one o'clock p. m., the Sutherlln Val
ley Irrigation District wilt meet as a
Hoard of EquallEatiau to hear aad
determine any objection by any in
terested persons to the assessments
and apportionment thereof, aad any
other matters connected therewith
that may come before them.
Hoard will meet at their office In
the Fruit Growers' buitdisg In Euth
rlin, Oregon, on the date given
above for such meeUng.
W. J. LADD. President.
A. P. SLACK, Secretary.
Come and bring your boxes rnd 1
pick tomatoes at 50c per bushel. To- I
niatoi-s put up in 20 lb. boxes, 60c.
Cantclopcs 2S to 75 cents per doi..
packed rough. Honey Dews, 10 to'
25 cents each. Watermelons, $1.50
dos., pnrked rough. T. B. Kvans &
Son. Dlllnrd. Ore. Phono 22-F42.
S48, at Monogram Cigar
The National Windshield Vis,r
protects you from that Western Sun
glare you encounter In the evenings.
See It at Merten's.
CHICAGO, Sept. II. Chicago has
a cimlldate for the Hall of Kame for
trees. It Is a ciant white mnple nine
feet In circumference at the base. SO
feet hlch. and estimated to be 1000
yecrs old.
The big maple stands in the Cooli
county forest preserve near Olen
vlew. Rpna'ime Kennleott, chief for
ester of the preserve, who recentlv
examlnod the tree and computed Its
tige. found that, while the heart tii
dead, the exterior was sound and the
tree capable of lasting many more
years. So far aa known the tree .s
the oldest living thing In Illinois, ac
cording to Mr. Kennleott.
rr Iniaae and Children
In U For OVr 30 Years
way beant
Signature Sf
J? ! I r... - .
c7 11 Bht
"T Mi 1, a. leVthl. mdrhU
0.1 "tan" to mtuod to business mat
terj for a short time.
njBr1Tbornton ltfft this morning
for Walker to spend a short time at
tending to business natters.; .
Vblt In Oakland ; - ... ' '..
Mrs M U. Llndgren !ft this
mornfng tor Oakland to visit with
reiiitlves lor a short while.
KimmkI Day at Kugcne .
j u Osborne and wife went to
this morning to pei'rt tn
ilay B' .iling to business matters.
VMtK In Roseburg " . ;'
h oienee Lewis, of Portland,, a
m-itiner. who has been vHKug at
he E. R. Metzger home In Roeburg,
laf. tMs morning tor her noun.
.rltjriiR rii me
mkj a u'lnpA and son Howard
ol EuiWe. who have been vlnltint; at
ifc-s J .'. Thornton home .n ins :iy
left this t.o-nlng for the'r h-nue. ,
I Iliiv at Drain
j F. Lo'hr, of Meclfrl, h) ns
been spending a few days In this city
itKndinc to huslness matters, left
this morning for Drain to spend the
H'ill Inaiiert Prunes
A. J. Lilburn left this morning for
his ranch near Oakland to Inspect
:; e damage done by the wind and
ra'n to his prune crop. It is generally
mi'irted that the Petltes were badly
iijiired. but that llt'le or no. damage
vas dor.o to the Italians.
So easy to drop Cigarette,
Cigar, or Chewing habit
No-To-Bac has helped thousands
to break the costly, nerve-shattering
bbacco habit. Whenever you have a
longing for a smoke or chew, Just
place a harmless No-To-Bac tablet la
your niemh Instead. All desire stops.
Shortly the habit is completely
broken, and you are better off ment
ally, physically, financially. It's so
easy, so simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac
and if it doesn't relieve you from
all craving for tobacco lnany form,
your druggist will refund your
:noney without question. No-To-Bac
is made by the owners of Cascarets
therefore is thoroughly reliable.
Opening Art Needle Shop
Mrs. Ella Stewart and Mi as
Ethel Webb beg to an
nounce the opening of thetr
Art Needle Shop, and you
are cordially Invited to in
spect and to solicit their
aid In your art wants.
At the lint tiliop.
F YOU were
to look at the
label in the
next good Icok-
I ing suit, you see
. .4. - 1 J 1
u wuuju proo
ably be
Try Our Way
Our Auto WfU Call.
I'kone 2V7.
We don't tailor all the
suits in town, but we
do tailor the best.
Fresh carload just
ronw Oak and Main.
Telephone lms
v People who work whole-heartedly and with
earnest determination get much pleasure and
profit from their work.
While working, do not forget to save and de
posit regularly each"week with the Rose burg
National Bank.
4 Per cent Interest paid on Savings Accounts.
- - V
TheRosebuigNaliorial Banb
WANTED Work with a truck. Phont
WANTED TurKey. iitrse or
Boyer Bros. Phone H-F14.
WANTED To rent umall furnislicd
houiv, 4 or B room, Modern. K O.
box V6t. City.
VANTKl Chambermaid, Apply to
Mrs. Troxell, Umpqua Hotel, tin me
W A N TKD Boy" "of youns man for
around kitchen work.
Apply at once
Caret aria.
W ANTIC U CJirl or woman to aeeUt
with housework, rhone 17-F2. Alls.
Ly 1 e Mars tery.
WASt Ml An experienced aifr
woman for general housework. Call
or write Myrtle Crek Telephone Co.
vf ANTED Two good hewn tie makers.
good timber, toard In town money
any time. Address Umpqua Tie A
Pole Co., Oakland. Oregon.
WANTED Non-school boy over 16,
with byclo, (or messenger work this
winter. Telegraphy taught. Apply
western union jei. .to.
WANTED- 3 or' 4 urune niL-kers want
ed, ranch 7 miles out. Begin laat
ot week, inquire J. M. inrune,
L'mpqua Valley Bank. '
WANTED Fresh milch cow giving "4
to 5 gallons of milk a duy, not over
si x years old, gentle and easy
milk. Phone 260-iL.
WANTED To rent lent for month, or
will buy .If suitable for two persons.
Ieave- -addreuM ut News-Keview
fhe and party w 111 call.
WANTED Neat, trustworthy girl
assist with housework In town near
HoseburK. Guod home and llKht
work. Reply stating salary ejtpectud
to k. A. H ., care isewg-iteview.
FOR RENT 5 unfurnlfifted
close In. 06 Short Ut.
FO K KEN T Su f e Vy deposit boxes.
lloneburg National Bank.
FOU KENT 3 furnished rooms. Inquire
utter t ociock p. in., 4Ur Mill.
TO LET on shares, 60 breeding ewes
Aim ewe lambs, 3 yearB
Write or see E. L. Rice, Dillard. Ore.
FOR KENT 11 acres, near In. house.
suiuie, cnit-Ken nouBe, iruit, foi
nios. or lunger.' Rent cheaply. Will
sell purebred "Jersey cow to tenant If
di'sireil. Ijiw re nee -Cordon Co.
Mrs. E. C. Herrlck.
CAN SAVE YOU $-'00 on a new lJCIO
model Chevrolet. Inquire Service
oarage, nose burg, Ore.
3 A EFT Y FIRST feecure a safety de
posit box fur your valuable papers a
the Roseburg National Bank.
KVE (iHASS SEED NuW ready f.
shipment, test for pasture sowing.
$10 per cwt. Special price on large
ioiii a,, jk. ttnoien, taiem, ore.
TRACTOR PLOW1.NU (.Jet your orde
In at once if you want work don
Gilbert Wood. Box 12D3, Roseburg.
iiONE Y TO LOAN -3v-year rural
credit farm loans, low Interest rate.
$'J 0,000 local oioney to loan on good
real estate. First mortgage, be M.
f . nice, or Jtice fc icice.
IN P. opportunity for country girl
winning io Miiemi mgn school, gooa
ronie ana some nnanclni help In re
turn for assistance with house work,
Must be clean and trustworthy. Ad
dress onKianu, care News-Review,
LOST OR STOLEN 30x$H retraded
tire on rim. Reward. Homer Rloth,
ru'tuurc, mar m.
"'T It A i ED White Spitz dog. Notify
i v iimiib. Lii'nuower.
ST lily's gauntlet driving glove,
brown. Leave at .News-Review office.
Poll SALE,
t SALE 10 Angora goats.
HORSE tne wagon for i
al Fowler St.
Lie cheap. Call
FOR S.VLK Karnboulllet rami.
Smith. IHxonville. 1-F15.
l OK HALh Baaaie pony, years Old,
Ivan Swift, Olalia. rs.
FOR SALE Good 193 4 Ford
car. Phone Mr. Taylor. 478
FOR SALE A few grade Delaine and
Karnboulllet Jbucks. Phone $t-FK.
rOH "Tali Prabre"Fui"iPfami:
J q- Hrnea. Tenmlle, Ore.
FOR SALE Maxwell car. good comii-
tlon.JlTe nejwjt.FordGarage.
TOI NG TRAM end r.arne77o7"eal7"or
will trade for Ford car, Hd Russell,
s uregnn.
Ml hALK acres; 2 acres In prunes.
acres mixed fruit. fSSOi), or without
cr.ip. $n1o. Box 34. Rt. 3, Roseburg.
''S'J1'"-1" acrt atock ranch In
Dodge canyon; lots ef water, outside
range: barn, hmm mk.. K,.n:.
4" heed sheep. I hogs, corn, dragsaw!
lote of timber. Part down, balance
easy terms
6 rer nt AHMruaa
r. H IT
Oakland. Oregon.
Scond-hnd Shoei, Cloth
Jn?, etc Btst Bartaini
in Rog?burjr.
FOR SALE Canary TrCi. Ante in.
gram. Ut. 1. Uoeeburiy. PhoTit aa.f n
KO II tSALK Extra-fin yyUn JMt7
bull. A. B. Ha.tHe.da Box lol. JtL i
none burg. - . ; . ;
rOH BALE One ivi9 Ford car on."
18 paklau .ix, . Liberty ' Aui!
&000 miles; "Sail new tlrs, a bwgiii
at $hmo. Phone 47$. -"waaia
Blocky saddU
Pny, t
mv fur
years old, gentle
and.5 crusty
cniiurtrii and women,
Olalia, Oregon.
U ShorL
tOR SALE Auto camp outfit, IncludT
Ing ten tarpaulin, used very uui.
W. E. Jones. 225 Sheridan Bt ' '
fcOR SALE Fapee ensiiag sutler
good as new. Phone 34-Fl. F J
Hoffstaedt, Dlxonville. '
FOR SALE 1!18 Ford touring car
good running condition, prlc tiutT
W. T. Compton, Roseburg Apts.
pear; also wrapping paper. Rom-
nc. in ji v-uati um, luv., juwirose, Ure.
uti balk furebred rose come
Rhode Island Red cockerels, $
. each. Phon 40-F4. Dr. R. P. Brad
ford. '
FOR SALE ti-room House, big
fruit, garden, cheap at llSuv.
quire News-Review.
FOR SALE Used cars. 1 Veils. 1 Mit
chell, and a light Studebaker. Bar
Rains. Motor Shop Garage.
FOR SALE Purebred I months old
Duroe Re hour, weight about 150,
price $'J0. Inquire Lawrence-Curdua
Co.. City.
FOR SALE Prune trees, Italian and
f Petltes. Pear trees, filberts and
family orchard stock. R. L. Ellis, I
mlles west Roseburg, Ore.
FOR SALE Good young team hones,
cheap If taken at once; also cood
young cow end calf. R. E. Heliiml
mnn, Roseburg. Phone 3-F4.
FOR SALE 160 acres good timbr '
land, Ei.of K. Ssotion 1$, T. Sfarv
It. 6 W. Valuation, Addrsw
J. E. Turner, ware News-lUvleir.
FOR SALE Team bright bay mares.
ItSOft lbs., harness and heavy wstfsa.
Price $i00 for quick sale. See team
at Deer Creek Livery, er phoim li.
FOR SALE Horse, welghri3501bi I
years old, bargain. Phone Sl-K. K.
A. Calhoun, Wilbur, Oregon.
FOR SALE Studebaker touring car,
116 model, run less than 70Uu tnllti;
In good condition; price $700. Uwu
er, V. S. Nichols, Riddie. Ore.
FOR SALE Small goat ranch of 1M
acres located 10 miles southeast from
Roseburg. Also goats and heavy bar
- horse. For particulars address G. w,
F., Route l,Box 78, Roseburg. Ora
FOR SALE Yearling Rambuulllet
rams that will shear 20 to 30 lbs. of
line white wool. Will sell one to
carload. Prices right. F. W. Herri a,
Ashland, Oregon. .
FOR SALE Saddle and bridle, $3fl;
fanning mill, $iii; Oliver 12-Inch stesl
shear, wooden beam walking piew,
$25. All the above are In good cui
ditlon, been used very little. Al
heavy old wagon and wood rack. $ii.
Beach's Ranch, Brockwsy, Qrutfoa.
LOOK 10 Mi acres good farm and r-
on lanu; 4-room nouse, oarn, w
spring; 2 acres In conimsnlal
fruit; 1 mile to Roseburg; 4 b'i;
grade heifers, 1 regietere3 cew. 1
hogs, 30 chickens, 4 tons bay, fara
tools, range and heater. Bargain U
you act quick. R. W. Stovall, AUX-
ander Addition.
"AN INVESTMENT" 110 acres in the
Illinois valley, adjacent to the best
stock range In southwest Oregon.
About 30 acres fenced, 16 In natlje
mwadow; $0 aeres can be cuimate
ood water right and family ersaar.
Abovt one ml i Hen feet good sew the
ber, mostly pine. Sawmill en
eenut tract. A bargain y ewser, l
U- Morrison, Leland. Oregei m
FOR SALE To planters sad ur,?rr:
men. paradox ayorea dic -trees,
six feet to nine feet tall, t"
year old. grow very rapidly
ereet, and bear an eJbundenee er
llcious large sets, fine f or
yard or road trees. Ter price m
u (..... n..n writ at aania n-
sana Nurseries, Santa lueana, J
tura Co.. Calif. E. A. Bla.kmer, Prs
FOR SALE One of the best all rose'
farms In southern Douglae
Ore., consisting of $T8.$$ !
acres farm land, as follows: H"J
under Irrigation, elover meaflowe. "
prunes. 117 grain and eora,
ture. all mnder hog tlaht fenee. l-J
acres first clase timber; ."Vj
of creek bottom; 17 fleldi nJIlp'I
turea with living water
them year round; 4 barn. f"Jg
machine shed, smoke house, "
hog pens; plenty of out rang
to the forest reserv.. "Ti- te
water piped Into bouse: ""V-
half rash, balance on time. W'J1 " T
all of my machinery, graia. hay.
work horses, hogs. hP. r
enttle at reasonable price. Ci ' T
selling, reiirins.
Mvil rr.k Oregon
n m. im
. . 8.
b. a, ft v-
NlSSt Pas
NtgSK Pkos. !
1 tll
HUN I am
II wis I
Vaaarl.aar ra..s. r
fll,. i: ak St. K"
Sheet Metal Work
110 OAK UTREET nioy!