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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1920)
I.V1 PAOB MX ROtRBURO 1CHWI I! 1 j U S. Army Tents, Blankets, Pants, Wagon, Truck and y: fAuto Covers and Tarpaulins - - a " ' ' " ,1 1 D: V... "..- .ri Att.j i r.,.innt. , f -asii riiLva muu ,un nnvru 10 uvvtiwjk. WAGON, TRUCK AND AUTO COVERS AND TAR PAULINS are made of heavy 10-conce double weave and double fill khaki duck and are 11 f3t 6 inches wide and 14 feet 8 inches long. Complete with -ropes. Brand new. Postpaid U. S. ARMY LONG PANTS, all-wool, Olive-Drab. Brand New. Postpaid $14.75 $6.45 OLIVE-DRAB ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, y Brand New. Postpaid to your town & f $6.65 BLUE-GRAY ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, " Brand New. Postpaid to your town.; TENTS, 16x16 feet square", 11 feet "high, made of heavy 121, ounce double-fill duck. Slightly used, but guaran teed in nrec-ciass eonamon. 477 F, 0. B. L09 Angeles, California N3 1 .JV -LARGE WALL STORAGE TENTS, 14 feet wide and 14 feet long, made of heavy 12 ounce double weave and r double fill duck. Complete with ropes, poles, pegs and unes. oiignuy usea, duc guaranteed in C Ct c first-class -condition. F. 0. B. Los Angeles vJluJV All goods guaranteed absolutely ai represented and money will be ro- runaea ir noi saustactory. Heid checks with orders. Or, If desired, ship men Is will be made C. 0. D. Inspection allowed before you pay for the Depository, Citizens' National Bank, Ix Angeles. UNITED STATES SALES COMPANY 120 WEST FIRST ST., IX8 ANGKL KS, C ALII Olt.MA. t v','tV AROUND THE TOWN ' faaaASAaaaaaaaaAaa Stephens' shoes are built oft' Unes (bat lit your feet. .' Mrs. Nina Wilson left this morn ing for Portland to Tlslt wittf relat ives ror a snort time. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Schrader left this morning, to visit friends and relatives -In Portland. Arundel, piano inner, pnon- 18HL. lie sure to see J. A. Walker Bill buy that farm. I sharpened 7194 pairs o scissors and repaired Bowing machines free from New York to Ixm Angeles for the Red Cross 2 1-2 years on the trip. Ed. Byer, ex-natlonal grinder. C. O. Thomas, local Studnbaker agent nan received one of the new: 'fbtudebakervXIght Sixes and has It on display at tils showrooms The car is very attractive and much popular ity has open predicted for it. -ovly yfitv Mid turm Correct: 1 1 Do your eyes need help to enable you to do your work easier? Now Is a good time after your vacation, and before you start to work, to have thom examined and glasses fitted them. It they need We are at your service with the latest methods, and our prices are reasonable. BUBAR BROTHERS as TO-NIGHT! Macy & Bairds Comedians TENT THEATRE OJI JACKHON 6TRKET NORTH OF POUi rilKSKNTS LAS HOTKL SUNDAY "The Girl of the FlyingXI The Famous Crook Play. VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS ADMISSION Adults 4.V, tax ftc BOc flilltlrrn sliSr, tnt 8r S.V DOOIU OPE 7:80, CTIITAIN KlsiiS SrlT v AROL.Nl THE TOWN ,'Tha 13th Chair" with an all star cast at the Antlers .Theatre Monday, Mrs. C. E. Bigger left -this morn lng for Portland where she will vis it for a short time, Bell , Millinery, new doyetfu shapes, gold and silver-lac trim, Fri day nad Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc.Mullen left this morning for Salem where, (hey will vlBlt over Labor Day. If you want le buy a hams la tUs beautiful city of Rossburg, see Will ker, 105 Cass St. Phone H. Mrs. O. M. Pearce who baa been visiting In Roseburg left this morn ing for her home In Portland. Cut flowers for sale Dahlias and asters, at Runyan's dahlia garden, ' Unipqua Ave. Phone 271-L. Are vou Superstitious? Dare yon sit on -The 13th Chair?" Antlers Theatre, Monday. Mrs. D. Q. Palm left this afternoon for Cottago Grove to visit for several days. Insurance rates- are all the same. Seek the agent who - ..will' take the best care of you. That's Rice A Rice MrsO.-H. Ingall left this morning for tilendale where she will visit with relatives for a short time. If you want to sell your property, see J. A. Walker, 105 Cass St. Pkea Mrs. Oeorge Mathews of Reston was a Roseburg visitor today shop ping ana visiting with friends. High priced cars used them. Why not yours? The National Windshield Visor will surprise you. H. Merten Miss Anna Haast, who arrived In Koseburg last night from Portland loft this morning for Medford where sbe resides. Mrs. Ray Marsters lnft this morn lng for Marshfleld where she will visit with relatives for a couple of weeas. Mrs. E. V. Hoover and daughter left yesterday for Portland for visit. Dr. Hoover remained in this city. Don't put off tor tomorrow what you can do today. It may be too late. Miss Velma Davis left this after noon for Yoncalla. where she bas been employed as school teacher for he coming year. .Miss W II inn Foster, who has been pending the summer in Dixonviile. .!th Mrs. A. J. Peterson, left for home In Corvallls this afternoon Have your insurance attended to. See Rice A Rice. Tom Oliphant came to Roseburg this morning from Looking Glass to spend a snort time attending to busi ness matters. The Boyce Motomelcr will nay for Itgeslf before you know It. Let us nsiall one for you. H. Merten. Paris and Accessories. Have that Insurance attended to and see that you get the laruest and best old line companies. We've got tnem. nice a nice. Mrs. Kllzabeth Lamnin of Suther- lln spent the morning In Roseburg shopping and attending to business mailers. Bernard Denn. son of Mr. and Mrs P. Denn of Camas Valley Utft on he afternoon train for Spokane to enter the Conznea University. Mr. and Mrs. Itov Stearns and Mr. nd Mrs. fleorge Stearns were amnnt ho Roseburg visitors today. They nio'ored over from Oakland. w. D. I-ove county agent for 8no- omlKh county, Washington, accom panied by his wife, Is visiting nt the Olen Echo Farm with his wife's fnther. J. A. Williams. Tom McCarthy, who Is worklne for tho government In taking an In- ilslrlal census, left this mnrnln for M.irshfleld whero ho will attend to Dusuiess matters for several days. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. nroshnng and daiichter. Mrs. Sadie Woodruff, are bore from Albany visiting at the Minnie of their daughter and sister, Mrs. I). C. Ilumphrev, on Oak street. Simon Krohn. of Portland, a for mer resident of this clty.wtio Is vis iting here yesterday disponed of his house locnted in flngnrd's addition to Carl Palm of this city who will make that place his home. I.. F. Ileiiensleln. .1. V. Starrett. lrvin Ilrunn nnd II. Merten made up a party which IcKf this morning for Powers. Marshfleld. anil other Coos, Hay points where they will enjoy an outing for (ho next ten days. J. F. Bvrd and son Robert return ed today from a trip to the Cow Creek country. Tho bnv doveloped a serious Infection of the knee and it became necessary to break cntnp hurriedly and return to Hosehurg. Miss Mattlo Stephenson. Miss Pearl Stewart. Miss Kmily Hammond Smith. Mrs. Brown. O. B. Frank nnd Ar. lile Taylor made up a parly that Vft this morning for Crater I.nkp where they will spend several days. Judge and Mrs. n. I. Stewart left this morning for Winchester Bay where they wilt spend their varntton. They were met nt Drain hv Dr. E. B. Stewart who will accompany them to the Bnv. Judge Stewart will reliirn In a few eeks hlle his Ife and son will rem iln at the beach for a week or ten days. Miss Ada Ollletto, ilf Aberdeen. Washington, passed through Rose- burg enrlute to 1'hoenlx. Arlrona. where she has secured a position In the public schools for the comlni year. Miss Cllletie hns visited In this city with Miss Oladys Strong who greeted her nt the station. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Stanton left this morning for Portand where they will meet their son Cole, who Is coming to Oregon for a short vis It with bis parents. They will go to Astoria from Portland where they win visit with their d.mrhter M TO-NIGHT OF COURSE DancE ARMORY With all Kinds of Ready-to-wear ready for fall. Important:-Select while the assort ment is largest. New Serge' Dresses. SPECIAL! " Fall Millinery Opening, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3-4. Bel! Millinery. W ATKINS products. 12 W. Lane. Phona 137-L. The same reliable lines In shoes at Stephens.' Stop and reflect great fires trim :lttje sparks are spread. Ba careful with firea. Fires destroy. lives, property and food. Be careful with lira. . Insure against loss equip your -rectors so they won't set fires . The new fall shoes at Stephens' are beauties. For con. fort you should have a set of wind deflectors. The cost is Bmall. H. Merten. Pear for sal at the erchard, 25 cents a bushel; bring your boxes. Phone 260-L. What happened to the man who occupied "The 13th Chair,"- Antlers Theatre Monday. Preaching at Looking Glass. II a. m.; at Ten Mile. 2:30 D. in.: at Cam as Valley, 7:30 p. m. R. 11. Bishop. aiu now hooking orders for day old chlokt for 1921 delivery from nigh producing Tancred strain Whi'e Leghorns. Earl Vosburgh, 702 Ful lertnn St., ltoseburg. Justice' of the Peace, I. B. Riddle leaves tonight for Cow Creek Can yon where be will spend Sunday and .Monday in Hunting. Order your Christmas and New Vear announcements early, and don't forget that Bates, the printer. Is showing a fine line of samples to make your selections from. At the News-Review office. R. C. King and C. H. Henson rif the standard Oil Company spent yester- oay in the city consulting with the local manager, B. L. Hyland regard ing matters pertaining to company uusiness. The Cheney Phonosranh. the nntt phonograph made that Ton absolute ly cannot hear the needle or surface noise on the record, for sale by Olt's music store. The big four, Edison Vlclrola. Cheney and Snnnra Rev. Eton, a former naslor rlf the uaptiBt church In this city has writ. ten to friends here stating that he nas just recovered from an Illness of several weeks caused by summer In- nuenza. lie is nt present n;is'or of he Baptist Church in n usningion. .Mrs. Si xty, moiher of Millard Sex tbe seventeen year old lad. who nod nis root crushed when nifemr.f. ng to board a freieht train at Itlddle inursuav, arrived In Roseliiim this morning from Portland. After mak- ng all arransements lo have the lad cared ror In this city, she left on til arternoon train for Portland. He win De removed to his homo in Pott land as soon as possible. It Is no' known as vet whether his foul will amputated. .. . "We have just received a large shipment of blue serge and tricotine dresses for fall wear and of such attractive design, in braid and bead trimming and high-class tailoring effects, that you will say they are Roseburg's most charm ing dresses. . . .- . M ' These dresses are $25 to $40 values, but while they last, they will go at Fisher's special price of d!in Q E? and p 1 r. iJ CJSergeDresses' 3 O SILK MARKET II AS DltOPPFl). I'ure thread silk hose with the seamen Darn, in tho Tamons T'utler fly brand that sold for sn fh,. months ago can now be bouitht for nt i arr s store. 3 pairs in a box JV00. Just the thlnir tr.r ... ,,..! or dress wear. Try a pair today from Carr s store. First Church of Christ, al.mi.t eorner I-ane and Main streets ar. ;ce are held Sunday morning at 11 aim Wednesday evening at O'clock, tills mentlm IneliiHo. .. Imonlnls of healing. Sundnv ewi convenes each Sunday morning i 4f: all up to the age nf sn v..-. re attend. The r.,rti,,- room In tli. rear nf IK. .1 J building fe open dally except Sunday, and holidays from 2 to 4 p. m The public is cordially invited to attend nese services and visit lha rendi... room. Subject of Sundnv'. 1. Man." ' "" EW TOIIAY. re .-.M.i: Fresh 1-1 - on sai: -i:..d t.Tit I'horu' m. .NTKl)-n,;,;,l-p 1,; ei .1, 11 ..v!.,ml .c '' 1 ' -NTKI i;lrl 1 l'' an't 1, Then SxlO with i ft. an, I hel-: ll. W.NTKI le work l, lh s. hn,.t in" U Hi I, .... r.VJhon, I. " !r Intili m h 1 1 )..,. rrl Hnri r u s- Itvtrw. niall k-1.r11rui.11 ')' .ailing nt 1 strt'ft uiiu pavitiK in. Have You Selected Your Suit or Coat? Is yourWt fall garment laid away for you at Fisher's or have you yet to select from a rapidly diminishing stock? Hundreds of women have appreciated Fisher's suit and coat department this year as never before, for they find here the most complete line of fashionable coats and suits in Roseburg, Our un derstanding of quality and price requirements has enabled us to meet your wishes. Why wait, or try elsewhere? Fisher stands for reliability in everv class of merchandise. Girls Middys! We have the official middy for 'the school girls. BusterBrown shoes best tor School childien. Largest assortment of dress goods. Headquarters for School Outfitting. E&SBSSZliZll&SJS '" ' -------- - sa DANCE RIDDLE!! MONDAY EVENING LABOR DAY ma Big Open-Air Pavilion with JAZZ-0-FOUR MUSIC. Whew. That's the way vou feel when you see ' The 13th Chair" at the Antlers Theatre Monday. .mas Vivian .McKay, who is em ployed In Portland, arrived in Rose- urg ihis mornine and win visit hur. for tho next few days with her sister lias era McKay. The Itussel Harness Home located n Kinney's addition has been sold to 11. K. Morgan a recent arrlvnl in he city who will make his home here. The deal was made hv Uieo and it li e. -irs. iitancne Thurston, who lias on spending the summer in Hoso- uri; witn her father, S. W. Taylor, omnumiant of the Oregon Soldiers Home, left this afternoon for I'ort- aiin, wnere she is employed In the pumic spools. INITIAL FALL SHOWING Quite a few of the new fall shoes have arrived. We invite you to come in and look them over. Designed for service as well as style. A Little Care Saves Months of Wear elor"weigr1.1ttned,nnd relnIorc e "ay h-y "how signs of turn 5e. renf h8, Wl" "v ,he hoels and "trenBthen your ankles. ftrltehJ .Ti ? soo1aS thuyeet ,hln keeP PPers from vo, KhoL i,.?UK ' B?ape- , lou'11 be """-prised how the life of and Ze? inHe.r;l0"8d by 0UH REPAIRMAN who under stands Bhoea nnd their proper care. Ladies- Our $5.00 Sale of Low Shoes is still on ROSEBURG BOOTERIE ikvist Bnrw nritiar i . if loir rrt PKRKIBM?or" TAJ"."' " nosniit no. MlTlfK. On account of the unsettled mar ket conditions wo are discontinuing he buying of any kind ot junk. liKIU'.En JUNK SHOP. have si rti.-st.-r 'lv.-rtt "it sai.i: on Ti:.M)!Tri I IVI. K ponv. 1 work tra.l.. fur i , J!'.V'i;.."r. "" " time. !"! Mill Stre.-t. I 1 1 S A 1 : K VaVm, .,,,1-fiT .. ,.i iiHMii uonn. hat Wn. r this C. ; i,l it stripes Morrill. r.nt. My -m pri. str..,t turnlnr to their home In this cltv Miss Mary Clouah. dauehter of Chrs. H. Clonuh. of Deer Creek ar rived In tho city yesterday Ifrom nenr Olympla. Washington, and will remain here lndefn!telv Miss Clourh is a school teacher of the northern stale but recently her health has beconio great!;' Impaired snd It was thought that a chsnse of climate would he beneficial to her. '. Hunt,.," ...... e.,.ne I inske th !,.. nnd It C. M.-irlll. 3,rl .r..V "r en rsrtn. or would rent f-ittn timl .vk on share, ,l fl,r'i'. . "t-;-l. sriitn nnd riirinini; iu,i.,. lo-t.t, for op.r.sti,, (arm. A roI Pro,...,,, ,,n ,., t.rtll.;. i,,,1 At Til liltlVKKS -.Mni.-To" niT ..'. ..-. ' '"'res! Mot., I to In Eugeri. Ore, .tt RTrt Ave. !ltritMittr. E , DANCE! AT ARMORY MondayNight, Sept 6- GIVEN BY On-S 6-PIECE0RCHESTRA A CATAMHJ CAX UK. Don't buy your fall hat from a picture and descriptions. You don't ofien Ret just what you thought, and besides you can go riftbt here In lown to Carr's store, pick out your hat. be money ahead and perfectly satisfied besides. We are devoting a lanrt balcony to our line of hats, ornaments, winter flowers, feathers ribbons and frames. Go see the other displays, then come to Carr's We havo quality and yet a low price. EVERYBODY WELCOME!! Contact. tdieafre How About It? Are you Interested in purchas- i "ib a notne? If you are, then you should see the properties , we have for Bale. ! 9 room house with laundry and bath room; rooms ceiled and papered; partly furnished with beaver board; good garage and store room; 3 lots; fruit trees, berries, garden; close in on Paved street. Price $3700 hi cash; balance easy terms. 6-room house with bath, fur hlahod. Price 1500, V4 cash. . . . i-argo nouse and 3 on paved street. Can fan'lldfnr tKCn -i. ance terms. " C W.YOUNG AND SON wt Fstare and Insnrwaoe. the lots be F YOU were to look at the label in the next good look ing suit, you see it w o u 1 d prob ably be Try Our Way Otir Auto Will Call. Phone 877. We don't tailor all the suits in town, but we do tailor the best. Jberger's BARGAIN STORl; GOOD LINE OF NEW CLOTHING Second-hand Shoes, Cloth ing;, etc. Best Bargains Case M. in Rose bur?. i 1 f f ft