Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 04, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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TO-NIGHT Two Shows.
7 and 9 O'clock.
A drum that foes back, of tha stags and reveals th soul of theatrical
life and lon Its region to a star's personal lira. There's a big theme
A drama within a drama Tlsuallced with superb artistry and daft hand
In J. Slauart Blackton's master drama, "My Husband's Othar Wlfa," feat
uring Sylvia Breamvr and Robert Gordon. It appeals to all who alia
have a drama In their lives. -PATHE
Other Wepz. -
. ' -. ' . Sylvia
Gordon, . A
dm anaiisur cast, r - v
Sunday Afternoon & Night
To Melly Shins, shop girl. It was an unending rainbow of air castles.
She was a simple soul, loved books and had high Ideals.
Thsn from the sky, as In a dream, out dropped Mr.. Manlust at
hungry luach time. He wore a high hat and a cans how itunantlc! Pun- .
ny. too he waa as simple a soul as she only his hibby . was 'tadpoles
and he had lots of money. " ' . :.';'J -4
Under the skin they.wer kin, but to the world tneytWrt North" and
South poles.
Now what do you think happened to their, romantic bubble? .
You'll guess wrong, If you guess, but lf-you care for romance and
drama, see BLANCHE SWEET IN "SIMPLE SOULS." An extra special
feature to lighten any woman's bet rt.
iftom UmiwvolbyJcn j&slmystitnurr
Monday and Tuesday
Prices: Adults. 25c; Children Evenings 15c, Matinee 10c.
.., JTte lonoJfs Daughter"
Jw sequel toV Tlie Ixma VVorf" and "False Faces."',- v
; "The Emperor of Crime" S
. Most men crave power, few wield it and no man ever baa It forced
upon him Jha't la, no one but Prince Victor, at whose feet fellow humans
by the hundreds worshipped while pleading for a chance to do his bid
ding. "The Emperor" they called htm. but the police of. a hundred cities
knew him as THE EMPEROR OF CRIME, the world's craftiest criminal,
who stopped at nothing to attain his end. No scourge spread greater ter
ror than the blight this all;roverful wolf-man placed on any community
he picked aa his hunting ground. Detectlvea were as clay In his hands,
and squads of troopers fared, little better In their efforts to halt him.
There was no one of flegthpad blood to say him nay; no force this side of
heaven to thwart him in hla diabolical schemes.
" In almost every case men ware the objects of prey at the hands of
Prince Victor and his blind plundering followers that Is. until the Em
peror cast eyes on the beautiful Sonia. And now Humanity thanks the
fates that brought them together. For this charming heroine, unmindful
of the fate met by stout-hearted men who tried to bring him to book, .In
augurated a campaign of attack that Anally stopped the Emperor dead In
bis tracks.
If you, want to know how this si Ip of a girl made away with the
world's craftiest criminal, SEE - tSBSaiia
In' - - . .' -;. ' .
"The Lone WolfV Daughter' v j
by LOUW -JOSEPH VANCE - . -"-"V .
Matinees every day 2 P.;M.
1 tsr!WWiM:s.'aas
1 - -
Latest Figures Show Deplor
i able Condition In Out-
look For Instructors.
All merchants and members
of the Roseburg and Douglas
County Merchants' association
will close their places of bust
ness Labor Day, Monday, the
sixth.- The banks will be closed
and there will be no Issue of
the Roseburg News-Review.
Secretary. Merchants Assn.
strain which resulted In many cases
a complete collapse. Several of the
Roseburg teachers were forced to
leave the schools for this reason
; ; ! and will be unable to teach this year
..- " 'and some have been Informed that
City Si Ikh.Is Have Hard Time To Fill 'they must not attempt aeain to do
Ip ami Take Great Number of
Ti-ai-hers Away From Th.
Rural School Districts.
' Over fifty vacancies still ex
ist in the rural schools oil Douglas
couniy ncrordinR to figures complied
!y the county school superintendent.
This means that over that number of
lustrum. rs are desired, for in for
mer years, shome of the schools have
etioloyed more than one teacher al
tbouRt at the present time they would
be glad to get even one. The situa
tion is imieed severe for practically
no applications ar on hand and the
teachers who have formerly been en
peed in the rural school work have
JT" ,,sorD' by the city schools
where Letter wages are paid. Many
teachers have Utft the profession due
la the allurement of higher wages
m other lines of work for which
they are equally well fitted. Any wo-
!" or Kin witti the education neces-
y tor a teacher and with the traln
nfc re-cived to eouin them for th.
Profession can command a salary In
-pusiuon almost double
.1 .P!!id by the Trai5 rural
roil district.
V" lhere were m than
f '-achers registered In the county
ani (his ).ar less than 200 have
'M up. Many of these teachera
a.- married women who have had
J";1"'" P"flence in school work
g"veT,r,.Ha,'e "nsente" this year to
K ve up their housework for a time
- -...! lu ,ie over the situation.
I is reported that In various parts
ljn t,?'TTy , ,he '"hers have
srSui TZ6 ,helr work on
lack o f , eLT'r!!0rk iatt year- Tne
( ' 1rtnB the past year
J f .Jf ra,,s" those remain-
Proresston to do more
school work.
Temporary consolidations are still
r-elng formed throughout the county
and these partlnlly solve the draw
back and the great problem for at
least temporarily. One great draw
back is the lack of funds for In many
small districts the amounts raised
for school purposes is not sufficient
to pay the amount of salary needed
to employ teachers while in the con
solidation the amount of money Is
still Insufficient to pay transporta
tion and salary costs. Such places
however, are very few Bnd the ma
jority of the districts will be able to
pay fairly good salaries, provided
the teachers can be found.
The County School superintendent
is doing all within his power to get
in touch with prospective teachers
and will be able to place all of those
who make application provided that
their qualifications are sufficient to
permit them to teach. It is doubt
ful, however. If all the districts will
be supplied, and emergency methods
will probably be put Into effect to
take care for such districts as are
unable to obtain teachers.
All persons are hereby warned net
to fish, hunt, or trap, with or with
out dogs, on the Mrs. O. W. Jones
"anch, lying between Roseburg and
'he North Umpqua river. If caught
they will be prosecuted.
T. E. WARE, Renter.
BANDON. Ore., Sept. 4. One of
the finest stands of while cedsr on
the coast Is soon to be logged off by
O. M. Wtlloughby and Son, who have
than ever hefr.V. 4.i 00 moreljust procured machinery for oper
undcr a severl ,3 .y, Tr? PIace(' ' atlng a logging camp and sawmill In
rl n "ny9"! nd mental I the Rock creek district. They have
a re Qntlntnfr t nnn nnn feet of
ants and Children
SPRINORROOK. Ore.. Sept. 4
In preparation for I b'r run of
nrunea. the Sprlngbrook Evaporating
company has had a crew of men at
work remodeling and repairing Its
plant. The crop outlook Is extremely
Textbooks Roseburg Publl Schools
First Grade (Beginning Class)
Deacon Primer.
Natural Method Primer.
Package Crayolas.
Industrial and Applied Art First
Unruled Pencil Tablet (Largj
Soft Lead Pencil.
1- A Class
Beacon First Reader.
Package Crayolas.
Industrial and Applied Art First
Unruled Pencil Tablet (Large
Sort Lead Pencil.
2- 11 Class
Natural Method First Reader.
Writing Lessons for Primary
Grades Palmer.
Package Crayolas.
Industrial and Applied Art Sec
ond Book.
Unruled Pencil Tablet (Large
Soft Lead Pencil.
2-A Class
Natural Method Second Keaaer.
Writing Lessons for Primary
Grades Palmer.
Package Crayolas.
Industrial and Applied Art Sec
ond Book.
Unruled Pencil Tablet (Larg
Soft Lead Pencil.
3rd Grade
Natural Method Third Reader.
Essentials Arithmetic Hamilton
First Book.
New World Speller First Book.
Palmer Method of Business Writ
Industrial and Applied Art Third
Progressive Music First Book.
Bradley's Paints.
Pencil and Pencil Tablet.
Composition Book.
Pen and Ink.
4th Grade
Natural Method Fourth Reader.
Essentials Arithmetic Hamilton
First Book. , .
New World Speller Second Book.
Tarr and McMurray World Geog
raphyBook I.
Oral and Written English First
Progressive Music Second Book.
Pslmer Method of Business Writ
Fourth Book.
Bradley's Paints.
Spelling Tablet.
Composition Book.
and isoiei
Applied Art
(Gill or Pal-
'" Ven and Ina.
'CJI Method Fifth Reader.
Essentials of Arithmetic Hamil
ton First Book.
New World Speller-Second Book
Oral and Written English First
Book. ....
Stories of American History
Health UTlng First Book.
Tarr & McMurray World Geogra
phy Book I.
Palmer Method of Business Writ
ing. Progressive Music Second Book.
Industrial and Applied Art Fifth
Bradley's Paints.
Spelling Tablet.
Pencil and Tablet (Gill or Palmer-).
Composition Book.
Pen and Ink.
Webster's Elementary School Dic
tionary. th Grade
Everyday Classics Sixth Reader.
Essentials Arithmetic Hamilton
Second Book.
Oral and Written English First
American Beginnings In Europe
Healthy Living Second Book.
Tarr and McMurray World Geog
raphy Book II.
Progressive Music Third Book.
Industrial and Applied Art Sixth
Palmer Method of Business Writ
ing. Bradley's Paints.
Spelling Tablet.
Composition Book.
Pencil and Tablet.
Pen and Ink.
Ink Tablet.
7th Grade
Everyday Classics Seventh Reader.
Essentlnls Arithmetic Hamilton
Second Book.
New World Speller Third Book.
Oral and Written English Second
Mace's School History (1919 edi
tion). Progressive Music Third Book.
Industrial and Applied Arts
Seventh Book.
Palmer Method of Business Writing.
Tarr and McMurray World Geog
raphy Book II.
Bradley's Paints.
Spelling Tablet.
Composition Book.
Pencil and Ink Tablets.
Pencil. Pen and Ink.
8th Grade
Everyday Classics Eighth Reader.
Essentials Arithmetic Hamilton
Second Book.
New World Speller Third Book.
Oral and Written English Second
Mace's School History (1919 edi
tion). Community Civics (with Oregon
Productive Farming.
Progressive Music Fourth Book.
Industrial and Applied Art
Eighth Book.
Spelling Tablet.
"i ui l 411ft L.k TuLltiid?
Pencil, Pen and Ink.
Bradley's Paints.
Composition Book.
High Srhool.
Algebra I II Wells and Hart.
Ancient History I-II Breasted.
English MI Ward Sentence and
Payne American Lltsrary
Tells How Hous
ing Situation Met
NEW YORK, Sept .3. The acute
housing sliortuge fuced by many
cities in the United States today
brought from the Guaranty Trust
Company a description by its foreign
trades bureau of how Great Britain
was meeting a similar situation.
"The program of the British min
istry of health complete rehousing
in three years is about one year
behind and costing more than double
the original estimates," said the re
port. "Local authorities in England arc
left In charge of the work unless
they full to show results, in which
case the business is turned over to
the office of works.
"What is keeping back housing at
the present time is the fact that
there are not enough skilled men to
do even a quarter of the work want
ed. The trades unions will not al
low the number to be Increased from
the outside.
"The government Is using a sort
V Readings.
General Science I-II Snyder.
La' Ml Smith.
Spelling, Chew.
Bookkeeping I-II Miner and Elwell
Introductory Course.
Physiology Conn and Budington.
Caesar MI Kelsey.
Commercial Oeeography Robin-
English III-IV ljjng English
Clippinger Spoken English.
Greever and Jones Century
Handbook of Writing.
Mediaeval and Modern History
Plane Geometry MI Durell and
Geometry Durell and Ar
nold (Same as Sophomore
Bookkeeping 1II-IV Miner and
Elwell Intermediate Course.
Biology Hunter.
Cicero Gunnison and Harley.
English V-VI (Freshman and
Sophomore Texts).
Engllch HUtory I-II Cheyney.
Shorthand I-II Gregg Manual.
French IIMV New Chardenal
French Course.
Spanish MI De Vitis Spanish
Grammar. .
Typewriting I-II Rational.
Shorthand IIMV Gregg Speed
Civics Reed.
Commercial Law Hiiffcutt.
English VII-VIII I Freshman and
Sophomore Texts).
Physics Mllllkan and Gale.
Methods Strayer and Norths
worthy. Note: Pupils should not purchase
their text books or suppltea without
first consulting their teachers.
of Indirect compulsion by prohibit
ing 'luxury and unessential building,'
so that if a man will not build cot
tages he Is not allowed to build any
thing. "There are housing bond cam
paigns all over the country. In Lon
don, subscriptions to the six pe cent
bonds are coming In. at the rate of
about 500,000 a day. While the lo
cal governments are Issuing six per
cent bonds, the British government
charges seven per cent. Borrowing
in the ordinary way for housing
schemes not financed by bonds Is us
ually seven per cent. ?
"On July 21 the total number of
housing schemes In England and
Walea numbered 10,673, covering, in
all, land for 800.000 houses. Of
these 7120 have been approved with
an area for 650,000 houses. In Scot
land 103,000 houses have been au
thorized, the bids averaging about.
10000 per house. This Is , roughly
about 3500 to 3750 more than It
costs per houso in England."-
Sea our display Friday and Satur
day. Smart-Modes for .all and win-,
tar wear. Bell Millinery, . Friday
ana Saturday. .. - -
MRS. r. n. owns Cut Flowers. PhoB
HO. 403 W. Cs. ... h
OH. M. II. Chlropractlo
Phyalclan. W. Lane St.
Pamelia Lake Is
Being Drained
ALBANY, Or., Aug. 30. The
widening of subterranean outlets In
Pamelta lake, probably through vol
canic action, has drained the lake to
such an extent that the foreat service
Is taking steps to close the outlets.
Kfforts will be made to lower mats
covered with stones, to close theHv
Only about three acres of water
remain In the lake now.. There ts
quite a favorite fishing place for
uportsmen, and unless the draining
of the lake is stopped all the fish
may be destroyed.
There has been a Tent In the bot
tom of the lake for years, but here
tofore wuter has drained out gradu
ally. Pamelia lake, or Parmelfa, as
the name Is sometimes spelled, Is sit
uated near the summit of the moun
tains only about two miles southwest
of Mount Jefferson.
That some minor volcanic disturb
ances have occurred In that vicinity
recently Is Indicated by the fact tha'
in Marlon lake, a much larger lake
than Pamelia and situated about
neven miles south, the water has been
discolored and somewhat muddy part
of the time this summer. The water
of this lake generally Is very clear,
hut fluhermen who have visited It
recently believe there has been some
disturbance In the bottom of the lake
to this condition.
Adopt the nfw And better way
by having Universal Filler in
stalled In your auto tlrm tnJ
and you never havn think
about such llnai a pumtux-i
and blowuuti, buHlila you gel
much greater, nil leave to jour
caning. Try It out ami 1 unr
antee that you Will neviT jco
back to air attain. Yoir will al
ways have Universal Klllei ser
vice, beuouse It la hnra to stay.
Don't forget that Universal Fil
ler Is guaranteed for 100,000
miles. Come In and Investigate
at the
Filler Serrlr Station, Corner
Oflk and1 Rose
CARL OHM AN, Manager
Sheet MetalWork;
R. E. Hunt
d. v. a.
Nlghl Fhone 30
P. II. Andes
B. 8. I. V. M.
NHht Phone
Veterlaary 8 ar . Thoae 4m
Office 221 Oak fit Fleseburtr. Ore.
Titnnrs of all i-lnnRes of Furs.
Manufacturers nf Muff. Fur Shoul
der Throws. Kur Coals and Cap.
Also mount heads and animals of
all kind..
t. w. usomnicRa, p.-.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Mnnriay, September 13, 1920, th
Board of Equalization will attend al
tha eotirthouss in Douglas county
and publicly examine tha assAssmsnr
reus and correct an, errors in vaiua-1
lion, description .or qualities of j
lands, lots or oth property assess- i
ed lor the year 1920. I
Couaty Assessor.
We Buy at
II Idea. Mohair, Itaes,
Rubber, Old Metals,
Papers and Rones.
A Oood Line of Second Hand
Cloth Inc For 8ale.
Caoa and Pins Sta.