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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1920)
1 i - . .."'- . ' . M. I I 'A V ,1 11 II 4 i 1 I i r I ROIEBURQ KEWaWREVWW Iur4 Dllr Bxe.pJ Suaiiar. n, V. hair, "b. Wlilxrly Br o. 75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally. pr ytur. br mall... Umlly, aix inontha. by mall By ,0rrl.r, r month .14 M i on . .to Th. Aoclatt Prm It entltltd to U. for rmublltauoo at all n.w. dispatch crodlwd to It or Sot oth.rwl.. ormd . P and al.o ta. local ow publlaliod ar. In. All rights of r.publloatlon of .pa ilul ul.patch.a bar.ln ara alio raaarvaa. 1 . . a . ' mattar 17. UW. at th. poat otTU. at Roaoburg, Or.son. Ur tba Act of March . !' lloaeburg Orasoa, Ikflembcr , 1180 WHY I'RH'tX ARB COMING UOWJi For tk harimssed consumer ther ' seemed to be a bit of Irony In tba declaration of the federal reaerve board last week that while It's effect iiaa not yet been fell generally, the movement downward la the level ot 'price -had definitely eammeuced. What made .tbla atatement look liecullar to the ordinary cltixen waa ' liia uieuiory'Vf ', incident! three or four years agowhen the movemenl toward inflated prices got Well under way. Then -Uie retail 'price wart almost alwaya the first -to. g6 up. The lu creaaea Id rteUiil price were from two to ten .lmJ'. '. large a, the wholesale jrlee ipfreay. Hut In. prdlcting lower retail pricea aa a reault of the unquee tloned general decline In wholesale pricea which la now taking place, the federal reserve board waa. undoubt edly treading on aafe ground, even If the undiminished aire of the ulti mate ronaumera racery . bill atill makea hfm akeWlcal. There la good reason why tbe retail prices of today should recede leai rapidly than re tail pricea roae two, three or four year ago. The difference In the up ward and downward movement. Is duo to tbe difference In world condi tion!. Even before this country becanu Involved In the war Europe had mo bilized 14,0011,000,000 of securities , $2,000,000,000 In gold and 13,000, 000,000 in private credits In Amer lea, the result of which waa to give the belligerents a purchasing powei of 19,000.000,000, to be UbuiI In r short period In' our markots. Afte: we entered the war tbe United State' treasury supplied an additions tlO.OOO.OOO.OOO credit, which o colrse meant an equivalent' buying power for tinrope and consequent In creased demand on our production It is easy.. to see again what we ex - perlenced ufgont buying regnr.llee of prices, hysterical bidding at tig ares which before would have bee; regarded as possible, only by mad men. , - . f.: tf trices ' asyrocxetea under jn-v 'odoublo charge of powder supplied h' J ' . L-.i fc.. -. .. .1 . k - home consumer. Increased lrodu lion partly compensated for the In crease demand. Otherwise the In dex numher In this country, Insteai of rising to.arouud 200 per eent o tbe 1914 level, would have' jumpei to 400 or 500 per cent, aa It did I) some of' the European countrlef where buying power was Increase through .paper money Issues, Wall, production wks decreased by' with drawal of man power. - Under such circumstances It Is. ob vious enough -that tho ultimate coir sumer would not be long In teellm the effect, ot rising prices. "' Hut when Eurouu again began t produce good,, and offer them, foi sale here the' consumer is Blow tt fei'l this, change 111 therolatiun ol eupply to demand. Euroie does nol come faj.lhls market offering tc sell us J?0. 000. l)l)0, 000 of her sur ilusierchamrfse within two- oi three yesrH. If she did the consum er might reasonably expect sa sud- - den and unmistakable evidence -of declining, prices as the 120,000,000. 000 concentrated European buying power furnished In the case of rising prices. Our favorable trade balance last year,-compared with possible rtv sults this year, Indicates that Ku rope may be able to send us in the next two or three years nearly enough goods to pay for what Bhe buys from us. . After that she may te able to send us somewhat more than she buys. If this surplus should amount to as much as f 1.000, 000. 00 a year It would tnke Europe twenty years to pay back to us the same quantity of goods which she nk: nut of our markots In less than Ave years. The question of prices Is not local but International. No sound Judg ment of what Is likely to happen can be rearhed unless consideration Is given to world production as con traced with World demand. Infla tion, money stringency and all other tro'ible.t of today are but side Issue without effect excerrt as they relate to supply and demand In the markets for food and materials. Mere -. downward movement In prices means nothing, for If the ordinary consumor were given his choice tomorrow he might ssk thst Ms dollar be enhanced In value measured In bread and butter, but ""' there were more bread and butter to give him In exchange for his enhanced dollar he would he no be'ier off than ho was before. Nriwlthtaniltn all the measure' that have hern taken to force price down In the name of deflation the one cr.nse for the decline, and the one Indication that the reserve hoards- pronheer will he fulfilled, b In be found In the Increased produe tlon of Europe aa reflected In her lnr-er etnorta to this country. fne dron of Increased production In vcn-nne has done more goon1 In th" wnrM ninrfcet th,n thewholencenn or VhrnrntiraT deflation here. New York Sun. King Eleko of Nigeria, sovereign r 17 010 oon people, wants a raise of -! He says he can't vear. Economic live out- on 11.500 look's pretty dark In Africa. AMKIMU FOU AHSIHTAJtCB, It Is matter of grave eoncara to every eltlzaa of Roaoburg tkat a hos pital ol adequate accommodations be maintained In this city. At this time an effort 1 being made by a number of leading citizens Ur oo-operailon and financial support that will mark a degree of progress the way of maintaining such an Institution here where the sick and Injured will be given prompt, effcient and the beat possible care without the necessity of being taken to some other com munity. And tt might be said right here that unless some willingness Is shown to assist, In financial way, to make soine needed Improvements and adtlltiona to Mercy hospital, other wide uwake communities who are bidding for this Institution will probably have the aatlafactton of tak ing the hospital from tbla city and establishing It In their, own commun ity. The writer was one of the first In calling attention to Irregularities at the hospital several months ago and urging that steps be taken at once to remedy many discouraging,. condi tions existing at that tltiie. .Wo ace, however, glad to state . fjia't an.' in-, u'pecllott made of the local .hospital today, shows an entirely different ctate of affairs. This Is the results nf.vhe Investigation: Not a solitary person instrumental in the management of the hospital at the time of the unfavorable, com ment, some months ago. Is now re tained at the Institution. . They have all been dethroned and in their place an organization or me most compe tent and faithful hospital authorities U In charge. " Trained nurses of the highest standing are constantly on duty In each and every department and tbe care and treatment of patients under the present management could not be Improved upon. There Is but one thing lacking. More room must be acquired In order care for the large number of patients bvlng received at the hospl- al daily, and It Is for this purpose solely that an effort Is being made by way of public subscriptions to secure sufficient funds to enlarge the pres ent structure. This Is a matter of vital Import ance, not solely to the hospital au thorities, but to the public generally and many of our citizens are loudlnp '.heir aid in a financial way to suc cessfully casVy out tho project. IRELAND A.'l Cf'EKIl:it.lOY. The -I.ondon Dnlly Telegraph re cognizing tho remaikuble scope ant progress of the Irish revolt, says: ' Tne Nationalist - Ireland of yea erday Is In a state of rebellion at Jpen as that of the Bouth when II lL'Clded to break away from th( Xorth . and smash " the America! Union, .and It la not inapproprlntt In the light of the dramatic anr leplorable lacldents oY the past few Huya to recall the Prime Minister'! words ultersd only a week ago Lincoln,' ho said, 'faced a mlllio: msuullies and a five years wai rather than acknowledge the (tide pendence of the southern states.' " - The historical .allusion thus drag ged In is clever, hut not convincing There Is no real fTarrallul. Lloyd George and Ihe Daily Telegruph Ik lore a Very fundamental dirforence It Is needless to go into tho mer Its of an American Issue long since seltlod. Asyono. however, with r simple knowledge of American anr British history, may feel like re minding our English friends thu 'he ConVcrato statns had joined th' merlcan Union of their own free will, whereus Ireland was dragged Into the ltritlsh Empire aa a con luered province, and has never ac .lulesed In British rule. In one cas tt was n ro:il Civil War to determ ine which of tvo constitutional In terpretations should prevail. In th other It looks more like the at tempted re-conquest of a province 'hat Is slipping from the conquer or's Krasp. KAiMII.V HELI.INd JHAKT.:i;K. When some hitelllgent parent of fers a child for sale on the pie? 'hat ho ran not provide for tt, li Is bad e:;o:igh, but the limit In thl kind of obnoxious gra'ftlng was reached the other day when a Mock land. Mass., woman offered her hua- bnnd for aale because he does not provide satisfactorily for the family The thing Is said to be authentic The woman places her husband on the morl'ot with his consent, not 'tocnusc he falls as a husband hut as 4 provider. She says expressly In her advertisement that he is good looking, healthy and amiable, tu! cannot t.iake money enough to en ibln the children to bo educated as they should, especially the eldest lii, whose talent for music should be developed. There will probably 'e a dearth of oTfers and of course 'ho law would step In before the 'hlng went very Hut how much mora than law or money or music men a family needs training In things that money will not buy! The man who Is sufficiently able bodied and attractive to be salable an earn a living for his family, and iny family worth earning a living 'or will accomodate Its ideas and 'xpendltnres to the Income he pro vides. There are too many poor amines living happily and success 'ully without selling sny of their nemners. too many geniuses who lave come to greatness In the face f adversity, and too many legltlm ile avenues of aid for the nevdy. (or family selling gratters to be olerated. SKiMt AM OVTTON. Sugar growers refiners and dea ler, thought there was going to be sciireltv of sugar and so thev un leriookWi iherease tna ''s'carclty, for their own benefit. They hoard d raw and. reTtned sugar snd held !t from the market. In the belief that eventually they could unload at 40 or r,0 cents a pound. They did get It up as high as SO cents. Hut lately, ss everybody knovrs. su gar has been retailing around !S 0jwji JjJST i irnrlir seats pound, and f! c-a It way down to is cent, ine ooiion grows, who used to get 10 cents pound for their product, finding a wane age that it waa command ing a ready market at 40 cents, de cided they might as well have 40 oents. and proceeded to bang onto seyeral Billllott bales of last year's crop and to advocate (.restriction of tbla year's acreager-to make their speculation good. .And. alas! In stead . of going up, in spite 'of all their efforts, cotton has been going down, and is selling arotmd 25 or 26 cents a pound, with fro certainty at alt tor the future. -Mo.(of the sugar and cotton- speculators who nave-.loet meney In thlg unexpected slump 'deserved to lose Itjk-because they tried to - Interfere arbitrarily with natural law for selfish ad vantage. Along with their loss they hava probably learned something sbout economics namely, that tbe law of supply and demand, which during tbe war seemed discredited, is still on the job. When the spe culators bottled up the usual dom estic suppliei of raw augar, and the price rose, new supplies started DOUrlne in from everv-jiuB-ar-nroduc- Jng qnartgr St the woald, and. sugar- aivwrateverywnererBiiriea- increas ing men- acreage. i.nus. aa usual. the high-price evil, by stlnrulatUifC supply' and production, corrected-; H- K seir. ine restriction or credit was probably -a minor factor. Likewise with cotton. The would-be mono polists Tound that the world was too big, nature was too generous and other men were too eager to share be profits for them to put over 'heir profiting by restricted produc tion and distribution.' Speculators n certain other lines are deatined tg have the same awakening. PHKKK'g A fJOOD TIME COMING. Strike and the world strikes with .'ou, work and you work alone; our -.ouls are ablaze with a Bolshevik rnze, the wildest that ever was 'tnown. Groan and there'll be a boms, smile and you make no hit; .'or we've grown long hair and we iresch despafr, and show you a dally it. Spend and tbe gang will cheer ou, save and you have no friend, 'or we throw our bucks to the birds nd ducks and borrow from all who'll end. Knock, and you'll be a winner. oost and you'll be a frost; for the ane old ways ot tbe pro-war days ire now from the program lost, ttrlke and the world strikes with ,'ou, work and you work alone; for ve'd rather yell and raise blue hell ban strive for an honest bone. Rant nd you are a leader, toll and you re a nut; 'twas a bitter day when ve pulled away from the old-time vork-a-day rut. Walt and there'll e a blowup, watch aud you'll see a dump, and the fads and crimes ol hese crazy times will go to tbe ba ton's dump. New York Sun. The principal of all the buildings n one big eastern public school By item have arranged to open their ifflces for a week before school be ilns. so that parentB who wish to 'OiiBult them In record to their chll Iren may have an opportunity to do io before the great rush begins. In ivery community there are children .vho, ,!for one reason or another, n nut be regarded as special cases, ind for whom arrangements must le made other than the regular ichool routine. It may be merely ihnt they ore new-comers In the llstrlct, or they may be abnormally irlght. or painfully slow, ptone to mischief or physically in need ot xtra care. In any such case It Is lesirable that parents and principal (hall have the opportunity to tulk matters ovor before the latter Is harried by the care of the entire ichool faculty. The attention of 'he public Is centered on school matters as never before, and great -vHttlts may be expected ff there Is free and harmonious co-oporutlon between the schools and their pat rons.- Just the little matter or opening the school doors early and -zivinar parents a chance to come In tnd talk things over should make considerable difference In the year's work. Maybe If sugar keeps on going down, after a while people. .of ordin ary Incomes can afford to buy enndy and Ice cream sodas again. 4 HTl'FF THAT TIIAVKIA. Ever Iteen There? There's a town called Ion't-You-Worry. On the banks of the River Smile. Where the Cheer-up and He-ll;ippy Itlossom sweetly all the while. Where the Never-Crumble flower Blooms beside the fragrant Try. And the Ne'er-fllve-t'p and Patience Point their faces to the sky. In the valley of Contentment, In the province of 1WI1I, You will find he lovely cby. At the foot of No-fret hill. There are thoroughfares dellshtful In this very charming town. And on every hand are shade trees Named the Very-Feldom Erown. Hardware News. Quit trie Contrary. Jennie So you flnnllv proposed to her. I suppose she said, "This Is so suddon." Jack No; she said II wasn't sud den enough. She bad serepted Tom the night before. rtoston Tran script. a Nature Song. Oh. lead me far from cities' Jams And fevered life that wre.-ks 10 ni:is wner tear inaJ " vbamuts shams And where the Ibex hecks. Or else to nrnlrles far awsr n ctlmes where I am honing I'll se the cancoua aehra bray Or antelone. come lopins. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. I What Smart Women Wear J . -By ALICE BRADY. Your camiBoU muat now match yonr blouse and form part of the general effect, A-blouws of dotted cream net has a camisole of the same, trimmed wilh valenciecn- s lace and an embroidered flower, which ahowa In the dep V open In of the low-swung fichu. h. inAekiint h.m on Bloiues and Their t'HmlsoU'H. Your thoughts are probably turn- Ina- Just now to your early fall ward- enhn Inrl vml a fft hAtT i n tl i II IT Ifi Wflll- nor whnt vnn will hve Pri nicl m 1 1 v f. that t-iii ht trvinv nn. rifmnnrl- lng month of September the hardest month In the year In which to be well dressed, I think. There are so many warm days, aa a rule, and yet one s warm-weather wardrobe by that time is usually so shabby. I picked up a little suit the other day that should Interest you, anl offer some suggestions for this Inter mediate season. It combines a silk aklrt of pale grey and black and white plaid, with a silvery sheen over the whole; a loose Jacket of soft black duvetyn with bands of white flannel on w bich Is a simple but effectivo embroidery and the sim pler the more effective, as a rule n black worsted. Turn to the sketch for a model. The Jacket has a loose sack back, bell-shaped sleeves and Is morn cith a frilly blouse, or simply a ftkeletoti vest of net with frills. A turban of grey and black changeable ribbon tops the costume, and any bluck or grey, or black and white, acc.'Ksnries In the way of shoes and stockings and gloves that one may happeu to havo, may be added. The total sclu-me nerd not, of course, be bluck and white and grey. It might be dark blue, say a dark blue gabardine or poplin Jacket, belted mudt'l, with a skirt of durk blue and grey plaid silk; or a tan Jacket with plain tan tricolotte skirt. O ranythlng you wish. Take your spring suit for a starting point, havot the Jacket cleaned, add a harmoniz ing silk skirt in one of the many models that are now oti'cied reason ably In the shops all over the coun try, aud your frilly blouse. And there you are- Fresh and smart and appropriate to the season, with al most no expt'iine. In New York the blouse with frills Is the one of the moment. You see It in ull the shops made of fin' lawns, or voiles, or net, with plain picuted frilln, or those edged with arrow Valenciennes or filet edgings. blouses are so sheer that they requite very careful liugeiie dressing underneath. And one smart shop has provided for this contingency by of fering cam. soles made of ihe same materials us ihe blouses, to go with them and give a uniform effect. The sketch shows one of these sets. Tho blouse is of cream dotten net .with plcoted neUIrills. and th.' camisole is of the net with trucks and Valenciennes trimming, and a handivntbrofdered flower in the cen ter. When the camisole Is in place thia fl'r comes Just at the opening of the fichu aud looks as if it were t'AIll) OF THANKS, We desire to thank all of the many friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of Kathleen Coates llaldwin, and also Mr the many beautiful loral offer ings. Mrs. M. PATTKriSON- snd family C. E. COATKS and Family, Try It. buy It. you will like II. The Red Spot Searchlight. H. Morten, Accessories and lnris. IIIflH BCHOOIj HKtilSTHATItrN. All persons deslrlne: to enter Rose burg High School this fall will be required to replster at the principal's office the week before schools opens Seniors will register Mondny. Sept. 6 Juniors Tuesday, 7th, Sophomores Wednesday 8th, hours 1 to 6 p. in. and 7 to 9 p. m. Freshmen will reg ister all day Thursday and Fridav forenoon. Classes begin September 13. All students should register be fore Ihe shore date, whether they In tend to be In school the first two weeks or not. Those who fall to do this may not be able to riter the classes of their choice. Students must give number of their home district at reglstrullnn. C. H. MeKMnHT r-rtnripal.' A full line of spark plugs at Mor ten's Sales Room. Mr. and Mrs. Ed SlnrMnn lenvo todiiy for Ruckles, where they will assist during (he prune drying sea son at the orchard there. ii n:irt of the blouse. The camisole has the unual pink satin ribbons over the shoulders. For the woman who feels that she muBt have shields even with A fltieer blOUSfB I ShOUlO BUEteSt E lit- tie u nd er-ca in isol e of white china iiilk. cut very low back and front, an ! Invinp cap leeves. This really doesn't show under the camisole, and still camouflages the shields from observation. For the Intermediate season of September. Hint is so difficult to dres, a Jacket of black duvetyn with black worsted embroidery on bonds of while wool, a silk skirt of grey and black and white ulaid. and a frilly blouse are suggested. TOMATO SALE. a beginning Aug. 31. T. B. Ernns and Sun, of Dlllard, will hold a sale of tomatoes at their gardens. No. 1 grade will sell at 50c per box; No. 2 at 30c p. r box. Sale will continue un- til Sept. 8. and we will be in the Held at all tlmea io iuv. . care of the trade. 4 T. I). EVANS SON Phnne 2I-F4 2. , . a.,. GROWERS hi-w vtiT7.i. t i,AT?."n1 n'.bvr K1"" to sell' -iu.u auumii samples and get V', ,rl,m us ot'ore selling their grains. Itememher we have handled your grain In the past and have ?esuirt, "''d ' KOt ,a"8'actory EVLRROPY'S rvntivcn t NOTICE TO The partnership herein-,. ..,, rM. -arrsveu g. 11' u-i.-- ' .."T. Peterson, known a, ," Deer Cree"k this day dissolved. A. o H.t.e -m l, ,-e inT tlUsin's s sole owner to whom a 1 . ... Tt4" . ner Arm .r pBy.blV. " "l rrn,r Rowburj. Oregon. RPt 10,ft A- O. HEISKR. WM. PETERSON. pill - lift mm n''?P' y 1 ' hi i pie a. . Your Valuables Deserve Safety . There is no Rood reason why you should keep -your valuables stored in some insecure place ', about your home especially when you can rent a Safe Deposit'Box in our Fire and Bur glar Proof.Vault for.the.smalum of $2 00 and up per year. . The Rosebui Rosebur,Jre. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CUASSrf lKD AOVERTIsEMBNTS Wll.l. BK POUND ON LAST FAGB V.VUKH B KADI SO NEW TODAV. 1 WANTED. WANTED Boy for all around kltchan work. Apply at caietarm mi one. WANTELr Work with a truck. Phon 21. WANTED Washing for mea ur worn- sn. 4J . none u WANTED i-urKey, large or mall. uoyer &ro. rnona n-m. WANTED Young man or boy to do a Jitti janitor worn aun kVmiig (or board. Apply at Cftftjrla at ouua, W A VTL'H A A --... ,1 f 1 1 1- I . A.I u t.'at rt- ? ment. Inuulrw Mlii Wylvla Jtfruwn, county Agent a onici WANTED 12 or lb prune pic K era, t tree shaker, alio lout men In diler. J . U. Bacon. L'mpqua, Oregon. WANTED Woman or girl lor confec tionery work. Apply Fouluh Con rec ti o nery, WANTED To rent faun on share or a position on salary to take charge of place where everything Is fur nished. Address Box 66, Myrtle Cr?tk, Ore. - WANTED Experienced pear and apple packers at the Overland Orchards. Transportation to and from town free, or accommodations at the or chards. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 7 Chas. A. Brand. WANTED Twenty-three out of town school teachers desire room and board the ooming year. The com munity must provide suitable accom modations for teachers If the schools are to be maintained. Citizens buy ing rooms for rent or board to olfer, are asked to communicate with Bupt. . S. Hamin ut once, mentioning the kind of rooms, conveniences and prlcM'H. FOK HUNT. FOR RENT Furnished room for young man. 247 So. Jackson. Phone 41-lt. FOIl RENT Safety deposit boxes. Huseburg National Bank. FOR RENT TwofuVnlshed rooms. In quire 0i W. Lane M. Foil RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms: adults. 1110 Prospect St. Call evenings. Poll RENT Large front room, wltil porch, furnished fur light housekeep ing, close In. 831 South Main. FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping, sleeping rooms, also one room unfurnished. Roeeburg Aparl inntf. Phone 6. MISCLXLAALOUS. NOTICE Saddle and pack horses for hunters. L. M. Rice, Hoaglln. Ore. Phone 26-F2!. INSVRINO everything but y.i Re who hesitates may burn. 334, C. L. Bargar. r life. Fhonu SAEFTY FIRST Secure a safetr posit box for your valuable papers a me Kuncpurg national U;inK. TRACTOR PLOWING Oet your orde: in at once it you want work dun Oilbtfrt Wood, Box Roeeburg. AT I EN 1 ION Those picking prunes for Win. Weaver be there ready to man Monuay, eept. . win. Weaver, Myrtle Cre.k. money TO LOAN lii-rear rura credit farm louns. low Interest rata JO,ooo local inuuey to loan on good rem estate, flint mortgage, bee AA. r Rife, of Rice A Rice. LOST AM) FOUM, LOST Complete Ford tool kit, in can viis has;. Finder leave at News tlwview. U i S T i 2 photoa Hrownle No. 2. and negative, size iteturn to Mwg Ilviw. LO r Suitcase containing wearing apparei. nnaer please leave at iNewa- n'view, 3 reward. LoST Pair tpt-cta-les between Ourrv ranch and Tn Mile church. Finder return to tsews-llevlew. FOR SALS Two wood heaters. Phone t 3-1. m R SALrV-Rartlet pears, second-), at ma. t venana urcliarus. 50c a box. KOR SALE Hoseburg property. Apply roll SALE Oats, both gray and white. i unrmnKi or 1I-K15. r kn a a i. is one r ord buff, and on rnm irm'K. Juld & McMUHn. FOR SALE Hogs for sale. iCTTcan nun. i 'iinnvii I-OR SALE 1-rnnm hotiae. big fruit, aardn. chvip at 11900 quire Nnwf-neview. lots. in BARTLKTT PI4ARS FOR SALE 76c box 2nd grade, at the orchard. Fred ' Mllnrd. Erienbower. to n SALE on. I'll 9 Ford car. one 191 Oakland six. Liberty Auto Foil SALE Vetch and chet seed. 8 cents per pound. Myers Jlros., Look Jnt Clans, Phone 13-F12. for SALE Wrtrk young cow o. view. hone. Inquire 1200. fKT; News-Re- VOH SALE 5- purebred Duroe boars, redy for service Lynn Berkley. Ki!ii'W'l:."rfp" irood work horses. n-Ffi ; " 1 riKht lap- phon S'OTI E Hrtk. for ..!. 1 j P!m-,."nY.n ,h''- Box , , rt llnn tnnk. n.w: linn buViy "m:?v,,:' E- "nb"v: M mholon plum ro Hmtmr. Li'rh XJ' ,h"r prln"' h" i. ! ."1 ' t. who will b. glaj la book rour oraar for rsaarvatlon. 1 . National Bank -ryitVtl J m m """ " HiiVftAS. FOH WALK Hambouillet ram. Smith, UlxuDvUtt;. I-K15. . FOR HALE Purtbred Delaln Jul, u. oar nuts, Tenmiie, jr. . irratii UriH, niowwr. pluw, tc. iir. A. Fisher. Foil a ALE Jl Whliu Igtium hen Mn. W. W. Miller, H21 Miller tit. TOR BALE Yourf'tf fililckuna, and old hen. TS.:Vuat Lan XL Phono JStl-Y Foil SALE Mux wet t -car, good condi tlon five new, tires. Kurd (Jaraae. lUKBALh i-inner pump, with ft. of ! P'pe, 1I.6U. 6iti Ho. Pine at. run 9ALU-'Kegisierea i. o. w, boar, nine months old. D. Do mm ash. West Hoseburg, near school house. FOK SALE 5-room housed lUO0$i0 down, time on balance. Mrs. Uusick, liar r Imp n Ave,, West Hoseburg. SACKS FOH SALE 100 gooeecViu." I liand sacks at cents each. A, M. Ware. Olu 1 1 a. Orego n. FOR SALE Purebred rose couib Rhode IWnd Red cockerels. $ 1.6a each. Phou4V-F4. Dr..R. p. Brad ford. FOR SALE Team bright bay mart's 2ituo lbs., harness and heavy wagon! Price $300 for quick sale. See team at ueer ureea i-.ivery, or phone vs. FOH SALE Prune treos, Itullatii, to 6 ft., 6(lc; 0 to 8 ft., 0c; Petltes, 4 to , 60c; to , 7oc. R. L. Ellis, 9 mUes west of Hoseburg, Ore. FOR SALE One of the betworli -teaniM, with harness. In county. Weight SouO lbs. Will take lw iah for quick sale. T. A., care News Review. FOR SALE Horse, weighs 1350 lbs., t years old, bargain. Phone 31-F4. R, A. Calhoun, Wilbur, Oregon. FOR SALE OH TRADE Fur house and 1 lot, 111 6 Hup, elec. lights & starter, new battery, six good tires. In A-l shape. Call phone 400 or 44 IflQtf f '. FOR SALE Studebaker touring csF, 11 model, run less than "uuu ihiles; . In good condition; price I Too. own er, U. S. Nichols. Ridd.e, Ore. Jo ACRES, 3 miles from town "on the aoutli river; level as a floor and ready for the highest stute of cuiti- vutlon. A bargain at 7& per acre. J. V. Casey. Lands. i-'OH 8ALU The following- used cars. both In first class condition: 1 lull Lort, Itioo. 1 1VM Ford, 37fi. He.rvlce Ouragg. Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALE 9 h"e.'id ot "worK horses, weighing from 1100 to 1600; 1 mule. also good milch cow, gee them at old stage barn. opp. Ford Oaratte. Aliuhum. FOR WLT1CK SALE Modern 6-roorn plastered house on pavement. cornr to; win give terms. Call at 4U4 Commercial Ave., or phone 863-T af- ip. nu FOH SALK(iood well drilling rnT" chine, cheap If taken at once. Drill ing enough in sight to pay for It. R. K. Ilelnselinun, Hoseburg, . Oregon Phone 3-1'S. FOH SALF 10 bu. rye grass and vetch need mixed. 2.l!5 per bu.; iiOt bu. cheat and vetch seed mixed. $1.V0 per bu., sacked. Fmtnett Hall and H. Palette, Wilbur. Ore. FOH SALE Between 60 and 60 An gora goats, mostly young nannies. Also six bead work horsed. E. I Thompson. R .2, Box 113. North Pa cific highway, near Winchester, Ors. , foil SATE Yearling RambouHltt rams that will nhear 20 to 10 lbs. of . fine white wool. Will sell one te carload. Prices right. F. W. Her rim Ashland, Oregon. FOH HALE 30 bushels rye and vett h seed, about 3-4 vetch, 7 cents lb.; bu. grey oats, wheat, vetch and rye . grass mixed at 5 cents lb. Phone t-F4L, Oakland. Emniett Hall, WI1- . bur. Ore. FOR SALE 22 acres 1 mile from Itose burg, 12 In thoro cultivation; 3-4 a--r strawberries, some pears and black berries; 10 acreb jmall timber and stump land; small S-ropm box house, barn, other outbuildings. Am selling to buy stock farm. Low price for quick action. Address or call 12 Military St LOOK. 10 acres good farm and gar den land; 4 -room house, barn, goa spring; 2 acres In commercial fruit; 1 mile to Hot-eburg; 4 higit grade heifers, 1 registered cow, hogs, 30 chickens, 4 tons hay, farm tools, range and heater. Bargain IE yon act quick. R. W. Stovall. Alex ander Addition. FOR SALE Good used black pip. "team Tractors, from $350 to $1600; Boilers and engine, all sixes; Pulleys, belting and supplies. Drag saw with S saws $ 1 4 H. P. Gas Engine J? 1 H. P. Gas Knglne 2 Pma'l sawmills, each Oalvanlxcd pipe, 14 In. for dryers, 60c per ft. Orates at tic per lb., new. We buv. sell, and exchange machin ery. Some good Interred tooth saws, cheap. OREGON MACHINERY CO- FOR SALE One of the best all roumf farms In southern PotiKias mum;, Ore., consisting of S7R.3 acres; acres farm land, as follows: 20 under Irrigation, clover meadows, is prunes. 117 grain and corn. SJ Pf; ture. all under hog ttsht fenj'- acres first class timber: IV, " - v . 17 Aaidi and rss- ttires with living water in " thew year round; e-barns. grary. mst.tne shed, smoke" iou-e. Uo"" hog pens; plenty of o"'.""- JunZ to the forest reserve; 7-ronm hou"f water piped Into house: tA'Z ehonllV mile to R R. l good road, no hlU rrlre $3" o half rash, balance on time. TJ III all of my machinery, grain. . f work hors. fheP. J rattle at reasonable price. CauM ror selling, retiring, rtdresa Box 9h Uyrtle Creek, Oregon. !