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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1920)
ROSEBURG MEWS-REVIEW ess " ' In Wh,ch Included The' Evening New and The Roseburg Review gfltOSEnFl. V1KW KOWKIlUltU. OltKUO.N. HUIY. KK1TKMBKH 3. 10JU. YOIVIX XO. 211 OK THK KVtMXfl NEWS 7-.-,nr- 1 eriimnt In which to leave Franco. ltlll I HIAMI t-nn. i-..,.. ... - . I . , .... , . . "T u I MM "StL WILL WUKK rUK MS N PAK Y AXFS Til SflAR R ,iriEsiM4N IMP! nPAII llllliMllv v" : ----- - - ..vwiw f ii ikv .w wwiiii v II Vy,,v .. . fred Lane. honaestender, found . Ml U UVtK&Tsrea KUAU IU UUAS 5 UPS IN I HftStN HflKFtK AT HflRn RAMP ll Vis Lable Rescue of Crew HTEOR GIVES ALARM ..i ikii hi limine IIMIVJK" Shore J"1'1 "1 t From DM'' ti- iHimlied .m - 111. Radio army ,o, AiKKlalrd l'ra-ss). U ,,s" ,!.,..,hiila. to the Kki. uav) Vara 'uld the story U"1:'L .,uv of the UudOTW of tne uu" F?, S-5. af'T nad vval "L, btntath the surface of Lie 55 miles south of Cape and aau tracie.., '(, escaping from their ..... ....n ipiiiu the xce ew . . . ..... ihu ranliiin OI , k....rrti the steamship Lull 1 o'clock this morning. loin nut eiapscu """ ' .. j,.,.. h.,ai had been I" 01 an" uiiwt o. . L'lnoni through a wireless call ticked up by an amateur M operator. A small Duo, ittliKllmt 1 leiepiiune u.-..c. 1.3100 "1 wai.. " - 'x lookout aboard the Ooethals . .i.. -row from taerishlllg. i area ' " Liu lowered from the trana- udient out to me duov auu mo ione connection wun me auu M iKd. The message received uid that Ihe diver had been ,rred 35 hours and the supply Lft ni broadcasted over the )j the wireless operator auuum 5olill. ind BeinK picaeo up or lainihui mat snip maae an i .. ths KTut InHlptnoH Ttnth ihili and Atlanthus stood by attached grappling nooaa 10 niu :M the imperiled siiomanne. a. m then bored through the soitbedlTer throuKh which an :1k vu Inserted and the pumpa vnrk ind thr crew furnished air. which was just In time to th men. Later the submarine rotten to the surface and the lilw nff In tha Athinlhita The then proceed'-d to tow the sub- to the Deleware breakwater. Cause of Accident. ISHINGTQN. Sept. 3. A meg irom the transport Goethals, re- :il the accident of the submarine a aue to the submarine being iiliy flooded while making a aire." Trootw Nt vniiit t.a. jWlfll O..... 1 I...' - 1 ier intention of keeping J Vladivostok until the s-cur-i nr. j . . - nu iiu)tiTiy is assurea, "MS to reports reaching here by Japanese vernacular r in Honolulu. t'l . . . ! niuincing iiinustry. 3ICAG0, Sept. 3 Kepresenta- iidt-HMrs tooav sent Ho Mock raiscre, railroad ofli- lA h. n I. , .... .... mushi oi tne niioate and t. Ilrin ih .i n 'ii' ni i nLM'iiu U ince here on Sept. 10 to dis ' for financina: and Increas- Production of livestock thru 1 country. ..,. 0,1 Western Trip. MOITE WITH GOV. CO.X. Sept western swing" 0f Cover l began today with a before "t addres, 0n ,he r.-ar plat 1 ..!.railroaa station crowd in Zi ..?,.,Ur,i"K 'r the coast." to win." The league of na w featured In the Toledo ad- (tRm?1 M"ke, s"wh 10N. 3 -co-operative usociatlons for the distrl VJ ,"' Proi' was advo- Senator Harding In a speech re to be reduced. SDeakine rar.n organizations, the XrS ,hat h" abhored 1 ni Plana rieriA..! . bni k i. ""Srtiuiaiion . W he kn. w that unl "-re n sole! or'"'l'i Profiteer (J;' "IJe ln somewhere be- am ,V;"K' 'S-P'- 3 James W. "'"onnced ,?' '"""nlttee, " d'"Cf8u0ns0' collection f' ,h . fp" " 'he out-'k- N. a7"T 'hor"5r ""'"re ' ortM ma,! of ""y sort oO01, S. 7UX'.8ept. J r. n J honr. v:?""- ha. been 'r the French ei'iimmit in which to leave France was officially slated here today. Pnys the Penalty. FORSYTH E, Mont., Sept. 3 Al fred Lane, a homeateader, found guilty of the murder of Harry The ade, a neighbor, last April, paid the penalty today at dawn on the gal lows. Attempt to BlatckmaJI. BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Sept 3. The arrest of seven men, who, ac cording to the police, intended to terrorize and blackmail wealthy citi zens of Connecticut, was announced by the police as a result of the In quiry Into a bomb explosion at the Acme Shear company's plant last Sunday. I Getting Weaker. LONDON. Sept. 3 Lord Mayor Terrence McSweeney, of Cork, Is reported this morning as rapidly showing signs of sinking and to be much weaker. Kelatives who visited him in Ilrixton prison expressed fear that the end as not far away. It was reported shortly after noon that he was rapidly approaching unconscl ousness. ltltIIAL 8IIOWKK GIVEN A kitchen shower was given yes terday afternoon ln honor of Miss .Marie Pickens at the home of Miss Clayte Black. Hostesses for the event were Miss Hlack, Mrs. John MrClln- tock and Mrs. James Goodman. A dainty lunchoon was served and a va riety of useful and dainty gifts for the bride s kitchen were presented. Miss Pickens Is the daughter of Mrs II. C. Pickens of this city, a gradu ate of the Itoseburg High School, and a popular member of the young er set. She was employed as an in structor In the Roseburg Public Schools last year. Her marrlnge to Robert Travis of Fresno, California will tnke place in this city at the home of her mother on Wednesday September, 8th, Mr. Travis Is i prominent business man of Fresno and the young couple are to make their borne there. Those present at the shower were Miss Marie Pickens, Mrs. James Goodman, Mrs. John Mc Clintock, Miss Clayte Black, Mrs. Herbert Quine, Mrs. Bert Bates Mrs. Leon McCUntock, Miss Mattlo Lee Stephenson and Mrs. Harley at- son. o OH Has Agency For New Invention V. E. Ott. of Ott's Music Store. has secured the agency for Douglas county for the Magnavox, or the music and voice Telenogaphone. a comparitively new Invention which Is being put on the market for the (first time. They will demonstrate the Instrument within the noxt few days with a view ot placing them In tho county where they can be used to advantage for service and entertaln- mnt. The Magnavox Is an Instrument by which the common phonograph can be made to sound, as loud as a brass, band and is of much use in making the voices of orators reach a vast multitude of people. The Mag navox picks up directly by wire or radio apparatus, any voice, music or other desired sound and flings it forth ln practically limitless volume. The Instrument has been used by President Wilson in several Instances and also by Vice-president Marshall and others who are called upon to address large gatherings of people. REAL POLICE IHXi GI A1UJS Al'TOMOllILE. A genuine German police dog guarding the automobile of its mas ter. J. M. Watson, of the lime quar ry, created quite a sensation at the station this morning. The dog Is a puppy but has the appearance of a full grown animal. It was snippea to Mr. Watson from Michigan at a very high cost. It being a thorough bred. No one is allowed to so much as lay a Band on the car when Laddie" is around, and he emphati cally refuses to make friends with auyone. Mr. Watson stated that it was three months after they received him before he would make friends with them, but he Is now devoted to his nisater end mistress. "Princess Pat." a registered Alrdalc belonging to Mr. Watson, also came In for her share of attention. LIKKS OREGON REST. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tankard, of King Fisher, Oklahoma, who are making a trio through the nortn- weBt and who stopped In Roseburg to spend a short time with their old friend?. Prof, and Mrs. Fancher, left for California this morning. .Mr. and Mrs. Tankard are very much Pleased' with Oregon. "Of everyplace that we have seen, we like Orgon ih best," stated Mr. Tankard. ABSINTHE KETVHNS. PARIS, Sept. 3. Absinthe, long- fought in France and prohibited over night when the war began, Is said by the authorities to have re turned In the disguise of various Im aginative names. One poster that at- absinthe glass with the sugar spoon across the top and the one word Finally." Indicating to tne addicts of the green liquor that they have the old sensation again, ln spite or the law. Senators who questioned the government on the subject dur ing a recent session were promised vigorous prosecutions. Chamberof Commerce Passes Resolution Urging County Get Busy on Project. ROAD IS A NECESSITYIIS AN ANNUAL FEATURE FUNDS GETTING LOW He'd That Rond to Const iind Sen H.rt Is Vital lor the Protier De velopment of Industries in All Sections of County. On Monday evening the directors of the Roseburg Chamber ot Com merce unanimously decided to uhl every effort of that organization to ward the construction of the sectiun of road between Scotisburg an 1 lieedsport.- This project is now one of the most vitul in the county for It has to do with connecting the interior section of the county with the f-rtili! and wealthy coast section and with the seaport. Sufficient money lor the work, It Is believed, is in sight and all that is required Is that the proper bodies be stimulated to action on this particular piece of road. In or der to get the mutter before tip' proper persona, the directors have adopted and signed the following resolution : "Whereas, tho Chamber of Com merce of Roseburg, Oregon, deems it of vital Importance for the develop ment of the resources of Douglas county, Oregon, to have an Improved highway to the sea coast within nr boundaries; and "Whereas, the people of the coun ty did heretofore vote and set asid.i-i the sum of $80,000 in bonds to con struct and Improve a highway be tween the towns of Elkton and Keedsport, and $110,000 of said bonds have been set aside for original con struction of a road from Scottsburg to Reedsport and Gardiner; and "Whereas, the people of the lower Umpqua ,nnd particularly of tho Port of Vmpqua, have heavily bond, ed themselves to develop a harbor, and are tuxing themselves annually for tho improvement of said Port of Urinaua. all of which inures lo the benefit of Roseburg and all of Doug las county; and Whereas, federal appropriations and aid are promised by the govern ment for the further development and Improvement of said harbor, so that it will become one of the best in the northwest and seafaring ves sels will in a short time, if proper support Is given, carry the products of Douglas county tothe markets of the world: and 'Whereas, the development of the resources of the lower Umpqua and th Hpler.dld progressive and unsel flh spirit of Ihe people of that ter ritory ore entitled to every consid eration of this chamber and the peo ple of Douglas county for their ac complishments, which we deem en asset of Incalculable value to the fu ture of our grent county and the de velopment of nil Its resources; and 'Whereas, application has hereto fore been made by the county court of Douglas county. Oregon, for fed eral aid in the construction of said hlghwnv, but that said application has never been acted upon by the government ; "Now, therefore, be It resoiveq oy the board of directors of the Itose burg Chamber of Commerce, in regu lar session assembled, that we do hereby urge the immediate construc tion of the road between Scottshurg and Reedsport, and do hereby pledge Individually and collectively our hearty support to that project, nnd that the county court of Douglas county. Oregon, be nnd it hereby ia memoralized to take immediate ac tion In obtaining federal and state aid ln the construction of said high way: and lie it further resolved that our representatives and senators In con gress lie urged to use their good offi ces nnd best endeavors to bring about the rn-nnerallnn of the federal gov ernment with the county of Douglas and state of Oregon in the construc tion of said road, and the secretary be and he hereby Is directed to trans mit copies of this resolution to the county court, to our representatives and senators In congress, and fur nish a copy to the press for publication. Tnanimously adopted this .intra day of August. 1920. til-.u. r.l- .r.u. .ir. "J. W. HAMILTON. "A. C. MARSTKRS. "IRVIN BttfN'N'. "W. I!. STRAWS, ".t E. VcCI.INTOCK, "W. J. WEAVER. "C. A. I.OCKWOOD. Attest: C. S. Il-inllne, Secretary." Mr. and Mrs Albert Caiglll and nephew Hunter Broyles, of Farmlng- - .. . vlattfne the I.afe Engels home at Peel. The vis itors made the trin ln a Ford car. starting on Julv 19th and arriving here oi. August 2"th. They are cou sins of Ife Engels. They were In the city today shopping with Mr. Engles, who snys that a regular fam ily reunion la being enloyed at his home during their stay. Geologists on Way to Crater Lake Take Luncheon In Roseburg. Oivgon State lltircnti of Mines to SjMjnitor Trip to Siot of Scenic Intercut Kau-la Yeaar in the Iiate-rest of Geology. An excursion party, conducted by the Oregon state bureau of mines, arrived in Roseburg at noon today and Btopped here for lunch on the way to Crater lake, where they will remain over Saturday evening, Sun day and Monday, making an inspec tion of the lake under the direction of C. H. Williams, an expert geolo gist. The party consisted of about thirty persons traveling by auto, and will be augmented at Medford to morrow morning by almost as many more, who are making the trip to Medford by train. The parly re mained In Roseburg for almost two hours while taking lunch at the Ump qua hotel, and t hen continued on their way south. "We expect to make this excursion an annual event," explained Mr. W. B. Dennis, chairman of the bureau of mines, who Is managing the caravan. "The Oregon bureau of mines is en deavoring to interest the people of the state in geology. In ninny of our schools this importnnt subject is be ing dropped. Physical geography Is not even taught In many places. We propose to have every child know something of geology and to stimu late this interest we nro endeavoring to first interest the older people. "Each year we expect to mako an excursion to Crater lake. We will also visit other places of Interest, such as the Josephine caves, where the curious formations will be ex plained by an expert geologist. On ill's occasion Mr. Williams will ex plain lo 'is the Interesting facts con cerning Crater lake. He has been spending several days there making a studr of this wonderful lake and will conduct our party around tho crater and explain the various feat ures. "There fire many such places In Oregon where a person may obtain a large number of very Interesting facts bv n brief study of the geologl cnl formations. We know that there are a great many people who are in tercsted nnd who will b come more interested in geology and It Is our aim to bring about more thorough understanding of some of the posses sions we have as a state." Among the members of the party are Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dennis, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Olmstead. Mrs. H. L. Olm--'ead. Mrs. E. S. Craft. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge W. Gnthrie. Miss Grimsby. Miss Wiley. Miss Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carpenter. Miss Eva Car penter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paget, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Paget, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Branch Riley. Master Billy Riley, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whit man. Mr. Frank Branch Riley Is the guest of honor, lie is the natlonnl sprnker for the Northwest Tourist association, and travels all over the United States sneaking In the Inter est of the northwest as a scenic attraction. Lad Stealing Ride Has Accident he needed to establish at that ln- jstitution an Industry similar to thoso I conducted In other slates. While It is not contemplated that the industry will return any grei.t profit to the slate the warden believes that It will provldo moms 'for keeping the prisoners encaged and thereby im prove t Im dlsi llplne at tho prison. I Tho state tuberculoslis hospital also I Is -crowded while tho waiting list contains t tie names of .0 or more persons afflicted. To relieve condi tions at this Institution, an appro priation of several thousand dollars may be requested for a new building. Office Building Needed. The crowded condition of tho pres ent state buildings has emphasf7ed the necess'ty of a modurn office structure to care for several of the otmcwiu iM-,NtrametMH raring a-iarns h;is oom(, f()r,h , fi1011i,lor ihn TAXES TO SOAR IS PRESENT PROSPECT! Predicted That Increased Ta ation Will Make Its Ap. pearance Next Year. and lncrensod costs Cause Oile rs to Consider Making Appeal For Increase in Allouueiats. spoiislblllty for asking for an appro- p latlon for the proposed structure. Letters received here Indicate, how ever, tkat tho request will be shaped In due time and that It will be In- hai.pu cm Th ah,, i.. eluded ill Ihe list of appropriations payers ctf Oregon next year will bo "! ",e I-''nbicrcd at the next session confronted with a tax 'evy far In ex- legislature. IY erected on the cess of any in the history of tho 'J'1' ns """'"Plated, at lent tho demand for appropriations was '-;'."00 would be necessary ln tho tho opinion expressed here today by beginning. state officials who have received in- Unidentified Body Being Held While Effort Is Made to Ascertain Name. SOME MONEY IS FOUND timations of what may bo exported. There nNo I'tnins tho l)-"wslliMi! v lnrrninfi: the levies nKreKatini? Ueside a threatened increase Vf IS four t,,!"hs f a mill fo- tlie hup- percei.t In the cost of conducting r, ,ho wildlor. snil- the siate institutions for the bienn- "rt" amI "1k ntlnnal nid art. Inn. Btfii-Hntr Int.nnr.r 1 4Q4 1 wlilnh ISreH in pi-S-OSIOIl Of the KOCfe- wIU add approximately $24S.0O0 t n"y of atitto indie no that thn nnniml the appropriations authorized at the beginning of tho present bienn lum several of the state departments now report funds about exhausted and probably will look to the state emergency board for financial aid. Sam A. Kozer secretary of state,, announced today that becauao of ad ditional duties assigned to hla ofilto within the past two years tho appro priation authorized for tho conduct- incoup of $4()(),oou a year from tho pres'Mit o ie: are no) .sufficient to operate th!s lav-, bnsod fn the antic ipated increased enrollment of 10 pot cent. I'.esldes these contemplated, appro priations there will ho thr usual lev ies, which in nil stnto departments will show an increase over thn fig ures of two years aeo. U'onniuniR of the virions state denartnients now n ing of his office for tho present bl- "V ' ,n" "w- Anni.. ..... vt, ' .,,,1 In ft t no estimated costs of con-hjet- inK the inatlt at iona. Theae reports will bo filed within tho next few dav and later will be submitted to the legislature. enntum was nearly exhausted mil that ho had under consideration tint call for tho state emergency board. Although ho has not yet compiled a report showing his probable deficit, ho said it would total several thous and dollars. Turnls Generally Low. Tho Oregon public Service Com mission also contemplates 'askinff for an emergency appropriation to cir ry out the work of the department over until the legislature meets In regular session in January. The do- of tne Suth Miss Rippeyand Mr. Schnepper Wed A prety churrh wedding was sol emnized in Sittherlin In Ihe chapel of the Sllthorlin Ar.-ulpmv nl Hii,ht ficit in this department has not yet 0-ci0-.c ,, Wednesday evening Sept Doen innue Known 10 tne secruaaary omber first, when Miss Myrtle Kip of state. Letters have '!'P' pey- daughter of Klder and Mrs. A. also been received a iti,pV ir Kulhmlln wn unite,) arum i iiriiunuiu a an- nin-i m.:i inn )n marriage to Mr. ot'o Srhn fund or tne bonrat oi inspectoral or 0f ar0ii,.Rt. pince. Washimr.on child labor are exhausted anal tna' t, j.. weaver played the we i more money will be noeneti immedia-ifli,,,. marn, ,ni, jr, rottple teiy in case ane oeparinieni in m ,( ttu,r pieces beneath a bower ol function until the end of tho year. I E,,,,.n ITorn and Ivy. tastefully dec How much money will be required rated with roses. The groom was to tide over this board has not been ! acrompanlnd bv Mr. Kd. Hippev, the reported to tho stato officials. bride's brother, while the bride, who Seven of the twelve state Instltu- w(1!) rtrPsl,r,i H,, ,,, iUTe, ,, tions face deficits totalling $?,t.0ii'l bouquet of dalntv pink rosea, as a' and deficiency appropriations agrre- tootled by her sister, Miss Ksther gating this sum will probably be Rippey. asked of the emergency board. After the rereninnv. which was When the legislature meets in Jan- ! , niod ,V t, ,,i,e's f ither. Mr. uary. all of these deficiency appro- Ell (iPp,,v rendered "Mccause" bv priaiions v.-!!l he In line for approval Tesi'htnacb'er, rs a solo., then Mrs together with the avalanche of re- '('.,( riido Wheeler anil her dauKli .-i quests 1 or funds with which to con-1 pedc , pbved a phiin duet. Ihe duct the state government (luring , l.i-irlnl nartv led the wav Into the dining room, where cmigi-atulatlotis were extended to the happy conpl-' and refreshments wre srved to ovr the succeeding two years. Various Needs IndicntaMl. Additional appropriations not lit the budget two years ago probably on hundred frln l will Include requests for not loss Mr. and Mrs. Sidtniqu than S 2110.000 with which to nun ll-. their home In Woi l a farm and erect buildings for the care of the younger boys cominitle n wilt ina';e H:ibo, where Mr. Schnepper is ciw:;!i;ed in minis terl-'l work. Tlu-y elan to lerave on WIM, TK.VM winior,. Millard Sexty, of Portland, when attempting: to board a freight train at Riddle yesterd iy morning, had the misfortune to fall, causing n serious Injury to his right foot. Sv-xty, who Is seventeen years of age. was in the act c)' boarding a passing freight for the purpose of taking a free ride, but missed his footing and slipped under the cars, which were moving slowly at the time. He narrowly es caped death, and as dragged out by bystanders from tindeh the wheels of the train barely In time. He was brnucht to Roseburg on train No. 14 vesterday and taken to tho Mercy hospital. He gsve his address as Tibbitt street Portland, and savs that his parents have money, but that he didn't want to stay home. He also said that his parents are taking nn automobile trip along the coast at the present time, and telegrams i,ve been sent In nn effort to locate them. nr. Hoover is sarlng for the patient and stats that the tfoot will nrobshlv have to l.e amputated al though It will no' li known for cer tn'n for several divs. The foot was badly bruised an 1 cut, one wound taking between thirtv and forty stlt . ti hefore it was closed. The boy Is I welt er'nented ajid no ordinarv ! hoboTle wfil be fJTt at'the'hfu- ;!tal un'il his relatives are located. to the state training school. S.'.O.Otl'l Sunday and will visit in Portland with which to enlarge and provldo "nn c otiege naeo hemic guns on 10 urnlshlngs for the state fnudstrial a orb'y school for girls, and $ 10,000 .with which to provide and establish some industry at the state prison. There is also a possibility, state officials dn- Miss Dot Grounds, daughter or clare, that an appropriation would Mr. and Mrs. W. C (i njid. of Hal be sought for a modern office Imlhl- Oregon, but fonnerly of Itoc ing on the grounds adjoining tho lung. Oregon, leaves mi Sept. nth. supreme court structure. f,,r her school in Praii'e City. In the At tho last session of Ihe state leg-1 eastern part ol." the M. te. Mis Over Hundred Delimit Waas C'lirrla-d on I'ea-soia W hile Man ( laiined IN'f.n o I leal h to Have llond.i In aa l.oa-nl Hunk. islatute ,a committee comprising two Crntinds intends to vl It senators nnd three representatives imisboro and Peril n l a v. i elt nt litinlee (in If, lier rartin..' llirin" t!i'. past year Miss ('.round al 'wiil.'i! t'.'f Orefini Normal School at Mouino-it1: where she was qri'd-i.-'erl from thn was appointed to investigate and re port at tho 1 ft 2 I session on thn feas iliility of ncq"'rlng a farm and erect ing a cottage plant for children of tender years committed to ihe state In-ti'utiTi ln June and then attend training school. This committee has ed the rummer season, win-re sh not yet completed its Investigation hn( a very prominent part in stud but reports received al the capital In- My affairs. dirato that It favors tne propose! plan, which provides for the segre gating of slate charges. It, Is said that a suitable Ynrm has been found near Salem, which, together with tho lt. Nc; I-: liOti,ii; hit. Sli'r-kmen re;w: t tne riv 1)1,. m,M,,nnl fmeat la w,lrii:'- necessary buildings would cost tno ,,.,, ,,ter than iimi.iI and It 1 state approximately il'imi.ii-io. Mip crintendent (lilbert of the training school Ion? ngo suggested the plan of raring for the younger hoys. In stead of allowing them to mlnrlo with their elders as under tho pres ent system. Hfltool for filrls t'rowded. Reports In the hands of the offi- forest service h eials also indicate that the indutrl- ir.g for r.everal ex pected that the s'o:'l: oiiiiu- out tim year wiil lie in e .C 'ie -it !,,; 1 1 1 -I.iitlit lain) tliroiirli"'!t t'uo e-ii:te filinnier at frc"juenl intervals ar- l'e- lieved to be reiipoll'.i ll!'- for till' condition while a w-t spnng an i ai early fail hive kept llie piasi frn": drying out throurh tli1 se.iini. Tr" n i'p''r:ii!' :i' , In rl... u- i.r Whllo talking to J. W. Sihccly of Kdeuhower, an unidentified mail at the holio camp near the city dump grounds, got to ins feet and started lor the silting and on the way ho dropped dead. His body was brol to the undertaking parlors where a can-fill sounh as made of his do ibing for Identification, but there was nothing that could be found to give thn man's name and nothing was located whereby he could be traced. .Mr. Sehoely who llvos near tho city dump "grounds, went by thn camp sii-rduy ana '.ound the man appar ently ln ill health. The fellow asked Mr. Scheely, who was on his way to Kos-iburg, to purchase a of bread and a pound ot butter for him and gavo him tho money for the purchase. I'pon returning with the articles Mr. Siheely asked regarding ins condition nnd promised to re turn this morning. I'pon visiting tho camp this morn lug he found the man lying on a cot apparently In a weakened condition. They talked for considerable time, and finally the man rosoifrom the cot and started for tho nearby spring to obtain a drink of water. On thai way Mr. S heely noticed him stagger, and then sit down on a log. Ho called for a drink of water and then fell to the ground and was dead before Mr. Scbei-ly reached him. Coroner M. E. Hitter was notified but as tho causa of death was plain au Inquest was not doomed nocos sary. When tho body was examined, a pocket book containing $6.50 was found ln the trousers pocket while suspended around the man's neck was a packet containing $100 in bills. No writing of any kind was found. Ho ns a man of apparently ",r years of age, about 5 feet 9 In ches tall, weighing about 130 pounds wiih dark hair, slightly greyed, and thin on top. Kesidents of tho district whero the camp Is situated stato that he lias been In the vicinity for several weeks, lie has been around Hose-l-iirg for some time, and Informed Mr. Scheely that ho had some bonds :u n local bank. Another man has been residing ln : ,,-,!,-eaiiirt cabin and has been nt. " oi k "about the city at odd Jobs. It :m b- lieved that be knows something ihi-tll the dead man, and may be ltd" to give somo Information which will assist Ilk ascertaining his Iden tity. He could not be located, and Is not known by any of the residents who saw hltn. It Is requested that lie call on Mr. Rltter nnd give any. Miforniation In his possession which v. Ml assist in lo-atiiig any possible reh'tives. The body will be held for a short in" while an effort is made to es tablish Identification. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Deebe, who have been visiting in Yakima with relatives spent the night In the city and left this morning for Los An geles where they reside. al school for girls is at present ' (dieep t( clear out tic- uimI '-'. crowded beyond Its capacity and nnd expect to extend lli" e;eii that a few Improvements as well as into practically all b-ush o'. a new building will be nrreeinrv ff . districts next year. the best results are to be obtained . o- tit this Institution. There are 4" MANY IV HHtl'ST-i. girls In the school according to lasti - -no-ts while the original plans for! Kore Ranger. C. o. Tin-is r. I he DniSig caiieo r.-; i,(,it- tii'dit1,, ,,i ,,;T1S.. , tions for a maximum of .1",. I'nder I. ike nres-i price conditions officials siy co lore t that ,,n appropriation of $.",(), ono ill bo nceRsarv. tn addition to the the fire danger UBtial maintenance allowance. Pased on the anticipated report o lj. R. r-ompion. warden of tho pen! section ol.' the 'nrl-" th'- ftre sea- 11. ret on- to he office In this citv I - 't n'c'.'- i"4 Is practiraHv pasi H" repo-ts tint the is a-i'eirl !.Rk-di-ti lct a becoming v lit ' v known and that more vacationists w.jre ln tentlary, not less than $40,000 will that section than ever befoie. Heads American Chamber Commerce MANILA. P. I.. Aug. .11. H. I,. Villi, rei.ri senntive of Portland mil San I'lancisco ciivdni'o com au!e; wa i elected president T the Vim-rlc-u ''hamlier of foniriorr" of tie I'bil'iiT'-ite t iands which was ngnnlzed July 4. ()-l"'r officers elected were, vlce e'liil -llt. ''. M. t'ot-ercnaii. f:irmer ":ectn:- i.f posts hern; treasure--. P 'I. K:r'v.k, bank'-r an! secretary. I. Me- iii-o. chief of the geodetic urviy oI'ti. h'-i"-. flhh-c's of th ir;ai'iatii,n v.oro outlined in the 'ol!o ' ill:C Mn'ene it i-Miel by the '",i:d of d;re 'ors: "T!;e Am Ti- -in ' t il. Jo-'- of foinuo-rce of the Phil-r- tsl nils is the O't'giowth of O-i pi' IT' 1 oi'li:iotis Rii'ld"riiy b:l! I HO' -1 'l.e .New riean resident 'it th I'lilli -pine Islands. "lit ol'i.c is -o foster American coioiiei'" .'lid welfare nnd a fun-la-nie-tlat ir" inem'-ershlp Is cltlyensh'P n -it: aV-oloto and uniiunllfii-l loy i''v " -lie r ,vern pic nt of the 1'n't .1 s- " N s nf Atne- Icit '"to il. te tt.e active membersh'p ousi 'ts of IOl' ncfiyo members an I ' l :r soci ite niein' ers The total suPse;i)'tloiiq are f.:ivc;, and the olal collodion $ lit, US." II r. n-"l K. V. Hoover 1 e o ei for P . 1 oid n he-o th"V g T l VI' If ivt-tT"' sV fi'-ee-a It ' ila(l. ;-. and Mr". II r. Wndd"'! 1' ft -e';iv l.v n-ito for Pe'susn S P' i 11 I, A-!-, to tie--,- vlll snetid their vacation. A mnrrlll'-e llccrse wn" Issued to. rlav to Pay Pu-'M nnd T.o's Cnnmien, both well known residents of thi-a city.