woiBTg wi wrvrrw TtTrrmr.T. AroraT a. no ItOHKUlHU JSEW8.KKVHSW lunl imllr Userns Senaes- iT.TV. HK'j I- WlnUwnr Bert ' HUHHCKIPTION RATKS Daily. Pr X"r- by mall... ill month., by mll .-" lly. Carrier, tmr month " Th Associated Press Is escluslvsly entllfe UtTtl'e os. for publication ot aTl news dti.pat.-hM credited to It or -l .'"rwlsi credited In th's P.P end e.so the local news publ sbed here in All rights of republlcetlon of spe liLi .ii....iin... h.r.ln are also reserved. fci,lr-d a. ...oud-elBaa nietterWr 5T. 1920, at tne pom u . ,r ; h i iViV Oregon, under ine ah u. ' j 1 ' . . . . . . .. . i j . i . . A I T w w.f. h 1 1 rv h Rectory tne greatest, mini, out '" usiv, --- --- .-- Known that the mun on wings la Kent. Another card wai Just de- ck.se kin to Ood and III! augels. llvered to Mm. Fagan which t and that heaven la straight up tber, posted by her aon. about thro mum . j 111.1. . . I nl'iil 1 t VBnn If D. just peyuuu. 1 1 u ait iui uuvvw-, , ' " cioua wisdom 01 an cuuaisu umn. KowburK. Oregon. Aim gst. Itrgo UXFORTl'N.VrS POLAND. h abandon the unimportant lor the thing that really count. The Columbia. (8. C.) Record 'suggests that the rolling pin may ! supplant the ateum-roller in politics. '. Hi. an-a. itunnn Wnmon imtllt tO jhaYe forgotten how to use a rollliig- pin, eitner as a weapon or a tuui. How many home In thia fair land atlll ' have home-made pie and cookies? Poland muat be aaved aomehow. It muat. be preserved aa a buffer between Kuan lan Bolherlam and weatern Europe, and It 1 eminently worth saving for it own aake. The Pole ,are a brave, gifted people, who with Independent nationality, will be an Invaluable part of the future sisterhood dt clvlllied na tlona, and whoae freedom ha been pledged to them by the treaty of niu it ! nnlv a Question TBrNtill'n- - - now of finding the beat mean to help them. Hut along with aym pathy for Poland' misfortune, well Informed people cannot help realla Ing Poland's folly. Her present catastrophe I the result of n un timely adventure in Polish linper lallam. Not content with the geo graphical llmlta aa they lood at the time cl the Herman armistice and were modified by the Versailles peace conference, rash Polish lea ders persuaded the nation to at tempt to regain the old boundaries ot 1772, and to pasa beyond them In ome casus. The advice of llber al, enlightened patrlota like Pader ewBkl and Dmowski, who wanted Poland to stand pat and consolidate her gains without risking them Jn further venture, were Ignored in favor of Imperialist like Pllsudskl He made a pact with Petlura, the adventurous upstart of Ukralnia, to "free" a large part of that country Crom Kurnia and. In compensation, turn over parta of Oalicla and Vol hynla to Poland. - rrk. ITIrnnlana. who are RUSSlanB. not Poles, had no special desire to be "froed" from ttussia. i -Ian who constitute the majority In Kaat Oalicla ana west voui;... had no special desire to Join Po land. Worat of all. thia enterprise meant the unnecessary prodding ol the Russian bear, in his llolahevlsl Incarnation. The Bolshevists, ang ered at th audacity of Poland, ac cepled the challenge, and by a su preme effort are succeeding In a campaign of conquest which, If let alone and oonclllutod aa a matter df Polish expediency, they would probably never have attempted. The Polish people, prey of so many war, are now paying mor. bitter penalty than usual for their trust in unwise leadership. If Ho land can yet be saved, perhaps tn lesson will be taken to heart by her and by any olher resurrected nation that tenda to Ignore the principle, on which the Allies fought the Mr war and aought to ms.ko peace. HIONT POIU'll CAM PA KIN IXO. The grunt porch as a ciimpalgn Institution la not so novel aa most cltlsen ot this generation seem to Imagine. The "porch policy" lavor ed by Mr. Harding la generally con Bidered aa having originated wits President McKlnley. The latter did of coui-Be. make his own front pore', the classic eaamplo of the stay-at home type of presidential campaign Ing. Hut the result scorns to havi been duo largely to the strong con trast invited by the policy of Mr opponant. W. J. Bryan. It wus Mr Bryan, who. In stumping the coun : . i... u..a..ti.i,i Mr. Mc- try, wan me i.vuk.' Kinley was vlrtuully following tht aiataliliahed rulo. It had almost been forgotten now how "unaignutea it was n' . i w in . t n in.iHBM and before Wl Uia 1 - ,..M-lia nritatilatit tn carTV his plea to the people. The Idea had always Den tnni mum iu. candidate should remain In dlgnl si i nniHiinn diirltia ihn ramDulin 1IV1U ' ' " " . . accessible only lo party haulers, or If he met tne pnnuo av an. iu i" public shown come 10 nun. i. .,lh n.inrlv all th candidates of the first half-ceutur or more or ine rwtuui.; a mihw. a. I . I t.lrlillta.tl.ltllt llf ihl T.eil Willi inn .......,.-..-- Civil War there was not much de Tuition from that practice. i ilka ulna ti hla lire nam i.i m ui ... ,,nv . deceasors, made an occasional speech In some big city, but for the most part contented himself with ... i..i.iH fur niilillcat ion. tirant did very Utile campaign speaking. Hayea. Tilden and (lar field were all typical front porch candidate. If any one deserves partlculai in ... .aiulilialilna the front porch as a political Institution, It In probubly Oardeld. who In Issti passed th wnoie summer recr-iTm ... .I.ii.tf.iliini anil niaklns alio che five or six dsys a week at hi bom in Mentor, unto. MrTIHX. HIT AN AIKI'I-ANH? TVim-ii la a Ins throhhln. Ihon whirr In the air. On m:in raise" his head and listens. Another say li. n.iltilna- hut an airulane " all the first on save. "Oh!" and bend over hi work again. "V.iihinr hut an alrnlnne!" vaidv mm have come to thia.- Yea terday's miracle la today' dally bread. Only the children have noi lost the wm.der and glory of th man flying up against th blue, or vanished Into the storm cloud The mi. mt thev hear Ine first rar-oli a,iiiilil-Ii:iwTlfflfc:!l "liYt iff uiuJviT;-!7I ner-ka are craned, eye grow ' Airnlaimf" thev rail. "Airplane! and stand iell-lwind until In matchleu vls'on ns passed from Bight. After all. the apostle wae right. One ha to be horn r,ln and be come as a little child In order really to enter Into the kingdom of hea ven. The adult think IP alrplsn Of imall Importance, and kit job "How many mllea can an average horse make on a gallon of oats?" asks a mecnanicai engineer, rre-.iy mn ln.l.a1 nf rarltrnlna machine (efficiency by "horse power", they'll lie reckoning equine emciencj in il.'ractlona of fllver-power. Germany voted marks for a merchant shipping con struction program. Going to make tier mark in international ' trade again. IX CIVII. AXD WORLD WARS. WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. The oldest enlisted man In the army during the war was Adolph Louis Lowe, 78, a native of Germany. Two .. 1.1- Bi.an.lu.ina van in the BTmy with him. During ine uivu Lowe served as a seaman In the United State Navy. DRAW LOTS FOll HOME. l.I'TON. En.. Aue. 28. Luton's mayor conducted ' a lottery for homes In the prenc of the police. mLim mn nt. lift Inn foUDleS. with families, living at present In lolclnes. balloted ror nomes, some of which will not be ready for Christmas. anntKu U ....... .1 ..ft .. k kAnl tha Other day, tn Phi-is. An. I the luc.ay kid will probably never have to wear me Jtussian crown. Tl'a a Inn. rnul thai has nn I ra Ink hill a nili'hlv ahnrt nne Kim. day that ha no bump. 1JCTTKIW IjOXU JOllt.NEV. t r vf t vf -Ln. or a ChrtAtmas card poHtfd at Kern ham an December 25, 1105, hut Junt been C. I II US TO TOIT PAPER. BEDFORD, N. T.. AuR. 26. In mates of the State Reformatory for U'.ian wilt ha nArmlttiati tn Start small newspaper for publication Off news com eriniie, mo ihbiuuuuu and e rents outside. Gas and Acid Stomach DliaBMl tn Twft Minnl'M mny ukihk a neBpintr Iteaspoontui oi JUiy in a of hot ua(iii Ahnlutalw Iharmteiis. Sold bj Si Chas. C. Clifford and Co. In the most gigantic exhibition of the kind staged THE LIBERTY THEATRE Friday Night, August 27th, 8 O'clock Sharp FREE To All IN Doors open 7 o'clock 21 Hours of Phenom 2 enal Entertainment Great wonderful Features 3 See the Ouija Board, Materilization, Table Rapping, The Great Trance Seance, and The Receiving of Messages. Absolutely FREE! No Children No One Under 18 Years Admitted Curtain 8 p. m. Sharp Commercial Abstract Co. (lncnriortl) Under New Management 1. K. MrCUNTOCK. IV-al.l-nl J. L. Mrt'l.INTOCK, Ylrsy-Pmldent I.. K. Mc1.INT(X"K. UrmUirj. JPrtw.pt m-rilre Iop-naall Work Itwonahle Price First State and Savings Bank Building ItlWKltl UO, ORKtiOM. LOVE and MAPRIEDUFEl ta. th? notea atxtnor i L IhoM 140. THE WAGES OF 81V. What else did she ay?" I akd Miss Parker. She said, thpre had been an au tomobile accident." she repealed. "Did she say Mr. Gordon was hurt?" So. she said to tell you that she would b right over." Although I had a reeling that Miss Parker was keeping something back, I did not press her lurtner. I had a audden feeling as though I wsnlerf cold water on my. face and hand and I went Into the bath room eavlna: "If Mrs. Hlauoton conies before I have washed my face, tell her I'll be with her In a minute." I raided my head from the bowl to reach a towel and caught a rllmn.a of mi face In the class. I .lid not know myself. Kvery bit of color I had ever had In my cheeks waa gone. Even my Hps were only a grayish blue and my eye wero reri-rlmmed from anxiety and loss of sleep. My hair was In great dis array and I remember wnen i urn come to a realisation of the tragic face I saw In the mirror Just now, I laughed. That hysterical laugh brought Mis Parker to me Imme diately. "What 1 the matter. Mr. Gor don?" 'Nothing, nothing at all. only I look so queer, so funny In the mir ror." "Here, let me wipe your fare," he said and then I was aware that the water was running down In streams from my hair. Suiting her action to the words, she began to dry my face and hands. "I can do thai." I said petulant ly. "I don't think Alice will care anyway, whether 1 look well or not. She ought to be here by this time." "Mrs. Staunton Is going to stop for the doctor." "Why does she do that, didn't you tell her that we had him earll- -in the evening and the baby was all right now?" "No, I didn't tell her." "Well, you bet'ter try to catch her on the phone before she leaves. I think It I foolish to ask the doc tor to come over here at this hour in the morning, when the baby Is so much better. "Go on, or you wll! not catch her,' I said." It mnde me impatient to see her stand looking at me so queerly. Without a word she. wont Into the other room and I again put my Iface down Into the bowl of coiil water. Before I had finished dry In It she came back. "I was not able, to get Mrs Staunton," she sui';. "She had al ready left the bouse." i a ,n vnrv snrrv. The doctor will think we are a set of hysteri cal women. 'i rfn nnt think he will.' remark ed Miss Parker quietly. "But Alice waa crying so over me phone, she could hardly talk to me." "She had composed heraeir be fore she answered my questions." "I am glad df that." . uia. p.i-iror Rilnned from the room and came back with some thing In a glass. "Drink this,- ne said. Why. I'm all right. Why are you -so worried about me?" "I'm not worried, Mrs. Gordon. K ., , trnm mil. Mmnmhur VOUV had a very bard night and If anything naa nappenea to .ir. uuruuu, Mr. Staunton seemed to intimate. I think you bad better be fortified." I .irgllAul Iha snlrits nf am monia without making a further fuss. "I think they are here." said Miss Parker, as we heard the ele vator stop In the hallway. Uncons ciously, I braced myself for what was coming. f Itnan, thai mv wnltltlir WAS OVftr I.IhI.IvaIo f wallro1 tn I ha nln I'mm kl,h I "in 1.1 la ia th. floor. Miss Parker opened It betore Alice had time to rap. sne looaea at me nxpectantiy. .... i. wkw vni han nmA find brought the doctor. The baby Is very rnucn ueiier auu i aiu an "Oh, dearest, aon t you under stand?" said Alice, throwing her amis about me. "Doctor, you must do something for her." "I think you had better do some- lkln fur A 1 1 PA flnMnr " "Hut don't you understand, don't you understand, there has Deen an automobile accident?" "Are vou trvina to tell me that John is hurt?" Alice bowed her head and said anftlv "Toll hap Hrtptnr " The doctor led me to the sofa nn.1 OAnllv aaatoA m a ' My dear Mrs. uoruon, you muni I there has been a terrible automobile I accitieiii. lour nusuauu auu iuios j.Moreianu are DOin aeaa. TOMOIMIOW The Alterniatli. 0 Am now booking orders for day old chirk? for 1921 delivery fron hivh nrndiiclnf. Tflncre.l strain While i Leghorns. Earl Vosburgh, 702 F'-i- lerton St., Koseburs. o Maternity cases take at 241 So. j Stephens. Phone Mrs. C. O. Bouy. WANTED. STENOGRAPHER wantsd In law ottlc. Adtlri4s Hlunugrapnur. vara nww- Huview. WANTED Scotch collie do. Plone M-J. or addrus f. o. box "- burg. Ore. ' WANTED Work with a truck. Pholit 21. WANTED Charolisrroald at I'mpqua Hotel at or.c. WANTED H or 16 prims Plcaers, 1 . i i . . . wm. mu In drier. J. Ki. BUfOn, tmiJUU "lniM. To Our Customers:- The only way to palut economically Is to FORGET GALLON PRICE and figure cost by area cover and years of life. 8WP covers one-third mora area than paints which are cheaper per gallon. It lasts twice as long without re-paintlng, so re quires half the material and labor cost. On that basis, SWP la the cheapeat-per-gallon outside paint 70a could buy. -rTiSISrJSI SWP Is the best prepared house paint. That 1 why we sell 1L Now is th time to consult us about your house painting. Prepare to do It this fall betore the rains fill the wood with moisture. OH and water do not mix well and It will be better" to fill cracks, crevice and exposed pores of wood with linseed oil and pigment now while water Is absent. CIIURCHILI.JARDWARE COMPANY CLASSIFIED COLUMN na.w t, r . ru,1U OR I. , m - POm UNDER UEAHSU slw TODAY." " u7llin!IU.llir.VL three buyer Bros, rnune ii-rn. or. small. WANTED Experienced married man for steady won on ri.-.. W. W-. car wews-nviw. WANTED Woman or girl for confec tionery nurft. awi w -. uonei y. WAMTED-Elderly man tor winter Job etc. Prefer ' man led man. Apply liidblooin. iJlxunvnie. WANTED Widow woman wan,f laities auu men '' ' , : her name. Will also do mending. Call at 113a uinpqua 01. WANTED Middle ed woman wollia like pnsllioa 10 0.0 miiwt.v. quire 547 Mill streot. , WANTKD rrun. pickers. Oood pick ing, aood campliia ground. W rite tor particulars. Phone 10-XI. m. p. Woaver. Myrtle Creek. Oregon. wan 1 ti iu ' -"i"-..1 noma wiiii imuii " r, about 6 room. No kid. Amw X K., care rewii-ivf V'ANTEI-Young man or boy to do , 1. . tnr h.urd. Ad J ;i 1 1 L u I mu. m . ..... D - - - - - nlu .1 , l".-t I I !L WANTKtl -Man with teams to take loKKlng contract, -""r. - .- tr- lob. Flr-Pln Lumber Co. Olendale. Oregon WANTED-lly two adults, who can rurniun reieri'iiio i. , - ern furnished house or l, t or 4 room apartment by Sept. Sib. Address C. M. jaCODS, Ol ... or Inquire Kuom 503, Hotel Umpu.ua, .1 l-i.i.' ..n anmMn) over 17, for i'lillHl jne.il Di,i,v. - . ; Kxamlnatlons September. Experience unnecessary. For free piii-tculars write J. Leonard, (former civil jwr vice Examiner) lol Enultable BlUg. aamnaioii. i WANTED Twenly-thrie out of town SCIiOOl ii-i;.,c,o - m board the coming year. The com munity must provide suitable accom modations for teachers If the schools are 'to be maintained. Citizens hav ing rooms for rent or board to offer, are asked to communicate with Bupi. M 8. Hanim at once, mentioning the kind of rooms, conveniences ana prices. VOK KENT. LOST A pocket' knife, metal i. two blsd. with ring wm uu wi ma iittnui). V , i - be suitably rewarded upon r..' L ,U kalf. to Nw..ltvle okuj FOR SALE New Zealand rabbit. , o.ulre at 4 ull.rton t. ' Tran.portalli.n to" r,t. heap, uray, tun K DUu.!f FOR SALE- for two, r OU SALE Dining room UbiiTK u outh Stephens St. BAHTLETT PBAHSiVOrr Edenbower. lnltrt FUK SALE Old 'growth hi ..,5 grub wood. It.So p.r tier. FoJn.f .mi kiiiti tfn.i -5." . - - ' savruae. itl sboiit'n loos Winchester St. FOR SALE One black marsTa . " - vim. weiKim lauy. eu,,,. true. JVhone 1.'J. H. u i'" k"s Rose burg. NOTICB Hogs for sale. 1 iTin pigs, and S shoats. AJdreM nL,1,1 Camas Valley. Oregou. 1 ' KOIt SALE 1 saddle hor.TViTfl'nia,- 1 pack horse, outlli ,u. Meer Creek barn. H. c. H..a' Itoeeburg. r'Olt SALE io. U UeLavul cream arator, la excellent cndluon. l,a7t . St. John Laud Co., ottice Sui& Oregon. ."win. "OU SALE Purebred 7w Rhode Uland Red .ockerela Vi! each. Phone 40-K4. Dr. 1L 1' Brtll ford. ' UAKUA1N8 l.M ALIOS Bimo OaT land six. Dodge. Liberty Auii su. Co.. 607 N. Jackson St " FOR SALE Prune trees, Italian. I ta 6 ft.. Soc: to S rt.. Sue; I'eliiei . 0c; to I, 7 lie. R. L. Eiiia 1 miles west of Roseburg, Ore, FOR BALK Hoseburg property, adl'i owner. Phone 17o-y. ' rXIR SALE Piano. Inquire Itli mfc FOR BALE Bulck model 17, in rS shape. Will demonatrate any pUca any time. Price foe. SeeMiluLlii Cuss St. m FOR SAI.E Horse. weiBlu 1350 ikiTj years old. bargain. Phone li-Kl s. A. Calhoun. Wilbur. Oregon. FOR BALE 40 acres on coaal kiit way, miles from Uold Ueacb: . room house, small bum. 2 iprinn tcood soil: SHOO, half cush. Kh.. for sale, widow, lira. IL B. Wwr, Foil RENT Safety deposit boxes. MISt'KLLAMiOLS. 3AEFTT FIRST Secure a safety de posit bOX tor your viimauie a.a.w. the RoBcburg National Bank. WELL DRILLING It. E. Helnsnlman. driller. It. 1. Roseb.irir. I'lor.c 3-li. QviihT oi.lv kx on' a Sob if you rave llvestoCK OI any i.ti.o V,.T, change, list It with Dr. R. L. Hunt, 22U Oak Ht., Roseburg. MONEY TO LOAN 20-ycar rural crefllt rarm loans, low mie,n. ,n": $20.00(1 local money to loan on gooa real estate. First mortgage. See M. F. Rice, or Kice St nice. litaT AVI1 tVOITXD. LOST Collie dog, license No. 1 11. Finder please returned to 721 Court St. or phone 135. STRAYED Jersey and ?hor.t,t'01'"n. heifer, about .11 months old. Mnder please notify W. a llense, Aioxan- Adilltton FOL'ND Center side curtains for auto. Owner may get same at this onice bv naying lor una uy. FOUND A watch. OvVner may get same at 1115 Corey Ave. Jas. T. Crippcn. , . Folt BALK Whlte Leuliurn ChT chicks from Tancred and Hulluwoud hlgn production nens. Hooking . ders now for 1D21 hatch. Urder ii .you want early chicks. Ed. biyaai pnone s-r-'a. FOR BALE The following- uaed an, DOin in nret cinee conuiuoa: 1 mis Dort, t-l". 1S14 Ford. tJ'ti. Service UaraKa, Roseburg, Ore SUPERIOR ROCK SPRINGS COAL Best on the market; dry slab voel and mill ends bylhe tier or cent special price on iu tier lou, u. I. Denn. cor. Oak and Mailt FOR CJU1CK SALE 1 tliree-yuarkr ton tiucK, nas run nuuu mneianaiD the best of condition. Tires pnte- matlc.cord and will run four to fin thousand miles further. Adtlreu A M., care News-Review. FOR SALE Corner roads store, gen eral merchandise, Melrose, Orgoo. I miles from Roseburg; include! ft acres s-year-old prunes in bearinf tills year. Good 8-roorr. house, gir sge, barn, other outbuildings; snail all In Aral.l.aa ahuua. Rlori by house, well lighted. Will stU stock of mdse. at Invoice. Piste nr.nil with 12500 down. Ulua terms. R. Stubbs. Melrone. Ors FOR SALE Oood used black pipe. U Steam Tractors, from 350 to IIMt. Boilers and engines, all slies; Pulleys, belting and supplies. Drag saw with 2 saws I" 14 H. P. Gas Engine Jfi I s H. P. Oas Engine 1 Small sawmills, each ' Galvanlxed pipe, 14 in. for dryers, It per ft. Grates at He per lb. new. We buy, sell, and exchange macsis ery. Some good Inserted t"t "' cheap. OREGON MACH1.SER1 CO Eugene, Ore. Let Us Show You and Quote You Prices on UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F. BARKER & CO., IMPl.l'.MKXTS AVTOMOUIXKS TRACTORS See Judd ft McMIUln' new adr, I it's a dandy. MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as hi organs ; be can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL The world' standard remedy foe kidney, kTer, bladder and uric add trouble sine lt6; correct disorders; stimulate Tital organs. All druggist, three siss. tasek fer ke shusm CeM Medal eal avasT aS BATTERIES! No. 1 Bulck Battery. Ne. a Bulck Battery No. 1 Chevrolet Battery.-" No. 2 Chevrolet Battery For Other Cars P.lcee on Appllcatloa. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 4fT7.cBklL HUNTER AND GUIDE Pack hortes furnished. Wrl f dates. n. BEKT WKLIjS, Canvas V alley, t WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. H. N. Hunt D. V. S. r. M. Antles . a. i. r. m. Night Phone to Night Pbea HUNT ANTLES eterlwarr Wmrtf OlTies lit Oak St, Bteeekurs. re. We Buy at . BERGER'S BARCAIN STORE RMea. Mohair. Ravf, Rabtasir. dd Metaia, . Paper and Boaee. A Oood Line of Second Band Clothing For Bate. Caa and Pin Sta. Sheet HetalWork . OF" ALA K1XUS J.H.SINNIGER US OAK STREET PHOXB PROFESSIONAL CARDS MS. r. O. eWBH-Cat riowsra Phvalslan. t!l W. 1-sns St. (AND TANNING CO. Tanner ef all classes f Far. Manutaeturers e( MufTs. Fur Sheul der Throws, Far Ceata and Cain. Also mount heads and animals of all kind. J. w. LAwscjriiBnta, rt,,. Rawban-s. Orsx . A mtt t. i. think and " what we do that mates what we are. rt,en "V. 1IAPPT THOCfiHT 1" bottle of BVPEBIOB SOPA- MSIBURS DAIRY AND SODA WOtt PHONE 186 Pinnn Deoarfnent Heinline-Moore Consent Violin and PM! Education Depart m rjoMd Uatil S-b