ItOBBBPBO WKWfl REVIEW TTTftrtAT. ArfirST fT. I MO. PAOB TITIt KB 0 of Claims Paid By County Court .rantlnuei fron. Monday.) ff 0. Bern.tine. luur. .... U B No NO. ' " ' . i nutrlct n.rker. ""' .'".'""iW.-tFlt S- "" ",'.Vn District g R. ' 3 " N " : ;;.' District '-r, .... - :. ..;"'i..w Plstrict g. H. N'"' " jiAwai'd. labor Dl- 4.00 24.00 24.00 triot r D T"jrlK' v,. . j. B. Lane,. liil.or, I)lsrlct hil-ur. District No. ... i..,,t. iisiriii Tom ,"u n; :; r ,, pli'T, lubor. District j Belts, labor. District g V-Crrvn,, labor, t- c W. G'ovs. labor. Dis- g Ty' b-pv'U. labor. Dis trict NO- "V , r Vp vi r labor, Dis- , Wton !-b- I"s,r"'t No. 3 trirt W. H. Di.ak. labor. District No. 47 2.00 J. II. Short, laitor. District No. 4 7 6.23 It L: Singleton, labor, Dis trict No. 48 ..: 4.00 D. Singleton, labor. Dis trict No.- 4 8 4 .00 Otto Gustavson. labor, DIs- 5"0 trlct No. 49 84.00 John Johnson labor District COO K' 4S 6 00 11. H . Mrong, lauor, uisinci No. 50 32.62 W.lson Hartshorn, labor, Dlsllrct No. 60 S6.00 ipnvld lirieves, labor, PIs- i trict No. 50 12.00 I W. Caster, labor. District 4.00 ! No. 51 13.50 I Frank, Churchill, labor, 12.00' District No. 51 12.00 Lemuel Cannon, labor, 4.00 ! District No. 51 8.0U iJ. E. Thlelo, labor. District . 4.50! No. 51 o ... 24.00 'Jim Lea'herwood, labor, 8.00 ! District No. 62 4.00 W. W. Hammon, labor, 8.00' District No. 02 20.00 Loyal Stearns, tabor, Dis- . 32.00 j trlct No. 62 2.00 i Homer Johnson, labor, 16.00 District No. 56 2.00 D. Kim-old, labor, District 40.00 No. 66 6.00 T. 11. nu -.nctt, labor, D!s 4.00 trlct No. 66 33.50 L. C. liateman, labor, Dis 69.60 trict No. 1 28.00 P. Madison, labor. District 14.00 No. 1 24.00 II. I). Cannino, labor, Dts 16 00 trlct No. 2 69.60 M. Woodruff, labor. District 8 860 No. 2 78.00 Phil. Strnder. labor. Dis .. 2.00 trlct No. 2 12.00 p. ' m.:v.!ifV,!pr)f1in'fif ml table vpretahle remedies of bsKfiil. to persons who suffer from f-VrvoJisncws Sleeplessness D; ri. loa loss of Appetite ffnizi f lq Digestive Troubles Slow Pccavcry from Influenza id Kindred Ailment Arevou run down? Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then t-- t i : - woved remedy and satisfy yourself of its beneficial 3f3 Irie.-ea .'J m!i in onjwal j'C-oz. utiitltr ok.';;. lltfuM ull ut siilute. 9ofe FRnimlrnvtmr BHIACtA DRUG COMPANY mimi City, Mo. Earl Barker, labor. District No. 2 D. L. Chapman, labor. Dis trict No. 2 Lester Blakely, labor. Dis-" trlct No. 2 II. Hill, labor, District No. 2 -... O. B King, lalior. Dis trict No. 2 Chas. Krkkson, labor, bis " trlct No. 2 N. J. Protwell, labor. Dis trict No. 2 fred Plaop labor, District " No. 5 O. R. Walker, labor, i)lsV trlct Kn. 5 MI'o -Johnson, labor, DIs " trlct No. 5 J. R. Hutchinson, labor! District No. P. Carter, labor. District No. Kd. Kerns, labor, District No. 9 ; Joe Wndo, labor, District No. 9 Ed. Kdwards. labor, bis trlct No. 16 A. B. Cody labor District o. 17 J. C. Johns, labor, District No. 1 9 fred Qnentlc. labor. Dis trict No. i a F. Cornell, lshnr niat4. No. 19 F. A. Raymond, labor. Dis trict No. 20 W L' II ! U I . , .V, !' ' - r.. iiuuniUB, laiiur, 1113 triot No. 22 .D. A. McCord. labor. DIs- I trlct No. 2S j James S-hosso. labor. Dis trict No. 23 i James labor. District I No. 24 Archie Parks, labor. Dislhlct No. 24 C. A. .McNabb. labor. Dis trict No. 27 Allan Tuthill, labor. Dis trict No. 27 Homer Ison, labor. District No. 28 A. S. Jenkins, labor, Dis trict No. 28 C. F. Watson, labor. Dis trict No. - 36 Lee Eneels, labor. District No. 36 C. W. C. roves, labor. Dis trict No. 38 J. L. Morrison, labor, Dis trict No. 38 Robert Oroon, labor, Dis trict No. 3S J. L. Morrison, labor. Dis trict No. 38 62.00 66.00 . 40.00 40.00 82.00 48.00 8.00 60.00 32.00 24.00 5.25 5.00 5.00 1.00 42.60 4.00 4.00 10.00 6.00 12.00 4.60 39.50 24.00 24.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 4.60 S2.00 56.25 20.0u 8.00 28.00 Gas and Acid Stomach Relieved in Two MintitM iy taking a heaping teaspoonful of JOiO in a frlaAH nf hnt. 0 water. Absolutely narmieRs. sola by MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative wv 4 fa mmmmBmdmmm . S I 1 no bays Eveiybody does. Nothing strikes the inner camper like crisp, brown PANCAKES frying-pan size. With ISSUER'S PANCAKE FLOUR you don't have to tinker v ilh the batter. You just add water from the nearest spring and there's a big bowlful of perfect batter ready enough for the hungriest campful of campers. We mix sweet, powdered milk and corn sugar right in with the choice buck wheat, uj.rat, corn ami rice. That saves you adding milk and sugar and makes the fl.uiitst, richest flavored pancakes you ever lasted. : Be sure FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR goes into the next camp commissary. ASK YOUR GROCER tOR IT FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY PORTLAND a - b ' w.a Accspt "California" Sjtud of KIks only look for to uauia Callforula I tn packag. than oa ara sur jour child la haying tha bust and oioat harmlesa physio for Ui little stoiuaah, liver and Uows'.i. Children lov its fruity tasta. Full dlractlous on each bottle. You must say "California." J. J. Belts, labor. District No. 38 - . K. Kalbe, labor. District So. 3S W. C. Dement, labor. Dis trict No. 40 V. O. Newton, labor. Dis trict No. 40 Thos. Ulevins, labor, Dis trict No. 47 W. L.. Singleton, labor, Dis trict No. 48 IS. A. Singleton, labor. Dis trict No. 48 K. A. Carlson, labor. Dis trict No. 49 A. O. Gustavson, labor, Dis trict No. 49 Sherman Smth. labor, Dis trict No. 49 Richard Slater, labor, Dis trict No. 50 H. B. Sharp, labor. District No. 60 Cal Dalley, labor. District No. 80 Dick Vanderort, laber, DIs. , trlct No. 51 M. H. Cannon, labor, Dis trict No. 51 Jack Davison, labor. Dis trict No. 61 R. U Stearns, labor. Dis trict No. 62 Jim Dartrum, labor. District Fred Sutherlan, labor, Dis trict No. 62 A. W. Johnson, labor. Dis trict No. 66 Chas. Dvsert, labor, Dis trict No. 58 Rallie Johnson, labor, Dis trict No. 86 Ed Moser, haul, Dist. No. 1 Stearns ft Chenoweth, Supl., Dlst. No. 9 Riddle Hwd. Co., Supl., Dist. No. 17 Riddle Hwd. Co., Supl., Dlst. No. 17 Amos O. Duki-r. Supl., Dist. No. 17 Qlendale Lbr. Co., Lbr., Dist. No. 19 Shoestring Lbr. Co., Supl., Dist. No. 28 Feennughty Macit. Co., Supl., Dist. No. 28 General Road Fund, Trans fer. Dlst. No. 38 J. N. Hedden, Supl., Dist. No. 49 Standard Oil Co.. Supl., Dlst. No. 60 Watt Shipp Powd. Co., Supl., Dlst No. 61 Umpqua River Steam Nav. Co., freight, Dlst. No. 6. . . Dick Ularn, haul, Dlst. No. 17 Riddle Hwd. Co., Supl., Dlst. No. 17 J. M. Gross, Supl., Dist. No. 17 Harvey Hwd. Co., Supl., Dlst. No. 19 H. R. Paries, Lbr.. Dist. No. 24 Feenaughty Mach. Co., Supl., Dlst. No. 27 Churchill Hwd. Co., Supl., Dlst. No. 38 Rice Dros. ft Adams, Supl., Dist. No. 41 H. A. Carlson, freight, Dlst. No. 49 General Road Fund, transfer, Dist. No. 50 Hperinl Road Knml. D. O. Weatherly, labor, Dlst. No. 7 I Jim Riley, labor, Dlst. No. 7 R. O. Thomas, labor, Dlst. No. 7 Herald Lyons, labor, Dlst.- No. 7 Wm. Hnmpton, labor, Dlst. No. 7 Bill Fenley, labor. Dist. No. 7 Jess Scott, labor. Dlst. No. 7 Reed Moore, labor. Dist. No. 7 S. P. Fenley, labor, Dlst. No. 7 H. W. Havdon, labor, Dlst. No. 7 Meredith Grubbe, labor, Dlst. No. 7 F. H. Andr'is labor, Dlst. No. 7 Flnvd Watson, labor. Dlst. No 36 Ellis Watson. mbHTLisi. No. 36 F. R. Decker, labor. Dlst. ' No. 36 Ed Morris, labor, Dlst. No. 36 Oeorre Williams, labor, Dlst. No. 38 Georae fitelnhauer, labor, rtlst. No. 36 V. W. Gnnter, labor, Dlst. No. 46 J. T. Torpln, labor, Dlst. No. 46 Wm. Powell, labor, Dlst. 12.00 12.00 4.4UU 2.00 8 00 4.50 14 00 9.00 44.00 68.00 4.00 39.50 4.00 20.00 4.00 4.00 16.75 2.00 2.2 4.00 4.00 16.00 15.00 4.00 70.26 8.22 15.36 161.84 16.92 106.00 6.94 3.02 20.97 .78 2.00 12.90 6.65 19.47 8.88 24.87 2.25 6.35 6.65 49.40 90.00 28.00 72.00 15.00 144.00 16.00 120.00 8.00 8.00 28.00 20.00 16.00 32.00 24.00 14.00 12.00 16.00 16 00 20.00 14.9 . Arthur Wool ley. labor.. Dlat No. 46 108.00 Chester Krewson, labor. Dlat. No. 46 16.00 Roy Harris, labor. Dlat. No. 4 41.00 C. C. Hill, labor. Dlst. No. 66 7.75 Win! Lenta, labor. Dlst. No. 6 7S.06 W. Q. Coats, labo.-. Dist. No. 66 41.50 Corvin Heard, labor. Dlst. No. 66 J.OO Aaron D'sert, labor. Dlst. No. 56 67.00 Rollio Johnson, labor, Dist. No. 56 52.00 Perry Dysort. labor. Dlst. No. 66 136.00 Chas. Dvsert, labor, Dlst. No. 56 134.00 Frank Myers, labor, Dist. No. 56 8.00 Fl yd Johnson, labor, Dlst. No. 66 128.00 Frank Dysort, labor. Dlst. No. 56 64.00 Douglas Kinrald, labor, Dlst. No. 66 72.00 Jess Willams, labor, Dist. No. 56 79.00 Homer Johnson, lubor, Dlst. No. 56 20.00 Fred Fitzgerald, lubor, Dlst. No. 56 36.00 E. H. Chapman, labor, Dlst. No. 62 48.00 C. C. Siegrlat, labor, Dlst. No. 62 4.00 Lyle Hughes, labor, Dist. No. 62 90.00 Paul Slegrist, labor. Dlst. No. 62 89.60 A. Nlday. labor, Dixt. No. 62 64.00 Chas. Mead, labor, Dist. No. 62 92.00 J. E. Hervey. labor, Dist. No. 65 22.00 Cecil Heyers. labor, Dlst. No. 62 16.00 Carl Sims, labor, Dlst. No. 65 4.00 I. W. Newton, labor, Dlat. No. 65 93.60 J. 1.. Ilullack, labor, Dlst. No. 65 64.00 A. W. Weaver, labor, Dlst. No. 65 8.00 W. E. Dalley, lubor. Dlst. No. 65 28.00 J. C. Rica, labor, Dist. No .65 , 40.00 S. Raines, labor, Dlst. No. 65 36.00 G. D. Newton, labor. Dist. No. 65 24. UO Mathews Welding Wks., weld ing, Dist. No. 2 3.25 Standard Oil Co., Supl., Dist. No. 2 1.65 General Road Fund, transfer. Dist. No. 7 90.72 R. O. Thomas. Supl., Dlst. No. 7 10.60 Feenaughty Mach. Co.. Supl. Dlst. No. 7 46.67 H. H. Parks, freight. Dlst. No. 24 30.00 C. W. Lawson, blacksmithlng. Dlst. No. 66 '. 6.60 Hurley Johnson, car hire. Dlst. No. 66 7.44 S. U. Brisbln. labor. Dist. No. 66 7.40 Harlev Johnson, labor.' Dlst. No. 66 1 3.50 Standard Oil Co.. Supl.. Dist. No. 66 135.31 Rice Dros. ft Adams. Supl., Dist. No. 65 J.OO Albert Weekly, labor. Dist. No. 47 33.00 St p.ov Fenley. labor, Dlst. No. T S2-00 Geo. Unifier, labor. Dist. No. 66 69.50 No. 7 64.00 Jess Luke, labor. Dist. No. 7 68-0 Arthur Mack, labor. Dist. No. 7 152.00 Ed Gates, labor. Dlst. No. 2 108.00 Walter Haines, labor, Dlst. No. 7 82.00 W. G. Grubbe, lubor, Dlst. No. 2 JZ-U" Bob Grubbe, labor, Dist. No. 2 80-UU Manley Grubbe, labor, Dlst. No. 2 18.00 R. O. Thomas, tabor, Dlst. No. 2 4.00 Orval Swearlngen, labor, Dlst. No. 2 8.00 C. F. Watson, labor, Dlst. No. 36 18.00 Lafe Engels, labor, Dlst. No. 36 SJ 00 Lee Engels, labor, Dlst. No. 36 1 00 I SUFFERED THREE YEARS Finally was Restored to Health by Lydia C. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound. Lowell, Mush "I u all run down and had an awful pnin in my right side, was peraiitenuy conaii pattd and had very dizzy spells. 1 suf fered for three years and was perfectly Diioerable until a friend was telling roe to trv I.vdia B. Pinkhatn s V g s table Compound and I fmtnd it a wonder ful medicine. I can now do twice as much work and I recommend the Vegetable Compound to other women. You esn use these facts an a testimostal." Mrs. M. Thrall Besset, 40 Chestnut 6t, Lowell, Mam. Why women will continue to suffer so long is more than we can understand, when they ran find health in Lydia K. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound 1 . For forty years it has been the stand ard renntiy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with sieh ail ments a displacements, Inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, etc. If you wsnt speeir.l advice write to Lvdia E. Pinkhsm Medicine Co. ( Mmfl dential), Lynn. Ma.. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by S la awK wiiaon J. B. Reddlngfleld, labor, Dlat. No. 36 Bert Owens, labor, Dlst. No. 3 Tom Bills, labor, Dlst. No. 36 i M. C. Qunter, labor, Dlst. No. 48 Geo. Bowers, labor, Dist. No. 46 W. R. Turpln, labor, Dlst. No. 46 , Sam Powell, labor, Dlst. No. 46 Geo. Krewson, labor, Dlst. No. 48 Albert Taylor, lubor, Dlst. No. 46 George Woollcy, labor, Dlst. No. 46 R. L. Mntlhewa, labor, Dist. No. 66 W. H. Coats, labor. Dist. . No. 66 Lloyd Swan, labor. Dlst. No. 66 eo. Gilliam, labor, Dist. Homer Johnson, labor, Dlst. No. -. Bill Dysert, labor, Dist. . No. 68 Aaron Dyaert, labor, Dist. No. 66 Chas. Wilson, labor, Dlst. .-: No. 56 Stanley Schrenk, labor. Dlst. No. 56 Walter Jones, labor, Dlst. No. 66 ,.. Franler Dysert. labor, Dlst. No. 66 Wm. Klncaid, labor, Dlst. No. 66 Alva Williams, labor, Dlat. No. 66 Roliin Fitzgerald, labor. Dlst. No. 66 Hnrley L. Johnson, labor. Dlst. No. 66 Tom Thornberg. labor, Dlst. No. 62 Cyril Slegrist, labor, Dlst. No. 62 John Van Kuren. labor, Dlst. NO. 62 Geo. Nlday, labor, Dlst. No. 62 Joe Blsby, lnbor, Dlst. No. 62 Lloyd Mead, labor, Dlst. No. 62 Letter Wells, labor, Dist. No. 65 Dick Ulam, labor, Dlst. No. 62 Bill Loulslgnnnt, labor. Dlst. No. 65 W. C. Dement, labor, Dlst. No. 65 A. Bullnck, labor, Dlst. No. 65 18.00 16.00 100 8 00 41.00 41 00 ' 44.00 44.00 128.00 125.00 108.61 .30.10 1.00 72.56 186.00 52.00 SJ.00 8.00 192.00 ! I 64.00 1 79.00 28.60 24.00 144.00 83.50 83.60 86.00 88.00 17.00 30.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 66.00 34.00 F. Drake, labor, Dlat...... , . No. 65 38.00 E. Cochran, labor, Dlst. No. 6t 30.00 A. Thompson, labor, Dlst. - No. Si 32.00 (Ts B Continued.) Be Slender tUrvirm yours If. orvihauaCWu rem nt sain m caJuWai. no thjrold. no Icsiuf tin. Just fuUoia Us aimt'1. Maw iLurfin orUm m in iur fMt u Bound (wharrw.r . r ... t jpJ'nlnh-ftlth M . tr to n Jr Hf! llr. Sun Kkn ilm ADVLlaiSLatNT ! NOTICE TO STOOKIIOl.DKK.S OV THE ItOHElirTif. PARK AND FAIR ASSOCIATION. 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and ache. Guard against this trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remsdy for kidney,' livsr, bladdor and uric acid troubles. Holland's national remsdy since 1696. All druggists, three sizss. Guaranteed. Leok far awn Gold Mdal M mwmrt bm ott mccrnVt no LmltatiM Dealers and jobbers can secure the Easy Vacuum Washing Machine (the- last word In washers) elect rlc-drtveo and gas-hcated, from the Portland 08 & Coke Co. Stats whether A. C. or D. C. Motor. 9 CITY NEWS a Arundel, piatti tuner. PhODe 189L. We pay the highest price for Cas- cara bark. Berger'a Bargain Store. W ATKINS nroducta. 126 W Lan. Phone 137-L. C , m ,.A ,fl,, m ran . f little sparks are spread. Be careful witn ri res. Fires destroy lives, property and food. Be careful with fire. Insure against loss equip your tractors so they won't set fires. The Cheney Phonograph, the only phonograph made that you absolute ly cannot hear the needle or surface noise on the record, for sale by Ott's Music Store. The big rour, Edison, Vlctrola, Cheney and Sonora. To the Stockholders of the Roseburg rarit a Kalr Association: , ( You are herehv nnttfluH tin .- suant to the call of the president or the asxociatlou, a special meeting of the stockholders of the Hose burg Park and Fair Association will be hsld in the office of the First State Savings Bank in Roseburg. Ore gon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of. August, 1920. at 4:00 o'clock p. m.; for the purpose of considering the sale or disposal of the renl property) oeionging to tne association and for. tho transaction of anv and all hiiKi- ness pertaining thereto or necessary in connection tnerewitn. R. L. WHIPPLE. Secretary. NOTICK OF SALE OF OOVERNj MENT TIMBER. General Land Office, Washlnston, D. C. July 3. 1920. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limita tions of ;re Act of June 9. 1916 (39 tstat.. Sis), and the Instruc tions of the Secretary of the Inter ior of September in, 1917, the tim ber on the following lands will be sold August 23, 1920. at 10 o'clock a. in., at public auction at the Unit ed Statea lund office at Roseburg, Oregon, to tbe highest bidder at not leaa than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be aub Ject to tbe approval of the Secretary of tbe Interior. I be purchase price with an additional aum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commiaslona . . allowed, muat , be depostted at time of sale, money to be returned If sale la not approved, otherwise patent will issue for tbe timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be re ceived from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporationa organized under tbe laws of tho United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on auy legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included In any offer of a larger unit. T. 15 8., It. 1 W, Sec. 31, NE4 SE4, fir 14C0 M cedar 30 M., NWV4 SEVi, fir 1800 M., 8E4 8EV4. flr 8(10 M.. SWV4 SEW, fir 1740 M., cedar 20 M., NE'4 S'. fir 1220 M., cedar 30 M., Lot 3, fir 1170 M., SEV4 SW)4, fir 1600 M., Iot 4, fir 1800 M., none of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than 12.00 per M. T. 16 8., R. 1 W., Sec.' 9, NE Vi NE 14 . red fir 626 M.. white fir 60 M., SE4 NEli, red Br 350 M.; note ot the red fir to be old for lesk than $1.75 per M., and none oftbe white fir to be sold for 'ess than 60 cents per M. T. 16 S., R. 1 W., Sec 23. NE4 NW. fir I'OO M.. NW4 NWhi, fir 1550 M.. 3vVV NW4. fir 2090 M., cedar 25 M., SW SE4, flr 1640 M.. cedar 60 M., SEVi SEVi. flr 14 25 M., cedar 30 M., NEV4 SWV4. nr 400 M.. NWK 8W14, fir 880 M., 8E 8W. flr 640 M cedar 10 M.; none of the flr or cedar to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. (Signed) CLAT TALL MAN, Commissioner. Oeneral Laud Offleo ROSEBURG - CAMAS VALLEY STAGE Two Daily Stages Two Dally Stages leave RONKHUUG, - - 7 and 2:30 Leave CAMAS, - 7:4r and 11 Special trip made at any time. Phone 170-Tj Itoselmrg or Camas Hotel Camus Valley. (D0110K Cars akkuseh) LEE C. GOODMAN, Prup. Education Pays ron tub iwnivini'Ai. vn pun tub stitb A Person with No B1iirntlnn has but One Chance In 130,000 to ftencler IHff'.lne.jt-hed Hervtce to the public With Common School Kducutlon 4 Chances With High Kchool Kflu'atlon. .. . 7 Chancea With College Kducutlon SOS Chnnc-cs Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSB STATES AHE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE INVESTED MOST IN EDUCATION OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE' Through a "l.lhersl and Prsrtlrst Kilu'-Mlon" prepared tilf Yountc Man and Toung Womnn for Useful Cltlxt-rmhlp and Hut-ceNsful Careem In At.ltlfl I.TI HK KWHI VKttlHOn IM1 IIOMK KCUMIHIC COWWKIIt'K PIIAHWACY KHKTHV VOCATIONAL Kill CATIOX Tim Training Includes PHYSICAL EMVATInN. MI'XK". ENIU.1SH. ftliirKUN l.ANtiUACJK. AltT nnJthe Cither Kitnllls of a Htft I Tsehnlral College Courss . rai.t. tkb H'Ks Kirri eh to. leae. n iTtox is frkb. l-OIl INFORMATION WBITB TO THE REGISTRAR, Cregoi Agrkuitural College, Conallis, Oregoa No. 46