Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 07, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    MOg TOO
notEDiiia k Ewa . kevikw
luiir lll Bct nr.
firVV. Hatwi I.. W Imb-rlr Brt . Bu
Dally, per year, by majl I
Iily. lx monUli. y mall M
Uy Crrl, par month '
Th Asioclatwl PreM ! V 1
utttlt4 to lha u for r.pi'&l-'-'l -r
lt ui dUtw.'.i.r.n (r.J lr. .1 r
h'jt ulti.rtrl. c-rilt 1 1'- v J
It- i.Lo t n At '..M .
I: I rtwhti q r, it-:: -H..iu f ;
Or.lon. uau.r Act ot h-iU !'
Row-burg. Oregon, Aug. 7, 1MMU.
Billy Sunday bu been writing a
aermon. Juat primed In the country
Ountlcmien. The u-ata on which II U
oaaed are thrte: I Corlutnian. vn.
I: "Lul the husband rtudi-r unto tht
wife due bcnevuli'iiw." I'roverbs v,
IK: "Itejolca with the wife of Ihy
youth." Deutf ronouiy xiv, 6: "Ana
hall cheer up the wife which he
hath takfn."
llllly aaya there are arrorea of otnei
pannage In the Wble which he might
have taken, urging the huaband to
give hla wife a square deal. And
the whole body of the aerinon I:
taken up with the purchase of labor
avlng devices for women on tht
farni. ilere are a few moraela:
"Why don't you plow with
f4ked ilrk? Why don't you haul
your "tuff to market with a two
wheeled cart drawn by oxen? Now
look here, you might Juat aa well ua
those o'd-fahloned devlcea aa to ak
your wife to be manicuring her fin-
gera on a waahbottrd while you are
riding aulky plow."
"If you only knew It, many a worn
an'a heart la ao near the break Inr
point that, when you liaal auapect It
he'i up in the attic on her kneea
her face buried In her aruia, crying
aa If h'T heart would break aur
enough, and thoae acaldlng teara an
the only thing that keepa it from go
lug to amanh. And while you're a'
It you might Just aa well tell her thir
ahe can have one of those electric-
lighting machines and can chuck Ih
old cnal-oll lamp out over the bark
fence. '
"And whatever you do, be sure tr
put running water In the house for
her. . A man has no right to ask or
expert a woman to draw water ur
hand over hand from a well fort;
feet deep. Glvo her water from r
faucet In the kitchen sink, and a
bathroom and lavatory and a lot of
other labor-saving devices."
Mllly wants the farmers to bin
their wives planoa and give them ai
lowancea and vacations and Humlay
off and such thlnga. He haa gener
ously added these to the othet
"labor-saving devices" as the wont
en's due. Hut If Hilly were as goor
at house budgeting as he Is h"
preaching, he would realise that wit)
the first links of the chuln Installed
the electric current and the wash
Ing machine the farmer would fine
that lhey not only pay for themselvet
In an Incredibly short time, but the)
earn and Install the others, which I
turn pay for themselves and their
There Is no better Investment any
where than labor-savers for thf
home. And according; to Illllv an1"
his texts, they lay up treasure In the
other world for the husbands as we!'
as comfort and happiness In I hi
world for the wives.
Why multiply congressmen? Thi
present body of 435 memlivra la al
ready too larga and uuwieldy to
function properly. Why add to t It.
number? The ce'.ttus of 1920 glvet
an excuse for Increasing I he niimbei
by something like 06. Ihiless this it
done, the population basis In con
grexslonal districts must be enlarged
Alexander Hamilton believed that in
representative aiiKciiililles, If they be
cunio too large, the Individual mem
bers no longer functioned, but wen
ruled by a few. ' The linger the
number, the greater will be the pro
pot lion of membres of limited Infor
mation nod wink capacities. Now, it
Is precisely on characters of this di
scretion that the eloquence and ad
dreaa of the few who are known to
act with all their force." No con
greasman wlshi-a to lose his seat, of
course, and all the pressure of Indi
viduals and their supporters will be
used to lncrvaH the number rather
than to decrease II. But la the In
crease aensible? A few people who
coiilj iraily gri together and accom
plish things. Instead of a large num
ber basing their claims to re-election,
on time-wasting speeches and pork
barrel hand-oiila and free garden
seeds, would seem much more desir
able for the wise transaction of the
country's business.
Ill SIVKSS K i ll ICS.
Yes. Oscar. In this business life
the competition's kern, and tliere are
times of stress and strife, with little
rest between: but thill's no reason
you should shock each customer you
greet by .taking up your maul to
knock the man across the street. It's
good to talk about your wires, to
show your cakes and pies, to boost
your tables and your chairs, your
prunes to advertise, to put your flncst
eight-day clock and blanket on die
piay: but It's no sense for you to
knock the man across the way.
There's nothing wrong In branching
nut with big and handsome trade, in
climbing ever with a shotit along the
upwaid grade: hu' you'll build no
department store, work no colossal
plan If you do little else but roar and
knock the other man. You'll And the
Chance to atrlve and win. to reap a
fair reward, to put provisions In the
Bin and save a goodly hoard: you'll
have a chance to live In style and
w-ear Ihe latest mode; but not by
knocking all the while your neighbor
down the road. Clem Bradshaw.
New York state has been having
Its periodical fit because Jt has to pay
over one-fourth of all the federal In
come taxes. Along with the com
plaint there la a risible spirit of
boast fulueaa New York It proud of
lit fact the can du It but lUll New
Tor!.ers cannot get rid of a eouvls
''.n fiat th-y have a grievance
Maluxt the resl ' th" oumrY- K,
!a ri4culoua argument, which U
! lorn. -times choed tn Boston, Chl-li-aifo,
and other wealthy communl
I tla, but which hat no basis of Justl-
ucatlon whatever. A level-headed
!.t. iol editor points to the ob--na
fact 'hat a big majority of the
,,h(,t niMO live in New
York, ond that most of the nation's
lixwe m.jney Is deposited In New
ora banas and most of the big cor
porations have their headquarters
there, and suggest that any other
nate would cheerfully pay New
v w- !. tmitur the aaiue condi
tions. Taxes are assessed on wealth.
snd naturally have to be paia wnere
he wealth Is. That Is all there la to
i. aa tt iho r-dt nl the country
appears to profit unduly from His
lailunal taxes paid by the metropo
lis, the latter might do well to re
number that the rtcnea upon wincn
:hose taxes are levied have been
nostly out of the rest of the country.
.. .ni.An urlm hns heen
man vi'
ii.. ni...i.luilnff the vlelorv of
American seamanship over Urltlsli
ll.l.J 1 lt.n
ieauianautp, aa exiuiipiun-u
i. iho itoBiiliiie nvir the
.numi"! v u,u ... -. -
.ourth Shamrock, muy be shocked to
arn the humiliating truin iuui ur
rew of the cup defender waa not
American at ail. Of the men com
posing It. 12 are said to lie Nor
eglana, aeven Bwedea and one Dane,
n other words, it waa purely a Scan
iluavian crew. The British challen
jer. It may be Inferred, In the ab
ence of Information to the contrary.
as manned by British sailors. The
ictoty. then, may properly be re
garded as only two-thirds American,
.he yacht was of American design
ind construction, and the skipper,
lharlea Francis Adams, waa Indublt
ibly American; but that la the best
hat can be aald. We cannot boast.
n the strength of this yacht race at
east, that American sailors are the
lest In the world. The Scandlnav
ans have held thai title for a thou
and years, and apparently slill have
right to It. American seamanship
vaa probably superior to British a
mndred years ago, but la It ao uow?
A good suggestion was offered to
:ay by a prominent business man of
Ilia city when he Blood at the corn'-r
f Cass and Jackson streets and
matched a big touring car endeavor
0 negotiate the intersection of the
wo streets which, by the wy, was
mpossible without reversing his en
:lne. The business man said it
'.ould not only be a wise, but ac
omiiiodutlng feature to tourists ami
.thers, if the city would round on
very cement comer curb throughout
he business section of the city,
hlch would provide ample room for
1 car to turn at the Intersection. W
hink the suggestion Is a good one
nd here's hoping Ihe city council
.111 look at It In the same light,
li-re's plenty of surplus pavemenl
,n every corner to make room for
etter street Intersection facilities
or motorists.
You are sate in trusting you
-inney to a man who Is courteou
hen he lias nothing to guln by It
nd you are never safe In lending
ticket to one who Is courteous- be-
tuse he thinks It will gut him some
You can lame even a catty woman
y stroking her rur the riKht way
irnvhllnir von liuve bought her th
right kind or rur.
There Is a lot of protest against
he prohibition law. but v.-omeii an
iiil l.eii dn't seem to be taking very
ictive pi.rts in It.
A good liniibek'CN'r does not ge
.iuch credit for being one. maybi
ut a bad housekeeper gets plenty n
llseredlt for belirg ono.
The busy man haa much to do and
loes It the busybody has little to do
uid doeau t do that.
When a man la said to be of
'doubtful age," tliere la no douli
bout it he's old.
The efficient Wtirkt.r Is nuvar n.iluv
unless he s a buss drummer.
Big towns have more small town
tiinslps than small towns.
Multnomah Man
Supports Ritner
PORTI.ANIl. Allaust ? W w
Hanks, state senator for Miiiiiinimih
t'lnt'laniaa and Columbia counties
nas withdrawn as a candidate for
president or I tie senste for the 1921
.session ot Ihe legislature. Senator
Hsnks is eliminating himself and Is
supporting Hoy w. miner, senator
tor t mntiMa county. Announcement
f Senator Hanks action will change
the completion ot the oritanliatlon
contest. The fight Is now between
nenaior miner and II I.. Kddv. sen
ator from Douglas county and both
have he,.n making an active canvas
for support siiioiik their colleagues
Senator llsnks had the support of
serii senalors who are now re
leased from Ihelr voluntary prom se
io nun. All intensive drive may
now be started bv both II ..,.i
'A,'W 'or the presidency Inasmuch
at they spocar to he the only ones
'en in inn iiM. Senator Hanks
thinks It wise to end the contest as
quickly aa possible and probably 1m
mediately after the November -lo
tion this will be done There are
a number ,(r candidates for the
senate who will iiml,mi,t..,iiv h I
elected, yet they feel that they have i
no ngm to presume that ther al
ready possess a vole In ;he senate i
and for this reason (hey Wlt not
commit themselves to Rimer csirir
or tny other person until they have
y,,!, CenHlcati o election
Darkness Stops
TwiVght Game
Tha Baptist and Pretbyterlant
put up a tnapy ball game last night
and tame bad to be called on ac
count of darkness. Tha Baptist
lead In the alxth. In the aeventh
the I'resbyterlans made two runt,
had two men on bases snd two out.
when the game was called. The two
runs out over by the Presbyterians
tied up the score, but the Baptists
had a right to a closing half Inning,
which they did not get. By all the
rules of the game, when it is called
on account of darkness or any hin
dering cause, it should revert to the
preceding Inning, which . realty
would have given the Baptists the
game, but It was decided to call it
a draw, and play off the tie at a
later date. The Presbyterians stor
ed first blond in the Initial Inning,
on Campbell's hit, a lulsa of a
thrown ball, and Flnley a nil. me
Daptistt scored three In the second
on hits by Cecil Black. Leon Mc
('Unlock. HtephenBon, Crocker and
Carl Black. The Presbyterians came
back strong in the third, and drove
over four, driving Ackley from the
box. After one had been retlrod,
Campbell made a hit, went to second
and beat out a throw to catch him
on Klnley's effort, Klnley getting
iflrst on the fielder's choice. Street
hit safely, and another fielder s
choice which failed to catch any
one. put the bases full. Tben Ran
dolph plunked a beauty, and scores
rolled over the pan. When the
smoke cleared away the Presbyter
ians had put four over, and held the
lead five to three. The BaptlBts
wcio fighting hard, and In the fifth
put over three more. A base on
balls, hits by Leon McCllntock and
Kltxmaiin and Stephenson put over
the runs, and gave the Bnptlsts the
lead again. To this they added
another in lln sixth, on a base on
balls and Ackley's hit. In the sev
enth It was so dark, Hltzman ost
sight of the plate, and walked three
men. Throne made a hit, two runs
came over and two were on. It was
too dark for any one to see the ball,
and the game was called at this
stage. The decision will probably
be, to call the game a tie, and re
play It at some future date. More
Interest is being manifested In the
games now than at any time during
tho season, as the teams Bre all so
losely hunched and seem very even
ly matched.
R. H. C. Wood
Buys Orchard
R. H. C. Wood, mannger of the
Umixiua Valley Fruit ExchaiiKH pur--hu8H(l
today the 30-acre apple or
chard from D. T. Sleep of Garden
Valley. The deal was made at pri
vate Bale and the price has not boen
made public. This tract Is one of
the show places in the valley, being
planted with eleven year old apple
trees, all tn fine condition, is said
to be worth at lt-attt $1000 per acre.
Mr. Wood expects to further im
prove Ihe place by building a fine
residence on It when h-j experts to
make it his home. At present a
manager will be employed for the
orchard and Mr. Wood will continue
to reside at his north itonehurg re
sidence. Miss Thelma Itougherty arrived
iin Koseburg last night from Salem
and will spend a few daya visiting
here with .Mrs. H. Scott Weaver.
Miss DouKherty formerly made her'
home In Koseburg. I
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Marsters left
Thursday for Portland, where they J
will spend the next week or ton days'
visiting and attending to business
Nottlce Is hereby given that the
tiKlerslgned has been duly appointed
by Ihe County Court of the Slate of
Oregon for Douglas County. Admin
istrator or Ihe estate of Maty L. Wil
son, deceased. All persons havlnu
claims against said estate are here
by required to present the same to
me, properly verified as by law re
quired, at Hoseburg. Oregon, within
lix months from the date hereof.
Dated this 24th day of July, 1920.
Administrator of the estate of Mary
1.. Wilson, deceased.
this summer Ift a good more to hav
the News-Review follow you to your
vacation home. Let tta mall It to mu
dally Just phone 135 or wrlto our
unscrlpMon department and we'll
that It comet to jou regularly.
When the bodv bemna
and movement becomes painful it
usuany an Indication that tha
kidneys are out of order. Keo
tbev oriam health.. k ...i.:
an a f
n,. ....
- -" - .luaiu rtmvuy tor Kidney,
tiw. I'ladJor and uric acid IroublM.
Famous sines I6J8. T.ks ragularlr and
k-P m a-ooj h,lth. In th. tm, ,
-..., .. uu.i.mreo, aa rapraxmrd.
I h U.. CM M.4.1 M u.
Sheet MetalWork
OK A I.I. KIMifl
txL the noted autnor -
Idah MSGloae Gibson
"Are you going over to the
house" I called to him Just before
he reached the elevator.
"I am not lure yet."
John never wants to be asked to
go anywhere or to 36 anything that
he considers would be a favor to
those about him. He Is generous.
however. In doing thlngt for every j
one In hit own way and at hla own !
way and at hit own lime, but It I
never seema to enter his head that
there are timet when it would be
a greater favor and murh more gen
erous of hltn to do the things that
hla wife or hit mother wanted at
thnt moment.
"I told you I was very busy." he
said, "why don't you go over and
see to the hones If you want any
thing done."
"I shall go later," I said, "but
I have to nurse and bathe the baby
and get her settled for the day."
"I can't understand what we pay
trained nurse prices for a woman
to take care of Mary If you bathe
her and dress her yourself. I should
think some young girl, could take
care of her Just as well as Miss Par-;
ker if you are going to do all the
important thlnga."
Never Would It Happy.
"A young girl would assume no,
responsibility. 1 would never be
happy a moment while I was away. '
Besldea. there are complications
which even I would know nothing
about. Two or three times I am I
sure Miss Parker has saved Mary
from the croup by noting symptoms
thut meant nothing to me." I
"Never mind your long-winded
explanations. Katherlne. I have told '
you two or three times I am In a
hurry. What do you want me to do
over at the bouse. You have alrea
dy given me enough to do all morn-
lng In looking up this freight and i
getting It over to tho house. Now -what
else have you on your mind?"!
I had forgotten about" telling him
that my furniture from home had
The approach at the north end of
the Winston bridge will he closed
Tuesday, Wednesday and possibly 1
Thursday on account ot construe-!
tlon work. The old approach will I
be changed to the new grade and '
the work will no doubt consume two:
or three days time. During the.
time the bridge Is closed, a detour
will be necessary by way df Brock-,
wny and through Happy Valley or
by Looking Class. Resident En
gineer Wright has requested that
those residing In tho district affect
ed to take notice of this announce
ment. I
Education Pays
A Person wild No Kdu-iMxn has tint One Ocmr. fn lo.OOO to Render
I-MfciiTiKUlsiit-a Strviie to tlx PuMio
With Ciimmnri School Kdurntlon 4 Ohancs
With IliKh iVhonl K.lucation. . . . 87 fhanc en
With LVIt-Ke Kdiiratlnn R0 Chances
Are You Giving Your Child His Chance?
Through a "I.iUi.ral nnd Prnetlciil K.lucnt Inn" prepared the Tounjc Man
and Youiik Wumun for t'oefiil citixi-nslilp anil Succeanful Careers In
Atiitict I. it iik K;iM'i:iti; mi; home i: ooiics
MUHKKN I.ANlll'ACSE. AltT and the Oilier Essential, of a Standard
T,--hnl,nl ColleKe Course
THE REGISTRAR, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon
One Ford Touring
One For Truck
Both Good Buys See Them
HosKitt it;, oi;k;
Douglas County Light and Water Co.
"I merely thought If you were
going over to tbe house that you
could air out the bouse for a Utile
while. Oh, you have forgotten the
way bllla for the freight." I sud
denly remembered. "Her they
"I don't know whether I will
have tlma to take care of thlt fur
niture or not," said John impatient
ly, anil then I knew that he intent
ionally had left the way bills with
me. thinking probaoiy I wouio. at
tend to It."
"Oh. all right, do it when you
choose. I thought you were In a
hurry to get Into the house," I tald.
So Time To Do It.
"Hore, give them to me," tald
John, Jerking them out of my hand.
"I will get someone to fix it up if
I haven't got time to do It myself."
I turned In silence and went to
my rooms. I had caught cold the
ay before and the baby was tfret
ing. Mist Parker wat arranging to
keep her very quiet all day.
I knew I should have to write to
Charles, but It was a hard letter to
compose. I still waa proud enough
not to want Charles to know how
John had hurt me by telling the
house without telling me. but I also
wanted to thank him for hla great
kindness In buying it. Then I had
to decline, delicately, the gift of It
while still making him feel that I
did not underrate hit goodnesa In
any particular.
I wonder how many times a wo
man puts on a tmiling face to the
world and tries to make her friends
think that she it perfectly happy
and content with all the thlnga that
her husband Is doing and laying,
while In her heart she is more hurt
than she will acknowledge even to
However. I put these thoughts
from me and set down at the little
writing desk in the hotel room, ifor
writing to Charles Just then seemed
the duty thnt lay nearest me.
Tomorrow A letter to Clinrie
We wish to express our heartfelt
thauki ,o all of our friends and
neighbors for their kindness, their
help and assistance during the 111
neHs of our aon and brother and dur
ing our time of bereavement: and
also for the beautiful floral offer
Mrs. A. J. Freeman, of this cltv,
who is now at Newport to spend the
summer, has disposed of all her prop
erty at that place and will return
here at the close of the season.
Later she expects to go to California
to upend the winter.
WANTED Waitress al Car.tsria. Ap-
ply at ones.
WANTED 1'uravys. targe ot small.
Boyer Broa. Phone H-Fll.
WANTED Two prun pickers. J.
Montgomery. Days Crsk. Ors.
WANTED Pruns plcksra. Ed. Weaver,
Myrilo Crk. Oregon.
WANTED Woman to work In Uundry.
Call Matrvy Hospital.
W'ANTKI r'urnialiHi nous. Addr.
Box 74S, CUy.
WaS'TE DPrun plcki4f. Writ for
particular. lioitd Bro., Qltde, Or.
WANTED To rent niutorcycU for
couple weeki. phone 31 1-J.
WANTtD Woman to work In tha
nalla. Apply at Umpqua Hotel tin
WANTED TO RKNT 4 or 6 room
house no children. Fhona 109-If or
WANTED TO RENT Furnished housa
or apartment. Address C, 1 C car
WANTED Woman or Kit to do housa
work. Phone 2S-Fa. Mrs. 0 A.
Brad b urn. RuHebuis;. Ore.
WANTED 1160 to lb. horse, gun
He, sound, true puller, phone 16-F12
early mornlnics.
TWO YOUNG ladles wish work In pri
vate home or chambermaid work.
Address Box 64, Camas Vuliey, O
WANTED TO KENT 5-room furnished
or unfurnished cottage near acnool.
Best of references. Write H. C,
Umpqua Hotel
WANTED Man to work on farm with
prune orvhard, three miles out. Small
family preferred. A. F. tit earns, Oak
land. Oregon.
Petite and Italians If you stay thru
the season; loc for Petltes and Ital
ians If you quit the Job, (Joed camp
ing places. Wm. P. Weaver. Myrtle
Creek. Oregon.
WANTED Prune pit kers. Good pick
ing, good camping ground. Only
those willing to stay through sen son
need apply. Geo. A. Bradburn.
Phone 28-F3.
WANTED Woman or girl to care for
one-year-old baby during duy, except
Sundays, tn exchange for room and
board or room and small wages.
Write X. Y.. care News-Kevlew.
WANTED Information as to the ad
dress of Henry W. Barker or heirs If
he Is dead. His address was Ituse
burg In 1874. Address E. W. Spald
ing, Metropolitan Bank Building,
Washington, D. C.
WANTED Refined elderly lady desires
Kosltlon In city or country as houae
ecper for adults; Is tine light bread
baker, and wants steady place more
than high wages. Mrs. O. A. Brown,
Box 27. Ut. 1. Koseburg.
WANTED Man with family to work
on ftu-m; must have boy large enough
to run a team. Farm located 33 miles
north of Kuaiuburg, east of Yoncalla.
Good position for right kind of man.
Address Geo. Schulmerlch, Creswell,
Oregon. g
FOR RENT Furnished house!
FOR " " KENT Safety deposit
Koseburg National Bank.
FOR RENT Iarge furnlshftd-
clnne In. Phone 1S-Y.
SAEFTY FIRST Secure a safety de
posit box for your valuable papers at
tliw Kowehurg National Bank.
WE LI IHCI1XINO Will be drilling at
Ilrockway Aug. 1. Anyone wishing a
well see or write W. F. Kernln,
fiiuicrnn, Oregon.
tractor work see me; will take con
tracts for plow In ir now. Gilbert
wooii. Hox 1J'J3. Koneburg.
U i.LL DRILLING R. E. Heinsplman,
uruier. it i. noseourg. rnone 3-r- 5.
livestock of any kind for sale or ex
change, lint It with Dr. R. K. Hunt,
. -t uhk tit., itoseourg.
MONEY TO LOAN 20-yar rural
credit farm loans, low Interest rate.
$2U,00U local money to loan on good
real estate. First mortgage. See M.
F. Rice, of Rice A Rice.
SAVE MONEY on your winter's fuel
by ordering old growth tir cord wood
for delivery direct from the car.
Shipments beginning thin week. H.
J. Derm. cor. Onk and Main ft
LOHTT w o t ukV be t Ween Rob eb u r g
and Shady Point. Finder please
leave at Harry Pearce'e huruess
Given at the armory In this city
Monday, Sept. 6, by committee of
trainmen. Good time for all. Ott's
six-piece orchestra will furnish the
music. Gents $1.00, ladles free.
Two Dally Stages
Two Paily Statrea leare
ROSEBUHU, - - 7 and 2:30
Leava CAMAS, - 7:45 and 11
Special trip made at any timo.
Phone 170-L Roseburg or Camaa
Hotel Camas Valley.
( Hodge Cabs ark used)
We Buy at
Hides, Mohair, RAga,
Rubber, Old Metala,
Papers and Iiones.
A Good Line of Second Hand
Clothing For Saia.
Caas and Pine St.
Tannrra of all rlAnnes of Furs.
ManufiK-turvra of Muffa, Fur Slioul
dr Throws. Fur Coma and Cap.
Also mount h-Mda anJ animals of
all kind a.
RoMburc, Oraaronv
r v i w n ui k Day mar
ulsase call and pay charav. V"
Cioake. Edenbownr. Ore ti
t on HAL.K. -
KOR SALE 4-plecs fam-v i-i,,
st. Call mornings. ;ai w" u,
,"OR BALJi 16 lb. c. chest. "iTiT
FOR SALE Ford touring car in -
shape. Phone 4U-J. ' ln
FOR SALE Gray horae, welMi.riTaT
Tom Godley. Wilbur. Ore. lI
FOR BALE tfecond hand grain -TTT
in good condition. Call up "ii .
FOR HALE jy 19 Oakland six ca7m7
FoR bAt ueigian bares, j doTlT:
1 buck. Inquire 825 u-iri" "
: v.r 1,
V..? rrW.l?,rOWn nab
FORSALE Used sacks. sever"aThT
red. Vosbuig Bros.. S"n JAI'
, 6lc: 0 to 8. 7oc. K. U jfJiil
mneawest ofRoeburg, Ore 1
FOR SALE 10x24 tavenoJusT
tied. George Telford, opposite , H?0"
Valley school house.' P. o. h BnCttl
rlnA llor- 1 yr-oid coit?ui2
of old horses, cheap. Buiiahlns halt;
Hoseburg-. Phone 41-F5. ".e,
house, big basement. One
ment; also furnished house at btr"
rou alk-Maxwell 1-ton truciTBTr
' ondition. or will accept few' 2
cows in part payment S. A. Gouthw?
Camas Valley, Oregon. u"r,
FOR SALE Transparent eat ills' s73
cooking apples, $1 bu. AUo i-vAr
old Jersey cow, fresh in Oct.. 174 r
-w,"'f' wm.e, y.
FOR b'ALE 5-room modern bungalow
all latest conveniences, garage wcud
shed, wash house, etc. 637 sio. piu
FOR HALE Ford truck (ton. praaTT
cally new; up to date cub and rack
bed. License with cr. Only i.Od.
Address Henry Dleckmaii, Myrtl.
Creek, Oregon.
FOR SALE For home canning, iiriiii
beans, dill, beets, tomatovs. grttn
corn, cucumbers. Buy direct from
grower. Phone 2S7-L, or call at it.1
Tempi in St. '
OR SALE Good 7 Town nuXfl
house, large chicken park. Will ac
cept nuto up to $1000. or will troU.
for Eugene or Corvallis property
I-OR SALE Nearly new 3 yard Junin
body, with wood hydraulic lift, gut.
autecd In fine condition. A bariia'i
at $17S. Ossman-McDonald Car Cu.
30 E. Seventh St.. Eugene. Ore.
FOR SALE- Good heavy work team,
harness and wagon. Inquire O. H
ujiey, ore.
bOlt SALE Team black mares weigh
lng U'.'.O lbs., harness, 3U-ims
wagon, price S200 if taken at oiKe.
Reuson. leaving Oregon. Phone Zj-tl
or team can be seen at Empire Uro.
Beat on the market; dry slab Wuo4
and mill ends bythe tier or cord.
Special price on 10 tier lots, U J. .
Denn. cor. Oak and Main.
100 ACRES 1 miles from town. Some
ideal creek bottom land. Enough
wood to pay for plaoe twice. Meal
to cut into small chicken tracts. Muat
sell at once. Make me au offer. J.
V. Casey.
-16u-Arra rAn. h 4 A f'
cultivation, family orchard, somt
buildings; span horses, weight
good set harness, set single harnea,
1 light 2-seated hack. Wade drf
saw, new. T. A. McNabb, Koler. Ora
FOR SALE The following used tsr
all in tlrst class condition:
1 1'JlH Oakland six. X00.
1 i:18 Chevrolet, $600.
1 l!20 Chevrolet, equipped with cori
tires. $760.
Scrvl ce Garage, Rowcburg. Ore,
FOR SALE One and a third acrex ot
free soil. 8 blocks from post office;
good house, woodshed and chicken
house; about 3o0 pullets. 0 cock
eris; large garden, also family or
chard set out this spring. Street
paved to place. See owner, 425 South
St., between Mill and Pine streets.
FOR SALE Corner roads store, gen
eral merchandise, Melrose, urt-goii, I
miles from Hoseburg; includes 14
acres 6-year-old prunes In berin
this year. Good 8 -room house. Bar
fine, barn, other outbuildings; small
fruit; all ln llrt-class shape. Store
by house, well lighted. Will Mil
stock of mdse. at invoice. Piste
94500, with $2500 down, balance
term R. Stubbs. Melrose. Ore.
The dining room at the Herrlck
House will open Saturday noon. Mm
Herrlck will be ln charge of the kit
chen. Auto Owners!
We would be pleased to teat
Batteries Free
at any time and give you eiptrt
advice on the care of Ilntlrrie)
When purrbaaiug new batter
tea get our price. We can
you money.
441 N. Jackson St. Roaeborf.
MR. P. n. OH RX Cut Flow.ri. Pboaa
l0. 03 w. Caaa.
H. lf. H. PM I.ER Crilr0prii.'i'"
F'hynlrtan. Ill W. Lani? St.
But when you are. not at hom
take along- a case of "LVXO "
Piano Department
Hemline-Moore Conservatory
Violin and Physical
Education Department
Cloacd Until September.