I J J" rutin rom 1 ' ,Jm!M I S"V1"XU !x ,,K,J:K- WALKING BOOTS Comfort is the keynote of our walking boots. You can see at a glance what comfort these shapely boots hold for you and what lengthy service they will render. If you enjoy being out in the open, they're exactly the shoe for you. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IRVIN BRUNN SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEIT Bring IS your Repair Work and see the difference. Perkins Bldg. Cass St. Rosebukg. f iiiCACO. Auk. 4. Evidence i ulalinir thai the wild spend- luis oigy U uvit nnd tlio l-ubilc I (jetting La' k to normal comltum n rapidly as possible. Sale ly tli" mull order houses have alwa t'ceu conxiden d an aicui.uc barometer of business, moie tsimiy ns it applies to the country at large. 'J lie inuiithly comparative state ment of Bull's by one ot ihe Kreutesl mull urder himM nhuns that the ) peuK 1 Olivine wan leutin-u iuni I I'td'i uary. The decline was not ho jL.urkfd In rrrarcT, hut In April Ibe tuli'H oropped. May Hliowed a still inure MluiiiiiiK decrease and June showed tll.uon, iiiu tinder January. July dlnolayed a gain, but the Bales were nli near ly thirteen million less than In auuary and morn than a million dollar! under the correspond Inn month In 1919. The story of stolen moonshine and the fight which resulted in Olendale reiciiu : told as follows In the Glendule News: The "I.e l,i rid boozo bunch" were through (;iendule the lust of the week, it Is reported. Anyway on Sunday even- InlR we not only had mooniicht, nut we had "moonshine" in evidence, In fact we had it by the wheelbarrow loud on our main street. It was of the fighting brand and several tlglitk and drunken rows dissraeed our put lie thorouhfuruii. Apparently liliiidale has no officers lu enforce law and order. imniiiiiiii tinwr pkf.shytki'Mx (iiriu'ii. IRoseburg, Oregon, Rev. K. W. Warrington, pastor. Sunday school on August 8tb, 1920, :45 . m.; K. II. Oulhrte. Supt. Come and brlnie the children. Competent teacher and Classen for all ages. Morning Service 11:00 a. m. Ir. Louis Albert Hanks will give the last Sermon of the series of "The Winds of God." His theme being The South Wind" or "The Wind of Harvest and Reward". These sermons are very entertaining and Instrurtlnve. Y. P. S. C. K. at 7:00 p. m. Topic "Problems of Recrea iion In Our Community. Mrs. L. H. Kanrher. leader. .No evening service nt church. Union services In High school. Kvery one is Invited to at tend and take part In those services. . Come. at 11:00 a. m. Sermon by the Rev Dr. Thomas McClary. Subject, "Why Do We I-ove Jesus Christ?" hnworth lesigun meeting at :00 m. The public Is cordially invited to hear lr. Thomas McClary from Lus Angeles, California. FIHHT ItAITIST t'lll'lUH. FIlUiT M. K. CTHCIICII. Corner Lane and Main Streets. F. W. Kooagy, pastor. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. and preaching seivice Corner Lane and Hose streets. - llihlo School at 9:4 a. lu. O. CoslioWj Superintendent. Nubile worship at 11:00 a. m. Atlorn.y Chas. F. Hopkins will speak at this service. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30, to which the pub lic Is Invited. J. II. Dickson, pastor. HOME SURVEY IS M.tlE. ST. UEOIUiK'.H wise. CHURCH. The Holy Communion nt St. Geor ge's ivpiscopul Church, on August sth, takes place at 7 : .1 0 a, m. .Morn ing Service nnd Sermon nt 11:110 a. in. UKV. THOS. It. ALI.E30N. IIOZKMA.V. Mont., July f.. About l.".f per cent of all city women order their domestic supplies over the tele phone, and about 4i.S per cent of tl'em pay caf-h fur their groceries, areindiiig to on Investigation re cently conducted by Miss Vera Har ris, a member of the graduating cluss of Molntana State College, iiniotiK women of soutliern Montana. Sixty-three per cent M farm women who replied to questionnaires sent out pay cash for their groceries, they reporled. Mis Harris discovered tnat percent of city women have budgets, and that 14 pe. cent of farm women thus keep account of their expendi tures. Seventy-one per cent of city women pay attention to brands and mnl:es in buying supplies, it was as certained, compared to o .1.7 per cent of farm women. Our Want Ads obtain rusults. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use ForOvcr 30 Years Always bears the Signature of s-Fk AW Just add water, it's ready! That's all the camp cook has to do with FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR. No fussing, no milk required, no sugar necessary. We have added these ingredients in just the right proportions to give you PANCAKES that you will pronounce the best you ve ever eaten. On that August fishing or camping trip FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR will add materially to your joy and materially reduce the labor of the person in charge of the "camp eats." See that FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR is part of the oumt on tnat August trip to the great outdoors. FOR SALE AT YOUR GROCER'S Fisher Flouring Mills Company 1 1 LSSSeHa PORTLAND k M 1 mi .un, f i mm , immm AKOL'.NU THE TOWX . Will I-enve WlnclnvMsr Bar ' ' I ;. W .SloperJs pteparing to leave hoitly for Wlnihctar buy where h will enjoy several weeks outing. Over Kroin SutlM-rllie Klder J. A. and Mrs. Rlppey arovo over from Sutherlln yesterday after noon returning borne in the evening. To rortluml Mrs. Tom Wharton left ia nigm (or Portland, where she will spend several weeks visiting with friends I relatives. Visit liur Ulster Mrs. .N. Woodling wno resme. in the northern part of the state, is vlsiilng here with her slater,, Mrs. K. Patterson. Visit lu Went Mrs. Georae Clarke and ennoren, oi fills city, left last night for Weed, California, where they will visit with relatives for a short time, l-'rom Wilbur- Miss Kdlth Brown arrived in Kose- bur this morning from Wilbur to spend a short timo visiting with friends and relatives. To Newport Mr. and Mrs. wm. Aguew wno reside on Kast Deer Creek, left this afternoon for Newport, where they will spend the next two weeks. let urns Home Mm. L. H. Kuney. who has l.ea visiting In this city at the E. L. rrott residence, left this after noon for her home In Eugene. Here- From Eugene James Pearson, a former resident of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Au brey i. Smith and Bon, motored to Itoseburg in the formers car yester day and will spend some time. Yi3lt inig witn inonns. Ohio Man Ultlng Here- It .V. lluekland, of Ohio, a cousin of W. S. Conine, of Deer Creek, ar rived In Roseburg last night for few weeks' visit In this section of the state. Keturri From Xewpnrt Mr. and Mrs. William Skldmore, who have been spending the past two weekB at Newport, arrived In this city last evening. Mrs. Skid more was formerly MIsb Elta Dll lard. Will Arrive Tonight Mr. and Mrs. T. Ii. Vlrder and daughter Eugenia, will arrive in Itoseburg tonight from McMlnnville and visit for several days with Mra Irder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shambrook. Is KxpecttMl irome Mrs. K. n. Williams and daughter Klizabeth, who have been spending the past few woelts in San Fran cisco. Oakland and Los Artgeles, are expected to arrive in this city to night or tomorrow. Stricken With Appendicitis J. K. Down, traveling salesman for the Pwight-Kdwards coffee com pany of Portland, was stricken with appendicitis in Eugene Wednesday evening and was rushed to the hos pital in that city (or an operation. From Ashland i T. Humphreys arrived In Rose burg this afternoon from Ashland and will take possession of the Wheat farm In Looking Glass valley which he purchased from the Ak Sar Den Lund Company some time ago. (oing Kast for n Visit Mrs. II. P. nioom and little son nre leaving tonight for Kansas and Nebraska, where they will visit friends and relatives for a month or six weeks. They will be accom panied as fur as Portland by Mr. Hloom. Married Ijlit Night Thomas It. Dean and Miss Caro line Henry, both of Yoncalla. were united In man-Inge Thursday even-1 tng at the Baptist parsonage, with Rev. J. H. Dickson officiating. They "III make their home in Yoncalla. I lt.-tnnilng From Tiller Elbort node, editor of the Cottage' 'rove Sentinel, accompanied by bis family, and A, A. Richmond and ! Nelson Durham, also with their fam-l ilies. passed throughthe cltv todays on their way home from Tiller to f'ottaire Grove after a vacation. They report a verv pleasant outing. I lieives on Trlr I Forest Supervisor Unmsdell left today for Rujada, located In the Bo- i henilan -nining country near Cottage t'.rove. Ho will spend a short time there examining forest conditions and also the grazing possibilities. He will be jollied at that place by a grazing expert from the Portland forestry office. Hci-e From l inneaota Mrs. Ellen Dougherty and daugh ter. Miss Agnes Dougherty, and Miss Helen Grotty, nil o Bralnerd, Minne sota, nre visiting here at the home of Mrs. Dougherty's daughter. Mrs. II. Dreucker. Both Miss Dougherty and Miss Grotty aro graduate nurses and may decide to remain perma nently In this cily. Hack From Outer lake Warren Burt and wife and V. X. Fields nnd wife returned yesterday from Crater Lake, where they have been enjoying the past few days. The trip was made in Mr. Fields car. They state that several thous and people have visited Crater Lake thus far this season. Strange Freak Here A strange freak In the tfhape of a fourteen year old boy who has never walked, moved, or spoken since he was born, and who neither can hear or see, spent the night in this city and left this morning for California. The strange child is being taken to California by relat-! Ives In the hope that the change of' climate will enable him' to use some of his faculties. J Motlfonl Estimate Frnlt Crop ! i Miniate of the 19:10 fruit crop In the Medford district of the Rogue river valley have been made public.' the estimate being placed at 1200 cam. Of this total It Is expected there will be 700 cars ot pears and 5 0t cars of apples. An effort Is al rcay being made to register help for the Irking seison. as the lack of labor for this purpose was menace last year, and shows little tendency to improve this rear. Home Brewer Gets 30 Days in Jail MEDFORD. Am. 6. Tom Mur phy, principal In the Front street shooting affray last Monday evening was found guilty of Infringement of the bone dry law In Justice Taylor's court yesterday afternoon and was given 30 days in jail and 1100 fine. Two dozen bottles of hootch, a wash boiler half filled with sour mash and several gallon Jugs containing home brew were offered In evidence. Mur phy's only defense was that be cooked the combination of corn and hops for the benefit ot his stomach. Judge Taylor decided any stomach that could stand the evidence offer ed was not In a very serious condi tion. As Murphy was In jail any way on the "attempt to kill" charge, now awaiting the October term of court, the sentence does not mater ially effect his future plans. NEW TODAY. . WANTED Furnished house. Address BoiTtl, tMty. WASTED Prune pickery, v. rite for particulars, isona urns., uuiie. ere. WANTKD To rent mntorrycle for couple weeks, phone 811-J. FOR 8AI.E 42-plece fancy China tea set. Call mornings. 731 w. aioaner m. FOUND A dark bay mare. Ownar please call and pay chart;?!. H. 3. (JloaKft. r.oenoower, ws, FOR MAI.H A l-ycar-olrt milch cow. Its. Address T. F. Paulsen, Looking Ulaaa. WANTED Woman to work In the halls. Apply at Umpuua Hotel Ini- meuiaieiy. FOIt RALE Maxwell 1-ton truck, good condition, or will accept tew. good cows In part payment, a A. Ooutlilor, Camas Valley. Oregon WANTKD Man to work OA farm with prune orchard. thre miles out. Small family preferred. A. F. Stearns, Oak land. Oregon. WANTKD Iteflned elderly lady desires position In city or country as house keeper for adults: In fine light bread baker, and wants steady place more than hlHh waaes. Mrs. o. A. Brown, box 17. ttt. 1. Itoseburg. 100 ACHES 1H miles from town. Some Ideal creek bottom land. Knough wood to pay for place twice. Meal to cut Into small chicken tracts. Must sell at once, alaka ms an offer. J. V. fsey. Miller's IDillard Sub-Division Choice River Bot tom Land, in Tracts of 5 acres and up. This land has been In grain. Crop is now being harvested. We are now In position to show these tracts. For further In formation see Sam Miller, Dll lard, Oregon, or G.W.Y0UNGANDS0N Real EaUte and Insurance. 116 Cam St. Fhona 417 AUTO OWNERS' ATTLMION ! The Universal Tire Filler Co. of Portland, Ore. han established a filler station in this city, and you can now be relieved frum your tlr trouble. It rMe the same as air, with no Inner tubes, punctures and blow, outs, besides Klvea far icreater mileage to your canines. Try this filler out and you will never ue air In your tires strain. You Kut a written guarantee on the filler for 100.000 miles. Filler Service Station, Corner Oak and Rose. CARL W. OILMAN, Manager. HUNTER AND GUIDE! Pack horses furnished. Write for dates. I1KKT WELLS, Camas Valley, Or. 1ST SPOTS STAINS absolutely removed by our DRY CLEANING A trial proves let ut ' have the suit, coat, skirt, today, aa a starter. Who". Your Clennerf Try Our Way Our Auto Will Call, rhone S77. Get Them from Us When you buy your next Goodyear Clincher Tires whether in the Double-cure All-Weather Tread or f he Single -cure Anti-Skid Tread It will be well worth your while to consider seriously from whom you will buy these tires. Of course, they are good tires whether you buy them from us or from someone else but we simply want to call to your mind the fact that this company is as well known for the good service it gives as it is for the good tires it sells. Sizes 80x3, 30x3J2 and 31x4. Other sizes and types in stock. C.A.L0CKW00D MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford and Fordaon Dealers Roseburg, Oregon ' THCV ARK PRKFKRED BY THK MAJORITY OOOODYEAR HBAVY TOURIST TUBES These Are good ITEMS. To be had at Churchill Hardware Company Klectriclty The. ViUl Energy of Your Automobile, Is produced by a little mechanical device called a gen erator. It causes a chemical action to take place in your storage battery. This chemical action in turn pro duces electricity which cranks your car, Ignites your gas, sounds your horn and Illuminates your lights. Life and service from your battery depends upon the mechanical and electrical condition of your genera tor. Regular care and inspection is important. Why not have this cow at the time your battery Is tested! I: may save you money and uiueh In- convenience later on. See . R- Urown at the Auto Electric Station. cor. Oak ft Pine Sts. Phone 136. The dining room at the Herrld House will open Saturday noon. Mil. Her rick will be In charge of tbe chen. Our Want Ada obtain resufa. Shorty Hamilton in "The Snail" A STORY VXIQUE IX ITS OKIGI'AI.rrY. ROI.IX COMEDY AXU PATHE NEWS. SAT.: SfARGARITA FISHER IX "DAXOEROUS TALEXT." TODAY OXLY BEACTIFIX OLIVE THOMAS in OlUltYoIIlder, THE PICTTRB WITH AS ATPEAL. CHRISTIE COMEDY, "SAVE ME SADIE." A.VD SPECIAL MUSIC OX OUR XEW Or.GAX BY FRED Dl SAT.t MARGUERITE CLARK K 'STILL WATERS."