DECLARES LEAGUE MUST BE ISSUE Temporary Chairman of New YorkConventionCallsVoters to Stand Against Pact. TRIBUNAL IS PRAISED gsy. Chat Uamie to' be Murcnwful and AiT'l'"l,,le "' t-'h,u,'-ed from UlitAry to Judiciary Organization. SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y., July 7Accepting (be league of nutloin , the dominant Issue In the coming Elltlcal camp.ilgn. David Jayne 11111 wmporary chairman ot th unofl'lclal republican suae convention today ailed upon the voters tJ decide be tween ' American Nationalism end the political Internationalism of Mr. ttiln'a " He characterized this a the most far reaching decision tln:e the founding of our government. In n address, which wai devot ed largely to the treaty of Versailles. Br Hill declared "the" real control of Europe is vestea. noi in ine isuo but in the supreme council of the al lied powers, a separate organ of ac tion It alone, has armies at its com mand. I! voice alone Is heird In Europe." The only hope of 'the leagues tllity for peace." he declared. "ls In a change of its center cjr gravity from a military to a Judiciary organi tttlon." He euloelzed the work of Ellhu Root In his efforts at establishing a word tribunal at the Hague, "for the purpose of substituting in our ro tations with Europe, Judicial ac tion for rolitlcal expediency and mili tary force.' "To Imagine." he continued, "as Mr. Wilson, dx-s or did before he A Prominent Druggist Testifies ftedoodo Bench, CHf. "I with to call Mention to my fphnc to the snU rf Tablet ItuntMror W u article that hm fiven such univwul tmtiifactton. bmnu that evfjry bottle sold telle another. I am very much inclined, like moet druuiste of today, to sell the lone hot' etufl at a greater 'vV5s V sVnt aomethinc Tuet as food.' butio aUCffMliru AnnriM i.m aric acid and rheuraatidm I consider 1 have not only errsted bustnus along that line but have gained the oonhdenoe of the publio which more than repays me for my interest and su intention, together with the saUiti ac tion I get from having an article that 1 oao place with perfect confidence. Nothing would please me more than to be able to introduce Amino to. the world for the bene fit of all mankind. However, I have to content myself by simply calling attention to the satisfactory results that follow aa re ported to me by the individual, tttcodinc ttwiff thank." a D. KNOX. Ml Many of Your Neighbors Can Say the Same Tuolumne, Calif.: "My back tun ma oooaiderable trouble, which I thought was due to kidney dw ease. After taking four packages of Dr. Pierc'a Anurio (anli-urio-acid) Tablets I was fully recovered. I con sider it a wonderful medicine, I also ue Dr. Pieroe's Pleaunt Pellets whenever I am bilious, and they Bef. I consider them a groat medicine." WM. H. BOSCH. discovered Enurope, that the war has produced a fine sense of unity or mutual sympathy and of under standing between the powers, Is an error that should wreck any business enterprise based upon that suppo sition." "The large question is, shall we subordinate the constitution to the Mr , - VV The scientific blending of reliable vegetable remedies of benefit to persons who suffer from NervousDCM Sleepleaaneaa Depression Loss of Appetite Brain Fag Digestive Trouble Slow Recovery from Influenza and Kindred Aflmeata Are you run down? Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of its beneficial ingredients. " ' . ' - ' Bmtm MiMnnnvtM BRIACEA DiiUG COMPANY citr.Mo. Briaeta is sold in original Jff-GZ. bottles only, liefut au substitutes-. x m a w avi av 11 mm Mffnw irrwrn-pwrrw ttbwday, jitt.t tr, ino. AOH THTim covnnt. or shall we state (frankly to all the world that we will never, ill the laaat llnM nmnuiu .. ceutitutloB of the United States?" CLEVELAND KEWS ITEMS Teeeeeeeil A rather cool July this year.' ' , Crops are Rood here this year. Elmer Pierce made a business trip to the county seat last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bosse, of south ern California were visiting the lat ter, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Palmer here last week. Mrs. Earl Brown of Klamath Palls has been visiting friends here for the past tew days. Mr. H. J. Hebbard, "fhe Umpqua merchant passed through here last Tuesday with a large truck load of cherrlea which he was taking to the canneries at Roseburg. ine county road engineer was out here and surveyed the road between the post office and the Lona Dlaca to have it ready for grading. Mrs. Chas. Beard, df Garden val ley attended Sunday school here on Sunday last. Mr. Newhart. the Roseburg butch er was out on our streets Sunday morning. Sjric Trozelle has been helping Henry Oelkers of Garden Valley with his cultivating and other work. Don Hagerty, of West Roseburg. was visiting his grand parenla Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Wey. V. 8. Woodruff, who is overseeing the rock crushing and gravelling of tne roads In Coles valley Is going to have some good roads for the people of that vicinity to motor over. F. O. Good, the Coles Valley ranch er and sheepman passed through here enroute home from the county Mat. a CITY NEWS m We pay the highest price for Cas- cara bark. Berber's Bargain Stare. W ATKINS products. 1J6 W. Lane. Phone 137-L. Fires destroy Uvea, property and food. Be careful with fire. We wash and polish cart at Mer 'en's garage. Insure against loss eauln your tractors so they won't set tires. p: DEPENDON GOODS QUALITY GOODS! In buying goods we are always on the look out for fabrics of the finest quality, weave and designs. From the wee'est baby stockings to our most exptnsive silks, we always choose the best in quality. .That is our watchword QUALITY. - DRY GOODS LADIES WEAR I. ABRAHAM The Store That Gives You Service.' a.: a WARNER'S R'JST-PROOF CORSETS Just Received a New Stock of Fancy Designs in Dinnerware BLUR RIRD ?old band and fancy blue and gold patterns. Have either dinner sets or separate pieces. Prices very reasonable. Save a D 231 N. Money Jackson. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS .Douglas County Light and Water Co. rORTLAND, July 27 The Paci fic Northwest Merchants Convention which Is to convene In this city Au gust 9th to 14th promises to be the best attended In the history of the or ganizaion. Invitations sent out lomr time ago have brought In two thous and acceptances, and what Is more pleasing; to the officers of the or KWniiation, delegates are coming trom greater distances than ever be fore. Alaska will be well represent ed, and merchants are coming frotr aa far east as Wyoming, Minnesota Colorado and other states east oi' the Rocky mountains. In connection with the convention the eighth annual buyers week, In aueurated bv the mnnufacturers anc lobbers of Portland will be held jThls annual gathering Is becoming ITnltoH QlnlAa Qnnatnw Hi... U S SinPenOOUB aiTBir. HUB JBi "' Chamberlain will leave Portland dur- committee has arranged a very ela lng the first week in August for an borate series or entertainments, iu extended trip throughout the state eluding a "high Jinks for th! men during which he Intends to visit in lhfatre parties for the ladies, lun- every county, and lnsoect various cheons, excursions to various parte harbor, irrigation, drainage and oth- 'of the city, sight seeing trips of In er Dubllc work nroiects and famil- lerest about Po-tland, the enter larlze himself with the needs and 'talnment program continuing with nn improvement ambitions of the sev-' elaborate banquet In honor of the Stop and reflect great fires fron little sparks are spread. Be oarefu' It h fires. Hereafter we will do either rough dry or wet wash. There will be no barges less than 50c. but you can have 60c worth of wet wash at list price done for EOc, or $1 worth for "5c. Overalls and lumpers 18c each. Call up Tel. 467, Rough Dry Laundry. Chamberlain to Make Tour of State Be Slender u Tin m mi M fjtjatfa- aW Ihr aCTtTrva tjy twt Mm f ttm bfor ro Marring yafl tr. rKMtaM)ij afttMO M Ml 8 CflNKMrr n) tajroKJ. mo saaa o wm (imi iimmmc t wf 1. ay ILorttn eyttcai sa icw 19 ta K tk $100 M'v-nfnnd n to 91 WrMrlM JUd to H!f ratiUt; tnO bam A ma all ?S?JJ?J,l', TTr ifwr lift ' As. ff. WOtwCMI (prnsjatjajf i i fcat t an Atom iter I m NlMr rill mm mrmtmi noi tkmm Mtan mm MiVOtllMMkMI Tourists Tell Hard Luck Story W. L. Piatt and family of Pomona Cal., who recently took a trip north In the family auto certainly have a hard luck story to tell. Just before they reached the Oregon line thelt auto warn wraeked unit all ) ' , I. . family were more or leas hurt. But they got their car fixed up and weni to Salem. There one of the little girls had to undergo an operative in account of Injuries received In the auto accident. But that was only a bewlnning. They camped out in the auiomoMk park at Salem and u few days lat-r some prowlers stole all their mon during the night. The next blow fell when their car caught fire and war destroyed. Without means they found work picking fruit: but two boys aged 13 Vnd 15 took Mondav afternoon of I for a wade In the Willamette river. 'Richard, the youngest, was drowned and Walter, the elder, nearly loa hlu life trying to save his brot he He went under, but a stranger res cued him and with a pulniotor he was revived In ten minutes. It took 15 minutes, though, to find the other body and they were unable to recss citate him. For hard luck on a vacation trl we have seldon seen this story equalled. Many Buyers to Attend Convention "MAKE- IT SNAPPY" " aN that's the cry of the hungry camper directed to the camp cook. In town a few minutes delay in the preparation of breakfast cut no figure, but out in the open when you're in a hurry to hit the stream for the wait ing trout THAT'S DIFFERENT. That's when you want action. And you'll get it if included in the camp outfit is FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR. Just add water, it's ready. No milk, no sugar required. They've been added to the flour and in just the tight proportions to give you Pancakes such as you never tasted before THE KIND THAT CALLS FOR MORE. In the home or in the camp FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR is the. Best Pancake Flour on Earth ASK FOR IT AT YOUR GROCER'S Manufactured In "America's Finest Flouring Mills" by FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY PORTLAND l..n ,.Jrwt.Wf ,e. JLVd,. s-.1U.U should buy goods from any member of the organization while In Port land amounting to I.'j(M). that their fTailroad fare and Pullman charges to and from their home city wtll b" refunded. This magnificent offer ia expected greatly to Increase the at tendance of merchants from th'j mUI- Wle western and Pacific coast states, and Alaska. era! districts generally In every de tail. The senator Intends to make the trip by auto insofar as Is possible take his own time, map out his own Itinerary and establish his own sch edule, He plans to start In at the southern end of Curry county reach ing that section by way of Crescent City, California, and work bis way north along the coast through this county. He wishes to acquaint himself by personal Inspection and by personal contact with the people of the coast districts with 4he improvement pro jects In course or in contemplation there and also to become fully con versant with the resources and In dustries of the coast counties. From the coast country the sen ator expects to go Into the Klamath country where he will study the gov ernment Irrigation work being done there, or planned, and will then go Into other Central and Eastern Oregon counties. It is expected that the trip will require a month or more to complete. During his journey the sepator says he Intends to steer as far away from politics as possible In order that he may devote his attention the more Its resources. Since the commence ment of the world war the United exclusively to the state's needs and Statesasenate has been in almost con tinuous session and It has been Im possible for Senator Chamberlain to upend the time be desires In Oregon or to keep in as close personal touch with Its advance and development as he would have otherwise have done. Now, with congress adjourned until December snd with the Inten sive i-taire .of the impending cam nnign not due nutil the latter dayt of S.'Ptcmner. the senator hs !( ternilno.l to fill .In the gap htw. n ih present arz i 'hen witl h'.t r n tnniiilated Iouto2 of Insne ilon an study so that he will have first hand and personally gathered data and knowledge In handling -the varied problems which come to. him In the acromnllshments of his duties as United States Senator. visitors. The committee In charge of thr week's activities have advised pros pective merchant visitors that If the' CASTOR IA For Infant and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beari the Signaran ( NOTICE Or1 SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER. General Laud Office, Washington, D. C, July 3, 1920. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limita tions of the Act ef June s, IS It 3 Stat., llli. and the instruc tions of the Secretary of the Inter ior of September It. 1117, the Um ber en the following lands will be sold August 23, 1S20. at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the Unit ed States land office at Rosebnrg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be sub ject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price with an additional sura ef one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being eemmlsslons allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue fer the timber which must be removed within ten years Bids will be re ceived from oltiaens ef the United States, associations of such eltlsens and corporations organleed under the laws of the United States or any state, territory er district thereof ealy. Upon applteatloa ef sjnaii fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included In any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 S., R. 1 W , Sec. 31. NEK BB14. fir 1460 M., cedar 30 M.. NW14 SE. nr 1800 M., SE SEH, fir fO M . SW14 SEW. fir 1740 M., cedar 20 M.. NE!4 SWH. fir 1220 M . cedar 30 M.. Lot 3, nr 1170 M., SE4 SW14. fir 1600 M., Lot 4. fir 1800 it., none of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than 12. per M. T. It 8.. R. 1 W., Sc. 9. NEW NEW. red fir 2S M., white fir to M , SEW NEW. red fir 350 M : none of the red fir to be sold for less than 31.71 per M.. and none of the white fir to be sold for. .s than 60 centa per M. T. is s.. R. 1 W., See. 23. NEW NWW. nr 1700 M . NWW NWW. fir 1550 M.. SWW.NWW. fir 2090 M., cedar 25 M., SWW SEW. 1r 14 M., eedsr 0 M., SEW SEW. fir 1426 M., cedar 30 M. NEW SVV'W. fir 400 M.. NWW SWW. fir s0 M . BEW SWW. fir 140 M., cedar 10 M.; none of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than 12 00 ner M. (Signed) CLAY TALL- MAN, Commissioner, General Lead ohm. . WHEN VOC I.KAVK TOWN this summer it's a good move to have the News-Review follow you te your vacation Home. L,et us mall It to you dally just phone 135 or write our ubscriprlon department and we'll ee that It comes to you regularly. Smith and Miss accompanied by Sheet Metal Work OF ALL KINDS J. H. SINNIGEP 110 OAK 8THKKT PHONG 438 Dr. Lucetta P.lanche Heed friends who are vitltlng here from .California, left yesterday for Crater lake where thny will spend the next week or ten days. DRINKS orance crush, loganberry, strawberry, raspberry, iemoOaniua, pineapple. ROOT BEtH. CCCO COLA. CIWCEH ALE ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SCDA WORKS PHONE 186 Dick Woodward, who recently en llBted In tne U. S. Navy, has just completed a course in luecuanies at j the Great Lakes Aviation training i school and now holds the rating of j machinists mute, 2d class. 111b moth- I er, Mrs, F. J. Woodward who resides J on South Pine street has been noti fied of her son's promotion. Learn Shorthand, 5 Days Va will b "4 at Um qul-knM With wlnrh n'fin I ha m Ik. I. gWIhand I borough I r .'tr" ( lUaefrtetf - r u aid anvlwHir't iniHf, Serejttaalf gjlaaaU and -aat town I iJy. tm fra awara rw'll o" the wIkJ rUta. f.'s iJ ? t Uim etote rttrtaH-i, foiiirnn lin, t--a, ., a taal aa a prtaxn talks. rk4e Hh vnitr l lity l -v mora m.1 H4 f at ( Bl I ! ' ait tUt (). t l( ! 9, N We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE Hides, Mohair, Rags, Rnhher, Old Metals, Papers and Bonea. A Good Line of Second Hand , Clothing For Sate. Cass and Pine Sts. OPEN ALL SUMMER Piano Department Hemline-Moore Conservatory Violin and Physical Education Department ' Closed Until September..? Auto Owners! We would he leaded to teat yemr Batteries Free at any time and give ynti enert adrire on the rare nf Itatteriea. . When parrhanlng new hallrr Im grt our price. We ran save you money. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 441 M. Jackson Ht Roaeburg. USED CARS Buick Roadster, 4-Cyl 1918 Mitchell, 6-Cyl Overland Roadster, 4-Cyl 1919 Mitchell, 6-Cyl Ford Touring 1 Ton Chevrolet Truck, 4-Cyl All in first-class shape, if you are looking for a good used car, call on us. . J. F. BARKER & CO., roseburg; OREGON IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS "LIBERTY" CAKE CUPS These are the cups that you read of in "Good Housekeeping", and from personal experience we can recommend them. They Save Creasing! They Save Time and Labor ! No Gem Pans to Wash! Cake. Keep Better Fresher ! Just tie thing for Auto Parties and Lunches. One Cross for 25 Cents, almost 6 for a Penny. Get a Package, they will please you, Churchill Hardware Co. IRON MONGERS THE WINCHESTER STOKE