Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 20, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    iwMimnui nwumtw ttkwtut, m.r x. iwo,
Pint rtrnwrn
"As a cook,
"SURE THING," I aald.
"YOU 8TAY In bed.
AND I'LL cook breakfast."
SO MY wife agreed.
SHE'D TRY it once.
AND THE fruit was fine.
AND THE coffee welt
SPEAKING roughly.
IT WAS fair.
BUT WHEN I tackled.
COUR MILK griddle cakes.
FLOUR, SODA, and Bait
8t)UR MILK, one egg.
MIX, DROP, cook. flop.
BUT 80METHING vent wrong.
60 I stacked the oiikoo.
UNDER MY window.
".,..r,. -i
Aicorxn THE TOV
To Mctlford
I Miss. Mary Parr, who has been
Visiting here with rlatlves for a
Short time, left this morning Ifor her
. koine in Medford.
leave on Varitflon
Mr. and Mrs. James Goodman will
leave here tomorrow for Salem where
tfcey will Pttemi the Elks convention
and visit with Mr. Goodman's parents
After concluding their visit at the
In buying goods we are always on the look
out for fabrics of the finest quality, weave and
designs. From the wee'est baby stockings
to our most expensive silks, we always choose
the best in quality. That is our watchword
The Store That Oives You Service.
Boick Roadster, 4-Cyl 1918 Mitchell, 6-Cyl
Overland Roadster, 4-Cyl 1919 Mitchell, 6-Cyl
Ford Touring 1 Ton Chevrolet Truck, 4-Cyl
All in first-class shape, if you are looking
for a good used car, call on us.
Douglas County Light and Water Co.
Ira a
THAT TENOR crt next door.
AND I asked my wife.
WHY CAKES go wrong.
SHE 8AID, "It's like.
JUST THINK it over."
BUT 8AW that wasn't it
THE NEXT guess landed.
THE BLEND can't be copied."
AND I gotta admit
THI8 TALK of knowin' how.
KNOWING HOW is everything
in blending cigarette tobaccos.
The Chesterfield recipe calls for
the choicest Turkish and Domestic
tobaccos, expertly blended in the
exclusive, can't-be-copied way our
own secret. We do ''know how"
and Hint's why Chesterfleldf
capital city, they will go on to As
toria to attend the state convention
of the American LeKlon. Mr. Good
man being a delegate from the local
post. They will be absent from the
city for a couple of weeks.
Ucturn to Ixts Angeles .
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bosea, of Los
Angeles, who have been making an
extended visit at Cleveland left this
morning for their home.
From Salem
' Mr. and Mrs. Horace Maratera ar
rived in Roseburg this morning from
Salem and will visit here with rela
tives and friends for a short time.
Community Owes the Child
ren a Place of Recrea
tion and Amusement.
Head of Children's Work in Chau
tauqua Tells of Advantages tu
tlilldrvn from Hupervised Hay.
Ing Informal Work Here.
"I most certainly do believe in a
play grounds for children. I think
that no town of any site should be
without a playground and a means
of supervised play for their children.
Any community owes the children
that much, so those of tomorrow who
have the cares of the business men
of today on their hands, shall learn
some of the first rules of the busi
ness world, and learn them in such
a manner that they will never for
get. We people who love children
and who have made it our life work
to teach them to begin first on the
rules of fair play and we believe as
much as we believe anything that if
they are taught fair play in their
childhood games that they will use
fair play when tliey exchange the
base bull and milt for the tools of a
trade or profession.
Miss Schorl also thinks In addi
tion to providing merely a place for
the children to play, that they should
be given . supervised .amusements.
"You are then sure that they are
playing the correct games, playing
them as they should be played, and-
are not outdoing their strength, the
lat betng much more Important
than many people think.
"Roseburg has plenty of play
ground facilities, plenty of people
to support It, and above all, plenty
of lovely children. It seems to be the
most crying need I know dr. not only
in Roseburg. but In many other of
ilia towns. M::ny say that even If
you can afford a playground you
cannot afford some competent per
son to take'eharge of It and oversee
the chUdren. Then why not arrange
for different people In the city to
oversee tbe plavground certain d-iys
of etch week. Pf each have one day
thev will not be ovc-burdened but
will enloy the work. When I go Into
towns with the Chautauqua, I notice
at OT'e a difference In the children
of those places tht have established
playrrotinds, and those that have
not. They are more developed, both
physically and mentally, and play un
to tb 'Marquis of Queensbury"
The play which Miss Schorl Is
Klving the children during the seven
davs that she Is here is very Infor
mal. They piny volley ball, dodge
ball, base ball, have contest and folk
dances, and a great deal of time just
catch." Although in towns of this
size she usually has between 60 and
100 children, at the present time In
Roseburg there are only about 4 0.
She Is anx'ous that more come and
promises them nil a good time. Miss
Schorl Is a graduate of Cornell coll
ege, and has studied the systems of
many large playgrounds. Phe Is also
an export in physical" education work
rt nil kinds. At the end of the seven
days she will have nn exhibition,
but it will in no way be a pageant.
MENT TIMBER. General Land
Office, Washington, D. C, July 3,
1920. Notice is hereby given that
subject to the conditions and limita
tions of the Act of June 9, 1916
3 Stat., 218), and the Instruc
tions of the Secretary of the Inter
ior of September 15, 1917, the tim
ber on the following lands will be
old August 23, 1920. at 10 o'clock
a. ni., at public auction at the Unit
ed States land office at Roseburg.
Oregon, to the highest bidder at not
less than the appraised value as
shown by this notice, sale to be sub
ject to tbe approval of the Secretary
of the Interior. The purchase price
with an additional sum of one-fiftb
of one per cent thereof, being
commissions allowed, must b
deposited at time of sale, money to
be returned If sale la not approved,
otherwise patent will issue for the
timber which must be removed
within ten years. Bids will be re
ceived from citizens of the United
States, associations of such citizens
and corporations organized undor
the laws of the United States or any
state, territory or district thereof
only. Upon application of a quali
fied purchaser, the timber on any
legal subdivision will be offered
separately before being Included In
any offer of a larger unit. T.
15 S.. R. 1 W. Sec. 31, NEVi
fK'A. fir 160 !.. cedar 30 M..
N.'I4 SE4. nr 1800 M SE4
SEH, fir 850 M. SWV4 SE4. fir
1740 M.. cedar 20 M.. NE
fir 1220 M.. cedar 30 M., Lot 3. fir
1170 M., SKi SW14. fir 1600 M..
Lot 4. fir 1800 M., none of the fir
or cedar to be sold for less 1h
2 0O per M. T. 16 8.. R. ) W
Sec. 9. NE 4 NEV4. red fir C25 M..
white fir 50 M.. fiEVi NE"4. red tir
350 M.: none of the red fir to be
sold for less than $1.75 per M.. and
none of the white fir to be sold for
ss than 50 cents per M. T. 1 8..
R. 1 W., 8-c. 23. NE14 N'H, fir
1700 M.. NW4 NWf, fir 1550 M..
SW'4 NWH, fir 209ft M , cedar 25
M.. SW4 SE. fir 1640 M., cedar
60 M.. BF.Si SE, fir 1 425 M.. cellar
30 M.. NE4 SWU, fir 400 M..
NW 4 SV 4 . fir 880 M . SE SW V, .
fir 540 M.. cedar 10 M.: none of the
fir or cedar to be sold for less thnn
1.00 per M. ISIgned) CLAY TALIS
MAN, Commissioner, Genera) Land
Merciful Heavens, how my back
hurts in the morning 1 " It's ai!
due to an,
ance of that
poison called i
uric acid.
The kidneys
are not able
to got rid of
It. Such con
ditions you
can readily
and prolontf
life by taking:
"Anuric" (anti-uric-acid). This
can bo obtained at almost any drug
store, in tablet form.
When your kidneys get sluggish
and clog, you suffer from beck
ache, sick-headache, dizzy spells,
or twinges and pains of lumbago,
rheumatism or gout; or sloep is
disturbed two or three times a
night, get Dr. Pierce's Amine, It
will put new life into your kidneys
and your entire Fystem. Send Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,
N. Y., ton cents for trial package.
San Francisco, Camp. "I have
used Dr. Pierce's remedies in my
family for fifteen years and have
found on every occasion that they
fave satisfactory results. Recently
was troubled with my kidneys and
my back constantly pained me. I
took three packages of Dr. Pierce's
Anuric Tablets which removed all
pain and cleared up conditions. 1
advise every one to give Dr. Pierce's
remedies a fair trial." MitS. E.
Eve, 422 Brannon Street.
She will exemplify her way of sup
ervising play ground work and the
children will have a contest game.
Conklin Offers
Prize to Youngsters
Chester Conklin, who pluys at the
An tiers Theatre Wednesday evening
at the head of a large company from
h!n Hollywood studio, U one (' the
old fat Btara In (joint of service In the
picture .Ijuh.i.ohii. He Htarted his ca
reer with the old Keystone Studios,
the same that gave such stars as
Charlie Chaplin, "PoMy'4 Arhuckle,
and Malile Normand theirs. Conklin
is acknowledged the most critical of
the critics to be the etiuul ol any of
these. He says that if he wore pro
ducing for himself right now, he
would hate to pay the salaries of
such a chat as Chaplin, At buckle,
.Normand and himself. However at
the time he broke into pictures, the
above mentioned stars appeared in
every picture turned out at the Key-
a-' . . Tifti
stone studios. There was no such a
thing in those days as a comedy star.
They all worked Hide by side, and all
dressed in the same sized rooms. Now
the star must have a bungalow all
to him or herself and many other
things before they can get their ar
tistic temperament to work.
Conklin is best known in the
character of 'Walrus', which char
acter he originated for pictures. He
says the Inspiration came to him
when he was working for the Barnes
circus in the lone long ago. He not
iced that the people gave the walrus
a wide berth, and, as he himself Is so
modest, he adopted the character to:
the screen. He cl;iiins to lie the only
movie star that has never been
photographed without his make up.
He has been r-cosnizcd twice In 8
years, and he promises to the first
boy or girl in Koschurg who recog
nizes him. the replica of his famous
I 'Walrus' moustache, which he will
jsend as soon as he reaches Los An
geles. I After the performance at the Ant
hers, Conklin will hold a reception In
ithe lobby, at which he hopes to meet
'and shnite hands with every one In
ithe audience. This will be Mr. Conk-
lln's only appearance In Roseburg In
rest life, so be sure and avail vour
self ( the opportunity to meet him
on that occasion.
Airs. Selina Chillis, of Brownsville
Is visiting In this city wlih her ilau
Khter. Miss MhIm-I Childs, of the 1!a
.Shop. Mrs. Childs wnl remain In the
city for several weens.
batfif ppcJ.
frtii't"l, aa
rattlrat'd Utiy
t AUtOataf
ffud Of
and I 6 at., ail
Mun f.-rlJKKF Vit
to J. MT aaiTTMM,
Italians Flock
to United States
NEW YORK, July 20 Hoffman
Island, detention station of the New
York quarantine service now has an
average transient population of more
than 1.UU0 a day, due to the lubound
rush of Ituliau Immigrants.
In addition, the five doctors at
tached to the station have given up
all thoughts i a vacation and are
working, one of the quarantine offi
cials said, to the limit of human en
durance in vaccinating, tumlKattiiK
and inspecting prospective ct'lzens
and their families.
The reason for the unusual call
for the services of the Hoffman Is
land iat'on Is said to he a misunder
standing on the part of the Italian
officials and the steamship companies
respecting United State Public Heal
th regulations. Travellers from the
districts Where typhus carrying sus
su prowl to be "deloused" examined
and certified as "clean" before they
bo-rd thea ship.
These regulations are not being
pelled to take a bath Ifrom the tops
and therefore (ho delnuslng and fu
migating must be doile before the
traveller is landed. The expense ctf
the work is charged to the steamship
luring the Inst week more than a
half dnren ships have arrived from
ports where tynphus carrying sus
pects could be taken on board. All of
these ships have been detained In
quarantine while the steerage pass
engers, numbering from one to two
thousand on each ship, were taken
off on barges, landed at Hoffman Is
land and detained from 2 4 to 48
Puring the detention they ar com
pelled to take a bath from thetops
of their he:uls to the soles df their!
feet. Their clothing. bagipnge and 1
effects are then put through a bath;
of live steam. From Hoffman Islind
arrivals ae taken to Kills Island for
examination bv Immigration author
ities as to their qualifications.
Movie Machines
To Aid Educators
WASHINGTON, July 20 A "mov
ie" machine in every public school to
aid In the education of the children
of the country is the aim of the Vis
ual bjducatlnn Association, which has
opened headquarters here.
Charles V. Hunt, secretary of the
association, says congress will be
asked to appoprlate funds to co-operate
with (he states In carrying out
the program, the expense heing borne
equally by the federal and state gov
ernments. While estimatln g the ultimate
cost at $19,500,000. Mr. Smith an
Iclpated that this sum would be need-
li k ( yaar fctwalt rtflulw da Dot
Utotnr .ldlctl to .hMili.f rirtM
or mlnrral Iiat1rt: full trv KOflOLAX;
ate. emtio, m he lemom. Hl and im-s
farthest O'i alnablw at luity d-ur1U.
hrr. Kfla I r!1rf for man limenta.
Including nn(llatiin. h tad achat, ilzy
fell, balehlita, lit-arlliurn. lhar.
ta) brraih, teniuiii"M dmi--tU. Hi'Ue'
Uou. atMlU. (BfuUl and iiiijtlral slyllMsa.
ami reguuir I, uo, the fnmous
mult-hop ill Ink. Kegs or bot
PHONE 186 -
$ We Buy at
llliloa, Miilmlr, Hags.
ItnMier, Olil Metal,
Pnera and Hnnoe. ,
A Good Line of Second Hand
Clotblng For Bale.
Cms and Pine Sta.
Piano Department
lleinline-Moore Conservatory
Violin and Physical
Education Department
Closed Until September.
Auto Owners!
We nciulil be iilba-cd to tnet
Batteries Free
at any time ami alve you expert
lilf-4 on the rare of llattffliea.
When purrhnfliift nrw baMer
les (iet our price. Wo con aaro
you money.
44 1 N. Jacluon St- Boaabarf.
ed by Installment! and he announced
that tba aaaoclatlon would ask for
the Immediate appropriation of 15.
0U0.UUU available for expenditure
durinc th next three year.
The Awoclatloa U lncorporatad
under the lawa df the atate of In
diana, Ita organirer Including Char
lea A. Qreathouse. former Indiana
lute superintendent of public In
struction. Dr. J. N. Hurty. Indiana
coiuissloner of health, and B. R. In
nian. mnuj;er of the Indiana Cham
ber of Commerce.
Wilbur, Ore., July 16. 1920.
Kill tor Newa-Hevlew:
I think It la wrong for the people
'hroughout the country here to ul
'ow them to build that sanitarium
ind hospital at Winchester. We all
know thnt coiuuiuptlou is a very bad
ind contagious disease, and to thin it
r having a sanitarium full of these
people where the city of Hose burg
ets their water supply seems oul
rugeous to me. They Inteud to build
'hene hospitals above the dam and
ibtive the wagon bridge on the flat
it Winchester, and we all know that
he surplus water from this flat all
drains Into the river above the diun
where the city gets Its water supply.
Just think of a number of consump
tives spitting around over the
ground and all the water from thl
ground la dralued In above where
you get your drinking water. Do
you people who have to use this
water think this Is right to allow a
thing like that? I certainly do not.
The people who are to hulld these
hospitals put up a very nice talk and
'tromlse to run their sewers to 1h"
river about one-fourth mile below
Winchester. This may Bound all
-Ight to some, but what about th
'round around fnogc buildings? It
til drains towards a small creek
vlih flows Into the river above the
tower plant at Winchester. And
hose consumptives spitting all over
his ground and having It drain into
he water Bupply does not sound
irood to me. Consumption la con
tagious, uml It Is not right to have a
'ol of such people mixing with other
people. Think of them sitting
.round public buildings atid In the
dorrs, spitting on the floor and on
'he porches around where well peo
ple giit her. The germs from con
sumption live for months In damp or
"ool places and people who are
.round these places and breathing
hese germs are running chances of
Tetting (he disease. Some are bound
o get It. and when you get It once
!t Is almost impotable to got cured,
t know of pluci's where they treat
these conHiimutives that the dim an1
Tots so bud that the germs get all
'hrough the air and ground, and
v n the birds, chickens and animals
"t the disease. Just imagine them
having such a resort where the city
sols its water supply. This country
!s too dnmp for conwtmptlven, any
way. All doctors will tell you that
'he germB live much longer in damp
Be Slender
A trv wwt to yrame !rnWr aa-11. hraHhf la
low fuur tlf- yl. tui i-m 0r lhad7 fcrt W
niu.-ltan of w-ieht No n- -4 of
tHrvinar uras If. or eahnun. y ex
iria N aiilW tlim.''.
tmruld nolo-.alttiw Jo.t t,ium
Uw iimtile, un Kt'.-tn ailnu at
i iur yw 10 r
due 10 to 10
p.jrj (wttat'Vrt you rtMKl to
und. t 1 tj.tifi, y-rvfU"-! aiir
rilr S-if". r l!a,lil. rrvHtUB
mA by pir(rmn Aild lu ynut
rapmiiilily ami clmm AmtM all
aliu knnm yog liwomf linur in
lu-klth. MM w to yn-ir lifrl A'B
fur HOeilN ipmnuiiWri A.
follow tli. Kiln ,,,!... r.
.h,.( hlD. or J.I.T.. -n.- ..,01
luwtln. Kboti oUmt. Ui. AilVLUllhUENT
Riddle Tonight !
These are the cups that you read of in "Good
Hous'ekeepinK", and from personal experience
we can recommend them.
They Save Greasing!
They Save Time and Labor!
No Gem Pans to Wash !
Cake Keep Detter-Fresher !
Just the thing for Auto Parties and Lunches.
One Gross for 25 Cents, almost 6 for a Penny.
Get a Package, they will please you,
Churchill Hardware Co.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Flsa
only look for the name California
on (ha package, then you are aura
i our child Is having the bt and
tuost harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love Its fruity taste. Full directions
in each bottle. You must aay "Cali
fornia." climate and that the disease Is much
harder to cure than In a dry climate.
1 think the people and doctors should
get together and stop thelil from
building such an institution at Win
chester. According to my way of
thinking. It would be an outrage to
allow them to build there or any
where else around where those con
sumptives could mix with healthy
You may wonder of what Inleredt
It Is to me to knock the sanitarium
this way. It la lust thla: I am doing
It for the health and sufuly of the
public, and also thai I have a deal
on for a place where 1 will have to
use the city water, nut the deal la
off If Ihut suiilturium got, for I will
nut live near such an (limit lit Inn.
I hone vou will print this letter
and hut the people will wake up and
put a slop to tins menace tierore it
Is loo late. J. W. ALLISON.
Wilbur, Oregon.
Dr. Albert Louis flanks of Boston,
and Miss Florence Aiken nt thla city
left Inst evnnlnK on the five o clock
train for San Francisco, where they
will vlnlt with Dr. Ilnnka' mother,
Mrs. Mary Hanks, who Is also a fos
ter aunt of MIfis Aiken. They expect
to return to thic city Friday night.
No Excuse for
on your walls. Our Salu of
now going on.
Cupids, Mudonnaa, scenes, old
masters, religious, port rails of
all klii'l". sizes and rMura at
Come early save money.
Iftll N. Jackson.
I .. 0 BOY I