IKMUmimO 1TKW-RFTTFW MOXDAY, JT'T.Y 13, 1990. PAQS TUB Ket Contend laFluid DractirM 5 TOCOUOL-a PER CBNT. 9 AVeielabtelYepar"titfA I similalin$ thcFood OyReguli- .. in-.-iAf linisUie3iMicmiiu jj Thereby PromoUnDi; I ChcerfulncssMdRcftCMlafe 9 neither Opium, Morphine nw i Minoral NnT XahOOTH jHtitl t4 . 1 1 fn I Constipation ondDitfiiyi. II e.w-iNhness and j! lOSS OF SLEEP I'rcsutUntttwreffiH fac -Simile SitSnetwe,0" new Tl,;y, CflSTOil Tor Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castork Always Bears the Signature. of r1 In Use For Over Thirty Years OASTORIA WAGE DEMANDS BEFORE BOARD Increases In Practically All Classes of Railroad Labor Under Consideration. 26 DAY MONTH WANTED I bor Bonn Considering Formal l-ennnds ' Blade by Organized Labor Condition Are Gener ally Still rnaettled. PUBLISH MY LETTER Sara Mrs. Ovenstein, So Other Suffering Women May Learn How to Get WelL Exact Copy of Wrapper. w tl.l p. T.jiy - I vt ctwT.uw eewMNV. M vaaa errr. TUKSPASS WARXl.VG. WHEN YCC LEAVE TOWN All persons are hereby warned not to trespass In any manner upon my land near the Brown bridge In Cur den Valley. 1 have grown tired of my fruit being stolen and birds shot year after year, and anyone here after detected upon the premises without permission- will he prose cuted. J. H. BOOTH. (his summer It's a good move to hare the News-Review follow you to your vacation home. Let us mail It to you daily Just phone 13S or write our uhscrlp.ion department and we u ee that it comos to you regularly. Insure against loss equip your tractors so they won't sel fires. We Are Selling Lots in Overlook Addition WHY? Because they are close in, nicely located and overlooking the City. Street improvements, including paving and sewer, paid for, your title perfect and prices lower than ever offer ed before, Building material is coming down and you can soon afford to build that modern collage you have dreamed of on one of these lots in lioseburg's most sightly district. SEE N.RICE of Rice&Rice USED CARS Buick Roadster, 4-CyI 1918 Mitchell, 6-Cyl Overland Roadster, 4-Cyl 1919 Mitchell, 6-Cyl Ford Touring 1 lA Ton Chevrolet Truck, 4-Cyl All in first-class shape, if you are looking for a good used car, call on us. J. F. BARKER & CO., ROSEBURG, OREGON IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES - TRACTORS By Associated Pre. WASHINGTON. July 12. De mands for substantial wage Increases for nearly all classes of the 2,000,- 000 railroad employes have been pending since late last summer. These demands, first presented at different times to the railroad ad ministration's board on wages and working conditions, were unsettled when government operation of the railroads was end-Mi, and In urn were referred to the railroad labor board, which was created under the transportation act. Some few of the classes of organ ized employes have not pressed for mal demands but have Insisted that ihat wages be increased If advances were granted other relnted classes of workers. The principal demands of the leading unions follow: Brotherhood of Railroad Train men Passenger brakemen be In creased from $120 a 30-day month to $150 for 26-day month: baggage men be Increased from $124.80 for 30-day month to $160 for 26-day month; assistant conductors be In creased from $144 for 30-day month to $179 for 26-day month; freight brakemen In valley territory be in creased from $4.08 to $5.88 a day with ten per ceqt Increase over these rates wherever the grade exceeds 1.8 per cent; yard foremen or con ductors be Increased from $6.33 to $7.20 u day; yard helpers or brake men be Increased from $6 to $6.90 a day; switch tenders be increased mi k -- Chicago, 111. "I suffered for four rears with pains in my sides, hips and legs ana a terrible bsi'karhe. I could not do any work at all. 1 was treated by tnanv phvairians but they did hot help nit. 1 read in one of your books where other women had bean helped br Lxi'ik K. Pinkham's evcvible C o ni pouna ; I tried it and it helped ma very much so thai V'rf I ran do every thing in the hoiust ' bare told my friends about your wc.i.-.ful Vegetable Compound and you have my permission to publish my letter so other women who suiter mav learn how to pet well." Mrs. Ida Ovkxstox, ROi S. ilarsblield Ave, Chicago, 111. This good old-faehloncd remedy It made from native roots and herha' and contains no narcotics or harmful drugs If you have the slightett doubt tliat Lydie E, Pinkham's Vegetable Coin nonnd will help you, write to I.vilia K. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential). Lvnn. Mass-, for advice. Your letter will be opened, rend and anawered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. DRAIX AXI IJ-JOXA XEWS 41 The Leon a mills shut down o' Monday for a short time Ifor repairs. Melvin Klcnardson was In Eugene Sunday, returning the same day. Mr. Anderson, who recently pur chased the James Kllenburg ranch. has been moving hla household goods the past week, also the five flocks of chickens, and his cows andgouts- Alex Wright, of Smllh River came out to Leona Saturday, returning the annriA riav aeenmnnnlnt hu Mr from $4 to $5.90 a day; also time and M Ho,. Vhght. and rtaagh and one-half for all Sunday and tePi Iren8 They wU1 atay , ,h holiday work and a guarantee of 2ojnttVe flnghed with the hay on the days a month for regular employes otner rancn at 8m.lth Rlv(,r '"'der T8Ra,ilwaryViCCoductors-- Leona seemed deserted Monday Pa?r conducT"?. be "Sealed ZZTZ" i '"NT!. 'J from $180 for 30-day month to $223 I h n"nZ aUn1 .. . . . ,u K ..ih, i'he ptcpic at the Cold Springs or the school house. for 26-day month; through freight conductors be increased from $6.40 to $7.65 a day In valley territory, with Increases in the mountain rate from $5.81 to $8.37 a day; local rreight conductors be Increased from $5.92 to $3.38 a day In valley terri tory, with increase In mountain rate from $6.26 to $9.13 a day. Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men and Enginemen Road freight liremen to be Increased an average of $1.84 a day over present rates; yard freight firemen be Increased an average of $2.26 a day over present rates: passenger firemen to be In creased from present average of $4.31 a day to $6.60 a day. Brolherhood of Locomotive Engi neers: While presenting no specific requests, notice was served that the engineers desired increases propor tionate to any Increases granted other employes. All road employes, as distinguishes from yard employes, In the four fore going organisations, generally grouped as the Big Four brother hoods, now get proportionately In creased dally pay when they make mileage In excess or 100 miles ana in freight service get time and one half for time consumed In excess of what would be required on the guar anteed speed basis, which is two and one-half miles an hour. Switchmen's Union of North Amor- r1a Foremen, or conductors be in creased from $5.33 to $7.50 a day and $8 a night; helpers or brakemen be Increased from $5 to $7 a day and Lawrence and Ruth Travlor, of Drain, spent the 4th with thlr grandmother, Mrs. J. Woolley. near Leona. Work on the PacJNe Highway Is again under way, having been tem porarily suspended owing to the rock crusher breaking down a week ago. Everett Wright left a week ago for Cottage Grove where he will work for a short time. Alhe-t Wright ex pects to leave soon for California, so we are told. Mrs. N. J. Wooley. of Leona. re ceived word Inst week that her sis ter. Mrs. LoulBa Davidson of Los Anceles, will arrive the latter part of this week for a visit. One of Mr. McComh'a children has Ihe measles this week, though It ap pears to be a mild case. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mnttoon and children, and Mrs. Julia Johnwi, were over on Smith River this wek on a camping trip, returning T.te-1-diy. Messrs. Rslph Applegate. Oirar and Jack Mattoon and several others whose names were no! learned, were also on a camping trip on Smith River the past week. Rev. M. Drake, of Drain, wen! to Curtain last week to hold relgilous services. Mrs. Clara Wroe and son, Oeorto. who have been visiting with Mrs. Wroe's daughter, Mrs. Daisy An drews and (family of North Bend fo.- jthe past two weeks, returned home tnis weeK. HERE'S MUSIC FOR YOU! Chautauqua bring? an abundance of splendid music, vocal and instrumental in bij? variety and all jrood, Your season ticket will bring you ten concerts during week. Trig ALASKAN DUO Lona Laska, native Alaskan soprano, and Huldah Voedisch, mezzo-soprano two brilliant soloists. Two Concerts Second Day. ROYAL WELSH LADY SINGERS The famous sinking organization from Wales, Great Britain, under the per sonal direction of Madame HughfS Thomas, Two Concerts Thiid Day. MARY ADEL HAYS Return Western tour of the noted New York soprano a coloratura voice of pure gold. Fourth evening only. PEREIRA'S QUINTET Famous Portuguese violinist supported by company of artists -one of the best stringed orchestras on the platform. Two Concerts Fourth Day. THE PARNELLS Musical entertainers who "strike twelve"' everywhere, saxophone, ac cordion, vocal solos and readings. Two Concerts Sixth Day. ' NATIVE MAORI SINCERS Native singers from New Zealand feat uring their own songs and dances. Only organization of its kind in Ame rica. Two Concerts Last Day. TICKETS ON SALE AT MARSTERS, HAMILTON'S ANO CHAPMAMS DRUG STORE OR AT ANY BANK IN ROSEBURC ADULTS $2.50, STUDENTS $1.50; CHILDREN $1,00, WAR TAX EXTRA. ROSEBURG i U 1 (4 IS "J I I O 1 I I i I I JULY 17 TO 23 camp while working on the new road. hxk iioxiNd card. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. 7 RO a nlaht: switch tenders to re- I wr- Woltpr Allen and children e.cive same rate as helpers; time and drove over from Curtain Wednesday one-half for Sundays and holidays. to apen) a few days with her parents. Maintenance of Way and tngin.v Mr and Mrg, B. i Harris and fam- house Laborers Rate for all me-ju 0f gmith River. chanics In the maintenance of way gteve Krewson moved his son department to be Increased from George and family to the head of haslc rate of 53 cents an nour to Smith River where they expect to uniform rate of 68 cents an nour; rate of all trackmen and other labor ers to be increased from rates run ning from 28 cents to 40 cents an hour to uniform rates throughout the United States of 50 cents an hour. Most of these employes now receive between 36 and 40 cents an hour. Brotherhood of Railroad Signal men of America An increase of ap proximately 10 cents an hour lor each class of signal employes. Brotherhood of Railroad Clerks An increase of at least 20 cents an hour, retroactive to January 1. 1920, and In addition the re-establishment of differentials between lertaln classes of employes; also Im mediate elimination of the existing 43-cent an hour maximum rate for freight handlers and other labor n freight houses, storerooms, etc., and time and one-half for Sundays and holidays. Order of Railroad Telegraphers thai rates received by telegraphers on the Southern Pacific system, which are said to he practically the highest In Ihe country on any Im portant railroad, shall be taken as a basis, the rates of all other teleg raphers put on the same basis, and then an Increase of 17 cents an hour added to rates so established; also increase lu approximately 85 cents an hour for enip'nyes now generally receiving 67 and 72 cents an hour. KOTICK OF BEMOVAL All patrons and the public gans--s'ly are hereby notified that Smith end Friend hive morsd their Jltnev viand from Phone 171 te 11. Call 21 hereafter. BklTH and FRIEND gg:ggirii::ii::iimiiiit:::i:::::laiSfg ' UM B trmir onmrt unit v tt liMitraa agHirrit em ostrrftM.ru trrtm in tpeiUng, pruouttciation and poor ehotc of word. Know the meaning of puxxling war term. Increase your eflkteocy. whicb results io power and Mecca. . WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY is an all-knowing Untcher, a univerau question answrrer, made to meet your nfd. It is in dtilr usn uy hundreds of thou stands ni fiuo- eeaaui men sUwi mnb Um world over. 40' Words. 2700 Patf. OO0 If lunradona. I2.t Htoftraptilcal Kn triaa. M.OOQ ;fftriptikaJ 3ubjact. HUN mm. (Iliahom Award) !'a.iautai'l'aV-Jia bipumtioa ttttUA MUU PliUJ. tdltfMM. WRil K fir ''iMira fac Utr.tt , fNjukrt Map ro Oavesx ihs (mumx. O. a C. MCRftiAM CO., efriiqUMd, Mate.. U. S. A. SALEM. Ore., Jul) 1 2 Joe Gor man, of Partlnnd, prevent holder of the title, and Earl llalrd. contender. of seatlle, are to hattle ror the l'a c.lfc Coast featherweight champion ship in the main event of 34 rnundt. of boxing to be staged by the Salem lodge of Elks at the state fair grouuds auditorium on the n-'ght of July 23, the second day of the third iintiual convention of the Oregon Elks. They will travel over the 10 round route. Such Is the nnnouneetnent of tho sports committee of the convention organization made public today. With the exception of one 6 round nrellminary bout, all of the contracts for the Ifoiir bouts have been signed up and the lineup presents one of the most Imposing cards arranged In nny Puclflc coast city for years. Edith Moore, of Portland, who has been visiting her s-lBter, Mis. C W. Gilbert of this city, returned to her home this morning. K 1 1 M I : I !S A TI'K X TIOX . Samples of farm crons wanted fur I big "Land Products Show" this fall. hlndly save your boat samples of any farm grains, grass, vetch, or clover. This will help advertise your farm, also Douglas county, and will be ap precluled by the executive commit tee. Kindly phone or drop me a post card and 1 will cull and get diem. J. B. LARGE, Supt. of Farm Crops, Oakland, Ore. I'KTKAC TRAITORS ICIVKI). HAVE Alt- We wnh and polish cars at Mor ten's gur.ige At b.st we have been able to get Ihree tractors for this territory. These are the first we have been able to get in the last two months. If you aro in the market for a model W for Immediate delivery, or for fall, pluce your order at once. Ask your neighbor who has a Model W Cle trac, then phone or write S. K. Sykes, Hoseburg, Ore., or Riddle Hardware Co., Kiddle, Ore. Arundel, piao tuner. Fnoo 188L, A Refreshing: Drink MAKES HARD WORK EASY. BUY SUPERIOR SODA-FOB HOME USE ROSEBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS PHONE 186 ? Summer Water Sets; .'er of 6 ihin glasses, plain 5Sc, enameled 75c, star cut $1.00, fljrinu star cut $1.15, Pitcher heavy fancy 79c, s.'ar cut $1.25. Save Money At CARR'S 23 IN. Jack son St. PSi3r fl! SILWILH ipiuil )l isiiisii in. Ill l i maw. We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE Hides. M-.bnlr, Itnga, Rulilier, Old Motals, Papers and Itonea. A Good Lave of Second Hand Clothing For Sale. Cass and Tine Sts. 1 ACIIEERFUL HOME-COMIUG f?. - r..i iii .t r a t -ti is OPEN ALL SUMMER Home means comfort and good cheer when then it a CALORIC FURNACE in the basement. Your slippers, pipe, favorite reading and the CALORIC are combination that make you forget the howling wind and drifting snow. And how the wife and children appreciate such a home-7 warm and comfortable in every room. More than 76.000 satisfied users testify to the splendid tucccst they have had with the ' Piano Department fleinline-Moore Conservatory Violin and Physical Education Department Closed Until Septt-mhrr. R Original Patented Plpdess irnc This is the furnace which ha revolutionized heating.' Instead of using numerous pipes and registers, it heats the entire house thronh only one register. It is therefore easily installed in new or old houses, usually in one day, without interfering with jrauf pre-ent n-!m irrarisoTientl. Tns CALORIC heats all types of hornet aa te eighteen roor.it, alio churches, stores, factories hails and other buildings. It burns coal, colts, mod, gas or lignite, and. because of Special patented feature saves horn ; to 5 your hid. Ihe CAUUKIl. is sold under the Monitor Iron-ctad Cuarantee, which insures the purchaser thorough end economical heat. Call on us. er write lot Ike ntw CALORIC catalog. Churchill Hardware Co. ROSRBURG, U 2)1 :ii Auto Owners! We would te itlitMMl jour Batteries Free at any limn and jtlv yu rNTl advtre on the rum of I Hi. Merle. When piirrltitaiiiK new i.atler ka ft our jri'r. We can navv yrni money. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 441 N. Jackaon St. IbMeburg. 8 1 . iwm fell1 fM to teal I LV -e'.'Ss-:: rTZTH' H, iJM I B.J.i. 'T - V"tssiMWssP'1"