MOT TWO liot,KlirH K K W K K v i . Issued Dally hicpl buaday B W. BATES ...L WIMBtRU BtRT CIBATIS 2.00 . SUBSCRIPTION RAIfc.3 n.iiv. ner year, br mill 14.00 Daily, ilx months, by mail liy Carrier, per month . . . Tbe Associated Prs l eicluslvely 'entitled to tn use for republication .-ee-all-nswetHepateaes "edited to ft or not otherwise credited In this . m-A t ihil Wat nt'Wg PUO- iiKpt-r ie Q 1 - . i i.h hsraln. All rights of republl- LOVE andMARglED IJFH fcq, tbe notea auuiur i Idah MSGlone Gibson I l.ntTIXG WITH JOIItf he would let you come here." . "I don't suppose be would bad he been In towu, but he seemed tc think that In the case of battle between Elizabeth Morcland and myaelf, that discretion wa the bettor pjrt of val or aud uri'ent business bad called , -known !hl. ? ' 'owJL- It seemed to me that I had hard ly got settled before I heard Alice's voice at the door. .i.i .n.,lUt. li.,a heieln "nh vnu rfir. vou dwar, sheered "ed I., -be hutged m. with an en-hu.l- asm and affection I bad never known , Wnere na, ne one? jtow iong Entered as second-class matter hefore In her. "I got down to the I n9 , ,Q Wn0 t0ld yoa May 17. 1W0. at tbe post office a; trn.n Just l .1.. Tom m-d. i b , .. Ahc, tuMy rusDed the Kueeburg. Oregon, under tbe Act of promise I would bring yu a home Mann 1 1819. ""h rae- OT"t cu ' , fi1 ,"!, "I don't know a word about it ex- U1 -hut you could no go to mother-.! M)d he ,pft an((ry b hl lhlV..w wh dri Elizabeth Uore- r . rtrn1 ' morning when, after I had been over ..,''' , 7. .. Republican Central .-, Molh.rt , back .n. t.,id hi.,. . ,t;u1,nkln,'he b(.camB Bfrald at ,hB domiciled In your rooms. un your two temporary beds all your miscellaneous fur- .,, - ,. that F.IIral Committee Meeting nur Inst moment and did not dare let me come up to tne nouse anu iwhst she had let me in for. And once among all your miscellaneous iur- ---- - .. ,,, f George Neuner. Jr returned to nd expected you to ! ., wh- n.y coming to a ho- .1,1. cliy yesterday from '"'""d. ,.. ,., vu were ready to go Into ( ,ln , ,., mother's whet he ..tended .be meeting of the ,,,. hou,e. , i J win surely make, she im- sia'.e riiuuinuii . .... ... - ' -) Mom IM.Hirracerul lluineK held tliure naipriiuy. n I i ii u ni-rfecled Kir Hie cumin year Willi Thomas H. Tongue, Jr., a. ciialrman. Mr. Tongue appointed George Neuner, Jr., as chairman of me resolutions committee, and Ihe other members were Walter L. Tooie, Sr., George iilaiieham, V. I. air Thoinpuin and F. C Ilaker. In bis opening address Mr. Tongue lauded Ihe women of .ne parly for tlielr loyal co-operation, especially in alillng Ungim to go down in his tory In 1916. Oregon was Ihe only wes.ern stale, he declared, which went for Hughes In that notable year. Hubert H.anlleld, candidate on (he republican ticket for I'nited senator, was greeted with an enthusiastic ovation when he .rose house. air-ned that she could put It over. Oh, I am so glad Kutherlne, but I never thousht that you would do it." Jut.1 WaU-h Me-." "Yes. I would and could and can. "You Just wutcb .ne ! "I hnd Ihe pleasure of telling her hut I thought that It was the mont disgraceful business that I had evor known . decent wom.n to be con cerned In. Kven mother washed her hands of It all and tearfully explain-, dear." I said ed to me. when I went Into her room fr0m now on. I later, that she was altogether too old ! ,' are you going to do, Kather to he .inert up In such a narfnlr. j ine. You are not going to leave John '.I saw KHsnheth retting Into yourjuj-B y,,u?" car as I rounded the corner to th Sut unless I have to and I station. Charles evidently didn't don't lliluk that 1 will have to." hear me when I culled to you. for h vwhat are you going to do theu? drove .way. I followed, and I saw, "Well, my dear, I am going to show Torn on the street and told him that'you, brother John that while I am I thought you niieht let them make . V(,ry fond f him. and will do every . fool out of you." I thing I can to make hint happy, that i "Don't you worry. Alice dear." he he la only an Incident in my life as said. "Yon go up to the hotel and I am In bis. to sneak Mr. S.anfleld declared this you will find Katherlne -In the best "1 am going to flirt wilh him, Alice 1 I.. I - . I. .1.. 1....... .ft.. lla ..1.1. k.l.n whuff IIIIL Willi llllll , F. umo, j ....... I am wlh him, and when I am away from him I am going to forget him." (To IU) .'01llUlUMl.. was not . year to deal in personal! ties, that It was a matter of republl can principle. JOK IKNN AMI W1FK HKIlK Joe Denn and wife arrived In the hue. suite of rooms in the house. 'Do you think she will do it, Tom,?' I asked !hlm. 'Why of course she will' he re plied. 'You list trot down .o the ho tel and there you'll find her. And j here I am and here you are she said erstar'cnlly, giving me another city Saturday evening and will In .11 probability make tlielr permanent home In this clly. They have been residing In Perth Ambov. V. J.. but Joe that he 'Is glad to get back out In the "wild and woolly went." He was a lieutenant In the ordnance corns and wns stationed In New Jer- And now let's see that blessed hunch of a baby." , Proudly I took her In where Mry was belne made ready for a nan. "I think It Is the most hem.lful bnbv I ever saw. she exclaimed. "fn do I," I answered seriously. I heard a discreet chuckle, n"d sey dur'ng the war. After receiving turning, found Miss Parker looking his discharge he accented . poltion out 0f the window. in that stale and has since resided ,,. S)M.(n(I yhmT i ti'.n i . hi h I said Alice, "but of course you are J. M. Judd had the misfortune on coming home with me. I'll put the Haturday evening to break his right entire second floor at your disposal, srm lust above .lie wrist. He was In "My dear Alice," 1 said with a the act of cranking his Ford car, smile, "1 wouldn't think of dlscom- when the "Implement" backfired .ml nindlng you for the world." kicked with the above results. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always Ihe 'Hnstu Allen understood for when we . went back Into my own rooms she . said, "Good for you Katherlne. There is only one way you call open John 'eyes to Kllzahcth Moreland'a selfish . n ss, and that Is by letting him see .hat his pocketliook Is getting no ticeably flatter every day. I imagine t from the looks cf these rooms, tha ,he won't hnve to sit up and take no tice, for be can see the sides of his coming togethes even In his dre.tms. I Have you seen him yet? What has he i ruary t. said I wouldn't hive thought .ha (JKTH NKW INDI STUY. KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., July 10. A new Industry Is assured Klamath Palis in Ihe incorporation here of the Klamalh Pipe Manufacturing com pany. Cupltal slock ia 100,000. lll'SIMCSS INt'flKASKS. PORTLAND. July 10. An ln 'rraso of 15 per cent In business looked aud a decreuse of five per ciil In sbipmeiiiB Is reported by the West Coas. Lumbermen's associa ion for the week ending June 2u. Till t'kS TO IIAl l. LOGS. DALLAS. Ore., July 10. Motor rucks will be UBid to haul logs to a lew sawmill which la bring buili ii ie by the Valley Lumber company. The company recently purchased large limber tracis which are nol 'oiinected wl.h the mill site by rail CALL FOJl SCHOOL WAKKAXTS Notice Is hereby given that .11 school warrants off school district No. 4, Dougla. couu.y Oregon, to and Including No. 447s. endorsed Feb- 920, not paid for want oc eeeee SPECIAL BARGAINS in HOT WEATHER GOODS. UMUT L I , Saturday we offer Bathing Suits, Childrens Wash Dresses and Ladies White Skirts, at greatly reduced prices. In Groceries: Will sell Sugar at $25.00 per sack of 100 pounds; Candy, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and all kinds of Lunch Goods for your 4th of July picnic, at prices that are right. Peoples Supply Company Hindu, and prior thera to are this day culled for payment by the uuder- signed, and all Interest thereon will cease from the date of this notice, i Uuted Uils 7th dtiy of July, 1920. ROSCOS N. GREEN I Clerk of Srhool Diet. No. 4, Doug hs County, Oregon. I AlifHt Ol I k lAI.S MKKT. I SKATTLK. Wash., July 12. Dlo Kati'H, including labor commissioiHTS fruni all hi ai s. or tht'ir i-fpresenta- , tivos, ft-dt'tul labor officers and labor officials from Canada, wore assem bled in ait It- today for the seventh annual convention of ihe association i of K"v''riitn-ntul labor officials of the t'niifd Statt'H and Canada, scheduled to open at 8 o'clock In the evening. The proKiam called for addresses of welcome by (.ovetnor I.oul K. Hart and Mayor lUifih M. Caldwell, of L Seattle. The sessions will continue . until the end of the week and will bo tut'Tspersed with entertainment. FOR BURNING ECZEMA Apply Zemo, the Clean, An tiseptic Liquid Easy to Use Does Not Stain Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied U good dear skin is wanted. From any drusrgist for 35c, or $ 1 .00 (or large sue, get a bot I k of Zemo. When applied aa directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, ana heal skin troubles, also wis, burnt, wounds and chahng. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo il a clean, dependable and inexpensive antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is ai effec tive and satisfying. The E. W. Kost Co.. Clsvdsad, Ok Epidemic of Colds Reported in City Local physicians are reporting an epidemic of colda which In many ways resembles Influenza and which Is being called "summer flu." Tn sickness seems to be contagious and unite widespread. In many cases it Is accompanied by chills and fever and In some cases more closely re sembles tonsilitls than flu. It has -he weakening effect, although not quite so severe, as in Influenza cases. The epidemic has become quite prevalent, In the city and the doctors report a large number of cases. There does not app ar to be any of the cases of a severe nature and no lad results are feared. Patients, However, are quite alck for several jays and In the majority of instances .iro troubled with hoarseness and -ore throat a considerable time. 0 CITY NEWS 0 We par tbe highest price for Cas- ear bark. Burger's Bargain Store. Mrs. J. Blair, and daughter left tb.s morning for Portland to visit with friends and relatives lor a snort time. Zopher Agee. representing the Pa cific Paper Company, of Portland, was in the city today 'Interviewing bis customers. Mrs. B. E. Ruiter left this morn ing tor Cottage OroTe to spend the summer visiting with relatives. She was accompanied to Cottage. Orove by Miss Vernlta Ruiter, who will visit there for a few days. W ATKINS products. Phone 137-L. 12 W. Lane. Education Machine Threatens Posterity ORKOON AOIUCl'I.TURAL COL I.EGK. Corvallis, July 12. Thil wtiucn are being simply "dumped" Into an educational system In tills country built on a man basis, was the declaration of Dr. Caroline Hed Kr, of Chicago, medical director of tho Klizabeth . McCormack memorial fund for the Improvement of the physical condition of children, who ;avH a series of addresses before lummer session students. "This svstem wasn't ailnpted or nl ii red." said Doctor Iledg'T. "We were Just thrown In ulive to sink or fiwim, survive or perish. Many of perished, but we made (tool mentally. "If the tension continues to In crease, we won't have poster!; y worth ninklnK the world Fnfe for. Year after year the machine b,1- comes more Intricate, i.ioro com pressed. Extra af:er extra has be,n added until the mental and sncinl ie nulrenienls of our high ichoo! child ren are appalling. It is iho business of parents to save thir children, particularly their girls, from the 'ducailonal machine. Deputy Sheriff Frank Hopkins on Saturday purchased a new Chevrolet irom the Motor Shop gatage, which holds the local agency. Fires destroy lives, property and food. Be careful with Are. Stop and reflect great flr frnm little sparks are spread. Be careful with fires. Mrs. J. D. Bridges c Oakland and Mrs. S. C. Endlcott and children of Bandon, who spent the week end In this city, returned to Oakland this morning. Mrs. Endlcott Is visiting at Oakland with Mrs. Bridges. Have your piano artistically tuned by C. H. Arundel, 26 years interna tional experience. Player piano re pairing and adjusting. Phone 1S9-L. The ladles who came to this city yesterday from Eugene for the pur pose of instalhns the Daurhters of the Court of iKahella, an auxiliary to the Knights of Columbus, returnei to Eugene this morning. They were. Mrs. George vt llhelm, Mrs. Joseph Franzwa. Mrs. C. J. Sehatffer, Mrs. F. X. Scliaffer. Mrs. J. H. Kol-e and Mrs. N. Snoddy. Regular semi-annual Installation of officers was held by Philctariun lodge No. 8. I. O. O. F.. last Satur day evening. The new officers are: Lvmon L. Spencer, N. O.; A. Hed harn. V. G.: M. M. Meredith. War.; Lawrence Gilliam, Con.: J. O. Stephenson. It. S. N. G.; W. S. How ard, I. .S. N. G.: V. T. Jackson, R. S. V. O.: W. E. Boberts. L. S. V. O.: Vaney Walker, I. O.; I.. T. Gibson, O. G.; N. T. Jewett, Chap. The cere monies were conducted by F. E. Erickson, D. D. G. M., with M. M. Miller acting as fnind marshal. XOTK-K TO ARTISANS. The place of meeting has been changed to Mncenbee hall on Wed nesdays. Installation of officers next Wednerday, July 14. Secretury. l lttiRS '0.STISrTIOX WORK. Hundreds Drowned In Seoul Korea TOKIO, July 10. A hundred per sons are thought to be drowned when 45 lioupes were flooded in Seoul, Korea, by tiieh overflowing of 'he river Han. according to advices from Seoul today. A Friend Recom mended "Internal Baths"--Now never Troubled. Mr. Otto Drum. 27 Proctor St.. Tacoma, writes the Tyrrell Hygenlc Institute of New York, as fotlows: "For a numlier of years I suffered with gas on tho stomueh, and after usln? most every kind of medicine, a friend of mine convinced me that the only way I could he cured was with tho J. B. L. Cascade outfit according to directions. I used one Ifor about ASK FOR and GET llorlick's Tho Orittinni Malted tor Infants and Invniidi!d IniMMon. ad Substitnr-T 1J s2VX We Believe in Home Products! -VE SELL - Jersey Ice Cream .'. Exclusively .-. ffi" None Belter routs PINTS . C'.'AKIi PRICES Alcove Confectionery, E. A. PETTEY T CENTS t cr NTS to CENTS V oMnple Leaf Confectionery FltYV 4 u ta ii i ac Foutch's Confectionery, JMrs. Geo. Foutch 6 I The Coos county court has sent to the state highway commission a letter rcealilillir tha rniil urnrlr i ?oo8 county. Recently the commission ' three weeks and now I have been us asked whether the county would''"" " once a month and have never rather have the road from rnmiiiie , been troubled with gas. This was to .Myrtle Point paved with concrete ! "VB years ago." and no rocks put on the roid on to! The "J. B. I.. Cascade" cleanses KoseiMirg, or whether it wanted the i tne lower intestine Its entire length road rocked from Conullle to tho ' iin(' keeps It always free of poisonous conuty Hne and the concrete pave-1 wnB,e. ment disposed of. Thousands testify that Constlpa- In answer the county court stntes tlon. Indigestion, Stomach Troubles. that while haste is des red it would ! "'Ilousness and Headaches and all not be wanted at the" expense df fol- ,ne many serious troubles which they lowing out the established road oro- cause are absolutely relieved and gram, and that the original road j Prevented bv this nature treitment. plan not be abandoned. I Nathrtn Fullerton . Cass Street. It Is suggested that the project of Boselmrg, Ore., will be glad to show greatest value to the community is ?0" the "J. B. L. Cascade" and ex the road from Myrtle Point to Rose-!l'lnln 1,9 simple operation and will hurg to connect with the Pacific SlVB you. free on request, an Inter hlghway and that the road from Co- '"sting little book by Dr. Chas. A. "inille to .Myrtle Point is of secondary jTyrrell. of New York, a noted spec Importance, and that the concrete lal'st on Interna! Bathing for 25 paving between the two cities should Years In that c'ty. Clip this out as a be made of secondary Importance to ! reminder to ask for the booklet at PROFESSIONAL CARDS MRS. F. D. OWEX Out Flowers Phone 240. 403 W. Cass. DR. M. H. Physician, PLYLEB Chiropractic 222 W. Lane St. DR. K. P. BRADFORD WIFE Chiropractors. Phone 4Q-K4. DR. CLAIR K. ALLEN Dentist at 331 Perkins Building, Koseburg, Oregon. Office hours t to 11 a. m.. I to K p tn Phon Sutherlin Sanitarium MEDICAL SURGICAL Write K. I. BALL, H. D BupC tiutherlin, Oregon ( All Classified. Advertisements ln sorted new Uxluy wl'l be found oti but pae under "New Today' WANTED. WANTED Boy over 1G for kltchea helper. Cafeteria. WANTED Counter girl Club Cafe, Opp. depot. at Koyal WANTED Furnished or unfurnlsh- sd house. Phone 202-J WANTED Boy to do light Janitor work. Apply Western Union Tel. Co. WANTED Cattle to complete co operative shipment. C. . Ban ning. Phone 2-F31. WANTED To rent small, modern, unfurnished house, close in. Chas. Rledel, 715 S. Pine. WANTED Place fol 18-year-old girl to work for board baa only 1 hand. Phone 3-F24. WANTED Loganberry pickers tt start work Monday, July 12 Phone 34-F4. C. V. Oden. WANTED Wicker baby buggy In good condition; state price. Write W. H., care News-Review. WANTED Man with family to worl in prune harvest. For particulars write J. W. Montgomery, Days Ureek, ore. WANT TO BUY Two to five acret of wooded river bottom land. Will pay part cash and part in carpen ter work. Address A. A. R., care Wews-Keview. WANTED To purchase land parti) rough for goats. Prefer Lookinr Glass, Melrose way. No fancy price considered, state price and terms B. B., care News-Review. HELP WANTED WANTED HELP Ex-service men and othors fur nished employment free ul cnargc Contractors, ranchers and farmer, place your orders with us for help era. Our services are free both u employer and employed. Law rence-Cordon Co., 126 Caas 8' Phone 219. FOR REXT. FOR RENT aoty deposit Roseburg National Bank. boxef FOR RENT Large furnished room close in. Phone 12-Y. the rond building from Myrtle Point to Kosetttirg. your first opportunity. NEW SNAP SHOTS l,vive nn Mrs. J R McBriae left this morn ing lo . lend tho week visiting with friends and relatives at Portland ( titlliii; Pavement. A broken water main at the cor ner of ():ik and Main streets todav necessitated (ha removal of a bio k of pavement in order to mil. repairs. Home from Klamath Falls Mrs Fred Schwartj returned last evening if mm Klamath Falls, whore she has been for the past ten days enjoying a vacation. i WILL RUY YOUR USED FURNITURE, STOVES.etc. J. B. HENINGER, S'JCCEJSCR TO MCCULUN & CHAMBERS. Sheet MetalWork OF ALL KIXD8 J- H. SINNIGER 110 OAK STREET PIIOXE 428 FOR RENT Light housekeeping apartments, 106 Washington St Inquire at Apts 3 and 4. MLSOKLLAN'EOl'B. 0. R. ARSJNDEL, piano tuning ani repairing, 25 years experience Phone 189-L. LOST Purse containing 150 li bills. Return to W. E. McCracken Uuipqua Hotel. Reward. LOST Headlight for Dodge autoruo bile. Finder please return oi notify Ed Davis, 117 So. Flint. WELL DRILLING R. . Halnael man, driller, R. 1, Roseburg Phone 3-F5. HAH.Y FATHER REPORT. F. Weather Bureau. local office Rnsxhiirg. Oregon, 24 hours ending s. m. today. Precipitation In Inches and Hund redths: Maximum temperature 7: Minimum temperature 5fi rrecrrlurinr,. last 24 hours .. 0 ormai prcclp. for this month. .32 Tctil preelp from Sept. I. MS to dt ATcrsee precis, from Sept. I 22 57 Totsl deficiency from Sept. t A''t rree!rt-trn f-- 34 13 .11.5 43 wet seasons. (September to Me- elusive! j 47 WILLIAM BKLL, Observer. 8 KOSEBURG MYRTLE POINT MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE Ustm Koarbunt. Isl'.y si 70 A. W. Lmtii UynU folal, dally at f JO A. 11. Connections at Myrtle Point to and from Marsh field, Co qullle, Bandon and Powers. Fare $6.4S, Including war tsx. Reservations at main office, 405 Cass St.. near depot. Phone 303, or Fmpqna and Grand ho tels, Rapp's store. TAYLOR & CLINTON SAFETY riMMT seem a safet deposit box far your valuable 9 pers at the Rosebarf Natloas Rank. tf INGRAM'S TRANSFER Phone 472; stand at 410 W. Cass St. near depot. Res. 522 8. Pine St J. T. Ingram, Prop. LOST Section of a stake rack, bet Roseburg and Medford. Return tc or notify John C. Slgnor, Rose burg. , 30I.D. AND GOT THE MONEY! We have sold over 360.0OO.OC worth of farms In the last twe weeks to SATISFIED CUSTOM ERS. Our outside connections arc bringing results. We arc gettinr calls for farms every day, some of which we cannot (Til. We want tr reach the farm or ranch owner who. for whatever reason, wantr to sell at a reasonable price. Th call is greatest for small ant medium sized farms and ranches If stock and equipment Is Includ ed, they sell better. BFT THF PRICE MIST BE RIGHT. We must have EXCH'SIVE LISTINGS to give EXCLFSIVE SERVICK LAWRENCE-CORDON COMPANY 125 Cass St. Phone 11 . AT Lawrence, phone 1JJ-Y; Guy Cor don, phone JU-J. CHIMNEY SWEEP Restanrant ranges cleaned a specialty. Lean orders at News-Review. LOUT Elk's tooth charm witi small diamond setting. Will gin liberal reward. R. . Harness ' Roseburg, Ore. MONEY TO LOAN SB-year roru credit farm loans, low Interest rat. 120,000 local money to lot. on good real estate. First num. gage. See at. F. Klce ot Rice a Rica. KOIt SALE. FOR 8ALB 1 pool table, j. M. judt FOR SALE 2nd hand piano. Phot, 4-F14. FOR SALE Roll top desk. Phom 1S0-R. FOR SALE Four nead of youni mules. J. M. Lamb, Dlllard, Ort FOR SALE 16x20 tent. Inqulr, 604 E. Douglas. FOR SALE 4-room plastered mod. era bungalow 11100. J. V. Cater. FOR SALki 108 acres one-half mil, from town, 13,500. J. v. Caw; FOR SALE 1115 Ford, just ot. uauled. J. B. Bailey. FOR SALE Baby cart cueap. 111 ato. Pine St. WOOD FOR SALE Old and seceod growth lir; some pine. J. C. Korcn phone 34-F2. OK SALE 160 ft. of one-Inch rop. and one Jackson hay fork. Pnom 42-F2. OR SALE Oat ana vetch hay, fl( pr iuu iu SUUCKS. tr none 3-ti K. E. Mathls, R. 1. FOR SALE Cheap, Overlaud car It good cendltlon. Enquire Bsrgsr'i Bargain Store. FOR SALE 25 head of stock hn,. Address P. R. Weaver, Myrui! breea, uregon. c'OR SALE Team horses, 7- yean I uia. iduv ids. each. Kay BurUI xoncaiia. .'OR SALE A few hundred kaJ plants. Jas. Arrance, Harrlwi street. West Roseburg. JUST SELL fast Chalmers but. cheap, good mechanical condltlui Inquire Sunset Garage. .'OR 8AXE 19 Harley-Davldia' ' ui-urcycie ana side car. Thoma SoJley, Wilbur, Ore. t j'OR SALE 6-room house and ll lots, furnished or unfurnished. U ' quire Roseburg Steam Laundry. ' FORD TRUCK BODY for sale chea also gaa tank. Trucks buili Cockelreas & Harbor. Oak & Roi OR SALE 1918 Hil-li.n..M...f mnlnrvnl,. Kn i L .f - imi4iii ii lusen ai once; casb only, inquire at-NuVi Review. uu sale: lioo pound mm woras single or double; also il White Leghorn hens. Ksntr Teater, 2 miles east of Dlxonvlllt "OR 8ALE Italian prune tim Oregon grown, 6 to g ft., idr, t to 6 ft., 60c; 3 to 4 ft., 35c. R. L Ellis, 3 miles west, Roseburg, Or V DANDY 10-a chicken ranch. clot. iu, ai a oargain; also good stocl ranch for rent, lease or trade. Ad dress W. A. T., care News-Revlss FOR SALE In Riverside, two acr . "ULUUllUIUa, ,UU ,U p fine soil, well, city water, two eowi ana norse. Florence Howsrii niversiae. fXJR SALE 1917 Chevrolet i good running order, all sew Urn 1450. 1918 three fourth ton ' public truck. 3600. Inquire t; oervice uarage. tf X)R SALE 160 a. old growth fit timber, about 3,000,000 feet df B. M., on Umpqua river at E!is ton, or will trade for a good anti' Price 11,000. A. Teal, Wilbur, 0: j 'OR 8ALE 8tave silo 10 x 24 ll emptied; double disc plow, B lea; Milwaukee binder. Oeerp Telford, opposite Happy ValW school house, p O. Roseburg. 1 'OR SALE 4-room house and 1' lots, 1 good chicken houses, weM shed, well; alad 4-room house at: 1 lot. Riverside. W. E. Bo R. i, Roseburg. 1 FOR SALE 1 Registered Dorr Jersey boar and 2 brood so'" months old and some pigs. H. Cf Klore. Looking Glass. Pbofl 23-F14. Could use day old calf. I SUPERIOR ROCK SPRINGS CO' ' uesi on tne market; ary : wood and mill ends by the tier cord. Special price on 10 tier, lei R. J. Denn, cor. Oak and Mala- F FOR SALE Team of black msr harness and wagon, cheap If at once: also a sorrel mare wlf. Ing 1200 lbs., drive single f double, and a yearling colt. Ps1;. 17-F3. Ask for Henry Ander arter o'clock. frwi -rf FOR SALE About 10.000 feet "'J i lumcor at m taken before Jnly No. I two-Inch Just as strong for flnnpfl mnw ail cords dry slab wood. $l- cord. One good cow. 4 gala. '' under value If taken at once. Tnr to A. Lvronar Co., Wilbur. I 915 per is. 10; also so"; I Blank at -I Bridges or sa l I