Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 09, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    wrernrnn XKWu-niH-iFw. wnrMAY, ri'xn , ioto.
'ildren Cry for Fletcher's
V ..CvWx
-I. vnn Have Always Bought, and which hai bees
jju thirty years, has borne the signature of
12 - 8n(j na oeen niaae unuer ou per
slff SlT-t 60nal supervision since its infancy.
fZffl&t&UIA Allow no one to deceive you Jn this.
T.-Lrfeirs Imitations and "Just-as-good" tre but
AH Counterte endanger the health of
Bxpenmena in Experlence aRalnst Experiment.-
Ttfhat is CASTORIA
. 5. , is a harmless substitute fur Castor Oil, Paregoric,
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains
.T., nniun. Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
Wi if pTarantee. For more than thirty years It has
ffj . coJ&nt use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
SnV Colic and Piarrhoea J allaying Feverishness arising
? ..frnm ana by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
TStioD of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. -
neS'8PanaceaTheMother'Frie,u1, '
Hears the Signature of
Ifl Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
"iraasal. pi"o '10D" 189U
v. n tnd polish cart at Mor-
Auto Owners!
He'woold b 'densed to tet
""Batteries Free
at mi time fcive Ton "inert
,1,1c, oo the care of Batteries.
When purchasing new batter
Im (rt onr price. We can save
roi moeey.
(It X. Jackson St. Roseburg.
Hprella Corsetier. CM-r Comm.
Phone, 402-R. Sll W. Wash. tt.
We par the highest price tor Cas
cara bark. Berger's Bargain Slots.
A New Flour
with an old name
"Pride of 'Douglas"
giving the flour the sweetness, ,
aroma and nutrlike flavor of
the wheat.
Try this Home Product
wmm. Ta
) Fruit Canning' .Season
i wa icon be here. We can supply you with fruit Jars, Ezy seal, a
t flintop iar. Mason, Economy, and wide mouth Masons, all at rock
soitom prices.
a Alio have new braud of
j Canned Milk
J tint will whip like cream, for a less price than regular milk. Try
A Full line of Fruits and Vegetables
i always on hand. ' .
j Staple Dry Goods Dep't.
i wliars ws bar, men's work clothes, women's and children's wash
noirt wa dst, men s wora cioi nes, women iuu umiumui .
IrnsH; tlio men's dress and work shoes, all low priced en our
cub plsa bull.
A good place to trade. a
McCail Resigns
From Telegram
. Nell MeCall. formerly of Ibis city,
but who for the oast few years baa
been employed a cartoonist on the
Portland Telegram, has resigned his
position and leaves 1'ortland next
week for Coronation, Canada, where
ce has purchased a laige farm on
which he will make his future home.
Mr. McCall was forced to resign on
account of his eyes, which have been
seriously injured by the work In
which he has been engaged, lie re
cently was given a vacation by the
Telegram company In the hope that
the rest would improve his condition
but his eyes have become so serious-
'y affected that his physicians Insist
limn bis retiring from the esrloonist
irofession. His place has been taken
iv Ed. Ia Coeq. of Pella, Iowa, a
veil known cartoonist who has al--eady
started his work with the popu-
'ar Portland publication.
Wheat Crop 1920'
Promises Average
WASHINGTON. June 8. The to
tal wheat production this year, ac
cording to a forecast by the agricul
tural department. Issued today, will
probably be about 781,000.000 bush
els. The forecast is based upon the
condition of winter and spring wheat
on June 1. This is a decrease of ap
rroxlmitely 160.000.000 bushels
from the crop of 1919, when 941,
000.000 bushels were grown in the
United Slates. The 1917 wheat crop
totaled 659,797.000 bushels, and the
average production of wheat for five
years from 1911 to 1915, Inclusive,
was 706.361,000 bushels. According
to the forecast there will be more
than "the average amount of wheat
produced this year.
From all reports available tt seems
to be time to apply the 30 days worm
ppray. This should be dono as soon
as the present showers are over and
settled weather comes again. The
object of this spray 1b to get the first
brood of worms. It is very Import
ant snd should not be neglected or
put oft if you expect to grow apples
or pears free from worms. Remem
ber, you can't kill the worms after
they get inside the fruit. Thorough
application Is necessary.
Apply to apples and pears. The
fruit, not the tree, should be thor
oughly coated. Use arsenate of lead,
one pound (dry) to 50 gallons of
water. Add lime sulfur 1 to 50 as
a final soray for scab.
June 7, 1930.
County Fruit Inspector.
Gasoline distribution to filling sta
tions last night lasted only a short
time. The amount was limited and
In spite of the fact that restrictions
were placed on the sale the supply
was exhausted In shortly over an
hour. Stages, trucks and jitneys
were given very liberal amounts, and
pleasure cars were given not to ex-
"eed five gallons, depending entire
ly upon the amount in the tank. For
an hour after the Standard Oil com
pany distributed the gasoline, cars
were lined up for blocks before fill
ing stations. The sunnly was ex
hausted long before all cars were
filled and manv disappointed auto
mate were turned away. Another car
is expected todar and distribution
will again be made.
All Hardwood Body. A Good Buy
Nas County Light and Water Co.
..,,. . loot nltrltt wna
attended by a large crowd from this
cltv. j ne pavilion nas oeen ooeneu
.. ..... mnnatrnmamt o II ,1 will Cnll.
tlnue to give dances throughout the
summer. j no jazz-u-ruur Bn um-
, t.H 1 nwatrBA in f.l.nlah t10
music. The next dnnce will be given
on luesuuy, juuu .
mother of the first American
soldier killed In France, who gives
entire rlvtllt for recovery of her
health to the well-known medicine
The following remarkable endorse
ment of Tanlac was given recently
by Mrs. Alice Graham Dodd. at the
Gresham Memorial Home, Gavin
rark, Evansville, Ind., which home
was presented to her by the patriotic
people of Indiana, as evidence of
their appreciation of the services
rendered to bis, country by her son.
Corporal James It. Gresbam, the first
American soldier killed in France.
Expressions of sympathy were re
ceived by Mrs. Dodd from all parts
of the United States, and the news
papers of the country carried the
story of the first 'war mother."
The Bhock of her son's death re
sulted In a serious breakdown of
Mrs. Dodd's health, but everyone will
learn with Interest and pleasure that
'he Is now in splendid health again.
When seen at her home recently
she made the following statement,
giving the entire credit for her re
covery to the well-known medicine,
"After my dear boy's death, I had
a general breakdown In health." said
Mrs. Dodd. "At first It was just
indigestion. My food .used to upset
me and l.had to diet myself very
carefully, which wasn't much hard
ship as 1 lost all desire to eat. Then
1 had an attack of rheumatism, with
revere pains in my shoulders, back
And arms. Sometimes I used to suf
fer a great deal, and my joints would
ret all swollen up and stiff, I was
able to do very little about the
bouse, and at times couldn t even
cook a meal. I got very nervous and
lestlesB, and at night would lay
awake for hours, and lost many a
night's sleep as a consequence.
"A friend of mine had received a
great deal of help from Tanlac, and
it was she who advised me to try it.
I am so glad I did it for It proved
the best medicine I have ever taken
It soon gave me a good appetite and
seemed to settle my stomach bo that
I was no longer troubled with indl
gestion. I don't know what it is to
have rheumatic pains now, the swell
leg and stiffness has all gone out of
my joints and I am able to do the
work of the house with the great
est ease. .My nerves are now steady
and strong, I sleep fine at nlRht,
and I feel better In health than ever
before in my life. I shall always bo
grateful for what Tanlac has done
for me. and shall recommend it
every chance I get."
Tanlac is sold in Roseburg by W.
P. Chapman, and by the leading
druggist in every town.
We pay the highest price for Cas-
cara bark. Berger's Bargain store.
Have you to sell? See
Perkins Bros. Old Review building.
Rcseburg Lodge B. P. O. Elks Invites
the Public to attend the entertainment and exer
cises given in the Elks Building at 2 p. m. Sunday,
June 13th.
All Legionnaires, all Veterans, Boy Scouts, all
Elks and all other fraternal and otlx r patriotic
organizations will please form in marching order
at Elks' Temple at 1:30 p. in. June 1 3'h. and to
the Inspiring music of our own Itoscburg Patriotic
Band, march through our business s. ctlon, to
honor our Grand Old Flag. Exercises in Temple
immediately thereafter.
. follov
' Another Royal Suggestion
From the New Royal Cook Book
CHEER up! There is
no further reason for
worrying about table va
riety. The new Royal Cook
Book gives new suggestions
for every meal every day.
The book is so full of sur
prises there will never be
another dull meal in the
home. Here are a few sug
gestions from the new
Koyal Cook Book.
Plain Pastry
Tliij recipe is for one large
pie with top and bottom crust
i cup flour
H tf aspoon salt
t lea.poona Koyal Baking
tfr cup ahorteninf
cold water
Sift together Hour, ult and bak
ing powder; ada ahortonlnic aud
rub In very Untitly with tips of
flnsera (the leas it ta handtod tli
belter tho paste will be). Add
cold water very alowty, enough
to hold dough together (do not
work or knead dough). Divide
in hnlvea; roll out one part thin
on floured board and uaa for
bottom crust. After pio ta oiled
roll out other part for top.
Rich Pastry
t eupa pastry flour
H tcesixmn Koyal Making
H teaspoon salt
9 cup shortening
cold water
81ft flour, bakin powder and
alt; add one-half shortening
Absolutely Pure
and rub ta lightly with Angara t
add water slowly until of right
consistency to roll out. PH Mo In
balvea; roll out on. half thin:
put on In small pieces half re
maining shortening; fold upper
and lower edgea In to center
fold aidea In to oenter. told aides
to center again; roll out thin and
put on pie Plata. Repeat with
other half for top crust.
Apple Pit)
1U M....-
14, te. .noons Royal "using
H teasMon salt
2 UbW-rtpoona ahortenlng
i apples, or 1 quart sliced apple
3 Ih hi, spoons sugar
I tcaaooon milk
61ft flour, balling powder and
Bait; add ahortenlng and rub In
very lightly; add just enough
cold water to hold dough to
gether. Roll half out on floured
board. lln bottom of pie piste;
ll In apples, which have been
washed, pared and cut Into thla
sllcea; sprinkle with augar; fla
vor with cinnamon or nutmeg;
wet edges of crust with cold
water; roll out remainder of pas
try; cover pie, preaslng edgea
tightly together and bake la
moderate oven 80 minutes.
TJy all mfini uret the new
Koyal Cook Book jut out.
Contain thene anil 400 other
(Mltrhtful. helpful recipes.
Free for the auklna. Writ
voYeU. baking powdkh co.
Ilk PultaM SlrvH
Yoth City
"Bake with Royal and be Sure
Lot us sell your furniture or any
thing you have. Pork ins Bros.,
phonograph and commission salesroom.
Lime-sulphur spray, sulphur for
fertiliser, sulphur for plant dustlug,
lime In Bbls., arsenate ef lead, black
leaf forty. Umpqua Valley Fruit
Poultrymen get your kale plants
from Earl VoBburg, 702 Fullertou,
SOo per 100.
Returning to Seattle
G. N. Sheldon and wife, of Seattle,
who have been spending the pasl
month visiting with their daughter.
Mrs. D. E. Carr, left thla afternoon
for their home.
The Agee home on Micelll street
was sold today to Sam ltritt. of this
city. The house is modern in every
particular and Is located on a small
tract of land suitable for garden pur
poses. The deal was made through
the Casey-Harding company.
All members are earnestly re
quested to appear at the Elks' build
ing, Sunday, June 1:1th, at 1:30 p.
m., to take part, with other friends
in-marching through our streets to
honor the great emblem of our Or
der, Our Flag, and then attend the
exercises at the Elks' hall, and assist
In the courtesies to be extended the
general public, and encouraging.
Lest We Forget.' the annual obser
vance of our great U. S. Flag Day.
Notice Is hereby given that all
school warrants of School Dlst. No.
4, Douglas County, Oregon, tb and
including No. 4327. endorsed Decem
ber 19th, 1919. not paid for want of
funds, and prior thereto, are this day
called for payment by the under
signed, and all Interest thereon will
cease from the date of this notice.
Dated this 4lh dsy of June. 1920.
Clerk of School Dlst. No. 4, Douglas
County Oregon.
Office, High School Bldg.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Doubles Its Beauty.
MENT TIMBER. General Land
Office, Washington, D. C. June 1-.
1920. Notice is hereby given that
subject to the conditions and limita
tions of the Act of June 8. 1916 (39
Stat., 218), and the Instructions of
tho SecrotR.-y of Mho Interior of Sep
tember 15, 1917, the timber on the
following lands will be sold July 12,
1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public
auction at the United States land
office at Roseburg, Oregon, to tho
highest bidder at not less than the
appraised value as shown by this
notice, sale to be subject to the ap
r 'oval of the Secretary of the ln
I rlor. The purchuse price, with an
additional sum of one-fifth of one
p?r cent thereof, being eommissfouB
allowed, must be deposited at luue
of sale, money to be returned if sale
is not approved, otherwise patent
will Issue for the timber which must
be removed within ten yoars. Bids
will he received from citizens of tho
United States, associations of such
citizens and corporations organized
under the laws of the United States
or any slate, territory or district
thereof only. Upon application of n
qualified purchaser, tho timber on
any legal subdivision will be offered
separately before being included in
any offer of a larger unit. T. 22 S.,
It. 3 W.. Soc. 7, NE4 NEW, yellow
fir 325 M., NW4 NE4. yellow fir
500 M SEW NEK. yellow fir 4 00
M., NE'4 NWW. yellow fir 425 M..
NW NW14. yellow, fir 150 M , red
fir 200 M.. NE'4 SE4. yellow fir
330 M.. red cedar 10 M.. NWK SUVi .
Douglas fir 1100 M.. red cedar 20
M., SKW SR, yellow fir 500 M.,
red fir 100 M., red cedur 20 M..
WV4 SKV, , Douglas fir 605 M.,
NEVl SW'4, Douglas fir 690 M.,
NWV4 SW4. Douglas fir 400 M.,
SWVi SWVi, Douglas fir 640 M., red
cedar 35 M-, none of which lo be sold
at lens than $2.00 per M.: T. 21 8..
R. 4 W.. Sec. 7. NICK NEW", fir 650
M ., NW4 NEV4, fir 600 M., SE4
NEW . fir 350 M., SWV4 NKt. Or 600
f.. SW4 NWVi, fir 550 M., NE'4
SK'4 . fir 350 M.. NW'4 SEV4. 1r 500
M., RE Vi SE4, fir 750 M.. BWH SK
4 fir 1000 M.. NE'4 8W4. fir 600
Vf .. NW14 SWy,. fir 600 M., SE4
SWM. fir 550 M.. SW14 SWW. fir
350 M., none of which to be sold at
less than 11.75 per M Sec. 25,
NE14 SW4, red fir 1200 M.. cedar
20 M., NW4 SWVI. red fir 1160 M..
SWt4 SW4. red fir 1100 M., SE Vi
SWVi. red fir 1300 M., cedar 60 M..
tho red fir to be sold at not less than
tl.80 per M. and the cedar at not
less than 60 per M.. T. 21 8.. R. 6
W.. Sec. 13. NKV4 SWVi. fir 325 M.,
NWVi SEV4. fir 375 M., 8W 4 SEVi.
fir 425 M., none of which to bo sold
at less than $1.50 per M., T. 36 S..
R. 6 W.. Sec. 25. NE'4 NEV1. fir
240 M, pine 60 M. 8V 4 NE'4. fir
200 M.. pine 100 M., 8E4 NWVi,
fir 290 M.. pine 15 M.. SWVi NW'4.
flr 260 M., pine 50 M.. NE'4 8E4.
fir 150 M., pine 150 M., SE4 SEVi,
nr 276 M., pine 40 M., SWVi SEVi.
fir 230 M.. pine 70 M . NE Vi SW '4 .
fir 170 M. pine 130 M.. NW'4
SW',, fir 60 M., pine 250 M., SEVi
SWVi, flr SO M.. pine 220 M.. SWVi
SWVi, flr 225 M., pine 90 M., the
pine to be sold at not less than $4.00
per M.. and the fir at not less than
11.25 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALL
MAN, Commissioner.
Builds Anything. First
class work. Let me figure
with you. Box 304, Resi
dence 305 Douglas St.
Roseburg, Oregon.
lvft Roseburjr, daily at 7:00 A. M.
Iseavea Myrtle Point, daily at 9:jOA. M.
Connections at Myrtle Point
to and from Marshfleld, Co- :
(Millie, Bun don and Powers.
Fare $G.48, including war tax.
Reservations at main office,
4or Cans St., near depot. Phone
30:t, or l'nixua otid Grand ho
tels, Uapp's store.
Our wagons are now ready .to
deliver ice . anywhere upon
phone call, and will be running
on regular routes In a few
. dnys. Ice will be
Strictly Cash
this year, or the coupon aye
tem, which are the beat fer
everybody. Hooks are now on
Ftuln at $5, $10 and $20 each.
Phone your order for book now
and avoid the ruh later, when
we are very buny. The price la
ono cent per pound.
Roseburg Ice Co.
C. ft. CANNON, Mgr.
Piano Department
Ileinline-Moore Conservatory
Violin and Physical
Education Department
Closed Until September..?
A few cents buys "Dandrrine.
Aftsr an application of "Danderine"
vou ran not find a fallen hair or any
dandruff, besides every hair shows
i:ew life, vigor, brightness, more
color and thickness.
Sheet MetalWork
Strawberry Time
We can furnish the
I We Buy at
X Utiles. Mohair, RjtgS
Itnlilier, Old Metals,
rKrs and Hone.
I Good Line nf Second Hand
Clothing For Fslu.
Cass and Pine Stc.