riR two l;Oe Fill ISO KEWD.IIKVIE w ixsucd Dally Kicept tfunda). B W. BATES " L W1M31RLY BERT C. BATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, per year, by mall . f". . . . $4.00 Dally, all months, by mall .... 2.00 By Currier, par month 60 1 he Associated Press la exclusively entitled to tlie use for republication of all news dlaiuitchea credlled to It or nut otherwise credited in tbla paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republi cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Entered as second-class matter May 17. 1920. at the post office at Itosttbiirg. Oregon, under the Act or March 3, Hfift. Iloteburg, Oregon, Julie 7, IHUO. bTlt.lM'IIKI.I.IKM AT I.OSKIU lt.1. At Itokuburg there Is a field for i trawherry growers, says the Port In ml. Ore., Journal. Nowhere In the wide world Is a better berry grown. The flavor of the Roseburg fruit is unsurpsKsed, the slue Is extraordinary and the yield ihe heaviest. The berries are in early us in any other district In (Tckuii, which means that they reac h the market In time for the best prices. I'p to Ihe present that field has not done much toward production of strawberries on a large commercial s-ale. The people there are mostly well-to-do and engage in larger en terprises. For example, they sol-1 nearly a million dollars worth of prunes last year. There are big mill ing interests, heavy wool growing operations, an enormous cattle In rlUHtry, big fruit running and park ing activities and hunks with vaults hum! Inn with money. These larger iilerprlses with land held in many instances in large tracts, have ent itled an atmosphere In which smaller a'-tivltlea like berry growing have not been pushed, as they will be pushed later on. Hut the climate, the soil and the opportunity are there. The altitude It, but 477 feet, being lower than sev rral points between Portland and Itosehurg, and much lower than the alcdfo'rd and Ashland district. An average wind velocity of only four miles an hour and a bulmy spring like atmosphere make It an Ideal spot, not only for strawberrlea but for all small fruits. I.Ike other iip-stnte Oregon cities, lioiioburg bus been forging ahead in fipite of the lessened activity Into ...I.I..1. ll I, ..I .. r..ll A. .1111 II 1,1, lllllTlllft fldlH 11-11 UUIIIIS the war. It is expected there that the I Ul 0 census will show above ttov population with about Il'iiO ac t ually a part of Ihe cir but not with In the city limits. . Hoscourg has a school system of Die first rank, headed for three years past by Professor Aubrey Smith. It revolves around a perfectly organized t'ilfh S.-hfinl which la hniiunl In n Venutlful building of white pressed i "ohm. Bert ItobertB. Mabel roe. irlik, completed three years ago atlIM,kl" Andrews, Keednport. cmt of $100,000. Its maniiall Harold Kruse, John Kilter. Ilose- tralnlng department Is one of its . ,, conspicuous features, a display from Vlvlnn Griggs, lirace Griggs, Vir whlch etlm-ted wide attention ivt " Watklns, Conistork. the annual strawberry festival which I v"ri4 Campbell. Stanford Iluell. in.,., i,,,!,,!- r,.,r ihr... .1,.,.. ,.p .., Dlll.ird. rades and other functions with! M," Vestal. Charles Duller, Le Stradcr. Victor Beckley, Franklin Hose. Richard Homey, Hd'eit Kins. Floyd Church, Harold liemls, Mar garet Shields. Marian Nichols. Gleflr. Roymers. Mllo Godfrey. Doro'-hy Ai en Raffcty, Eugene flowden. Evar. Rand, Esther Fuller. Buford Boyd, Juanlta Crocker. Lucille Lenox. Car riu (iilher. Louise Jenninas. Viola ..ffiit. James Wamsley. Harold Ir- in Helen iliruchlll. Elna Park. tlirdle Aubln. Kick Carpenter. Hurold Kobertaoli. Holier! Huev, Vetoi Arundel, Agnes Rudeen, Marguerite nusho. Ethel Locke. Juanlta riosmer, 'loyd Mowers, Harold Roadman, n,ir.!d Phlllins. (Irate Amsteln, Thvlmn Trofren. Catherine Uraper. Virgil Hughes, Orvnl Iwvis, Odyue Matthews. Everett (iuthridge. Jersle Hoilseholder, Henry Landers, nnoa Walker. Claudia Householder, Fred McCormack, Hale Adams, Mark AU mna. nosehursr. Barnes. Rex flames. Heta niishnell. Jav Huabnill. Wilbur I'lerce, Ten .Vile. Teddy Ross, Letha Merle Grove, Raymond Biulek, Cunyonville. .May Gerhard, Gardiner. lo Cockeram, Oakland. Arnold Rodley, Looking Glass. Chester Pickens. Donald Snvder, Kathleen Michaels, Freda White, liava Creek. Ronald Hurst, Winston Rice. Earn est Coats. Alma Jackson, l-oreu Dicks. Myrtle Creek. Hlanche Croy. Agnes Edmonds. Cnmas VaPey. Alfred Thlel. Sutherlln. Iah Kanlpe, Mildred Kanipe, Earnest Thlel, Wanda Costor. Nellie Ewlng. Dora llustead, Oakland. Cheater Swearlngen. Drain.. Ignore llelllwell, Nathalie Rogers. Ruhr Ktowell. Alberta K. Wilson, Ralph Walklnshaw, Yoncalla. Mirth Sims, Joe Test. Roseburg. Wilms llurchurd. Floyd A. Fen- ley, Meredith Gruhbe, Carl A. Bin der, Ruth McNeil, l.uella Jones, Elkl ton. Leon James (Reason. Sutherlln. KiVth Mcllargue, Ida I. Black -woll. Reedsport. Helen Parrott. Randall Slncluir, Wilbur. Ray. Martin. Dorothy Winston. Thelnia Smith. Rosehurg. Sylvia Heydun, Cleveland. John Dailey. Myrtle Creek. Dora Mae Ekblur, Curtin. Frederic Royse, Marie Lane, Dlx finvllle. Naumt Towne, Olenflale. Nellie M. Andruss, Dlxonvllle. Diet Haines, Dlxonvllle. Violet (lunter, Gunter. Florence Casebeer. Glide. Willie Wuwsrh, Ruby Gladwell. Helen I'earce, Dixonville. Doris Jackson, Vivian Rankin, (Hernial. Noel Neves, Kenneth Clayton. Tyee. 1'h.vlllB Rlgsby, Days Creek. llattle Whitney. Oakland. Clyde Bowers, Drain. Violet Palmer. Willie Perrlnl Clyde Brown. Auluuf. Iva Mae Morln, Yoncalla. Boyd Walker, Marguerite Chap man, Ruth France, Sybil Walker. Melvin Durrund, Teiesa Dolall, Ellis crowds of people from ull parts of the county in attendance. Students Pass 8th Grade Tests The following la a list of the sue ciccwful sltidenls participating in the le wut sth grade examinations: Floyd Kellogg, Floy Wind, Bessie Lniehierwaud, Bernard Grulibe. Or inond Davis. Flank Stevenson, Franklin Curtis. Oakland. Ros;i .McClanahan, Wilbur. Thomas Fludluy. I.averne Dun hum. Ilnr.el Cocklerrase, George bind Miirion Emmltl, rmpqiia. Fcither Barge. Nelda Eherk, Marl one lidd, Karnest Carr. Sutherlln. ClMle Dubell, Myrtle Creek. l.eltoy Wilson, Elsie Eakln, Ber Ice Johns, Cecil Owens, Rollen otitis, Oscar Hull, Glundulo. iOTK'E OF MSHOI.CTIOX PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given that Hie partnership heretofore existing be tween Arthur Rldgeway and Chss. Davis .of Sutherlln. Is on this date dissolved by mutual consent. June 4, 1!20. AltTIH'R R1DGEWAY, CHAS. DAVIS. IOVE and MARRIED IJFB txt the noted author IdaL MSGlone Gibson MtrTIIF.lt IXJVK. 'him or thinks he Is prevaricating and 'she likes him If she concludes he la "How did yon kuow I waa going speaking the truth " to call her Mury." I asked Charles "Surely you don't think I a as he came to my room after tele- provaricatiug, Kattierinc!" phoning John. I .Miiat Have Been Iteaotlfnl. "1 have heard you tell your mother! "No, Charlie, I do not. for I know a thousand times that If you ever had i.o one In the world; no mother since a little baby girl you would name it Eve ever felt the great joy and the Mary after her," Charles said noth- great responsibility more than I 'In lug moro, but his face lighted up, as today, if that gave my 'ace a dlf be came toward my bed and looked fereut look, then I must have been down at my baby, fast asleep In the beautiful. 1 don't know how a wo crook of my uriu. . Truly she was man looks when she has this proud something very, verv wonderful. Her'nnd Missrtil eiericle-e of mother- little rose-leaf eyelids were almost hood, but I do kuow that ell thoughts transparent and with a little imagl- st:imn themselves on me nation I could almost see her gol- face. Sometimes th den brown eyes behind them. Her brushed away bv other thoughts and tlnlc mouth kept curling up Into ' sometimes it remains indelibly, as 1 those little movements that only a i hope this thought of the glory of motner describes as smiles. Her motherhood will stay upon mine. . .:. .l,.vl.H .. - ... l dsco tomorrow morning on m. -r .....a -u, m, aiyjTo San J.- ...... Ki.ni from which ti.Tvea are lu fine condition. I sloi ie UillK i U 1.6ml - -1 ' ------ - r place he has been furloughed for a short visit to nis nome m iuu ." S. O. S. See tomorrows paper. Left For Portlunil Mrs. T. O. Dixon left this afternoon for Portland upon receipt of a tele gram stating that Mrs. Haltle Hlnkle had Dassed away suddenly ut th.it place. Miss Hinkle Is the mother of Miss Finma Hlnltle, who teaches In the Portland schools, and who visited Mis. Dixon In this city on numerous occasions. She will remain In Port land until after the funeral. (XIDLIXU MOTH IH SY Kl'JtAY IS THE liKMKDV miniature hand kept reaching out as If to fiud me. "Isn't she beautiful," I asked. "Don't you think she is the most heautlful baby you ever suw, Charles?" I'ace Becomes Holcmti. Charles gml!ed indulgently and then his face became rather solemn as he said: "Yes. she la the mort lrI. "r sue wilt wain 10 auu ow beautiful baby I evw saw. dear, be-l maiden name to her married oue cause she is yours." Just then the,wlieI1 '"e wd' uu k""- lllllIes letting sun peeped under the half- '' mother s pame is the very las drawn shade and bllnted across myi""11 1 woul"' iye m baby' 1 sal" baby's head, turning the ground a decisively. soft brow-n fuzz of glinting copper. Codling mollis, hastened by the hot days of early June, are emerging in large numbers In various districts or Oregon, and arc busy depositing cegs for the next worm crop, re- h in, an i ports A. L. Lovett, entomologist or Sometimes the stamp I. lib. O. A. C. experiment tlon The I KKS will OCalll nullum 111 iw from the time of laying, and to con trol the worm brood the 30-day Bpray should be put on three duvs ahead of their arrival. In the Willamette district this calls for the application starting Monday. June 7. This Bpray le made of one pound dry lead ar senate of SO gallons of water. If scab is present lime-sulfur solution, summer strength, may be used In stead of the water with one pound dry lead arsenate. The Bolr.tlon I? applied to young fruit and foliage ao completely that the first meal of the young worm will prove to be his last And you are going to call her Mary?" asked Churles fingering a bit of paper nervously. "Why, of course I am." 1 ans wered. "I never had a thought of calling her anything else." "John spoke i.cr the phone of adding his mother name to it." 1 do not like two names tor a "Do vou dislike his mother so She has hair Just like yours, mucn: asked I naries in sui.u.. hasn't she?- said Charles. ' . "ut I disime me name ...o.e I laughed. "1 think she will have'man any other in the world. hair like mine when she has any. I "Why. 1 think 'Elizabeth is a nice Just at present It seems like a soft, i name." said Charles, innocently. silken halo of gold, does It not?" I "There are some names that we as- sald, mixing my metaphors. soclate with people," was my ex- Charles stood quietly watching us, ' planutlon. my baby and me. "I do, not know," I "I do not associate Elizalwth with he observed, "that you were the Ma-'John's mother'." donna type, Kutherlne. Whenever I "Oh!'' was Charles' exclamation, have thought of you before I have al-nml I knew that he had just reulixed ways thought of you as an out-door ! 'hat Elizabeth was the first name ol girl a Kill who played tennis, who Miss Moreland. walked miles and swam like a mer- wood hiisiics hi race. - maid and hero 1 find you with that' I felt tho hot blood rush over my wonderful brooding look that every face. 1 didn't want Charles to think painter tries to ret Into his picture 1 ' jealous. I reany wasn i jeai f the Mother of Christ. Do all moth- ous but I did not intend in fact, rs have It, Kalherlne, In the first It sickened mo to think of my dnrl 'ew weeks of motherhood?" i ing baby with a name that 1 should "I am sure 1 don't know. Charles, always arsoclulo with the u'.terly ( don't think 1 ever saw a mother wllh a baby as young as mine, and I un almost sure that I do not quite inderstaml what you mean. Bring me the hand glass. I want to see If do look so differently." "Ah, you've lost it now." said Charles, as he handed me the mlr- tor. "You look like Cousin Kuther lne again 'with your mlsihevlous smile. You were thinking of me and what I said for the moment." No. dear. I anid. " I was thlnk 'ng of myself. Don't you know that when a man compliments a woman It always brings her thoughts hark to herself and she either agrees wllh selfish kind of woman 1 knew Eliza beth Moreland to he. "Well," said Charles, changing the subject, "Do you know John is coin ing for you Just as soon as he car. pet here. 1 gather you heard what 1 said from my cud of the wire." "Yes, 1 heard what you said, Charles." 'Then you should be perfectly happy very soon, your husband and ihild with you.'' "J wiil not be any -happier thnn i am now. In fact, I am not sure that John's coining with not break into my bliss." Tomorrow Tho Ouljn Hoard. ill ii. dim; oitiu:iti:i oit. NEW SNAP SHOTS Following a trip of Inspection dur lngwhieh the bourd of flro coinmis- j lonors Investigated the condition of I a number of buildings, about the I city, the ow ners of the shed adjoin- pt.mw to lltrtlnnd ing the Koseburg garage on the n t c......i ,...i i S. O. S. See tomorrows paper. north, were Instructed to demolish the structure at once. It Is sold to he in a vory dangerous condition and is apt to result in tho Injury of some peison unless it Is torn down. Other buildings constituting a fire menaie inny be ordered out in the near future. ort- S. O. S. See tomorrow'l paper. APPKAILS IX CANTATA. SAY! 3 KfCJEXK. Ore.. June 7.- Miss Eva Rice, of lloseburg. is tnking part lu the rantata. "The Rose Maiden." which will he presented by the I'nl versity of Oregon school of music during the music festival to be given In Eugene June 7. 8 and 9 under the dire. Hon of the faculty of the school of music. MAYOR IN lOUTI.ANI. Fatty Did You Know That Arbuckle and Flora Finch were married yesterday "P Well they were not. lint June Wed. lings, they are sure com ing thick and fust. IU! yep ever stop to think thai June Weddings mean "FLOWERS' And every time you think of flowers, we hope you will think nf us. We are flxed for any occasion, no mutter how laige or how mall. This month we are going tn make wedding hnuiiucts and decor ations specially. We are on Ihe Job from II a. m. to p. nr. and If you need anything in the line of wedding regalia, flowers, plants. or even funeral designs, for sometimes a wedding dwi remind one of a funeral. We have them, call on us. You are welcome at all time. We will fix yon up. Our address Is The Portland Journal yesterday contained the following Item pet tabling to the visit of Mayor Hamil ton to the "rose city": Mayor W. S. Hamilton of Rosehurc Is so proud of the ruses for which bis town is named and so fearful thai Portland may not have enough to supt'ly the thousands of visitors d'.ir !n Shiine and Rose Festival week that he came in Saturday to find nut how many carloads of blooms will be required. At the Imperial hotel he declared his town has pledged Itsell to provide any quantity. "We are go ing to have a rose picking bee and everybody will turn n'it to help fill up nnv d rii teii, y Portland mav have." he said. "Itoseliurg doesn't propose to let anvbody come to Ore gon, the rose state, and luce the land this morning to spend a week or ten days viting with relatives. Return (o Yonciillli Mr. and Mrs. J. W. P.urxe. of Yon- nlla. who has been visiting in Ibis city for the past-few davs, leit this morning tor their home. I.cnve For Vilt Susan Cornell left this morning for Oakland, where she expects ti Mieml a couple of days visiting. Off For New Orleajis John E. Flurry and wife left tlii inornlng for New Orleans, from which -ilaie they will go to Mr. Flur ry's former home at Vestry. Miss., and litter to tho American Central Life Insurance convention to be held in Michigan. Tbey will not returr until August, iln li Trip - S, E. Crawford and wife, of Penn sylvania, who have been touring the coast, spent Sunday In Rosctmrg nnci left this miming for Portland ami Seattle. They expect to tour In Washington for a short time and then go on to their home, st irt for Wisconsin Edna Williams and Mrs. Ilarrv niriinino. or Wolf Creek, left thi.- morning fur Wisconsin, where the expect to sivnd the summer visiting with friends and relatives. Reluming i,( ivniinnd Mrs. K. 11. Stone loft this nicru ing for her home at Portland follow ice a short visit in this ritv. M ill Miet Son Mis. P. II Rolce, who has he. n v isliing in Roseburg with her daugh ter. Mrs. (!. II. Todd for ih pics' two weeks, left this morning for Port '"ml. where she will meet hr son who Is on,, his mv to the OrcT,. metropolis fn,ni his home in Seattle Mist Edna ait pifiui iwiia wuuuut ever waaina -is Etn. up and 1 always get up tenting good Wlsltlng he,. . lo k, and ready for work. I am glad to I with her moth. hT " tell what Tanlao ha done for me. left 8aturdk, Mr- N'.v' hoping someone else wlil In bene-, aha u eroDlmL , S" lZ Tanlao la sold In Roseourg by W. F. Chapman, and by tho leading druggtsts In every town. -...or. "aijjjj "OL THE COGS" Machine oil for the sewing machinB vnve vii ior me numan machine Not forgetting that the human machine nuts far above quantity, in its oil requirements PURE OLIVE OIL, is our , I ' Win g.i S. O. S. See tomorrow's paper. LOS ANGflES MAN SAYS lit WAS HARDLY ABIE 10 Gfl ABOUI "I am fo thoroughly satisfied with the btncfitB 1 have received from Tan.ae it is a real pleasure for me to recommend it," eaid Hilas P. Gates, 6 .ilt Kast Avenue 60, Los Angeled, Cal., recently. Mr. (Jutes Is a valued employe of the Security ttuiiding, corner Fifth and Spring streets, and is Known to a lare numhev of peo pie. "For the past throe years I had been in a badly rundown condition and in spite of everything I iou!d do I just couldn't get myself rfscht ai ain." rontinufd Air. Gates. "Dur ing the past year I got a Kreat deaf worse and lont so much weight and was so weak 1 could scarcely gv. about ut ull. I hud no appetite and the little 1 did manage to eat did not seem to do me any good, for 1 had a heavy, miserable feeling in m stomach all the time. I also suffered from catarrh of the head and stom tich something awful. My nerves were in such bad condition I could get but lit Hlecp and I nearly al ways K"t feeling about as bad a? f did v hen I went to bed. I was ai! 1 could do to get to the cur line to v;o to work, and when 1 got down town it was an effort for me to fin Vh out the day. 1 went home every evening so completely fagged out 1 on Id not eat anything but went right straight to b'Hl, ttlire I would pas Tnotber night of minery. "I tried n- arly every kind of medi cine I could near of. but pothiu? -.eemed to do me any pood. One day tftni reading a testimonial praisinp Tanlac from a man whose couditioi had been similar to mine. I decide to try it. Mofore 1 hud finished tin first bottle I felt like a different per on and began to pick up rinhi alr.n. My :ippotite has improved ' I eil thn-e hearty merils every da now and I eat anything I want with ut having Viat heavy fteling in nr. noniach or suff-inng any other b;w' 'fttr efTe.ts. I am not bothered wi:l tutarrh any more and have gained ;everal pounds in weight. 1 have re -aintd my strength until I can get lbout and do as much work as 'ver could, and I nover have that MlKhtest lisappnintmeut. The Pto-itrrt vi f nn t'm nusiHxur antt t He cnam- rer or commerce, the city council and vuu i.. ... -u-m !i. It. H. Nichols wm-t win za on to rvr hmnn Hin nanota from Portland. all other organizations are eettinc l.nay. Whether Portland need, them 1 lne 'n a ,t with r. , mo"' or no, . we will d a lo, ,o .how !?,, V ien? " r'"1' that th. Ro-e .'ity u not tin only ii.nr. i ' . llalhert M.itthewa left thia morn Ii for a vis,t witn relative, at Oak Innd, Ore Ho lrcive, fnr Sun V. & CITY NEWS 0 S. O. S. See tomorrow's paper. Arundel, pia"o toner. Prion i3SL We w.'iah and noliah cara at Met fln'a Karace. Sprella Coraetiere. C!.".ra Corum t'hona, 402-R. 811 W. Wash. tf We pay the highest price for Cas ara bark. Merger's Bargain Store. We pay the highest price for Cas cura bark. Berger's Bargain Store. roultmnen gel your kale plants from Earl Vosburg. 702 Fullerton SOc per 100. Umo-aiilpluir spray, sulphur for .iiii.i i, siinniiir tor pmnt dtisoing line In nids.. arsenate of lead, blacli !eaf forty. L'mpqua Valley Frui' ' ninn. S. O. S. See tomorrow'a paper. S. O. S. See tomorrow'a paper. CLASSIflCD (Oil! AU C'uUHlfta! Advertisement lo erted new uxlay will he found on vX pane under "New Tolay" bead. WASTTED. WANTED Waltresa at Hotel Unip-qua. WANTED Strong boy at the Ore gon Bakery. WANTED Lunch counter girl at Hotel L'lnpqua at once. WANTED Teeth for Jones' rake. Call Phone 33-F11. hay- W ANTED Scotch collie pup Phone 15-K12 early morninga. John tioodbourn. 2Rjau. FOR SALEi . .. . ""' mm. J. 8ALE-4 nioathTiT goat. Phone 4-K4 FOR SAI.PD,.... r FOoake C. McChehey. ""ttU FOR SALE CHEAPyH rabbits. 521 East DougM WORK TEAM. wTlrhrTTT- years old. harne., ud Kyes, Deer Creek Ura. TO c FOR SALE 191S HnrU. and side car. Thomu Owu-TI 104 Wllh,., n FOR SALE OR TRADri, aloek ranch, fully equlrM m"'ci uo ao. rme. WANTED Girl to answer phone and assist in office work. Inquire at Koseburg Laundry. iVANTED Teacher for Glengarry school, Dist. No. 109. M. M Cooper, Clerk, Roseburg, Ore. FREE BOARD for a little Janitor work tach evening. Call at Cafe teria at once. WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished house. Inquire Dan Morgan, Room us, Koseburg Hotel. hamku to rent 4 or 6 room house, closer In, long time, best of care. Address E. H., care News' Review. nAMbl) In the country, woman or girl to assist In the housekeep. Ing. Modern home and ennven lences. good waged, easy work. Ad dress R. R. at News-Review office, MISCEIXASEOCh. PHONE your order for your winter wood to R. Stubbs, Melrose store. Phone 11 F25. WELL PRILLING R. E. Helnacl man, driller, R. 1, Roseburg. Phone 3-F5. !5 REWARD For correct address of John 13. Baker. Write Clark B Itaker, Roseburg, Oregon. LOST Bunch of keys on ring, were lost between Main street and West Oak sirtet. Reward for their re turn to News-Review office. IUST RECEIVED shipment of goods. Am prepared to nil all orders for Watkins products at 126 W. Lane St. Phone 137-L. rAKEN I'P Span mares, one white. other dark brown, at lion a day ranch, on Deer Creek. Owner Is notified to call for property and pay damages, keep and advertis ing. B. R. Riehter. HELP WANTED WANTED HELP Ex-service men and othors fur nished employment free of chmrse. Contractors, ranchers and farmers Piace your orders with ua for help era. Our services are free both to employer and employed. Law-rence-Cordon Co., 125 Cass SI Phone 219. POK RENT PROFESSIONAL CARDS MRS. K. Phono l. OWKV Cat Flowers 2n 40.1 w. Cass. rose city of Oregon.' iv S. P. OFFICIALS VISIT. 403 W. - Cats Street "The Ferri' F. I.. Iiurkhultef. ti!via:anl gen eral manager of ihe Southern Parltf l-ne. and A. T. Merrier, superintend- enr or ther with Win, Jnekle. gen oriil engineer, spent yeatenlny In this city m.-tklni an Inaneetlon of the lo ral yards and atatlon. They arrived Saturday evening in two special rata end remained over for several hours yesterday. s. o. s.. See tomorrow's paper. CHICHESTER S PILLS rm. n tod t.i4 ctouiAx. o-. -di Mm Ktlo.V T.. . w. it., .r V lM.Olo.ND RIUVS IMLI.V. ISOlDBYOMOISrtrTnHrJv "ln.M ."' ' IT.R Chiropractlr lR. R. P. IIU.VIFOHn . wi-'F Chiropractors, West Roseburg Phone 40K4. f. CI.AIH R. at.tpv to...... S1 Perkln. Bnlldine. Hoaeimra Oreann. Office Houra: 9 to i . m- l to I Phone (S Office Honrs: 10 to II. 2 to 4. Phones: Office. 171: Res.. 17 J OK, LU'ETTA SMITH. PHYSICIAN Women and Children Disease a Specialty. Office, Maaonlc BuUdU FOR RENT Room with bath. 401 So. Main Street. tf FOR RENT To gentleman, room with bath. 340 S. Stephens St FOR RENT Safety deposit boxea Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping, new and clean. 1110 Trospect St. :-"OR RENT Two well furnished sleeping rooms. Men preferred Phone 343 between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. SAFETY F1RSV Seem a safety deposit box for your valuable pa-1 per at the Rosebnrf; National ' ana . tf "7 mJ FOR SALE Fresh J.. .wlf tr.n lui. j :..w iort'rt,: n- v .u."-iiiv1 tJcccw. lei. o-flj. vv A.o. I tl)-Uy f.ml t V w adults, furnished rwmi at J iiut-tot-t'piiiK. Aaa.eay.1,1 News-Kevlew. FOR SALE Number eight tW with record cabinet ud 111 mJ of records. All neirljstw. M io. t4z ritzer St. FOR SALE 1-toa Ihmll trad iai model: will uii M a.. Ing car as part pitwtu. j. n Mefford, uakland. On FOR SALE 400 Her oakttotini block wood, special pries er lM . tier lots on ground, 11 uta once. C. W. Groret, pbni HB WE HAVE 1 DHL of mm lead spray left. Will nil r. hHrsain if tahen at onrr. fsa Fruit & Proaurs Co. DRYER PIPE I hare a amount of Iron for drttr Bf farther supply doubtful; ately Is not too early ti K your order. J. H. SlnBigef. FOR SALE Nice home. Ills Jolnine city limits of OikiiMi good well on back porch: jrsj sell. Address Wm. D. mot E. 19th Ave., Eugene, 0r FOR SALE Ons big Dnrkorl . giving about f gallons aul vtra Una Jerser COV; SM touring car; one trailer. 1st McMillln, Enipirs Ban. FOR SALE Italian prune m JslivurT firiiT HOW. Stra advance. 6 to t. ; 4 aj 4 0e- 3 tn 4. !4c. R. 1 U" miles wst, Rostbnrl. Or PfiAt.. RODT WOO: tnrnue. transfer. H. Phone 128. down and balance "J 3 ih,.n so-Y. or see K- " "1 ters. col FOR SALE-HIT U"Z2 repainted, good t ret. looKS ana inn- -- - h .n m n. tAiir nc. ran L ,.u.o . u ym miles, new tire.. I- -.J 107 H. H. 0en. i riin s M E Span S-Tr. ... . fcAf. f mare and coia. wlckleas oil rane: aw wlckleas on "' " rwi ment for '"""'""Lrl Oreron, trncto: Wllbd FOR SALE-Ho". stoves, some "'" a -met I"7 nne j"ci - Roeebut Washington St.. B - . L me at rrio oiAi.e. ,ni" a . ..ii inwn Cnr I , turkeys, t ,, j.e,......-- b. Ore. i' till under pl'c10,i fltl lis"V mediate PO"1(,.i:! alone, po m $4000 rash. burg, 0r. VONEY TO LOAN in-year r.irml credit farm loans, low Interest rate. $20,000 local money to loan on good real estate. First mort gage. See al. F. Rice of Rice ft Rice, tf.