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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1920)
BfflKnri wtw.nir.TiKW) fruit, nMLrS'w , 1 LESS THAN $16 s FIRE Food for ts Thought t Thla Is a tlma when un ry person should begin 10 think seriously regarding money matters. We ro passing through an unusual economic condition In the country' history, and It should b" a case of "watch your step." The solution of most economic problems for the Indi vidual starts with a bank account, and YOL'HS be satisfactory at the L'mpqua Valley Bank. JOHN M. THRONE, Cashier. California Industrial Com mission Establishes Min- imum Scale Today. the HMPmrn ROSEBURO U3S&2 OREGON I Female" la adapted. Sir James Is ,ne of the last a'lthors to allow his vorks to be filmed. Ho hold off for One of Best Movies fwtin in TP 'nc anil fft a Ions while, but finally allowed lie It woild seem that Cecil 11. Do Mllle has been working up toward the production of ".Male and Ke :nale," nls new I'ararnount-Artcrafi rlrture. through his entire career. For this picture, which was shown for the flmt time last nlsht at the lllo to try 1Mb hand. When the au lihor this lie will not be diwip- ointid. The dramatic strength of ! Is ulay. and Its doep and keen i liaiai'lorlzatlona the enriched by the presentation De Mllle has given It The ulory has not been rhangeu In the leant. The l ist healed by Tho.nas Mela Antler's theater, represents tile eon- ban. who dujillratos his excellent iimniatlcn of his many-sided genius, work in "The .Mira.le Man.'' unil the finojt fruit of years of nrtistry. (ilorla Swinson, unlfor..ily evci- "Male and Kemalo" comblnei the lent. Theodore Roberts. I.ila l.ce. liixuriousiieM of "Don't t hanxe Huyirnnd llrltrn. Maym KpImi, Hob Your irislmnrt" with the speetaeu- ert I'hIub and Kdv.nrd Iturtii are lar beauty of "The Woman Cod Kor- mini of the til.; naimi.i In it. Jeanlo got" and the dramatic strength of Miicuhursoii wrote tho scenario. "Tho Whispering Chorus." The We sp..l:e of 'The .'r-lo Van" c-pening rcene, In tho London homo i thn In.u paraitra ih. Let 11.4 t .ty of Lady Mary, nro the last word In that "Tho .Mil aide Man Is t!i" only lrxury. Mr. Do Mllle has spent picture In memory with v.hli h ".Male money on his pictures before, but mul Female" can be compared. It Is ilountful If he has ever spent so Which is :ho bettor? Well, we hive l.iuch. and sc effectively, as In these (,ur prlvato opinion. Hut It Is a acenee. Gloria Bwanson has more matter of taste. ".Malo and Female" vnndorful gowna than ever, and tho i( nn unimial production. oi:o or the settings, down to the tiniest detail, nvato.-'t pictures yet niaiiu. the are In kooplng with tho storied crowning achievement of Mr. De iharacten. i .Mllle's career. Tho picture will b" Then there is the Habvluulan epls- rhown attain tonight. Letting in Merlin iirs. J. T. Ingram left this nam ing for Merlin, wncre mm with relative for tho next few days vatM Ufttrllfl M. Tom Kldiceway came to Roo burg this morning fioui Sutberliu to viBlt for a ahort time with tier par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. tester. Here From Clem bile Wm. U. Garrett and wife, of Oieu dalo. sptnt the day In Koseburg: tmuBacting business matters. To fvui FranclMo Mis. J. D. Oiboru and Miss Clayte Illack left this moruini; for tan Francisco, where they will spend xioral weeks visiting with relatives. I 'ruin Drain Miss Madge Whipple arrived 11 Roscburg this morning from Drain and will visit here for a few days at the Charles McKlbinny residence. In From Yoncallu Wm. Klctier unci wife, of Yon calla. came to the city today and spent several hours attending to business matters. 1'lnlt at Central INiinl Milton and Iris Corum left thla morning for Central I'olnt. whore they expect to upend several weeks visiting with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Sirs. Victor U'irsell. L. McGregor, who was cngancd In the butcher business In this ill; nrinv vears ago. stopped over ner betweon trains yesterday afternoon enrouto home from a trip south. He is now located near Baktr. Oregon, lie! urn From vtinitr Mrs. Kenneth q line and baby ro ll Tiled this morning 'rom Wilbur, where they went for tho purpose of attending the graduation exercises held there last nisU:. N In 111 Health K. G. Young. Sr., one of the found ers o fthe town of Oakland, now 111 nt to check the spread of the dls- " aru year, nas "..... . .. . ,.,- J l. I lino I IK tha liaat tL-u.itf UMlll hilt Pttle eaue. bullcitiigs on ine municipiii uiK- e. - oue abort, hut thrllllngly beautiful. Hern Is 'lie spectacular. If you like, combined with tho exquisite. Thomas Mclghan, who plays Criehton, is tho king In this episode. Ulorla Swan son, men beautiful than ever In tho barberies splendor of the llabylon icn costumes, la tho untamed slave. In Ihe end she Is thrown to the lions and they're real Hons, too. As everyone kn.iwa, J. M. Marrle roto the play, "The Admliabln f'ltchton," from which "Male and Perfect Harmony Says Gen. Wood ( 8 rr"i.TTTr s DANCE (By Associated Press.) CHICACO, June 4. (lenernl Wood Issued a statement today re garding the rumors of a break rmong hla managers. Wood alleged that the rumor of friction, and that Colonel Troctor had ceased to man- j ago his campaign were false, and could only be "attributed to enemy propaganda." Governor Allen, of Kansns, who Is Blated to nominate Ceneral Wood, arrived In Chicago this afternoon. The governor an nounced that he would offer plat form plank declaring for Judicial set tlement of Industrial disputes as n paramount Issue befuro the nation. LABOR TO BE PACIFIST Will Cull Congreea to Consider llrldtflng Gulf Uelvteen IlrltWi Government mill Irish Moie l'tngue Victims. 3y Associated Press.) SAN FKFANCISCO, June 4. All women employed In agricultural oc cupations in the stale of California. Including picking fruit, vegetables and berries of various sorta, shall be paid a minimum of 16 per week hereafter. This decision was an nounced today by the state Indus trial welfare commission. Kffort to Adjust IMsputes. LONDON, June 4. The executive body of the National Railway I'nlou, believing that a crisis Is Imminent, has decided to ask tho calling of a special congress of Irish and Hrlllsh trades unloiiB for tho purpose of try ing to "bridge Ihe gulf between the Irish neonle and the government." according tti an announcement made today by J. H. Thomas, member of parliament and secretary or me railway organization. More HiiIkhiIc I'lagllo Victim. YF.HA ('III'.. June 4. Four new cases of bubonic plague were discov ered today, three of the victims being soldiers. In an effort of the govern Fire may sweep away the ao cuiuuluiloiiH and savings of years in a few brief moiuonts. Tho only safe way to protect your property Is to Insure 1 a 60od reliable company. Also to have your pollclea written ,Alltf Fire Insurance 1 We write pollclea correctly and give you tho protection needed. We represent only aubatanllul, reliable old Hue companies. Any business intrusted to ua will be promptly and carefully attended to. Fire Insurance, automobile Insurance, plate glass, burg lary, life and accident Insur ance. Phone or see us today. G.W.YOUNGANDSON Real Itate and Insurance. 118 Cass St. rhone 417 1 55 V ' J; . MARKET Ol'ICT. 4. PORTLAND, Juno 4. 'mere w 1 no material change In mar- ket quotations on cattle, hogs and butter, prices remaining steady. Demand for sheep and lambs Is weak, quotations ranging from 11 to 12V4. Eggs are bringing 37 cents. At tho RIDDLE PAVILION Under New Management Tuesday Eve., Junefl, 1920. 9 to 13 ' 1 The Famous Jazz-0 -Four NOSEBItllC aitCHI S1RA MUSIC I.OO WarTnlOo 6 'XM0000CCXlOC'OOOOOOC?i League and Labor Planks Suggested (By Associated Pess.) ClIICACO. III.. Juno 4. Outlining campaign plans, Senator Johnum salt! loday that the Johnson fore :t would prei'iit n league of nalbeis p'unk, denouncing the covenant. They will also urge a plunk tiEainU the high cost of living and sugg-K(-ing remedies, and number on lal,ir protesting against the dehumanizing of the working eeep'.e. ti is pre lilcted that the Jul nson forces will not mention prohibition. All I Store. hats half price. Dcllows and nenr by structures were burned today in hope of eliminating the cen ters of Infection. Line of Action Planned. CHICAGO, June 4. Linos of ac tion among republican presidential candidate Is beginning to come out of the nebulous atmosphere of the preliminary period and move toward form. The situation Is already tak ing on a real convention appearance, and there is hopo among the nation al committeemen who are passing on contest and other preliminary work. that they will get through by Satur day night. The Mulvlhill delega tion from Mississippi has been seat ed. Till delegation Is unlnstructed. but Is counted among the Lowdun supporters. Preliminary Conference. CHICAGO, June 4. With the ar rival today of Ogden L. Mills, chair man of the republican committee on pollclea and platform, tho final con ference on the articles In the repub lican platform, to be submitted to then convention, is expected to begin. Toiler KecretJiry Resign. WASHINGTON. June 4. Frank L. Polk today resigned as under sec retary of slate, The resignation hns been accepted by the president and ts effective June 15. at which time Polk will leave Washington on a vacation trip before resuming his private law practice. Wage Commission Aumlutcd. WASHINGTON, June 3 Presi dent Wilson today appointed a com mission of three nun to settle the wage controversy between the an thiacite coal miners and the oper ators of the properties. Tho coin ml.inn's award will be mado within sixty days, if possible, and the wage award will be retroactive to April 1, 1 !I2. Hccal War Measure. WASHINGTON. June 3. With an ani'inl nit ut the sen ite Judiciary eotr.lnlttee todav reported out the linns" Jnint rei.etinior. providing for repeat of all wartime lerislal l-m. ex cept tilt? Lever food control a';t and trailing with tho enemy net. Hungarian Treaty Signed. VKIISAILLES. Juno 3. The treaty j of peace with Hungary was s-;ie 1 j I'iday at the grand llrianou p;ilac . The Hungarian treaty Is the lirat 01' the treaties frumed by the peace con ference to be signed ahead of time. Improvement at this writing. Oak land Tribune. Golmc tii Montana Scott Hrllt and John Rohr leave r.ext Monday for Great Falls, Mon tana, where thev will remain for several weeks. During their stay In Montana they will be employed in Rheep shearing. Oakland Will tVlehrnte Tho city of Oakland Is making plans to hold a grand Julv 4th celo bratlon this "year, according to the Tribune, and a meeting was called Thursday night at which time the proposition was discussed. Officers Elected I'nlon Encampment, I. O. O. F., of Ihls city, last night elected officers for the coming year as follows: John D. Reese. C. P.: V. J. Mlrelll. S. W.: Foster Rutner, II. P.: A. C. Rexroad. J W. The installation will be held early In July 1'rom. Wllbm Kiev Walker, Kathleen La Raut. Flla Sweenev and Fdlth Drown were among the Wilbur residents who ar rived In Roseburg this morning to spend a few hours attending t9 busi ness matters. Is Returning Home Dr. J. It. Chanman, who has been under treatment In a hospital In orMand. has so far recovered that he left for home this afternoon. He will stop at Wilbur tonight to attend flie annual reunion there tomorrow. Il's recovery since his recent surgi cal operation has boon remarkably rnpfd. To Celebrate Fins Day Tho H. P. O. F.Iks will hold their annual Flag Day ceebratlon on ':"ii'l:iv. June 13 at the odpe pnnnn. Herman Mark Is in charge of the mogr.-im and this year's event prom ises to be quite Interesting. An ef fort Is being made to have the lioso- t Mrg musicians form n band to play rer tn ex rclses In the afternoon. Rev. Cender will make the address! ."ml local talent will supply the ex- client mut-lcal program. All Store. hats half price. Bellows Removal Notice On Monday, 'June 7th, wc will move to our new Permanent Location recently occupied ly CiitVs Variety Store, which property we have bouulit, Duriiiif the chttiitte of -tucks wc will be con siderably torn up. but will nn-anno it so patrons can be jiiven service in all those daily necessities of business not to be found cNewhere. Before we move we wish to extend our sincere thanks to our hundretlsof customers for the patron age so constantly and liberally c.iwn us iluriiiyr the past three years, and solicit a continuance of il in our new quarters where we will be in belter shape to serve. On FRIDAY AND SATURDAY son,,, very ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS will be shown in vat ious lines to close out rather move. THE ROSEBURC BOOK STORE M. J. & S. J. Shoemaker SIU'TII CAROLINA- ONTKST I'Oll I'LACK WANTED - 3 or 4 room furnished house. Inuuire Pan Morgan, Room 33. Itoscburg Hob 1. CHICAOO. June 4. South Caro lina contests over seating of dele iiates in the repulilicun national con 'entlon furnished fireworks and vaudeville for today's meeting of the national committee. The lie was t.;;s.--ed freely, and charges that there was .smooth Ins roten nearer than I'eninark were made by the Adams faction, who counted for Wood, la the course of presenting their caxerf)" SAI.r Number eight Vlctrola agjalnst the Tolbort delegation, who I W'. record cabinet and fZA worth H'nc- at ?:it!.erlin tonight. Music by Otrs orchestra. J. J. ChadwIc'K. tho well known pioneer resident of .Myrtle Creek V;a3 greeting friends and attending to business matters here today. CALL 1 OR WARRANTS. NEW TOD A I $5 UPWARD Kor correct address of .loi n 11. Raker. Write Clark B. linker, ltnseburg. Oregon. Jl'ST RKCi:iVED shipment of goods. Am pr, pared to fill all orders for Wat kins products at 120 W. Lane St. l'fione 137-L. aie Lnwilen men. The Tolbert del. ites were finally awarded the sent--, i'nme of the negro delegates charged that the Tolher faction had threat ened them with death If they at t"rded the regularlv called convention. oi recei All nearly new. Trice 5 75. Ml! riu,.r St. tiiiki' t;i-rs ;.s(inK.. The nioit "heinous"' crime to be committed In Kosehnrg fer some time was the theft of a gallon and a half of gaselhie from tleor.' Rnreh:rd's garage last ntctit. Mr. Purehard drove his machine home list nleht and left it In the garage. he sliding door being unlocked taurine the night, some person btenilty unknown entered the gar nce and with a rubber tube as a s'ebon. completely enuitied fr. llur hard's gisollne tank, which con ta'ned about a gallon and a half. All n'itolts are wsrned that an Ingeni ous c.itollna thle-f Is abroad and are warned to aleep with their last euart under thair pillow, a 1 .' .b.un : l',i...... ; tors. Ft Hi S'l repair, leek, :ll I!-, r. m.l. I iu::.. K 6-room house. lot cheap. Small payment 'id balance like rent. ' V. or see R. W. Mars- l' 1?117 Podge touring, I. good tires. l?;o lie.-nse. i runs like m-w, $350. t:e touring, run only :,sei) V lires. go.irt ns" n,.Wi It. II. Owen. Oakland, Or. H.i;ct.iy-A one and a half ton I n. ,ruck. two 2-ton Federal truck wo,,.! !--., . '' ring cars, and one used tevrine rar. .T n v.,.i 1 Podg.. a ,,i,s agency". Notice Is hereby given that all school warrants of School Dist. No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon, to and including No. 4327, endorsed Decem ber lllth, 1919, not paid for want of funds, and prior thereto, are this day called for payment by the under signed, and all Interest thereon will cease from the date of this notice. Bated this 4th day of June. 1920. ROSCOE N. G RISEN, Clerk of School Dlst. No. 4, Douglaii County Oregon. Otfice, High School Bldg. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER. General Land Office, Washington, D. C, June 1. 1920. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limita tions or the Act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat., 218), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of Sep tember 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will bo sold July 12, 1920. at 10 o'clock a. in., at public miction at the L'nited Slates land offlco at Rosebtirg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised valuo ns shown by this notice. Bale to be subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at Time of Bale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will he received from citizens of th l'nited Stales, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under tho laws of the United Slntes or any state, territory or district thereof only. I'pon application of n uualifled purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will b offered enaratety before being Included In any offer of a larger unit. T. 22 S It. a V See. 7. NE V, NEV. . vellow fir 32fi M.. KWK NT.",, vellow fir '00 "".. F NEV,. veijy fir ana NE't NWV, . yellow fir Tf N'WV. NWU. vellow fir 150 M . red fir 200 M.. NKM SFM. vellnw fir MO M red cellar 10 M., NW'f SE Douglas fir 1100 M.. red cedar "0 M.. SEli SF'4. y. How fir Coo M., r-i fir 100 M . red cedar ?0 r S"Wi, Sim,, Pouplns fir i$ M NEU SlV'ii, Douglas fir 690 M m 1: : ac -n -- THE QUALITV OF OUR WORK cannot be gauged by our prices the skill, the care and thoroughness guarantee satisfaction. LET US SHOW YOU Who's your cleaner? SI Boys Dub No Mending fcr Six Montis ' :". THAT is what the maters of DubhclbHr n l guarantee-Six month' vjcar, uS&t? tear; or suit '.ii'l be re aired free, "A.Mr, Spcci.tllv reinforced at every pc,;t 0f . , wenr. S,yi;h r. wc!l as sturdy. the handsome rhncs. "-Fcctaily, ?364;7S"",'-I6-7S"218'7S5520-75-and HARTH'S TOCCERY CompUte Boyi Outbing Dcpinmcm Dr Ukb i. H We'll m.le them look right. P NWi SWU. Douglas fir 400 M., SWV4 SWVi, Douglas fir 640 M., red cedar 35 M none of which to bo sold at less than $2.00 per M.; T. 21 S.. R. 4 W., Sec. 7. NEV4 NE',4. fir 650 M.. NW14 NEVi. fir 600 M SEi Ni;, fir 350 M., SW NE4, fir 600 M.,- SEW NW!4, fir 550 M., NEH SEV4. fir 350 M.. NW SE4, fir 500 M.. SE4 SEH, fir 700 M., SWVi SE H fir 1000 M.. NE4 SW4, flr 600 M.. NW4 SW, fir 600 M.. SE14 SW. flr 550 M., SW4 SW14, fir 50 M., none of which to be aold at less than $1.75 per M., Sec. 25, NE M SWH, red flr J 200 Iff., cedar SO ,f., NW4 SWV. . red flr 1150 M., SWH SWVi. red fir 1100 M.. SEVi SWV,. red fir 1300 M., cedar 60 M., be red fir to be sold at not less than $1.80 per M. and the cedar at not .lesa than t 5ft k m W.. Sec. 13, NE s fcii,. flr 425 M none of lA . - - ti.Bu per at t u j 240 M.. ilne 60 M., SW'U NeI' 3 11 r Slifl M tvinl i e r' m flr 250 M.. pine 0 M.. NE ffil Br 1S M to .. e1!! flr 275 M niA in u 'tij SI flr 230 M.. pine 70 M.NEilwJ At,,.,'. .'. liV . w 74. nr ou m., pine 250 M srj " an., pine zzo si. era ""7, in 3 ai., pias so JL im v ,u oe soiu ai not le&s tbttlta per M.. and the fir at nm i -.J $1.25 per M. (Signed) CLAnul nun, iummisaioner. 1 How About That Lawn, Does It Need Mowing? i i vassal -Remember we have a few mowers leftover ' from last season, on which price has not been lifted. Then again to save it, you will have to become one "Julius Pluvius", and will need hose and sprinklers. We have been selling i qnnntity but still have some left Get one of t'inao eip-ht-foot sprinklers and duplicate i shower. UndeV good Pressure it will cover a space 20 feet wide, or can be reduced to as narrow a strip as you wish. Churchill Hardware Co. !L Urns Vo,-,l TAKKV I f Spsn mares, one white other dark brown, at ilonad.iv ..-.I. . w,,t t rcek. Owner Is notified t0 tor proprtv tni rr dncaae,. keep and advartis- I '"I B. R. Rtchter. I ; t-WarasMTM Iry t.Ur Way Our Ant,, u uu. rhone 277. CECIL B. DeMILLE'S PRODUCTIOM with an All-Star Cast Vnqnosttnnnbly the biggest and best picture of the 1' Kl'Vcuivr rmxt tsww. itcWkT I i:ht MAIDS. Admission Prices: Children 23, tax 3, total 28c; lulM total 55c. S.iturilnjr: Wnrrcn Kerrljjim In "Live Simras.' fkidav 41 TPR RKA II In tho film version of her slag ac"- . "SINNERS' DE HAVEN COMEDY "SURE ClW