Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 03, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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and Friday
Reaches Over
17000 Readers
In Which is Included The Evening News and The Roseburg Review
itosr.iu no, orkgox, thcrkiiay, ji nk a, itwo.
Mers snipping w
Supply of Gasoline rrom
Calif. Oil Company.
n,.,, W ill be l'rotc. tod if Guno-
Ue Drum Are lruiK"i
(1!,- Itcfora tne i-.xpecicu
(juMillue Arrives Here.
i-arluails of gasoline to re-
t,9 the lucal shortage will arrive
,, u Angeles within, a tin
V3 li arru'iKeiiicmo m.w.
fcuelas County Automotive ueaier.
bociiitioii ore completed. A who
L wnt today to tho Richfield Oil
tamanv of Los Auacles, the vo:n
y hiving promised to turairh all
Lii gasoline dt3ired, and two ar
fds will be forwarded at onco, ihc
L car lu'inx expected next T;
L ,r Wednesday. The oner -ir
hi follow five day later.
Negotiations have been underway
f seven'! days between the Itleh
lid company uud the 1-jcal rieulurV
Ln.-!tiou. the wne Having ucoi
t-ii quit', fi !"' -!" forming a r.i.n
L-i Te company lust night of'
fed to ie:it tvn carloads of jvano
ke to Kosoliurg at once and the
tooo'ille deale.s this niornir.g
im: ihc company to makt me ship
r . . . i .
tut i':ml:leiy. tne noseuurg ,-vi-
IdjI fault insisting the dealers in
jt transaction by guaranteeing pay-tat
An scoti an fio gasoline arrives ;l
ill be distributed to the various
IIPM loiU 5eriei; BLaiDi'B aim n ill
doKi out to umo owners at once.
irmire not specially informed
the arrival of the car will bo pro
tl. All subline drums brought
the city and left at tho filling
tiim erllnartly p.' will ba
l-d u quickly as tho gasollno be-
avilntil. (arm neons and
Wir.eBa rc-otifroiutapta being met
fn.l of jll others aid gasoline will
t be fnrnisht't to fnr.iicr and to
tnisfj (isms their cars for business
rpowt and pleasure cars will then
Iit is expected tiint there will be
nty of gasoline for all as the shlp-
Jnt will total abcut 24.000 gul
e The c:tr is to leave Los
pgelei today and should arrive on
iojdiy. The second will be ship
Id five "lays later an! other irs
I be shippd at five-day imer
ih until the shortage is relieved.
company agrees to ketp the city
killed with gasoline as lung as it
h be hanlded at this end of the
N and until such a time as the
Val plant is able to keep up with
demand the dealers here expect
Mr gasoline In from Calofirnia
Usui Tuesday there will proi.ahly
nine relief. Mr. Shaw. i,t the
khwav Service stnllon la ni'll i-
fiUnd endeavoring- to arrange for
irucK load but nothing has been
prd from him up to the present
ine Z'KIO gallons wh ch he
res to bring would last onlv a
frt time but would provide a short
ne irom the present famine.
Xmrly an jitneys have stonDed
ptlon, while the delivery syRtem
P only enough "Juice" for a few
ff daj-D. The Standard Oil plant
P completely exhausted its supply
r '"hough expecting a carload
Wy has I, sen unable to secure
Information on the car. It is
that the coming shipment w.ll
patly relieve .onclltiori3 In the
Fir and it is certain that the two
rioada ordered uiu ne a ?reat itep
Finl tho p.ilir -1 . i. i
- 'v. ui me iucui biiui-
canvas fcr Orange convention
was ulino '.iftemoon. a de
cisive luaju. .g nporitd In
, fnvor or Mr. t. a who will serve
I for two yeai H. C. D. Huffman of La
Grande was tho third candidate tin
the position as head of the siatejr-
Mrs. Minnie E. liond of Eugene
waa re-vlocted for a two-year term :
aa state lecturer over Mr. Stark- . , . . .
weather and C. J. Hurd ot Douglas , otatUte Covering Draft EvaSIOfl
vuuiitjr. iu. v. uiuvit ui uoring naj
no opposition for steward. T. it. A. I
Sellwood of Mtlwaukle was unani-1
mously chosen chaplain uud C. d. !
Uuw of Astoria was the only candi-1
date for gatekeeper. ;
The new system of state-wide bal
loting indicating first, second and
third choico for a given oltice re
ceived its tryout today and resulted
in failure.
Before the adjournment of the con
vention on Friday action will be
asked condemning Japanese coloni
zation in Oregon, it was definitely
learned today. It was Indicated thul
the sentiment of the Orange will be
strongly in fuvor of such action.
A resolution introduced this morn
ing, if passed, will place the conven
tion on record as against any
changes In the prohibition amend
ment, even to allowing mnaufucture
or sale of li;ht beers or wine.
Roseburg Needs
Kiddies Playground
Roseburg Is sadly In need of a
children's playground eq'.ipped Willi
Charges Carries 3 Years
Term and Fine.
Is Suid l Have Falsely Swum That
l)c Had Scleral Ik-prudent
His Manager Said to Have
Coached lltiit in Deal.
(By Associated Press.)
SAX KKA.CI3:0. Juno :!. -Jack
ne:;ilcjy may be irleil this month,
lor draft dodsing. It has been an
nounced at tho United Ktiues dis
trict attorney's office here thai the
government was ready for trial and
expected-to start the case In June.
The draft evasion charges agninst
Vi illlam Harrison ( lack I Dempsry,
hcavywelslit (hampion boxur of-the
world, and Jack Kearus. his man
ager, were filed here in the United
Slates district court. Tho statute
fevering thum carries a maximum
I'll tne necessary apparatus to make '""co ree years and a I2U00
t inner Lial to all of the ch Iilr, n n r , .ao in uie ueni
the city. A good playground "Til 1
asslit mpleriallv In keeping th
lulions. varying In their alma from
prohibition 01 dancing .n giaiige
halls to rrgulr.tion of the uft.iirs of
the national uovor.iment. ware intro
duced and referred without dcbal.'
to coinmiltees having Jurisdiction.
Oihi resolution which is likely to
reieivu t-enidorable attention from
the convention nska for standardiza
tion of the schools 01 tlie diifercnc
states 011 a naitoual ba-tis und the
rppolntment of a l ulled btates coui-
r. issioner of education.
An optimistic outlook for the fu
ll re of the organization was taken
t-y the stale master, when In his ri
port covering the activities of tho
f ast year he declared that the grange
la stronger than ever before in spirit,
I' not in numbers, and that its finan
cial condition will permit an gggrcs
sie extension campaign. H-i for-
asts a rapid growth for the state
:auee co-operative exchange.
Mr. Spence spoke vigorously
1 gainst any attempt to regulate "big
business" by law. asserting that the
c nly satisfactory method of attain
ing this end is through co-oieratiou
between purchaser and consumer, it
Is hoped that through . an exchange
between "farm and lubor co-operu-tive
association much of the prcsen;
t-ft of distribution can be elimin
ated," he said.-
Touching the nresent; cnnilitinn nf
trrest, he urired the removal of tho
cause, rather than the treatment of
rymptomatic conditions.
chlld-en iff the streets and would
rvoniot,! af-ty to a ;reat decree
Acurly every other city In t ie. p'.ate
has provided playground parapher
nalia, for the kiddies but to dale
Roseburg has only furnished i ?.-.'
time-worn articles for the amuse
ment of the roune: citizens. It ii.
time that pome action is'bei-ig taken
according to local n.emoeru of tho
American Legion and "plans are un
der way to wage a campaign for
funds to add nioge equipment to tho
courthouse grovnds und to make tho
spot a mecca for young America It
has been stilted that a sum of J700
Or $S"U would be sulticient 1o eijulp
the grounds and It is universally
agreed .that.-, such un iiivestiiien1
would be of wonderful benefit to
Arrangements are- complete for
the Umpqua Academv reunion which
rof a conviction. There aro two
charges resting against him, one act-
'al draft evasion and lh3 other con
spiracy to offect such evasion. The
Kearus casu fs covered only by lh3
latter chirge.
On the direct evasion charge
r.einpscy can be given one and on
the conspiracy charge two years and
a $2000 fi"-
The Indictments were returned on
February 27, following statements
-made to the federal grand Jury by
.Vaxine Wayne Oempsey, divorced
wife of the pugilist, that he sought
her sworn testimony as to her de
pendence ou hiin in order to avoid
K'llitary service, and had given Buch
testimony agninst her will. Subse
quently she retracted her charges in
a signed affidavit submitted to the
United States district attorney's of
fice here, but despite such retraction
tho grand Jury returned the Indictments.
Tho ncmpscys were married in 1
Salt Luke f'lty. Utah. Following
tho divorce Mrs. Dempsey was em-
SAI.KM. Ore.. June I.--The Cot
t ge Grove Kloctric company ot Cot-tt-ge
Grove has applied to the pub
lic service commission for ten In
crease In rates An apidlcatiou for
Increase In rales also has beun filed
I by the Drain Water company of
Drnln, Douglas county.
Pauff Was Caught at Glendale
and Has Long Career
of Crimes.
Is to take place at Wilbur Saturday ! ployed In a dance hall in Wells. No
and which promises to be one of the
biggest and best reunions ever held.
Invitations have been sent out to all
former residents of the school who
lie still living and many acceptance
have been received from all parts of
ihe country assuring a big attend
ance. Outside speakers will be pres
ent and, as usual, the dinner will he
the main feature of the day. The
rlny. "Among Ihe Breakers," pl.ivd
by the original cast will doubtless
draw many others besides tne scnooi
alumni and It Is said to be well
worth attending for In spite of the
age of some of the characters they
can still hand It to the "youngsters
In the thespian art.
(Bv Associated Press.)
CHICAOO, June 3. Senator
Hiram Johnson, of California, ar
rived here today and was given 0
noisy demonstration all the way be
tween the depot and his hotel. In his
speech to the crowd Johnson ar
raigned the league of nations policy,
and received an ovation. Senator
Harding Is expected here late today.
The coming of theses two presiden
tial possibilities marks the beginning
vada, and made her charges from
that place. Dempsey was charged
with having falsely Bworn that his
father, mother, w Mowed sister und
her two children were dependent up
Will !w IVporU't Ui Native Ijind nt
tlie Kxpirution of Sentence
in the Penitentiary I'lemts
Willi tho OfTicprH.
Sam Pauff, escaped convict from
the tSulem p-iiirentiury, who was cap-
Both Men and Women Should
Study How to Improve
the Government.
Change lu i'ollllcal Statu of Women
Will Not Mean a t'bunge in
Governmental Affair, ttuy
Leader lu the Party.
(By Associated Prata.)
NEW YORK. June 2. The mil
lions of American women who expect
their politlcul status to be changed
by fedoral amendment to citizenship
next November are going to become
a power for good in the nation, ac
cording to Mrs. John Sherwin Cros
by, a delegate to the democratic na
tional convention in San Franciseor.
A woman president ot the United
States, she says, is "remote but not
impossible, say ,ln 1944."
"The only two things worth while
at present." said Mrs. Crosby, "are
politics and religion, we snouid
aid from tho market roads act, the
court is uiisble to make promises at
this time. Delegations were present
from Green valley, Cole valley.
ureen, yonralia and other points.
Mrs. 11. Leadhetter. who has been
visiting here at the Chas. McElhlnny
residence, left this afternoon for
Yoncalla, where her parents reside.
Mrs. Leadbetter makes her home in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poole, Mr.
ind Mrs. Itudolph Kohlur, Mls
Emily Weber, Alfred Steyens and
John Roberts leave Itoniorrow for
upper Little River, where they ex
pect to spend the next ten day en
joying a vacation and fishing trip.
Mr. Poolo returned this mornlnr
Irom Portland, but will return the
first of July for an operation.
The regular niee'in.f of the Ijc.i1
Hoy Scout troois will b- held nt the
armory at 7.3d touiglu. At this
.noeting pinna win b:' fiv the
hike which is tj be taken imxi week.
The boys will leave hero Mondy
and wilt 0 to Koc,t cr.-ek. wnere
they will e.itablisii ia:.ij. and remain
for nhotit two v. conb.
William ' It. Oarrett of Glendale
and Miss Doris Oalllon also of that
T.y were marrind this afternoon by
Her. Keay. liolh are well known
study both: how to Improve our g0v-'tldeuts of Glendale and will make
eminent and make better men and
women. Wheu 1 apeak of religion, 1
don't mean any particular creed but
I hu religion of the Gospels, the Ten
Commandments and the Sermon 011
the Mount. The world Is inoi.ny
mad. Religion aloue will free II
from ita selfishness and unreal.
their home In that city.
Miss Gladys Kester, a well known
oung lady of this city, and Harry
Mr. Crosby, wuo haa been called Sellers, of Seattle, will be united in
"the mother of New York women
democrats," a white-haired, dignilied
matron of uioro than llireo score
yeura she is the widow of a Judge
declared the 300 or more women
delegates would go to the convention
with tho determination lo nominate
a strong man and put through a
"constructive" program, -
"It will be the greatest convention
evor held," sho said, "because wom
en for the first time will have a
voice In It. I expect to see a hitler
fight, particularly over the question
of majority or unit rulo. 1 can. of
course, only speak for myself and
Trucks Forced to Suspend
Operation Because Short
age of Gasoline.
Trucks at Dlllard and Rice HiU Will
be Taken Off Road Work at Close '
of Day and Will Not Resume
Until Gasoline Received.
marriage this evening nt 8 o'clock
nt the personage of the Methodist
church, with Kev. F. W. Kcagy ner-
Vormlng the ceremony. Only a few I work to lay off the greater aumo.jr
close friends and relatives of the Jo', their employee. They have had
contracting couple will be present. (3. difficult time in securing men lu
All highwav work in the county
will practically "cease tonight as a
i t suit of the gasoline shortage. Over
100 trucks cow in use will be takt.11
off the Job and held Idle until gaso
line can be secured. The trucks now
in use at Dillard whoro paving and
grading operations are In progrc?b
will not operate after tonight an-1
Russoll Harness, who ha 17 truck
in operation at the HU-e HIU Job to
dny issued orders to hi driver to
tike the machine off alter the won
cf today has b;en completed. This
will be a great loss and the eon
tractors have been working hard to
ircomplish a much as possible this
season. 11 ji not known Just wnnn
?a?ollne in MilTlclent quantities tn
.lernilt the resumption of work can
he secured and for this reason tho
contractor fill probably be put to
a teavy lou.
Without trucks to assist In r
noval of dirt or for hauling mater
nla it will be almost Impossible to
roceed and It will probably bocoind
necessary for the companies now at
nnd they will leave soon after for
their new home in Seattle.
Mrs. Lillian Winter, nf Myrtle
Creek, and F. Farmer, ot Ashland.
were united In marriage at the
bride's home in Myrtle ;reek last
M-ixliiiv nl S'lO Tlta mm irn-w .1-m
,. ...u u.i.e., , -.,-,., -, ,,orf() ,n. R1, u M rtrown, and
cuit'i me tuiei-'iiiiuii win ui-L'T-dii
largely upon the action they take lu
the preliminary caucuses. I believe
an effort will be made to put a plank
in the platform calling for a modifi
cation of nie Volstead enforcement
only a few Immeillnte relatives were
present. Mr. and Mrs. Fnrmer will
icmuin In Myrtle Crock for the sum
mer. A group of their friends chart
varied them following the ceremony.
act nnd permitting tho manufacture
of light wines and beer. I uelelve
l,nu-..u..p ha nu.i.vnnn ulimil.l n.
k..,ii..' . i i",nnB mmreiiv I Word received here today an
and socialism. ' (pouncing the marriage of Miss Nel-
"All American women." she con-(lb- ICndlcott. sister of Mrs. Karl llurr
tlnued, "aro sufferers from the jot this rlty. to Verden M. Moffltt.
profiteers. We must fight them and '"uleni tralic officer. In that city on
I am auro we have ingenuity enough .li'iie ISth. Mr. MolTI't In candidate
- ... a uruv In l..fu,lt tltolll Dtlll ToP fll lof flf Tlolll'0 flf KlllCin lit ttlC
conviction of assault with Intent to , lhOT ... ,. hiw rtown n... I Voremher election Miss Fmllrolt
tuxauuu'haa a host of friends in tnts city
on nun ana mat oe naa conmouica , tured at Glendale Tuesday and wlw
.ft n nmnth rnrh In t It oil eiiittxir1 . . . .... . . ... ..
- - - I was returned 10 ine penat institution
during 1917 and that he had lived J yesterday. Is a Russian alien and at
with his wife for 18 months beforei.hj, time of his escane was servlnir a
hiing called up before the draft ! maximum sentence of ten years (or
ooara. '
been tlie
his supposed act of draft evasion. I one of the number selected by Chief Lhare uf ai(entiou at the S
l oth denied emphatically that they I Immigration Inspector Uotihain for j clsco cauCuses and the idea
part vns alleged to have I rob. according to word received hero ' ' . ' . ..".r' i,.11i,a1i
coaching of Domesey In j by the olllcers today. The alien w as tl e 1
t-mmht such evasion .in 'I I:tr?l j ed ; deportation on his recent check over
fur it
Suu Kraii-
, or ileniy
;statament8 from draft board olfi--in!s
to B-ibstantiate their claims.
Popular Couple
Married Yesterday
Ming Brisk on
0. and C. Lands
r'Hns conlln ts i.risk on the O.
I., nr.! !-...
...... ran,,, n.any ex-service
rhi. ""c,sl"S i'"dr prefer--.:re
,'"fc Ti" '"al land office has
J.?i y takl"E ar!
id? v' ",Ui a";n' "" h','-
have t,k.. up their resl
" on the Inti.lH during the nast
in tw oetaiea quatterst
'"inr but hi- f Jr .1... r '
lervlce in ,.-n. .,,.;, of u,
on juiy c all. Hftpr fl)at rlii (,
Und, are ,;.et. to al! Itis.x-I
f, J, iiut.;lie- t r.ndental
'. ue, .1.1.
Vs WVeral "n't 'Ju'n '""'
rth. 0"'",r desirous cf
( grant iaa f,r range rur.
,!P'D. Or.. J;, , o
I UTMnn . c Dpence
V u ... r ,ucceled himself to-'
W".0' Oregon State!
ft'-W ' S " ' H"T O. Stark-1
I m Clickama county. The
Stealing a march on their many
friends, J. W. Dow-man and Liiu-lyn
Shaw -.vcre quietly ina.Tje-l yesterday
Htternoon, and moror-'i lo Dlllar-i.
from which place they took the
southbound train for San Francisco
iind Los Angeles, whoro they will
spend their honeymoon. The cere
mony was performed at the M. K.
of strenuous times during the pre-1 DarsonaKe by Rev. Keagy at 4
convention period. The national ; lo,-! lne happy couple leaving iin
commlttee is still considering con- j m,.djHU.j. afterwards on their wed
tests for seats In the convention, and : jg journey. Mr. Bowman is a well
besides those from Florida, Georgia , known Southern Pacific conductor,
and Mississippi, has disputes from j viiiiK jB Wjre has been employed as
six other states to settle before lh!a 8l,.nographer at the roundhouse
convention. The Morehead delegate : f()r BPV1.1;1i years. Both are well
from North Carolina have been 1
known and popular in Roseburg, and
peatd. th committee passim? on to i th(,ir nmny friends extend their con-
the Oklahoma cases, sealing u,v i gratulations and well wishes and at
George of stopping Hpeculutioii in
land and relieving both workers and
industry from some of their burden;
undoubtedly will be advocated by
women. Tho worst profiteer of all
in the profiteer in houses and land.
The 'unearned increment' of luud,
the rentul value, must be taken for
public revenue or the people will
HtaKger under their taxes till ihey
Tho woman leader declared that
"with the change in the political
Htntufi of women next fall" there
he was 17 years old; he then became , would come, however, no violent
of the records of both the prison and
asylum. Pauff faced deportation nt
Mm expiration of his sentence.
Knowing this, he pent a letter to
lion ham pleadirr: that he was fast
becoming an old ir.; i nnd that If his
deportation waa poritpon'd until he
Is free, he would be so old as to be
undesirable in Russia. Ho also asked
Bonham's "kind consideration" and
that he bo deported Immediately.
Fault's list of law violations and
prison terms began in Russia when
iind was only rocontl) hero visitlnK
with her st.-ter. She Is n clirrmln;
vouug lady and Is well and f;vor
fhly known In Palem, whoro j tie hai.
!jiiely been employed as a s.ik-swo-nan.
an anarchist and was speedily ar
rested, but because of his youth was !
released. About two years later he !
was convicted of conspiracy against
the government. He was In the Ruh- j
slan navy at the time and was as-!
sfstlng in the manufacture of bombs.
Ota Wclker nnd family, who have
itecn living at the Mont Alto rnn h
for the past couple of years, haw
relumed to this city lo reside, Ther
are again at their former homo at
S00 Pin street.
Aiifong the Myrtle Creek rcrldenls
w ho spent ' let day In this el'
wtre: Mrs. Lilly W liner, L. Knrmer,
Mrs. (leorge Htevenson nnJ Irs. .1
The estate of A. E. Nichols. ,
.moniitinic tr upnroxlmately tlii.OOU
was admitted to probate In tho pro
bate court today. The widow ha
white delegates.
Tlie commercial organization at
Bend, Oretron, evidently has the
rlnht Idea In giving victors R favor
able Impression reeiir-I'ns that M
ralltr. Mrs. C. H. Hai ley, who is at
tending the State Crance conventioi
there, writes to ber husband. Ir.
rallov. that (he delegates are pro
vided with fine rooms at the Pi ot
nutto Inn at $1.75 a day. the reeu
;r rate being $2.r,0 per dnv. Ihe
difference Is paid by the commercial
club. This favor Is highly appreci
ated by the visitors.
he same time are planning
reception for the newly weds upon
their return to Roseburg.
change in governmental affairs. It
would take women a long tlmo to be
come practal politicians, she said,
but they would become ouch event
ually. She said the time would com.
when women would fill the mo tit Im 1 hn named aa exoiittrix. 1 here in
norinnt off ires within the eift of Ihe ! . .cht Atimnrv it t Ch
(le was sentencf o: to i years in hi-1 people, even to a woman president of Uiw rpnn i.nn the estate.
wiiu, imi -nv.ti"M ....... ....... ui L.-. ,ne utmea Hiaies, supreme court jus-
I serving but a few years. tices and members of congress."
Ten y ars ago Pauff decided to try .
it:iiv iwi rib dnaniimui. " r"t i onsiruruon KorK on uio noovt r veaterdav evciilni:,a tialn
I New York unm arrival here. Promt ifr-iclmn ti-epf u irot-reiniT niee'l. At i,s n'0'"'R yc-it..rday the hiKh-
Ithat time on he has been arrested at ,nrt f:ienn H Tavlor. loral autu'W;,y coiiimision ordered cunsliler
warill I lairly regular intervals for numerous j(,PU,er wno WU occupy the build- ;ll,p irking done on the rPa iff.
crimes, cnier anuwm mem oen.g roo- , ine .fates that he Intends to on-.r s" . '" . VVWH"
f- r business about the middle of thl: !w""h e " mm.
nn1u Thu ..-,....,-- win mini, inter Is the one from Wilbur to Komi-
Mrs. Julia Head, who has been
j making an extended visit in Salem.
Iieturned to her home in vlij
State Grange
Meets In Bend
fTtv Associated Press.
PORTLAND. June 3. There
Is practically no change in live-
stock market quotations today.
although cattle and sheep are
weak. Hogs and butter hold
steady. Eggs are quoted at 37
and 38 cents.
l!KM. Ore. lu'ic 1.--'.Villi more
than J00 delegates from Pomona at-.a
I u liord i un Te r.mEes from all e-ver
the state In attendance and o'her
l.ini r,-, not acredind swelling tn
num'er to ully :00, the, 47 '.h nn-
i pal convention of tf-e Oregon i-Ute
crang- oieti'1 nrre y ".uttim;. . .-
It Is were c-r-'V- ded to the lli 'lt . I
titht. .m l today it was found i,ee
i-srary to find rooms In many t ri-
rte ' hom'-s to .KCouimodate the
Oitors. The roivertlon will laft
.i.-rtMi. i.i-ii:ai-
or cre'ieiTiai. iook
bery. He boants that nine of his ten
years In this country were spent In
prison. He operated under several
aliases. Those most often used are
Henry Lang. Sam Broker. Otto
Schwartj and Hurry Vt'ullf. Ho was
born in Poltoda, Russia, in 187S, and
Is unmarried.
The arrest of Pauff wns due to M.
f rn In every particular and will Im
! rove the aimearance of the.eltv.
The Max Weiss family arrived in
Roseburg today from their home In
I'lttnh, California. They made the
trip to this city In a Inrge touring
ourg. which evuiitunily will be paved.
L. Kpiker. of Portland, who received 'day vinltlng with friends. They are
a description or the escaped convict qUto well known here and were for
from priwin guards whom ho met on ' merly'resldents of this city. Max
the highway north of Glendale. welss died several weeks ago In
Splker overlook and pas?d a man j i klnh.
answering the di-Rcrlptlon and turned j The appearance of traveler on Ihe
his car around and passed the sus- ! streets of Roseburg in a "prairie
p et aEain. then noilfled Ihe niendal ) 1 ehooner" this morning elicited much
officers, who took the alien Into cus-! humorous comment from local mo
tody, ilnrlsts who are bewailing the short
The nrisotiT began a term In the 'age of gasoline. Several of them
Oreron penitentiary In the summer , vowed the "ancient" method of
of ItMl. On November . 1911, he I transportation would be resortod to
escap"d and wns returned Septomber . by them unless some of the "flM-
3 111. He nlo served a term lit i a'"r mane an eariy appeoranee.
hah pi.KAsnti: CARS.
ear and will remain here for several i PORTLAND, June 3. Rep-
resenl.'itive of the city, Hlalo
and oil Interests, including tlie 6
motor car dealers and motor 4
car asuoelalions, are meeting
here today. A resolution was
introduced recommending Iho
4 elimination of pleasure cars
from Portland st reels and Ihe
state higliwavs until the con-
: vention period Is past, as a dras
I lie iii'-niiH of preventing a short-
! age of gasoline during the con-
vention weeks. The oil Inter-
ipite of the high wages offered and
to be forced to take oft any largo
number of laborers nt thl tliuo
will be disastrous.
"We don't know what we are up
agninst.' said one official today. "It"
we can secure gasoline within a few
lays we can hold our men. We will
be. able to find work tor most ot.
them for a few days but If It becomes
necessary to pay them wages for
iny great length cf time wlihout go-
hi g ahead with connruotlon we aro
n for a big loss. We do not dare
let the men go If we can possibly
i. elp it for labor Is so scarce we are
having a very difficult task In secur
ug help of any kind. If the shortage
ontinues ;nd we are without trucks
we will be forced to abandon the
vork, possibly for the summer. We
greatly regret this condition for w
had hoped to proceed rapidly and
have been exerting ourselves to th
utmost to push our contracts thru
l-ut without gasoline we can do noth
ing. We use a great deal of gaso
ine nnd It will require a big ship
ment to relieve the situation. We
are endeavoring to o'dain abslstnni e
md It is possible that the highway
commission will take up the muttor
ii, d endeavor to make arrangements
for gasoline for the various con
ructors now at work. The Individ
ual companies are also working thin line but gascllne Is ha-d
to Becute Just now."
The abandonment of road work
v 1 1 1 cause a particular hardship to
' luglas county. The Pacific high
way In this county is torn up for
practically its whole length and un-i.-.s
In provernenlB are completed
this summer the whiter conditions
re going to bo exceptionally hud
It I hoped that the work may he
resumed In the immediate Future
and that the tricks may be back on
the Job wl'hln a short time.
SALEM. Or., June 2. Willamotte
valley sheep grower are making
strong protest as the result of ul
bged unfairness of market condi
lons as Ihey affect tho sale of wool.
Unless the alleged monopoly is
nroken sheep growers of this section
.(clare Ihey will be obliged to sell
their clip at a loss.
A price of 3D cents a pound ha
been offered for medium valley clip.
in the dirt, by local buyers. This
wool, growers believe, has a ahrlnk-
ge of 60 per cent. In eastern ure-
iron growers are said to bo receiving
approximately 60 cents a pound for
their wool, which Is said to hare a
shrinkage of from 70 to 80 per ceut
due lo excess grease.
Indication nrc that work will be
started on the Tiller-Crater lake cut-
ir rnml with In the very near tuiure.
The forestry department engineer
have made a complete Investigation
and It Is believed that the work rv.i
be done at moderate cost and the
road put In shapo for summer travel
by the time the crest of the tourist
season is reached. A detour will also
i n the entire nmri.lng r s.-lor.. Th ;-an QUPr,tn, California, and was ent , The county court today received
m nnal rerort" of L. Spe:i-e. state . Oregon penitentiary from i.iany application from road delega
re "ter and Mrs. Minnie E. Bond. ! Multnomah county February 2. 1920. Hon for Improvement wotk. On
. wturer. featured ine aner- on a umgisry cnami unuer w-nieuco ....uui ...,.
noou f-sslon. Xo les. than 22 rose- of one to ten year.
tbeb Inability to secure Immediate ,,44.4,4ii44ttf 444
be provided while the highway I
4 est alleged this course was the 4 closed during paving operations.
The tuners! of Rev. P. A. Ander
son, postmaster at Figaros, who
died Tuesday night very suddenly,
was held this afternoon at I o'clock
from tho Elgarose church.
("4 only way to guarantee a supply 4
4 for the thousands of visitor 4
j -ho w ill flock to Portland at
4 that time. 4