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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
PAGE SIX TIU BSPAY. MAY 20. IMP.. SAM W. STARMER I am a Republican candidate for the office of Sheriff of thi3 county, subject to the decision of voters at "the Primaries, May 21st. ft' . . V I k T- 3. .am.-Ij'. i (Paid Adv.). If nominated and elected I Khali enforce i!it laws ( not an you or I may interpret them to suit iiuwliiiil but as written, Irr, aprctivo ot whom they may affect. 1 uin tho candidate of no class, clique or faction. Mjr record Is open for inspection, and my slogan will he tiia promise of t he iclnd of admin istration I shall Rive lh office: All lawful Interests protected, every person gets a snuaro deul at my hands, no favorites, no f ivom, public business handled in a courteous manner, all funds economically expended. If thin I the kind of plat form that meets your approval, help me to put it In effect by Kivlng me your vote and sup port. SAM W. STARMER. Why suffer thi discomforts and tmbarrassmtnts of a GoltrtT O. fl. C. preparation for goitre has bene-bic-d ntnr. Wtir par several hundred dollr.- for an operation to mnovo a come wIuti O. G. C. cm heebuirnd for autb a comparatively euiallcxiH-adliurtif O.G.C. when Dronerlv ensiled dIvm Mill- l;idury reaulu, or your mom- will bo rt-tuiiilt. O.G.C. In aold direst, by mall thly. Write lor booklul. Addreee Dept. o.accnnMicAi. company aVattlu.Waau.ngtoa j WANTED Sheep and hogs to com plete co-operative shipment Juno 1st. C. JS. Banning. Hione 3-F31. WANTED To rent, hou:M with 3 or 4 rooms, with, good garden lot dose to town preferred. Address W. C, cire News-Review. moimcis wf.iif.u m:avi:s. Morris Weber, wife and child, left this morning for San Francisco, Ironi whuro they will lake the Irain for 1'oston, on the flrBt lap of their trip to Russia. Air. Weber holds large property Interests In Russia but was forced to leave the country during (he recent war. lie will now return there to resume charge of the business. FOR SALE Fine modern racing car. Inquire J. N. S. "Eagle, 220 W. Ouk St. FOR SALE 1 pair luti.p seats and other used auto parm. J. N. S. L'ligle," 220 W. Oak St. HAITI. WANTED Waitress at Hotol Ump- qua. WILL movk away. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. M.trstcrs to day disposed of their proporty in West Rosebur; to Ella Olson Smith, formerly of Kiddle. Mr. snd Mrs. Marslers are leaving about Ihe mid dle of June for Salem, herc they expect lo make their future home, having purchased a very beautiful . borne on Court street In that city. 'iiieir proeiirty in West Rom-burg1 was sold to the newcomers through WANTED Counter girl at Hotel Unip'iua at once. WANTED Experienced waitress, al so dishwasher. Apply Mrs. Geo. Foulch. Ll'MHKR lrn:ll M;iy 25 lum ber, best Nv. 1 common, $20 at mill. Cleaning up yard for inven tory. 10 cords green 4-ft slab vend free If taken Ihla week. Trit-le A Lumber Co., Wilbur, Ore. the Casey-Harding Land Co. mm gum All Classified Advertisements In anted new today will Ite found on lust page under "New Today" bead. j WANTED Want to buy some farm land, good soil, not much im proved, or a patented homestead. K. K rem per, 1114 25 th Aye., Oak Lttid, Calif. AFROI'LANKS. AEROPLANES MANUFACTURED lly responsible firm, $1100 up. "Rristol" tourer and "Cliff" Dur ont planes. Don't overlook our $900 spuclul Hlplane. J. N. S. "Euglo" 220 W. Ouk St. FOR SALE Aeroplnne plans. Bl planea, all slundard makes. J. N. S. "Engle" 220 W. Oak St. AEROPLANES Built lo order to your own npeelf lea! Ions. J. N. S. "Eagle" 220 W. 6ak St. BUILT TO ORDER Speed Demo,, bodies. Drop In and see us. Pi le, i right. J. N. S. "Eugle" 220 W. Oak St. Say You Want "Diamond Dyes" Don't Spoil or Streak your Material in a Pcor Dye iut.u;e ui "Uiainuiui Dyes contains directions bo simple that any voniiin ran (li.unond-dyo a new, lich, fadolpfifl color Into worn, shiib Uy Karnientfl. draperies, covering, whethor wool, silk, linon cotton or mixed goods, liny "Diamond Dues" on other kind then perfect results are guar anteed even If you have nover dyed before. DruKKist has color card. Cattle, Horses, Feed & iMachinery llC SAL CURTAIN, OREGON Saturday, May 29, '20 9;30 O'clock. 13 mllea soitih f Cottage tirov. t.neMmrter ntllo north of t'urtln, on 1'mlflc lliglnvay. E-verybody Welcome ! Free Lunch At Noon! LIVE STOCK: 3 cows wltli mlves lij- tlielr slil ., l IcimI). 3 hors v I Middle in ire, broken. row to freshen, (nil tulterrular t work horc mid 1 11 Hie no- MACHINERY: 8 CHoIine enKlnesl Is i, hp. ,! m n l,p., a ww miller ninn flrels, MmftUiK. lnriiKs. ,kM. xntve. M.V,,,, ,,.. ... , ,.. , ,.-, ,.,, ,,, ,,,,,,1 , iniii,,,,, flve luuiu'iiuvr r u...n.,, m aiiii M'iNiriiiors, vi niitfou wiifX'lN. log watron, 1 set FEED 4 tons loose hay. Honaehnli! (roods and oilier thine too nunieriMia , nieml... ThILMS: All sums under a.V(Xi ca.-h. nlxno this nmoiuit tl i time on bnniuthle noto benrtnR 8 et tent inierest. TERMS: All sums under $25 cash, above litis amount 6 months time on bankable note bearing S interest COL J. J. H4RBAl'G!l, Anctionecr OLIVER VEATCII; Clerk WALTER SKIDMORE, Owner I WANTED Boy. 16 years, wants work on farm with good people had 4 years experience, do any thing. Address W. ., care Nevis Hevlevr. WANTED To borrow 1500 from private party on good real estate scnrity. Address P. P.. care News-Hevlew. WANTED Yotjng man, 18 to JO yuara old, handy with carpenter tools, to learn sash and door work. Apply to J. O. Flook Co., If you mean business. WANTED Bids for construction of prune drier. Must be completed by Aug. 1. Material all placed on ground by owner. Blue prtnU can be aeen at News-Horlew office. R. M. Knight, Canyonrille. TEAMS WANTED for street grad tng. Will pay $11 for 8 hours. About 2 months work In sight, work to commence June 1st. Ad dress A. B. Gidley, 771 S. 4th St., MarshSeld, Oregon. MEN WANTED In the plant and rock quarry of the Beaver Port land Cement Co., Gold Hill, Ore. Live In town with good board and room at $40 per month. Highest wages paid. Transportation re funded to steady men. Address Heaver Portland Cement Co., Gold Hill, Oie. HELP WANTED WANTED HELP Ez-servlce men and others fur nl.ihod employment free of clArge. Contractors, ranchors and farmers place your orders with us for help ers. Our services are free both to employer and employed. Law-renco-Cordon Co., 125 Cass St. Phone 219. FOtv UWYT FOR RENT Sufoty boxes Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT Room with bath, 401 So. Muln Street. tf STORAGE Storage spnre for rent. Douglas Abstract Company. l"OR RENT Furiiishfld housekeep ing rooms: no children. 814 Win chester. Phone 170-J. .FETY FIRST Secui a safoty deposit box for your valuable pa pers at the Hoseburr Nations Bank, tf MISCRtXANEOUB. LOST Auto engine crank on Peel rond. Finder please leave at this office. ni20 ANY ONE DESIIIlNtJ Ihe services 01 a purebred Hereford bull inquire of Geo. Ward, City. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF Phone 78 and ride. Jitney on the Job until midnight. FOR SALE Pigs, fnou Iv-F la. st weeks old t. L. I axrous. LOTS Any one tuning lots In Walte's or Miller's adalMon. call at Casey-Harding Lauds. FOR SALE Fresh tnllch cow and calf. J. E. Marks. Phone 4F FOR SALE Milch 12F2J. ,-.owi. Phone FOR SALE Black oak stove wood C. W. Groves, phone 6-F33. WELL PRII.I.INij R. E. Heinsil mnn. driller, R. 1, Rosebuig Phone 3-F5. WANTED Two neat appearmc young men 18 lo 25 yeara of age to travel with house to house ad vertising crew. Will pay top com missions to the rlsht men. Sec Mr. Kent, room 327, Umpqua Ho tel, 6 to 8 p. m. only. HOTEL DOl-fJ LAS (Formerly Mc Clallen) Thoroughly renovated, all new furniture: 84 rooms. 11.00 a dy mid up. Special rates by the week and month. FOR EFFICIENT nursery stock for fall delivery, buy from the old re liable, seven years In the business. 20.000 pruno trees, and all other varieties, nut trees Included. Van slcklo, 125 Sheridan. , MONEY TO LOAN 20-year T.iral j credit farm loans, low Interes , rate. 110.000 local money to loan on goon real estate. First mort-s-'ge. See M. P. Rico of Rice Rice. t( FOR SALE 1 pool table. J. M. Judd FOn SA1.R Doxen large Angora goats (billys) $3.50 each. Und blootn, Dlxonvllle. , FOR SALE 5 year old mare, weight I 1400; Phone 6-F21. Henry Conn. COR aALE Medium sired safo. Si 4t at Foutches. FOR SALE eey boar, exchange -Registered Duroc Jer PUone 27-FU, Oakland FOR SALE Good farm of 171 acres on Coos Bay highway. No ageniB. Luck Box 25, Camas Valley, Ore. FOH SALE 1 ton Bulck speed truck, also Studebaker touring cat good rigs. O. K. Oorage, Win Chester St. FOR SALE OR RENT Modern 5 room bungalow. Plione 8H1-X. FOR SALE 100 ttera block oak, old growth trees, 2.25 por tier. Phone 19-F5. FOR SALE A good work horse, heavy single harness, and small hack. J. Wharton, West H059 burg. Phone 389. FOR SALE Two milch goats, 1 and 2 yeara old. Earl Vosburg. 702 Fullerton St., phone 391-Y. FOR SALE 1 Inch centrifugal water pump, like new, for 12. 635 So. Main St I OR 8At.R Faled !.. TV. V Ramr Rt. 1, 1 mil east.o town. 170-R FOR SALE Dodge roadster, like new. Motor Shop Garage. FOR SALE Bicycle In good condi tion, bargain, at Powell's store. FOR SALE Late model Buick six. In good mechanical condition. Call at 715 So. Pine St. FOR SALE-r-Two-horse, 8-shovel riding corn plow; 1 pony, saddle and bridle, cheap. 1064 Winches ter St. Phone 356-L. FOR SALE New Ford Coupe, great bargain; also Ford delivery car, In fine shape. Inquire News-Ro-rtew. USED CARi FOR SALB Ons l-cly-lnder. T-passenger; also on Ford touring. Motor Shop Oarage. FOR SALE Wood, oak or tlr. Place your cder while hard wood Is available; prices right. O. J. Band, phone 436-Y. East Sixth, corner Commercial FOR SALE Cheap, 5-yr. old spirit ed mare, weight about 1100 or would trade for horse of about satno weight safe for lady to drive. Phone 38-F12. FOR SALE 200 tier choice block fit wood, fairly dry, (1 per tier Phone 19-F5. FOR SALE OR TRADE Team of horses, well broken and gentle. E. S. Epperly. Phone 12-F13. FOR SALE A 1919 Maxwell lour ing car aud a Chevrolet, both are bargains; also Ford truck. Liberty Auto Sales Co., Jackson street. FOR SALF1 Dodge touring, almost new. run only 3500 miles; best of condition. You will have to hurry if you get It at $1100. Will take Ford in exchange. II. H. Owen, Oakland. FOR SALE. PRUNE TREES FOR FALL DELIVERY 4 to 6 ft. 40c, 3 to 4 ft. 25c, 2 to 3 ft. 15c. Don'l pay more. Write, if I don't call on you. R. L. Ellis, Rosoburg, Or. CIOAL, BODY WOOD Slsbwood mill ends, cement, lime, plaster storage, transfer. H. J. Denn Phone 128. FOR SALE Large county maps. shows all U. R. and governmen' lands open to entry, price $8.00 F. C. Frear. county surveyor Roseburg, Oregon. To the Democrats of Sothcrn Oregon: I'SPD CARS O. K. Garag has i hirce number of different make Prices and levms to suit yonr poc ket book. Call and we will de monstrate them to your sattsfoc tlon. Geo. Shanks A Boa. FOR SALE in a live town where hotel Is badly needed: a twoniv room hotel building, modern In every respect; im proved grounds. Beautifully loca'ed. Immediate pitronage sure If run In an up- toaate manner, ruilding in first class repiir. Will sell for less than building cos: when built. In 1912, although ulmber and labor have more than doubled In price since that time. 82500 cash will handle deal, remainder due In long ume payments, uome and look proposition ovor. Dr. Geo. C. Knott, Glendale, Oregon. m25 FOR SALE Residence r.rooertv. west half of two lots, corner Lane and Stephens Sis., pavement both sides; houso warmly and substan tially built by owner, best mater ials, in first class condition; con tains large front porch, reception hull, lai-Re living room, fireplace, good sized dining room, bedroon, closet, ba'h-roor.i, kitchen, all built In; bath room best of fix tures; back porch and sleeping porch screened and cunalned; second floor, three good slie bed rooms, lavatory aud toilet, closets and attic space, all windows screened. Full size basemeut. holds a car of wood: tra-s cement: heated throughout with hot water, very cheaply operatel. Hone plastered throughout double walls, felt lined and shingled. Fine lawn, hedge and Tes'out roses, besides other shrub bery, best varieties of climbing roses on house and porches. Aim good garage to match house. An Ideal home R. L. Glle. Over 17000 psopU rsad th News, Uvlw every day la th twt ton CORONER. I am a oandldata for ranominatloo , , nlut bo apparent to w u-m,w- , Vu jwruwi,vu wv, iur vur- . , ...... ..-.. ra u r. . n a t f I lnn aa f crrts oi this stciiuu m - tiled to vt Ua.:t one oeiem national convention from Southern Oregon. uotieviiiK u, i"- " m a lecent meeting, i-a., 'im pose of considering the bost Inter-e-jts of the party, nominated Frank Wormian as Southern Oregon's rep resentative In the national conven tion. ... . . We desire to cerury to iu ui-ui..-rats ol Southern Oregon that we aro lersonully well acquainted with Mr, trunk Wortman. know his quallfica ticne, know that he Is a true and faithful democrat, a supporter of thj administration, and an advocate of the lenguc of nations, and know that ho will, if elected to the democratic national convention, support the ad ministration of President Wilson, and vote for a candidate who Is tbe popular choice of the democrats of he state, as Indicated at the pri mary election to be held May 21st. We take pleasure therefore In ask ing the democrats of Southern Ore gon to support Mr. Wortman for that position. W. N. CAMPBELL. Chairman County Central Com. W. E. CREWS, . MRS. ROSE SCHIEFFELIN. (Paid Adv.). oner of Douglas County, subject to the approval of the qualified voters at the primary election In May 1920. M. m. HITTER. POLITIC. I, AXNOl'MCFIEJITS (Paid Advertisements.) FOR SHKI1IFF I beieby announce my candidacy for renomlnatlon on the republicar ticket for sheriff of Douglas county object to the approval of the voters it the primary election to be held In May. 1920. GEO. K. QU1NE. rOUTICAJj AXNOUXCEMKXT. I hereby announce my candldicy for county commissioner for Doug las county on the Democratic ticket. J. F. O'Mara, I am hereby announcing my can didacy for nomination on the repub lican ticket as representative from Oouclas county subject to the ap proval of the voters at the primary election In May, 1920. B. F. NICHOLS FOR SHERIFF Announcement of my candidacy for nomination of Sheriff of Doug las county on the republican ticket Is hereby made, subject to the ap proval of the qualified voters at the primary election m May, lvzu. SAM STARMER FOR JUSTICE OF I'I'ACE Announcement Is hereby made that I will be a candidate for no mination of Justice of the Peace for Deer Creek district, subject to the approvnl of the republican voters, at the May, 1920, primaries. GEO. JONES. VOU REPItFSKT.TIVK I hereby that I am a "andldate for nomination on the re publican ticket for mpreoentative. subject to endorsement of qualified voters at the primary election May 21. 1920. NOBLE ANDREWS FOR COUXTY COMMISSIOXER, I submit my name to the Republi can voters of Douglas county foi Humiliation to the oulce of Count) Commissioner at the primary elec tion to be held May 21, 192V. "For and with the producers ol Hie county. Lowest possible tax with consistent progression. All road dis tricts to have their JuBt amounts and in proper time to improve their roads, and In accordnno with the de sires of the people lnterestod. A full price for labor, with fair results." . A. b STEARNS. FOR COUNT1' COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for commissioner of Doug las county, subject to the verdict o. the voters at the primary election May 21. 1920. ARTHUR WALKER. Reedsport. POLITICAL AXXOUNOKSIKJTr I announce to the Republican vot ers of Douglas county. Oregon, thai I am a candidate for County Judge ot said county, to be nominated at the Primary Election to be held on Ihe 21st day of May, 1920. If nomi nated and elected I will transact county business economically and without sectional favoritism, pro mote timely county road mainten ance, expend the balance of th countyarapad bond Issue, as originally apportioned, under efficient super vision and will secure an early an nual audit of accounts. Your sup port Is solicited. J. G. DAY, Jr. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY t will be a candidate for the Re publican nomination, to succeed my self, as District Attornoy for Doug Ljis County, Oregon, at the primary nominating election held on May 21, 1920, your support will be appre ciated. GEOHOE NEUNER, Jr. AXNOTXCEMEXT. I hereby announce my candidacy as representative to the legislature froua the 4tb Representative District, Douglas County, Oregon, at the pri mary election to be held May 21st, 1920. subject to the approval of fhe electors of the -"publican party. I. J. KENNY, Leona, Oregon. o ANNOUNCEMENT. I submit my name to the Demo cratic voters ot Douglas county for the nomination of County Commis sioner at the r-tinary election. May 21, 1920. R. W. LONO FOR JOINT KKl'ItKSKXTATIV! election as Joint representative and J.ackton counties. I hereby announce my candidacy for of I'oiiglas subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primary nominating election to be held May 21, 1920. CHAS. F. HOPKINS o FOR REI'HUSEXTATIVE. We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE Hide, Mohair, Rags, ' Rubber, Old Metals, S ' Pniiers anil liones. 8 ' A Cood Line of Second Hand v Clothing For Salo. g i Cass and Pine Sts. g ; This anonunires that I am a can didate for r "it-nf'on of represen tative fro-n H!'-J:'s tounty, sublect to the .!: -wnt f republican the primaries,. May 21, ARTHUR H. MARSH. 8 ' voters c t 8 I 1920. FOR imf.. V"T in. I dc,it ia.rr I dacy for ths olfiS i PProval ol th. 7.VfWfc? evnr nf n ,v' 0( n. the . o- n,,, F0U vl sor for Dough, rbi ihe approval of th. ,'," i! 1 wish to subrniTZ, ,. I rtepubllcaa voters Jl?V ty for th. omi..7J)?"tai of County Clerk V. ..ect,ontob.h.IdMl- ; atUBLj, Announcement i. that 1 will beac.ndld.rlL' nfion of tiWr,, ?' V", County on th. rssubHa.11?? "Ubject to the deer" Ti. it the May prim.H " .". . rlt WJTI SlPEniXm,, This announces that i,. didats for reflection u, of county school .u " subject to the will of u the repubHcan orlm.- 0-C. BROij POLITICAL AxWSffl! I hereby announce myiel(M date for the Republicu soaZ eprtjEeniativ. for i,-, COlllltV , n . .. C Ml RU I OR COUNTY Tl:E.STEa I hereby anonuncs that Inn a candidate at the M tlon of treasurer of Doughi tn FOR COUXTY COMJUSSIOJIl I hcreiy announw my tnUt for nomination for CountrCai sloner, subject to tbe appronHi Republican constltaency of Disk county at the election May II, 'f tintnlnated and ek-cMimia Ing my term of office, count! ab'airs of the couatr in a nits conservative business manDer, a Just and equal consldcrttioi !t concerned. WM. 0. (iRUBEl Elkton. Ortra FOR COUNTY aEBl I reby snnonscs r cuffK for reolectlnn to the olilw ol Cm ty Clerk of DoiibIm Comlr, ntm to the will of th. voten ot tu i mocratlc Party at tk ptlnrj mlnatlng election to M W U 21. 1920. B. LENOI for couxty cwwissiron I hereby arnounes mt for the nomination (.ouui mlssloner. northern dlitnttss republican ticket, subject H proval of the Douiclas ooW" at the primary electloa ti" Ay' WILLIAM KlH f Yoonllit1 Dressmaking ! Dressmaking! Dressmaking ! (aw w am a js V Xs CONSERUflTQRV MUSIC AND HYSICAL EDUCATION Accredited Teacher Only Tho State demands IiIkIi))' efficient teaclicrs and this Schoxd complies 100 wr cent with the State law. Kotilhagnn Illdg. Fliona 300 We take pleasure In announcing to our friends and etutocw opening of a special department devoted to Ladles' TaUo' Dressmaking of the better sort. The rapid growth of our F business has made this step possible and the same degree of and satisfaction will obtain In tho new branch. Compete tailors will bo in charge and will attend to all cutting "" the shop has an exclusive dressing room with a three""w . and the utmost privacy is assured. Prices will be as ' sistently possible with the times. The Owl Cleaned Ray L. Ward RAY'S SUIT SHOP ,wc"5" John E. Asw" Roseburg, Oregon. I LOWER PRSCB You will find them in our- Grocerferia Department Investigate. - Special Sale Every ,WeeK-End EVEHYBODY FXCHAWGE More Money for your Produce More Goods for your Money-