ROKKmiM) WnWH-RKVIKW, THlTWnAT. MAT W, 1M4. PA: mi CLOSE YOUR -EYES AND IMAGINE You Will Never See Again You May Then Realize What It Means to Be Blind Help tha Unfortunate Blind of Oregon by Providing a Stt Industrial and Bureau. Vote 316 X Yes cn Ballot State Election, May 21st This space paid for by Citizens Committee from fund3 derived from public entertainment in Portland. Dr. T. L. Perkins, Medical Bldg., . Portland, Chairman; Oscar W. Home, Sec'y. TO THE VOTERS OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON Tin lower Cnipqua country wl h a population of over 2500 people and with more Industries than anv other section of the county, has never had representation on our County Court The people of this section feel that they should have representa tion and hare (Tared as their candidate for County Commissioner, Mr. Arthur Walker, Mr. Walker Is a good business man and successful farmer; be has resided In this section of Douglas County over 30 years; ha Is ac quainted with the needs of this section as well as with those of the ntlrs county; he Is fair minded, capable, energetic, and will give you a square deal. In fairness and justice to the people residing in this section, this Is made to you for your support of their candidate. A. F. SETHER J. O. WATSON Vole for Arthur Walker for County Commissioner at the May primary. (Paid Adr.). . . ....1 IT PAYS to consider '"safety first". Fire Loss is a dead loss. Be prepared with an extinguisher, for "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" and in this age of H. C. L. is worth a ton of cure, fl We have Tha Standard extinguisher for both home and car use. This is a powder form and exceedingly effective. Cost but $1.50 for home size and $2.00 for car size. J Also have the Johns-Manville liquid gun similar to Pyrene. It is certainly a dandy costs $10.50, but is worth the money. A few strokes of pump allows you to put a stream of "fire killer" where ever you wish, q Did you know that carrying one of these in your car would reduce the cost of insurance? Churchill Hardware Co. WW Elks Urged to Attend Parade The followlug letter has been sent to all out-uf-town Elks urging theui to oe present for the opening day ot the carnival. This letter baa not been sent to local UIIIb" for the 'strong arm" gang will see that they are In line and on the job: Hose burg Oregon, May 19, 1J20. To All Brother Elks: Everywhere Within Keach. Dear Brothers: Thursday. May I7th. Is the time. Roscburg (Home of 826) to the place. You can bring your own trlrt. Old 326 Is again calling you for a Grand' and tilorloua llome-Ooiniii t. And litsen, brothers this Is to le cn the first day of Roseburg's An nual Strawberry Carnival, and th:s day has beeif turned over to us to be our very own. Stop and think what we can do In a day and a night. Anyway, believe, me, this is going to be Borne Day. Don't bring your pajamas you won't need them. We are expecting you and making plans for your entertainment. if you are not here, your life will have been misspent. Now listen again--there will be a PARADE that will make Darnum's look like a one-ring circus. There will be stunts pulled off on every corner. There will be candidates enough to satisfy the wildest of you. And in the evenln Oh, Boy listen again: An inltli. tlon and more STUNTS and FEED. llav you seen the latest stunt com mittee work? Have you dined with our latest lunch committee? Have you heard our new orrhastra, th: "Purple Jazz-0-patorn?" Some bunch! gay, you don't know whr.t you have missed. You will be busier than a one-eyed man at a three rins circus. - Once more, Listen You are ex pected to be here EVERYONE Is coming. We are going to make thl the .banner afternoon and night of the year and for all years If possible. SOME JOB. but we are working. Committees will bo appointed In each of the surrounding towns, and It is up to them to bring the HUNCH and put on some stunt. You can figure that out for yourselves but don't miss It. We want to make a great demon stratlon In that parade and want you to wear a light (preferably white) shirt and purple necktie. We wil! have the hats far you. If you' don't happen to get one or these letters, and we may miss some, don't let that stand In your way. Wi will EXPECT you just the same. Remember, you must report at the club rooms not later than 1:30 p. tu. Remember, the Mummies haven't had any fun for 6000 years. Don't be a Diuinmy. Your committee. E. II. 8TEWART. GENE PARROTT, A. C. SEELY. of tiiaxks. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends for all their kindnesses during the illness and death of our loved brother, Lot b. Dlmmlck. and also for the many beautiful floral ofrcrlnirs. THE DIM.MICK FAMILY. VOTE FOR WiHAI 1. OI.SOX OF JOItTLAXI FOR DKLKtiATK TO THE KKI'l ltLICA.N XA TIONAL CONVENTION. He was formerly a member of the State Legislature, both In the House and Senate, and has served upon the Supreme Bench of the State, and would make an experienced and capable delegate. He will be governed by tne cnoice of the people ot Oregon. (Pd. adv.) VOl" CAM WE IIAl'U Anything at any time. Wood for sale. Phone 102. L..R. Chambers at .McClelland & Chambers' 2nd Hand Store. Gosh I How my back aches " After Grip, 'flu or colds, the kidneys and bladder sro often affected called nephritis, or Inflammation of kidneys. This Is the red Has: of danger better be wise and check tho further inroads of kidney disease by obtaining that wonder ful discovery of Dr. Pierce's, known as Anurlc (antl-urlc-acld), because It expels the uric acid poison from the body and removes those pains, such as backache, rheumatism in muscles and Joints, Naturally when the kidneys are derr.nged the bloud ' filled with poison ous waste matter, which settles in the feet, ankles and wrists; or under the eves In bag-like formations. Dr. Pierce's Anuric Is msny tlra more potent than iitbia and nffn eliminates uric acid as hot tea mells sugar. MAnERA, Cal "I recommend Dr. Pierce's Anuric very hishly. I have suffered for the la.t three years with catarrh of. the bladder, having tried every remedy I heard of but without relief. I saw Anuric advcrllwd In the paper, and like a drowning man arabblng at a straw I thought 1 would try It alio, which I did with reat suc cess af It relieved me almost Imme diately, before I had taken all ol the trial package, and having great eonn dence In the remedy I Immediately sent to the drug store and bought s paclcaite. lean tay to all .suffering from any disease of the kidneys or uric acid troubles, try this remedy and suffer no longer. I have great faith In Doctor Pierce's reaedles.-b. P. Buiuf. A Knockout c CARR'S Removal SALE ! Ever Move?! Quite job? Well, we are yelling for HELP and doing it by naming prices 1 that will move ! part of our goods before we moveJ LOOK HERE j Palmolive 9c Every card of fancy j Buttons in our stock 9c Fly Swatters 9c 10 Quart Enameled j Dish Pan 59c Matches, large box ...5c Brooms 49c Star cut glasses, set 89c Scrim 19c,33c,43c Cut Glass Vases ...... 29c Summer Hats, all kinds. 14 qt. enameled dish j pan 79c Mercerized Half 1 socks 39c Imitation Pearl Necklace 19c Womcns collars, val. to a dollar '. 49c Mens leather belts 39c Handkerchiefs 6c Candy Kisses, lb 25c Toilet paper 5c Fancy Enameled Tumblers, set 57c Vests, all styles, some 15c However, come and see the goods. Ml A Variety Store Henlltne-Moore Conservatory will present their baby class In recital at the High School Au- dltorium stay list. Program will Include unusually clever game and dances, beglnnlnc at 7:30 sharp. All are welcome. News Writer Walks When Auto Cavorts Charging up the street In an auto lase evening like the Light Brigade, Chaa. Lerry, the Illimitable, glimpsed a newspaper friend and shouted out "I'll take you home." . Waiting on the corner for the autolst to return, the pedestrian saw the machine at tempt to negotiate a turn at Jackson and Washington, where she went u to the curb and stopped. Then Char ley did something to- 'er and finally the old girl started back across the street and before ahe could be halt ed went up on to the sidewalk by tb plumber's shop, while people for half score of feet each way began to hunt the tall timber for safety. But Char ley waa equal to the occaison, so he ,1 , 1 1 .ul tha h rn Ilia hniiv Ih. mnnbnv j wrench on the safety valve, stepped on er until ahe took all the gas available, threw In the forward clutch, and with a wills she started diagonally across Jackson street, and under the deft manipulation of th driver just slipped Into Washington street by the skin of her teeth, and when last seen was bonded for tho mountain at the end of Washington going at full speed. I'.ollevlng that the auto would never stop until she possibly climbed a fir tree at the summit, the newspaper man wearily legged hla way home. P. 8. Ierry atated this morning that he did not climb the mountain that is, he got her stopped before she got quite to the top. Twilight League Starts Play Friday "Play Ball!" Will you be there Friday when Mayor Hamilton tosses the first ball, not over the plate, bti within a few hundred feet ot the spot he aims at? There will be sev eral catchers lined UP to try and stop the sphere before It reaches the river bank, and the game between the "fata" and the "leans" is called for 2:30, and the big game between the Christian and Baptist teams will begin as soon as the "fats have ex pended all their "breath." Line up with the big auto parade, headed by the two league teams In uniform starting from Churchill's corner at 2:15 prompt. The Twilight league management have printed season tickets, good for all games during the season, except when special games outside the printed schedule are played, and these tickets, good for 18 or 20 games, can be purchased for 12, the single admission being 15 cent?. making a saving of about one-third to holders of season tickets. These tlckots are now on sale at the Peo ples Supply store, and will also be offered for sale at the gate Friday During the season two games will he played each week, and some real league ball will be put on for th entertainment of our people this year. Remember the db Friday, at 2:1 6 o'clock. Season tickets only 12 Throw away your old business cares and join the crowd for a real half day recreation. LOCKLEY WILL MAKE GOOD. Vote for Fred Lockley for Secre tary of State. He la thorough fa miliar with our county. Its resources and Its needs. He stands for econ omy and a square deal. (Paid Adv). AIK OCTAL KKKVICK 1'i.AXXKIi. SAN FRANCISCO. May 19. A nine-hour air mall service between Portland and San Francisco Is un der consideration by the postofflce department, Otto Praeger, second as sistant postmaster general, said to day upon his arrival here In connec tion with the contemplated San Francisco-New York air mall service. Mr. Praeger said he believed this route would likely be the first to be established after the inauguration of the transcontinental service, which will prohsbly be about September 1, It waa stated. The San Francisco-Portland route would be more feasible than the San Francisco-ILrtn Angeles froute, Mr. Praeger declared. CHICHESTER S PILLS ' "V ft,al!f-T j "f I'viitiiM liny i afil Qxn t'lil-fsios-iot DJuimiit.I itrt-m4l TT--43 l-.r, sratr-1 its til- RlM,. M aW Wi Tula n - . tlui ? e-ti-r 11 X 7lr lrp'-L a--" i'.tJ,rr..Tt ji ft JO SOLD fiV HR: l u! 5 r,r fiW w MEN WANTED In the plant and rock quarry of the Beaver Portland Ce ment Co., Gold Hill, Ore. Live in Town with good board and room at $40 per month. Highest wages paid. Transportation refunded to steady men. Address: BeaverPortlandCementCo 1 Gold Hill, Oreg oi STEADY, AMERICA! Let Us Work This Out Together Republicans, It Is Up to Us to Elect a Real President This Fall. He Must Be the Biggest and the Soundest and the Most Effective American We Can Find. Before Committing Yourself Consider These Facts: -. Out of thirteen states, where the contest was between Wood and Johnson for the irutruc- - tion of delegates to the Republican National Convention, the elections have been decided for Wood In nine. Total Number of Delegates Fledged to Vols for Wood at Republican National Convention, 321 Since the narrowing; down of the field, the situa tion is generally diagnosed as follows: A vote for Hoover, for Lowden, or for. Poindexter is a vote for Johnson. KEEP THE PARTY TOGETHER WIN WITH WOOD (Paid Adr. by Leonard Wood Campaign Headquarters) ' 10TH ANNUAL STRAWBERRYCARNIVAL QUEEN CONTEST GOOD FOR FIVE VOTES FOR Miss ". VOTES VOTES lc Each Contest Closes Sat, May 22. lc Each lluslnene Ui Portland Doors Taken Out - Hon. D. L. Eddy left last night for Tho storm doors at the Umpqua Portland, where he will spend sev-' hotel were taken out this morning. eral days attending to business j They were put In place during (he matters. I .'old weather of winter. ELECTION. MAY 21 STATE RO A Vote 302 X Yog For 4 Stats Road Eom! Limit eHALLOT titli: IS AS FOLLOWS: 302 X Yes 303 No OONKTrnmOSAL AMENDMENT Rfrrrjd W Oi. people by U Lt-CiileUi vm Aeet:t!j!y. LIMITATION Ol FOim PFR CrNT ftTVTC tNOCTFPHFSt FOR PtRMAhr.ft T ROAS.-i'arp.-v T Mi.i S tt-.p 7 ..f Aru. U Xlof i.hf film in. t ( lM.Lef OiC(iii m Ui pwmitil. rrnaitoiiof lctUtr nd It lull'. trx-Iii-h, f prwvi n. ds'.i m il Itituihtrii for (I. pnrp-.e hui!ifii-c kvi'l mi Ui.m.t P"rBi!ni :l r to ti. moiii'lot f hi r ( - r t oiil. t- pi i v;..' it.; lun m' n'l Vt pppt itjr fit tii Kutfli.l O ' -i, iu'lmil of W'. pT '-!) (a ii-fw p iv.-li -1 1 y Uw. NO PROPERTY TfiX-PIO PIEECT TAX NO INCREASE M ALT ) LICENSE TEES M INCREASE C? GASCIJKE .AX Keep thesfl tliroo fuels in mind. Tlio present auto license) fees and gasoline tux will pay Ixitli tlic principal and intiTi-st on nil the bomb under this amendment, end will yield ;in annual surpliii Itesidco fur otln'l state highway work. No additional taxation of any kind. FEDERIL FUNDS Kl'ST CE MATCHED Orcon munt have ufTicH-rit Hiirhnay to tbIcIi K' llcral flpporti'-.n- niftnt or Orgon cannot (tct the l,rn:t;t of JVderal avi ry for Or.-m ti ll Inrrraninr. thin limit in a nci t Mty. IV. .is !ifr:it in incrca.v.l. either atMtc road cannot ix coin; Mrd for n.nnv, nunv, or n.ti: t ! by direct property taxation. Tin iu-wu're avml d.rert pnier(y tn for tat highways and make cKrly completion jMr..iMo. Let's get I ho nad-1 built now. Incomt from Tresent Sources 3uffi; to fay Principal ind Inttreit Tha favt that rnafj fr-m awttt lir ona If i'rH i!m tu. witrioiit -tm't rrrt rarL will bo arnr lf ti i my b-itfa rriri;. H"i i'ltnH ..n t'i b..mij t tmt y . t f r'.h t tliria.1 f'mi:re in Ibi Hut HniittH. Dibu.m tj -ry nifVifd v if K l-r t nt:it rami h it I -r v nh-iti K umi im th taL. caurfu ly It f tht no ) r prtv ti im n-gui'Mj mini th t i rtamfe M4 ( lic.rasw t n(J (tf Ut will rtxjf'tn prmri.-ki sui l tutofvst V.xi yir i I'jp ua b HI . For kumst TsiLibV Pinphlt-t m further Irfirrncit-m, wrt - irt ftnp.nnx rtouin and dlVKLOPV y st AWori.TfOM f . I mmm. t wr-A ii.inl ( (miii Qw.MfarfM,L l.aT Citi4a UaMliUeUtra, til WairwUf JtuudiMC, 'imImwI, Or VOTC 102 X YEt-Ftr IUU Read Bend Limit