Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 17, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    i .-' a f 1 lit
loaned Dull Lloept Sunday.
L Wluihcrly
0. W. Bates alert U. Uutea
Dally, per year, by wall I. 00
Dally, six months, by mull. ... 2 00
Ujr Carrier, er mouth H
The Associated Fress la exclusively
aatltled lo lb use lor republication
M all news dispatches credited lu II
or not otherwise credited in Hil"
paper and also the local news pub
lished herein. All rights of riputill
cation of jfeclal dispatches herein
are also reserved.
Tbe following subscription
rates become effective April 1,
120, for the News-Review:
! Dally, one year by mail.... 4.00
e Daily, 6 months by mail.. 2.00
lly carrier, per moutb 50
Call at office, per month. .36
Itotfe-burtf, Oieipin, May 17, llUO.
From huthnin
MlH Mario Vogopohl arrived In
R Beburg this inu ruing from Hutn
erlln to spund days viaitlnt
here with frioQda.
VJnIU In Oakluml
Mm. W. W. McDonald spent Sun
day at Oakland visiting with rHa
Uvea. 8he returned to this city Hun
day evening.
IllJhert Vllwn Homo
llllbert Wilson returned Sunriiu
night from Kugene, where he upeni
the week end attonding the Junloi
Week Knd festivities and visiting
with frlcudti.
ItCtliritM HrtlK
Mm. Arllne Undies, who had be'i
visiting with friends and relatlv
1n Knaehnrg for M)vral days, rt'tnrti
cd this morning to twr home at Yon
cat I a.
From Wlnchwitor
Mrs. Jna. H. Clark name to the
city from Winchester this morning
to pmid tho dny shopping and at
tending to business mutters.
VnilW4M W'oll
It. K. Hulnsi-lman, tho well dill
lrr, has completed a well for II. It
Jacoby, of linking (il:ins., The out
fit Ib now bolnb moved to tho O. i
liogerH fiiini, whore another well 1:
being drilled.
Hen From Houtli Dakota
Mr. and Mra. N. A. Karr, of
Brooking, fioulh Dakota, aro vlalt
lng In KoHehurg tit the homo of
Mrs. A. &. Marntors. They will make
an extended stay In this city.
(litirrh Man Hero
Dr. F. A. Pan ford, dlstrlrt nup
erinlendent of tho Methodist Kpln
copal church, spent Sunday In this
city and will vIhU for a few dayx
at the A. O. Mnrsteni home before
returning to Ashland.
ISnrk Kfoin VKIt
Mrs. Fred L. Perry, who has been
vetting In Portland and lCttgene fot
tho past week, returned last nlht to
her mime In this city. She repre
Rented the i'brlHtlan rhuiih Ititili
school at the Kunday cihool con veu
Hon recently held In Portland.
Ite-tiirtiM From Kucno
Miss Teka llavnea, who spent tty
week end nt Kurene. taking In th
feBtlvltien Incident wllh .Junior Week
Knd and visit in ? with ninie mid
week endx, returned to her home in
Hone burg on the late train Sunday
Iave For Ahlnnd
Mrs. Will Vnger. a former resi
dent of thia cltv who has been vis-
1tlng at tho Will (Iwin home for the
pant Ifew days, left this morning for
ANninnd where she will make an ex
tended visit before continuing tin
to her home In It. union,
Spend MrM II
Mr. ad Mrs. F. F. Troutter, of
I'orf who are maklnir an ex
tended trip which will Include m inv
cltlen in ralifnrnia. urrivd here
Hunday and spent the nlrht n thU
city. They left on the early morn
ing train for AxliLind and other
points In southern Oregon.
Wesley Mi'tvriltli Kit.
Wesley Meredith, who was recent
ly Injured In the wreck at lleriha
spent Sunday with his parents at
Pillard. He has recovered from 1he
slight Injuries susMined imd has re
turned to his work and Is now hold
Jug a, position of fnvi:i;ui with th
Southern Pacific Co
Outlook For Prnn
County Fruit liwprrtor K. C.
Armstrong returned t. the citv St
unlay niorntng ffollow ittf a week's
trip through KelloRir. Klkton and
the northern part of the county. Mr
Armstrong inspected ti u it condi
tions at many of the Utr orchards
and stated unon his retain that,
generally speaking, the outlook for
a good fruit crop ther Is good.
Although the prospects do not point
t 1 a bumper prune crop It will be
of average sle all throi-h the coun
ty Is the opinion of Inspector Arm
strong, who hss spent - time In-
vestlgsting. He also v that
the apple trees do not ;n to be
Moomlng heavily and th oii'look
there In that line la not s koo.i.
flktnff fuui Impmrentent
Tb (oteNt vtervlc has nrt.-.l
snaking Jinrrovementa near F! ei,
he l.lltle tfect road. A small brltlo
la tn h mitrdil Hiid n torttnn of the
ri,ad tbanged In location lo ellniln-
ate i grade una turn n.iu
ilrcd dollars will bo spent In thu
nork. Tbe county is also making
iinpiovetueiits on the same road. .
I'lrnlc Was KiiyeJ
Under the arrangemtnt and fupor
vIbuhi of Mrs. M. II. Plyier. t tie
"oble fliand of Icohebuig Kebekali
lodge, the officers of the lodge and
their families enjoyed a bountiful
picnic dinner yesterday in tho beaii
;irnl trov nt the Itoberts creek There were about "0
1'ctsoiis present and the afternoon
wan very happily spent.
(lull t.aine Sunday
The town baseball teams tit Oak
land and Myrtle Creek met at Oak
land Sunday afternoon, the game re
sulting In a victory for OaKiana.
The final score was 19 to 4. A large
crowd from Myrtle Creek, Oakland
and Youcallu was presout and al
though the game was somewhat
oiie-stded much Interest was dis
played. Motor lo Oakland
Many motorists spent Sunday lu
the vicinity of Oakland or went to
that city for the purpose of having
Sunday dinner at the Deardorff
hoarding house. The Sunday din
ners cooked by Mrs. Deardorff have
ilwaya been famous but this year
promise to eclipse all (former records
for ho ure partial to old
tashloiied dinners such as "wotlicr
iued to cook.
la4faJnes Discontinue
Newsdealers wei e today notified
if the d is t continuance of several
ropular publications which have
ieen forced out of tho field by the
'distantly Increasing cost of paper
:nd the acute shortage In print pa
er. Henceforth the "Dearborn In
lepcndent" will be sold only through
ubscriptfons and will not bo placed
!i newsstands. "Today's Houso
vlfo" will not be Issued in Jtin and
he "Hreed r and Sportsman" and
' l'h" Pro.lside" li;iw b-.-en dtscon
ititied ultonetber.
p.Mti v at ;ki:k.
A surprisingly largo number rc
jponded to the unbiue invitations sent
iut by the I.oyal lloreans at (Ireon.
a hard times party to be given at
tie Green school house Saturday, May
Tie costumes were largely things
if shreds ii nd patches, never seen on!
land or sea.
Afior the fines were collected tho
ompany was assigned by groups ac
cording to their birth mouth, each
;roup contributing clever and amus
ing stunts.
A newspaper in which wit abound-
A Id Ki:i) II. KMKltSU.N, onnei
of big htiM'k farm, uho says
Timlae built Mm rimht tip after
having; a IkuI cn of Flu, vlibli
lelt bint in Hwtul bad shape. Says
Van) ac Is only medicine tluit helped
"I li:ie l;tlf:i only out' holtlc of
l":l 11 la !'. but it ll:is dime ine null" ;;.ioii
th.ill all tho o:her mtMl.etuca I bave
u.kcn put tou, IIi.t." raid A. II. Knier
il when be t-.ilti l at t'.uppv's Urui:
-iloie. E '01 1 la 11.I . .Mi., tb,' nihcr day.
Mr. Kim-rsim Uvoh hear West Si'ar
iint, .Me., whcie lie owns and oper
iti. on.' of tin' largest slivk farms in
;liat st'ition if Ihi' counir.
"After I not finni tl.,' Flu last
winter I was in mistily ' id sliai',"
lie ci'iitinui'il. '1 was n. t only ill a
weakened, dihlllated coinlitlnn. but 1
iNo suTele'l awlnlly wi;h indices
inn. My slunia. h was s weak 1
eiild hardly digest anyl!iln and
i it I d hardly the s.uli! nf fond,
iiiiieli leiser.i an.Mhlim. As 1 was not
able to eat any nnurMiini; fund I
I i 1)1 K 'lliriK- wmsti and woise and I
was badly diseonrai:eil nvi r my con
litieil as It looked like I would never
let my sireiiKih back aK.iin. My
i- rves were all upset and my sleci'
ias broken and lrre:a!ar. I felt
:ired and wornoiil from ninrnlnc un
til nicht and could h.u.llv drag one
nnt alter the other.
"1 took many dilt rent kluils of
niedieine but nolhlni; did me a par-
Hile of cood until I N'lran Inklne
Ti-.nlac. As 1 said before. I iai
taken only one bonle. but It has
aiade such a remark. ;ble i-hane In
my condition I feel like a different
enon altogether. My ni'i'ellle Is
splendid now and I can eat anything
I want and as nineh as 1 want with
out the slightest mm Ii of imliiesuon.
My strength and energy have relum
ed. I sleep sound and get un In Ibc
mornings readv fur a big day s work.
Tan lac has put nie back on my feet
and every boil v certainly ought to
know about this medicine."
Tanlac Is sold In Hoseburg by V.
I' Chapman, and by the leading
.'.riKnist la every town.
Tbe lower Uuipqua country with a population of ov.r 2500 people
and with more Industries than ai V other section ut Hie county, has
never had representation on our bounty Court.
The people of this section feel t at they should have representa
tion and have offered as their ct Jilidate lor Cuuuiy CuuimlESlouer.
Mr. Arthur Walker.
Mr. Walker is a good business m .n and successful farmer; be lias
resided In this section of Dougla . County over 3u years: be Is ac
quainted with the needs of this ; ection as well as with thoie of tho
enilre county; he ifair minded, capable, energetic, and will give
you a square deal.
In fairness and Justice to the pe
uppeal is made to you for your si
Vote for Arthur Walker for County
Commissioner at the May primary.
(Paid Adv.).
ed was edited with Its different col-J
umns prepared and read by Individ-
uals chosen by tho leader, Mrs. llow -
Tha "eats were eat" at 10:.10 o'
clock, which was followed by 'hu
morous recitations by MIrs Margaret
rage rna .11 rs. r ranees nuBseii.
Prizes on costume were awarded,
firMt uriA n. tsivor rnkn rnnrnntprl hv
uwvi of Creen's fair maidens, won by
mv.m rniii, oinerwise anown uh
Mra. Ktinsell: aecond nrize. a lemon.
uon by S. .M. Kellny. At a lato hour
to consider ''safety first". Fire Loss is a dead
loss. Be prepared with an extinguisher, for
"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure" and in this age of II. C. L. worth a ton
of cure. Q We have The Standard extinguisher
for both home and car use. This is a powder
form and exceedingly effective. Cost but $1.50
for home size and $2.00 for car size. Also
have the Johns-Manville liquid gun similar to
Pyrcne. It is certainly a dandy costs $10.50,
but is worth the money. A few strokes of pump
allows you to put a stream of "fire killer" where
ever you wish. J Did you know that carrying
one of these in your car would reduce the cost
of insurance?
Churchill Hardware Co.
County Commissioner
I am basing my candidacy upon my qualifications as a cnnstrncilen
engineer, busineai msn and farmer.
My years of experience as a g n, ral ,'gieer have affven me the
training that will enable me to give tho people of Dougla. County
broad-minded and efficient service If elected.
iple residing In tills section,
pport of their ciui!luie.
the Ruesta departed, feeling that a
tittle nonsense now and then is rel-
'ifhcd jy the bl of men
I r
The Originai
IVIaltsd hulk
tor Infants and Invallco
Avoid Imitaticns and Substitutes
I) F fare a we'l known resident
of ibis city. UI leave Tuesday
n.orulns for an extended trip thru
the ea.t and a visit to his old borne
in llo expects to be absent
id out tliree u onihs. He will go via
Los Ancelm. El Paso and New Or
olans. his eastern destination being
Norfolk, Virginia. He will lso visit
at Florence, South Carolina; W ash
incton, I). C, and Lynchburg. Vir
ginia. On his return west he ex
perts to visit with relatives in Miss
ouri. The return trip will be made
via St. Louis and .Denver.
ii. i
J ! As Deputy. Secretary of State for
1'niore than eluht years past, Sam A.
'Kozer Republican candidate for Sec-
"rehiry of State, has gained an inu
I mate knowledge of Stale affairs. He
promises, If elected, to insist on mc
..,,, v in nil state activi
ties. ".My Bole aim." says Mr. Koier.
in his statement in the voters pam
phlet, "shall be to Insure for the
people of the state tne greatest ut-Ki-ee
of efficiency at the Bniillest
r,,waiM.. rnst irulded sololy by
Isovnd business principles and com
mon sense." It is sucn men as air.
; oier the people are demanding ior
nI.i.n .m,M Mr. Kozer is deserving
of your vote in the Prlmnry Election,
.May 21st. tram aov.j
i'i,nw;i;i to kkkhikxcy.
Pleclwd to continue the efficient
ind buslnees-like administratlwi of
the Secretary of State's office, Sam
A. Kozer, now Deputy Secretary of
State and Republican candidate for
?or.fnrv nf State. Rhnulri have the
omnn,t nf OVnnr vntttP U'hn (ipSfrCS
-n-iclPnt public service economically
n()minitered. (Paid Adv.)
Tf nnmlnntpd nnd elected Secre
tary of State. Sam A. Kozer. now
Deputy Secretary of State, promises
to give to that office the high de
"rpn nt pffiHr'ncv which the neonle
nre nisiinea in acmanaing or a pui
Mc official. (Paid Adv.)
linn A IT -Stfinrnn rnnHIflatft fnr
tho retmbltran nomination for coun
ty rommipsinner, was over from Oak
Innd Saturday.
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
of State
Present County Clerk of
Josephine County.
(raid Adv.)
i We Buy at
llldoH, Mohair, llairs,
Hublier, Obi Metals,
PaiK-rs and Itones.
A Good Line of Second Hand
Clothing For Sale.
Cass and Pine Sts.
Accredited Teachers Only
Tbe Sluto demands highly elTii lenl
fc-achcr ami this SiIkhiI eoniplies
Ion per rent Willi the Stale law.
lviiblbaKcn lllilu. .tun
For Infants and Childrea
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Ail Clamlfled Advertlement In
rtel new today will I frtnd on
Last page under "New Today" bead
J A XTED Counter girl at Hotel
I mp'liia nt ance.
WANTED Experienced waitress at
once. Cafeteria.
W.?-Mati dishwasher at the
tt.ria. Apply at once.
WANTED Experienced waitress, al
so dishwasher. Apply Mrs. Geo.
i routch.
I WANTEDCook. second cook or
c...dt . help,.,. Inquire In person
at Cafeteria.
CLA55INCD (0111
M gTr55
Saving Is a Safe Investment
There are compensations for everything
larly In tbe employment of money. The c'h
job you give It dictates the wage, rccelTea"lC!l",,U'
risky the work the higher the promise.
Interest on Time Deposits here at th r
Bank Is satisfactory because th return I
principal safe. "arUit1(
J. M. TIino.VE, Caller.
Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo
Will Helo You
Never mind how ofien you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying Zcmo.
Furnished by anydruviiist for 33c. Extra
large buttle, S1X)3. licaling begins the
moment Zemo is applied. h a short
time usually every trace of eczema,
tetter, pimples rash, blackheads and
similar skin diseases will be renuvtd.
For cbarinit the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, alwaysuse Zemo, the
penclratiiii;. antiseptic liauid. It ii not
asreasysalvcanditdjesn 4stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable
treatment for skin troubles of all kinds.
IB,W. Koae Co., Cleveland. O. '.
I'or I'aiii, Colds, llc-iuliiclio, Toiitll
ache, N'euriilKiii. Lumbago,
WANTED Nicely furnished bouse
In good residence distrust. Ad
dress A. C, enre News-Review.
qua. -Waitress at Hotel Unip-
Furnished housekeeping
Phone 24;-It.
WANTED To borrow $500 from
private parly on good real .estate
security. Address P. "P., care
WANTED Young man, 18 to 20
yeurs old, handy with carpenter
tools, to b arn sash and door work.
Apply to J. O. Flook Co., If you
mean business.
WANTED Dlds for construction of
prune drier. Must be completed
by Aug. 1. Material all placed on
ground by owner. Blue prints can
be seen at News-Review office. It.
M. Knight, Canyonville.
TEAMS WANTED for street grad
ing. Will pay $11 for 8 hours,
About 2 months work In sight,
work to commence Juno 1st. Ad
dress A. n. Gldley, 771 S. 4th St.,
Marshneld. Oregon.
WANTED --'.' I uy on payments, a
2-senV''! e.:r or bug; 5 passenger
might Le considered ilf very cheap
mi st be in good condition me
chanic My. Give full particulars
and price In first letter. Addreas
C. H. n., care News-Hevlew.
Ex-service men and others fur
nished employment free of ch'.rge.
Conti actors, ranchers and farmers
dace your orders with us for help
ers. Our services are free both to
employer and employed. Lawrence-Cordon
Co., 125 Cass St.
Phone 219.
FOH RENT Surer)- deposit boxes
Hoseburg National Bank. .
STORAGE Storage space for rent.
Douglas Abstract Company.
LOST Fountain pen by school girl
Please leave at this office.
LOST Old-fashioned gold pin, with
satety catch, Friday affernoon.
Please return to News-Review.
ANY ONE DESIR1NO the services of
a purebred Hereford bull Inquire
of Geo. Ward, City.
SAFETY FIRST secui a safety
deposit box for your valuable pa
pers at tbe Kosebu.-r National
Bank. tf
76 and ride. Jitney on tbe Jab
until midnight.
FOR EFFICIENT nursery stock for j
un ueuvery, ouy rrom ine oia re
liable, seven years in the business.
20,000 prune trees, and all other
varieties, nut trees Included. Van
sickle. 125 Sheridan.
MONEY TO LOAN 20-year T.iral
credit farm loans. low Interest
rate. $20,000 local monev to loan
on good real estate. First mort
gage. See M. P. Rice of Rice 4
Rice. tf.
I'OR SALE 1 pool table. J. M. Judd
FOR SALE Dozen large Angora
Koats (billys) $3.50 each. Llnd
bloom, Dixonvllle.
C l t. . "
l'hone 9-F15.
and High. mer
F01tSAI.E ThTZTi '
been fresh 2
Ki'-eaiU. R iXTl"!
FOIt saleZcT,
on Con, Bay hlrtv,,.
Lek Box 25, Cama tii,
FOU lAlil,--
truck, alse Studebiktr r,
good rigs. 0. K. ti-i
H'"IDI Ol.
room Dungaiow. Vaatti
FOR SALE-MO lien fe,
old growlh trees, IMS J
i nune la-fa.
uk SALE Two-born, H
rilling corn plow; 1 pop j
nnd bridle, cheap. lOSI lj
ter St. Phone J5(-L
FOR SAI.E 20tlerttoRbki
wood, fairly dry, p
Phone 19-F!.
horfe-s. well broken uil
S. Epperly. Phone lift
inder. 7-psninr: ib.l
touring. Motor St)l
FOR SALE Ford-Sal!
truck, in good cm"(
,T. W. Ranmer, OiiU'll
FOR SALE Internittoil
elne. silently used. !H'J
rnndlilnn. Phone 'M'
818 N. Jackson.
FOR SALE 1915 Sill
six automobile, lint &
lion: run 3800 niln li
for cash. Addm i
111, vm auu ,
bargains: also Fotd aiM
Aulo Sales Co., jacw-i
. . rvM lnnr!ll
new, run only 3500 s
conu.u.m .-",.,
ir jou gei n ' ,
Ford in exchanse.
3 to 4 ft. M. lv ', .
pry wore.
on you. jUin
mll ends,.""1"'- i
Phone 128.
,nos all H. n ij
lan-is opea to ,ot"PJ
7 r. if-
vs;:n mr-"- w
larce nnmber of J"! J
Lin.oln: 1M
cr ! I
t.i. ;27
- tTai'
goiv- to
. : rrl fhWv
vo.nir besrlM
pitch: De:v.l,arlJ
V .nnd BO0 1 1
r the hljb-V'1