Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 15, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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ao$ imcnq
lwued Daily Except Sunday.
B. ft. Ilttten
Itert G. Ilalu
hi:bsc1IPTI0N hates
Dally, per year. b mail 4.00
Dally, six months, by mall.... 2.00
rtr Carrier, iter mouth 6f
The Aaaoctated Prit la exclusively
AvtlUed to thb use fur republication
w Bii dbwi dlMDatcht-a crudittd to U
nr imt otherwise credited lu thin
paper and also the local uea pub
lished herein. All rlghta of rtpuhil-
catifiu of reclal dipatche tiereiu
are also reseryed.
The following lubBcrlptlon
rates become effective April 1,
ltt0t for the News-Review:
Daily, one year by mall....$4.00
Dally, 6 mouths by mall.. 2. 00
iif carrier, per month 60
Call at office, per month.. .85
Ilottchurtf .Oregon, May 15, lttO,
A follow who bought some mon'i
furnishings the other day In a neigh
boring city, came home reporting tlia
he was tired of paying for style
When he opened a box of six soft
collars, he found that each Individua
collar was wrapied in an envelope o:
semi-transparent paper of a fairl)
costly type. Then the six collars wei t
enclosed In a substantial paBteboufL
box. The whole thing had to be done
up In a sheet of wrapping paper.
Jt took nine pieces of paper pro
duct, counting tho box and Us cover
as two pieces, to hold six collars
L'vory ono of those pieces called for
costly labor and stock, and nothing
whatever was added to the value ol
the collars. Is it any wonder that
goods coat high, and that the com
munity sufforH from paper famine':
Ha me in oiher trades, i'eople buy
little dabs of cereals, ea h done up In
singlo pound boxes. If grocers are
clean, and most of them are today,
bulk selling would be fur cheaper
Hut If people must have their fancy
boxes with pretty girl pictures and
all that, why not do up standard cer
eals in fivo or ten-pound lots, so as
to eliminate the waste of the littW
I'eople realUe these wastes per
fectly, but It Is bard to organize them
to work acainM It. There should be
a good chance for stores run on a
more democratic basis, which should
make substantial service Instead of
stylo und fusnlncss tho motto.
The stores of KoHOburg do run on
that basis Just as Tar as possiblo. Hut
they have to conform to trade cus
toms, and buy goods In tho form in
which they are distributed elsewhere.
Hut If whornver possible, they do
away with theHO superfluities, they
will find tho public will welcome the
change and It will bring thorn new
A candidate for tho office of com
misioner of a certain county in (ieor
gla Is said to have filed the follow
ing itemized account of his expense
in the campaign:
' Lost 1319 hours of sleep think
ing about tho election. Lost two front
teeth nnd a whole lot of hair in a
personal encounter witii an opponent.
T-onated ono beef, four sho.ita and
five sheop to a county barbecue, (lave
r.way two pairs ot suspenders, four
calico dnsses, $." and thirteen
haby-rur.lers. Kitmed 1"G babies.
Kindled fourteen kitchen fires. Put
up four stoves. Walked 4076 miles,
t-hook hnmls with .TtUK persons. Toll
10,101 lbs. ami talked enough to
print ono thousand volumes. Attend
ed sixteen revival met titles, and wi(;
baptized four tines by ImmerHinn nnd
ttlce by (to mo other way. Contrib
uted $0 to foreign missions nnd
nude lov to niro grass widows
Hugged forty-nine old maid. Cot
dog-bit thirty and was defeated."
The memory of Theodore Iloosc
velt is so eherleh-d. that it may
ITove nocessary to invent a new coin
In order to give bis rnnsed face a
place of honor In daily life. At least,
that seems the moM jdnnvtble ejdan
aiion of the aetton nf the stnat In
passing the bill for a Hoo-wll nn
crnt piece. That -unit of colons be
en mo thoroughly unpf,pu' ;ir m;ny
jenrs ago, and was dropped by gen
eral consent. A proposal to in ton
It could hardly r tvo passed mi it i
own merits. Put ernnMed by the feat
vres of the ardent nnd warm heart-d
Theodore, even a bumble and undc
sired coin could become popular. So
It has beeonio with (ho Lincoln rent.
That meanest of nil col nr. so Inslmnfl
cent in the present s-nle of pries,
ncntilrd a new vit'iif when It becnine
ussoclated with the features of u
groat American.
Tba paly apparent rtasvQ why the
Sbermnti antl-truei law has remained
on the (ucto books so Ion?, is tlu:
no on j oi.3 any idea whw u me .in?.
The boy who ate anxious for inu
cular devtiiopment are reminded of
the splendid results they can get b
mowing the lawn this summer.
The people who work only fivo
'leys a we'-k, aro kicking hard about
he scarcity of all the uececsarles of
The world doesn't expect much of
you Just that you be human; and If
cu re not that you've no business 1l
Things lu this world are not well
balanced or it wouldn't be so much
.asier to lose money than to make it.
If you have a sense of humor that
never fulls, yuu'ro wealthy and don't
know It.
Many a man claims to have the
.icy to heavou In n is cellar.
Kvery profiteer is very Indignant
ibout all the o'.her profiteers.
Mont y doesn't cause many sleep
.ess nights, but the lack of It does.
The man who says he has no bud
iiabits has at least ono lying.
Riddle is Joyous
Over the Decision
Tho Klddlo Enterprise, the bonnier
.lubllration of (hut thriving city ha
.Uo lollowiiii; to f.ay concerning tiiu
rucllio highway decltwoii of Jud.
Tho bout news that baa hit Kiddle
line i the unuUtlce was KUned, came
I'y lilione at aliout eisiit o'clock yos-
erilay I M.rnli k vlicu tlie lio.s;;!j',ii
' s'cwa-Ki vii'W wired ua tho mtol.i
Kence that JudKe rikipworth had ieu-
1. n d his decision in tho highwaj
favori:iK tilts city.
l'r ii f w niinu'.vs thcro was aa
!:iiif!i cx .li.'ini'ut as on that other
.nornini; a yoar and a half ago. Hen
iiillwinklu was running around the
sli'-:tH, liari'hfaded, siiroadinjr tho
nnws. Klzie Ixjxddn was stopping
loin lain to Inform them that they
worn on Iho highway "and wo
too." The telephones all over town
.vero JliiKllng to spread the news and
avo Cronly resurrected his white
tile and inn Ihe frsg up over tho ho-
ol. Heals said "business as usual.
I'm goliiB to try to work anyway."
Frank Hrnmhall throatena to nn-
peal because he lost a dollar on It.
A tourist passing through stopped
.nid asked a byrtandcr If there was
n't a "sllll" around hero somewhere.
Ilo had seon Judge Kiddle dancing a
hornpipe on the sidewalk.
A papor salesman happened along
'lies said he was glad ho got here
Mirly '"cause everybody was feelinir
good and he was getting his order
book filled
Dave Hughes has been flapping hip
wings and crowing like a rooster
for the past 24 hours, but no one has
so far seen the report from McCii-
vray. Mayho another bridge down.
K. A. Stacks says It looks so good
to him he'll buy a flock of share
m mo parsing piani nnu urge every
one else to. (J. K. Alkina Is wearing
a man s size smile and In fact every
one Is happy.
Seriously, tho decision is Just a
we expected It would be, und it
otiies at a lime when It will make
us all feel optimistic nnd wnlil t" get
lu on the packing plant slock. Then
the electric llghis, a new church,
community hall well there are tots
of things. Tho bal has stai n d
roll get your shoulder to It and
keep or going."
llooiu.i ! Kiddle Is on tho high
Service Men Should
Record Discharges
ie.-ogni7!lns th.- importance to
every former service man ot liawn
.iociiinoiiMrv proof of his servic
e.Minalile nt nil times, m.iuv posts of
(lie American lgum have be. n r.icih-
luting l lie recording of dis, hai ce pa
'per:;. Kiiva the American Lesion eek
1. National hi ailiiuaneis recently
nas issued two bulletins ndiMtig nli
posis to ascertain some method, of
;j'i.'til g the need for OtficMl revot'd
ill':, win h has a, iiiireil now import
ance 111 liew of the probable passage
ot lie fiMiiIold compensation 1
lilt ion plllll by coimress.
in mint c(M's the county recorder
111 a v olllcially nvnrd rtls llnrge pa
1'ers. of:en without char:e. In some
pi.ices. lion ever, tho county recouler
lins given way t t,c clerks of the
M.ra.iis courts, the re:,,str.itiirs of
PKibat.i.1 and di-cds, and it Is ques
tionable whether any of lli. se olficlaU
(.mill record the discharges. In
s provisions ha i
municipal clerli
to copy the e
Of course nnybody who doesn't
view things ns you do probably Is instance
fllher crooked or weak-minded, but l-r the
did you ever think he's putting you (-orders,
In on. of the same classes? pnpers.
t National hcadquait
Tho difference between a man gos j mended that in all i
alp and a woman gossip Is that the t n served for record
man always says ne ' knows soine-jntid that where iheye
thing derogatory to another, and a ,-order's office, the mnii ci
woman merely says she has "heard "i ties make prorMcn f..r ,
' I Important safeguard to
" I men.
Some people bare talked so much I In one town the a.nn
about tho mistakes of tho govern-' effered to nrocuro the .....
- -
The lower Umpqua country with a population of over 2500 people
and with more industries than nut other section of the county, baa
never had representation on our County Court.
The people of this section feel tl at they should have representa
tion and have offered as their ca ididate for County Commissioner,
Mr. Arthur Walkor.
Mr Walker Is a good business rat n and successful farmer; be baa
resided In 'his section of Douglan County over 30 yeurs; b la ac
quainted with tho needs of ihla lection as well aa with those of tho
entire county; he is fair minded, capable, enerjutlc, and will give
you a square deal.
In fairness and Justice to the people residing In this section, this
appeal is made to you for your support of their candidate.
Vole for Arthur Walker for County
Commissioner at Ihe May primary.
(I'ald Adv.).
To Launch New
D.nfTdi' lino
j ruojcugti -nw
T ! (Hy Associated Preaa)
I VAXCULVLU. B. C, May 14. It
is ofilcle.iiv .iLiiounced that tho grea.
X passenger' im r Empress of Canada
will he launched on August 17 at tha
X Talrfleld yards on the Clyde. Tho
t'ihlp will be of 22,000' tona dlsplaco-
ment, 64 4 feet In length, 77 fett
I beam and 54 feet deep, with a apocj
of 20 knots. Tho Empress of Canada
5 ! ill come to Vancouver via the long
4 n.und-the-world route. The big Hner
will go on a regular run to nong
Kong, Yokohama and Shanghai. Pas
'scges are now being booked for the
I first cruise lrom Liverpool through
the Mediterranean, Sues canal, Red
! Sea, Indian Ocean, to the Orient;
i tlit nee across to Canada, arriving
hire in June, 1921.
Visit In Medrord
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Canon left this
morning for Mcdford, where they will
spend the week end visiting with
'their sons who reside at that place.
' Two Sections
For the first time for the past few
months, train No. 53, due In here
from the north at 9:25, was made up
of two sections this morning. Ac
cording to the local dispatcher, this
was necessary to care for the over
flow as travel has been materially
increasing within the past month. A
number of electrical workers being
'ransferred by the Southern Pacific
J I to points in Southern Oregon, also
1' partially accounted for the crowd-
it g of the trnln this morning.
Over 17000 people rend the News
Review every day In tho week.
of service, giving ono print to tho
owner and filing the negative for
reference. More than 1500 Massa
chusetts men already have had rec
ords made In tills office.
In several parts of the country In
livldual posts or groups of posts
within a certain district have united
to provide a form on which a certi
fied copv of th" discharge paper has
been made and sworn to by a notary
iiibllc. The original papers
Vote for Fred Lockley for Secre
tary of State. He is thorough fa
miliar with our county, its resources
and its needs. He stands for econ
omy and a square deal. (Paid Adv).
. We are now serving lunches, and
our breakfasts are the very best.
Don't forget the good things that
then i come from our soda fountain. Our
were filed In vaults which were rent- candles are always fresh, and we
ed in a bank or Borne other safe do- make our own pies and cakea. Jusl
pository. I'ry them. The Mapleieaf, CaBs St.
to consider '"safety first". Fire Loss is a dead
loss. Be prepared with an extinguisher, for
"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure" and in this age of H. C. L. is worth a ton
of cure. Q We have The Standard extinguisher
for both home and car use. This is a powder
form and exceedingly effective. Cost but SI. 50
"r home size and $2.00 for car size. J Also
have the Johns-Manville liquid gun similar to
Pyrene. It :s certainly a dandy costs $10.50,
but is worth the money. A few strokes of pump
allows you to put a stream of "fire killer" where
ever you wish. J Did you know that carrying
one of these in your car would reduce the cost
of insurance?
Churchill Hardware Co.
: ?
i some
Iu:nn ro
tvWv man's
tns rooom
s books bo
'lt-cUari;es. j
" Mitv re-: J
:'.'. author!- i
!.!! till.:
iv-sirvlce a
County Commissioner
111 llelk
ary rec-
' ll lo re or.l
"i.i'..e copies
Th,. Ar
nt.irv i-f ;
popi rain tn producers are as-'stato a oirice In Massachut'K i mr,k
wafvl a tit which thay will pay bylng photostatic copies of all dia-1
railing (heir price. charges, cltatlona and other r-n-ords
Inent they will have no tlmo to get'ord book, and In add;
.ut to Ihe primaries and voto. Jlng discharge papers i
1 ol all records of ciiat 01
Prnf,-n...d ssf'sfne'lr." Is felt by the ' ' hlv. s d'vlslon of the
I am basing niy candidacy upon my qualifications as a construction
engineer, business man and farmer.
My years of experience as a general engineer hare given me the
training that will enable me to give the people of Iiouglas County
btaad-mludad and efficient service 1 eleet4.
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
of State
Present County Clerk of
Josephine County.
(Taid Adv.)
We Buy at
Hides, Mohair, Rncs,
Knblier, Old Molnls,
raiK-rs and Hones.
A Good Line of Second Hand
Clothing For Sale.
Cass and Pine Sts.
Accredited Teachers Only
The State demands highly efficient
te.-u-licrs and tills School coiiiplies
IOO wr cent with tho Suite law.
.iolilliniren HIiIk. Phono 30(i
For Infants and ChUdren
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears , 7
nature (
QASSiriCD coiur
All t'lasslfle-l AdvertNements lr
ti-I new tiHlay will be round oi
im ia:e under "New Today" head
WATK1 Counter
l inp'iua at once.
girl at Hotel
WANTED Experienced waitress at
once. Cafeteria.
WAXTKD A wicker
Phone 44S-R.
baby cart.
.i.A.Mi.iv.Yian dishwasher at the
iiieieria. Apply at once.
WANTED Experienced waitress, al
so dishwasher. Apply Mrs. Geo.
I outch.
cook's helper,
at Cafeteria.
second cook or
Inquire In person
WA,N7EJ Ro or mail house for
licht hous-keening. C. B. K.. care
-Nicely furnished house
residence district Ad
C. care News-Review.
ANTED Farmer, wases JSO.OO
l'h w!'. who will take bosrders.
""tt ""5 ood fnrnished. m.
quire News-Review office
Saving Is a Safe Investment
There are compensations for everything
larly In the employment of money The cn
job you give It dictate, tho wages rece.v
rUky tho work the higher the nm,i ' ",H
Iotoreat on Time Deposits here at the r
Bank ifl satisfactorv becaimA thA
principal safe. """tl,.
J. SI. TRHOXE, Cacliie,.
WAJTPn-Fnriilshed housekeenlnp '
rooms. Phone 24G-R.
WANTED Young man, 18 to JO
years old, l.unuy with carpenter '
tools, to learn sash and door work.
Anniv to I 0. Flouk Co., If you
mean business.
milker 1 .7T,n Jttfc J
V... "U aw n
" achmldt.
WANTED Bids for construction of
prune drier. Must be completed
by Aug. 1. Material all placed on
mou lid by owner. Dlue prints can
be seen at News-Review office. H.
M. Knight, Canyouvllle.
WANTKb A middle aged woman to
run bunk house, few nien to
board except in fruit season.
Wages, and everything found.
Permanent. Phone 31-Fo.
FOR SALE-A-1 U.r--
boar. Phew, i?t?
hanse. "".ti
WANTED Man- and wife, without
children, at Overland Orchards.
Wages $90. Wife to board a few
men. Everything found. Perma
nent If satisfactory. Phone 31-FB.
WANTED To buy on payments, a
2-seated car or bug; 5 passenger
might be considered very cheap
must be In good condition me
chanically. Glvo full particulars
and price In first letter. Address
C. H. B., care News-Review.
Ex-service men nnd others fur
nished employment free of ch rg
Contractors, ranchers and farmers
place your orders with us for help
ers. Our services are free both to
employer and employed. Lawrence-Cordon
Co., 125 Cass St.
Phone 219.
E. Douglas. "tt0H
port sat it n. .. -
on toos Bay highway. i'i?J
FOR S41 p t .
horses. Ilm... ir.-, '
1035, cltyT
Iiinulre at 317 0U Sl.T.
truck, also 8tndeb1kir J
WANTED Brrdge and House Car
penters by Southern Pacific Company.-
Steady employment. Wragos
53 to 63 cents per hour. Good
board and lodging furnished at
$30.00 per monlh. Men to furnish
their own bedding. Write or apply
to Division Engineer, Southern Pa
cif'c Company, Room 1, Union
Station, Portland, or apply to
nearest station aeent.
FOR RENT Safety deposit boxes,
ltoseburg National Bunk.
LOST P. i !:;! :ais to auto head
light. I'ii.der leave at Nows-Re-view
NY 0:P. DESIRING the services of
a pu nbied Hereford bull Inquire
of Geo. Ward, City.
LOST Crank for Overland car.
Find' r leave at News-lieviow.
LOST Fountain pen by school girl.
Please leave at this office.
$5 down, $3 a month. See Sing
er man, 404 Cass St. All makes
machines repaired. Phone 102.
room bungalow. Faont lli.f
FOR SALE 100 tiers mi
... b.uw.ii ireei, j
FOR SALE Two-hum. wJ
ridinir corn plow: 1 mr
and bridle, cheap. HStTjJ
tcr St. Phone Jst-L
FOR SALE On easy term, ltd
collage. Call afur I a i
seo owner, so Mill a
FOR SALE 200 tier dole) aka
wood, fairly dry, I! at A
Phone 19-F5.
horses, well broken ui so
S. Epperly. Phona tfi
luder, 7-passengdr; aisai
touring. Motor 3bop (t
FOR SALE Ford-Smiui In
truck, In good coniiialH
J. W. Sausser, OtUmW
FOR SALE International P
ginc, sliRhtly used, S 1.
condition, mom ).
818 N. Jackson.
FOR SALE 1919 SlwMiM
six automobile, Brit das
tlon; run 3S00 mila- 1
for cash. Addresi A. a.
SAFETY FIRST seem a safety
deposit box for your valuable pa
pers at the RoseburP National
Bank. . tf
ME conn Tn vnnnsvi v vhnns
1 1 and ride. Jitney on the Job
until nnunlglit.
FOUND Small sized watch. Owner
may reco'-er same at this office by
proving property and paying
FOUND Auto license tags. One of
them No. 27327, the other 62100.
These tags may be had at News
Review office on payment of ad
vertising fees.
MONEY TO LOAN 20-year mra'
credit fnrm loans, low Interes
rate. $20,000 local money to Ioar
on good real estate. First mort
gage. Seo M. F. Wee ot Rice
Rice. tf
I'OR SALE 1 pool table. J. M. Judd
FOR SALE FlTe-yeaM m
mi. rfl Uill
cow, K'"(ig iiuh.--
Will be fresh In Septet
Moss, Ten Mile, Ore.
lng cur and a tnern.TJ
bargains; also Ford trnt--
Auto aaics u..
PAIGE-6 louring car, 1I1I2
, - ll,in IMICI UT
gO(l(l Cl'll"'""". -M
.':' c".:?...".rM
JltlllU. V. Ill ( ( '
Inquire at 611 Uill3t
FOR SALE. riii.-.
3,o 4 ft. M. AS
pay more " ' ' , ' 'r,
on you. R.
""'..:.. ail
fnone i.J'
FOR SALE Medium sized safe. S
It at Fontches.
POR 8ALE Ttaled baw. -W. F Ramr
Rt. 1, 1 mile east of town. 270-R
FOR 8AI.K Dozen large Angora
goats (billys) $3.50 eacb. Llnd
bloora, Dlxonvllla.
FOR SALE Houses, $150 down.
bal. same as rent; farm, small
Payment down, bal. as 6 per cent.
C. Merrill. 504 Mill St.
FOR SALE Farmi, houses, bar
gains; ads are short; office at
home. My overhead expense li
light. C. Merrill, 504 Mill St.
shows all R. " 5s?
Iad. open t. enUT.
F. C. rrest.
Roseburg, Oreso
' "Z a. nl
larwe Bumbsr lta
Vet ho"- C,,1"V
monstmte !l H
tlon. Go. Sta'U
. .
oirvT-i" i
FOR SAL?, un j.r(
. old Del. n. J'j
old M''"-'?.',
Lincoln. -- p i
-iii ita rsr MP"
ZIPP, 527 Jim