Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 07, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    ! MX
Who's Your Cleaner?
When you ask your friends or neighbors that
question, they are sure to say
14,000,000 W TO
Our prices are the lowest, consistent with the
high-class work we do.
PHn277 Our Aulo Will Call
Arrangements Be Made
New York on Next Sun.
day and Monday.
Immigrant. Will M'xxl rlem
tireut IHlUill Oeu Miuiuuie
llavo been fcl'' lro'"
Near Kust 18000 Years.
Second Coming
Warnings Given
SUT11KKI.IN. May 7. -(Special to
the Nuws-lievlow) Evangelist J. A.
iH.,nv snoke last evening on the
a.n. ,.f the Times, lie showed from
Benson School
Girl's Glee Club
(By Kuth Collins. age ll.
TheJIcnson (ilea club meets even
Monday evening between and Bo-
I ironi t'loi'K at. ' "" . ,
a --7 ififll 1-14 15: z:i. ."- l oni um n"".
. '...'.. i Then ho rend
from Matt. 24:32-30 showing that as
the swelling of the buds in spring
showed that summer was nigh, so
these signs, the darkening of the
sun, and railing of the scars wore to
show that the coming of Christ was
near oven at the door, and he fur
ther showed that the generation that
would sen these thing In the UK"'
ol propho.y would see the coming or
Christ. IToin Matt. 2 1:37-39 he
showed that as It was In the days of
Noah, so It would he In the days of
the coming of the Son of Man, that
the majority of the people would not
beliovo the last day mossnge He
urged upon tlto people to study the
prophecies or tue srripiunra nu
walk In every ray of light that came
across their pathway.
Tonight Kvanglllst O. 11. Shrews
bury will continue the study of the
"Signs of the Times."
Sheriff George Qulno l'Tt this
morning for Glendalo to attend to of
ficial duties.
dent; l.m'lli' rieht. secretary. ......
unret Millililn, i.":n v mn" ,7
parol Shields, I iniieu .."-.
Uouser, F.v.lyn Craig, r.m.ier
I'hyllls Shields, Jessie Hayes, Olial
Hinsdale, Dorcen Lewis, K.lllh Long.
Marion Nichols, Kdith Starrett. Doro
thy Cordon, accompanist .and .Miss
Claire tinzley. director.
Kord car with
SAI.K. One
nU.on rlnir.
Two rear wheels, ono front spring
Has no fenders, scat or plank,
llurns lots of gas, hard to crank.
i'.ph,in.t,ir husteil. half way thru.
Ilnglne missing, hlls on two.
... i,i r,nir In miring.
llll.'t" j.-n.n .
Has shock ulisoriiors una everyum..
t, n .. n . .... lu.u.ail sure does leak.
Differential dry', you can hear It
...... ......
I Ten spokes missing, front all bent.
No. 2474
Pure Bred Shire
May 11th and 12th
from 11 o'clock till 2
E. A.Krus8&Son
Tires blowod out, ain't word, a cent,
dot lots of spied, will run like the
llurns either gas. or tobacco Julco.
Tires all off. been run on the rtm.
A darn good Ford for the shape
Its In. l';-
lly Associated I'rcss
...,., V-HIU- Msv 6. Arrange
lowing the Remo sessions of thi
r.,r.,iui un cu khiv v--
Britain the mandale over that coun
u". ... .. .,i,iuhiii.iit of a Jewish
national homeland, will be discusseu
. ... ' ii,,,, r.mre.ence of the
Zionist organisation of America hen
ni x. Sunday una niuuuu. ;
The conference, which will be at
t.ndcd by 1700 delegate, from Ih.
t nlt.d States and Canada, will be, It
is said. "Hie most important a"d, .h'f"
t,i: gathering ol Jews ever held i"
America. " Under ilio leadership of
Justice Brandos or the United Sta eb
' "cine court, and United Slates
judge Julian W. Mack, the organ na
tion l; expected to lake immediate
,!! toward the re-cstnblishmon
f u.e Jewish people In the near cast
' . . r ..vile thus bring
ing" to" pass the realization of the
UK I .,r ni?n hv Dr.
;:x: Ki- or political
vent on, wnien inm-.
1 ... ., ,,r the regular annual
Ulli which had been "chedule.l
. ... cut. Km Innlne AlttV .iU
,or Al'"n". ,Tve said: "The
historic action taken at San ne mo
on April 24. wnicn g;l "'"' , "'
..jnni. hki) rations of the
,,n,T; no the linmedl
ate opportunity to " ,""' -
";r"u T"""" '"' nVh world of
CIVI117.U1 ,,irt,.
dope lor iwfiuj t- "" " ,
w ' r . v. ..l-l .hull li rroo to
wnoro jnwixu Mini. .
.xpresii itself in orcoruw - -
. lt.l.,a nf ftnr.llll JUSllV.i. w
ll iltlU l "
K.u..trh iiiii;niin of Jews, par
., onotcin Europe, ai?
""m"'"A to leave at
.. ' .1 7tnnttR SaV
inonietu p nmi.-o. (a
ihnt "no mart rusn 01 .mm. (-.....
will ne poiini... . ... -.,,,.
but that a weii-reg....... " "''"'"'
Lpmlgratlon of perhnpj. 50,000 n t -......
ho iiiubTtalten. In order
. .... r,r economic an
cultural development of the country
Oregon country to th. United
the celebration Jad P. H. S
of the lead ... .'--
'..n ri lha roliovwaj '
letter received by hlin: rh.,.
"Again we shall " , ,h
... , ..JiM.rnit.' the loinln? of the
Woo Country th- V "
!-,o..ld like to know r you rea .,
hink the Oregon coun.ry ,
I.. 1... Ul.i rv inn J. J-
o. what did they gain which , was
,,v better than if they belonged
:o Canada today, or even as gooo,
i'lense explain this in your talk and
.ot with that 'effiTvesceni u
. lilch American orators are not. n
the world over. We hope this wn.
it the pith of your talk on
The letter, Judge u rw
.. .. from Portland
ind was unsigned, a sample of inallc-
nH neainst the govern
ment established on that day. "He
belongs in Canadn and noi u
the speaker stated.
a i n recent, arrival
i ' a..,.ih n'nVnta. has accept
ed employment with the a. b. nu-j
, ....o win remain here
.,.,,.,. ir Knudtson made
'he trip to the I'acific coast for the
purpose of filing on some govern-
i i ii . an oT-service man
ind w as overseas for 17 months with
he 32nd division.
Thnn... T with of Portland, ftd
f w.aeq. arrived nere
n,nrntiif find in company With
lohn Throne, of tho UniDqua Valley
'.ank, drove out to Lmpqua tn.s a-
ernoon to adjust tho loss occurring
the destruction ot tne nome o.
Mrs. Emory.
C. J. llurd, county agrloul.uriil
iigont, will hold a mooting at the Kali
Oaks Bchoolhniise on Monday, May
1(1, at 8 o'clock In the evening for
the purpose or distributing squirrel
poison to the residents ot that district.
VOt t'AI .le WK IIAl l
A..ftM.,ir nt iiiiv time. Wood tor
sale. ' Phone 1 0 . 1.. H. Chambers
:it Ch-llllliers; 2nd Hand
f Prune
Bearing orchard that will pay
big this present aeaaon. Place
has fair Improvements and Is
priced extremely low for quick
sale. Some equipment See this.
Two other especially good
buys. One Is tract or river
bottom, well Improved. .The
other is a prune orchard with
suburban home. Two extra
good values.
Some good properties to ex
.!,,. if vou desire to ex
change, come In and see what
we have to offer
lteal Estate and Insurance. ' '.
110 Cass St. Phone 417 .
For Five Days, starting
Saturday, May 8, on all
i-'Olt SAI.B OK UKST Modern -
room bungalow. -Phone JU.-X.
t-nii hkkt Furnished modern
house. No children. Phone
KOIt SALE Doen large Angora
goats (billys) H each. L.udbioom.
ivuVTi.Mi Rvneiiomed lady for
confectionery store. Apply -Mrs
FOIl SALE Light six touring car,
cheap for cash; in good condition.
Inquire at Service Station.
thresher engine, tractor, cheap It
taken nt once. John Abeuie, Suth
erlin, Ore.
Frill SALE 3 milch cows. Phone
ir. V19 nnrlv niiirn it) es. flf Citll at
Long Meadows Hunch. John Uood-
FOIl SALE Iluick light six tour
ing car, cheap for cash: In good
condition. Inquire at service sta
FO!t SALE Incubator, L'OO egg, Cy
phers, second hand, In complete
working order, only J7.r,0, worth
$2.',. Un.pqua Valley Fruit Union.
Farewell Reueption
For Supf Smith
O.or 300 people wore present l;.st
night lit the farewell reception giver.
nt the high school auditorium o u.
three parent-tci-hors' in.-ncii.tinnr
in the cltv In honor of A.
Smith and wire. Tho i.u.litonum
k boautif.lllv nvraii'S.d with siirini;
flowers. L. :. Evnns, rhaiiman of
tho committee In charge of the re
.C'.tioit. occupied the chair and gave
n short talk representing the Hose
s hoot. Mr. Fvi.ns rpoke of the fine
vor' that had boon done bv Siui'
Smith, and the regard in whi. h
ha was held bv all. Similar talks
ItETAlL department for Watklns'
extracts and toilet articles. 126
West Lane. Mru. J. M. Ashcrufl,
phone 137-L.
Mr. :.nd Mrs. Carl F.. Winiberly
are being rong.uuilaieu upon . ,f:inv,v n,r,
arrival ..r a baby girl born to thorn , ,iMi,n ,h(, ,.., 9,),m,l. and Fos
last lilcbt ,,,,,, ,ho l.-iillorton school.
address of the evening was
i,v l;ov F W. Warrington.
j v. ho spoke on educational lines, ot-
Z : v. bn
Mr. Auto Owner
While tho buying is good. Tires will soon
take another jump in price.
we can furnish you with Tires below dealers
prices. Does that sound like saving money.
These Tires are guaranteed for 6000 miles
and the regular price is $20.00 for 30x3';.
HUT for one week we will sell Ford size
Tires (30x3 y,) at $21.50.
We expect a shipment soon covering other
sizes and the prices will be as reasonable.
Phone 338 Winchester Street
the i.le.i that S'.Mil
n likh clsss man in his line of
i work, and should be a Micce.s in
whatever line he elected to follow.
Supt. Smith responded, expressing
Ibis appreciation of the fine spirit of
j co-operation among the parent
It. .tellers' associations, and wishing
the best of success to his successor,
land the welfare of the lloseburg
V' liools. A beautiful bouquet or riow-
ors was presented to Mrs. Smith.
: who received the praises ot each
v oeaker tor her efforts in the many
duties which had fallen to her. A
short musical program and readings
I were given. ,yid u dainty luncheon
; followed by a jocial time.
WANTED Experienced man for
general work on farm, flood
wages, room and board. Address
li t care Nows-ltevlew.
WAN ll'I'D Young man. IS lo 20
years old. handy with carpenter
tools, lo learn sash and door work.
Apply to J. O. Flook Co.. If you
mean business.
KILL DELIVERY 4 to ft. 40c,
3 to 4 ft. 2iC. 2 to 3 ft. l.r,o. Don't
pay more. Write. If I don't call
on you. II. L. Ellis, Itosehu'rg, Or.
All grass, weeds and rubbish must
be rut and cleaned from the pro.n
I ;os of all city residences by May 17.
I' is the desire of the city officials to
have the eo-oporatlon of every prop
erty owner In this mnttor.
1). It. Sll VMHROOK.
City Marshal.
FOUND Auto license tngs. One of
them No. 27327, the other 52100.
These tags may bo had at News
llevlew office on payment of ad
vertising foes.
i'Oi: SALE -Piano, furniture, range,
beater, fruit jars., woodcutter's
i.utlU and guns, all In A-l condi
tion. Kane and High Sts. Rev.
Starmer house.
OR SALE Pure bred Ohio Im
proved Chester White weanling
pigs: also 2 six months boar;.,
priced right, with or without pa
pers. O. S. Hoacb, Urockway, Ore
To Kllbud
v. i r Honbest left this morn
ing for Ulllard, where she will spend
the week end visiting with friends,
itoluins to Sutbeilin
t ft llA.lcyu ratlimPII tlllfl &f-
flirs. J a.
lernoon to Sutherlln after attending
to business matters in mis cny.
Hero l.'rom Oakland
r c wt t ,iwic was a Hose
Mia. vr. ...
linn visitor toduy. returning to Oak
land on the afternoon train.
p.. V.itirjilljft-
Mr Mrs. Hugh Warner ro-
. 1 nFrornnnn tn Yoncalla
luiueu nt" ..-. -- -
after spending several days In thib
IVf-iiiiiir. ft."..v ..... .
a,-.. 1 r. V.ttrartnn left II11S a.
aiia. ...
f.. utt.hrltn. where she ro-
sldes. after visiting In this city tor
a short time.
rhrtstt.Tii rtassmusscn, aseo is
. n nnl UD M I IOII III 11 lK . lUtllO
imin, n .
......I Ma riorlnratinn of intention to
take out naturalization papers.
11. ..a t.i liillur.l
tta awii-q i.nwis left tuts morn
i .... nnlnr.l whnrA cbe wilt snend
tho week end visiting at tho homo of
her parents who reside at mai piaci.
II. ..u. i...,.m lil.lllin
t.,.i n w TiMrtle. .T. Tt. Dean
and W. S. Phillips were visitors In
the city today from Riddle. They all
report fruit conditions very favorable
Mr n,,rl Mrs Tnseoh Shocklev left
iiii mornlnir for Medford, where
they will spend several days attend
ing to business matters. Mr. Shock
ley is connected with the Klum ad
ertislng agency.
1 -nnCAU II..C,lt.ll
Mr. Aii'n Mreiiiipns ni l niii.iiiii.
who has been confined to Mercy hos
pital convalescing from an operation
nerformed some time ago by Dr.
Sether was this mornlnir. released
ind will leave soon for her home.
To Ashland
. .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph nittcr left
this morning for Ashland, where
they will visit for a few tiavs borore
continuing on to California where
hoy expect to make an extended so
lemn. They have been residing in
bis city for the past few months,
(lo'nir to Vngene
O. V. Winiberly, of the Internal
revenue department, arrived here to-
1ny from Eugene, whore lie is at
nresent located. His family will ae--ompany
him to Eugene Sunday nnd
emaln there for some time. During
heir absence from this city their
home will he occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Wlmberly.
Start Smoke. Screen
A lt(ur,,l ex.nlro aro,n I'll thrnffll
nn a few miles west of lloseburg to
day where slashings were being
burned. The smoke covered the en
ire valley and gave the residents a
furs! ate of some real summer
weather. Slashings are being burned
all over the county at the present
time In order to eliminate all pos
sible causes of forest fires, and this
fact is responsible for the smoke now
present In the atmosphere.
Russell, Gilbert & Co.
Quinby's California
211 North Jackson
i'lcnlc Postponed
The junior class of the local high,
;chool, who had arranged for a pic
to be eiven this evening ill honor
3f tho graduating class, today de
filed to postpone mo unun uum
icxt week, owing to the great num
er of pupila who spent today in Hid-.
Ilo in attendance at the baseball
;ame there. It had been planned to
to at supper time and oat luncn near
own by the river, owing to mo
, H.O ntenie. will orob-
ibly not be held till tho latter part
if next week.
KHLiim. Hlin in no . .
...... .i.uu.u iutiuua win be ttJg(,
A large crowd from all uni '.
country was expected, ir.i jt
tions were made to enteruailt
Bert Itoss, of CanyontlBt,
tho day in Roseburg.
Many Attend
Considerably over twenty cars.
Hied with pupils of the local high
ehool and townspeople, ion m.o
iiornlng for Riddle to attend the
sawball game and festivities neici ai
hat place today. Many also left on
he morning train, a,
nA 1... Hid 1. t.l.lln schools, was
.( . .i "
wheduled for the morning program,
with a basket lunch at noon. In the
lfternoon tho Riddle H. a. oascDau
a'li will nieet !c vosemirg ngprr
The ehllilren nf St I.a,v..l
n ihm
WDalh., In U,.A k- . M
nuking (in.. 'iv. A.Lflouga a
rines not enil fnr ahn. i.
children doslred to hold to J
I11UUUI1 HI .ins lime. A line lit
eon was served at noon iti fa
ternoon a nrnernm m Aninni
lowed bjt the playing pi iotiJ
If von have snmpthlnf tn s
nn rlr t" Oi. V"n.BrJ
I am a Republican candidate for the office of Sherf
of this county, subject to tne decision oivoiers
at the Primaries, May 21st.
yp.. ., .
If nominated nd Wi
shall enforce the u (
vim or I may iitcrprellla
suit oiirselvesl but uvk.
spective of wliom UW"
affect. 1 am tne cannm
no class, clique or futii
rnn-A u men for inl
and my slogan will f
promiso of the K'M m w
islra'ioli I shall five tut
All la '.villi Interests nr.
c-verv pemon gets Kal'
. ',,. un,i no famrt
favors, public bustoesfc
In a courteous
lUIllIS ,,Ji --
t. ,1,1. ia tha kind v
form that nieeis yoorsH
help me to put 1"
Rivlng me Jour -
Prt- SAMff.ST
(Paid Adv.)
Says Oregon Lost
By Joining U. S.
AMwrt Ahrninni s.i u .1 iilnt a t.,r 1'
S. senator, has roturnod from attend
tho rolehration at Cliam
poei: wlur oiu-h ; r tho nttttoricnl
stuMi'ty holds a moolini! in honor nf
tlto first "elect ton" hold in tireqon.
.(Iniiic the Orepnn country with the
i I'ntted Sttites. I nder th londernliiii
I of Joe Meeker, an oarly trainer.
about 100 men. const. tulip th'
ma. lor portion of tho resident of the
tate, met at Champoe and hy a
ote of o0 to 62 do "ide J to join Ih-J
w. m
4 lsw . rUffi. a
FOltl) FOlt SALK 5 passenger, A I Ulir7A NkHvI I 5
some extras, rur, i good, tires In J .Tie 11 1 IllZc all 1 1 1 f.
good condition, $275 tf you hurry. J ftVfx 1 v Vf 4
Oon't stop to write, come and get J f
It It's well worth the money, f. for 3 4
11. II. Owen. Oakland. Ore. f. A
roil SALE 200 White Leghorn d A.IE ! tk
baby chicks. May 2t hatch. O. A. A w .
0. and Tancred strain. Hatching: Zt Contest starts May 2, and will E'
vti!3 111 case lots. lionnle Vlew,J close May 15. We will give 50 K
Fa-m. Roseburg, Ore. Phone K t0 tll0 pprson handing In the f.
1"-F.l. j J most appropriate name for the f '
K present Nachter Grove, whicn m
FOlt SM.K Oil RENT 12, 3 and 4 4 s to become another of Rose- A
r. old Iielalnos: 29 S-yr. old Mer 4 bun's beautiful lesldent oe. Zt
s: 21 2-yr. old Cotswolds: 10 A tions. Bi
I n it mil i.tiieuiiii. . i r. m r apn ner.nn la oniuiAH n
4 nm
old weitbers: 2 registered Lincoln
bucks: t fotswold buck: 1 gride
Lincoln: l.'it) lambs with ewes.
Will tnke car as part puvment.
Zipp. ",27 Mill St.
Tori SAI.F; 200 acres. 140 under
plow. r.O In cop: 170 csn be put In
cultivation: 100 leved creek bot
tom: Improvements fair; good
home orchard: Implements. croi
ind most of household roods: 21
four-year-old sheep. i"i spring
lambs, one cow and calf. to hoes:
hinder, mower, rake, disc, snring
tooth smoothing harrow, 2 plows,
i horse cultivators. platform
scales Pv;re tl 3.500 $7500 cash.
The Broken MelodS
A (ti lpplns. Un UlIng ilnima of human cmot'os
Fatty Arbuckle
in "THE HAi55S
Sattinliiy: (ilmln Swniison In "You Can't Believe
one name only and must be
mailed in between tho riatra nf
May 2 and May li Inclusive.
f 1
LlXDs sF
The Fear Markei