Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 07, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    rnrr..r, mat i, iat.
Ugued Dolly Except Sunday.
L, Wlwbsrlj
Ucrl U. tlot
U. W. Bales
DUy. per year, by mil. . !
Dully, six months, by mail. ... "v
by Cairwr. per mouth
The Associated Press U exclusively
.mlltled to Ut, lua lor rv.-publlca.iou
Un u, diaoatchea credited tu II
..thrwlaa credited iu till
paper and also Uie looul news pub
i,.hH hare'ln. All rights of repubti-
catloo of sfwclal dmuatcliei buralu
ara also reserved.
Jtow'burK, lritn. May 7, Itt'JO.
The following lubacrlptlon
rate becoma effective April 1,
1920, for tlia News-Keview:
t Dally, one year by mall.... 4.00
Daily. 0 montha by mall.. 2. 00
Ily carrier, per montb 60
tall at odlca, per uiuuth.. ,36
TDK Hlliri'l.N'il I'UOitl.lM.
Increased production everywhere
In the went and Increased toiiKestlon
at many points In tbe east form a
problem with which the I'aelfle coast
shippers must Krnpple in earnest thus
joar. Huch is the conclusion of ex
perienced railroad men who have
r.iado a close study of the freight car
With the return of the railroads
to private control, transportation
lines generally are lending their ef
forts to catching up with the marked
Huortage of equipment. The South
ern I'uciric has announced that most
of the $30,0011,000 being expended
this year In improvements will ko for
rolling stock and motive power, the
greater portion of which will be con
Ktructed in the company's shops in
California. While much of thlt.
equipment will be available this yeai
the Southern Pacific for example re
porta that during the first three
months of this yenr. It has moved SJ
per cent more traffic than for Hit
corresponding p?rlod of the year be
fore. If tliis ratio of increase hold.
good, even with the new equipment
avatluble shippers will have to gel
the most use out ol every car. If
serious shortage is to bo avert d
Western railroads are believed to he
In much better shape than msny linei.
In the east and middle west, but it lh
pointed out that car supply works on
the principle of an endless cluiyi, and
the delays anywhere will hold up
the supply at nil points. How ship
pers may help themselves in this Im
I'ortntit matter is being explained b
Southern l'aciflc operating mid truf
fle men, who advocate a campaign
all over the Pacific Count for better
uho of cars. In the United Slates
there nr about 2.4:.2,000 freight
cars now In uho. These nro rolling In
traipn, loaded and etnply only !:0:i
per cent of the time. They average
11.29 per cent time loading and
11.21) per cent being unloaded, If
c-very car (s released before demur
rage starts. The balance of tiM.ilfi
per cent is waste time, due to repairs,
hwitchlng and unnoeessar delay
One hour saved corn day for i-aih
car would equal 2,4.V.J,nuo car lim.r
rer day. Dividing thin figure by L !
(hours per day) it Is self-evident
that the public would have over
102.000 additional cars to use thru
this simple saving of one hour per
car each day.
This It Is pointed out would relieve
1iisinpn of a lari;e proportion nf the
present car shortage and directly
speed up production for the entire
country In a verv effective way. Fur
ther siving could be effected by load
ing cars to inp.icl'y, leaking two cars
do the work nf ihre... Load full, lead
fast and reler:;,! crs promptly
should be the slogan for Paclfn
coast shippers. If they would help
. - - A 4
then efforts tbe Sisters of Mercy
should receive tbe loyal "Prt ' i ? srI)lv vr TUt niVIU'IlW.
tha community at large. The hoi- SI .!
lltal has not been a paying piupoae
Hon for years, oui rogaruiB vi n -e.,ct
It Is aluable asset and should
receive liberal support In any un
dertaking that Is proposed to put H
ou a higher plane.
THE hOtht;i!S
I'll VKK.
Enid, pica's; don't let tins town
rrow. I've been here for many years
;nd during thut lime I've rouk'hl
very public Improvement. I '.'
knocked everything and everybody.
'o firm or individual has established
i business here without my doing all
! could to put them out of business.
I've lied sbout them, and would Isve
stolen from them if 1 bad the cour-
ge. I have done all I could to keen
he town from growing and never
iiave spoken a good word for it. I've
i nocked hard, and often. I've put
ishes on the children's slide and hac
trade the marshal stop the boys play
ing ball on my vacant lot. Whenever
I saw anyone prospering or enjoying
themselves I've started a reform to
:.ill the business or spoil the fun. 1
lon't want the young people to stay
in this town and I will do all I can
Ky law, rule and ordinance to drive
them away. I am against building
l new chuiv.'i even though 1 gave
nothing. I have always fought ball
nlayiiig. shuws, dancing, amusements
,n the Koiirth of July. It pains ir.o.
') Uird, to see that In spite of my
1. nocking, the town Is growing and
,omn day I fear I will l.e called upon
it put cement walks In front of my
!aeo and who knows but what I may
lave to help keep up t!i" streets thai
un by my premises? This would be
inure than I ran bear. It would cost
n e money Itiougn I nave num.- un .
i.uve rich! here. Then. too. more
iiennle may come If the town grows,
which would cauae me to b'?e some
if my pull. I ask, therefore, to kp
his town at a standstill, that I may
ontlnue to be one of the chiefs.
There Is no more valuable asset
fo a city thin a go-id hospital. And
there la probnbly l.-ia interest taken
In the welfare of an Institutlo'i of
this Iclnd by the public generally
than In any other enterprise In the
community. As n rule people are
too prone to recoitnize the ni:my
benefits derived from a well equip
ped, well regulated and mo, lorn lit
tle hospital such as has been con
ducted In this ritv Hut on the
other hand, they are always wltlitu'
and ready to accept any criticism
directed at these worthy homes '
refuge for afflicted nfnnklml. It I
quito true, and tins only of recent
occurrence, that M"rcv lloairiin! v.-
brought Into the limelight 'tor vil
lous altered ahnrtcnmlnirs in refer
enco to the treatment : rcorded cer
tain patients, but this has been
remedied. we underst.nd, and
should In no way any reflec
tion on the true Intent and snlili
that Is behind th's pu'd r Insttiii
tlon and those whose untiring ef
forts have been spent In bringing
the hospital up to the highest stand
What Mercy hospital needs more
than anything else at this tin,.. .
little; connection from the ctt-i-eiis
ann business men of Hoseburg Thl
home for the afflicted has passed
thniuch a series of misfortunes the
past few years and no one with the
poss'hle exception HI two or three
Individuals, has offered In any wav
fo lend a helping hand. An attempt
la now being made to repair the
building nnd It is the hope of the
nospnsi autnorities that other Im
provements of a suhst mtial nature
can be made, thus putting the struc
ture In a modern and more sub
(tantlal ahape to accommodate Its
many patrons pot only from Rose,
barf but tha county at large. In
Formerly cities nnd towns would
wtrlt for vears for some needed im
provement. be.-iiue th"V could lint
get the money. Then by the tlmi
the people coud a ford to pay for It
the opportunity had often passed.
Today many places are taking hold
of improvement propositions by
community work. At Heading, Mass,,
for Instance, 2000 citizens have
turned out on several days to lay
out and construct a new park cov
ering 11 acres. A Jolly dinner was
erved at noon to all workers. One
of the many jobs accomplished was
planting 20t'0 trees and shrubs. This
kind of thing accomplishes Improve
ments that had been regarded as
Impossible. In a good many places
i hey irro Improving their highways
In IhiB manner.
Formerly It took great learning
to become a clergyman. Now you
hnvn to understand poultry keeping
and .othpr means of ekelng out your
scanty salary.
Tho women who mourn about the
lack of servants mndo housework
unpopular ny refusing for many
yours to touch a bit nf It themsolves.
If tho girls decline to cultivate
tho back yard Just try tho effect of
giving them a stylish new garden
cost nine.
It Is claimed that I he government
has a lot of superfluous clerks. If
so. they must be very eanflul not to
work too hard and get out of a Job.
ilw Pro-d'ytrrtnn tliiirth, Jac't
son aid Lane sJ-ei. E. W. V. ""-'
ton miiils'er !n the mouth of Maj
romi-i Mother's Day. """or mother
scire difinite way S mday. .Vakc
!t .,ss:bU for her to attend church
s-nire or picj-e t,-r by attending
voi.r-Htr. a. in., Sunday school,
, A II ureharj. Supt. tUaditone said.
The .Sunday school is the world's
gnatest Institution foi studying the
vvc.iid'a greatest book.'' 11 a. in..
Mother's i)av service. .Special feat
ures 7 p. m Endeavor service led
by Miss l'a Bellows. 8 p. m. ser
i.ion, ' The I nvelllng of the Word."
The choir wilt sing a siteclal number
and lead the song service. The prayer
meetings on Wednesday evening a.
t o'clock are characterized by a large
aitcndaii'-e and deep Interest.
Christian (liureli, Pine and Wood-
oor.l streets, ft. H. Hilton, minister
Next .Sunday. .Mother s Day. will he
observed in the church and Hlble
school. The pastor will preach In
the morning on the theme, ' The
Valueless .Mother. Full of Faith
The evening theme will be, "The
Short lien and the Narrow Cover."
Mbs Ituth Wilcox will sing the spe
rlnl song at the morning service.
HiMlo school at 9:4T. The IllblC
school Is maintaining a high stand
ard hi work and attendance, and will
have four delegates at the state con
vention Y. P. S. C. E. uT 7 o'clock
subject, "Cultivating High Ideals,'
Lender, Miss Adna l.ynutn. A cor
dial In v it tlon Is extended the pub
Itev. C. II. Hilton will preach ai
C-reen Sunday afternoon and will
give a Mother's Day sermon.
The Vint Iloptlst Omrch, I.ane
and Hose streels, J. II. Dickson, pas
tor. Illble school at 9:4"i, U. P. Co-
-,how, superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11 a. m.. with preaching by
tho pastor. This will be Mother's
Pav. Special music by the choir. II.
V. P. I'. will meet at 7 p. m. Even
ing worship at 8 p. m. Live song ser
vice at this service. Come and help
in singing. Prayer meeting In the
liuptlst church Wednesday evening
lit 7:30.
Service at Pino drove Sunday af
ternoon at 3 p. m. Let all interested
this service be on hand. W. r.
Yhoinas will speak.
There will be service at Melrose
Sunday afternoon at 2:30. J. H.
Dickson will speak. Service will be
i:eld in the selioolhouse.
I'll-sl Church of Christ, Scientist
Services nro held each Sunday morn
lug nt 11 o'clock and Wednesdav
f venitig at s o clock, this ineetlnfc
Includes testimonies of healing. Sun
day school convenes each Sunday
corning nt 9:45, all up to the age of
20 years are Invited to attend. The
rending room In the rear of the
church building is open daily except.
Mintlays a:id holidays from 2 to 4
p. m. The public Is cordially in
vited to attend this meeting and visit
the reading room. Subject of Sun
day's losson is "Adam and Fallen
Seventh, Day Admit M.- Elder J.
A. Itlppoy, president of the Southern
Oregon Conference, will conduct the
service Sunday morning at 11:30. A
At Dlllnrd--Sunday school at HI
m. Sermon by Itev. S A. Danford.
llstrlct superintendent. at II a. m.
Epwnrth League at 7 p. m. Sermon
by Key. Itlslmn at 8 p. m.
Reception of members. A era Ions
revival of old time Methodism is in
regress nt this place, with a goodly
ember of convoru having been act
alle convened.
At Ten Mile -Sunday s hoo! ut in
. 11. Itev. Danford. district suoerln-
! ndent, will preach here nt i : :!o p.
At Looking Class - Sunday school
il in a. m.
R'si:i;i iu;
'nnc nii rrp rn ill kind. ,,r Piimi.
ina I'livrr I'isiiuft. , I'fiunc ytsir
rder I Hit L
'.u.d W wtlc-n.e -suits M worshlp-
and study the U'-'e wlin us. Mi-Loi.ii-.vood,
I MeilKKlIrt CUiu-ch. .utb. James
' E fonder, paster Sunday school.
!,:,.-, a. m. Preaching. 11 u. '.
! Mother's Day. Junior LcaKue. 2:30
p. in. Senior League. 7 p. ill. Preach
.... c ... The presiding elder,
i n.fc. e
Kev W J. reac-n. will preach. Quar
Merly onfeten e Saturday evening at
j , o'clock. All n.ein oers are requested
! ;o be present. Thj public Is cordial-
vl iuviied to attenu oui m--i""-
Hint M. t himli. Main and
Lane streets. F. W. Keagy. pastor.
9:45 a. m., Sunday school, J. A. wal
ker, Supt. 1 1 a. ni preaching. Sull
ied, "Mother's Hay." ' P- ni., Ep
worth leaet'C. 8 p. m.. preaching,
'heme, "Tho Soul's consciousness of
Cod." I et us uiake Sunday service
the greatest dav this year. Why?
He.-ause It Is .Mothers Day. Our
mothers loved liod, the Illble and the
Chuich. Ut us follow In their foot
steps. Every man and woman should
attend church next Sunday somi
vhere. You owe 11 to your mother,
your Cod and the community. What
you say? Let's go. You are cordial
ly Invited to attend our service.
If you have something to sell or
rent try an Adv. in the .Vw-Revtew
telrbrtite Kirt Anniversary
1 a pleasant time was enloyed at the
'home of Mr. and Mrs. Rooerl D. Pet
Iruskn. Wednesday oveulu. May 6,
the occasion bolng the.fJrat annlver
' ary of their wedding. The evening
'va spent i;i caids. JHefreshmenU
iv.ere se. ve l i t the close of the games.
iTh me pr. Ae' t wore Mr. nnd Mrs.
i Peter Ballf. IV.her Antiiony. Fa'hor
'Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. Koenlg and
!jo-Tb Galarneau.
(Paid Advertisements.)
I beieby announce my candldacv
for renomlnation on the republican
ticket for sheriff of Douglas county
subject to the approval of tho voter
at the primary election to be held In
May, 1920. CEO. K. QUINE.
I am hereby announcing my can
didacy for nomination on the repub
llcan ticket as representative from
Douglas county subject to the aii
proval of the voters at the primary
election In May, 1920.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for election as Joint representative
of Douglas and Jackson counties
subject to tho will of the voters of
the republican party at the primary
nominating election to be held May
21, 1920. CHAS. F. IIOl'KINS
This anonunces that I am a can
didate for nomination of represen
tative from Douglas county, subje.:i
to the endorsement of republican
voters at the primaries. May 21
1920. AIlTHl'K II. MARSH
FOK (X)l'XTY Jl'lHiK
I desiro to announce my candl
dacy for the offico of County Judge
for Dotiilas County, subject to in
approval of the republican v.irs a;
t'.o fr;ui-" election May 21.
I desire to anounce myself a can
didate for the offico of county sur
veyor of Douglas county, subject t(
the aproval of the republican voter
a, the primary election.
r . C. r HKAR,
I desire to announce my candi
dacy for the office of County Asses
por for Douglas county, subject to
thv approval of the republican vot
ers nt tbe primary election Mav 21
I wish to submit my name to the
rtopublican voters of Douglas Coun
ty for the nomination to tho offic
of Comity Clerk at the primary
election 10 De neiu aiav zi. i'j'0.
The End of a Perfect Day
. i
i c 1 in
M 1 if bmm
This announces that I am a can
didate for re-election to the offica
of county school superintendent,
subject to the will of the voters at
the republican primaries.
1 hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination as County Com
missioner, northern district, on the
republican ticket, subject to tho ap
proval of tha Douglas oounty voters
at the primary election to be held In
tf. Yoccalla, Oiegon.
I hereby anonunco that I will be
a candidate at the May primaries
on the republican ticket for nomina
tion of treasurer of Douglas county.
Announcement Is bercby made
that I will be a candidate for nomi
ur'ion of treasurer for Douglas
County on the republican ticket,
subject to the decree of the voters
at the May primaries. 1920.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for tbe Republican nomination
for Representative for Douglas
county. A. E. SHI It I A.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for nomination for County Commis
sioner, subject to the approval of the
Republican constituency of Douglas
county at the election May 21, 1920.
If nominated and elected I will, dur-
ng my term of office, conduct the
affairs of the county in a safe and
onservative business manner, with
lust and equal consideration for ail
Elkton, Oregon.
No Mending for Six Month
pvUBBELBILT Clothe s ar9 with
S thickness of cloth wherever wear comes-doulU
stitchinrj and other distinctive Dubbelbilt featara
These make possible t!:e famous Dubbelbilt piaranS
Six months' wear, without rip, hole, tear; orsuUaxC
repaired free.
Good style, too. All the popular colors and mk
?14.7S-?16.75-?lS.7S-S20.7S-and upward, ,
S36.75. . -
Complete Boys Outfltlnu Department. Dress them m hen. .
make them look right,
Asnowncemont of my candidacy
for nomination of Sheriff of Doug
las county on the republican ticket
Is hereby made, subject to the ap
proval of the qualified voters at the
primary election in May. 1921).
I hereby announcs my candldacv
for reelection to tiio office of Coun
ty Clerk, of Douglas Couuty, subject
to the will of the voters of the De-1
mocratlc Party at the primary no
minating election to be bold May
?1, 193U.
Announcement Is hereby made
that I will be a candidate for no
mination of Justice of the Peace for
Deer Creek district, subject to the
approval of the republican voters,
at the May, 1920, primaries.
OEO. .lONEft
I hereby announce my candidacy
for county commissioner for Doug
las county on the Democratic ticket.
J. F. O'Mara,
I hereby announce thaj. I am a
"andldate for nomination on the re
publican ticket for representative,
subject to endorsement of nualified
voters at the primary election May
I am a oandldate for renomlnation
on the Republican ticket, for Cor
oner of Douglas County, subject to
the approval of the nualified voters
at the primary election In May 1920.
I submit my name to the Republi
can voters of Douglas county for
nomination to the otlice of County
Commissioner at the primary elec
tion to be held May 21, 1920.
"For and with the producers of
the couiiiy. Lowest possible tax with
ci,!i3;r,;eiit progression. All road dis
tricts to have their Just amounts
and in proper time to Improve their
roads, and in accordanc with the de
sires of the people interested. A fair
price for labor, with fair results."
t her I v a .uo jnce my candidacy
for non nutiou on the republican
tickot f..r commissioner of Doug
las cou! y, subject to the verdict ol
the vot -s at the primary election
May 21, 1920.
tho Primarv Rhviinn i.ll.
the 2lst day of May, i!i. J
"l' "u eieciea I va a
county bualneu ttmM
v.ltliout sectional faToriusa 1
wuip imimy count? mu ki
ance. exnend th lui.u. .
county road bond issue, utiirJ
upyui uuueu, miner erndett si
vision ana win secure u ;
nual audit o( account! Im
port Is solicited. J.CLttiia
o .
I will be a caodiiUtdvaisl
publican nomination, ta nmrf
self, as District Attorsey Ism
las Couuty, Oregon, al 4i nr.
nominating election heWniu;
1920, your supsort win k of
f herehv annnnnni mr a
as representative to the kw
rrom the 4th llepresenutm
IVftnirtna Pmtntv Dr.mH II
mary election to be belo Hi
lu2ft BiihiMt trt th iDnran
electors of the republican a
J. J. KLvn
I submit my nanuttiM
1 1 raiic voters ui vubsim
niiie'iiiK-K u me nepu ui lean vol-i the nomination of uouiiiwj
crs ot Lo iglas county, Oregon, thatlslouer at the primarj e!Ml
I am a y , .1 1 .4 m n , .
of county, to b nominated at 1 WW tW
si.voesis , -.- T,,r
Cuarantee Fund Life Ass'n
ri.. ;,:;.";,
"" ' )r-s, partuaat to :iS:
Total premium Ini-in, fr the
't.-.-i.-ei liurlm Tlie -r.... V, ,,
Total Income . .
..... llliof'iiienln.
i v.; 'z; ;'r; a-.:.. .n
"ei." -s." ;, ;r "In" ni"
Inrrt-aNf. n RmcrKcnrr Relrrvr l amti
Ienth Iimn Paid
Total Nw Innarnnre Iftnurd
Total Invnranoe In Force, i:nd of Year
ii.iwi.oo fj
Pure Life Insurance Protection
'RKR from "In vrstmonf ff aturM-prp''n A
e linrrnl provts-lons and at a mo
Totitl xpenJlturit . , .
' nf
... """"mi. rirt
1 sr.! on'h'an.V
'tflt hijf.r.,
' -.t t .r
91 4? OrtT J.
1 $ ,
r. .i ,i., ' ;
J vv tauiius '''i'm.
(H'it roi.tcins are V
' eei uieie rnvprnrp mnr. m.r. nrne
n:lum averace cost, about $16 per $1000
Look at this evidence and there's plenty more:
rKTEHS TP.fST Co.. Omaha (rnpltnl nnd surnlii. 1 "V'I'.'.ij
;"'-We hove the very hlirhest reS,.rl for the O.
Life Association of Omaha. Mo3t ef thp priiK i.ial JJm
c irry li' .-;nce to Oieir limit In tills Assorlat'rin. vv e t
ijenenil hlRti hrinrlnlrs iiD.m whleh the huiiini'ss ef lh i- -i
M K-ted. The prliielpnl officers of tho Association, with vrnmni
n-uuumte,l. , e !, mfn Bm) n rur judKnient have oui1" '
"ii a auhrtanllal and firm foiindatlen. We are tiieas.-d ' rant
t inipanj to any who may be seeking protection throueh n"
. RKIXSfltAXCE UFR CO., Pes Moines (a Wa! rejrv. tJJJ,i
April s. 132ii: . . ..We reKard the Ouarsntee fund Li" ,
a e"i-tit as one of our best ones, and we have r. ItKurm re; w(,
.'Is date, aiiproxiinately One Million an t Thrte-nu irlfrs 01
ere enterirc into our contract with the ;uarnt.- f'S,-,! sf;
I resident. Ir. J. M. Kmery. who was a member of the
"Iiiint, mil an Actuary of arknnwledKed ability. tt;; w
..lies collected by ihcm r.d f.iund Ihenl To tit- ' 'l" ,-iia
t 's.b!e the contract whereby ihe Onnrsntee Lite ,
", .uru !'" t . salely and sattsiaclorily with aT Z,t ,n i
i.t lnp v.iinr.uitee hnnrl l.lle are me e.i .- ,.d on :m --,i
i. o, her i ompanles f..r reinsurance, and these rte f
'irrience Table of Mortality, ai,' Intel'"'. :',., fnif " .1
- .... ,, accumulate and malnt:iin nfi" , ' in i
.'.r..Wrrt o'.llatln. The enirlnation end !.n.iiv,J V,.i-
, .- Guarantee Kund Life As-eciatlon f;,,n' ,r. to P5 srl
-. .u.ieus sutllcleut nr:m uni. from Its ' '"r ....t - I
hive I
"i V."J?,'; f
their p
and tht?n rati ! a" . t-.T ,
alnt:iin p s"v' r.a l" tne ion on.1 :,n.lvi. j,0.j.-'
t pay tlie nrtrnium-i ri?qi.:( by th lnjurncf -virsn-
3na it thorpforr naturally folic), that
..'ii ,he rntP charKe! bv th CuarAntco N
-i.iitiy adequate fur Dure life Drottcllru. for whtca
iVPiinwiTinv tt iTiini T OIlI.lfsATIOS w-ff
r . ' ' isnal r m
v(-nin(r for renponslblo application-writer with or
GEO. A. LOVF.TOY. Testem??
Phone I3roadvay 1 723 Pittock Dlk., Pi