Bnsroraq nw.Kwmw, ttutay, apbit, so, tao Mini TRKwa Hf You Want ' 1 ' 3-' 1 One-Day Service Best Possible Finishing, Personal Attention Clark's Studio On your films, leave them at the KODAK DEPARTMENT-.. Roseburg Natl Bank Building. BRAND FLOUR for every purpose. BLENDS MAM FRIEND" Costs More Per Sack Costs Less Per Loaf This trade phrase which we have adapted tells, in t nutshell, why the housewife should buy BLEND FLOUR. It may cost you a few cents more per sack because it costs us just that much more to produce. It costs you less per loaf because actual baking tests, scientif ically made, demonstrate that it bakes more and larger loaves of better bread to the given amount than other flours. Made of choicest Eastern Hard Wheat and the choicest of .Western Wheats Stfln BLEND is a perfect flour for ever purpose as good for cakes and pastry as for bread. Manufactured in "America's Finest Flouring Mills" by Fisher Flouring Mills Company Seattle .Bellingham Portland. Tacorxu Mt. Vernon LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION Get your orders in now and be prepared. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Write for prices stating quantity wanted. Sutherlin Fruit Products Co. BLTHfcJUJX, OKEGOX. I Yacht Regatta At Erie In July TOLEDO, Ohio, April SO. The Interlake Yachting association made a radical departure at Us annul meet ing at Vermillion, O., when the members voted to hold the 1920 re fcretta at Erie, Pa. The dates are July 11 to 17. For the past Beveral Yciirs the rcRratta baa been held at Put-Jn-Uay Island. The dates were set a wek earlier than usual to permit yacht man to take part in the International chal- lcnge races oft New York the fol lowing week. Kum On In And have your battery tested at our free testing station. Or maybe you need a new battery, if so get our prices ktfore buyinfi elsewhere. Special attention to Truck Tin work prompt service at right prices. TIMS, TUBES and ACCESSORIES Rose burg' Garag'e Now li tbe time to haya jour piano artistically tunsd. C. H. Arundol, phono 189-L, 2 years In ternational eiparlenca. For Toothache, Xeuntlirla, Pain, Odds, Headache. WE SELL Edison MADZA LAMPS Douglas County Iight!and Water Co. Big Tourist Season Looms Tourist travel, which at that pret erit time is quite brisk, appears to be ciiletly tit a northerly direction. A large number of the tourists speut the a inter in California and are now ou their way home to tillforent places in the northwest. However not all of Hie travel la in Unit direction an a great many tourists art going south, also. Uarage and service men are expecting- a greet deal o' p-H work this spring and are laying In supplies. The democratic convention In San Francisco in Juue is vpuvivu to attract a lance number from Washington and the northern part of Oregon, and at least a portion of those going to that moetlug will travel by auto. During the last part of May there will also be the cara van from Seattle to Stockton and that will atop for a night In Rose burg. over 100 cars being expected. These events together with a larger tourist travel than ever before meana a aeason of prosperity for the garage men and will doubtless be a "big benefit to tbe merchanta and all other resldenta of the city. chairs, a table, a small bed and a bicycle on which he everitsed every luorniug. f KXKMV OK WOIUUJK8. C E. Convention At Myrtle Creek The Douglas County Christian En deavor convention will be held at Myrtle Creek on Tuesday. May 4, and It Is expected that it will be one of the best county conventions held for several years. C. C. Whoohwho, field representative of the Christian F.n deavor World, a publication dealing with tbe affairs of the organization, will be present and will be one of the principal speakers. A good pro gram is being arranged and tue an nual election of officers will be held. Tlilss Florence Kohlhagen now holds 'the position of president, and Miss Lenox is secretary ana treas urer. Delegates will attend from ( -Aland. Sutherlin and Roseburg. "I still get letters from m," said lan Cloud, editor of the Montesano (Wash.) Vldette, as he chatted wlih ; friends yesterday in the lobby of the Multnomah hotel, en route home I from a business trip to R-.ddle. "Yes Indeed. 1 am remembered by the 'wobblies.' and every now and then some one it' 'em writes to tell me that both I and my paper should be suppressed." Time was wnen the Centralis murders wero causing cos tic comment In the Washington press and later during the 1. W. W. I trial at Montesano. that the radical , missives to Dan Cloud threatened , complete suppression, such as deuth i In unpleasant ways. Whereupou. having perused such a rommuntca- It ion always ut.tilgned Dan use to fill up his brier ugalu and write an other editorial to flay the thick hide of the enemy. Some of Dan's edl , tafia! a at'meved unexpected circula tion during the I. W. W. trial, when the attorney for the defense read 'them into record during the examin ation or yenlremen. Montesauos friendly and capable editor Is a for mer city newspaperman who sought health and recreation in a country town. Portland Oregontnn. Consecration is not wrapping one's self In a holy web in the sanctuary; H Is going Into the world and using Vvery power for God's glory. Henry Y ard lieecher. I 4ft I K BAD BREATH -rTVM'maWraWfoiiaa.iira-riir-rii-i I i0 YOU YMIfT your friends to avoid you? They i . . win certainly do so when your breath is bad. 1 here is no excuse for anyone having a bad breath. It Is caused by disorders of the stomach which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after years of suffering. Trice 25 cents per bottle. mm ji i" ili - a a a m si m w r a r 1. VI ni'Ill Wl I aTa 1 I I 1 aVtl any legal subdivision will be offered Electric Juice To Provide Ja For Sick Headache The quota for the Near East Hollof la not complete. All those wishing to contribute please bring contribution to heudiiuarters tl. Abraham's store), so we may close cam- palgn. A Constipation, Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Biliousness, Bloating, Gas, Coated Tongue, take that wholesome physic FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLET! Act promptly. Never diisppoint. Mild and gentle in action. Do not gripe or nauseate. No costive after etfects. Mr., twtd Ante. Vi; "I had 14 nd look two KulryCathtic T.blctfc la a abort wbila, my bead .topped .cbins." Sold Everywhere. PK01ESS10NAL CARDS Yon ant relief quickly and aafe Iv! Then insist on BaveT Tableta of Aspirin." stamped with the "Bayer Cross." Hie name "Bayer means you are citing gennlne Aspirin prescribed i.v nhvsiclans for over eighteen years, and proved sale by millions of peo-;Bcl pie. For a few centa you can get a tmdr tin box of genuine "Bayer T!.i.t nf Aspirin. ' containing twelve tablet. Drjggtsta also k-ii trmely rannea. i tioL-Ar nlt. rpf Asnirln la trhM anrl nausea. .7-. v V. Ke II- SAN FRANCISCO. April 30. I 'Possibility of producing all the I symptoms of alcoholic intoxication on j electric "Juice" attracted a goou neai of interest here when Dr. Albert A brains of San Francisco demon strated to medical men the use of an electrical device he has invented. The "electronic Jag" discovery was purely Incidental, Dr. Abrams said. "The discovery," he said, "is based on the theory that the nnlt of energy Ih the electron and that every ma terial thing is simply a manifestation of different types of vibration. 1 have used the vibrations of chloro form to produce the effects of chloro form Itself." The feet of the subject are placed on a sheet of line, an electrode Is placed upon the head, and, when the current is turned on, one newspaper writer said: "John Barleycorn Is with you acaln. The 'kick' comes slowly and without any appreciation of the fact on the part of the sub ject until he finds himself undnly loquacious, happy or sleepy." Road Conditions Are Improving Tourists passing through Rosehurg pronounce the roads at the present time to be In fairlv good condition. Smith hill, over which autoes have beon towed practically all spring. Is now dry and although rouah. Is passable. The same Is true of the Canyon road near Canynnvllle and he red clav hills north of Oakland. Cars, however, are coming through without assistance and are mnklng good time. Only a few bad spots exist and otherwise the roads are In fine sbnpe. The auto stage to the coast is expected to start operation within about a week as the roads In that direction are rapidly drying up. Workmen in the Camas Valley section are engaired In making thai road passable and the stiee exnerttr to go through to Mvrtle Point short ly after the first oi me muuiu. . o ' Lives In Glass Box For Six Days CAMBRIUCK. England. April 12. Illy Malll Joseph Barcroft, a J reader of physiology at King's col lege here, has lived for six days In, a .hermetically sealed glass box. J The experiment arose out of a , ."0-year-old controversy as to, whether It is possible to calculate the amount of oxygen In the blond i from a knowledge nf Ihe amount of oxvgen In the breath. The teat was, also made to demonstrate whether, U waa necessary that airmen should have oxvgen apparatus when flying at great heights. u pruveu v i oxvgen was necessary to flvlnr men, but It did not show to what height j they could fly with safety. i While In the box Harcroft kept a, record of his sensations and made llflc observations, lie nam lie ; suffered from sleeplessness nut , otherwise did not experience mm n Inconvenience extent on the last dayi ahan ih. Atmosphere became ex-1 He Dad no neaa-' He was watched DH, n. P. llRAUKOliD WI'-'K Chiropractors, West Roseburg Phone 40K4. DR. Cl-Allt K. AI,I K- flentlst at 131 Perkins Building. Itus-burg Oregon. Office Hours: 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p. ui. Phone bb. MIW. V. D. OWK.N Cut Flowers. Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bouquets. Etc. Ill C St. For aala at the Fern. Phono 240, Roseburg, Oregon. DK. 8. ii. IH-I.AIT Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. Ph.iues office lit. residence 454-J. 31S 9 20 Perkins Building, Rowburg Oregon. DK. M. 11. PI. VI. hH Ciiliopriictlo Phye.clan, I'll W, Lane 8t. Wee trloal treatments. Hours 9 to 6. Phone 162 Office Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 4. Phones: Office. 171; Res.. 172. UK. LL'CETTA SMITH. PHYSICIAN Women and Children Diseases a Specialty. Office, Masonic Building. DK. O. A. HMITH, M. T. Successfully treats all diseases Consultation Free. Ladr attendant Office 404 N. Jackson. Phoue 122-J Hours 9 a. m. to i p. m. DR. H. W. TITl'S, D. M. I)., Dentist. Modern Equipment and Methods. Hours: t a. m. to 12 a. m.; 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings and Sundays by appointment. COTTAOK HKOVg, OREGON. KKItr.'a V' AI.ITV IWLTKV FFI'JDH. Are prepared under the direction )f Prof. C. 8. UrewBier, formerly oi the Poultry Department, Oregon Ag .-U'Ulturul College. They will muin- uln the health and vitality of youi Jock, huKii.-u Ihu growth of profit hie broilers and early laying pul lets and produce more eggs fron. our Inylrg flock. Kor growls- chicks use Kerr'i Chlch I'eed. Chick Developer Mush md Developing Scrntcn Feed. For laying hens use Kerr's Scratcl l'cd and Ekk Produced. For sule by vcrburgh Bros,, Rose urg, Oregon. Headquarters f"r poultrymon. separately borore being Included la any offer of a larger unit. T. 18 8., R. 1 W.. Sec. 7, Lot 2, fir 86 M., Lot 3. Or 300 At., not to be sold for less ' than J1.6U per M. T. Ill S., R. 1 W., Sec. S3. SW4 SW14. Or lOOt) M., BWhi. Or 107u M.. not to ne sold tor less than $1.76 per M. T. SI S.. R. 7 W., Sec. 11, NH NEVi, nr 616 M., sugar pine 36 M., none of the Or timber to be sold for Iras than il.25 per M., and none or the sugar nine timber to he sold tor less than 13.00 per M. T. 37 8.. R. 7 W See. 13, lot 6, Or too M , KWM HK'i. nr 600 M., pine 26 M., 9WV4 SE14, Or 2000 M., Lot 7, Or 1200 M., NBli4 SVi. Or 170 M., pine 170 M.. Ki SW!,, Or 1200 M., none of the Or timber to be sold for less than $1.26 per M., and none of the pine timber io be sold for less thau $2.60 per M. CLAY TALI.M AN, Commissioner General Laud Office. notice of si'kciai, ii:i;n.vt. til' rm'knoi,ii:nM. MITICK TO ritOI'I'.KTV OWNKltS. To avoid the llv nuisance In tho Hy. I v, u 1,1 usk that ail manure be hauled out and lime sprinkled ou tho ground. The marshal will visit all stubles and barns In ten days and enforce this measure. . W. 8. HAMILTON, Mayor. -o- Eeverythlng of tho best, and tho best of everylhing In our line. Fruits and Confectionery. Sort Drinks. Ice Cream and a full line of Luifh ii., s. Open evenings and hollduys. The Alcove, 1 1 8 N. Juckson St. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN- I MKNT TIMBER. Generul Land Of- , flee. Washington, D. C, March 26, 1920. Notice la hereby given that subject to the conditions and limita tions of the Act of Juno 9. 1916 (39 Stut., 218), and the Instructions of ;he Secretary of the Interior of Sep- Notlce la hereby given thnt pur suant to the order of Ihe Board of Directors of the Umpqna Valley Fruit Union, inae et a meeting of said directors duty called and held, a special meeting of the stockhold ers of the limpqtia Valley Fruit Colon Is called to be held at the nfffce of said Umpqua Valley Fruit Cnlon in the new pneklug house at the corner of West Washington street and the S. P. rallruad tracks in the City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, on Hatiirdny, the 15th day of Mny, 1920, at the hour of three o'clock p. in., and said meeting Is culled for the purpose of considering and voting upon the iiuestlon of dissolving said corpora tion and winding up Its affairs. Dated this 16th dry of April. 1920. S. D. COOI.EY, Secretary Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. NOTICIi OK STOCKHOLDERS! Mi:i:rii. Notice Is hereby given lhat pur- ember 10. 1917. the timber on the i"int to I ho by-laws o the Umpqua ollowlng lands will be sold May 12. 1 Valley Fruit Union and Hie order of 1920. at 10 o'clock a. in., at public'" "u"ru " r" " , ""! .,.tin at h. ii..iid States land'iu Valley 1 ruit Union, duly mado office at Roseburg. Oregon, to the ! at meeting of said directors duly highest bidder at not lesa 'than the called and held, tho annual meeting appraised value as shown by Oils of the stockholders of said I tnpqua . ,ll 1T..I,... will l. nn ....Una . n anlilncl Ift the SO- aunej runt t ,i, n,,, ,.... nroval of the Secretary of Ihe In i Saturday, the 15th day of May. 1920, lerlor. -iddltlonnl sun oer cent thereof, being commissions The purchase price, with ail ! at two o'clock p. m. In the new pack al sum of one-fifth of one ! Ing house situated on tho corner of West wasntngton atreot ana tne a. P. railroad tracks in the Clly ot Roseburg. Oregon. At such meeting inch matters will be considered and acted upon as are provided for by Ihe by-laws of said illowed, must be deposited at time f sale, proney to be returneii ir saie Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the limber which mini be removed within ten years. Bids Poultry and Egg WANTED W pay hlfihcflt market price In canh. HlEhfHt markot price paid for your cream, no deiayi. Bring In Your Product Roseburg Produce Co. 501 N. Jackson St. PHONK 271 will he received from citizens of Ihe corporation. Including the election of United Stnles. associations of such three inemners ol tne iioara oi ki cltlzens and corporations organlxed rectors. under the lows of the United States Dated this 16th day of April. 1920. or any state, territory or district I 3. D. COOI.EY, thereof only. Upon application of Secretary nf tho Umpqua Valley qualified purchaser, the timber onj Fruit Union. the trade mara or nayer aiaouiaciurti rontinuaiiy w.n. "- i of Monoacetiracideatar of Ballcyllo- J took food and slp In two small eon J,ciL bartmeiiU tilted op with wicker THE PURE BRED REGISTERED Sr!!RE STALLION LORD ROOSEVELT iso.ans Duly liciiff(l, No. 127, In th iuie ot Or f"n. Will stand tht afaj'ju of at the Deer Creek Barn Fnrniera and stockmen are In vited to look this horse over before breeding marcs. Prices "on application. Stanley Brothers Proprietors ANDERSEN & O'REILLY BLACKSMITHS On Main Street, ntit to Formers Feed Shed Offers the public the best there is in all lines of LJIacksmithintf at reasonable prices. Euan 1920 MITCHELL STYLE PLUS QUALITY SEE THEM! J. F. BARKER & CO., IMPLEMNTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS ':? u