:view Today'sEditlon Reaches Over 17000 Readers In Which is Included The Evening News and The Roseburg Review VOL. XXUI. NO. S3. OP BOSEiaKo' c OF; FIRE IS Fl Investigation Will Be Made By Superiors Who Are Expected Tonight. REPAIRS ARE PLANNED Proposed That Third ..Story Eliminated and That Fireproof Hoof lie Built Over Second hliior and Annex Added. KIKK M.lltKIIAL TO a I'ltullK HOSPITAL FIIIK. SALEM, April 29. (Special to the Roseburg News-Review I a Because of tne numerous w a firm that have occurred at a Mercy hospital in Roseburg, A. a i- Harbor, state fire marshal, a announced today that he would a rend a special representative 4 from his office to the southern Oregon cily to Investigate and' determine tne cause oi me a uikhi I, laze. In the meantime the chief of the Roseburg fire a department will tie asKea 10 w lust ft nt e a probe on nis own w 4) initlHtive and recommend what in moat needed to stay imure w fires at the institution. Superiors of the Sisters of Mercy organization are expected to arrive toniitht from Portland to make an investigation of the Mercy Hospital fire which occurred yesterday. Un til that time and until the Insurance idjustment has been made no work toward repairing the building will be attempted. It has been freely Intimated that the fire was set but nothing has been discovered to bear out this conclusion and although four conse cutive fires would make one think that there was some basis Cor such conclusion nothing has been dis covered to lead to the suspicion of my person. Several theories have been advanced as to how the fire might have originated but bo much, of (be upper portion of the building was destroyed that it is Impossible to ascertain the cause of the con flagration. It has been proposed that when the repairs are made that the third lory be removed completely and that t flat roof that Is fireproof be built over the second floor. The flrat floor would then onlv he lined or patients and the second floor lor tne nurses and the help. The Wns Include a concrete addition to the north end of the building, the addition to be fitted with spe cial rooms where the serious caBesj uld be kept and In the event of Irs this Sectinn maAa Amni.Ai fireproof by shutting it off from the .iuuer or the structure. This ould eliminate a large source of danger to the patients and would doubtless remove the cause of Iflres. noer this plan no patients would Kent on other than u i , mi ..j r .. .. mo mai uuor m. . If event of 'n other novL " bu"dln8 could be re- noved easily and very quickly. Inrn.aj y"""""nK nich were re- a. h m ',he "O'Pl'al yesterday tif fh- - reD'acd- laree "mount Sever, , l h"iag hen d" y SSool H h0 ren'n4 out of CujMn n V.," ,h8 """on to as- So conH'l'T the fco-IrttI back In- J .V rerelve Plnts. The Fijorlty of those who w.. - .. WuT.l !J1 to tr"r homes and to Iht. n -uic. mm Wiolnin, k .v"'" "rown Property " n;0v;e,"lPI,.ai- - "ave - -o. iu ineir roonrn i " na,e been put In order. 'f . Fiu rouna Dead In Camas Road Coroner r r ,,.. . Ic the r,V' ,. '. was cal ed F me Camas Valley district ve.t.r. r Hue ,ve"tlgate the death ' R- rr n, i, j "ura vai-Po:,e,,rd''!.-.l-hen P0cn,p,i----celw,,h M'I','T'!;''.fi': ouith with k7 noi quue rted Z "nvhl rlt. the others kbout 7 v, u a- rp'nlng Camas rlted son in the They k , "" ,'rne tor Htt to i- SnonM ii,.; Jailing to do so. ' that Vv ? .n0t sUrtwl- F"" tr,at he had left the camn some Cttlal J.XbJ road- ""Ing his name. tetmste. -e" morning n '"mine in v (u, k jew ."""unlcaied with rriVn.. !.. T . . 0 il .m, ration ! federation of lsbo rtoday decided to d-leate for each f.00 Member. vate meetlr some of h ' for Zr ,r. e.ro81 ?r .w!L,.."r5n,'"I,,:n lnrt the railway men's federation I Ksoer predicted that 6000 dele- voter, of Ih.t portion of Fr. retnm.n. ?."V "oon 7 "men is in posu.ou "" r""., lh ,.r.i ..rike u hm t.w would be In attendance. ! la now on his war back to . Ko J!' ri""" aDl n9Ce"rT ' ' t midnight oo May Ut. .t Hlll.boro. Th" deemed necossary, as death was ap-1 , of r J parently due to heart failure, which the man was subiect Tlie deceased wis I GO years age. and of foreign blood. He re' aided In Portland and had been em ployed as cook by the John Hump-! shire Contract Co., at one of their j ( oos Bay road camps, for about five: weeks. The body will be shipped to. relatives in Portland for burial. o Extremists Urge j Unlimited Strike' By Associated Press PARIS, April 29. The extremis' that have captured control of the railroad workers federatiou are at - atrllcn ntnrtlnr nnilit fnr nn nn. limits ..rit. Ifnr ih. nu. tlonalizntion of public utilities. Harding Candidate Makes Heavy Gains lly Asaorlated Press COLl'MBUS, April 2. Harry M. Duugherty. pledged to Harding us a candidate for delegate at large who on the face of incomplete re- turns last night was apparently de - feated by William H. lloyd. pledged to votelfor Wood, made heavv gains In additional returns received today. "' ,he Indians the spring became a i o j i secret until a few years ago when Owing to the high school iirv on101"0 of 1,16 Inill"ns "till living who1 Friday night, the choir of theChrist- ' ,tn"w ' ,nf a"ed roftie. of the Ian church will meet at 7 30 Instead Klltl'r divulged the secret to resldenu of 8 o'clock. It is desired that all ,of he vl,',1,il' ho hav since been : members be present, on time. , " ; Information Is Received Here This Morning Concerning New Policies." INTEREST EX-SOLDIERS; Mnny Ex -Service Men Have- iWvn Waiting For I'rovislons of New rollcicH to Which W'nr Risk Ins. dill bo Converted. ;are very favorable. The state en Information which is of much in- gineer of the forest service has re ferent in all ex-sorvlco men. was ro-!ouested the Washington headquar- reived this morning by tiuy Cordon, adjutant of the local post of the American Legion. The Information conies from the bureuu of war risk insurance, and has to do with the new life insurance policies for ex soldiers, which have been made ready by Uncle Sam. Many have been waiting for the Issuance of the new policies. When congress passed the war risk insurance act, which has been Characterized as "the most lib era! law ever placed on the statute books of a grateful nation it pro vided that the war time policies, which were planned to endure for only five years, might be converted Into permanent forms of life insur ance in lie issued bv the United St a to irnvernment. Announcement of the actual provisions of the new plete for the senior play ."The policies Which now is made, $van , Prince of Liars," which will be giv deferred until necessary supplement-1 en In the high school auditorium to al legislation could be passed, in , morrow evening. Dress rehearsels order that the oollcies could be made will be held this evening and to models of liberality. morrow will be given up to arrang These policies are issued to for- ing the stage and securing scenery, mer and active service men and wo-' Following the rehearscl last night , : nn inFmaiMlfia Vena McCullv and Miss Ruth It. on oi Uc flier. uiiii iuii.'.O) j ii hi hi. ... . . i n,iAnni... wnicn nave oeen maue ov riiimuau.. - - -- ------ ; favorable. In recognition of their set-1 school, gave a '1 eed in honor of , vices The government pays all thelthe cast. Miss Lillian r lint, who Ms costs of administration. 1" charge of the ticket sale, has Mnnv of those who were desirous appointed a committee of ten girls of converting their war risk insur-, who will canvass the city today and ance policies have been waiting for ! tomorrow. At a late hour this af the definite announcement of the ternoon many tickets had been sold provisions of the new policies, oiners have cancelled their war Insurance j provision has been made for those! who have done this, in that the lib- oral ruling permits reinstatement oi lapsed or cancelled Insurance, any time before July 1. 1920, on pay ment' of only two monthly premiums cn the amount of insurance to be re instated, the application to tie ac companied merelv by a satisfactory statement of health. The six per manent forms of I'nited States gov ernment life Insurance into wiim. the war ir.snrance may be converten .- ..... ,. . .....i . are: 1. Ordinary Lite. - i" I Pavment Life. 3. Thlrtv Payment i Life. 4. Twentv Year Endowment ! s Thirty Year Endowment. En- dnwment maturing at age of 2. i....tion -eivert con t a ins i 1 all of the salient points of the new i Ing the Northwest Steel company and Insurance, and gives complete infor-i the Columbia River shipping. roroora matlon The provisions are to lie Hon for contempt of court. The ac read at the next meeting of I mpqua tion was taken as a means of meet Post of the American Legion, and ing the refusal yesterday of the corn anyone desirous of securing more In- pany offical- x?t' formailon concerning it may com -, ords before the feedral grand Jury, munlcat with Guy Cordon. Blanks! - r( sTHIKK r ,,rtln nf war r sk Ul- TO SI I I OUT nrltlKrj. camp where he(suranee may be obtained rrom the HEALTH RESORT AT TILLER PLANNED!! Medical Spring to Be Given Publicity When New High way Is Completed. WAS INDIAN SPRING , .. Me"""S Known to Indian In Karly lutys Hut Secret V Ixt fur Grout Number of Vem-K. , Tiller as one of the most renowned health resorts In the lounlry ie the' dream of some of the residents of! ! "lul famed section of Douglas coun- '' Known to hut few, there Ib a -'ra;e mineral sprins near Tillor, the aters of which are said to possess foal medicinal uualltles. In ihe nl.l ! Indian days the Hedmen came for' " " many miles to partake of these waters and then with the lust lifng water from the spring as a j remedy for oirtain discuses. , Recently samples have been sent, I sway for chemical examination and the results of the tests are said to; s-how certain chemicals and minerals present nf benefit to the hitman svs-j I tern. With this in mind it is the in-1 .tuition of Boine of the residents of I the Tiller country to make thisi I r. . . ,...,1. -.1 ..It lv.'"r""S I T ...II I UI IllUSe V. IHIIIO Mil- ments are such that they may be cured by the remedies to be found A soon as the cut-off road is j opened It Is the Intention of the peo- pie residing at Tiller to' construct a parse bath house, wheio the waters! will be used and additions wlU 13 ! made to the hotel to accommodate! arnests. The resort will bo advertised nulte extensively and It is expected by Us promoters that It-will become well nntronlzed. The improvement Is expected to; man as oon as u,e . ...or road Is opened ami this work is now be.ng wished the resort will un- doulitedly be started soon. I HO JllllfllOl lB Iltl IIIO CMIIJ If- t sumption of work on the Tiller road ters for permission to proceed and has asked that the depatrment send party of engineers to consider the mutter of opening up the Summit section first In order thnt the road may be put In condition for travel ind opened up at once. The fact that the statue engineer Is consider ing this matter is taken to show that there is a revived Interest In the project and doubtless there will be renewed activity this year. Many Tickets Sold For Senior Play Preparations are practically conv ... . . , . I A, Ann Wilson. Instructors at. the hlich i - .. . will be a financial a U M I dra- matic sucrenn. Today a port-ion of the cast visited each school in the "X " small part of thfl play before the assembly. This was also done before the high schoool assembly. Cllllll Alll A CITV CAPTUtKll. WASHINGTON. April 29. The lHMUreuilllllUilllllllliy uy ,u,,,1,iAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAs i ilfit arm ami men nf tha ferlot-ul cue. vv rlson of that city was reported by: me siaie uoparimoni louaj. FOR XTF.MIT OF fOfltT. PORTLANI), April 29. Vnltedi States Attorney Humphries today, 1 led papers In the federal court clt-1 ' n i Dl J Anrll 99 The reneral ROSEnURG, ORK4XN, IKTRSDAY, APK1L 2, 1820. mkwhw n n wku. I? Attorney Carl b. Wlmherly morning- received the de- the Oregon supreme I court reversing tne decision of Judge Watnlllon In the rase of K. L. Ulles vs. the City of Hose burg. The decision of the su- preme court Btates that the case has been reversed and dismis- sed with costs In both courts to the appellant, the City of Roseburg. HAS LEAD OF MM. (Rr Associated Press.) NEWARK. Anrll 29. Cor- reeled returns at 4 o'clock this afternoon with 41 district miss- lug gave Wood a lend of CtO. Morric county where Johnson's managers announced they will RW.k a recount an errnr nf 1 1 1 A votes was discovered, cutting Wood's majority that nuaaber. i : : SCO A It I.KAl'K I'P. ' PAN FRANCISCO, Anrll 28. i The Weatern 8uanr Refining companv todav snnounced a basic price of 122.75 a 100 pounds for sugar, an Increase of $5.75 overnight. The jobbers are under a trade understand- Ing to confine their profits to approximately 1 cent a pound, while the retailers have been turning sugar over for an ad- vance of between 2 and 2M cents above, the Jobbers' nrice. This would bring the latest price on Western Refmerv Sugar to the consumer to 26 2T.-100 cents a pound at the San Francisco seaboard with lU . .1 .1 HKn- ..tn A ' UUIKIIl lUUCM IU Vllll inilllin. -r 'Sixth Grade to Have Picnic As a reward for obtaining the largest amount of old paper of any room in the elementary schools of the cfy. the sixth grade of the Rose school, will be given a picnic lomor- Th w, accompanied by Jh v g Mo0() , .lns,ructnrs coming la- . ... j, i,s , i the old papk.- drive almost $200 worth of paper was gathered, the proceeds to go to securing play ground equipment and other neces saries, and a reward was promised the room securing the largest con signment. The picnic will start at noon, the spot chosen being Nach ters grove. In the evening the youngsters will have a basball gam. Strikers In Fifth Week of Walkout By Associated Presa CHICAGO, April 29. The rail roads claimed a continued improve-j ment in traffic conditions today. The strikers, now In their fifth week of the unauthoried walkout gave no Indication, however, of call-1 Ing off the strike. Trth n enn e Al n rt n era r I ji.nwuiig .rviMg& A cle Fir J?omi nt ' loVO lUl IXCLUUlll , (By Associated Press). NEW YOKK, April 29. With General Wood leading Senator Johnson by only a few hundred votes in Ihe New Jer- soy preferential primary. John- son's campaign manager an- nounced today that a recount would be asked of Kssex, Mor- ris, Gloucester and Camden counties. Angus McSwccn. heading the Johnson campaign r.TM apimined that Harrv Kaliseh, former corporation w counsel in ewarx. nas neon re- tained to file petitions for a re- count with the circuit Judges in the districts In which John- j son's forces considered their candidate's count, lo bo In doubt. f f. n.i. I. a - mc m v . j i g i i ji ir I ii w I t ill Have Candidates fflv Associated Press.) CHICAGO, April 29. The National Labor Party conven- tlon to be held in Chicago on July 11. 12 nd 13. will noml- nate candidates for president nd vice president of the I'nl- I ted Stales and dtaft a plat- form, It was announced today by Frank J. Ksper. national ' secretary. Every labor and farm organisation in the coun- try will be Invited to send one NEW PUNS MADE raid Up Insurance Is Held is Best Idea of All Five Proposals Listed. WOULD AVERAGE $1857 Cuh lUmus Meet With UMavor --Insurance l'lan Hold to He "Moat Attnu-tlve" To He 11uh1 l'oriotl Service WASHINGTON. April 4.-Rf- j publican members of the house ways i and means committee virtually do yielded today to Include In iheir sol- t ! dler relief legislation programme a I Plan of paid-up insurance, its value I to Increase annually by compounded I iiiterrst, and on which loans could i be obtained from any postnftice. un mis auumon, ex-service men I might elect any one of the Iflve loiiowlng plans included in the re- publican programme: j A cash bonus ut $1.25 a day for . o day ot service. ! Aid in buying larm land, to be j reclaimed by the government. Aid In buying city homes. Aid in their educutlon, or The Insurance Puldui Policy I'nipoiMMl. To populurlze the last four plans the republicans propose to allow $1.75 a day for each day of service, Instead of the $1.25 cash bonus as the basis for computing farm and home aid, loans and the amount ot ititncitil uid each 'Utuu might receive In the form of educalioiiui traiiiuu. The insurance plan, as such, was said by committeemen to be a "mis - nomer." but they declnred it was the most attractive" of any of the flvo plans. The average period (if ser vice for world-war veterans was 4U0 days, they said, explaining thut un der the insurance plan the avorage veteran could receive a paid-up in surance policy ot $1857, payable to him In caHh ut the end of 20 years. or immediately to bis heirs In event ' of death. Insurance Cost Highest. Similarly the veteran of 100 days' would he entitled to "pay up" 20-) year endowment Insurance of tl64, I with a cash surrender or loiin vhI.i of $137 In-three years: the 200-day1 i veteran to Insurance of $M2K, with a ' loan value of $i75; the :ito-d:iy vet- eran to Insurance of $1392, with a loan value of HhH. 'Kstiiuatiug :,5in.onD ex-service persons will be affected bv the hill committeemen declnred that the ul - timate cost of the lnsurace plan, if uopieu Dy all, would he approxl- maieiy ti,000,ooo,0"0. The cash bonus. It was estimated, would cost $1,807,000,000 If accepted by all. Ten Titled Men In Refugee Party Ily Associated Press TOKIO. March 10. (fly Mail) Among 29.1 Husslan refugees who j nave arr.veu ai uensan irom laa- ivosiog is a party ot ion tinea men who. soon after Ihe death of Kni' noror Nlcholias. esCnned to vindiv-l lostok. They have a plan to restore" 18 he registration exceeded by monarchy In Russia, it Is said, and from Toklo. will send representa- tivos to London, Hhanghni and other points. i Says Roseburg Merchants Right The F.ngene Guard has the fol lowing editorial mention concerning the fight being waged by local mer chants against pr.Mteers: "Kose burg retailors are fighting hard against the profiteering campaign helllg wniref! lv the f'sl'-ft ( foodstuffs, rfoveral have refused to buy sugar, at high prices osketl anil they will not be a p:irty to what they term "a gigantic graft." The wholesalers are said to tie detormtn ed to shove the price s'tlil higher, and the Roseburg merchants may have to surrender or quit business. Hut they have shown that they would like to do the right thing by ilk iiiiiiiii mi, uiui uukiii lu u7 appreciated. Candidate Is In City Today Dr. W. I). Wood, republican csn-jT'ol dldate for nomination to Ihe oiytce : of secretary or state, arrlveo in this icl'y today nnd spont several hours meeting with various huslness and ; proressloial men or Roseburg. nr. iWood has len spending the past few days In the southern 'part of the he leading Oregon and his boma ceaiitmaii htm VOL. IX, spent practically his entire life In Oregon .and since 8!0 has been practicing medicine at lflllsboro. He was Miree times elected state sena tor Iroui aahlngton county and during Ills service in six regular and two apeclttl sessions tV the lea-iala ture assembly devoted his untiring enons 10 uriugiug about efficiency in state affairs. He left this alter. ; noon on bis way north. General Wood Has Small Lead Ity Associated Preaa NKW VOUK. April 29. With 63 districts missing tien. Wood today waa leading Senator Johnson with t72 votes. Brainy Men to Discuss H. C. L. Hy Asxoctated rreaa NEW YORK. April 2. Kconom Ists. bankers and educators will dis cuss problems arising from the war. chiefly, aw they effect the high cost ii' living and price Inflation, at the semi-annual meeting of the Ameri can Academy of Political Hcience to oe nem norc tomorrow. Prof. Sum uel McCune Lindsay, of Columbia University. In making the announce ment, said the prime purpose of this national forum was "to bring toge ther the best thought of the nation in an effort to remove the haxarda of the era of reconstruction." IT t ! . j n a pu r completed Report ShOW De- cided Drop In Those Quali fying For Election. REPUBLICANS LEAD Nearly Two Thirds of Those Klgnlng l(Kit ration Cards Announce Political Allowance to ' -the (I, . V. 1 he figures "8H88" are not to be ! lnkc" for a cryptic sign or design of .vaHonry or Klkdom, neither the st- Uendance at the first game of the I Pacific const baseball series nor tin ! answer to the question of what op- f ates the ouija board; rather It an "ounces tnui over Hair a tliuuaani voters forgot to register, for Ihe flg tes represent the number of quuli lied electors who signed up to vol? it the coming primary and special "lection, to be held on May 21. Tin list general election In 1918 called out 9472 voters, but this year, In rpite of all the stress placed upon the act of registration the number If only 8888. of which number almost two-thirds are republicans, not quite yno-uilrcl democrats and the remain (lor prohibitionists, socialists, non partisans, progressives, Independents ana wnat-nnts. The failure to register ran lm ac 'redlted equally to men and women. republicans and democrats airke. In lt" to', fr 1920, and although ,he present flguresc will probably he Increased af the general election yet me ract remains that at the pr imaries mere will he a largo number of qualified voters who will fall to exorcise thsir right and then a good many will probably "crab" at the selection made by those who do vole. I The figures for Ihe two elections I form an interesting contrast and the political dopester can find plenty of material to allow him to contribute to the high cost of paper by figuring out the Interesting data which he K'.ay find 111 the following tables: Male Kemale Total I Republicans . ...3!H8 2 I CIO f.liKS Democrat 1 6 ; 8 .! 2.-.7G .1 2.'!! Prohibition 20 .'.8 4H 81 Socialist Miseell an e o u s (including pro gressive, non partisan, Inde n e n d e nt. re fused to state. 08 1)8 324 T()., rPslBtrutlon rnnH 11280 88KS Official registration for November ; lection, 1918: Mnle Female Total 'tepnhllran .... . 3":.7 22.14 Democrat 16911 1011 Prohibition .... 38 75 Socialist 241 HI Miscellaneous .. 19S 126 5991 2l!7 I I 1 3f,2 321 9472 Registration 5916 3 .57 - Paul Tumor, of Portland, rpr vntin Ihe National fife Ins. Co., in In town for tow davi. Mr. Turner in nn enthualatlc nuptwrter ol Hiram ?ohnon for the crrldenry. and al- lecna he flnda a lot of ivoule ud and down the state who are pinnlnr their' faith to the dlBtlnculabod Callforn- Ian. .. 10.1, OP THE KVLNIXQ NEWS IT LEAGUE SEASOiNTO START Plans Are Made For Baseball Games Which Will Start Middle of Next Month. GROUNDS ARE READY Workmen Put llull lliaiuoml In KctullncM, tr fUy Taenia Kx. pool to be Strengthened by Addition of New Men. Twilight Lengue baseball will be resumed next .Month, accordlnc lu he announcement made todav. Tha Jiamond lu M eat Roseburg is being put In condition and will bo ready .or piay witnin a few days. Twi light ball this year Is to be belter '.han ever before, it Is claimed, as some new material has been signed up by each of Ihe teams and some in teresting games are expected. Now arrivals in the community bnvo agreed to play with local teams rep resenting churches of the city and is some of the are said to be good ball players It Is certain that Ihe teams will be strengthened and put n better condition thnn before. The games will start about Ihe middle of May and will Inst until the close of the summer. There has been keen competition In past Years ind it Is expected that It will re main strong this season. The grounds will be put In shape and additions made to the bleachers In order that those witnessing the contests may have better places from which to view the games. The rules this yrtir governing the Twilight league are the same as last vear except that the clause regard ing Sunday baseball Is more severe. During the season league playr: who play ball on Suniluy will be pro 'ilblted from playing with their hiirch tenm for the two weeks fol lowing their offense. The Twilight league is composed nf teams picked from the young men n attendance at the various 'hurches. Karh church Is repre sented by Its team, a ball club being formed among the members or the church to support the team. The game are nlaved In the evening, seven-inning games being played at the beginning of the season, increas ing lo nine Innings when the davs hecome longer and decreasing again to seven Innings towards (he last of the season. A great deil of Interest is being hnwn In the league this yenr and it 's expected thnt the crowds in at 'endance at the games will be materi ally Increased. Will Try to Revive Band Attempts will be made at once to evlve the Roseburg band which died i natural death Tuesday. It Is to be regretted that a city the slie of Itoseburg, with as many accomp lished musicians as can be found here, to be without an bind, espe cially at this time of the year. It Is also Imperative that a band be form ed If a local organization Is to fur nish music for the festival. There is great deul nf good musical talent available and If sufficient Interest ean be produced a fine band Is no! ilble. It Is hoped that the effort to he made to revive the organisation is successful and that a good bsnd can be secured for the summer months at least. Mines Director Resigns Position WASHIMiTON, April 29 Sfnn I!. MannhiK. director of .13 fndi-nil (hithhu milieu. riKiKnrl lo 1PPome dlroplor of rpufarrh of the newly or KRnlprl American pptroleum Insti tute. North Bend Mill Destroyed by Fire llv AsMiclatcd Prow MAKSHFIKLII. April !9.-Flr due to explosions In the engine room of the mill of ihe fluehner Lumber Co , In North Mend, did damage estimated at $125,000. The mill was roered by Insurance but will be forced to close down for a month. MAKKKT oroTATIONH. A my Associated Press.) PORTLAND, April 29. Cal- tie. hogs and sheep are weak In the market today but butter remain ateadr and no chansea ha Iwn reported. Ekkb alto remain unrhamrM. j