nam an New Arrivals in Men's Dress Shirts ' Everyman Is particular about his Dress Shirt. We have them to please every fancy. Better ma terials with more style than you can get elsewhere; because our buyer has a .much larger held to choose from than the ordinary dealer who is compelled to buy from the road salesman. Our unit purchase for 297 stores enable us to sell them for luass. We invite you to look over these new arrivals and be convinced of their real Beauty, Style and Quality. Fine Dress Suirts, band collars, soft cuff $1.79 Fine Dress Shirts, detachable collar soft cuff $1.98 Fine Dress Shirts, Band collar, stiff cuff $1.98 This nation-wide institution is doing much to keep down the H. C. L. Modern Bluebeard Charged Bigamy LOS A.VUEXK8, Calif., April '23. California'! modern bluebeard, who baa been known under a dozen names, was today officially recorded aa Harrjr M. Jewla when a wurrani charging; hi in with bigamy waa Is sued by the dlaliict attorney. Chicago figured again In the atory of Ilia man with a acore or wlvea. who la thought by the officers to have inada away with at leant five of them, when a letter, unsigned, was received at the sberirfa office, ask ing officer to demand a atatement aa to the whereuhouta of .Mm. Helen IswIb. cue of the women supposed to have fallen victim of the multl- blgamlst. The letter stated that friends and I reiauvea uaa reason to believe thut the woman married lwls at Edition ton, Alberta, Canada, and afterward was the victim of foul play, missive said In part: Killing of Wife Huxiretd. "Ash him It he killed her. He will be obliged to answer for the murder or some of his wives and he might as well tell you the fate of this young and beautiful woman." The action of the local district at torney in commencing a prosecution for bigamy waa announced follow-1 ng a conference with two of the "wives." Mrs. Kathrvn Wnmhacher and Mrs. Klliabeth Williamson. This action, It is believed, will lie followed by an attempt on the part of J. Mor gan Marmaduke, attorney for Lewis, to obtain his release on habeas cor pus proceedings. How I,ewla, In the allngcd capacity or a multl-blgamlst and arch crimi nal, extended his "love" activities to Include several impassioned propos als to a Los Angeles society belle be came known today as tho result or a startling Investigation conducted by a local detective agency. (toN In ttt range (hw. Theso angles muiked the day's de velopments lu the Investigation of the strangest case on record In the local aherlff's office and It Is Inti mated that with the service of the formal warrant aevernl more will be brought to light. While the technical arrest of the prisoner will not change the present atatua of the aituatlon. It will open the way for actual preparation of legad prosecution, which until today deiended upon further report of the alleged bigamist's criminal career. The detectives' discovery of the man's prostestations of love for the Iys Angeles girl, who Is said to be only S3 years of age, gives tIhc to the theory that the prisoner may have tried and In some cases suc ceeded In duping members of high oelety circles lu the various cities In which he operated. Women of this class, It Is pointed out. would foar publicity and would therefore refrain from notifying the autborl tles. For this reason the detective bur eua refused tu divulge, for the pres ent at least, the name of the woman, but It Is definitely known that she is the daughter of a prominent ami wealthy family. Her home, accord Ing to the officers. Is In the heart ofj the fashionable Wllshlre residence ectlon and members of her family are prominent In the local busiuess world. o I'M'HCAI, AtXUiKNT. W. Slaughter, of the local prune packing plant, was the victim of an unusual accident Friday when a toothpick ltecame lodged In his windpipe. The object was Imbed od Just above the vocal cords, and caused a great deal of pnln. Ir Beely was called and removed the obstruction. Mr. Slaughter Is feel ing no bad effects aside from a alight soreness In klk throat. 0 niCAOO. April J4 Spring styles In Jewelry on dlsplny In the show rooms are different from those ol last year. Green aa represented In Jade la the leading color. Last year red waa the predominating note. Bead necklaces hare a touch of the Oriental In them. Itound beads and odd shapes are being shown :tTi!rlh" """ - mostly of lone Egyptian type. Thompson's Jaw Broken by Fulton rOHTI.A.VI), April 20. Jack Thompson, the Tulsa negro who lost In six roiimlH to Fred Fulton at the Milwaukle arena the other night. Buf fered a broken jaw in the third round of the match and it will be nix months before be will be able to take part In another fiKht. An X ray picture wus taken by lirs. Fix ott and llolhrook showlm? tb.'Lt It was a complete fraeutre and waa only renet with difficulty by l)r Frank Mihnos. Thompson has been unablo to talk since the third round of his scrap with Fulton and had to have two of his front teeth extracted to permit him to be fed through a straw. How he ever stood up with Hiirh nti liilnrv thrimeh the rem.'iln- Ling three rounds Is a mystery Thompson's broken jaw accounts for bis fullure to go after Fulton so ThoLfurlously In the fifih and sixth rounds as he did in the first three sessions. o TI'KHIIAY XKillT I.XCK. At Sykea' hall, Norlh Jackson street. Good music and a good crowd win i, n. ii,.,,n..a m i. ,.. will be there. Dunces will be live cl"l,la eHcn- Bvuryuody Invited to at- tend. COMM1TTKE. Strike Statements Are Conflicting lty Associated Vrvnn CHICAGO. April 2fi - Develop meiils In the strike of luHurent rail road workers today was confined to the Issuance of statements by the managers and the strikers. The miin ageis Insisted that freight traTlic wiis 98 per cent normal and the strikers said that lens than one-firth of the normal number of nun were working. Government Won Anti-Trust Suit lly Associated Tress WASHINGTON. April 26. The federal government today won Its mill mint suit against the It, inline company and the alfilialed coal com panies In one of the so-called nn IbracHe coal cases. Hy a vole of four to three the supreme court sus tained the government's charges itial ine companies had viol. tied the "commodllles clause" of the Inter state commerce act and ordered tin dissolution of the companies. Arctic Explorer To Give Up Trip lty A4MM-utod rrett WASHlNCTiiN, 2fi.- Ka.lin mensuKeii rereived hy Hie nnw de pnrtnieiit from it Cordova. Aluk.i Mullen, wuuld Indicate thut Kaold Amundsen, Arctic explorer. Intends to abandon his effort tu tvach the North Pole. Labor Board Refuses Hearing lly t.soclatr.1 rre WASHINGTON. Ami LNI Tl... war labor hoard today refti-, ,1 n hear the wage demands of the Kan sas City Yin iliiien's assocuiiinn on ine grounil tlmt the ii.plic.iti..n ,u not contorin with the proM.tns itf the law. The t.oar.t. r.-i.,K i telegrains of cliamher f ciimierre in various parts of the fnlted Stat.-s. omi.Mim-e.i mat lllev Were proceed i n r with all diligence l ,.lk . ,, ..' ' ' ,a" I nnounceu tnat iti adjustment. Mrs .1 c. Itrown ef . nm Spending a few days In H is , nv ho l ing and visiting with riiemts. APP.V to HarrVsteaVnV ',' xX or H. J Hlldeburn, Roseburg STILL NO DECISION Supreme Court Fails Again Today to Hand Down De cree Concerning It. SEVEN DIFFERENT SUITS Step to IiitUtute the Suits Were Tukcu Soon AfUT the Amend, ment Ueraine, Effective oo January 10, This Veur. lly Associated Press . WASHINGTON', April 26. The supreme court failed again today to hand down a decision on the con-'-J slitutionallty of the prohibition amendment and enforcement act. Validity of the prohibition amend ment and portions of the enforce ment act was Involved In seven sep arate proceedings before the supreme court. Two these were orltcinul suits brought by ilhodo island and New Jerey as sovereign Btutea to fnjoln enforcement in their Jurisdic tions uson the grounds that both en aciments were uncontitutional. The other ruses were direct appeals from lower court decrees. Slepn to Institute the suits were tuken Immediately after the amend ment become effective on January lil and on motion of counsel tbelr consideration was expedited. In both the Rhode Island and New Jersey suits the validity of the Eigh teenth Amendment was attacked, but tho New Jersey case also alleged that even if the amendment was valid, the enforcement act was un constitutional because it had not been concurred in by New Jersey un der the provisions of the ninendment 1 Klvlnaj Hie federal and Mate govern ments concurrent power to enforce nroliihllinn. New Jersey also con tended that If the entire enforce ment act were not unconstitutional the portions of It limiting the al cliolic content of beverages to less than one-half of one per cent and relating to the dispensing of lienors lor mcuiciuai purposes were invalid. The cases reaching the court on appeals were those of the Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse company: ChrlHtinn Fcigenspun. a N'ewark, N. I. brewer, the St. Louis Brewing as sociation and Georme C. Dempsey, a wholesale liuuor denier of Boston. Mass.. who lost injunction proceed ings In I he lower court. The other "- """ ""' " n I,v government from a decision ot Federal Judge Gelger enlolning federal officials from interfering with the Manitowac Products com pany, a Wisconsin corporation, in the manufacture of beer containing 2.S per cent alcohol. In all the enses a general attack on the 'amendment was made on ground that it whs revolutionary and fount! tuted leclr-latton tn the guise of a constitutional amendment de dirticd to remilate the private hab its of individuals; that It Interfered with the states' poliee powers; that it w 'is Invalid h;M-aih.e adopted by two-thirds of the members of con-grc-Ms present wOien the vote was taken and not bv two-thirds of the membership and that the amend ment was not rat I Tied by ihrce fourths of the states owing to nro- isiens in many st:ite constitutions rem. (ring that amendments be sub mitted to a referendum. Large Exhibit of Blossoms Planned Tletween April 30 and May 3 the railroads are ex pee tin a lit rite num ber of tourisift to be traveling over the Southern Pncif1e to attend meet ings both north and south of liose burK and tn WashiiiKton and Califor nit. The ruilrna:! company Is pre- parinir for this rush by adding extra I rt'iteiies hiiu Bi ranKing lor exira sec ( tit. ns to the recular trains. All of these trains will stop In. Roseburg for at least fifteen minutes and there Is n big opportunity for some excel lent piil lleily work. Charles Lerrv. who has charge of the exhibit build ing nt the station platform, has "truck upon a unique and practical idea, which uill serve to attract a k't'eat delll Of attention tn ln.i.'IQ county ntni especiallv to l.osch'ii tr. I I bill to carry out his plan he needs I the aislance of farmers, fruit gruw I i-rs and residents of the city. He Is planning on Friday of this j week to have in place a display of rrnit blossoms of all sorts now avail able, flow. tihc shrubs and blossoms of all kinds. He desires to make the exhibit building, both Inside and out. a flare of color and to this end he is asking that fruit glowers bring him In ns many blossom covered twigs as they can spare from liielr orchards. He enn use several loads of blossoms and the more that are brought in he better the display will he. He wants fruit blossoms of all kinds, ap ple, cherry, peach, prune, and all others available st this lime of the ear. will be attractively , Pi.i.e.i. vir Lorry having demon sttnie.i his ability ns a decorator on many occasions. He also wants flowering shrubs of the decorative ,. I . ueeeranve "' r' ""' ' ' " ' I"- round on the innnv launs of the ell. 11.. .. He r.w l,u"'" uli" 'nose who can furnish these to please do so as soon as pos sible In order that he may arrange his exhibit. Farmers sre requested 'o brier in their fruit blossoms bo-jfei-e Friday if possible, and la on J able to bring them In thev win be sent fr If Mr. Derry Is notified. The present exhibit Includes fruit, seeds CARLOAD SUGAR OOMIXO, A carload of suar It. sohed- uled to arrive from San Fran- clato tola wuek to b divided amons tae marchAbt of lha city who desire rt. The sugar will eil at 2'i t5 tier sack re- tall and at four pounds for 1 1U BIUKll UUailllVirB. fcn...-. ' . ..,? ... t...n.ll.l era will take on V enougn to protect their customers. hole- s aalers state that the price wilt irn higher and are advising re- tuil merchants to take - much as the trade will Btand at mis w time in order that they may protect themselves. vegetables, etc., and it Is desired that this be Increased, and anyone having such articls for exhibit will assist greatly if they will bring them to the city and turn thetu over to Mr. Leri7. o Battle Between Troops Imminent Hy Associated lrcs WASHINGTON, April 26. A bat tle between the Mexican federal troops sent out from the Pacific port of Mazatlan to meet the revolution ists marching on .Mazatlan is immi nent, according to advices received here today. Prices Soar In Grain Markets lty Associated I "rem CHICAGO, April 2ti. l.xf raorrt.ti ary soaring of prices in the grain markets today were accompanied by u unit; wtt i ui niwtjuitu ir- nuuiiumiifc on a large scale. Kye led the way with a steep rise of 10 cents per bushel. Corn followed the ascent of 6 cents or more for all deliveries. Champ Clark Out For Presidency lty AHHOrlatcd Preis NEW YORK, April 20. Champ Clark, former speaker of the house, has decided to become a can didate for the democratic nomina tion for president. It was announced here toduy by Mrs. Julia Sanders, officer of the Swasiika club, u worn east' political organization. Appropriation Is Made By Senate lly Associated Press WASHINGTON, . April 26. The senate today adopted an amendment to increase the appropriation for the rivers and harbors bill to 124.000.- 000. NOTICE. The annual clean-up days will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. May 3rd, 4th and Cth. Have all of your rubbish put lu sucks or boxes und placed on street Walkings. CITY MARSHAL. hl(. I1TS TKMI'l-AIl ATTENTION". Mmbers of Ascalon Couimandery, K. T., are requested to meet at the Comniaiidery rooms Tusday evening. April 27lh. for the dispatch of regu lar business. Hy order of O. P. COSHOW, E. C. ti. J. Shoemaker, Kec. J.OTS OF T'KOl'T FltY. HELENA, Mont., April 26. About 25 million tlsh fry are to be placed lu the streums or Moniuna this year, It is announced by J. L. DcHurt, stale game warden. Ten million are to Lo plained soon and the remainder late.- in the season. Last year's drou'h wrought devas tation to tish in many o! the streams but It Is hoped that, given better conditions this year, the loss may be overcome. DlKi t I.l U FOIt.MEI). SPOKANE, Wash., April 26 Willi the expectation of holding field trials here annually, local dog fau cier have organized the Inland Em pile Field Dog club. Meinbeis are be sought from towns outside of M'Oltaue tiOLF GETS 1.MPK1TS. MISSSOrt.A. Mont., April 26. Wlih the addition of more than 50 members to me Missoula Country club, which now numbers 150 on Its ri lis. golf is expected to receive a new Impetus this season In this city. Edward (layer recently arrived from Los Angeles to act as profes sional of the local club and he Is ex pected to devote a large part of his time for a while to the training of new mcmb' rs NOW IX T1IK CITY. Frank A. Terrv. KquHable Savings S, I .nun ..... i. now In the cltv. For an Interview call or phone the Umpqua hotel, tr Mift onarles Have Hard Floht, righting -flu" tn India, where super j tltton Is sse-old and sanitation la on known, wm a terrific battle. Rspttst medical missionaries report. However daring IflS-lPlS thstr work wn, rcco . olred to bare helped decrease the i nnmher of desiha The In.Pao method of treatment l. to keep Uie pstltnt ! NEW SNAP SHOTS Buys .New Car . Dr. E. V. Hoover has purchased a ntw Hudiou super-six from H. Merten the local agent. Kom tilenduje Atty. O. S. Brown arrived in dale to attend to business matters for a few hours. VUUed Here Win. P. Ixtrrt, son of ex-Covernor l-onl. Bpnl yK'erdtty in this city t.iteiiU.n.j to business matter. He v lulled for a short time at the tome of District Attorney George Xeuner, Jr. To I smro re Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Clienowfttli, of Ixadoro, who have been attending to business matters in this city for the pawt few days, left for their home this afternoon. (iutne at llrockwayi - Itroekway was the scene of a lively haKcball game yesterday, the ffrs of the neaHon. Fans from all sec tions of the valley were on hand to yell for their favorite team and a ftreat deal of Intercut was manifested In this national imstime. firmver Want 120 IVntJ Strawberry growers in the Wil lamette valley are being offered IS cents a pound for their 1920 pro duct but an yet few contracts have been made at that figure. Some of KEW TOD A I WASTE D Sewing by the day. Chadwtck. street; FOR SALE 1919 Ford touring car. Call 203-K. ; F0R gALK Overjand In fine condi- tion. Mrs. E. Al. Bowers, 207 FOR SALE IG hogs. I'lne Crest Farm. Uixouville. Phone 33-F25. WANTED Woman lor general housework. Joe E. Harvey, Hose burg. I'hone 9-F4. tui: A-I Itel FOP. SALE Dodge delivery car In I condition. Inquire at News- vicw office. FOR SALE- Baby grand piano, Cir cassian walnut, in good condition. Inquire at News-Review office. I WANTED. Competent girl or wom- un for general housework. Call at 312 X. Jackson St., or phone 136. WANTED Leovinc for Los Aneeles In Ford car. Kooni for 1 or 2 pus seiiKers. Inquire at Itlce & ltice. realty. IIOHSK WANTED Want to buy or hire good work horse. I'hone ear ly mornings 15-F12. John Good bourn. SPECIAL DRIVE ON RAGS We will pay two cents a pound for rues until May 1. Rush your rugs in. Merger's Junk Shop. FOR SALE 8-year-old cow, came fresh Feb. 16, and Is giving about SS lbs. milk per day now. It. L. Ellis, 3 miles west Roseburg. Ore. WANTS ,WORK Die and tool maker: kill accept work of anv kind for few weeks, part or all time. Money no object. Inquire News-Review. FOR SALE 7 passenger '18 model Siudehnker, A-l shape. Run 600H miles. Good lor family or stage work. Stephens street entrance to Roseburg Garage. LOST -Lost between Roseburg and Wilbur or between Wilbur nnd Garden Valley, auto tall light. Finder leave at Wilbur store or at News-Review office. FOR SALE One of the best Chester White brood sows In tho countv. weight about 350 lhs. If you want snmethine good, come quick. J. R. Wilson, Roseburg. Phone 2-F31. WANTED Position as foreman: 2n years experience in auto and trac tor business; thorough mechanic, specialist on ignition, starting, iifciiliug and carburation. At pres ent employed, but desire change to country. II. C. de It.. Room 410. 2:iS Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. This is a Good One 275 acres 130 acres In crop, nearly 100 of which is creek bottom of the finest quality. Balance first class pasture and wood land. Enough oak and laurel wood to pay for the entire place Living springs, good well, rair buildings. For f tilt informa tion call at our office. $15,000 $6000 Cash. PHONE 31 ''DS SEy-HARDINC i.avds A Young Man's Fancy! May Hr-htly turn to almost anything. In the jprlng, but tht u"g lady knows what Let her be the guido, and there'll be few turns In the leads to a Delightful Dish -ww ' vuiu fjf A Cooling Glass of Fruit Soda the growers believe the price will go to 30 cents a pound and aje not in favor of selling below that figure. lietiu-n IVoin l'ortiiiiid . Mrs. C. O. Ilosmer and daughter. Miss Edith, arrived in this city yes terday from Portland, where they have been visiting with friends and 1 shopping for the past few days. From Myrtle Creek v 1 Mrs. I. Sollp, of Myrtle Creek, ar- , rived in Roseburg this afternoon to spend a few hours shopping and j visiting with friends. I Hero I r.Mii Uiddlc A. I.. Aikens and wife, of Riddle, arrived in this city this afternoon to visit and attend to business matters for & short time. Mrs. Illddle Home Mrs. I. I). Riddle, who has been In Portland for several months nurs ing her mother, Mrs. S. ('. Simmons who died recently after a protracted illness, returned to her home in this city today. . ( TouriM-H Stop Heii j A. W. Walker and wife, Paul Wal-i ker and Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Wal-1 ker, all of Medford, who have been i spending the past few days in Port-! land, stopped In Itoseburg yesterday ' nnd spent last night at the Tmpquai hotel. They continued on their way home this morning. Tliuy find the highway In a very mudilv condition but managed to get through without aid. FfshiiiK is Fair Conflicting sitements are brought in by fishermen who spent yesterday on the North Umpiiua and other streams of the county. In some places tho fish seemed to be bitini! in good shape and several t;ood catches were made. At others, however, the luck was not so good and the anglers returned without the usual results. Several large salmon were taken from the water at the forks of the river while Balmon and trout were both caught at Winches ter. -A great number of angle were out yesterday and all report a good time regardless of the show ing made. o Advertise In : Review. ANDERSEN BLACKSMITHS On Main Street, next to Farmers Feed Shed Offers the public the best there is in all lines of Blacksmithing at eW6XmK8i'ilS bv 't2. r I. H I Kd O tKm V.S. ' xSr;.V. s a v-rr-a saa sV O -M A PARAMOUNT SPECIAL 'The While Heather A Gripping Screen Thriller. ROLIN COMEDY PATHE NEWS AND BLACK SECRET SO. 8 TUESDAY Ethel Clayton TH)AY Geraldine Farrar & THE TURN OF DE HAVEN COMEDY "HOODOOED" she wants. v.r. Pb thM of Tro AT Building , DILLAl RIVER BOTTOM LAND FRUIT LAND in Large and Small Tracts STOCK RANCHES Call in and see us. We have a list of choice properties to select from. G. W. YOUNG and SON Itcal Estate and In,,, 116 Cass St. Phone 417 MAN Y TO SI TIIKItlJX. Among those who left u,, . noon for Sutherlin. where'it,,., . attend the I. O. I). F. and RM u...v-,.i,uu oeiug ueiu today at tlui ....... eie: jirs. jess Patrick. Ilia Hardy. Miss I'earl Patrick Ka .Mary Jones, Mr. and .Mrs. Pont- .. tuner, .virs. ueorge Radibjie, Millard Meredith, Mrs. Minnie u!l I ...iB r,ii i.enox, .Hiss May HiIm, Mrs. 10 a Dant. M n.n i... Mrs. W. W. Ashcraft, Mrs. k. t I'u.vton, .mis. l.eorpe Slump. Mn Hen Ifallev. Mis F A ptt,.' u. "nencer. Fay Spencer, Vn. a I n. ricKens and Mrs. J. M. Tntl.-eu TltOTTi:itS D.VXt'E. The next dance of the Tratm Club will be held In Maccabw kil Wednesday evening, April 2th. Ssil, MOi. srk slli tklir f iin in in it 1 l , "Jan Teamsters wanted, $4.50 per da? Apply to Harry Stearns at YuncaUi or H. J. Hildehiirn. RnMitirr & O'REILLY! reasonable prices. OeCrO-XMX'O00S I TONIGHT) slanr SJii-Vi fc: Il'in l Off p-nt: in "A Sporting Chance" to ' a tht Herbert Rawlins ''"iss. i Pre, IV THE WHEEL rT in an sir .t Jan to at: Ifen iT; Aid m ar te uH. raid ks fckal poir i Pl I tot r-irg 9 t, ih. In 'or Anr rrmi, rlre Rose ''rg mitte nt lc lit rd , hi Mil ted